Portfolio of Architecture | Bachelor

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Architecture’s Portfolio

Antonio Piga

Curriculum vitae

Personal information Name Date of birth Nationality City

Personal contacts

Antonio Piga 14-04-1994 Italian Cagliari

Mobile phone E-mail Facebook Instagram

+39 3488148321 anto.piga13@gmail.com antoskipper94@hotmail.it anto.pigs

Studies Bachelor Erasmus + Highschool

Unica, University of Cagliari - Course: Science of architecture - 110/110 Lode ESAP, Escola Superior Artistica do Porto - Course: Architecture Liceo scientifico Leon Battista Alberti - Cagliari - 88/100

Language competences Mother tongue Second language Third language

Italian English - Academic IELTS certificate: 6.5 Portugues

Job related competences Communication Managerial Team work

Oratory speech, conceptual design Timeliness and accuracy Organization, collaboration, support

Sept. 2013 - Feb. 2017 Sept. 2015 - July 2016 Sept. 2008 - July 2013

IT skills Office Adobe Analysis Modelling

Power Point, Word, Excel InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop Qgis Autocad,Rhinoceros, Vray, Revit

Other skills Drawing Painting Physical modelling

Free hand, Tecnical Crayons, watercolors Use of tools with different materials

Contents First year project 1

Between land and water: Patio house in Molentargius

Prof. Antonello Sanna 4 members team work


Job for Domus 2

San Giovanni di Dio’s hospital

Prof. Pier Francesco Cherchi Singular work


Second year project 3

Polyvalent hall for Marina

Prof. P. F. Cherchi, Marco Lecis, Emanuele Mura 3 members team work


Erasmus - Third year project 4

Housing and working area for artists in Campo 24 de Agosto - 42 houses - Creative location

Prof. José Louis Guimaraes Singular work


Erasmus - Urban project 5

New district for Contumil



Prof. Paolo Marcolin 2 members teamwork



Note This booklet shows the evolution of my own designing style, developed during the years as the “moving line” want to represent. All the drawings are individually redesigned from the universities’ ones, modifing the graphic to link each project to the others. Each work is rapresented from a urban to a detail scale, analyzing the connections with the city and the structural and functional equipment of the interiors. The projects are always based on the evaluation of the history and the ambient around because every innovation have to fit its own place, moving forward to a better future. The main point of every thought is the central position of the man, how to make better place to live, preserving as much as possible the human scale proportion, from a house to a district. The design of space and elements stimulate the men’s perception towards senses and feelings.

Between land and water: Patio house in Molentargius


The area is located in the residential district of Medau su Cramu, a part of the natural park of Molentargius pond in Cagliari. This place is a completely flat land, crossed by a river and several canals that create a singular habitat where people could enjoy doing different sports in the silence of the park. Thinking about the surrounding the project is developed just on the first flor, where interior and exterior are balanced to keep the intimacy of the house, as the historical tipology of Campidanese’s houses in Sardegna, and to connect the inhabitants with the nature because is the strongest element of the whole area. The first storey is an exception, designed in a way residents can enjoy the view of the landscape, as an elevated point. The interior space is simply L - shaped, the sun movement determines the position of the house, divided basically in daily area (North-West) and the nightly area, where the rooms are oriented on East.



Axonometric exploded view

Front view N-O

Plant view ground floor 1-200

Plant view first floor 1:200

Front view S- E 1-200








Legend a Living room


b Service bathroom


c Kitchen


d Hallway


e Single bedroom


f Bathroom


g Double bedroom


h Principal court



i Secoundary court


l Warehouse space






Plan view 1-100



Section view 1:100 A

Detail view A

a b c d e f g h i j k l mj n

1:20 o p q i f r s t

Detail view C


u v w x e y a b c d e f g h i j

k l m n o

Legend a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t

Legend a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y

Beige Marble tile Soundproofing membrane Lightweight screed Piping systems Selfleaving layer Thermal insulation layer Concrete structural slab Crawl space igloo Waterproofing membrane Basement screed Earth Ventilation pipe Concrete down beam Concrete wall basement White smooth plaster Mostar Red clay brick Poroton block Beige marble baseboad Drainpipe Lightgrey marble tile Selfleaving mostar Skewed screed Corrugated afford Rubble

Dim: 60x60x1.5cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 20cm Dim: vary Dim: 4cm Dim: 6cm Dim: 5-8cm Dim: 46x46x34cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 10cm Dim: vary Dim: 8cm Dim: 47-52x40cm Dim: 37x40cm Dim: 1.5cm Dim: 1cm Dim: 24x13x7cm Dim: 50x19x25cm Dim: 8x1.5cm Phi: 80mm Dim: 60x60x1.5cm Dim: 1cm Dim: 13-10cm Phi: 6mm Dim: vary

Lightgrey marble tile Waterproofing membrane Lightweight screed Thermal insulation layer Load bearing concrete Corrugated afford Clay Gooery Concrete abutement Soundproofing membrane White smooth plaster Iron bracket Iron bar Gutter Mostar Poroton block Red clay brick Drainpipe Backframe Frame Triple Glass

Dim: 60x60x1.5cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 24-8cm Dim: 6cm Dim: 4cm Phi: 6mm Dim: 42x20x25mm Dim: 25cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 1.5cm Phi: 6mm Phi: 12mm Phi: 120mm Dim: 1cm Dim: 50x19x25cm Dim: 24x13x7cm Phi: 80mm Dim: 64x69mm Dim: 59x59mm Dim: 8-10-6-10-8dmm

p q r s t



a b c d e f g h i j

k l


Legend a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v

j h n o d n p j q

r s t

Detail view B


Waterproofing membrane Lightweight screed Thermal insulation layer Load bearing concrete Corrugated afford Clay Gooery Concrete abutement Joist Soundproofing membrane White smooth plaster Iron bracket Iron beam Mostar Red clay brick Roof Flashing Backframe Frame Triple Glass Steel batten Steel rotational tube Brise-soleil Rubber steal

Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 24-8cm Dim: 6cm Dim: 4cm Phi: 6mm Dim: 42x20x25mm Dim: 25cm Dim: 14x12cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 1.5cm Phi: 6mm Phi: 12mm Dim: 1cm Dim: 24x13x7cm Dim: 10x1.5cm Dim: 64x69mm Dim: 59x59mm Dim: 8-10-6-10-8dmm Dim: 5x6cm Phi: 200mm Dim: 184x30x2.5cm Dim: 2.5cm

San Giovanni di Dio’s Hospital


The building was realized in1856 by the architect Gaetano Cima, Cagliari’s technical office director. The reason that generate this drawing is to support the piece of Professor Francesco Cherchi published in “Domus, April 2015”. The aim is to describe the authority of the work of Cima. This work is an axonometric rappresentation of the original project because today is polluted by different and disconnected additions. It emphazises the complexity of the plant, as it is a new functional organization for an hospital, based on the prison’ scheme.

Original plant, front and section view

Polyvalent hall for Marina


The project is located in the historical district of Marina in Cagliari, one of the most populated and composed by various etnich groups. +17 .91 +14

The aim is to design an open square, partially covered by the volume of the building. Its corners define a space of intimacy, although it stay completely connected with the streets around. The idea is to invite the people to enjoy the area outside and inside, where two contrapposed stairs, enlightned by the hole in the court, generate a movement through the inside.


The center of the composition is the main hall, designed as a polifunctional place, where the people can enjoy social activities. The ways described by the stairs and the hallways allow the people to appreciate all the floors of the building, where it is possible to feel the atmosphere of the district as every space is visual connected with the surrounding.


+10 50 +5. 00 +0.

Planimetric view


Axonometric exploded view

Plan view


Second floor




Third floor

Top level 1:500



a Civic hall


b Principal entrance hall


c Secundary entrance hall


d Bathrooms


e Tecnical room f Warehouse


Plan view of the first floor 1:500

19,2mq 12mq 8mq

Front view S-O 1:200


Section view 1:100

Tecnical construction The public building is developed in 3 storeys over the level of the inclined square from where 5 structural concrete walls grow up defining the perimeter of the interior spaces. The structure is completely formed by strong resistence concrete: from the few loading points are builted the walls, with a defined lightned draw that generate tall beam-walls that allow to reach 12metres of emptyness; from this walls the slabs are formed with the cobiax tecnics, lightening the form with spheres in the middle of the structure. The environmental performances are obtained adding to the mass concrete walls the thermal insulation layer and the sound-proofing membrane in the interior surfaces; also the glass walls have good performances for thermal and sound conditions allowing the people to enjoy the spaces during the hot and sunny summer and the windy winters.

a b c d e

f g h i j k l


wx y z

Legend r s

t u v a o p q

Detail view A


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Light-grey smooth plaster Steel Banister Sardinian grey marble tile Steel support Thermal support insulation Floating support Floating floor Thermal insulation layer Soundproofing membrane Concrete C 50-60 Iron bar Iron bracket Cobiax iron bar Empty spherical formwork Ceiling tile Countertop Countertop support Single aluminium frame Double glass Roller curtain Double frame Blackout curtain Skewed screed Corrugated afford Waterproofing membrane Lightened poroton block

Dim: 1.5cm Dim: 6x110cm Dim: 4cm Dim: 1.5x1cm Dim: 5cm Dim: 26x5cm Dim: 30cm Dim: 8cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 40cm Phi: 18mm Phi: 14mm Phi: 6mm Phi: 300mm Dim: 36x3cm Dim: 24cm Dim: 26x0,5cm Dim: 5x11cm Dim: 8-16-8dmm Dim: 14x14cm Dim: 9.5x11cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 11cm Phi: 6mm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 25x18x50cm

Housing and working area for artists in Campo 24 de Agosto


The space of intervention is located in Oporto, between the medieval district and the new industrial development of the city, located on an axis that links the suburbs with the city center. The project is based on the relation between two forms as opposite magnets: the habitational bulding is rational and massive; the working one is organic and small. This contrapposition generate attraction in the square, where nature, history and modernity are connected and the people could enjoy the spaces in between and around. The first volume has 42 houses in 5 floors, from one to four persons; each box countains a property, except for the T3 that is formed by two storeys. Between the two wings of bricks is located a court, in a underground level that preserve intimacy from the square. The second volume is a organic line that turns designing a complex form. As two worms, the building goes into the floor, defining a pleasant walking line, where all along are located offices and usefull areas for the artists, ending with an exposition centre, opened for events.



North-West front view


South-West front view 1:500


North section view


South section view


Axonometric exploded view

Section view



42 houses The residential area is a 5 storeys building: in each floor the boxes are rotated creating a fluid movement into the 90 degrees rational disposition. Through this device, the volume of this massive structure is visually lightened. Tipologically the boxes are designed in 4 sizes, for different social condition: from offices, to families of 4 persons. The ground floor along the streets defines the entrance to T2 houses and shops. Passing through the gate, on the sides are located the connecting hall, served by common and functional spaces. The two wings are almost simmetrics and each floor is defined by an outside pathway to enter the houses enjoying the view of the surroundings. The project is designed to create relationships between the people: the intimacy court, is served by community areas, for meetings or for artistics and ludics events. Fourth floor plan view



T0 Plan view

a T0


b T1


c T2


d T3



T1 Plan view

T2 Plan view

Legend a Living room


b Office


c Kitchen


d Bathroom e Balcony

19,2mq 12mq

T3 Plan view


Section-front view




T0 section view 1:50

Legend l j m c l n

a b c d e f g h i j k

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s

o p q r


Piping systems Basement screed Thermal insulation layer Basement screed Wasp nest Crawl space igloo Concrete structural slab Waterproofing membrane Lightweight screed Soundproofing membrane Light wooden parquet White smooth plaster Hemp concrete Wooden slab Double glass Rubber steel Frame Backframe Support

Dim: vary Dim: 4cm Dim: 6cm Dim: 5cm Dim: 18cm Dim: 20x30x30cm Dim: 4.4cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 9.6cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 1.5cm Dim: 1.5cm Dim: 36cm Dim: 2cm Dim: 6x8x6mm Dim: 1.2x2cm Dim: 4x6cm Dim: 8x8cm Dim: vary

Detail view B

Detail view A




a b c d e f g h i j k

l m j n

o p q r s

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s

Countertop plaster panels Countertop layer Soundproofing membrane Corrugated metal sheet Loadbearing concrete Thermal insulation layer Lighweight screed Waterproofing membrane Gutter L steel support Wooden slab Rectangular steel support Screw Steel slab White smooth plaster Mostar IPE beam Lightweight creed Roof flashing

Dim: vary Dim: 4cm Dim: 6cm Dim: 5cm Dim: 18cm Dim: 20x30x30cm Dim: 4.4cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 9.6cm Dim: 0.5cm Dim: 1.5cm Dim: 1.5cm Dim: 36cm Dim: 2cm Dim: 6x8x6mm Dim: 1.2x2cm Dim: 4x6cm Dim: 8x8cm Dim: vary

Creative location The two organics shapes are designed firstly to create an intimate place where new artists could develop strong ideas exchanging opinions towards different knowledges as the desire of the city of Oporto to grows with consciousness and power. Secondly the fluid movement generates the square that is going to be a new attractive centre of the city for his position. The solution is to leave as much free space as possible for the people. The two shapes are opposite. The managerial one grows up to the artistic area appearing powerful for the shape and the shine of the reflective material. Whereas the second one is almost hided, it disappears from the level of the square and slowly decreases into the earth defining inside all the useful spaces for the workers and outside the light orange-grey marble tile of the skin continues along the pathway that connect the streets around the area. The square is also defined from some useful elements of the artistic areas: the surfaces of water filter the natural light and the direct view of the people from the ateliers; the skylight are used to allow the sun to reach the interior spaces and all the marble blocks are useful for the people and to hide the functional piping sistems. The two shapes have different functions but they are physically connected in the entrance hall of the artistic area, from where it is possible to control all the movement and all the materials. This connection between the two shapes is not only physical, but it even rappresents the cooperation between art and events organization where ideas and products could be showed and commercialized during fairs using the auditorium and the exposition area.

Section-front view


Axonometric exploded view


Plant view of the square


Artistic area




a Cinema atelier


g Restroom


b Drawing atelier


h Warehouse


c Material atelier


i Auditorium


d Graphic atelier


l Changing room


e Toilette


m Exposition area


f Bar-restaurant


n Fire exit



b a

c c



n d

a e

d f

Legend a Hall b Hallway





c Reception


d Loading area


e Toilette


f Public Library


g Private Library


h l




b d g i



d e

d l


c m

b d

Legenda a Hall

d e

b Hallway



c Reception


d Office


e Toilette


f Restroom


g Bar


h Principal office

Managerial area



i Conference room


l Archive


m Loading area



Section-front view


Tecnical construction

Legend a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Plastic grey tile Soundproofing membrane Floating support Floating floor Loadbearing concrete Corrugated metal sheet Ring beam Ring support beam Strengthen ring beam Beam for the floor Polymeric beige tile Steel joint Steel surface support Strengthen beam Principal ring beam Steel joint curb Support Secoundary beam Polymeric light blue tile Thermal insulation layer Iron screw Waterproofing membrane Polymeric blue tile Piping system Adaptable steel support Light orange marble tile

a b c d e f

Dim: 2cm Dim: 0,5cm Dim: 16,7x5cm Dim: 16,7cm Dim: 19cm Dim: 6x135cm Dim: 25x25cm Dim: vary Dim: 25x20cm Dim: 22x20cm Dim: 2.5cm Dim: vary Dim: 14,5x12,5cm Dim: 45x22cm Dim: 45x26,7cm Dim: vary Dim: vary Dim: 36x22cm Dim: 2,5cm Dim: 6cm Dim: 0,5cm Dim: 0,5cm Dim: 2,5cm Dim: vary Dim: vary Dim: 2,5cm

s b h m t u v w

The whole complex is built with a steel system based on principal beams in a oval form, connected with perpendicular beam to stabilize it. A secondary layer of beams is used to create a space inside the structure where all the functional systems are contained and to support the tile skin of the two volumes. This structure is light in spite of the huge area and the complexity of the form: the system starts from inside the earth, from where the first ring draw is posed; when the first volume is complete, it starts the most complex part, because in the point of connections between the two are predisposed variable beams to create a plan point of pose for the second ring beam; the erection of this elements and connection with perpendicular beams define a strong and solid structure.

g h i j

It is now possible to complete the building putting all the finitures and the materials generating a system that cares about the energetic waste using environmental elements such as natural light, sun’s power and the geothermal heat.

r x y u t z

k b l mn o l p l q r

Detail view A


New district for Contumil


The area in exam is located on the limit of the city of Oporto and it is particularly appealing for the location of the train station of Contumil on South and of the Lousiada university on West. All around the area is surrounded by houses or green areas, without a regular lotting. The whole area need a multilateral program, full of utilities and functions, to solve the problem of the emptyness and to reconnect all the older district around, as they are not proper organized or served. The spaces could be re-used working on little different areas, focusing in simple solution in a great complex plan for the whole area. First of all, the connections are developed to create an almost regular road layer, served by buses, subdividing the principle streets and the residential ones where are defined public parking and the accesses to the private parking into the area. Secondly, the new buildings are regularly oriented along the North-South axis and they forms lots of 2 or 3 buildings where one is composed by shops, bars and restaurant at the ground level. All around the palaces the nature is integrated with regular squares and pedestrian roads pleased by plants. Finally, big parks, squares and malls with different functions are designed to make the area functionally useful, delightful and enjoyable for the people who live there, for workers and to create attractiveness for tourists or Oporto’s inhabitants.


Planimetry 1:1000


䌀 愀

戀 挀

䄀 椀

攀 昀

樀 最


Section view A-A


The residential buildings are divided in 3 types: from private houses for one family, to plurifamiliar rettangular volumes also differentiated between the economical ones, without parking facilities and with a hallway on a side and only 2 faces outside and the more refined ones, with parkings, bigger areas, more expensive finitures and materials. This variety is fundamental for the growing of the area, it is extremely important to generate a multietnical and economically balanced district because this huge area is going to affect the surrounding with new functions and attractions. The basic position of the building is composed by 2 different plurifamiliar ones disposed as an L with mutable orientation to create movement around the area. The buildings are served with secundary streets for the acces of the cars, one volume include some function on the ground floor; to complete the L is disposed a bar-restaurant to serve the people. The natural elements are particularly importants for the project so in the design process they stay in a central position, in the whole residential area are defined little grass squares with a lot of of trees to preserve a cool habitat, this defines the pedestrian ways that follow the disposition of the buildings. Looking to the complex morphology of the area, the hills are keeped as natural as possible, using just the platform on top: one of them is used as a park where there is a panoramic view of the area; the other one is used as a pedestrian way to connect nature and city. In the respect of the nature and the surroundings, the building are variegated by form and height. In addiction the volumes are maximum of 4 floors to connect the people with the landscape.

Legend a Unifamiliar house

f Ground floor functional shops

b Panoramic pedestrian way

g Bar-restaurant

c Extensive green area

h Grass square

d Plurifamiliar economical building

i Buildings for essecial function

e Plurifamiliar equiped building

j Public square

Section view B-B

Section view C-C

Organizational principles



A patio house


A civic hall in the medieval district of Marina


Civic hall


Campo 24 de Agosto


Habitational unit T0


District of Contumil and surroundings


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