Black Apple

Page 1

Black apple

Index To the Streets Of black Apple

Black Apple is a magazine about what I saw and what I learned. It may sound stupid and perhaps useless to some, but hopefully it will give you another perspective to see the city from, as opposed to running around, nose buried in a tourist’s guide in search of nearby attractions.



+ Times Square

50 62


+ Manhattan

+ Soho

+ Blissville

28 52


+ Harlem

+ Financial District

+ Little Italy

+ Ellis Island


+ Coney Island


+ Bronx



+ Queens

+ Moma




+ Astoria

+ Brooklyn

+ Chinatown


+ Brighton Beach

There are no rules of conduct, no fresh design rules or any advice such as what to do in case of a fire. There are no instructions on how to cook gourmet meals or what wine to drink with them.

K e e p atte n tio n to vinyl indicator where ad vise d to liste n the tra c k o n the cd pro vid e d

Awar e n e ss sig n


New York is the place where I plan on relocating to, should a meteorite with the diameter of the mgu university fall on Moscow.


Artemy Lebedev, (2008),

Aver ag e ratin g

new york city from a different perspective photography guide

All photographs are taken by Anton burmistrov and t he zenit-e camera only in new York in 2011

In this magazine I will discuss how advantageous it is not to die in a big city but learn something. I don’t really care much about the written content of this magazine; I am a designer, not a writer. I have to nicely decorate any verbal shit and bring it to a show.

Black Apple is not copyrighted or protected in 2011 by law so please do not copy.

Final destination is the black apple. Please fasten your seat belts. This magazine will belong to the large amount of projects instructed upon us students by our tutors over the course of this year. All part of the learning journey: To whack a massive load on to our strong young shoulders and see how we fair, carrying this burden.

2 Edit o r’ s letter

View from my ro om , 1 0 th fl oor. Ho stel.

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

H o st el


H arlem


I’ve explored a little bit of New York so far by foot, it has mainly been Midtown and Downtown and I hadn’t gone further than the top of Central Park. So, after three days from my arrival in the City, I was determined to experience as many of the unique communities of New York as I possible could. So, I headed to Harlem. Harlem, after all, used to be the embodiment of American urban decay. With the people calling themselves New Negroes. With the job losses in the time of the Great Depression and the deindustrialization of New York City after World War II, rates of crime and poverty increased significantly. The neighbourhood began to deteriorate into a slum. In the post-World War II era, Harlem ceased to be home to a majority of NYC’s blacks, but it remained the cultural and

political capital of black New York. The character of the community changed in the years after the war, as middle-class blacks left for the outer boroughs (primarily The Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn) and suburbs. The notorious reputation of Harlem in the

seventies and consequent refusal of many taxi drivers to enter the area wasn’t unwarranted. Harlem was ruled by organized crime – the movie American Gangster is focused on the drug trade centred here in the seventies, which is considered its worst period. In the movie there were thirty thousand drug addicts then estimated to live in New York City, twenty thousand lived in Harlem. Property crime was pervasive, and the murder rate was six times higher than New York’s average. But this didn’t last forever. Harlem is pretty much a safe area now. I personally did not see any gangs, slums or ‘bums’. Come the end of the drug war in the mid seventies and crime in Harlem has plummeted. Now we can enjoy the statue of Martin Luther King, theatres, galleries and nice looking coffee shops.

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Af ro-Am eri can Int eres t Danger Archi t ect ur e Fun

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.


H a r lem


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01. L a Co ka N ostra Darknes s Deepe n s

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

H arlem

Harlem is pretty much a safe area now. I personally did not see any gangs, slums or ‘bums’.

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) Henry Hudson prwy. 485 central park west.

“Harlem” ITC Caslon 224 Std Book Italic 7


Man hat ta n

I am used to European cities, for their clear information, architecture, and clear locations of key objects of mass culture, billeting and catering. In New York, the traveller will be disappointed. There is a main street called The Main Street. In parallel, it usually goes Market Street. There are first, second, third etc. that go perpendicular to the streets. There is nothing else. A question that intrigued me, to which I could not find the answer to, was why the traffic lights show a go sign in a white light? Could this be a subconscious reference to the fact that white men discovered America and then they killed all the different darker colour skinned people?

Archi t ect u r e Int eres t Food Flow

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The city is attractive by its grandeur and scope, strength and gloss, the history and the dream.


Chapter One. He adored New York City. He idolized it all out of proportion. Eh uh, no, make that he, he romanticized it all out of proportion. Better. To him, no matter what the season was, this was still a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of George Gershwin. Uh, no, let me start this over.

Chapter One: He was too romantic about Manhattan, as he was about everything else. He thrived on the hustle bustle of the crowds and the traffic. To him, New York meant beautiful women and street smart guys who seemed to know all the angles. Ah, corny, too corny for, you know, my taste. Let me, let me try and make it more profound.

— Chapter One: He adored New York City. To him it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture. The same lack of individual integrity that caused so many people to take the easy way out was rapidly turning the town of his dreams in - no, it’s gonna be too preachy, I mean, you know, let’s face it, I wanna sell some books here. —

Woody Allen, Manhattan (1979)

Chapter One. He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved. Behind his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat. Oh, I love this. New York was his town, and it always would be.

— Chapter One: He adored New York City. Although to him it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture. How hard it was to exist in a society desensitized by drugs, loud music, television, crime, garbage - too angry. I don’t want to be angry.

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Man hat ta n

M a n h a tt a n




Man hat ta n

New yorkers understand me the same way you would understand this picture. When you first arrive in New York City, I recommend that you begin your journey with an introduction to Manhattan. Despite the fact that all areas have started to grow almost simultaneously, Manhattan is the heart and epicentre of New York and urban tourism. There are such famous attractions as the Broadway and Fifth Avenue, Times Square and the Empire State Building, Chinatown and Greenwich Village, Wall Street and Central Park, the Statue of Liberty and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. According to Wikipedia, the Dutchman Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island from the Indians for just 24 dollars. In 1624, they established a settlement in the lower part of the modern Manhattan and called it New Amsterdam. This name lasted until 1664, when British troops captured New Amsterdam and renamed it to New York, which was the name of king’s brother the Duke of York.

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Man hat ta n



than geography of Manhattan. District is divided to three major areas: Downtown (Lower Manhattan), Midtown (the middle part of the island) and Upper (northern) Manhattan. Downtown is located in the south, and its northern boundary runs along 23rd Street.

Because of the need for natural lighting, towers still do not stand “shoulder to shoulder� but alternately with less tall buildings. Despite the similarity of the high-rise buildings in New York they are quite diverse in architecture. Nothing could be easier

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New York City is familiar to us because of the dozens of films that feature the city. The city is attractive by its grandeur and scope, strength and gloss, the history and the dream. Skyscrapers are the basis of the modern architecture of New York. The town is built over out of approximately five thousand high-rise buildings; fifty of them have a height of over two hundred meters.

Midtown stretches up to Central Park and everything else is North-Upper Manhattan. Regular town planning fails in downtown. In my opinion this part of Manhattan was settled first. This is because the streets have more bends and curves like the streets of the Old World, no numbers but proper names.

12 Man hat ta n

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Man hat ta n




S solid houses

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Man hat ta n

Flushing Meadows, Corona Park is the Museum of Queens where you can find a regularly updated scale model of New York City.

An Interesting fact in history regarding skyscraper construction: In the early twentieth century when New York was building of some of its massive buildings both in height and width, there was a new order released. That decree had a great influence on architecture throughout the world, including Moscow’s skyscrapers. However, in Moscow there were no complaints regarding that.

Before you start exploring the district, it makes sense to get the overall visual representation. This can be done simultaneously by two pleasant and

This order declared that all tall buildings should have ledges. The rule was accepted by parliament to settle the dissatisfied citizens living in the shadows so that the sun could shine on them.

useful ways. First - go on a threehour trip, fifty six kilometers around Manhattan on a boat. Second - cross the East River to Queens, where in

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Man hat ta n





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16 Man hat ta n

direction per block, but also by removing the yellow light of the traffic lights as to make the cars flow faster. The ‘One Way’ sign was very


confusing for me where it might be several signs on one post. Sometimes it is not clear enough where the sign was pointed.

0 2 . Phael e h Af ter gl ow

To solve the problem with the traffic jams, authorities not only had to build roads with five lanes and let the movement go in one

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Man hat ta n

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18 Man hat ta n

19 “R” Itc Century Std. Book typeface.

“S” Bulmer MT Std.

“Manhattan” Futura Std Medium.

chrysler building. Empire stat e building. St uyvesant. madison avenue. John cardinal street. macy’s clothing.

Images & garniture (In order of appearance)

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Man hat ta n

The Bro nx



The Bronx is quite a big area, which is predominantly residential. There is no big industry here. Geographically the Bronx can be divided into southern, eastern and western. Northern Bronx is a bit like a suburb with its small houses. Riverdale and Williams Bridge are full of those houses. East Bronx is designed for wealthy people. Parkchester and Coop City surprisingly breathtaking with their residential high-rise buildings. In the south Bronx, there is even a slum - they call it Mott Haven, Hunts Point and Morrisania.

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Curi os i ty Int erest Sun Worker s


Honestly speaking there is nothing to do in Bronx, and the broken curves of houses are horrifying like the lazy people around them. Some streets and houses remind me of Tallinn in my childhood, when mom said not to go to a nearby area that is dangerous. But to be honest I’ve always hung out with bums and homeless children, and the most interesting part is that I enjoy their company.

The Bro nx

The worst illegal act I ever committed was stealing copper ingots from a moving train to sell them. Fortunately it all ended somehow, the area has been demolished and a new town was built for wealthy people. Interesting isn’t it? First we lived near a poor area, and now we are surrounded by rich people with buggies. There is nothing unusual in the Bronx. People are drinking beer in pubs. Dinner for 8 bucks in a regular restaurant with waitresses who does not know how their own lemonade looks like. Nettles with meat and home fries, seems to be the usual dinner. Standing in the rain Afro-Americans in pairs just don’t do anything. Bronx life seems to be boring - unless you are among the people at the Yankee Stadium maybe, watching a good game with a good team; or maybe in a zoo, where animals live in conditions as close as possible to nature. But going to the Bronx to have a good time is just not worth the bother.

The Bro nx

03. Ba uch klan g l - t rans mis sio n

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

The Bro nx

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) Rain in the Bronx. 149 t h street um brella.

“The” Easy Street Alt EPS font. “Bronx” Baroque Text JF. 23

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24 bright o n bea ch

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

bright o n bea ch

Rus s i an pe o pl e Gulls Rubbi s h Sand


bright o n bea ch

Brighton Beach rose to prominence in the 70’s when immigrants from the former Soviet Union began to settle there, mainly from Russia and the Ukraine. The Local District counts approximately 100,000 inhabitants. Brighton Beach is famous worldwide for its concert halls, cafes and restaurants. The area has many cultural centres of the Russian community; among them are the editorial Russian-language newspapers, radio stations, TV studios, recreational centres, schools and the vast Russian infrastructure. Today, wealthy people from Brighton Beach settle in the prestigious suburbs of New York, Miami and Los Angeles, however, the area remains the most popular place of residence for Russian immigrants. Designed by William Engemanom back in 1868, Brighton Beach was conceived as a holiday resort.

This is the only place in New York where I was appalled by the advertising ideas. As a result of a competition for the best name for this area, arranged in 1878 by Henry Murphy, Brighton Beach won the medal. The place was named after the resort town in England. At the site of modern Coney Island Avenue in the heart of the former Boardwalk elite hotel was located. Where in 1878 it was the railway, now it is a part of the New York Metropolitan. The merger of the Brighton Beach Railway with the urban lines significantly increased interest in this area and the living residential area. The Great Depression of 1932 gathered a lot of poor people from other areas of New York and relocated them to Brighton Beach. Though in subsequent years, Brighton Beach started to restore its former position, and the massive influx of Russian immigrants only contributed to this process. In the Russian deli shop in Brooklyn I often hear, badly distorted English names when for example potatoes and turkey are called “putathooz” and “tyurki”. However, Mr.Galickij (shop owner) says that new wave of immigrants prefer to use English words in the Russian dialect. “Nobody says “indejka” (turkey) anymore, or “morozhenoe” (ice cream) which is right way to communicate in Russian. Images & garniture (In order of appearance) Celebration shelf. 7 t h street and beach avenue.

“Brighton Beach” Grumpy Black 72 font.

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Designed by Anton Burmistorov for University of Greenwich course programme.

bright o n bea ch

People started to bring English words into the Russian vernacular on purpose. It is easier to communicate this way. Now the streets of Brighton Beach are speaking socalled Runglish. It is a mixture of Russian and English languages, which distinguishes the pronunciation of English words, distorted by the Russian accent.


The area is very interesting, at least to me. You can buy doctor’s sausages in bulk from a seller named Larisa and in the next kiosk a loaf of bread just for a dollar from Katerina. The Russian community is very noticeable because of the particular way people dress and how they behave; even the way they walk. One would think that people should speak Russian after 60 years of being in US, but no. Russians are like parasites, they infect all those around them and in the end everyone will speak Russian. On the streets they speak Russian, sell Russian shoes, and newspapers. The same ads that are in Manhattan are in Brighton but they are translated into Russian. The only thing they are missing in the streets are the yellow USSR busses and its controllers.

fin an cial dis trict

Bus i nes s man Hom eless P ubs Ci garet t es

F i n a n c i a l

d i s t r i c t

In America they have found a way to combat homelessness And loudness at night. Close to any public place (like a park for example) hangs a notice sign, warning people that the place is closed from a certain time to a certain time. However, nothing is actually closed. Though if someone were to appear there at the specified times on the notice, they could be arrested on legal grounds. I guess it’s good for society. However It’s one of those things that make me say that there really is no freedom in America.

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

fin an cial district

Here I met Paul a homeless man. At that time, he lived on the street. He directed me to the World Trade Centre Memorial after accepting $2.30 and an unfiltered cigarette. He then told me where I could get the most delicious but cheap breakfast. He went on then to tell me he how ruthlessly his wife had left him and how was trying to raise money to buy a ticket back home to Nebraska, where his mother lived. He told me how badly the city treats those who make only one mistake. ‘You can lose everything all in one day’ He said. I but I suppose it can happen everywhere, and with anyone. In Paul’s case though, it was his wife, his apartment, and his job. Or maybe it’s all just a made up story, and that was his way of making some extra cash. I guess I’ll just never know.

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) Homeless Paul. Wall with hole.

“Financial District” ITC Caslon 224 Std.


The financial district is full of people at 10pm. Taverns and restaurants, shops where you can buy cigarettes are open and the cost of a pack is only $3. This is far from reality my dear reader-dreamer. There are no tobacco shops or a machine or even a soul on Wall Street at 10pm. If you are lucky enough to find a shop in the boondocks where a Chinese woman “doesn’t speeek anglish” will happily sell you a pack of smokes for 14 bucks. Well, at least the problem with smoking is solved. To buy cigarettes for the price they offer you will have to first start working on Wall Street. Previously, cigarettes were considered a glamorous accessory, and only a well-off person could afford it. That is a kind of paradox, no? Poor people are healthy without having lung cancer, and wealthy people were poisoning themselves yet it was fashionable and prestigious. Today anyone who wants to smoke can do so. In Soviet times it was quite the opposite, tobacco cost mere pennies and everyone was smoking. And this, dear reader, is how the government got rid of the homeless.

t im es sq u are


L i ght s T imes Square P eople Ads

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

t im es sq ua re



Tim es sq u are

I’m in Times Square – the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. This is the most famous place in New York. Here are the biggest screens showing advertisements, lights and shops, and advertisement for the famous Swatch watches.

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) steam square. black adverts.

“Times Square” Bulmer MT Std Display


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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Tim es sq ua re



I’m finally in the real life version of a photograph of the Square that has been hanging in my room for about five years now. This is the place I have always wanted to visit. Five years of waiting and now I’m out of the subway and I can’t believe my eyes. Skyscrapers. Lights and colours and crowds of Americans rapidly moving along the sidewalks. Loud sounds of the city, American speech. The first two days I was walking with my head thrown back. Then I started to examine the people and the roads; they are quite different from those in London and Moscow. Manhattan is elegant, from the people living there to the buildings.

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34 co n ey island

04. W iz Khali fa - Fly Sol o

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

co n ey isla nd

At t ract ive Far behin d Int eres t in g Is land


Co n ey island

Coney Island is undoubtedly the most amazing area of Brooklyn. I can’t say enough about it. Strictly speaking I cannot say anything at all. I have no certain phrases or words left in my vocabulary about this area and its people. I just love it. Before, I did not understand how people could stare at the sea for hours on end. But now I find myself sitting on the cold soft ground watching for cars brushing the blown away sand.

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Co n ey isla nd

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) sad cone y. empty station.

“Coney Island� Ballpark typeface.


ast o ria


Museum Of the Moving Image. Ent ertai nme n t Cogni t i on Int eres t Vi s ual ef f ects

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

ast o ria

Museum of Moving Image is the bread with butter. It’s simple and tasty. For all of times that I’ve been in museums, only this one left me with a positive feeling. The Museum is divided into 3 floors; each floor is also divided into several specific sections. Each of these sections are devoted to a particular aspect of film or animation. In the museum there are not only security guards, but also guiders that show and tell stories of how cinema works, and why certain things exist. This is time spent superbly for any man on earth. Only 10 bucks and I’ve got a certain impression about cinema. And I finally realized how Natalie Portman actually had sex with herself in the movie, Black Swan. 39

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40 ast o ria

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

ast o ria

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) old man mannequin. soundtrack shelf. best actor wall.

“Astoria� Easy Street Alt EPS font. 41

Bro o k lyn

05. Jedi Mind T ricks - Unco mm on Valor A Viet nam St ory

D an g e r Fash io n sh o ps Co ffee sh o ps Gh etto h u stle

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Bro o k lyn

BROOKLYN Brooklyn is very loud because of the subway trains. The vibrations are boomed out as the trains pass overhead on the iron bridge, at a height of twenty meters above the ground. Even at this distance, it’s impossible to hear the person next to you speaking as if they were in a market in India.


There were times when the residents of Manhattan thought of Brooklyn as nothing but an East River suburb.

Those days are gone. Brooklyn is now appreciated for what it is: an actively developing urban community with its very own unique number of quirky and extremely popular residential areas and a tempestuous melting pot of many nationalities and cultures.

Brooklyn, with it’s population of two and a half million is almost twice that of Manhattan’s - the largest by population District of New York. Many of Brooklyn’s visitors do not venture further than the elegant Brooklyn Heights, unless directed to Coney Island or Brighton Beach. In my opinion, the sights of Brooklyn certainly deserve more scrutiny.

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Bro o k lyn


Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Bro o k lyn



Bro o k lyn

Neither the London Underground nor the Metro in Moscow quite compares. It almost feels as if the thick musty air down in the tunnels carries some magic dust along with it, making you feel dizzy and overwhelmed by the bustling life. The Metro is vast and merciless. The subway lines are twice less than the Underground lines of London, yet they pass through the city agilely and have so many branches. The widths of the rails are standardized on all subway lines; so different trains can use a single platform. It is, however, incredibly easy to get confused, miss a stop or go in the opposite direction. But should you do any of these mistakes, you’re bound to find a live Jazz quartet jovially playing their tunes, among the throngs of people.

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Long, rumbling trains consisting of many carriages containing all sorts of people. Not surprising that almost every person on the subway is sitting with headphones clamped onto their ears, listening to music, regardless of what age, gender or race. There’s something touching about the New York Subway.

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Bro o k lyn


Bro o k lyn

I will never forget the New York Subway it’s an amazing phenomenon.

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) Carroll St Station. Great Brooklyn wall. Steamed shop. Manhattan bridge.

“Brooklyn” Bodoni MT Poster Compressed.

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Bro o k lyn

On trains you’ll find people preaching about Jesus Christ, or the hungry homeless and at the exits of the subway free food’s being given away. There was even an occasion when a man, who happened to be strolling past at the time, was ready to hand over his old Nikon camera on the condition that we email him the photos we take with the camera. As soon as we agreed to do this, he disappeared into his giant studio, emerging a couple of moments later with the mentioned old camera in his hands and simply gave it to us.



Funky people Int eres t Rai n Clubs

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50 so ho

For lovers of shopping there will be a pleasant surprise that in the Century Twenty One store you can buy great things from the world-known designers at reasonable prices. And at the WTC site fashionable ladies generally prefer to buy

things a few seasons ahead. This is how they are happy with the prices in New York. Shoes for their new clothes are better to buy at the Prada store in Soho, where they would not be sorry to spend money on cutting-edge shoes and boots.

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

so ho

Image & garniture (In order of appearance)

“Soho� Futura Std Book.

Rain is Soho.


Lit t le Italy

What can you do in Italy? You can only eat. And the district Little Italy in Manhattan is not that much different from actual Italy. Each block has five coffee shops and pizzerias, which serves excellent Italian coffee and paninis. Such “small� Italies have become an integral part of the urban landscape of emigration. In the US it was a kind of analogue Chinese Chinatown or Latin American Barrio. The popularity of the Italian neighbourhoods over the time were granted for famous and relatively fine Italian restaurants and fashion able boutiques.

Also for the less attractive side - the dirt, poverty, high crime, lack of education of the general population and the dominance of the mafia. In Little Italy appeared such popular European modern style as Guido coming with similar styles like American playboy, Spanish macho, etc.).

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Lit t le Italy

L i t t le Itali ans Int erest Res tauran ts

italy Little

Image & garniture (In order of appearance) Big italy.

“Little” Bulmer MT Std Italic. “Italy” Chalet Comprime Cologne Seventy. 53

chin at o wn

Rampant growth of Chinatown in the postwar years led to the Chinese Diaspora that began to settle the surrounding areas such as the Bowery and Little Italy. In 1976 they finished the fortyfour storied office building that became the symbol of Chinatown. In front of this building they have established a statue of the Chinese Wiseman, Confucius. Despite the Chinese New Year there is nothing to do here at all. You can buy a lot of Chinese stuff, be poisoned by duck and the smells. Practically, it does not differ from Little Italy.

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唐 人 街

06. Nas & D amian M arl ey - Le a d e r s


Before the arrival of Chinese, this part of Manhattan was a slum called “Five Corners”. At the end of the nineteenth century, Chinese immigrants flooded here, especially from Guangdong. In Chinatown there was clanbased organization whose structure was not to be advertised. Most of the population was employed in the informal sector.


Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

chin at o wn

Chi na Hi eroglyp h Food Sm ell

Image & garniture (In order of appearance) Hair collage.

“Chinatown� Kozuka Gothic Pro H.





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56 moma


Museum of Modern Art left exactly zero impressions on me. I liked only one piece or work out of all of what I saw there. That piece was the work of Stefan Sagmeister for Casa da Musica. The logo was created out of the shape of the building and could change its shape and color depending on the shape and color of the person looking at it. This is the only work that I really understood. I could clearly see the reason behind its creation: What it reflected, what it is talking about and why it was in the gallery. The museum in itself is boring and there is nothing much to really do there. But perhaps it was because I was tired of running around town. Maybe I was just tired of pieces of work around the museum that were confusing to me.

Omg, this is a dick!

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.


Int erest Art Des i gn Peo pl e who h ave no cl ue what the y are doi ng her e

Images & garniture (In order of appearance)

Asian bottom. Ant farm. Welcome to moma.

“MoMA� Futura Std Book.

q u een s

Queens It looks like a garden city, the townships now known as the “Seven Sisters”. The most attractive of the “sisters” should probably be Kew Gardens. Here the sight of the groomed homes on tidy streets is lost in the greenery of the trees.

Trees Cleanli ness P os h cars Int eres t

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

q u een s

Queens is the first place in New York that is usually visited by the tourists. Queens is home to the airports of John F. Kennedy and La Guardia. But I am fortunate enough to arrive in New Jersey, so I visited Queens only a couple of days later. It is the largest district of the city with a population of about 2 million, which includes communities such as Italians and Middle Eastern Arabs, Jews and immigrants from Asia, the Spaniards and Afro-Americans. Most residential areas were built up during the natural growth of the city; however, Queens has seven specially designed residential districts, which includes parks and recreational facilities. 59

Qu een s

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) kew gardens. Seven sisters highway.

“Queens� ITC Caslon 224 Std Black.

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Qu een s


blissv ille

Blissville? Indus t ry P eople Bri ck work Freedom

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Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

blissv ill e


Black Apple is not copyrighted or protected in 2011 by law so please do not copy.

64 blissv ille

0 7 . Gary Jules M ad World


They say that a few decades ago, this area had excellent prospects in the industrial sector. But as soon as America was targeted at the production from China, the area became completely covered in moss.

This is Blissville: a hodge-podge of garages interspersed between other businesses. One side is the floral shop with the fake flowers, on the other, the Long Island Expressway.

There is nothing here, unless you are an extreme person or a slacker. Houses are striking with their irregularity. Most are still made of wood and to not show their misery painted with graffiti.

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

blissv ill e

Black Apple is not copyrighted or protected in 2011 by law so please do not copy.

The area is still empty until 10 o’clock in the morning. Blissville is a god-forsaken area, as hinted on the post signs printed on the metal plates back in the sixties. I won’t be surprised if the information on them has expired. Overall Blissville is just horrible, but despite this, I still give it three stars purely for the fact that I felt free there.

66 blissv ille

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

blissv ill e

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) 10 t h street. East River blissville. Black car. Grey car.

“Blissville?� Gungsuh Regular.


Black Apple is not copyrighted or protected in 2011 by law so please do not copy.

68 Ellis island

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Ellis island

Seagulls P i geon s Touri s ts Stat ues



l l i s i s l a n d

Ellis island

Since 1892 the island became the operational immigration office of the federal government. After a fire in 1897 on Ellis Island, the existing brick building in the style of the French Renaissance was rebuilt. Since the nineteenth century, it served as a terminal, through which came millions of immigrants in to the USA.

It is believed that from 1982 to 1924 that Ellis Island accepted more than 16 million people. At least a third of them settled in New York City. The peak of immigration occurred in 1907, when almost 1.3 million people passed through the terminal. The Immigration Service ceased to operate on the island in 1954, as it became the Immigration Museum. To visit the museum you can take the ferry from Battery Park.

Images & garniture (In order of appearance) Sleeping tourist. Pigeon.

“Ellis Island� Eurostile LT Std Bold Extended 2

Black Apple is not coyprighted or protected in 2011 by law so please do not copy.


Designed by Anton Burmistorov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Ellis is la nd


last page Music list (In order of appearance)

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for listening.




Darkness Deepens La Coka Nostra

Afterglow (feat. Soundmouse) Phaeleh

L-transmission Bauchklang




Fly Solo Wiz Khalifa

Uncommon Valor A Vietnam Story

Leaders Nas & Damian Marley

(feat. R.A. The Rugged Man) Jedi Mind Tricks

07 Mad World Gary Jules

Designed by Anton Burmistrov for University of Greenwich course programme.

Photograph by Pierre berthuel

It is about things I’ve seen and things I’ve learned. I suggest everyone should take their journey to New York.

F i r s t p u b l i c at i o n b y Anton Burmistrov 2011

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