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Boy Scout Troop 10 Brave Cold Weather Camping In The Catskills


Troop 10, Scouts USA, of Great Neck, New York, recently completed an overnight camping trip at Onteora Scout Reservation council camp in the Catskills. This winter camping challenge known as “Bluenose” turned out to be a lot easier than usual given above freezing temperatures and lack of snow. Nevertheless, it was cold enough most of the time and below freezing enough to present challenges to the scouts during their activities.

Eight scouts, and five adult leaders camped in tents on President’s weekend in the mountains of Livingston Manor. They competed against three other troops from Nassau County in skill challenges, treasure hunt, and campfire skit originality. Our scouts earned several awards including top place in the treasure hunt. The adults took care of the cooking which was done on propane stoves. Despite the cold, they built a big campfire that lasted for hours.

Troop 10 meets at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department on 25 Prospect Street on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on school days. If you are interested in joining Troop 10, please contact Scoutmaster Dr. Dwight J Rosenstein at djrosenstein@gmail.com.

—Submitted by Dr. Dwight Rosenstein, Scoutmaster

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