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Invest In Our New York Members Removed From Capitol For Protesting Budget
After the Invest in Our New York Campaign’s sleep-in was disbanded by State Police and members were removed from the Capitol Building War Room, Carolyn Martinez-Class, IONY Campaign Manager, released the following statement:
“The Invest in Our New York Campaign, and our partner organizations and allies cannot buy influence the way billionaires like Michael Bloomberg can. What we can do, however, is use our collective people power to hold space so Governor Hochul and legislators are forced to look the very people who depend on their representation in the eye during budget negotiations.
“We are extremely frustrated that Governor Hochul has decided to remove us from “the people’s house.” It’s a wellknown fact that negotiations happen in the dead of night. The $230 billion budget will impact our members’ daily lives; lawmakers will decide who will thrive and who will continue struggling to make ends meet. We deserve to be here and to remind them of their responsibility to enact a budget for the people, not ultra-rich donors.”

—Submitted by Invest In Our New York