10 minute read

CB American Homes Acquires Leading Real Estate Agency Little Bay Realty Minority Caucus Honors Corinne Kaufman’s Fentanyl Fighting Crusade

Coldwell Banker American Homes, one of the largest residential real estate brokerage firms in the New York metropolitan area, has announced the acquisition of Little Bay Realty, a leading real estate agency located at 6324 Rt. 25A in Wading River, NY.

The strategic merger adds the talented team of agents from Little Bay Realty to the Coldwell Banker American Homes family. The company is excited to welcome the experienced and skilled agents to their team, as they share the same values of “Work Hard, Play Hard, and Give Back!”.


The acquisition of Little Bay Realty extends Coldwell Banker American Homes’ market share and exposure towards the North Fork of Long Island, allowing them to better serve the real estate needs of clients in the region, providing them with a wider range of services and expertise.

Mike Litzner, Broker of Coldwell Banker American Homes, said, “We are thrilled to welcome Little Bay to our American Homes family. Their team of agents is well-respected in the industry, and we look forward to working with them to deliver the best possible experience for our clients.”

The acquisition of Little Bay Realty is the latest example of Coldwell Banker American Homes’commitment to growth and expansion in the real estate market. The company continues to explore opportunities to extend its reach and provide its clients with the highest level of service.

Little Bay Realty was founded in 1974 by Belinda Bender, who was among the first to recognize the unique appeal of the North Fork and Shelter Island areas of Long Island. Since then, the company has grown to become one of the most respected real estate brokerages in the region, known for its deep knowledge of the local market, commitment to customer service, and dedication to ethical business practices. Under Belinda’s leadership, the company continued to thrive, helping clients navigate the complexities of buying or selling a home with confidence and ease.

—Submitted by Coldwell Banker

During the Nassau County Legislature’s annual Women’s History Month Trailblazers ceremony at the Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Building on March 20, Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D – Glen Cove) led the Minority Caucus in saluting Glen Cove resident Corinne Kaufman for her relentless advocacy in the fight to prevent fentanyl overdoses on Long Island.

Corinne and her family have first-hand knowledge of the devastation that is wrought by this deadly drug on a daily basis. Her granddaughter, Paige Gibbons, died on Nov. 20, 2022 – just four days after her 19th birthday – after she consumed a small piece of what she thought was a Percocet pill at a sleepover with friends. It turned out to be entirely fentanyl, and she died later that night.

In the aftermath of Paige’s tragic and sudden death, Kaufman has launched the Families Against Fentanyl campaign and is advocating for Narcan kits to be available in every middle and high school nurse’s office on Long Island. She is also urging Nassau County to distribute fentanyl test strips by bundling them with Narcan kits and distributing them directly to all who seek them; she furthermore wants to increase awareness about fentanyl through campaigns in public schools and by asking the media to regularly publish fentanyl overdose death statistics.

“Four months ago, Corinne lost her beautiful granddaughter Paige to the scourge of fentanyl. Sometimes life puts you in a place that you never would have imagined, but what you’re doing in Paige’s memory is making such a difference,” Legislator DeRiggiWhitton told Kaufman during the ceremony. “I know the worst feeling for a mom or a grandma is not being able to do anything, but you are doing something extremely powerful.”

—Submitted by the Nassau County Minority Caucus

Word Find

HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Holiday Mathis

HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis

RIES (March 21-April 19). Your days will be enhanced by a fresh ritual you stumble upon or create. e repetition will calm and center you, giving you one more thing to be certain about in an uncertain world. Simple rituals are best, like having the same morning, night or exercise routine.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your opinion of yourself will uctuate quite a lot over the course of the week, but don’t let it worry you. Self-esteem doesn’t determine self-worth, and it’s not necessarily healthier to have high self-esteem either. Your success-move is to get curious about your thoughts and determine which ones help or hinder you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You may feel that someone is humoring you or not taking your work as seriously as they should. However, the joke is on them. ey’ll catch up to what you’re doing eventually. Until then, seek the company and feedback of the like-minded and the open-minded. Once you start looking for them, they’re everywhere.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Sure, you like to win, but you also know that winning all the time (or acting like you are) is neither useful nor fun. is week, you’ll take that pressure o yourself. You nd out what you’re capable of the same way everyone does: by trying and sometimes missing. You’ll progress joyfully.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll be in an existential mood, and you’ll think about the kind of person you want to be and what it will take to move toward that. You’ll have greater control over your time this week, which allows you to focus where you’d prefer to instead of reacting to the demands of others.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People tend to think that anyone trying too hard is covering something up. e power move is to believe in your own inherent worth so you’re not overly concerned with pleasing anyone else. Do what it takes to feel con dent. Prove things to yourself so you don’t have to prove them to anyone else.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Staying on task and focusing on the priorities of the moment will be your forte this week. Being motivated to tend to the right thing is a gift you don’t take lightly. e ability to apply yourself in this way will bring you many rewards, including a lucrative o er and a fun social opportunity.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Of course it would be weird and boring if everything went the way we wanted it to. While dissatisfaction is a normal part of life, chronic discontent brings everyone down. is week, you’ll gravitate to sunny personalities, and you’ll add to your network of easygoing types. ey’re usually more interesting, as they have better things to do than complain.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Making mistakes doesn’t mean you are a mistake. Be careful not to overidentify with the things that happen this week. Problems are something you have, not something you are. Whether it’s good luck or bad luck, don’t assume you earned it, but do take your good fortune and run with it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ve a keen sense of the energy in people, places and things. You’ll immediately sense good and bad vibes. You’ll spend some of your week making this talent work for you by favorably arranging the elements of your environment.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). ere are many reasons you might choose to x a thing -- for instance, a sense of responsibility, to satisfy your curiosity or to prove that you can. Beware of the fear-based reaction of “anxious xing.” Be willing to sit with a circumstance for a moment. You’ll nd felicitous success on the other side of acceptance.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). In life and bu ets, your eyes can be bigger than your appetite, and not everything tastes as good as it looks. Processing events is easier when you do it in small bites. Too much too fast can be upsetting. Portion your week modestly. You can always return for more.

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS ough you’ll see new places, not all adventures involve crossing rugged terrain or taking o in a plane. e greatest adventures of this season will be ights of the intellect. You’ll leap into new modes of thought. Experience will mature, teach, challenge and shape you. By this time next year, you’ll be a person with many more exciting options and a clear direction of which ones are right for you. More highlights: You’ll make a change working in a small group. You’ll be voted to a position. You’ll be embraced by a new family and show up strong at the requisite social events.

International Word Find

International Word Find

International Word Find

Big day out

Solution: 17 Letters

Word Find

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Big day out

Baby Bait Ball


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Contract Bridge

Silence is golden

have gone down two.

Solution: Just a quick

By Steve Becker

Having gotten safely over the bidding hurdle, Doub now had to find a way to make 12 tricks. With only 11 winners and the A-Q of hearts certain to lie over the K-J, it was not immediately apparent where an extra trick might come from.

It didn’t take Doub long to work out the solution. He won the opening spade lead with the ace and cashed four more spades and four diamonds to produce this position with the lead in the South hand:


♥ 8 5 4 2 West East

♥ A Q Immaterial

♣ K J


♥ K


Opening lead — seven of spades.

This deal arose in the New England final of the 1991 North American Open Pairs. It features excellent bidding and play by Doug Doub.

Doub held the South hand and opened two clubs, planning to rebid two notrump to show a 22-24 point balanced hand. But when his partner bid two spades after West’s twoheart overcall, Doub decided to raise spades and await further developments. When North next bid diamonds, Doub leaped to six notrump to protect his king of hearts on the opening lead. This proved a wise choice, as a slam in spades or diamonds with North as declarer would

♣ A Q

The lead of the diamond nine left West without recourse. If he discarded the heart queen, Doub would concede a heart to the ace to force a club lead into the A-Q. When West in fact discarded the club jack, Doub plunked down the club ace, caught the king and so made the slam.

Of course, if West had had the foresight to keep his mouth shut during the bidding, it is doubtful Doub would have found the winning line of play. West therefore had good reason to kick himself when the play was over. I know, because I was West.

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle

Announcements Employment

The Syosset Library is accepting bids for a 17-year old dark cherry color conference table and chair set. The particleboard table measures 12’ L X 3.5” W X 2.5’ H and has light damage. 12 gold/red upholstered chairs come with casters and arms. The set will be sold as-is, buyer must disassemble the table. Bids accepted by email only until noon, April 14th at spladministration@syossetlibrary.org. Bidders must include name, phone number, bid amount. The library reserves the right to reject any bid. Payment accepted by cash or money order only.


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