Brand Manual

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Antonia Salt B4004894


insert qr code hen website is finished



“Hi Angels! I’m Antonia, the founder of FOMO.” be talked about more in modern society, it’s mental health. That’s why I wanted to create a brand with a I built this brand in order to pro- purpose to spread awareness, and create a platform vide comfort for every season, for likeminded women to bond and share their expeoccasion and most important- riences. Mental health is such a serious matter than ly, feeling. Fear of Missing Out needs to be given a way of being a positive matter. intends to provide the highest Fashion can help with that. Fear of Missing Out can quality lounge wear for women help with that. to wear when they’re happy, sad or just a little bit in between. Here I have created this manual - like any other brand at FOMO, we don’t discriminate. manual - to help people who use the brand to underWe aim to create a community stand the brand values and how to use all the technifor every girl that has their down cal bits and pieces correctly. This manual is written to days, or struggles. Whether thats guide anyone who is interested in FOMO and future occasionally or every day - we employees. I want you to get close and personal to want to ease that pain with a little the way FOMO has been created and how it funccomfort, whilst also making you tions. Most importantly, how we do business, how we feel confident in the most fash- communicate, what we believe in and what the future ionable pieces. If you want figure holds for us. hugging to flaunt that bod, or to throw on an over sized sweat to Thank you! make you feel cosy - we got you girl. Dear Friends & Colleagues,

If there is one thing that should


Con 5 - Hi from CEO 11 - Brand Identity 12 - Defining the Brand 15 - Brand Essence

16 - Knowing the Consumer Personally 18 - Consumer Profiles 6

20 - Tone of Voice 23 - Collaboration 24 - Basic Elements

tents 26 - Typography 28 - Colour Palette 32 - Brand Box 35 - Pictures & Photography 38 Digital Examples

40 - Packaging 42 Final Touches



One small crack does not mean you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and didnt fall apart - LINDA POINDEXTER


When starting FOMO, it was so important to me that this was going to be a personal journey. My inspiration came from personal mental health struggles and my love of fashion. Combining the two felt so natural to me, and it was important to provide a statement and platform, to influence individuals to speak out about any mental health problems they may be suffering with. Whether that’s a random spout of anxiety that they don’t know how to control, or every day depression that really takes over their life. So, with that, Fear of Missing Out was born. FOMO represents comfort with confidence and the ability to feel anxiety free, cosy-ing up in the cutest sweaters whilst also feeling like you can take on the world. I want people to see each other wearing FOMO and think, ‘Yes girl, you got this’.

Brand Identity brand identity 11

Defining The Brand DEFINING THE BRAND FOMO was born to redefine the power of influence through fashion and provide a platform to speak out and encourage confidence for individuals who need it most.


feel the fear and do it anyway

Girl, you got this...


“May the only fear you have, be the fear of missing out.” Confidence Compassion Honesty Powerful Open minded


Knowing the Consumer Personally knowing the consumer personally As mentioned previously, making FOMO personal is super important to me - which means knowing the consumer personally is also as important. So many of us suffer with mental health issues day in, day out so creating products that make people feel comfortable and relaxed, means that FOMO can ease those every day struggles. We carried out research to ensure we know what our target audience wants, as of course, we know that not everybody is the same. But, every body should feel good in any, body. Examples on the next page, show two different types of consumers in the same target audience, and how we will create products to suit their needs.


She believed she could so she did

demi - leah 20 influencer over spender How important is mental health to you? and do you feel it’s important for fashion brands to address it? Mental health is very important , I feel a lot of people these days are suffering with some form of mental health and either aren’t talking about it or are suffering alone . The stresses of everyday life in my opinion have become to much for the younger generation and life is simply , hard . I don’t feel it’s important for fashion brands alone to address it , I feel like everybody needs to address it . Fashion though is a start , a lot of young girls are pulled into social media ( Instagram , snapchat etc ) and image is important , fashion brands need to recognise this and portray the correct image for young girls Do you feel / want to feel confident even on your no makeup - sweatpants and hoodie days? Is this important to you?


I feel the most confident in no makeup and sweatpants days , it’s society that makes me feel I should be the other way round . The whole time i feel uncomfortable when I’m done up to the nines . It’s easier to just be my natural me and I love my natural self . It’s so important for everyone to know that beauty comes in so many diff forms and it’s what makes us different that makes us beautiful Do you suffer from ‘FOMO - Fear of missing out’ when your anxieties get the better of you? Would if help if their was a fashion brand that provided a platform / community to help relieve this feeling? I don’t let my anxiety stop me from doing anything I want to do. It’s a daily battle but I make sure it doesn’t take over , I’m very strong willed and will push my self to the edge of sanity before I let my anxiety take over . I don’t think a fashion based platform would help this . It’s down to the person and their own state of mind and the people they have directly around them .

How important is mental health to you? and do you community to help relieve this feeling? feel it’s important for fashion brands to address it? No - if anything I get fear of going out and Mental health is important to me because it is some- find more joy from staying in! My anxiety’s thing that affects me personally. I don’t feel that fash- are miles worse when I am out anywhere, ion brands particularly need to address it, however I even the supermarket! So no I can’t feel it’s important for fashion brands to show pictures say I suffer with fear of missing out. of the models that aren’t photoshopped, and models However I would love to find joy in a healthy body, because it can really affect some again in going out and maybe people and set unrealistic standards seeing photos this could be something to be of “perfect” girls, who probably don’t look like that looked in to as well! It would without the edit. I also find it can set unhealthy body be nice to know, and to talk goals for girls too. Everyone’s body shape is different to people who feel the same! and we should be taught to embrace it, as long as we are healthy. Do you feel / want to feel confident even on your no makeup - sweatpants and hoodie days? Is this important to you? I wouldn’t say I feel super confident, however not wearing makeup isn’t a massive issue to me! However, I do feel more confident when I am looking more glamorous


Do you suffer from ‘FOMO - Fear of missing out’ when your anxieties get the better of you? Would if help if their was a fashion brand that provided a platform /


Tone of Voice

tone of voice

Whether it be creating the description content for products or the graphic design for social media; it is important to know and remind yourself of our tone of voice here at FOMO. We like to call it the four P’s. No, we’re not talking about the marketing model, we’re talking about being: Personal, Passionate, Powerful and Perfect. Apply this to every task that is undertook at FOMO and you’ll be on your way to creating the perfect content for the brand.


personal passionate powerful A running theme through out FOMO is - personal. We think nowadays there is a lot of fakery and pretending to be something you’re not, especially online. Being a brand that wants to redefine influencing, we want the customer to know they are not alone with any struggles they may be facing. Whether that’s mentally, physically, job wise, friends wise - ANYTHING. They are not alone, and getting personal / being down to earth, allows the consumer to feel at ease and feel good knowing that we’re all in this together. Personal touches are everything.

Passion is at the heart of everything we do. Showing that we are passionate about our products through text, graphics, and everything in between, allows the customer to trust us. Through passion comes love and if our consumers see that, they’re loyalty will be consistent. Passion is the way to a consumers heart.


Powerful, or as we like to say - empowerment - is a great way to make the consumer feel confident. That’s what we do best, or hope to portray through our brand. By having a powerful tone of voice, we enable to consumer to go forth and shine with confidence, no matter what inner struggles they may be dealing with. Our motto is, ‘Girl, you got this.’ and that is what we want everyone to feel when they wear our products.

perfect We know more than anyone here at FOMO, that the pressure to feel perfect is one that sits on individuals minds every day - especially with the help of social media. That’s why one of our P’s is perfect. We want everyone to have their own idea of perfect, because let’s be honest - the term perfect can be interpreted to mean whatever you like! Nobody is actually perfect and nobody should feel that pressure. So, be your own kind of perfect and feel empowered through the voice of FOMO. Be imperfectly perfect.








Collaboration collaboration For the launch of Fear of Missing Out, I thought it be appropriate to collaborate with something that was close to the brands identity and would also help young artists who struggle with mental health issues. Olivia Cancellara is a young illustrator, recently graduating from Lincoln University. I reached out to her as her illustrations were inspiring, and her style relatable to FOMO. I really resonated with what she had to offer and wanted to use my brands platform to help promote young artists in a collaborative way. Working alongside Olivia has been so uplifting and insightful. I couldn’t wait to show her art on the back of my first design - the ‘Lovable’ sweater. My intentions for this


design were for individuals to see a mental health inspired quote on the back of a sweater on Instagram or just when walking down the street, and it help them in some way shape or form. I spent a long time deciding on different quotes for the illustration, but really thought ‘Everything you are is enough.’, would really help every mental issue someone might be dealing with. Whether that’s anxiety or depression or even suicidal thoughts, I want these sweaters to not only make people think but help anyone who might be feeling this way.

Basic Elements

basic elements Basic elements are an important factor of the brands vital elements. Colour scheme, logo positioning and layout, and typography are often aspects that are overlooked, but are important to consider to ensure consistency and professionalism for the brand.


Typography typography Underland

Large part of Logo or Back ground Title ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz No Punctionation 26

bebas Neue Titles, quotes ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ no lower case .,!?:;’”+=

Henri Didot Main part of logo, normal text ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .,!?:;’”+ 27






Colourcolour Palette palette 28


R = 255 G = 255 B = 255

R = 248 G = 189 B = 192

R = 251 G = 194 B = 179

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=0

C=0 M = 31 Y = 14 K=0

C=0 M = 28 Y=4 K=0


R=0 G=0 B=0

R = 113 G = 115 B = 117

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K = 100

C = 57 M = 48 Y = 46 K = 13



The brand box compromises of the following elements: A - Transparent background - this allows the logo to placed on top of any coloured background or object without a background getting in the way B - ‘Fear of Missing Out’ must sit directly on top of ‘FOMO’ in smaller, black, Henri Didot font - all in capitals C - ‘FOMO’ must sit directly behind ‘Fear of Missing Out’ in larger, pink, Underland font - all in capitals.






x = height of brand wording / name



youre one of a kind

Pictures and Photography pictures and photography The pictures and photography used to show the FOMO products can be shown both in a studio or in natural day light / location. Showing the precise and focused, studio shots of the products are just as important as the more relaxed location shots that may be produced by the FOMO team, bloggers or friends and family. General guidelines are used to ensure consistency and tone of voice. Images are produced with the intention of connecting with the consumer on a personal level.


Studio GUIDELINES: Good Lighting Pink, Nude or White back drop -Nothing Dark No Strict Model Criteria Inclusive of All Wear only Fomo Product Subtle & relaxed posing - Simplicity is KEY


location GUIDELINES: Natural Lighting Pretty Aesthetic -Nothing Dark No Strict Model Criteria Inclusive of All Other non FOMO products can be worn No strict posing guidelines Inclusive of all styles and ways the consumer wants to wear the product 37


451 Example of the starting Instagram layout and Bio. Instagram will be the primary social media platform at all times. At least 5 Instagram stories will be posted daily, and at least 2 Instagram posts. Sharing of all individuals that share their style, tag @fearofmissingoutuk and use the hashtag #FOMOFANGIRL will be shared onto Instagram stories. Appropriate, professional tags will be posted on the feed. Times of day to post on the feed will be: between 7-9am, and 6-9pm. Updates of these times may change in accordance with Instagram algorithm updates. Twitter and other social media pages will be created as the brand develops.

Digital Examples



Simplicity is key when it comes to the website details. The product is the heart of the website, and the colour scheme must always be adhered to. A personal touch must be put on the smaller elements of the site such as the chat box, and the product dscriptions


packaging box layout


mailer bag

swing tags


Final Touches

final touches

This guide serves as a reference to help you, as a lover of FOMO, to effectively put together a design that is instantly recognised as Fear of Missing Out. Please refer to this brand book or contact myself if you are in doubt of anything at all. ‌and remember, Girl, you got this.

FOMO x 42

Girl, you got this.



Everything that you are is enough.


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