Onskin Tattoo

Page 1











Chapter 3

Chapter 5

Chapter 7


What and how

Our jorney

Lean canvas

pag 4-5

Value proposition The tattoo The service The app

The start Tattoos: the choice TOO-TREAT When art is health Evolving the concept NU:INK Just do it‌Longer Edelman’s workshop on:skin the future on your skin Evolving on:skin ONSKIN When beauty and functionality meet on your skin ONSKIN @Architorta Back to the present

For the user For the customer Revenue stream Notes

Chapter 1 The competitive landscape Intro Problem The main competitors Tech body monitoring

pag 6-15

Chapter 2 Our brand Claim Brand manual

pag 16-25

pag 26-37

Chapter 4 Target Athletes Top level athletes From the field Sports clubs Reaching out

pag 38-41

pag 64-69

Chapter 8 Business Resource allocation Staying in the market

pag 42-55 pag 70-73

Chapter 6 Technicalities The technologies we are using What exists Future technologies

pag 56-63

Chapter 9 Marketing Strategy Customer strategy User strategy Strategy evolution

pag 74-80




THE FRIED BRAINS Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash


IMAGINE Imagine yourself in the future; you’re running, sweat dripping down your body, when you decide to check how you’re doing. You swipe your hand across a tattoo on your forearm. The drawing starts changing and immediately afterwards it displays the levels of different body values. You notice that you still have energy to spare and decide to continue running for some more time. What you’ve just used is the latest version of ONSKIN, a smart and interactive tattoo, tailored to your needs, that monitors your body and tells you if something is out of limits. It is also, for now, a vision of what the future can be like. We believe that in the future technology advancement will make it so that we won’t need to have external equipment measuring our body values. Everything will happen directly on your skin. ONSKIN is a journey into the future; and we’d like you to join us, to discover a place where a tattoo is not something to show or hide, but something that monitors your physical performance. This book that you have in your hands, is the result of the adventure that we undertook these last months. In it you will read about the different visions that we developed and the solutions we came up with. Needless to say you will get to know everything about ONSKIN, from start to end, from problem to solution and from human to athlete. So, just relax, read and have a pleasant journey! The Fried Brains






MAIN COMPETITORS INTRO The human body has always been a huge mystery for humanity. People have been monitoring the vital signs of others since the dawn of mankind, using various methods to track heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, and arterial blood pressures. With the evolution of technology analysis got more and more sophisticated and precise, until wearables came into the game, spreading body monitoring to the masses. One of the main category covered by this type of devices is sports, given the fundamental need of athletes to keep their body values under control. This is the market where we decided to introduce our product-service system.



MAIN COMPETITORS PROBLEM Sportive body monitoring is achieved mainly through wearables, usually worn on arms, and personalised analysis made in highly specialised centers. We could notice that there is quite a significant gap in between. In fact, until now there is no way to bring accurate analysis onto the field especially during game and competitions. Whether wearables, such as Garmin and Fitbit, could be allowed during competitions is still controversial and big sport organisations like FIFA and IFAB are currently discussing about it. Let’s not forget the clear disadvantage that such a device could cause to the player, particularly in sports that require a high degree of body contact (e.g. martial arts, boxe, rugby, football, basketball etc.), where being hydrodynamic or aerodynamic is key (e.g. swimming, running), and where they could impede body movements (e.g. gymnastics, athletics, tennis etc). Therefore we could derive that the current scenario demonstrates a lack of equipment to measure body values during physical activity that could provide the same degree of personalisation and reliability of professional medical analysis. According to an inquiry published in May, 2017 by Stanford University School of Medicine most of these wearables are also quite inaccurate in their measurements. Seven devices (Apple Watch, Basis Peak, Fitbit Surge, Microsoft Band, Mio Alpha 2, PulseOn and the Samsung Gear S2) have been given to a diverse group of 60 people to check their accuracy and the results are quite impressive. All of them performed well in measuring heart rate with an error rate of less than 5 percent, but when we consider energy expenditure, even the most accurate device was off by an average of 27 percent. And the least accurate was off by 93 percent. The scariest point about the research is THE FRIED BRAINS

the consideration that athletes are basing life and training decisions on this kind of devices, and such broad margins of error could lead to severe health damage.

It is important to notice that this kind of devices are not set on each individual’s standard values, but they just provide numerical data and warning thresholds are set on statistical measurements. That said, it is evident that such devices do not keep in count athletes body specifics, which may vary in great proportions according to different sports. To better understand how harmful this could be, let’s take in consideration the so called “nonskill sports”. Sports like weightlifting, swimming or running the ability tested comes down to raw power, strength, speed or endurance, rather than training. Bob Girandola, a kinesiologist at the University of Southern California, stated these forms of athleticism “ultimately are determined by genetics. You don’t increase the number or type of muscle fibers by training.” Just to make an example, muscles fibers are usually split evenly in fast- and slow-twitch — the former delivering explosive power, the latter, slow-burning endurance. Marathon runners’ fibers are 80-90% of the slowtwitch variety, in case of minor percentages it would be impossible to run a 2-hour, 15-minute marathon. On the contrary, sprinters rely more on fast-twitch fibers to deliver raw power and speed, as we could notice just by taking a look at Usain Bolt (9.58 seconds, 100 meters, Berlin, 2009) and Dennis Kimetto (2:02:57 Marathon, Berlin, 2014). With Girandola words, this is “not something you can train”.

“Innovation for use case is important. Right now, everyone is just using offthe-shelf technology so they can only go after things that are obvious, like counting steps and heart beats. In order to provide something more meaningful, it’s important to design a product that has a specific utility. Then you can stand behind it and say to somebody, ‘This is how I’m going to help you.’ ” David O’Reilly, Chief Product Officer, Proteus Digital Health


Apart from genetics, other differences in body type are the result of rigorous training aimed to respond to any sport’s unique demands. The concept of “form follows function” is largely true for top athletes, as stated by Mark Jenkins, fitness trainer based in Los Angeles, California. For example, boxers need to sustain their endurance through the end of a bout, but they also need to be heavy hitters; so they cannot bear an exaggerated muscle mass which would require more oxygen to keep going. The same idea works for swimmers, who can’t be too muscular, as it creates extra drag in the water which may result in lower speed. Balancing the aerobic capacity is a delicate equilibrium that could break in any moment, and it needs to be monitored constantly in order to get real-time feedback and adjust your actions consequently. Now, given wearables’ lack of accuracy for different values other than heart beat, and of being set on each athletes specific needs, it becomes evident how professional athletes need something more reliable and tailored to themselves. Interaction-wise, current wearables are not design for a quick and streamline consultation. All the information are filtered with different codes and sometimes not even visible and understandable in a glance. Top athletes need to be able to consult their devices and immediately understand what is the current situation of their body values and whether there is an emergency or not, without having to interact with the device itself. Notifications have to be easy to grasp and process, while detailed information during physical activity is oftentime superfluous, given the lack of time to decipher it. If we consider cyclists, it is quite obvious how they cannot remove their hands from the handlebar to interact in any way with their devices. Also, whenever they get a notification coded under an haptic signal it gets quite hard to decipher what the wearable is trying to communicate. Many of us already wear fitness bands that track our activity and heart rate and assume we’re sleeping if we don’t move for a while. But most of these bands aren’t exactly chic or unobtrusive, so even the more die-hard among us take 11

them off sometimes. This creates a gap in the data collected that top athletes cannot afford, monitoring has to be as constant as possible to collect valid data. Also, the information they dispense is interesting but hardly vital for an athletes: they can’t detect signs that you’re getting sick or tell your doctors anything they need to know, much less replace an office visit. John Rogers, Director of the Center on BioIntegrated Electronics states that there is no reason why they can’t. Thinking about medical exams, doctors usually check your pulse, your temperature, your blood pressure, and maybe your blood oxygen. If any anomalies shows up, you may be sent for further tests—perhaps an electrocardiogram for your heart, a blood test to check for diabetes, electromyography if you were having muscle weakness, or possibly even a polysomnogram at a sleep lab to check for apnea. All of these tests require specialized and costly equipment, trained medical technicians, or invasive pokes. These tests—and more—could be accomplished by means of sensors so light, durable, and comfortable that you could wear them on your body for weeks at a time. Biosensing wearables are in a paradoxical product market where there is a constant tradeoff between utility and addressable market. Products that are generic, low utility don’t provide enough value to users but products that specialized, high utility are too personalized for the majority of the market. The ideal position would require a decent degree of utility, but not be too specialized, in order to cater to the largest possible market.

Trade-offs between mass market and personalised products

Products in this area are marketed towards large audiences but fail to gain widespread adoption due to a lack of usefulness

Products in this area are the ideal, balancing the marketing of mass market core utility with some level of specialization for narrower segments

Products in this area are highly valued by niche segments, giving a feeling of personalization

utilit gener al purpose

de vi ces

sp eci al purpose

de vi ces


y pe r use r

COMPETITORS Though the wearables industry continues to evolve and develop, most modern wearable healthcare applications can be classified either as a device or a textile. The wearable devices market, populated by such major corporations as Fitbit, Garmin, Apple, and Samsung, consists of more conventional, battery-operated electronics like the Apple Watch or the Samsung Gear S2. This type of devices are usually designed to be fitness trackers or smart watches, broadening their features sometimes even too much. Given their attempt to appeal a vast majority of consumers they often fail to gain widespread adoption due to a common perception of being useless. The wearable apparel and textiles market consists of more avant-garde technology pieces like smart clothing, smart tattoos, and Biostamps. These technologies are washable, stretchable, foldable, and often transparent. Textiles monitoring devices find more luck in their application in the healthcare field.






Apple Nike Watch

Alivecor KardiaBand


Samsung Gear Sport

Atlas Wristband

Fitbit Ionic

LVL Band

Garmin Forerunner

Medtronic Zephyr



BlueSpark TempTraq Consumer

MC10 Biostamp


Chronosolution - Nicotine


iRhythm ZioXT

Preventice BodyguardianHeart


Sensium Patch






Fitbit Ionic3


Device and wristband, App Fitbit

Smartwatch with multiple functions, health app included

TomTom Spark 3


Device and wristband, App TomTom Sports

Fitness tracker with GPS and heart beat sensor

Garmin Forerunner® 9355


Device and wristband, connected app available

Fitness tracker with GPS and heart beat sensor


Wristband to attach to Apple Watch

Portable EKG

Halo Sport7


Set of headphones, bluetooth adapter, and app

Eletrical stimulation of motor cortex

Atlas Wristband 21


Device and wristband, connected app

Digital trainer, heart rate band

Gear Fit2 Pro Gear Sport

229€ 349€

Device and wristband, connected app

Fitness tracker with GPS and heart beat sensor

Hydration monitor1


Device and wristband, connected app

Hydration monitoring


Device and wristband, connected system app on iOS

Smartwatch with multiple functions, health app included


Apple Watch Nike+




TECH BODY MONITORING At the current state, body monitoring services are composed by a wearable and an app. The former plays of role of data collector and displays real-time information, while the latter shows the history of each data with a deeper degree of detail, also concerning the overall body condition. Simply speaking, most of today’s devices measure motion; they come with a 3-axis accelerometer to track movement in every direction, and some with a gyroscope too to measure orientation and rotation. All data collected are then processed to be displayed as steps and activity levels, from which calories and other values such as sleep quality are derived. Other sensors involved in the process are altimeter, temperature and bioimpedance sensors. The more sensors the device contains the more accurate data it produces, being able to distinguish if the person is actually exercising or just waving at someone. And then comes a complicated and secret series of algorithms that translate the raw data into actual statistics. The broad panorama of today’s wearables includes substantial differences in identifying the minimum movement threshold and thus bringing back different readings. The problem is how small is too small? Any rapid and sudden movement could potentially throw off the accuracy of a body tracker, making the analysis hard to believe. This gets even harder when the device is required to elaborate data that are not immediately perceivable, such as energy consumption. To do so, it needs to cross various types of data with multiple algorithms, inevitably degrading the quality of the final results. This situation is comparable to recording audio


in a live concert. If the final aim is to turn the recording into a quality recording of the music, there is a considerable amount of background noise data that have to be removed, which will inevitably lead to quite a loss in the quality of the final output. Once the data have been shared from the tracker, the overall data elaboration process happens mostly in-app, which uses also other information entered by the user such as age, height, gender and weight. Fitness apps could also work as a stand-alone body monitoring device, without the use of any attached wearable. In fact, it is not uncommon to see people exercising with their phones attached to their body. Last generations smartphones come with a whole set of sensors already pre-installed, and the only role of apps is to display them in a distinctive way. Body monitoring technology is also taking over the healthcare field with interesting applications. Big companies with names like Sensium, Proteus, MC10, L’Oréal and Philips are experimenting with different kind of flexible and body adaptable biosensors applied directly on skin to detect more specific data. Devices in this world are usually not available to consumers, but prescripted by doctors in presence of severe health conditions. The most recurring situations where constant monitoring is required are chronic diseases, detection of patient deterioration, arrhythmias and addiction cessation.







To bring the ONSKIN brand to life, we need to understand what it is like, what it cares about and the experience that consumers have when they engage with it.

Better Monitoring. Best results. The new way for athletes to easily check their body values. A smart tattoo that helps them make full use of their bodies and become the champions of tomorrow


What is the most important thing to the ONSKIN brand?

What should our costumer expect from our product/service?



Yes, that’s right, we want to make you be the best of the best with our tattoo.

Our tattoo and service is personalized to your needs and give you the time to enjoy life a little bit more.

On what will we never compromise?

Why is it different from others?

Personal identity, Self awareness, Aesthetics, Simplicity, Comfort, No constraints

ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU ONSKIN is more than a body monitor ing device. It’s a second-skin tailored for your needs and personal taste that’s always with you for the victories and defeats of life.






The line element on the logo is an association to the graphic style of our tattoo


The name ONSKIN comes from a simple way of explaning what our brand offers. The product is a temporary tattoo on your skin that monitors your body conditions all the timeme.


TYPOGRAPHY Used only for titles in the book and in all kind of advertisment.

The typeface used in our logo. We choose this particular font and weight for the logo for being strong and recognizable.

Used for long text both in the book and in advertisment.

Used for particular text in the book.


Helvetica Neue LT Std 107 Extra Black Condensed abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 #$%&/ (.,;+*)

Helvetica Neue LT Std 97 Black Condensed abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 #$%&/ (.,;+*)

Playfair Display Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 #$%&/ (.,;+*)

Playfair Display Bold Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 #$%&/ (.,;+*)

107 Extr 97 Black Regular Regular THE FRIED BRAINS




SIZES There are three versions of the ONSKIN logo for use at different sizes. The relationship between the two or three elements of the logo must be the same as shown for all versions. Minimum width mm

No maximum size for this version

80 mm Minimum width mm

Maximum width mm

The ‘exclusion zone’ refers to the area around the logo which must remain free from other copy to ensure that the logo is not obscured. As the diagram indicates, the ‘exclusion zone’ is equal to that of the T of TATTOO. The same exclusion zone applies when the logo is used without “TATTOO”. 45 mm

70 mm

Minimum length mm

Maximum lenght mm

30 mm 10 mm THE FRIED BRAINS


THE LOGO PRIMARY COLORS Black and white out





Use of colors that are not the ones in the guideline

Use of any kind of distortion.

Use of any kinf of frames.

Use of outlines


Use of any king of textures or effects.

Use of different typographies.



Better monitoring, best result


Better monitoring, best result

Better monitoring, best result


THE APP APP BACKGROUND Whole unit logo colour - White #FFFFFF App background

Malachite | #0dff3d C = 95% M = 0% THE FRIED BRAINS

Y = 76% K = 0%

Anakiwa | #8cfafa C = 44% M = 0%

Y = 0% K = 2% 26

THE BACKGROUND SECONDARY COLORS When choosing the design of the tattoo, we also give the opportunity of choosing the colors for the values. With that in mind we had to create the chance for people to understand this in a easy way, so for our app, we decided to make it personal and everyone that gets the app has a different gradient as the backround and overall aspect of the app. We also use the gradients in advertisment. These are just some examples.






BETTER MONITORING. BEST RESULTS. VALUE PROPOSITION Easiest way to access body values Read your body values with a tattoo With ONSKIN we want to advance the world of body monitoring and take it from the era of wearables to the era of inkables. No more external devices not calibrated on the body. ONSKIN will allow people to be in touch with their body values in a less intrusive way: no more bulky devices on their bodies, just the tattoo they choose and that suits them the most.

THE TATTOO ONSKIN is a smart temporary tattoo with embedded sensors capable to monitor your body. As these sensors are placed in direct contact with the skin, they’re able to detect different values of the body in an accurate manner. Different sensors correspond to different values. The current state of development of these technologies allows us to monitor the following things:

MENTAL FATIGUE During sport activities, trainings or competitions, the mental status of the athlete is fundamental for the efficiency of the performance. If the mind doesn’t work well, the body won’t either. Values from which it is calculated: pH, chloride, body temperature ENERGY INTAKE Supplements and nutrition are the main fuels of the athlete and should always be balanced. Values from which it is calculated: caffeine, glucose ENERGY LEVEL Athletes should be able to check constantly the body endurance, in order to know if the training is correct. Values from which it is calculated: heartbeat, body oxygen, lactate Values ok


AEROBIC LEVEL The maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise. It is an important determinant of athletes’ endurance capacity during prolonged exercise. Values from which it is calculated: VO2 max ISOTONIC HYDRATION Sport performances require a constant level of hydration to reach maximum body potential. Magnesium and potassium are fuel for the muscles and the water level gives others essential minerals necessary to reach the best results. Values from which it is calculated: water level, Mg & K

Values not ok


Our ONSKIN tattoo doesn’t only monitor the body; it also reacts to the changes happening in it. Furthermore, it is designed in a way that it shows visually if one of the values that are being monitored is changing. The style of the tattoo is characterised by a drawing made up by one continuous line and by different areas of colour. These coloured areas represent the different things monitored, and when something in the body is not in the perfect range they change; the colour disappears and only the outline of the area remains.

After the athletes have undergone an examination with Isokinetic, we will get the results in order to create their tattoo. The tattoo will be tailored on the values that are most important for each user. Full-customisation is the key feature of our product and service. Following the collection of data, the tattoo calibration will require one week; when it’s ready the user will come back for the tattoo application. This is the moment where we instruct them on how to apply, so that, in the future, they will be able to do it independently or with their medical staff.

The ONSKIN tattoo has a three-layered composition that can be seen in detail in Chapter 6 (Technicalities).


Together with the tattoo, the athletes will be able to use a dedicated mobile application. This app has the role to show data, but also to store it.

The aim of our start-up is to help professional athletes during both training periods and competitions and to give them an instrument to fully understand their bodies.

Body values from the app

As our team knows that top-level athletes have a very high need of monitoring accurately their bodies, and wearables are too approximate for their needs; the service we offer starts out with a complete physical examination of each athlete. Since we’re aiming for the best quality of service and a great present in the nation, we have identified Isokinetic as a medical partner. Isokinetic is an international medical group for the prevention, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of orthopaedic and sport injuries. Last but not least, it is a FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) medical centre of excellence. This partnership with Isokinetic will allow us to have an ONSKIN studio in their facilities, in order to interact with our customers and users.


Sport club



Athletes body information

ONSKIN tattoo


To clarify the process in our service we represented graphically the interactions between the mayor stakeholders and the different flows that link them (material, information and financial).



Technology supplier

While the tattoo react and shows visually if a body value is changing, the app provides precise values and body ranges. At the same time to the sports clubs taking care of the athletes, we will grant access to a dashboard connected to the app. In this way they will have a constant overview of their members. The ONSKIN tattoo lasts one month on the skin. When the first one is almost over, we will send out a new one to the users, so they can apply it. A monthly application allows our customers to ask for an update of values or design in the tattoo. To our customers we offer two different options for buying our service, they can choose between

a “Subscription” package or a “Season” package. The subscription package includes the initial examination at Isokinetic, the tattoo creation and application, plus the dedicated app and dashboard. Further doctor consultations and applications after the first month come at an extra price. The season package is devised to follow the athletes during their competition periods. It includes the body analysis at Isokinetic, the tattoo creation and application, the dedicated app and dashboard, and periodic tattoo substitutions.

Since we want the experience with ONSKIN to be engaging and transmit the completeness and quality of the product, we have established a series of touchpoints with which the user comes into contact both before, during and after purchase. Here in the Touchpoint wheel we have summarized all the service / product touchpoints together. 31


STEP 1 BODY ANALYSIS ANALISIS AND TATTOO DEFINITION Tattoo and body values decision with the user

The athlete does body analysis at Isokinetic center

After it, he’s introduced at ONSKIN studio, in the same place

The tattoo will be delivered in 7 days




STEP 2 TATTOO CALIBRATION, CREATION AND DELIVERY Once the ONSKIN tattoo is ready, we will deliver it directly to the user.

At the ONSKIN studio, we will calibrate and design the ONSKIN tattoo.

here we will create also the ONSKIN tattoo.




STEP 3 APPLICATION AND USE Now the athlete is ready to train with his ONSKIN tattoo!

Once with the user, we will apply the ONSKIN tattoo and teach them how to do it again.





MONTHLY RE-APPLICATION Also the trainer can monitor athlete’s conditions through the ONSKIN dashboard.

After the training the athlete can check his body values through the ONSKIN app.

Each month the athlete will receive his ONSKIN tattoo for the application.




THE APP The ONSKIN application has been developed in order to add further value to our ONSKIN tattoo. While the tattoo is showing values just in a visual way, the app fulfils the need of athletes and trainers for more specific and detailed information.

In the “History” section of the app there is the possibility to find the stored data for every value divided up in different periods: current day, week and month. This information can be easily shared with doctors and medical staff in case of need.

When opening the app, the values panel is shown. It is an overview of the values monitored by the tattoo. If the app has been opened after receiving a notification for critical value, this value will be shown immediately.

In the profile section, there is the means to adjust the setting of the app; like how frequently receive notifications and data storage options. It also shows what each value represents and their colour correspondence on the tattoo. If the connection between app and tattoo is lost, this section is were they can be matched back together.

The app doesn’t only gather data from the tattoo, the data from other health apps on the phone is also collected and shown, in order to have all the needed information in one place.














ATHLETES Our ONSKIN tattoo has been designed for athletes. The issue is how to define an athlete. Bill Bowerman, co-founder of Nike, once said “If you have a body, you’re an athlete.” At the same time the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an athlete as “a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.” In other words, this would mean that an athlete could be an average person or a top competitor. In reality, in the years there have been many different classifications of this term. In an article from January 2016 published in the “Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports”, C. G. S. Araújo and J. Scharhag attempted to create a working definition of the term “athlete” for medical and health sciences research. The following table is the result of their work.

We want to help today’s professional athletes become the champions of tomorrow. 41

Athlete definition

Age group classification Level of performance

Minimal criteria to be defined as an active athlete (all of them should be fulfilled): - to be training in sports aiming to improve his/her performance/results - to be actively participating in sport competitions; - to be formally registered in a local, regional or national sport federation; - to have sport training and competition as his/her major activity (way of living) or focus of personal interest, devoting several hours in all or most of the days for these activities, exceeding the time allocated to other types of professional or leisure activities

While descriptors could be used, it is recommended that specific age range be added between brackets, if not in the title, at least in the abstract, tables, figures, and text (see examples, below): - Young athletes (12–17 years old) - Adult athletes (18–35 years old) - Master athletes (35–60 years old)

If a level of performance descriptor is to be used, please try to be as specific and precise as possible, maybe combining with some other sex, age, and country/region of the world descriptors. One or two sentences should be ideally included in the methods section in order to make as clear as possible the level of performance of athletes included in the study (see examples below): - 2012 Olympic athletes (athletes that had competed in the 2012 Olympic Games) World elite athletes (athletes listed in the ranking of 100 recent World best results in an individual sport modality in the year in which data was collected) - National elite athletes (athletes placed among the 100 best recent results in an individual sport modality or athletes regularly competing in the upper National division or league in a team sport modality; country must be specified) - Beginner athletes (athletes that have been training and competing for less than 3 years on this particular sport modality) THE FRIED BRAINS

USER Identifying athletes as our users is therefore not accurate enough for us, as this category can still be divided into several subcategories. Having this wide range of possibilities, we tried to understand who, among these could be the ideal early adopter, the one that would gain more from wearing an ONSKIN tattoo.

Top level athletes Considering the intrinsic and extrinsic value of the object and service, its complexity and total customisation, we concluded that top level athletes would be the best choice for us. They are defined by an extreme pursuit of perfection and balance in their body. We believe that our ONSKIN tattoo could help them understand more easily their bodies. In addition, as they’re the idols of people, they can be a springboard for radical innovation, acting as testimonials and “pioneer” of the Inkables era.

Favourite quote

“When I feel tired, I just think about 20 years

reach my goal.”

Olympic swimmer to be

Massimo Social Media



From the field While exploring the world of athletes, we had the chance to talk to some professional athletes.

Wake up


Moreover, we discovered that everyone of the athletes we interviewed (5 in total) has a fitness tracker to monitor their performances while training, even if they can’t use it during competitions.

Ambitious Dedicated Self-conscious

Daily routine Small pool training

Using our ONSKIN to monitor different values may allow for the identification of biomechanical fatigue and early intervention in an attempt to prevent injury during training and competitive matches. Monitoring may also facilitate the development of improved training regimens to optimise athlete performance.


San Giovanni in Persiceto

Michael Phelps


Gym training



This helped us in understanding how they choose which products to use and buy, if these choices are made independently ore if someone guides them.


Big pool training


Bed TV time


that won medals in Rio 2016; first of all Fabio Basile, who in recent times is sponsored by everyone. Others are Odette Giuffrida and Matteo Marconcini, but they have had a little less resonance because their personalities are less showman-like. In general, the athletes of the national team are testimonials and influencers.” Luca, Judoka

• Not seeing changes in performance • • Friends complaining that • he is never available • The sports club that • is pushing for excellent results

“To monitor my activities I use a Garmin Forerunner 10 watch and I connect it with a daily activity software called STRAVA (similar to Runtastic). It allows me to keep an electronic diary of how many miles I run per week, at what speed and what height differences I cover.” Nicola, Runner

Needs • Some free time • Something / someone to help him • focusing his strength

These are some of the answers we obtained:

channels, the main one at the moment is Instagram, with Facebook following suit; both are powerful channels. For example, I have a promotional sponsorship contract with Diadora, and I have to ensure to advertise its products on social media.” Nicola, Runner

“In my sport, athletes do not have to be “strong” to be testimonials, if they are it’s all the better, but what really counts is for them to be “characters”, they should know how to use social media well and they should also have a certain following at competitions. […] Regarding advertising

“The coaches suggest the supplements to take, the fitness tracker I use is a gift that I got generally for my lifestyle, it was I who thought it would be useful for me. In my sport you cannot use it during competitions, so it is useful in an indirect way. [...] Testimonials now are definitely athletes

We can conclude that the immediate analysis of one’s own values is important, but it is also fundamental to have weekly or monthly reports of one’s own performance. That’s the reason we have created the ONSKIN app in order for it to show data grouped by period and the moments where optimal days and critical situations have been detected. Furthermore, the analysed data can also be shared with doctors or coaches. Taking into consideration all the information we’ve collected, we’ve created a persona for our user: Massimo.



Sports clubs We are aware that identifying top athletes as early adopters places important stakes for our business strategy. Most of times it’s not the athletes choosing their products; the decision rests in the hands of their coaches and sports clubs, that are also in charge of paying for them. For this very reason, we have decided to consider sport clubs as our customers. Sports clubs are definitely interested in the health of their athletes; they invest time and money in them. Sponsorships and money that sport clubs receive also depend on the results of their athletes, that are therefore pressured to always be on top of their game. By choosing our ONSKIN tattoo, they would be able to constantly monitor the relevant parameters of their athletes. The data collected would help them in creating new personalised training programs for their athletes, as it wouldn’t be falsified by untrue training situations. Using ONSKIN, for them, would mean no more invasive devices or teams of doctors always running around monitoring everyone all the time.

Favourite quote

“I don’t believe in right decision, I take decision and make them right.”

44 years Monza

Ratan Naval Tata

Sport club manager

Paolo Social Media

Careful Workaholic Control freak


Daily routine Athlete/ trainer meeting


Wake up






Back to


Bed time

Check new email

• His club is not as renowned • as it used to be • Keeping up with all the things • to manage (stress included) • His wife complaining for his • work addiction



• An outstanding innovation for • his club • Something to check all his • athlete at one time

Reaching out Taking all of the insights we received from both users and customers into account we established Isokinetic as our partner and main channel to reach top level athletes and their sport clubs. As it will be the place where we will establish the first ONSKIN studio, it will become our first window to the world; both top athletes and their clubs will get to know us. As already mentioned earlier in this book, Isokinetic, is a FIFA medical centres of excellence and an international medical group for the prevention, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of orthopaedic and sport injuries, hence it is already known in the world we are approaching. We have also discovered that they already have relationships with big sports teams such as: Bologna and Juventus FC, Bpm Sport Management male water polo A1 team and Olympic athletes such as Fabio Basile.






THE START This journey starts with the creation of our team during the concept generation workshop. At the beginning of those days we were just 5 different people working together and squeezing our brains in order to create ideas to present. Then we became The Fried Brains; we still didn’t have a clue on what to work on, but at least we had an identity.

TATTOOS THE CHOICE The first real step towards the birth of our project was the choice of the theme. We started our brainstorming by taking into consideration the different concepts developed during the workshop. Eventually, after trying to further develop these ideas, we felt like we were at a standstill. None of the proposals we had come up with was convincing us.


In order to resolve this impasse, we discussed about the different things each one of us is passionate about. Even if we had very few in common, tattoos suddenly struck a chord in us. We then agreed to continue working on our early ideas, while also researching the world of tattoos.

In the past hundred years tattoos might have had a bad reputation and have been linked to sailors or criminals. This is changing as data show that people with an unfavourable opinion of tattoos are decreasing. This initial research also explored the reasons people tattooed themselves in the past. One of the motivations found was a therapeutical one, as people would for example make them in order to have an easier birth or to cure an illness. Our group decided to bring back this feature to the future and therefore developed TOOTREAT. THE FRIED BRAINS



TOO-TREAT is a temporary tattoo where the ink contains homeopathic remedies. It is mainly targeted towards people with chronic allergies. The problem that people with chronic allergies usually face when taking homeopathic remedies is that they have to be constant in the use. The solution was leveraging on this point, as one tattoo would last 2 weeks and gradually release the remedy during this time.










The application technique we thought of for this project was inspired by a temporary tattoo company called “inkbox”. Their 100% organic ink formula, made from a fruit, works by reacting with organic compounds in the skin, effectively turning the structural proteins in the top layer of the skin black. Unlike other temporary tattoos that sit on the top of the skin, the inbox tattoo sits in the skin as it stains the epidermis. The TOO-TREAT tattoo would also work in this way, but the ink would also include the needed remedy, that would gradually be released into the body.


EVOLVING THE CONCEPT After developing TOO-TREAT, the team was encouraged to further research and challenge the future of tattoos. In order to do this we investigated the past, the present and future of tattoos. We also came up with different actions that tattoos could do: - Release something into the body (as our TOO-TREAT was doing); - Transform something in the body into something else; - Absorb something from the body (e.g. toxins); - Bio-monitor the body.

INTERVIEW WITH THE EXPERT In order to get more information about tattoos we interviewed Luisa Gnecchi Ruscone, one of the people in charge of “Queequeg, Tattoo Studio & Museo”, a tattoo studio and museum founded by her husband Gian Maurizio Fercioni. Queequeg has been and still is an important reference point for everyone interested in tattooing and is well known in Europe and in the rest of the world. Luisa Gnecchi Ruscone is the author of books: one on the history of tattooing, one on the masters of tattooing in Europe and USA, one on techniques: primitive instruments and electrical machines, and a dictionary of the meanings of the most common symbols in western and tribal tattoo. She also writes regularly articles for “Tattoo Life” revue on the history and culture of tattooing. 47

“Oetzi’s tattoos are drawn in hidden spots, they’re all placed according to the position of joints. Along his spine, his wrist, behind his knees... So, they are considered to be therapeutical tattoos against aching joints.”

“In Burma, they’re used to draw this kind of magic tattoos against diseases, bites of poisonous snakes or the evil eye.” THE FRIED BRAINS

CONNECTING INSIGHTS Later on we started to delve into what we had in our hands. What really impressed us in this part of the project were Maori and Polynesian tattoos. These tattoos need the person receiving them to be strong, as their tattooing process is extremely painful. Those without tattoos would be seen as weak and with low social status. Furthermore these tattoos were sometimes made in order to give people more strength.

We decided that having a tattoo to release something in the body in order to strengthen it would be the smartest solution. The step after was understanding who could benefit from a body strengthening tattoo. We took into consideration different categories as early adopters, such as elderly people (as their bodies are weakening during time) and people with diseases (such as heart conditions that require support); in the end we decided to focus Giving people more strength through tattoos was on athletes. enlightening and we started wondering about Athletes are people that are always striving to how to do this with tattoos nowadays. improve their body and breach the limits.

INTERVIEW WITH EARLY ADOPTER “The biggest problem of these products [supplements in pill and powder format] is digesting them, you have to take them in advance or you have to manage your use hour by hour, minute by minute.”


In order to understand more about the selected early adopters and what they do to enhance their body performance, we talked to Alessandro Zucchini, a sprinter that usually competes in the 100 metres and 200 metres categories. These are some of the insights he gave us: “During periods of normal training I spend on average 50/60 euros, all on supplements that help me recover from my daily training. In this phase the supplements I take contain proteins, amino acids, vitamin C/B, that are integrating, not substituting, my meals.” “Normal alimentation isn’t enough to make up for my daily training, therefore supplements are essential in this point of view.”



The tattoo is applied through a three layered patch. This patch is functional to the application, and won’t remain on the skin afterwards. The outer layer is a protective coating. The middle layer contains particles of pigment and supplements, that will be delivered to the skin through the final layer. The third layer, that gets in contact with the skin, is packed with micro needles. These micro needles are needed in order to deliver the supplements transdermally. This technique is already used for transdermal drug delivery. One product using this technology is the Nanopatch, a vaccine application system.


NU:INK Just do it… Longer The concept that came up from this phase is NU:INK, a temporary tattoo that releases nutrients for the muscles during sport activities. NU:INK would allow athletes to have a supply of nutrients and supplements enter the body in a localised area, just in the moment of need. Before they would have to plan when to take different supplements during the day depending on the activities undertaken during the day. Another issue they would face was the performance, that would be improved but not constant. NU:INK guarantees an improved and constant performance, without the hassle of scheduling the timing for the intake of different supplements. 49


MICRO NEELDLES (600 micrometers)

When the micro needles penetrate the skin, the mix of pigments and supplements will enter into the body and form the layout of the chosen tattoo. As soon as the person wearing the tattoo starts exercising and producing lactic acid, the particles of pigments and supplements react to the acid. During this reaction, the pigment dissolves while the supplements enter into circulation and are carried to the muscles through capillary terminations. The quantity of activated particles and released supplements depend on the quantity of lactic acid produced.




These are the first typologies of supplements that NU:INK would use and release into the body. Mg+K (Magnesium + Potassium)

NU:INK wouldn’t consist in just the tattoo, it would also be supported by a surrounding service. When athletes feel the need to improve their performance, they go to the NU:INK centre. Here we would analyse their needs and scan their bodies in order to get more data. The tattoo would then be developed and produced in order to fit the particular body structure of the athlete. Subsequently it would be applied by a specialist in order for it to be placed in the right way.

Potassium and magnesium are the two most common minerals found within the cells of the body. They each have specific individual functions within it, and together help to maintain the correct balance of electrolytes and the proper functioning of smooth and striated muscles. That includes allowing muscles to relax properly rather than to cramp. Omega 3 Omega-3 fats have been shown to augment blood flow to muscles during exercise, decrease muscle soreness by 35%, reduce swelling, and increase the range of motion after damaging exercise. Omega-3 supplementation consistently results in lower levels of inflammation. High levels of inflammation can counteract some of exercise’s positive effects on insulin sensitivity and other metabolic benefits. Vitamin C High levels of vitamin C also suppress the body’s release of cortisone. Cortisone is a hormone released from your body whenever you are under stress. Cortisone ultimately decreases your testosterone levels and throws your body into a catabolic state (the body begins using muscles for fuel).









EDELMAN’S WORKSHOP The workshop with professor Edelman was a game changing moment in our project development. The team was asked to think outside the box in order to develop new, innovative concepts. The work done can be divided into three steps.



In this part the group had to rethink the project by changing one or more of the four forces of design that Edelman had presented. The forces were: material (what it is made of), formal (how it is shaped), efficient (who/what processes are required to make it) and final (the “why”, “for what”, and “for whom” of it).

The group was afterwards asked to challenge even more the core values of the project. Three projects were generated during this phase.

Some of the ideas that came up during this phase are: a reflector tattoo to be safe on the streets, a tattoo that is screen printed directly on the body, a tattoo for the elderly that heals body pains without looking bad on old skin, a tattoo that absorbs calories, a team tattoo, piercing for athletes, a tattoo that absorbs calories, a status bar tattoo that shows how much you have done of a task and, finally, pill stamps, temporary tattoos made with a marker to heal pain.


The first one was a tattoo to empower middleaged people with lined skin. The second one was a happiness proof tattoo, to make people aware of happiness and understand it. The third one was a music-vibe tattoo, to enhance the experience of listening to music.

MISSION 2049 In the last phase of the workshop the bar was raised even higher, the mission was to design a concept while keeping in mind the year 2049. The ideas developed were five. The Chameleon tattoo, a full body tattoo that only activates in extreme conditions. When it’s active it’s visible and protects your body. The Folding tattoo, that in reality is a object/tool that is folded and can be put on your body, ready to just be removed and unfolded in moments of need. The Body feature changer, a tattoo that could let you control your body as you wish (e.g. reducing belly size). The Moving tattoo, born as a tattoo that was just moving around the body and that then evolved in a moving body assistant. The Feel the vibes tattoo, especially useful for deaf people, that enhances sound vibes.


ON:SKIN THE FUTURE ON YOUR SKIN After the workshop period we selected the moving assistant tattoo as project to develop further and to prototype in-house. Thinking about how it could be an assistant we envisioned different possibilities; it could work as a digital agenda, a clock and alarm, a health status bar; it could also feature games and maps. After brainstorming the team decided that the body assistant tattoo would analyse the health status of the user and his sport and fitness activities. This tattoo is made out of a smart film applied on the skin. It features an icon (chosen by the user) that moves around the film area (locked status); when the person wants to know his stats, he would touch the tattoo in order to unlock it and choose which specifics to check out.

THE IN-HOUSE PROTOTYPING For the in-house prototyping session we created the different elements that the tattoo could turn itself to. As the technology to make a moving tattoo on the skin wasn’t available, we projected it on the skin, and depending on what the user would choose we would change what was being projected in real time.


Avatar selection

Locked mode


By touching the icon you go back to the “screen” before


EVOLVING ON:SKIN The first prototyping session was quite insightful as it let us understand weak points, both of our idea and of the prototyping experience we had developed. The idea of having a tattoo that could be locked and unlocked was kept. We decided that the tattoo should be able to be personalised, both in the style and in the values it would monitor. Letting the customer choose both these features would enable him to have a tattoo that only he could be able to read and understand; no need to worry if people try to interpret it. After deciding the base features, the goal was to understand what the tattoo would monitor. In order to do this, the strategy employed was to create categories targeting different kinds of people or lifestyles. Based on these we created different packages, such as travel, women, pregnancy, diabetes, busy people, physical activities and sports, eating disorder. This list was then completed by a “you tattoo” cater where people could choose values from different packages and put them together. The hard part in this phase was also to create the graphic part of the tattoo. We had to combine different elements, both aesthetics and data visualisation.


ONSKIN WHEN BEAUTY AND FUNCTIONALITY MEET ON YOUR SKIN Based on the different ideas we had generated and the insights we had gotten, on:skin turned into ONSKIN. An interactive tattoo monitoring your body values.

THE TATTOO Regarding the style of the tattoo, it is characterised by two different parts. a crystal: the decorative and personal part of ONSKIN, in our vision the crystal is the representation of the soul. Therefore both the shape and colour can be customised in order to best express oneself. an interactive grid: represents the essence of what ONSKIN is. It is not only a decorative element that, thanks to its essentiality, can be combined with any type of underlying design, but also, with a simple touch, it becomes a functional element, a body monitor expressing the values for which it is studied.

For the sake of resolving this graphic issue, we went to “21 Club Tattoo”, a tattoo parlour, and talked to the tattoo artists working there. During our talk with them we got a lot of information about tattoos nowadays and the act of choosing them that customers go through. Usually, most of the customers already know what they want to do when they come to the shop, it’s up to the artist to redirect them to a more fitting solution if they feel that it wouldn’t work. Most of the times tattoos now are chosen more because of their design than because of their meaning. In the eyes of the people we talked to, our tattoo would attract the eyes of the customer more because of the utility behind than the aesthetics of it. When talking about graphics per se, they suggested to try out geometric figures, as they’re more neutral forms. Another thing that they proposed was to divide the tattoo in two parts, a purely aesthetic one and a functional one.



THE SERVICE This is how the customer journey would work. It is thought so that both people with or without tattoos could use ONSKIN.

Type 1

Step 1

Step 2

Step 4

Step 5

You like our ONSKIN tattoo and you would love to wear it.

You will undergo a medical visit, it will be different depending on the chosen package (diet, sport or plus)

Choose your crystal. Our designer will create your personal shape relative to your chosen values.

We apply our interactive tattoo in an area of your choice. ONSKIN will be 3D printed on your skin.

Step 6 Now you can enjoy your ONSKIN tattoo. Remember that it can be completely removed if you want to change it or edit some of the features, just ask us!

Step 3 After the visit our specialist will show you the results and in what way ONSKIN could help you

Type 2

You already have a tattoo but you would really love to combine it with our ONSKIN techology.

THE PACKAGES We envisioned three different packages that the customer could choose between, different in the kind of values they would monitor. ONSKIN.sport: it monitors the heartbeat, the isotonic level, the energy level and the hydration of the body. THE FRIED BRAINS

Our design team will scan your tattoo and fit the monitoring motive in order to find the best graphical and practical solution for you.

ONSKIN.diet: it monitors the calories, the level of activity and the hydration of the body. It also has an optional indicator for those who need to check special conditions, such as anaemia, diabetes or celiac disease. ONSKIN.plus: the mix between ONSKIN.sport and ONSKIN.diet. The values it monitors are the calories, the heartbeat, the energy level, the isotonic level and the hydration level. It also gives the choice to have an optional indicator, such as the diet package.


ONSKIN @ARCHITORTA This version of ONSKIN was prototyped on-theroad at Architorta Caffè Bistrot. In order to promote the event we created a Facebook page called Onskin and then invited people to like it. Through the page we created an event, that was afterwards shared on other groups; it was also promoted by another facebook page (Service Design Drinks Milan). The team also decided to create some physical invites that were given out to people not related to our university or design areas. As the people that would come to the prototyping session wouldn’t know about the project and its details, a welcome kit was prepared for them. This included a small booklet that explained all the different features of ONSKIN, a poster introducing the team, a survey to fill in and a postcard where people could draw on their ideal tattoo.

The experience was structured in different phases:


Welcome: giving out kits and explaining the experience Waiting: give people time to read the material and answer their questions Pre-prototype: medical summary, choice of packages and look of the tattoo Prototype: projection of the chosen tattoo on the arms of people Interviews and chill: collecting the opinions of the visitors and interviewing some of them.


“Actually I don’t have a tattoo, but should I do one, this option would be very attractive.” S.

“Having this huge tattoo all the time is not an attractive idea. Something smaller and natural when locked would be the perfect way for me.” J.

“You have so much potential; it could be used to help mental health patients, anxiety problems, diabetes […] I see a whole new way of looking at monitoring and it’s awesome.” P.

“Having a completely customisable option would be very attractive.” S.

The event saw the participation of around 30/35 people of different cultures backgrounds and professions. Each one of them gave us different insights, all helpful for further developing the project. THE FRIED BRAINS

These are some of the comments that we got from them. 56






THE TECHNOLOGIES WE ARE USING Our ONSKIN tattoos are composed of different micro layers with high technological components: 1.The first and outer layer is a high performance transparent film, shaped through laser cutting 2.The second and middle layer contains coloured ink areas. These areas react to electric impulses from the layer below 3.The final layer, placed on the skin, has electronic ink, transistors and micro biosensors. The biosensors have the main role in the tattoo, as they’re the ones detecting the body values. This layer contains the most innovative part of the project. It requires sensors so thin that they can be placed in an extremely thin layer of film. They also need to be exceptionally precise, capable of storing information and communicating it to other devices. All this is matter is dealt with in the context of new “printed electronics”.



PRINTED ELECTRONICS WHAT ARE PRINTED ELECTRONICS? “Printed electronics� is the term used for a relatively new technology that involves the printing of electronic circuits and components on common media, such as paper, plastic and textile, using standard graphic arts printing processes and press equipment. Instead of using standard inks, newly developed electronic inks are used to print active devices, such

as thin film transistors and thin printed batteries. Although the concept of printed electronics has been around for some time, recent advances in conductive ink chemistry and flexible substrates, promise to deliver a flood of new markets and applications.

Our team has decided to seize the opportunity that this technology is offering. However, we are not the first; many leading-edge companies are currently using this technology to transform basic circuit elements, such as thin-film transistors, resistors, inductors and capacitors, into printed batteries, displays, sensors, RFID tags, interactive packaging, solar panels and even speakers.

WHY ARE WE CHOOSING PRINTED ELECTRONICS? The primary advantages of printed electronics include low cost, attractive and flexible form factor, ease of production and ease of integration. In many industries, the printed electronics technology is expected to facilitate a widespread development of functional electronic devices which can be useful for applications not typically associated with conventional (i.e., silicon-based) electronics, such as smart biosensors, active clothing, flexible displays, smart labels, animated posters and novelty items. In a host of more conventional industry applications, such

as battery-assisted active and passive RFID, and RF-enabled sensor and data logging systems, printed electronics can provide a lower cost alternative to traditional technology. The commercial potential for printed electronics is significant. IDTechEx, a leading analyst in the field of printed electronics and nanotechnology, estimates that the worldwide market for printed and thin-film electronics will grow to $5 billion by 2011 and $48 billion by 2017.

To sum up, ONSKIN stretchable biosensors are formed by depositing electrodes and wires that are just a few hundred nanometers thick onto silicon wafers by conventional means, then peeling them off and applying them to stretchable polymers. Unlike organic polymer electronics that can only bend, this approach makes electronics that can stretch and are faster than devices made of organic semiconductor materials, so they can provide precise real-time biological readings. Ultra-lightweight, flexible and disposable skin films no thicker than ordinary adhesive bandages are combined with NFC and optical wearable sensors to simplify diagnostics, fitness and body monitoring. These can be created to be entirely battery-free (i.e., passive), powered only by NFC. Using ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits), ONSKIN will custom design smart tattoo technology for a wide array of user needs.. THE FRIED BRAINS



Taking into consideration the values we want to measure, we looked into the sensor that we would need. Here there is a table describing all the body features we want to detect and how the sensors used to do it are made.

Potassium and magnesium belong to the class of minerals known as macrominerals. For normal function, your body requires large quantities of several macrominerals, especially during physical activity. Alterations in potassium and magnesium levels can lead to significant health effects.

The Mg and K sensors consist of a fibre-optic based electrolyte sensor for the quantification of macrominerals in sweat.

Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the blood. It helps keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of your cells in balance.

The Chloride sensors consist of a fibre-optic based electrolyte sensor for the quantification of electrolytes in sweat.

Water is the largest component of your body so proper hydration is vital to your health and performance.

The hydration sensors consist of two electrodes made of an elastic polymer composite that contains conductive silver nanowires.

Normal human body temperature, also known as normothermia or euthermia, is the typical temperature range found in humans. The range is typically stated as 36.5–37.5 °C.

The temperature sensor is made of micro liquid crystals that sit atop a flexible and stretchable substrate, is able to accurately detect in real time the temperature gradients present across its surface.

Glucose is key to keeping the mechanisms of the body in top working order. When our glucose levels are optimal, it often goes unnoticed. But when they stray from recommended boundaries, you’ll notice the unhealthy effect it has on normal functioning.

The glucose sensors consist of a fibre-optic based electrolyte sensor for the quantification of glycemia in sweat.

pH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen. Human blood stays in a very narrow pH range right around 7.35 - 7.45. Below or above this range means symptoms and disease.

ph detect biosensor is fabricated using silicon microsystem technology and consists in two platinum microelectrodes. The first microelectrode is coated by an electro synthesized polymer and acted as the pH sensitive electrode when the second one is coated by a silver layer and is used as the reference electrode.

Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute (bpm). The heart rate can vary according to the body’s physical needs, including the need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide.

The heart rate sensor consists in an efficient measurement system composed of a polymer-based flexible pressure sensor and an analog anti-interference readout circuit.

Oxygen saturation is the fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin (unsaturated + saturated) in the blood. Normal blood oxygen levels in humans are considered 95100 percent.

These sensors comprise miniaturised light emitting diodes and photodetectors that can measure the specific absorption of the light by oxyhaemoglobin in blood to determine oxygen levels.

Lactic acidosis is a medical condition characterized by the buildup of lactate in the body, which results in an excessively low pH in the bloodstream. It is a form of metabolic acidosis, a problem with the body’s metabolism of lactic acid. 61

Lactate biosensors include membranes, polymeric matricesconducting or non-conducting, transparent gel matrix, hydrogel supports, screen printed electrodes and nanoparticles

VO2 max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise. It is an important determinant of athletes endurance capacity during prolonged exercise.

These sensors comprise miniaturised light emitting diodes and photodetectors that can measure the specific absorption of the light by oxyhaemoglobin in blood to determine oxygen levels.


WHAT EXISTS In order to determine the sensors that we would need, we started by looking at biomedical devices already on the market, learning how they’re made and how they work. The following are the main case studies we analysed and the reasons for choosing them.

GENTAG, THE LEADER OF WIRELESS SMART BIO PATCHES TECHNOLOGY Gentag sells devices and licenses technology to the healthcare and consumer industries. The company’s first patent describing personal wearable wireless sensors was filed in 1997. Since then, they have developed a unique, groundbreaking suite of Near Field Communication (NFC) and optical sensor technologies for virtually any consumer or healthcare application. Gentag makes custom wearable NFC sensors, skin patches, and innovative disposable diagnostic devices with Internet of Things (IoT) applications for the healthcare, consumer, pharmaceutical and food industries. The detection of minuscule amounts of toxins, proteins, DNA or chemicals in human body is increasingly possible using advanced nano-materials.

Gentag is actually working with some of the leaders in microelectronics and biosensors to develop printable cutting-edge molecular level sensors and they’re constantly available for collaborations with projects inherent to the field of biosensors. Their technology is constantly interacting with an ever-changing environment, and smartphones can now provide a new interface. As a matter of fact, their sensors can share the data they collect from the body through their NFC technology, which connects sensors to devices or smartphones. ONSKIN will exploit this technology of wireless smart bio patches.

MC10, BIOSTAMP MC10 started making the first skin patches (the company calls them Biostamps) in late 2012. Most of these early units were used for internal development or co-development efforts with partners. MC10 began developing a new generation of the technology in late 2014; most of these Biostamps are now going to medical researchers for use in clinical trials. Consumer-wellness Biostamps are also being developed for companies targeting their own special niches. A cosmetics company may package THE FRIED BRAINS

a sun-monitoring Biostamp with sunscreen, for example, or a pharmaceutical company could include motion- and temperature-monitoring Biostamps with a package of medication. The basic Biostamp is a thin sticker about the size of a British ten pence or an American quarter. It looks like a temporary tattoo a child might get at a birthday party, but because it has been designed to be mechanically similar to skin, it can’t really be felt by the wearer once it’s applied. A Biostamp can contain hundreds of thousands of transistors, as well as resistors, LEDs, and a

radio-frequency antenna. It’s waterproof and breathable, and it costs just tens of cents when manufactured in quantity. It can be worn for a week or so, before the normal shedding of skin cells begins to force the thin substrate to peel from the skin, like an early-season sunburn. A Biostamp is built out of stretchable circuits supported by an extremely thin sheet of rubber. To make these circuits, John Rogers (Co-Founder of MC10) and his colleagues in Illinois start by fabricating their transistors, diodes, capacitors, 62

and other electronic devices on wafers of any common semiconductor material. They typically use silicon but could also use gallium arsenide or gallium nitride. These are not ordinary semiconductor wafers; they’re kind of like the Oreo cookie of semiconductor wafers. They have a thin top layer of semiconductor material, a thicker bottom layer of the same material that acts as a rigid support during manufacture, and a sacrificial layer of a different material in between. In the case of a silicon wafer, this sacrificial layer is silicon dioxide. After the device manufacture is complete, a chemical bath eats away that central layer and frees the thin top layer. Then a stamp made of soft silicone presses onto the wafer. Raised areas on the stamp lift away selected electronic devices in the same way a rubber stamp picks up ink from a stamp pad. After picking up the devices, the silicone stamp deposits them onto a temporary substrate, usually a plastic-coated glass plate. This plate then goes through a standard photolithography process that connects the devices with copper conductors in the form of serpentine coils, which make the connections stretchable. The next step is to transfer the interconnected devices from the plastic-coated glass onto what will go to the consumer, a thin sheet of rubber already attached to a plastic backing sheet, with a layer of adhesive in between. To do this, a machine pushes the rubber against the array of devices and coils that are still clinging to the plastic-coated glass. A final chemical bath dissolves the plastic between the electronic circuits and the glass, leaving the circuits attached to the rubber. The last step happens when the Biostamp gets into the hands of the user, who exposes the adhesive and sticks the rubber-backed electronics onto the skin.


BLUESPARK TECHNOLOGIES, INNOVATORS OF MICROELECTRONICS Blue Spark Technologies, the world’s leading producer of solutions for wearable and flexible electronics is considered an innovator in the wearable medical device space. Blue Spark utilises its proprietary production machineries technology to develop disruptive technologies in printed and flexible electronics. Headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, Blue Spark Technologies was founded as the leader in developing thin, flexible, printed electronics solutions. Blue Spark Technologies’ started with TempTraq, a wearable temperature monitor in the form of a soft, comfortable patch that continuously, safely and comfortably, monitors body temperature for up to 72 hours and sends alerts to mobile devices. The company’s TempTraq Connect HIPAA-compliant service supported by Google

Healthcare Cloud Platform allows parents and caregivers to monitor body temperature from anywhere. In addition to delivering battery technology to complementary solution developers, Blue Spark has developed an innovative line of industrial wireless sensing products. Their non invasive biosensors can monitor activity levels and movements, but also measure other indicators critical to evaluating, and improving, athletic performances. These include heart rate, temperature, hydration, sweat, blood sugar, lactic acid, electrolytes and other biomarkers. The NFC lab-on-a-chip technology, where the smartphone acts as the controller, is both battery-less and disposable.


FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES While you are reading this book, high tech companies and research institutes are developing a new kind of biotechnology that could break any known barrier: the biosensors will no longer have to be part of a film, and hidden under the tattoo; instead, they will be the tattoo themselves, printed directly on the skin, able to interact with us through a simple touch.

Inspired by mammalian skins, soft hybrids integrating the merits of elastomers and hydrogels, have potential applications in diverse areas including stretchable and bio-integrated electronics, biomedical devices, microfluidics, tissue engineering and soft robotics. Here, there is a simple yet versatile scheme which shows how to assemble hydrogels and elastomers into hybrids with extremely robust interfaces and functional microstructures such as microfluidic channels and electrical circuits.

NEW INKS SECOND SKINS During our research we found the institute Organovo, which aim is to produce 3D tissues that accurately represent human biology, giving researchers the the opportunity to test drugs on functional human tissues, but also to develop 3d printable tissues direct on human body, like second skins with nanotechnology that enhance its properties. but Organovo is just an example, other institutes are following different path to get similar results: a technology that gets infinitely smaller and more and more adaptable to every surface, kind the human skin. Infact, recent technological advances have made a myriad of soft and flexible electronic devices possible. The essential materials behind many of these devices and systems are electrical conductors that are compliant and retain their conductivity at high strain deformation. These so-called “compliant conductors” are the class of materials that enable stretchable and flexible electrodes, interconnects, and other components utilized in soft electronics. Creating conductors with high compliance, conductivity, and transparency is really what serves to Onskin in order to create a comfortable and continuous monitoring of key bio-functions. These challenges have been addressed through at least two primary approaches: The first has been to create conducting composites that are intrinsically stretchable, typically by filling elastomers with conductive particles, or by depositing conductive particles on or just beneath the surface of elastomers. The second strategy has been to build conducting structures capable of reversible bending or stretching. In this review, the key research efforts toward the development of compliant conductors, including transparent conductors, are surveyed for application in flexible and highly stretchable electronic and electromechanical devices. THE FRIED BRAINS

In addition to new technologies regarding second skins, we have also researched new upand-coming “ink” technologies. At Harvard and MIT, researchers have developed smart tattoo ink capable of monitoring health by changing colour, they tell diabetics when their blood sugar level changes and athletes when they’re dehydrated. The work, conducted by two postdoctoral fellows at Harvard Medical School and colleagues led by Katia Vega at MIT’s Media Lab, paired biosensitive inks developed at Harvard with traditional tattoo artistry as a way to overcome some of the limitations of current biomedical monitoring devices.

“We were thinking: New technologies, what is the next generation after wearables? And so we came up with the idea that we could incorporate biosensors in the skin.” Ali Yetisen, Tosteson postdoctoral fellow at HMS and Massachusetts General Hospital.


Another example, out of many that we could quote, is very recent, as it’s creation was revealed to the world during the first week of December. MIT researchers have actually unveiled 3D-printed “living tattoos” that respond to changes in the body or environment. They’re temporary tattoos, created through a customised 3D printer, made from genetically programmed bacteria cells and and hydrogel, where bacteria respond to different environmental/body stimuli. This last example shows how far technology is going. The concepts of dermal technology and biosensing are shifting and becoming interactive and alive. All in all, according to the studies we have cited (and many more that are already published or will soon be), the production of a 3D printable interactive tattoo is not just a far-fetched dream, but a constant work in progress.

Catching this opportunity before it’s too late is ONSKIN’s mission. We’re already starting to shape and give a context for these new technologies.






As previously stated, the users and customers of our ONSKIN service are different: our users are top level athletes while our customers, the ones that will pay for the service, are the sports clubs these athletes belong to. Hence our decision to develop two versions of the Lean Business Model Canvas, one for each one of these categories. 67


FOR THE USER We developed the first Lean Business Model Canvas, dedicated to top athletes, with the aim of highlighting the current limits and problems in the use of body monitors. Through data and surveys, we have established that Problem the current problems of self-body monitoring are Self body monitoring three: devices interfere with physical activity 1. Self-body monitoring devices interfere with physical activity as they’re an additional volume on Because it is additional volume on your body and the body 2. Self-body monitoring devices are not reliable as interaction is hard. they’re not set on the specific body values of the Self body monitoring athletes. devices are not reliable. 3. Existing accurate body monitoring analysis are time consuming due to the fact that they require Because they are not set on periodicity. your body values. The solutions that are currently existing on the market are many, but they’re also limited to only different elements present in our service; none of these is an alternative to the whole ONSKIN service. Taking this into consideration, we believe that one of our unique advantages is being the “missing link between wearables and body analysis”. The other, equally fundamental unique advantage of our project is the complete customisation of the service: each phase is tailored to the user, from the body analysis, to the choice of the values ​​to monitor, up to the tattoo design.

Existing accurate body monitoring analysis are time consuming


Unique Advantage

Customer Segment

Easiest way to access body values

Completely tailor made service, from the body monitoring to the tattoo style.

Athletes (users)

Read your body values with a tattoo.

Key Metrics

Missing link between wearables and body analysis.

High level concept

Early Adopters

Monitoring body values to improve performances

Because they require periodic medical analysis


Existing Alternatives Fitbit Ionic, Apple Watch Nike+, Garmin Forerunner, KardiaBand, Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro

Unique Value Proposition


Cost Structure

Top level athletes (users)

- Partner (Isokinetic) - Sports club - Social media - Website - Word of mouth

Revenue Stream

- Technical support - Supplies - Legal and taxes - Hardware - Marketing - Employees - Customer service setup - App development/maintenance - Dashboard development/maintenance - (Patent) - (Rent) - Product testing



FOR THE CUSTOMER The Lean Business Model Canvas for the sports clubs leverages on the fact that right now these associations don’t have any tools to monitor their athletes’ body condition in a fluid and reliable way. Currently the options they can choose between are either to have a full medical team of doctors during training and competitions or to have athletes use bulky wearable devices. The problem of these solutions is that the situations in which the data is gathered are often simulations (e.g. training indoors instead of outdoors because of equipment restrictions), and are time consuming for both the athletes and the club. We know that sports clubs want the best for their athletes as they are the club’s investments. That is why we believe that having an excellencepartner is one of our unique advantages, because having renowned partners, such as Isokinetic, will help us acquire trust and credibility in our field.



Existing accurate body monitoring systems do not provide continuous measurments.

A service tailored on each athlete to check continuously body values combined with a dashboard that gathers all the data.

Important data about variations of performances may get lost. Existing accurate body monitoring analysis are time consuming

A product that continuously monitors athletes body status, cutting periodic analysis time.

Key Metrics

Customer Segment

Upgrade your way to train athletes.

Renowned and reliable partnerships with medical studios.

Sport associations

Precision training tecnology for smart coaching and better performances. Individual or in teams.

Monitoring body values to improve performances.

Existing Alternatives Polar, Medical team

Cost Structure


Unique Advantage

High level concept

Because they require periodic medical analysis.

- Supplies - Hardware - Employees - App development/maintenance - Dashboard development/maintenance - Product testing

Unique Value Proposition

Channels - Partner (Isokinetic) - Sport - conventions - Sport fairs - Website - Social media - Word of mouth

Early Adopters Sports club (customers)

Revenue Stream - Technical support - Legal and taxes - Marketing - Customer service setup - (Patent) - (Rent)


REVENUE STREAM To be able to define a possible price for our service, we checked out the prices of different services and products that might share some features with ours. We started out with our partner Isokinetic and its price list: the price of their services range from 200 € (for a single visit) to 2’500 € (for a full set of therapies and massages). Our service also includes an app for the athletes and the dashboard for the sports clubs, fundamental tools in order to track the athletes’ bodies and to plan trainings. While looking into similar offers, we uncovered the Polar Team solution for indoor team sports, a product specifically designed to help train indoor teams. It consists of an application for iPad and Polar H7 heart rate sensors. The price for a system made of 10 H7 heart rate sensor plus the app is 649,99 € (69,99 € each sensor). Real tattoos were also taken as a reference point in this part. We have considered things like design,

time, colour and size to estimate the price we can ask for our ONSKIN tattoo. We investigated the average price for getting a tattoo, especially a tattoo with colours. Bearing in mind that the starting price of a black tattoo is around 50/60€ and that for each colour the price increases, a permanent tattoo like ours would have a starting price around 200/300€. We do know that our tattoo is not permanent, nevertheless not only is it replaceable and re-designable, it also brings a change of meaning to the world of tattoos. On top of these facts we also have to make some other observations. For one thing our service is highly personalised as it is tailored to the specific needs of each athlete. No tattoo will be the same seeing that each person is unique and therefore the values and the design they choose will be different. Additionally, as already said, our app and dashboard make it also easier for coaches and sports clubs to track athletes and their

performances. On top of all, we are always ready to make adjustments and adapt the tattoos to new requirements if needed. Bearing all this in mind we established our ONSKIN offer accordingly. We have a first time offer that includes: body analysis at Isokinetic, tattoo creation and application, dedicated app and dashboard plus a periodic tattoo substitution. We provide three different solutions that differ in how long they last and cost: 1 month for 5’000 €, 6 months for 12’000 € and 12 months for 19’000 €. After the first period has reached its end, if the customers want to renew the deal they can choose between two different period+price solutions: 6 months for 10’000 € or 12 months for 16’000 €.

Body analysis at Isokinetic, tattoo creation and application, dedicated app and dashboard plus a periodic tattoo substitution





5’000 €1

12’000 €

9’000 €



10’000 €

16’000 €



We have a vision for the future of wearables and tattoo. We know that we are entering a tough world and that we are still just a small start-up with a big and complex idea in our minds. In order to achieve it we need to buy important material from external suppliers. We are aware of the fact that buying the fundamental technology from external supplier is a critical part of our project. In addition, we need to prove we have a great and reliable voice in this field, because the world of high-level sport is based on sponsorships and fixed relations that we would need to overcome. Nonetheless, sometimes you must fight to see your vision come true!






RESOURCE ALLOCATION In order to enter our market and provide a reason for people to invest in our start-up, we developed a plan for how to allocate our resources. This is our proposal based on the knowledge and experience we have today. However, this plan shouldn’t be treated as completely fixed, as many things might change as we proceed. Therefore flexibility is required in order to continually evaluate the performance of business units, acquire and divest assets, and adjust resource allocations based on the performance of our startup and relative market opportunities. 73


In detail:




Having already managed to collect a relevant amount of funds, we concluded that investing more than half of it in the development of the tattoo is to be considered plausible, as it is the product at the base of our service.

“Una start-up innovativa ha, quale oggetto sociale esclusivo, lo sviluppo, la produzione e la commercializzazione di prodotti o servizi innovativi ad alto valore tecnologico” Decreto Legge Crescita 2.0

Creation of our office in the Isokinetic studios. The furniture, the welcome area and the office for consulting about tattoos parameters with the clients.

We also determined how this part of the funds would be used in detail:

On the 19th of December 2012, the Italian government gave birth to a new law (Legge 221/2012), more commonly referred to as “Decreto Legge Crescita 2.0”, which introduced for the first time the term start-up in the legal field. In order to found a start-up in Italy we will have to follow these steps: •creation of a joint stock company, through a deed of notary, •declaration of operations start, •subscription request to the “Registro delle Imprese” special section dedicated to innovative start-ups. Once these tasks are accomplished, we will be able to enjoy start-ups’ benefits such as tax exemptions, lighter starting costs, tax incentives, free, easier and direct access to the “Fondo Centrale di Garanzia”, internationalisation support and crowdfunding introduction.


Legal expenses are mostly related to consultancy by lawyers and legal experts, especially during the phases of company creation, equity management, relationship with investors and exiting.

10% MARKETING & BRANDING Advertising campaigns to attract new customers and create brand awareness.

7% TECHNICAL SUPPORT Support by hardware produces such as Blue Spark to help us with the setup and maintenance of the machines.


STAYING IN THE MARKET To secure a place in the market, ONSKIN will have to engage in different relationships. We will need suppliers in order to obtain the technology for assembling the tattoos. Furthermore, as already mentioned in previous chapters, we will need to work in partnership with Isokinetic.


SUPPLIERS: 1.The company 3M will provide us the adhesive silicone/TPA film that is functional to the application of the tattoo. 2.Bluespark Technologies will supply us with the production of flexible electronics (based on our drawings), and the relative technical assistance for them. 3.Gentag will equip us with the machinery with which we will configure the micro sensors accordingly to the values we have previously collected from the body analyses.

PARTNERSHIP: As previously mentioned in earlier chapters of the book, establishing a partnership with Isokinetic will let us secure the credibility and medical instruments that we, as newbie in the field, are in need of. From the partnership with Isokinetic we will gain a strong know-how for body analysis, credibility and, on top of all, a direct link with a lot of potential customers. On the other hand we will give Isokinetic the possibility to grant a complete and more efficient experience to their customers. While they are rehabilitating their customers, we will provide to Isokinetic our ONSKIN tattoo. Isokinetic offers not only complete physical analysis services, but even a rehabilitation path for injured athletes and reintroduces them to regular sport activity. Taking into consideration this offering, our ONSKIN tattoo system would not only offer the opportunity to monitor the patient body values not only in real time during the therapy, but also a data storage for everyday of rehabilitation. In this way we would have an even closer relationship with Isokinetic and more chances to introduce our product/service to possible users or customers.

Tattoos for their patients to ehnance their services

Know-how for body analysis, credibility and a direct link with lot of potential customers






When entering the market it’s crucial, especially for us, to earn reputation and trust. Without them remaining alive as a start-up would be very challenging. The first steps that we would take to accomplish this goal would be to enter in partnership with Isokinetic and to develop a working prototype of our product. Our partnership with Isokinetic, as previously mentioned in earlier chapters, would facilitate our need of getting in touch with customers and users. When entering this beneficial relationship with Isokinetic we would also be mentioned in their website; that means even more possibilities for us to get in touch with customers and users. Having a working prototype would boost our

credibility as well as increase our chances for fundings as we would have something tangible to show to investors. These specific prerequisites would also be crucial elements that would additionally allow us to create a Kickstarter campaign. This campaign would have two goals, the first one would be to get more fundings while the second one would be to start creating a buzz around our product. Consequently our project would reach even more possible customers, users, investors and probably also companies willing to become partners. After creating the crowdfunding campaign the next crucial step would be to look at the 3 media categories (paid, earned and owned) and see what we could leverage on in order to devise a strategy for promoting our different contents.

Paid media - sponsoring - specific events in the field (e.g. fairs) Earned media - mostly useful after already being in the market for a while - Isokinetic platforms - advocates - influencers Owned media - website + blog - emails + newsletter - social media Subsequently we need to divide our strategy in two as we need to target both our customers (sports clubs) and our users (athletes).



CUSTOMER STRATEGY The first one that has to be delineated is the strategy directed toward the sports clubs as they’re our customers. The choice of investing in our solution is up to them, hence our plan is based on the necessity of presenting our start-up in a trustworthy way. Our partnership with Isokinetic is definitely an advantage when entering the market; working with such a renowned centre of excellence would definitely show us as reliable and credible. We would take advantage of this and piggyback off their platforms.



We will present our start-up at events within the sports industry: fairs, conventions and competitions. For example, since 1992, the Isokinetic Medical Group itself hosts an important conference about sports medicine. In order to reach other prospective customers that might not know or use Isokinetic at the moment, we will stimulate their curiosity with emails. In these we will introduce our product and service and invite them to discover more on our website.


Another way to get a foothold in the market as an innovative and authoritative start-up, will be to publish industry specific content regularly covering topics that are in our general niche. This is a solution that has already been enacted by MC10, the producers of Biostamp.


USER STRATEGY In order to engage our users, athletes at an high level, our strategy will be different. First of all we will sponsor an important athlete to become our testimonial. Our choice for now is Fabio Basile, a judoka that won the gold medal in the men’s 66 kg at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. This choice is based on the fact that he is already an influencer the judo world as well as he’s already an Isokinetic user. These are not the only two reasons, he’s also a well known public figure in general as this year he took part in the Italian television show “Ballando con le stelle” where he finished in second place.



We will also attract their attention through social media, especially Instagram. This choice was made taking into account insights from interviews where it was referenced to as a powerful channel. Instagram has also been chosen as channel as it leverages a lot on visuals and tattoos are definitely visual in their nature.



STRATEGY EVOLUTION How to continue and evolve our marketing strategy depends on a lot of factors. The reputation that we will have managed to accrue is definitely one of these factors. We’ll probably have some athletes that will become advocates for ONSKIN without us having to pay them off. We feel that, after getting a spot in the market, the best moment for ONSKIN to reach out to customers is in the period between a competition season and another. The reason for this choice is that this period is when you review the latest season and research new plans and products to improve the performance level. In this way we would catch their attention as we promise that the results will improve with the use of ONSKIN. Defining a strategy for a long period of time has its risks as the market is always fluctuating. Depending on the number of customers we manage to acquire and how many of them renew their deals after the first one has reached its end, we might need to change the strategy. We will also have to watch out for the reaction we’re getting from the average population as tattoos might still be looked at with critique in certain areas of the world. Just as the allocation of funds needs to be flexible, our marketing strategy also needs to be adjustable in every moment. In the future we might just need to develop a budget version of our product if the reaction from other categories of people is positive and we feel there is enough demand for it.





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