EU online magazine - February 2009

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Враца е град в северозападна България, разположен в полите на Стара Планина. Той е административен център. Населението на града е 212 656 жители.Градът е център за търговия , занаяти и основен железопътен възел.С развита текстилната,металоргична, химическата,керамичната промишленост.Градът е бил важен административен център още по времето на Турското робство(15-19 век). Враца е един от най- живописните градове в страната.Той е сгушен в полите на Врачански Балкан, а през него тихо и спокойно преминава река Лева. Градът се намира само на 116км от столицата на България – София. Районът е с разнообразна и привлекателна природа и предлага отлични възможности за отдих в северозападна България. Някои от защитените природни забележителности и исторически паметници са разположени тук. Враца е древен град ,открит от древните Траки. Градът е наречен “Врата, Порта” от римляните заради тесния проход, където била главната порта на укреплението на града.Днес този проход е символ на града и е изобразен върху емблемата му. Планините и горите в района са подходящи за практикуване на различен вид туризъм – лов и риболов, ски, изучаване на пещери, делта – планеризъм, фототуризъм и др. Съществуват и добри възможности за практикуването на спортове като алпинизъм, колоездене, картинг, бъги и др. Има добри усливия за отдих и развлечения както за възрастни, така и за деца – басейни, водни колела, дискотеки, барове, ресторанти, чудесна хотелска база с отлично обслужване. А ако сте почитатели на зимните спортове с радост ще ви уведомим, че въженият лифт до хижа Пършевица работи, а ски пистите са добре поддържани. В града има Исторически и Възрожденски музей, а също и Възрожденски комплекс. В Историческия музей може да се види Рогозенското съкровище. Това е най – голямото тракийско съкровище което е намирано някога. То тежи повече от 20 кг. Състои се от 165 кани, сребърни купи, златни чинии в типичен тракийски стил. ВЗРОЖДЕНСКИ КОМПЛЕКС НАЦИОНАЛЕН ПАРК ВРАЧАНСКИ БАЛКАН Национален парк Врачански Балкан е обявен за защитена област от края на 1989г. Той обхваща Врачански Балкан и масивите на Лъкатнишките скали.В парка могат да се видят уникални по своята красота пещери и пропасти. В този район са регистрирани около 950 вида високи растения , като повече от 80 от тях са от редки видове. Отличителен белег и защитена територия тук са Вратцата – най-високите, вертикални варовикови камъни на Балканския полуостров, Леденика – първата урбанизирана пещера в България, Лъкатнишки скали и др. През пролетта, когато снегът в планината започна да се топи, красивият водопад „Скакля” може да се види от всяка точка на града. На територията на парка са останали следи от много културни и исторически паметници.

Vratsa (also transliterated as Vraca or Vratza, in some languages with a W; Bulgarian: Враца) is a city in northwestern Bulgaria, at the foothills of the Balkan Mountains. It is the administrative centre of Vratsa Province. The municipal area of the city is inhabited by 212 656 people.The city of Vratsa is a commercial and crafts centre and a railway junction. Vratsa accommodates textile, metal processing, chemical, and ceramics industries. It was an important administrative and garrison city under Ottoman rule (15th–19th century).City of Vratsa is one of the most picturesque cities in the Country. It is nestled in the foothills of "Vrachanski Balkan" (Vratsa Mountain), with the Leva River calmly crossing the city, enormous and fearful rocks overhanging the roofs. The city is only 116 km far from the Bulgarian capital Sofia.The area has diverse and attractive natural features, which together with the opportunities of recreation gives a special charm of the eastern part of the Northwest Bulgaria. Several protected natural attractions and historical monuments are located on the territory of the Vratsa State Forestry.Vratsa is an ancient city found by ancient Thracians. Vratsa was called Valve ("door of a fortress") by the Romans due to narrow passage where the main Gate of the city fortress was located. Nowadays, this passage is the symbol of Vratsa and is presented on the Town's Coat of Arms.The mountains and forests are suitable for development of different types of tourism — hunting and fishing, skiing, speleology, delta-gliding, photo-tourism, etc. Good opportunities exist for exercising different sport activities such as mountaineering, bicycle sport and set out for carting, buggy and motocross racing tracks.Conditions are provided for rest and entertainment — children's and adults' swimming pools, water cycles, discos, bars, restaurants, excellent hotel facilities and good service. If you are a fervent admirer of winter sports you will be glad to hear that the rope lines near the Parshevitsa Chalet are working, and the skiing tracks are well maintained.There exist a Museum of History and an Ethnographic and Revival Complex. In the Museum of history can be seen The Rogozen Treasure. This is the biggest Thracian treasure ever found. It weights more then 20kg. It consist 165 pitchers, phials files and cups made from silver, gold plated in typical Thracian style.


The Nature park VRACHANSKI BALKAN The Nature park VRACHANSKI BALKAN was declared for a protected area at the end of 1989. The park covers the Vrachanska mountain and the massif of the Lakatnishki cliff rocks. Unique in their beauty caves and chasms can be seen in the park. On the territory have been registered about 950 species of high plants, of which more than 80 are rare species. Interesting landmarks and protected territories are: Vratsata the highest vertical lime stones on the Balkan Peninsula, ledenika - the first urbanized cave in Bulgaria, Lakatnishki skali etc. In the spring when the snow begins to smelt from the mountain range the beautiful waterfall named “Skaklia” can be seen from each one point of the city. At the territory of the park there are remnants of numerous culture and history monuments.

Η Λευκωσία βρίσκεται σχεδόν στο κέντρο της Κύπρου σε γόνιμο πεδινό έδαφος και αποτελεί ένα πλούσιο πολιτιστικό πυρήνα. Οι αρχές της ανάγονται στην εποχή του χαλκού. Στην αρχαιότητα ήταν γνωστή με το όνομα Λήδρα. Είναι η πρωτεύουσα της Κύπρου από τον 11ο αιώνα. Η Λευκωσία αποτελεί το διοικητικό και εμπορικό κέντρο του νησιού. Είναι μία μεγάλη ακμάζουσα πόλη με πάνω από 200000 κατοίκους μαζί με τα περίχωρα της. Η Λευκωσία εντός των τειχών: Γενικά ομιλούντες, είναι μία γοητευτική πόλη με αρκετά τουριστικά αξιοθέατα που αξίζει τον κόπο να τα επισκεφτείς. Η ιστορία της χώρας μας παρουσιάζεται σε πολλά σημεία εξολοκλήρου μέσα από τη Λευκωσία. Η πόλη με τα Ενετικά Τείχη περιλαμβάνει αρχαία μνημεία όπως ναούς, εκκλησίες, κάστρα, θέατρα, τείχη, μουσεία και μεσαιωνικά κτίρια. Στο Εθνικό μας Μουσείο, ένας επισκέπτης μπορεί να δει εκθέματα που δείχνουν όλα τα στάδια της ιστορίας μας, απ’ τα αρχαία χρόνια μέχρι σήμερα. Στα πάρκα γύρω από την πόλη, ένας επισκέπτης μπορεί να δει μνημεία προς τιμήν διάσημων ιστορικών προσώπων και γεγονότων. Η Οδός Λήδρας είναι η ο κύριος εμπορικός δρόμος εντός των τειχών. Οι τουρίστες μπορούν σήμερα να επισκεφθούν τα στενά γραφικά δρομάκια με τα καταστήματα και τις ταβέρνες της. Καινούρια καταστήματα βρίσκονται δίπλα από τα παραδοσιακά, όπου τεχνίτες επεξεργάζονται το χαλκό και το ασήμι. Η Μοντέρνα Περιοχή: Έξω από τα τείχη η νέα πόλη με τις σύγχρονες ανέσεις ζει σε κοσμοπολίτικους ρυθμούς με πλατιούς άνετους δρόμους, μοντέρνα καταστήματα, καφετέριες, εστιατόρια και ξενοδοχεία. Λίγα χιλιόμετρα έξω από τη Λευκωσία υπάρχουν εξαίρετοι αρχαιολογικοί χώροι, βυζαντινές εκκλησίες, μοναστήρια και πολύ χαριτωμένα χωριά. Το κλίμα της Λευκωσίας είναι γλυκό και υγιεινό. Είναι ζεστό και ξηρό το καλοκαίρι και κρύο και υγρό το χειμώνα. Έστω κι αν η Λευκωσία δεν είναι κοντά στα πιο όμορφα μέρη όπως είναι τα βουνά και οι παραλίες, οι αποστάσεις είναι πολύ μικρές για κάποιον να τα επισκεφθεί. Υπάρχουν επίσης πολυτελείας ξενοδοχεία και αθλητικά κέντρα με μεγάλες πισίνες που προσφέρουν πολλές δραστηριότητες για διασκέδαση.

Αξιοθέατα που ενδιαφέρουν: Υπάρχουν πολλά μέρη για να πάει κάποιος για ψώνια στην Λευκωσία. Οι βιτρίνες των καταστημάτων παρουσιάζουν πολύ ωραία πράγματα όπως ρούχα, παπούτσια, έπιπλα, κοσμήματα, δαντέλες, ραδιόφωνα, ηχοσυστήματα, τηλεοράσεις, παιχνίδια και ρολόγια. Μπορείτε να δείτε ολόκληρη την ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό της Κύπρου με μια επίσκεψή σας στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο όπου φυλάγονται ανεκτίμητες συλλογές αρχαίων θησαυρών. Τα μουσεία τέχνης μας καθώς και οι εκθέσεις τέχνης δείχνουν πίνακες και γλυπτά φτιαγμένα από τους καλλιτέχνες μας. Θεατρικές παραστάσεις γραμμένες από διεθνείς συγγραφείς θεατρικών έργων παίζονται στα θέατρα. Λαϊκές παραστάσεις μπαλέτου δίνουν παραδείγματα των παραδοσιακών μας χορών. Η νυχτερινή ζωή στη Λευκωσία είναι συναρπαστική. Υπάρχουν πολλά κλαμπ με μουσική και χορό τα οποία είναι πολύ δημοφιλή στην νεολαία. Η περιοχή φυσικά είναι γνωστή για τα παραδοσιακά της εστιατόρια, τα οποία προσφέρουν ποικιλία τόσο από διεθνείς κουζίνες όσο και από τα τοπικά μας φαγητά. Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου: Το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα στην Κύπρο είναι υψηλού επιπέδου και προσιτό σε όλους τους κατοίκους της Κύπρου. Το Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου βρίσκεται στη Λευκωσία, και προσφέρει τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση ως και μεταπτυχιακό επίπεδο με ένα μεγάλο αριθμό σχολών. Για να υποβάλουν αίτηση για μια θέση στο πανεπιστήμιο, οι φοιτητές πρέπει να έχουν λάβει απολυτήριο δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και επιπλέον θα πρέπει να περάσουν στο τέλος του έτους τις εξετάσεις του ΙουνίουΙουλίου. Οικονομία: Η Λευκωσία αποτελεί το οικονομικό κέντρο του νησιού. Ένα επιχειρηματικά προσανατολισμένο άτομο μπορεί να βρει οτιδήποτε το οποίο ταιριάζει στις ανάγκες του. Η οικονομία της Κύπρου είναι βασισμένη σε ένα ελεύθερο οικονομικό σύστημα. Σαρανταοχτώ χρόνια μετά την ανεξαρτησία της, η Κύπρος θεωρείται από τη διεθνή κοινότητα ως μια από τις πετυχημένες περιπτώσεις στους τομείς της οικονομίας και της κοινωνικής προόδου. Επιπλέον, όπως είναι γνωστό, η Κύπρος έγινε μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης το 2004. Η ένταξη της στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δεν δημιούργησε κανένα πρόβλημα στην χώρα αφού ήταν ήδη μια αναπτυγμένη χώρα. Η Λευκωσία είναι μία χώρα η οποία μπορεί να προσφέρει σχεδόν σε όλους κάτι. Η πόλη έχει ένα τεράστιο εμπορικό κέντρο με πολλά καταστήματα που στο κάθε ένα από αυτά μπορείς να βρεις σχεδόν τα πάντα. Έχει επίσης ενδιαφέροντα μνημεία, πρώτης τάξεως ξενοδοχεία, μια πολύ καλή εξυπηρέτηση και οικονομικό σύστημα, μια ποικιλία από μέρη για διασκέδαση και αφθονία από εστιατόρια και ταβέρνες. Μαθητές: Δασκαλάκη Παρασκευή Τάξη: Γ’6, Δημητριάδης Γιάννης: Τάξη Γ’1, Ιωάννου Σοφία Τάξη: Γ’1, Νικολάου Έλενα Τάξη:Γ’6, Ήβη Σταυρινίδου Τάξη: Γ’6. Καθηγήτρια: Γεωργία Ιωσήφ (Αγγλικά).

Nicosia lies roughly at the centre of the island in the middle of a fertile plain. With a rich history that can be traced back to the Bronze Age, originally known as Ledra, it only became capital of the island in the 11th century. It is the administrative and commercial centre of the island and it is a big, thriving town of more than two hundred thousand people including its suburbs. Nicosia within the walls: Generally speaking, it is a charming town, and it has several tourist attractions which are worth visiting. Our country’s history is represented in several ways throughout Nicosia. The heart of the city, enclosed by 16th century Venetian walls includes ancient monuments like temples, churches, castles, theatres, walls, museums and medieval buildings. In our National Museum, a visitor can see exhibits that show all the different stages of our history, from ancient times to the present. In parks all around the city, a visitor can see monuments of famous historical people and events. Ledra Street is the main shopping street within the walls.Tourists can nowadays visit its narrow picturesque streets, markets and taverns. Modern shops stand side by side with artisan workshops, with craftsmen working in copper and silver. The Modern Area: The new Nicosia developed outside the walls and became a contemporary and cosmopolitan business and cultural centre with wide tree-lined streets, shops, cafes, hotels and restaurants. Just a few miles away there are enchanting places of interest such as Byzantine churches and monasteries, archaeological sites and charming villages. The climate of Nicosia is mild and healthy. It is warm and dry in summer and cold and wet in winter. Even though Nicosia is not next to the most beautiful places like mountains and beaches, the distances for somebody to visit them are very short. There are also very luxurious hotels and sports centres with large swimming pools which offer many facilities for self enjoyment.

Places of interest: There are plenty of places to go shopping in Nicosia. The shop windows display a great number of goods, like clothes, shoes, furniture, jewellery, lace, radio sets, record-players, television sets, toys and watches. When you visit Nicosia you should see the Cyprus Museum with its priceless collection of archaeological treasures giving a comprehensive picture of the history and culture of the island. Our art museums and galleries show paintings and sculptures by our artists. Plays written by international playwrights are performed in the theaters. Folk ballet performances show examples of our traditional dances. The night life in Nicosia is exciting. There are a lot of music and dancing clubs which are extremely popular with younger people. The area is so well known for its fashionable restaurants which offer a variety of international cuisine as well as our native dishes. University of Cyprus: In general, the education system in Cyprus is of a high standard and accessible to all residents. The University of Cyprus is located in Nicosia, and offers higher education up to Postgraduate Degree levels, with a wide number of faculties. In order to apply for a place at university, students must have obtained a high-school leaving certificate and additionally they must pass year-end examinations in June-July. Economy: Nicosia constitutes the financial centre of the Island. A businessoriented person could find everything that would fit to his/her needs. The Cyprus economy is an open economy based on the free enterprise system. Forty-eight years after independence, Cyprus is regarded by the international community as one of the success stories in the fields of economic and social progress. Furthermore, as it is known, Cyprus has become a full member of the European Union in 2004. This transmission to the Union has caused no problems to the country because it had already been a fairly-enough developed country. Nicosia is a town that has something to offer to the majority of people. The town centre has a large modern shopping centre with many shops in which one can find almost everything. It has also many interesting monuments, first-class hotels, a very good service and financial system, a wide range of places of entertainment and an abundance of restaurants and taverns. Students: Daskalaki Paraskevi Class:C6, Demetriades John Class:C1,Ioannou Sofia Class:C1, Nicolaou Helen Class:C6, Stavrinides Ivi Class:C6. Teacher: Georgia Iosif (English Language).

Medway, Kent, Angleterre Medway se trouve dans le sud est de l’Angleterre. Gillingham, Chatham et Rochester sont les villes principales de Medway. On peut venir en voiture, en car, en bus et en train. On peut rester à l’hôtel, dans les chambres d’hôtes, dans les auberges ou en caravane. Medway est très vivant et il y a beaucoup de transport public. Rochester est une ville historique en comparaison de Gillingham et Chatham. Gillingham et Chatham sont des villes industrielles. Pourtant Chatham a un dock historique. Chatham est une grande et belle ville. Située sur les bords de la rivière Medway, La région est jolie. Chatham est sympa parce que il fait chaud, ensoleillée et parfois froid. A Chatham, on peut faire des achats au centre commercial, aller au café ou au théâtre. A Rochester il y a un château et une cathédrale. Il y a aussi la maison de Charles Dickens à visiter. Le château est très intéressant et on peu marcher dans le parc. On peut aller au marché le week-end. Il aussi beaucoup de commerces dans la rue piétonne. Tous les ans, on peut venir au festival de Dickens, au festival du printemps et au festival de la bière. A Gillingham il y a des parcs où on peut se promener, faire du vélo et même du ski. On peut aussi aller au stade de foot pour voir le Gillingham FC. Ils jouent en ligue 2. On peut aller au centre de loisirs Black Lion pour nager, faire du judo, du trampoline, du squash ou du badminton. En 2012, les athlètes s’entraineront ici pour les jeux olympiques. Écrit Ellouise, Bradley and Bethany en classe de français (quatrième, Year 10)

Medway, Kent, England Medway is situated in the South-east of England. Gillingham Chatham and Rochester are the main towns of Medway. You can come by car, coach, bus or train. You can stay in hotels, B&Bs, Youth Hostels or campsites. Medway is very lively and there is a lot of public transport. Rochester is a historical town compared to Gillingham and Chatham. Gillingham and Chatham are industrial towns. But Chatham has a historical dockyard. Chatham is a big, nice town. Situated by the river Medway, the surroundings are beautiful. Chatham is cool because of the mild weather. In Chatham you can go shopping or go to the cafĂŠ or theatre. In Rochester there is a castle and a cathedra. There is also dickens house to visit. The castle is very interesting and we can walk in the park. You can go to the market at the week end. There are many shops in the pedestrian street. Every year there are several festivals; summer, dickens and beer festivals. In Gillingham there parks where you can go for a walk, ride your bike or ski! You can also go to the stadium to see Gillingham FC. They play ion league 2. You can also go to the black lion leisure centre for swimming, judo, trampoline, squash or badminton. In 2012, some athletes will be training here for the games.

Bærinn okkar-Sandgerðisbær Áhugaverðir staðir Í Sandgerðisbæ og nágrenni eru margir merkilegir staðir sem eiga sér sögu í aldanna rás, og hafa verið vettvangur mjög merkilega atburði. Þar er líka hægt að finna skemmtilegar gönguleiðir sem geta leytt þig aftur í tímann þar sem mikil sjómennska og verslanir fóru fram, og auk þess tengjast fjölmargar þjóðsögur og ævintýri okkar frábæra bæ. Miðneshreppur var stofnaður árið 1886 Þegar Romhvalsneshreppi var skipt i tvennt eftir endilöngu nesinu. Sjávarutvegur og fiskvinnsla eru helstu atvinnuvegir í Sandgerðisbæ , einnig iðnaður ,verslun og þjónusta í frekar smá um stil. Allgóð höfn er í Sandgerði, eini alþjóðaflugvöllur landsins Flugstöð Leifs Eirikssonar (FLE) er innan bæjarmarka Sandgerðis. Í Sandgerði sbæ er lika björgunnarsveitin Sigurvon , fyrsta björgunnarsveitin sem var stofnuð var á vegum Slysvarnafélags Íslands, hún rekur björgunnarbátinn Hannes Þ. Hafstein og hefur mörgun verið bjargað úr sjávarháska með þessum bát. Í Sandgerðisbæ eru tveir veitingarstaðir, Vitinn og Mamma Mía svo eru ein sjoppa. Það eru u.þ.b 35 fyrirtæki skráð starfandi í bæjarfélaginu. Sandgerðisdagar Sandgerðisdagar er hátíð sem haldin er síðustu helgi í ágúst og þá kemur fólk saman og skemmtir hvert öðru. Mestar tekjur bæjarins koma frá Flugstöð Leifs Eiríkssonar. Árið 2007 fagnaði Sangerðisbær 100 ára afmæli vélbátaútgerðar.Fyrsti vitinn sem var byggður var í Sandgerði bæ var í einkaeigu aðila sem átti vélbáta. Frá Sandgerðisbæ er einstakt útsýni til margra staða. Okkar álit Bærinn hefur nokkra galla en er þrátt fyrir það nokkuð góður smábær á sunnanverðuÍslandi, en það getur stundum verið þreytandi að vera svo einangraður frá öðrum svæðum landsins. Bærinn er þrátt fyrir það nokkuð góður og bæjarbúar eru mjög góðir. Við verðum þó að viðurkenna að það getur verið þreytandi að þurfa að fara til annara bæja til að kaupa föt en það er ekki svo langt að fara. Í stuttu máli er þetta góður bær og þið ættuð að kíkja á hann! Tenglar: og

Our town-Sandgerðisbær Interesting places Interesting places in Sandgerðisbæ and other close areas are some important places that have a great history over the ages, and on these places there have been interesting events that have happene. Tthere are also great walking paths to find that can lead you back in time where a lot of fishing and shopping was going on, and to add on to that there are a lot of fairy tales that involve our great town. Miðnesshreppur was established in 1886 When Romhvalsneshreppur was divided into two along the peninsula. Fishing and shopping are the main job industries found around Sangerðisbæ, service in small portions.A pretty impressive fishing dock and the airport of Iceland is in Sandgerðisbæ´s area. In Sandgerðisbæ there is also the Icelandic rescue team (Sigurvon) the very first rescue team that was announced by the all Icelandic rescue team. The rescue team has got a very famous boat in Iceland called Hannes.Þ.Hafstein and many people have been saved by this great boat. In Sangerðisbæ there are two good restaurants Mamma Mia and The Lighthouse (Vitinn) and one mini store. There are just about 35 companies that are registered within the town. Sandgerði´s days Sangerði´s days is a festival that is celebrated in the last weekend in August and then people come together and entertain one another. Most of the town’s money comes from the Icelandic airport (Flugstöð Leifs Eiríksonar) in the year of 2007 there was the 100 year birthday of the Sandgerðisbæ´s motorboat industry. The very first light house in Iceland was built in Sandgerðisbæ and was owned by to motorboat owner. In Sandgerðisbæ there is a fantastic view of some great landmarks. Our opinion The town has some flaws but all in all it‘s a pretty good small town in the south of Iceland, but it can some times be kind of annoying to be so isolated from other areas of the country. All in all the town is pretty good and the town people are very kind . We must admit tough that it can be tiring that we have to go to other towns to shop clothes but it‘s not that far away. So to sum up it‘s a good town and you should check it out! and

ŠIAULIAI Šiauliai (130,0 tūkst. gyv.) - Šiaurės Lietuvoje įsikūręs pagal gyventojų skaičių ketvirtas šalies miestas, savo metus skaičiuoja nuo pergalingo Saulės mūšio, įvykusio 1236 m. rugsėjo 22 d. Daugelį amžių miestą daug kartų niokojo karai, marai ir gaisrai. Vienintelis jame iki šiol išlikęs senus laikus menantis architektūros paminklas – grakšti renesansinė Šv. Petro ir Povilo katedra; Katedra nuolat buvo siaubiama karų, gaisrų, vėtrų, bet kiekvienąkart atstačius ji likdavo beveik tokia pat, kokia buvo pastatyta XVII a. pradžioje - baltai tinkuota, su labai aukštu bokštu ir raudonų čerpių stogu. Katedros pietinę sieną puošia vienas iš seniausių Lietuvoje saulės laikrodis rodantis tikslų vietos laiką. jos iš toli matomas 70 m. aukščio bažnyčios bokštas yra ryškiausias Šiaulių panoramos akcentas. Bokšte išlikęs unikalus saulės laikrodis. XVIII a. antroje pusėje miestas pradėtas pertvarkyti pagal klasicistinės architektūros principus. Ir iš to laikotarpio telikę tik keli pastatai. Plentų ir geležinkelių sankryžoje įsikūręs miestas smarkai nukentėdavo visų mūšių ir karų metu.Po niokojimų atstatytas miestas didžiuojasi meniniais akcentais išpuoštu pėsčiųjų bulvaru - pirmąja Lietuvoje pėstiesiems atiduota centrine gatve. Saulės mūšio pergalės 750 metinių proga Šiaulių pakraštyje įrengta Saulės laikrodžio aikštė, kurią puošia dinamiška ir spindinti skulptoriaus St. Kuzmos sukurta Šaulio skulptūra. Saulės laikrodžio aikštės svarbiausias akcentas - Stanislovo Kuzmos paauksuota bronza padabinta beveik keturių metrų aukščio dekoratyvinė skulptūra „Šaulys". Dažnai „Auksiniu berniuku" vadinama skulptūra bei aikštės grindinyje įlieti, valandas žymintys skaičiai - 12, 3 ir 6 - tarsi apjungia tris Šiaulių simbolius: Saulę, įprasminančią miesto žemėse įvykusį Saulės mūšį, Šaulį, nuo kurio kildinamas miesto vardas, ir Laiką, kuris prabėgo nuo tos dienos, kai miesto vardas buvo paminėtas pirmą kartą (1236 m). Tai aukščiausias saulės laikrodis Lietuvoje.2003 m. Šiauliai šventė 767-ąjį gimtadienį, o vienas iš atnaujintų simbolių - Gaidys užgiedojo: "Tu ateik į pasimatymą". Čia įsimylėjusios porelės ir dalykiški žmonės skiria pasimatymus: "Susitikime prie gaidžio". Dabar Šiaulių centro simbolis ne tik gieda, bet ir sveikinasi su praeiviais: "Sveiki atvykę į Šiaulius". Pasisveikinimo tekstas skamba anglų, vokiečių, prancūzų, rusų, ispanų, ivrito, švedų, čigonų ir kitomis kalbomis.1923 m. Šiauliuose buvo įsteigtas garsus „Aušros“ muziejus, dabar turintis kelis įdomius filialus – Fotografijos, Dviračių ir kitus muziejus, Frenkelio rūmuose įrengtą kompleksinę „Provincijos dvaro“ ekspoziją ir kt., o tuo laikotarpiu kai kuriuos savo eksponatus demonstravo pasaulinėse Paryžiaus ir Niujorko parodose. Vilą 1908 m. pastatė stambus pramonininkas Chaimas Frenkelis, XIX a. pabaigoje Šiauliuose įkūręs vieną didžiausių ir moderniausių tuometinėje carinėje Rusijoje odos perdirbimo ir avalynės fabrikų. Chaimo Frenkelio vila - vienintelis Šiauliuose ir vienas iš nedaugelio Lietuvoje moderno epochos (secesijos stiliaus) architektūros paminklų. 1993 m. Ch. Frenkelio vila perduota Šiaulių „Aušros" muziejui ir restauruota. Joje įrengta ekspozicija „Provincijos dvaras", sukurianti stilizuotą dvaro aplinką. Pristatomos 7 salės: 4 galerinės (Rytų meno, Karalių, Portretų ir Galerija) ir 3 interjerinės (Biblioteka, Geltonoji ir Žalioji svetainės). Baigiama įrengti ekspozicija „Provincijos miestas": retro kino salė, miesto gatvės fragmentas ir kt.Ch. Frenkelio viloje organizuojamos parodos, vyksta renginiai, koncertai (tarptautinis Ch. Frenkelio vilos vasaros festivalis, Tytuvėnų vasaros festivalis ir kt.).Verta aplankyti senąsias miesto kapines, kuriose atgulę skirtingų tikėjimų žmonės, pakeliauti mieste prasidedančiu 5 km ekologiniu taku apie Talšos ežerą. Aštresnių pojūčių mėgėjams – ekskursija po buvusį sovietinį karinį Zoknių aerodromą. Prie Šiaulių yra vienas iš garsiausių katalikiškos Lietuvos simbolių, sutraukiantis daugybę lankytojų iš viso pasaulio – tai Kryžių kalnas. Kryžiai ant šio balno formos kalno imti statyti numalšinus 1831 m. lietuvių išsivaduojamąjį sukilimą. Žmonės kryžius čia stato prašydami įvairių dangaus malonių ar dėkodami už jas, reikšmingiems asmeninio ar šalies gyvenimo įvykiams paminėti. Kalne galima pamatyti visą kryžių įvairovės panoramą – nuo išraiškingiausių skulptūrinių kompozicijų ir išpuoštų medžio nėriniais iki griežtų asketiškų; vieni stiebiasi į dangų iki 3-4 m., kiti - žmogaus ūgio (tokių pastaruoju metu buvo priskaičiuojama per 20 tūkst.), o mažulyčių, kuriuos turistai palieka tikėdami svajonės išsipildymu – nesuskaičiuojama daugybė. Kryžių kalnas šiuo metu - tai maldininkų lankomiausia sakralinė vieta Lietuvoje.

SIAULIAI Šiauliai (pop. 130.0 thousand) is the fourth largest city of the country located in Northern Lithuania, whose history dates back to the victorious Battle of the Sun, which took place on 22 September 1236. In the course of its history the city was devastated by wars, plagues and fires many times. The only architectural object having survived from the ancient times is St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in a Renaissance style, whose tower visible from afar, 70 m high, is the landmark of Šiauliai panorama. The tower houses the survived unique solar clock. In the 2nd half of the 18th century the rearrangement of the city according to the principles of classicist architecture was started. This Renaissance-style cathedral has been devastated by wars, fires and storms, but with every reconstruction it practically remained the same as it was when built at the beginning of the 17th century - stuccoed in white, with a very big tower and red-tiled roof. The southern wall of the cathedral is decorated with one of the oldest sundials in Lithuania and accurately shows local time. Only several buildings have survived from that period. Located on the crossing of roads and railways the city would greatly suffer during all battles and wars. Rebuilt after a number of devastations, the city takes pride in its pedestrian boulevard decorated with artistic elements, which is the first central street in Lithuania allotted to pedestrians. Built on the outskirts of Šiauliai, the Solar Clock Square with the dynamic and shining sculpture of a Shot by sculptor S. Kuzma commemorates the 750th anniversary of the Battle of the Sun. The extraordinary 750th anniversary of the city's existence in 1986 motivated the proper acknowledgment of the significance of this date. The competition for the reconstruction of the square was announced in 1981, and it was won by a trio of architects from Šiauliai. A. Černiauskas, R. Jurėla and A. Vyšniūnas. The centrepiece of Sundial Square is the gilded and bronze-ornamented decorative sculpture Šaulys (Archer) by Stanislovas Kuzma. It is almost four metres high. The sculpture, often referred to as the Golden Boy, and the numbers 12, 3 and 6, indicating the hours and infused into the pavement of the square in a way unify the three symbols of Šiauliai: the sun, representing the Battle of the Sun that took place on the city grounds, the archer that the city's name derives from, and the time that has passed since the name of the city was mentioned for the first time (in 1236). It is the highest sundial in Lithuania.In 2003, the city of Šiauliai was celebrating its 767th anniversary, and one of its renewed symbols, the Cockerel, crowed: "Come on a date". Couples in love or business people agree to meet here: "We'll meet at the Cockerel". Now, the city symbol not only crows, but it also greets passers-by: "Welcome to Šiauliai." The greeting is uttered in English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Esperanto, Hebrew, Swedish, Romany, and other languages.In 1923, the famous Aušros museum was founded in Šiauliai, presently holding several interesting branches, including the museums of Photography, Bicycles and others as well as the complex exposition of “Country Mansion” installed in Frenkelis’ Mansion. Previously it displayed some of its exhibits in international exhibitions New York and Paris. The erection date of the Chaim Frenkel country house is recorded on a weathercock - 1908. The building belonged to Chaim Frenkel, owner of the leather mill. The mill was built as a residence for his sons. It is the only secession-style building in Šiauliai and one of just a few buildings of this style in Lithuania. The Chaim Frenkel family lived there early in the 20th century, followed by his son Jacob. From 1920-1940 it housed a private Jewish gymnasium. During World War II this building of modern architecture was a dwelling place for the Germans, and after the war it was a soviet military hospital. In 1993, the building was released to the "Aušra" Museum. The county house is near a park with a decorative fountain. The Frenkel country house, a favourite among visitors, has three interior halls - the Library, the Yellow parlour, and the Blue parlour - and four galleries - Eastern Art, Kings', Portraits of Landlords, and the Gallery. It is worth visiting the old cemetery of the city where persons of different beliefs are buried, or walking along an ecological path, 5 km long, around the lake of Talša. Those who love extreme experiences are offered to go on a tour to the former Soviet military airport of Zokniai. The Hill of Crosses, one of the most famous symbols of Catholic Lithuania attracting crowds of visitors from all over the world, is located in close proximity to Šiauliai. People started placing crosses on this hill, in a form of a saddle, after the suppression of the Lithuanians’ liberation uprising in 1831. People are placing crosses here asking for heavenly graces or in a sign of gratitude for these or commemorating some significant events in personal or national life. The hill features a diverse panorama of crosses ranging from the most expressive sculptural compositions decorated with wood carvings to austere ascetic ones; some of them are 3-4 m high, others – of human height (over 20,000), and an infinite variety of tiny ones placed by tourists wishing their dreams to come true. Presently, the Hill of Crosses is the most frequented sacral site in Lithuania.

Alvarelhos é uma freguesia portuguesa do concelho da Trofa, com 6.46 km2 de área e 3146 habitantes (2001). Tem uma densidade de 487.0 h/km2. O símbolo da nossa Terra é a Nereida, a deusa Romana do Mar. Esta terra é muito importante para se poder conhecer a história dos nossos antepassados, pois tem muitos vestígios, inclusivamente um castro onde já foram encontradas várias moedas e objectos de grande valor histórico.

Adriano; Ana Costa; Cátia; Sara – 8º C Guidões é uma freguesia da Trofa, que conta com uma população de 1906 pessoas and uma área de 4, 7km ². Está dividida em onze lugares: Bicho, Aldeia Nova, Aldeia, Carvalhinhos, Póvoa, Oliveiras, Outeiro, Cêrro, Barroca, Igreja and Vilar. O nome “Guidões” vem do palavra romana “Guidonis” - terras do Guido.

Pensa-se que o território que hoje constitui a aldeia do Muro é habitado desde o tempo dos Romanos, especialmente devido à proximidade do castro de Alvarelhos. Os registos do ano de 979 do Mosteiro de Moreira da Maia referem-se a uma doação de propriedade, com o nome “sanctum christofurum”. A freguesia tem 8 pontes, todas relacionadas com o caminho-de-ferro, paralelo à estrada principal. O Muro tem cerca de 2000 habitantes. Adriano, Ana Costa, Ana Isabel, Ana Veiga, Ana Sofia, Cátia, Joana Cristina, Raquel, Sara. 8ºC

A Trofa é uma cidade situada a norte do Porto em Portugal, e é também um concelho. A cidade está dividida em duas freguesias com uma população de 20692 habitantes; e o concelho é constituído por 8 freguesias, com uma população de 37416 habitantes (Censo de 2001).A Trofa foi elevada a concelho há 10 anos atrás, pertencendo anteriormente ao concelho de Santo Tirso. A equipa de futebol da Trofa, o Trofense, está na Primeira Liga (Liga Sagres). A Trofa tem um belo parque no meio da cidade - “Parque Nossa Senhora das Dores"- com muitas árvores e equipamentos para as crianças brincarem. ☺ Diogo Ferreira;☻ Manuel Cruz;☺ Manuel Mota;☻ Marco Azevedo; ☺ Paulo Marques ;☻ Pedro Reis;☺ Rui Andrade

Alvarelhos is a Portuguese village, which belongs to the district of Trofa, with 6.46 km2 of area and 3146 inhabitants (2001). It has a density of 487h /km2. The symbol of our land is the Nereida, the Roman goddess of the Sea. This land is very important to find out more about the history of our ancestors, especially because it has an archaeological site of a hill-fort, where some coins and other remains of great historical value have been found.

Adriano; Ana Costa; Cátia; Sara – 8º C Guidões is a village in Trofa with a population of about 1906 people and an area of 4, 7km ². It is divided into eleven hamlets: Bicho, Aldeia Nova, Aldeia, Carvalhinhos, Póvoa, Oliveiras, Outeiro, Cêrro, Barroca, Igreja and Vilar. The name “Guidões” comes from the Roman “Guidonis” - land of Guido.

It is thought that the land which makes up the village Muro has been inhabited since Roman times, especially due to the proximity of the thriving hill-fort of Alvarelhos. The records of the year 979 from the Monastery of Moreira (Maia) refer to a donation of property, of the village of “sanctum christofurum”. The village, being fairly small, has eight bridges, all related to the rail that runs alongside the main road. Muro has about 2000 inhabitants. Adriano, Ana Costa, Ana Isabel, Ana Veiga, Ana Sofia, Cátia, Joana Cristina, Raquel, Sara. 8ºC

Trofa is a town to the north of Oporto in Portugal, and also a district. The town is divided into two small civil parishes with a population of 20692; the district is made of 8 parishes, with a population of 37416 (2001 census). Trofa became a district 10 years ago, before it was part of Santo Tirso’s district. Trofense (Trofa’s soccer team), is currently in the Portuguese First League (Sagres League). Trofa has a beautiful green park - “Parque Nossa Senhora das Dores"-, right in the centre of the town with a lot of trees and facilities for children. ☺ Diogo Ferreira;☻ Manuel Cruz;☺ Manuel Mota;☻ Marco Azevedo; ☺ Paulo Marques ;☻ Pedro Reis;☺ Rui Andrade

Porto city has gradually spread out through the years from The Ribeira, the old medieval town that lines the River Douro. The old town retains its medieval feel with lots of steep, narrow, cobbled streets lined with tall brightly painted houses all topped in terracotta roof tiles. These streets all eventually wind down to the river Douro - once the main focal point for trade to the region. It is within the old town that the majority of tourist sights are located. The striking bridge Ponte de Dom Luis I connects the Ribeira to Vila Nova de Gaia across the river. The characteristic Ribeira waterfront that has been featured in many a picture of Portugal, has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is fantastic that these higgledy piggledy streets have not been lost to modern regeneration of which there has been a lot since the end of the dictatorship in 1974. Much of this was needed as Porto had become rundown, but today Porto has been carefully renovated preserving many of the medieval buildings and city layout. Porto is often famously associated with port wine having given the drink its name, but it's across the river at Vila Nova de Gaia that is actually the port centre of Portugal. SPORTS: Porto boasts one of the best soccer teams in Europe, FC Porto. The team has won seven times the Portuguese championship in the last ten years, lifted the UEFA cup in 2003 and became, in 2004, European and World champion. It is the most successful Portuguese team internationally. ARCHITECTURE: The Oporto School of Architecture is proud to be the home of several award-winning worldwide-acclaimed architects, such as Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto Moura and Alcino Soutinho. SCIENCE: Every year, a growing number of students and scientists from all over the world choose the University of Porto as their preferred teaching and research institution. Among the most recognized research centers of the university are the IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology) and IPATIMUP - Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto (Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto). Ana Santos; Joana Daniela; Maria João; Patrícia Reis; Soraia Daniela

MY TOWN Our school, EB 2,3 de Alvarelhos, is situated in the village of Alvarelhos, but receives students from two other villages: São Cristóvão do Muro, or simply Muro, and Guidões. These are civil parishes of the district of TROFA, which in turn belongs to the county of OPORTO, the second largest city in Portugal. 8ºC, our class, has students from the three villages. The class has been split into groups, who have researched a little about each of the three areas: the villages, Trofa and Oporto! We hope you enjoy it! Class 8ºC and teacher Margarida Duarte (

Orasul meu-Brasov Municipiul Braşov, resedinţa judeţului, se află în centrul ţării, în Depresiunea Braşovului, situat la o altitudine medie de 625 m, în curbura internă a Carpaţilor, delimitat în partea de S şi SE de masivele Postăvaru care pătrunde printr-un pinten (Tâmpa) în oraş şi Piatra Mare, la 161 km de Bucureşti. Este accesibil cu automobilul/autobuzul sau cu trenul. În apropierea sa se găsesc localităţile Predeal, Buşteni, Sinaia, Făgăraş şi Sighişoara. Municipiul are o suprafaţă de 267,32 km². Treptat, în procesul de dezvoltare, Braşovul a înglobat în structura sa satele Noua, Dârste, Honterus (astăzi cartierul Astra) şi Stupini. Originile Brasovului ca oras se pierd in negura evului mediu. Primul document scris despre Brasov dateaza din 1235 cand orasul era mentionat sub denumirea de Corona. Municipiul Braşov a reprezentat, de secole, unul dintre cele mai importante, puternice şi înfloritoare oraşe din zonă. Datorită poziţiei geografice privilegiate şi a infrastructurii sale de astăzi, el permite dezvoltarea multor activităţi economice, culturale şi sportive. Staţiunea de iarnă Poiana Braşov se află la 12 km distanţă de centrul municipiului, dispunând de o infrastructură dezvoltată pentru practicarea sporturilor de iarnă. Patronul oraşului este considerată a fi Fecioara Maria. Statuia acesteia se află pe unul dintre contraforţii Bisericii Negre, îndreptat spre Casa Sfatului, având stema Braşovului sculptată dedesubt în relief. În Braşov au fost înfiinţate câteva teatre şi o filarmonică: Teatrul Dramatic „Sică Alexandrescu”, Opera Braşov (iniţial Teatrul Muzical, apoi Teatrul Liric), Filarmonica „Gheorghe Dima”, Teatrul de păpuşi „Arlechino”, Centrul Cultural „Reduta”. De asemenea, există şi o serie de organizaţii culturale, în mare parte înfiinţate după 1990. Merită să amintim de Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici, Asociaţia culturală Musashino (Japonia), Alianţa Franceză, Centrul Cultural German, British Council, Casa de cultură a studenţilor şi de Centrul Cultural Japonez. Cultura şi învăţământul şi-au croit loc în viaţa braşovenilor încă de timpuriu. Este destul să amintim de Prima şcoală românească, din Şchei, apărută se pare înainte de 1399, cu seria sa de dascăli (familia Tempea, Diaconu Coresi, Dimitrie Eustatievici etc.) şi tiparniţă proprie Cea mai bună vedere asupra oraşului se poate obţine din vârful muntelui Tâmpa (960m), unde se poate ajunge cu telecabina sau pe jos. În fiecare an, în Şcheii Braşovului, în prima duminică de după Paşti - a Tomii - atât braşovenii cât şi turiştii asistă la un spectacol cu elemente de mit, rit, ceremonial şi magie. Este vorba despre defilarea junilor şi manifestarea obiceiurilor pe care aceştia leau moştenit din timpuri străvechi

În Braşov, vara şi iarna durează aproximativ 50 de zile fiecare. Clima municipiului Braşov are un specific temperat-continental, caracterizându-se prin nota de tranziţie între clima temperată de tip oceanic şi cea temperată de tip continental: mai umedă şi răcoroasă în zonele de munte, cu precipitaţii relativ reduse şi temperaturi uşor scăzute în depresiune. Temperatura obişnuită de vară se situează în intervalul 22°C – 27°C, iar cea de iarnă între -10°C şi -2°C. Deseori iarna, temperatura în Poiana Braşov ajunge la +15°C (la soare), în această staţiune putând fi practicate aproape toate sporturile de iarnă. Stratul de zăpadă prielnic pentru schiat durează aproximativ 71 de zile la Braşov. Flora municipiului nu diferă de cea a judeţului. Animalele sălbatice sunt rare, trăind retrase în pădurile din împrejurimi. Turiştii care se aventurează în acestea sunt avertizaţi că pot întâlni urşi, lupi sau vulpi. Muntele Tâmpa este declarat rezervaţie naturală (203,4 ha) care protejează câteva specii de plante rare şi endemice. Spre exemplu, pe versantul sudic există mici suprafaţe cu vegetaţie de stepă. Depozitele minerale includ cărbune şi lignit în Vulcan, marmură în Şinca Veche şi calcar în Braşov şi Cristian. Ape minerale pot fi găsite în Zizin, ape termale în Codlea, iar ape iodo-sodice în Perşani, Rotbav şi Homorod. Municipiul Braşov are, potrivit recensământului din 2002, o populaţie de 284.596 locuitori. Structura etnică a acesteia este următoarea: români: (90,66%),maghiari: (8,54%),saşi: (0,60%),romi: (0,26%),alte naţionalităţi: (ruşi, greci, italieni): (0,31%). Braşovul este cunoscut şi datorită Festivalului Internaţional „Cerbul de Aur”, ce se ţine aproape în fiecare an în centrul oraşului. Acesta a avut pe scena sa nume celebre precum Tom Jones, Ray Charles, P!nk sau Christina Aguilera. Arhitectura braşoveană, este specifică, fiecare casă avându-şi pitorescul ei. Ridicarea construcţiilor s-a făcut, de-a lungul timpului, conform unor principii urbanistice bine stabilite, impuse de condiţiile geografice ale Braşovului. Astfel, casele din Cetate se sprijină una pe alta, pe când cele din cartierele exterioare sunt mai răsfirate. În Braşov întâlnim azi toate stilurile importante din arhitectura europeana, de la Renaştere şi Baroc la Art Nouveaux, într-o frumoasă simbioză nealterată de construcţiile moderne din partea de est a oraşului. Brasovul este unul dintre cele mai importante orase ale Romaniei,fiind oras statiune dar si resedinta de judet ce ofera atat turistilor cat si locuitorilor locuri pline de peisaje naturale uimitoare dar si de evenimente memorabile ce au marcat istoria socio-culturala a Brasovului.

Brasov is the favourite tourist destination in Romania. Only 13 km far from Brasov, up in the mountains you can find a unique winter resort: Poiana Brasov. Winter sports, mainly skiing and snowboarding, bring in the winter season thousands of tourists coming from all over Europe. Sleigh rides, ski jets or ice-skating are only few of the things you can enjoy visiting Poiana Brasov. In summer there are tennis courts, swimming pools, boat rides, mountain climbing, horse riding and many other great sports activities. Thanks to a great number of hotels, chalets and villas, restaurants, and clubs your stay in Brasov will be an enjoyable and comfortable one. Being an old medieval city, Brasov gives you the opportunity to visit a lot of old historical monuments and museums.

Predeal, located some 25 km far from Brasov on the way to Bucharest is also a popular resort. In winter skiing is the main attraction of the tourists here. In summer thousands of backpackers come together here as Predeal is a good starting place for spectacular trips on the mountains round Brasov. Fagaras, also a medieval city, was unfortunately mostly destroyed during the communist ruling, is still concentrated around the old citadel of the city. As a tourist destination we recommend it as a starting place on backpacking trips on the Fagaras mountains, where you can climb the tallest peaks in Romania (Moldoveanu - 2543 m, and Negoiu - 2535 m). The mountains offer you some great spectacular views with large mountain lakes and waterfalls. Bran, home of Dracula's Castle, is visited annually by a great number of tourists. The castle here was for years the home of Vlad Tepes, the Valachian ruler that originated the myth of Dracula. He was hiding there from the Turkish armies who were occupying Valachia at the time. Bran is the perfect destination for the Halloween night, as the hospitable local villagers organise yearly small events. The accommodation can be made in nice lodges or in the houses of the local people (most of them will be happy to have tourists staying overnight).

Začiatky Popradu siahajú až do praveku. Máme o tom vzácne svedectvo: Nález pozostatkov neandertálskeho človeka spred 120 000 rokov v Gánovciach, obci vzdialenej 4 km od Popradu. Človek tu žil od tej doby nepretržite - svedčia o tom nálezy z doby kamennej, bronzovej až po dobu historickú. Tá sa pre nás začína v polovici trinásteho storočia, keď sa v listinách postupne spomínajú Matejovce (roku 1251), Poprad (1256), Spišská Sobota (1256), Veľká (1268) a Stráže (1300). Historické osudy týchto piatich hornospišských usadlostí veľmi úzko súviseli, vzájomne sa pri svojom vývoji ovplyvňovali a doplňovali. Nepatrné vzdialenosti medzi nimi naša doba už zotrela a hospodársky, kultúrny a politický vývin ich vzájomných vzťahov dospel k tomu, že v štyridsiatych rokoch bola k Popradu pripojená Kvetnica, v roku 1946 boli k Popradu pripojené Spišská Sobota a Veľká, v roku 1960 Stráže pod Tatrami a v roku 1974 Matejovce. Vytvoril sa tak veľký podtatranský mestský celok. Historické správy o vzniku Popradu sú dosť nejasné. Meno Poprad sa síce vyskytuje už v listine z roku 1209, no ide iba o názov rieky. Málo zreteľná je i zmienka historika a archeológa Munnicha z roku 1885 o existencii hradu Poprad, ktorý bol údajne iba o niečo menší ako Spišský hrad. Rok 1256 je naozajstnou prvou písomnou zmienkou o už existujúcej osade menom Poprad. Ide o darovaciu listinu, ktorú vydal 16. marca 1256 uhorský kráľ Belo IV. pre Filovho syna Fileho. Je pravdepodobné, že pôvodný Poprad vznikol ako slovenská obec už v prvej polovici trinásteho storočia. K pôvodným obyvateľom pribudli po roku 1241, teda mogolsko - tatárskych nájazdoch, obyvatelia pochádzajúci z Nemecka. Nemeckí kolonisti postupne prevýšili pôvodné obyvateľstvo a osada niesla najprv názov "Popradzaza" (Saský Poprad) a neskôr má už úplne nemecké pomenovanie Deutschendorf (do roku 1660). O neustálom rozmachu mesta v štrnástom a pätnástom storočí sa dozvedáme z historických prameňov. V rokoch 1412 - 1772 patrilo mesto Poľsku. Spolu s ostatnými spišskými mestami malo vybavenú mestskú administratívu, používalo vlastné pečatidlo a vynikalo vysokou úrovňou remeselníckej výroby (súkeníctvo, mäsiarstvo, krajčírstvo, obuvníctvo). Výhodná poloha mesta predurčovala jeho ďalší hospodársky a spoločenský rozvoj. Popri už existujúcich remeselníckych cechoch zaznamenáva mesto aj rušný stavebný život, najmä v sedemnástom a osemnástom storočí (kamenný most, radnica, zvonica a iné). Najstarším popradským podnikom bola papiereň, založili ju v roku 1692. Až v roku 1876 bola zmodernizovaná a prešla na strojovú výrobu. Ručná výroba papiera sa udržala až do roku 1945. Roku 1946 ju znárodnili. Druhou továrňou bol Tatrasmalt v Matejovciach. Vznikla okolo roku 1845, kedy to bola len dielňa na výrobu česadiel na kone. Neskôr začala vyrábať aj iné výrobky z plechu.

Sightseeing of historic monuments in Poprad starts on the square Námestie sv. Egídia skirted by the Baroque and Classicist burgher houses from the 18th and 19th century. The Early Gothic Roman-Catholic St Egidius church stands in the centre of the square. It was built in the 13th century and the wall paintings in its interior are from the first half of the 15th century. The Renaissance belfry is from 1658. The route continues out of the town centre to the urban part Spišská Sobota. Its core consist of a triangular square with burgher houses. St James church and the Renaissance belfry from 1598 dominate the square.

POPRAD - Basic information Poprad, the third largest town of the eastern Slovakia (and the tenth Slovak largest town) is approximately situated on the 49° north latitude and the 20° east longitude. The Poprad Town is located in the broad steady, highly situated valley on both sides of the Poprad River.. In the northern part of the town, the massif of the High and Belianské Tatras is spreaded, in the eastern part, it is the Levoča mountain chain, in the south, there is a low highland of the Kozie chrbty, and in the west, there are heights of the Štrbské dividing ridge. The High Tatras massif hightens the valley approximately at 2,000m. A relative vicinity of the main Tatra range creates magnificent scenery of the town. In the town surroundings agricultural lands are located, which transfer into continuos forest complex.From a climatic point of view, Poprad has a mild climate. The town territory belongs to the mild dry or humid valley climate with a large temperature inversion. The climate in Poprad is significantly influenced by the neighbouring region of the High Tatras, which belongs to a cold climate. The real history of the town started even in the Ancient times. Actually, since that period, life at the territory has not stopped. Working tools, pottery, weapons – thus, all the preserved evidence result in the fact that at this area and its close surroundings, a busy trading activities had been pulsing as far as milleniums before Christ and has not stopped even after the Epoch overrun.Poprad, whose the first written mention comes from 1256, used to be for 690 years – the entire Medieval and New Ages (up to 1946) just one of the towns, which currently create the town with 55,000 inhabitants. The other parts were the present urban parts – Matejovce (1251), Spišská Sobota (1256), Veľká (1268), and Stráže under Tatras (1276). The most significant town out of these herein mentioned was Spišská Sobota, which has preserved its dominant position till the end of the 19th century. On January 1st, 1923, on base of the Government regulation Nm. 257/1922, Poprad became a large village with an established municipality. Currently, the political scene of the Poprad Town has been active, based on the principles of plurality and democracy, which have their historical roots in this region. Since the 14th century, the Poprad Town has developed through centuries as the multinational whole, with a certain nationality predominance – Slovak, German, Hungarian, Polish, or Croatian, etc.The prevailing positions of the industry, hiring major part of the population, belong to the heavy industry in Poprad, till 1990. The railway junction including the Poprad station gradually begins to connect closer or further towns (e.g. Tatranská Lomnica, Kežmarok, Stará Ľubovňa, Poland, Starý Smokovec, Štrbské Pleso). The last mentioned vital railway started to operate in the first decade of the 20th century as the Tatran electric railway. Within the radius of 50 km from Poprad, there are four national parks, each one of a different character, four mineral springs, and four various caves. These natural wonders are even strengthened by a Gothic explosion in the Spiš region, which during the Medieval times culminated in the extraordinary enhancement and it is epitomized by the town of Levoča, 25 km apart from Poprad, which has been proud of not only the tallest wooden Gothic altar in the world, but also almost untouched urban medieval structure. All herein mentioned facts logically resulted into a predetermined development of the town, as an initial tourist point. Thanks to the philosophy of the elementary tourist base and consequential infrastructure as well as following service structure; the town has begun a challenging transformation process from the originally industrial center to the center of tourism.


Naše mesto se imenuje Domžale in leži na južnem obrobju Kamniško-mengeškega polja, na nadmorski višini 304 m,15 km severovzhodno od glavnega mesta Slovenije, Ljubljane, in 15 km jugovzhodno od ljubljanskega letališča Jožeta Plečnika. Povprečna poletna temperatura je 18.8 stopinj Celzija. V Domžalah živi 11,582 ljudi. Zgodovina Domžale so postale trg leta 1925, leta 1952 pa so bile razglašene za mestno občino. Sodeč po arheoloških najdiščih v okolici, je bil kraj obljuden že v prazgodovini, saj so v Babji jami našli okrog 15.000 let staro bivališče ledenodobnega lovca. V starih listinah se kraj prvič omenja sredi 13. stoletja. Zaradi ugodne prometne lege ob cesti Dunaj–Trst, lokalne železniške proge Ljubljana–Kamnik in vodne energije reke Kamniške Bistrice so se Domžale pričele hitro razvijati. Dobile so močno podobo industrijskega kraja, zlasti s kemično in tekstilno industrijo. Hkrati je bila močno razvita tudi obrtna dejavnost. Največji uspeh je mesto doživelo v prvi polovici 19. stoletja z razvojem slamnikarstva, ki je iz obrtne ravni prešel na industrijsko proizvodnjo. Slamnikarstvo predstavlja pripravo slame, pletenje kit in šivanje slamnikov. Turistične informacije Glavno glasilo mesta Domžale je časopis Slamnik (ime ima po slamnikarstvu), v Sloveniji zelo priljubljena pa je tudi domžalska radijska postaja Radio HIT. Središče lokalnega kulturnega življenja predstavlja kulturni dom Franca Bernika, ki med drugim organizira v Sloveniji najstarejši mednarodni festival komorne glasbe. V mestu je močno razvita športna dejavnost, v ospredju sta predvsem nogometni klub Domžale in košarkaški klub Helios. Izmed turističnih zanimivosti naj omenimo Menačnikovo hišo, ki je bila zgrajena leta 1898 in je v celoti iz kamna in lesa. Vredne obiska so še druge znamenitosti, kot so grad Krumperk, kjer je tudi konjerejski center, podzemni jami Babja jama in Železna jama, šolska učna pot na hribu Šumberk, kjer je tudi spomenik Venclju Perku, učitelju, ki je bil ubit v drugi svetovni vojni in po katerem je ime dobila naša šola. Imamo številne sprehajalne in kolesarske poti, nedaleč stran od mesta pa je tudi svetovno znan Arboretum Volčji potok, ki je čudovit v vseh letnih časih. Nejc Simon in Ivana Tucelj, 8. razred

MY TOWN Domžale

Location and population Our town is called Domžale and it lies on the southern outskirts of the vast Kamnik-Mengeš fields, at an altitude of 304 m, 15 km northeast from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, and 15 km southeast from the Ljubljana international airport. The average summer temperature in Domžale is 18.8 centigrade. There are 11,582 residents in Domžale. History The town of Domžale was established in 1925, when two small towns were merged into one market town, and designated a municipality in 1952. Archaeological finds found in the vicinity indicate that this area has been settled since prehistoric times. There was a 15,000-year-old dwelling of an ice-age hunter found at ‘Babja jama’, a karst cave near our town. The town of Domžale was first mentioned in documents dating to the mid-thirteenth century. Given the favourable location of the road transport Vienna-Trieste, the local railway line Ljubljana-Kamnik and hydropower of the Kamniska Bistrica river, Domžale began to develop rapidly. It gained an image of an industrial site, especially due to its chemical and textile industry. At the same time, handicrafts were being increasingly developed. The greatest success was seen in the first half of the 19th century with the development of making plaited straw hats, which later passed from the craft level to the industrial production. It combines the preparation of straw, weaving and sewing straw hats. Tourist information Our local newspaper is called Slamnik, which means straw hat in English. There is also a radio station called Radio Hit which is very popular throughout Slovenia. The heart of local cultural life represents the France Bernik Cultural Centre, whose activities include the organization of Slovenia’s oldest international festival of chamber music. Sports is well developed in Domžale as well. We have a successful football club Domžale and basketball club called Helios. There is a very old monument, the Menačniks’ house, which was built in 1898 of stone and wood only. There are other tourist attractions such as Krumperk with its Renaissance castle and a horse breeding centre, two karst caves with beautiful stalactites, a school teaching path around the Šumberk hill, where there is also a monument to Vencelj Perko, a teacher who was killed during WW2 and after whom our school was named. There are other numerous hiking and cycling paths and not far from our town there is a world-wide known Arboretum Volčji Potok. Nejc Simon and Ivana Tucelj, the 8th grade

Ogled znamenitosti / A sightseeing tour Kulturni dom Franceta Bernika predstavlja središče lokalnega kulturnega življenja. The France Bernik Cultural Centre is the heart of local cultural life.

V bližini Domžal sta dve podzemni jami. There are two karst caves near Domžale. This is a picture of Železna jama (literally Iron Cave).

Menačnikova domačija je bila zgrajena iz lesa in kamna pred več kot 110 leti. This building of wood and stone is more than 110 years old. It's called the Menačniks' house.

Grad Krumperk, kjer se nahaja tudi jahalna šola. This is the castle at Krumperk, where there is also a horse riding school.

Arboretum Volčji potok je zelo znan po svoji spomladanski razstavi tulipanov in narcis. Arboretum Volčji potok is well known after its spring tulip and daffodil shows.

Albelda is my town!!!! Geography: Albelda is located between two mountains. In the north of Albelda there is a gypsum mountain formation called “Gesses” which gives a singular colour to the landscape. It is a small village with 900 inhabitants. It has fourteen associations which give live to the people in the village. The associations are the followings : “Peña lo magre(Organices meals), Rondalla San Roque(Folk Music), Coral contrapunt(Choir), Gent jove pa tou(Organice children street games), Asociación de dones(Carnivals), Asociación de pensionistes, Asociación de jubilados(Organice trips and meals), Teatro Quina Nyap(theatre), Asociación de cazadores(Hunters), Asociación padres alumnos(Parents school associations), Club Atlético Albelda(Football), Asociación de mosos y carreters(Exhibition of animals and implements of old agricultura), Mushing y Tele Albelda(TV)”. The flag of Albelda consists on a checked white and blue cloth. The shield of Albelda. On the first quarter there is the flag of Aragon. On the second quarter there is an olive branch. There are two rampant lions at both sides of the shield. At the top of it there is a crown. Archaeology There is Iberian archaeology in Albelda. The main archaeological elements are two statues, some cisterns and a small village called Los Castellasos. Statues The Iberian statues are a man and a woman sitting on a throne, next to them there there is also an ancient Iberian axe made of stone. Cisterns The cisterns are old wells that were used to collect rainwater, from these wells the villagers could obtain drinking water. Los Castellasos “Los Castellasos” is an Iberian town built in the 500s and 600s; this town was made of stone and its houses were made of stones and mud. It is a very very old town. Festivals The harvest festival consists on remembering the labours that farmers did before the machinery revolution. In the festival we can see beasts of burden how they shear sheep… . It is celebrated the first Sunday of July. At the end of October the association “Mossos i Carreters d’Albelda” celebrates the Sowing festival. “La Sabina”, is a tree with 1000 years old. It is the oldest tree in Aragon. Many years ago people chained to it in order to preserve it from cutting. They achieved their goal and nowadays everyone can visit it. Pig-killing festival “La fiesta del Tosino” In the "pig-killing festival" morning slices of pork are given for free with a loaf of bread to the people who come to see the party. At ten o’clock the killed animal is brought to the main square of Albelda. The pig-killing itself begins with the burning of the pig’s skin, then its hair is removed. Once it is cut, clean and its meat separated, they start making sausages and “El Mondongo”. At lunchtime there is a menu that costs a symbolic price. You pay for the dish you are eating with. The menu is as follows: “Olla barreada” which is a kind of soup with pasta chickpeas and pork meat, pork, season fruit of the area and coffee.

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