Нашите национални символи (България)
Националното знаме на Република България има правоъгълна форма и се състои от три цвята: бял, зелен и червен, разположени водоравно отгоре надолу. Цветните полета са еднакви по форма и размери: Форма - правоъгълна със съотношение на широчина към дължина 3:5. При вертикално окачено знаме, прикрепено към напречник, максималната му дължина може да достигне до пет широчини. Размери: 18 см х 30 см, 24 см х 40 см, 90 см х 150 см, 129 см х 215 см. Герб на Република България Гербът на Република България е държавен символ, който изразява независимостта и суверенитета на българския народ и държава. Гербът на Република България е изправен златен коронован лъв на тъмночервено поле във формата на щит. Над щита има голяма корона, първообраз на която са корони на български владетели от Втората българска държава, с пет кръста и отделно кръст над самата корона. Щитът е поддържан от два златни короновани изправени лъва, обърнати към щита от лява и дясна хералдическа страна. Те стоят върху две кръстосани дъбови клонки с плодове. Под щита върху прехвърлена през краищата на дъбовите клонки бяла лента с трикольорен кант е изписано със златни букви "Съединението прави силата".
Химн на Република България "Горда Стара планина, до ней Дунава синей, слънце Тракия огрява, над Пирина пламеней Припев: "Мила Родино, ти си земен рай, твойта хубост, твойта прелест, ах те нямат край”
Седемте рилски езера
Чудните мостове
Минерални извори
Стара Планина
Белоградчишки скали
Национален резерват „Сребърна”
Пещерите в България
Побити камъни – край Варна
Старият град в Несебър
Българската роза и розовото масло
Царевец – Велико Търново
Нестинари – огнени танцьори; това е общество в което изпълнява типичен български обичай идващ още от времената на езичниците, нестинарите танцуват върху горещи въглени.Това е типично за югоизточна България.
Мадарският конник – ранен, средновековен , голям каменен релеф разположен източно от град Шумен (североизточна България)
Мартеница – Българска традиция свързана с 1 Март и приветстваща настъпващата пролет
Кисело Мляко
Шопска салата – най – традиционната и популярна българска салата: домат, краставица,чушка, лук, магданоз и бяло саламурено сирене
Our national symbols National Flag The national flag of the Republic of Bulgaria is a rectangle with three colors: white, green, and red, positioned horizontally top to bottom. The color fields are of same form and equal size. The rectangle's proportions are 3:5 (width:length) and can be of the following sizes: 18cm x 30cm, 24cm x 40cm, 90cm x 150cm, and 129cm x 215cm.
Coat of Arms The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Bulgaria is a state symbol of the sovereignty and independence of the Bulgarian people and state. The Coat of Arms is a crowned rampant golden lion on a dark red background with the shape of a shield. Above the shield there is a crown modelled after the crowns of the kings of the Second Bulgarian kingdom, with five crosses and an additional cross on top. Two crowned rampant golden lions hold the shield from both sides, facing it. They stand upon two crossed oak branches with acorns. Under the shield, there is a white band lined with the three national colors. The band is placed across the ends of the branches and the phrase "Unity Produces Strength" is inscribed on it.
National Anthem "Mila Rodino" (Dear Motherland), lyrics by Tsvetan Radoslavov Stately Stara Planina, next to it the Danube blue, shining upon Trakiya, the sun burns over Pirin. Chorus: Dear motherland, you are paradise on earth, your beauty and your charm, ah, they have no bounds.
NATURE SIGHTS: The Seven Rila Lakes - seven alpine lakes in Rila Mountain
The Wonder Bridges Chudnite mostove are unique rock formations in central Rhodope Mountains
The Balkan - is Stara Planina chain other name
The Belogradchik Rocks Belogradchishki skali - group of bizarre sandstone and limestone rock formations, an impressive nature phenomenon in North - Western Bulgaria
The Edelweiss - (Leontopodium alpinum), one of the best-known European mountain flowers, belongs to the sunflower family (Asteraceae)
Mineral Water Springs - local nature treasure
The Srebarna Nature Reserve - considered as world heritage from 1983, North- Eastern Bulgaria
The Stone Forest - Pobiti Kamuni - limy sandstones, containing many fossils, located near Varna city Caves in Bulgaria
The old city of seaside Nessebar Eastern Bulgaria
The Bulgarian rose and rose oil- Bulgarian rose oil (otto) is recognized worldwide as the ultimate rose oil
The Tsarevets history hill - mediaeval stronghold located on a hill with the same name in Veliko Tarnovo in
Nestinari - fire dancers; an unspoken closed society that executes typical Bulgarian custom traced back to pagan times, the nestinari dance on hot embers, it's typical for SouthEastern Bulgaria
The Madara Rider (or Madara Horserider) - an early medieval large rock relief situated Eastern of the city of Shumen (Northeastern Bulgaria)
The Cyrillic alphabet
Martenitsa - Bulgarian tradition related to March 1 and the welcoming of the ensuing spring.
Kiselo mliako - the most popular non-alcoholic drink of Bulgaria with other words - yogurt
Shopska salad - the most typical and famous Bulgarian salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, onion, parsley and white brined cheese
ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΑΡΧΑΓΓΕΛΟΥ ΛΑΚΑΤΑΜΕΙΑΣ, ΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑ, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ - ΤΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΜΑΣ ΣΥΜΒΟΛΑ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ: Η Κύπρος είναι το τρίτο μεγαλύτερο νησί της Θάλασσας της Μεσογείου και βρίσκεται στα βορειοανατολικά. Με πληθυσμό περίπου 7900000, μεγάλες περιοχές του νησιού παραμένουν εντελώς παρθένες. Η Κύπρος είναι ένα νησί διαποτισμένο με ιστορία και έχει μια πλούσια πολιτιστική κληρονομιά. Οι επισκέπτες και οι τουρίστες που ταξιδεύουν στην Κύπρο έχουν μια τεράστια επιλογή αρχαίων μνημείων και αρχαιολογικών χώρων για να επισκεφθούν. Αυτό ισχύει ιδιαίτερα στην Πάφο, η οποία έχει συμπεριληφθεί στον κατάλογο της UNESCO για την παγκόσμια πολιτιστική κληρονομιά.
Κύπρος : Το νησί της Αφροδίτης: Από τις γραφές των αρχαίων Ελλήνων ποιητών μέχρι και τα σύγχρονα τουριστικά έντυπα, η Αφροδίτη έχει σχεδόν ταυτιστεί με την Κύπρο ιστορικά. Με ποικίλα και διαφορετικά ονόματα γνωστή ως «η Κύπρου» και η «Πάφια» λόγω της πόλης της Πάφου από όπου σύμφωνα με την μυθολογία αναδύθηκε από τους αφρούς της θάλασσας της, η θεά της ομορφιάς και του έρωτα θεωρείται ως Κύπρια θεά. Σύμφωνα με μια εκδοχή έφθασε για να βοηθήσει τον αγαπημένο της Άδωνη ο οποίος δέχθηκε επίθεση από ένα αγριόχοιρο. Στη βιασύνη της ξέχασε να φορέσει τα σανδάλια της και ένα αγκάθι τρύπησε το πόδι της και το αίμα της μετέτρεψε τα άσπρα τριαντάφυλλα σε κόκκινα. Σίγουρα, η Αφροδίτη ήταν κάτι περισσότερο από ένα μύθο. Στην αρχαιότητα, είχε κεντρικό ρόλο στην θρησκευτική ζωή του νησιού. Η Πάφος ήταν το κύριο μέρος λατρείας της Αφροδίτης και το πιο σημαντικό ιερό μέρος αφιερωμένο στη θεά. Ο Ακάμας πήρε το όνομα του από ένα Αθηναίο ήρωα του Τρωικού πολέμου, ο οποίος σύμφωνα με την μυθολογία, παντρεύτηκε την Αφροδίτη. Είναι μια περιοχή με καταπληκτική ομορφιά. Στη βόρεια ακτή της χερσονήσου, ένα μονοπάτι οδηγεί σε μια σπηλιά με μια μικρή λίμνη η οποία τροφοδοτείται με μόνιμη πηγή. Εδώ, στη μέση μιας πυκνής βλάστησης από καλάμια και φτέρες και σκεπασμένη με ένα θόλο από τα φύλλα μιας συκιάς, η οποία φύτρωσε από ένα βράχο είναι το θρυλικό μέρος γνωστό ως λουτρά της Αφροδίτης. Ο μύθος λέει ότι το παγωμένο κρύο νερό της λίμνης έχει αναζωογονητικές δυνάμεις.
ΧΛΩΡΙΔΑ: Η Κύπρος έχει πλούσια χλωρίδα. Περισσότερα από 1750 διαφορετικά είδη φυτών αναπτύσσονται σε αυτό το μικρό νησί των 9,251 τμ. Το ήρεμο μεσογειακό κλίμα και η θέση της Κύπρου που βρίσκεται στο σταυροδρόμι της Ευρώπης, της Ασίας και της Αφρικής μπορεί να εξηγήσει αυτή τη μεγάλη ποικιλία των ειδών, όπου ο αριθμός τους κυμαίνεται στα 120. 1. Το εθνικό δέντρο της Κύπρου είναι η Λατζιά, Δρυς η κληθρόφυλλη, (Λατινικά: quercus alnifolia) και τα φύλλα του στην κάτω επιφάνεια τους είναι καλυμμένα με πυκνό χρυσαφί ή κίτρινο χρώμα. Πρόκειται για ενδημικό φυτό της Κύπρου και είναι αειθαλές, μικρό δέντρο ή ψηλός θάμνος ύψους μέχρι 10μ. Βρίσκεται σε πυριγενείς, βραχώδεις, απόκρημνες και ομαλές βουνοπλαγιές σε υψόμετρο από 400 μέχρι 1800μ. Ανθίζει από τον Απρίλιο μέχρι το Μάιο και οι καρποί ωριμάζουν από το Νοέμβριο μέχρι το Δεκέμβριο. Το ξύλο του μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί σε παρόδιες φυτείες και σε κήπους και είναι κατάλληλο για την κατασκευή χειρολαβών και άλλων μικρών αντικειμένων. Η οικολογική του σημασία είναι μεγάλη λόγω της ικανότητάς του, ως δέντρο, να εγκαθίσταται σε πετρώδεις και βραχώδεις πλαγιές. Με αυτό το τρόπο εμποδίζει τη διάβρωση, οι δε καρποί του αποτελούν άριστη τροφή για την πανίδα. Επίσης, έχει την ικανότητα να αναγεννάται αμέσως μετά από πυρκαγιά ή υλοτομία. 2. Το εθνικό φυτό της Κύπρου είναι το Κυκλάμινο και προέρχεται από την ελληνική ονομασία «Κύκλος». Το επίθετο cyprium δόθηκε στο είδος γιατί η περιγραφή του στηρίχτηκε σε δείγματα που συλλέχθηκαν από την Κύπρο, όπου το είδος είναι ενδημικό. Το κυπριακό κυκλάμινο είναι πολυετής, κονδυλώδης με ύψος 7-15 cm. Βρίσκεται σε σκιερές θέσεις συνήθως κάτω από δέντρα και θάμνους, σε βράχους και απότομες πλαγιές και κοντά σε όχθες ρυακιών. Αναπτύσσεται τόσο σε ασβεστολιθικά όσο και σε πυριγενή πετρώματα, σε υψόμετρο από 50 έως 1100 μέτρα. Ανθίζει από το Σεπτέμβριο μέχρι τον Ιανουάριο.
ΠΑΝΙΔΑ 1. Θηλαστικά: Το Κυπριακό Αγρινό: Το πιο γνωστό κυπριακό άγριο ζώο είναι το Αγρινό. Είναι ένα ενδημικό πρόβατο, πολύ προστατευόμενο. Αν και κανείς δεν μπορεί να αναφέρει αριθμούς με βεβαιότητα εκτιμάται ότι σήμερα είναι γύρω στα 2000. Οι επισκέπτες μπορούν να δουν αυτό το βουνίσιο ντροπαλό πρόβατο σε μια μεγάλη υπαίθρια περιφραγμένη περιοχή που ονομάζεται «Σταυρός της Ψώκας» και είναι ένας μεγάλος σταθμός στο δάσος της Πάφου. Η σύνδεση της Κύπρου με το Αγρινό είναι σχεδόν όση η παρουσία του ανθρώπου στο νησί. Πιστεύεται ότι μεταφέρθηκαν στην Κύπρο στη Νεολιθική εποχή (περίπου 6000 Π.Χ.) και ήταν άφθονα σε αριθμό τουλάχιστον στις ορεινές περιοχές. Το Αγρινό έχει καταστεί πηγή εθνικής υπερηφάνειας για την Κύπρο. Επίσης, αποτελεί το έμβλημα των Κυπριακών Αερογραμμών. Να αναφέρουμε ακόμη ότι πολλά κοπάδια από πρόβατα και κατσίκες βόσκουν στα λοφώδη τοπία. Στις αμπελουργικές περιοχές τα γαϊδούρια είναι απαραίτητα ζώα για τη διεκπεραίωση της σχετικής εργασίας. Επίσης, στα δάση υπάρχουν πολλά μικρά ζώα όπως αλεπούδες, κουνέλια, λαγοί και σκίουροι. 2. Ερπετά: Το ξηρό καλοκαίρι αποτελεί έναν φυσικό τόπο για σαύρες, φίδια και χαμαιλέοντες. Αξίζει να αναφέρουμε τη Παραλία της Λάρας, η οποία είναι μια από τις λίγες παραλίες στην Ευρώπη, όπου οι σπάνιες θαλάσσιες χελώνες είναι ακόμη σε θέση να οικοδομήσουν τις φωλιές τους. Μερικές φορές, μπορεί κάποιος να δει τις χελώνες να κολυμπούν κοντά στην ακτή στα νερά της Μεσογείου κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας. 3. Θαλάσσια Πανίδα: Στα ανοικτά των ακτών της Κύπρου ζουν περίπου 260 διαφορετικά είδη ψαριών. Οι υποβρύχιοι ύφαλοι κοντά στην ακτή είναι επίσης μια απόλαυση για τους λάτρεις της φύσης. Υπάρχουν σφουγγάρια, κοράλλια, θαλάσσιες ανεμώνες και μύδια. Τα νερά της θάλασσας είναι πολύ καθαρά για καταδύσεις και για ψαροντούφεκο. 4. Πουλιά: Πολλά ευρωπαϊκά πτηνά περνούν το χειμώνα εδώ στην Κύπρο, λόγω του ήπιου κλίματος. Η Κύπρος είναι βολικός σταθμός για τα αποδημητικά πτηνά στην πορεία τους προς την Αφρική. Έχει συνυπολογιστεί ότι υπήρξαν περίπου 375 διαφορετικά είδη πτηνών στην Κύπρο. Υπάρχουν επίσης αρκετά είδη αυτοχθόνων πτηνών. Σημαία της Κύπρου: Η Σημαία της Κύπρου άρχισε να ισχύει στις 16 Αυγούστου 1960 στο πλαίσιο των Συμφωνιών Ζυρίχης και Λονδίνου, σύμφωνα με την οποία συντάχθηκε ένα σύνταγμα και η Κύπρος έγινε ανεξάρτητο κράτος. Η εθνική σημαία έχει ως χαρακτηριστικά της το σύνολο του νησιού, με δύο κλάδους ελιάς από κάτω (σύμβολο ειρήνης) σε λευκό χρώμα (ένα άλλο σύμβολο ειρήνης). Οι κλάδοι ελιάς αντικατοπτρίζουν την ειρήνη μεταξύ Τούρκων και Ελλήνων. Ο χάρτης για τη σημαία έχει ένα χαλκόκίτρινο χρώμα, συμβολίζοντας τα μεγάλα κοιτάσματα μεταλλεύματος χαλκού του νησιού (κυρίως με τη μορφή χαλκοπυρίτη που είναι σε κίτρινο χρώμα) από την οποία φέρεται να πήρε και το όνομα της.
Οικόσημο της Κύπρου: Το Οικόσημο της Κύπρου απεικονίζει ένα περιστέρι που μεταφέρει κλάδο ελιάς ( γνωστό σύμβολο ειρήνης) από το 1960, έτος της κυπριακής ανεξαρτησίας από τη βρετανική κυριαρχία. Το φόντο είναι χάλκινο- κίτρινο χρώμα το οποίο συμβολίζει τα μεγάλα κοιτάσματα του μεταλλεύματος του χαλκού στην Κύπρο. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το κυπριακό οικόσημο πρόσφατα επιλέγηκε ως το βασικό μοτίβο της μεγάλης αξίας συλλεκτικών κερμάτων, με τη κυπριακή ένταξη στην Ευρωζώνη, ως αναμνηστικό κέρμα το οποίο κόπηκε το 2008. Η όψη απεικονίζει το οικόσημο της Κύπρου, ενώ αντίστροφα απεικονίζει την Κύπρο η οποία συνδέεται με δακτυλίδι μαζί με την Ευρώπη σε ένα μεταμορφωμένο χάρτη. Ύμνος εις την Ελευθερία: Το ποίημα αυτό είναι γραμμένο από τον Διονύσιο Σολωμό το 1823 και αποτελείται από 158 στροφές μελοποιημένο από τον Νικόλαο Μάντζαρο. Το 1865, οι δύο πρώτες επίσημες στροφές αποτέλεσαν τον εθνικό ύμνο της Ελλάδας και αργότερα, επίσης από την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία. Σύμφωνα με το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, ο ελληνικός εθνικός ύμνος χρησιμοποιείται για την παρουσία της ελληνοκυπριακής προεδρίας και ο τουρκικός εθνικός ύμνος χρησιμοποιείται με την παρουσία της τουρκοκυπριακής Αντιπροεδρίας. Η χρήση του τουρκικού εθνικού ύμνου ωστόσο σταμάτησε όταν οι Τουρκοκύπριοι αποσπάστηκαν από την Κυβέρνηση το 1963. Στίχοι Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη, Του σπαθιού την τρομερή, Σε γνωρίζω από την όψη που με βία μετράει τη γη.
Απ’ τα κόκαλα βγαλμένη των Ελλήνων τα ιερά, και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά.
Στην Αγγλική γλώσσα μεταφράστηκε και από τον Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30/12/1865 – 18/1/1936) ο οποίος υπήρξε Άγγλος συγγραφέας και ποιητής. Γεννήθηκε στην Βομβάη, Βρετανική Ινδία (σήμερα Μουμπάι) και θεωρείται ως ένας «μεγάλος καινοτόμος στην δημιουργία μικρών ιστοριών». Το 1907, του απονεμήθηκε το Βραβείο Νόμπελ Λογοτεχνίας. Υπήρξε ο πρώτος Άγγλος συγγραφέας νομπελίστας. Μαθητές: Δημητριάδης Γιάννης Γ’1, Μακρυγιώργη Άντρη Γ’1, Μούσσα Ίζαμπελ Γ’1. Καθηγήτρια: Γεωργία Ιωσήφ (Αγγλικά).
ARCHANGELOS GYMNASIUM OF LAKATAMIA, NICOSIA, CYPRUS CYPRUS – OUR NATIONAL SYMBOLS CYPRUS: Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and is located in the north-eastern area of the Mediterranean Sea. With a population of about 7900000, large areas of the island remain completely unspoiled. It is an island steeped in history and has a rich cultural heritage. Visitors and tourists who travel to Cyprus have an overwhelming choice of ancient monuments and archaeological sites to visit. This is particularly so in Paphos, which has been included in UNESCO’s list of World Cultural Heritage sites. Cyprus: The Island of Aphrodite: From the scripts of ancient Greek poets to modern tourist brochures, Aphrodite has been almost synonymous with Cyprus throughout history. Variously known as “Kypris”, the Cyprian, and “Paphian”, after the town of Paphos from where, mythology has it, she rose from the sea-foam, the goddess of beauty and love is above all a Cypriot goddess. Legends surrounding Aphrodite’s sojourns on Cyprus abound. According to one version she arrived to help her lover Adonis who was being attacked by a wild boar. In her haste, she forgot to put on her sandals and a thorn pricked her foot, her blood turning white roses to red. Of course, Aphrodite was more than just a myth. In antiquity, she played a central role in the religious life of the island. The Paphos area was the principal centre of the cult of Aphrodite and home to the most important shrine dedicated to the goddess. Akamas itself is named after an Athenian hero of the Trojan war who, according to mythology, married Aphrodite. It is a region of breathtaking beauty. On the northern coast of the peninsula a footpath leads to a grotto with a pool fed by a perennial spring. Here, in the midst of a dense growth of cane and fern with the branches of a fig tree growing from the rock face, providing a leafy canopy, is the legendary bathing place of Aphrodite. Legend has it that the ice cold water of the pool has rejuvenating powers.
CYPRUS FLORA: Cyprus has a very rich plant life. More than 1750 different kinds of plants grow on this small 9251 km2 island. The calm Mediterranean climate and Cyprus’ position at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa explain this great diversity of species which number around to 120. 1. The national tree of Cyprus is the “golden oak” (Latin name: quercus alnifolia) and it has golden-yellow colour on the lower surface of leaves. Golden oak is an endemic species of Cyprus and it is an evergreen, small tree or large shrub up to 10 m high. The places that it occurs are igneous, rocky mountainsides from 400 to 1800 m. It flowers from April to May and the fruits ripen from November to December. Its wood can be used in roadside plantations and gardens and it is suitable for the construction of tool handles and other small articles. Golden oak is a species of great ecological value due to its ability to colonise stony and rocky slopes, offering soil stabilisation against erosion; in addition, its fruits are excellent food for fauna. As a broadleaf species, it can readily regenerate after fire or felling through coppicing. 2. The national plant of Cyprus is “Cyclamen” and is cognate with the Greek Cyclos, “a circle”, and refers either to the round tuber or the rounded leaves. The species has been named cyprium, because its description was based on specimens collected from Cyprus, where the plant is endemic. It is a perennial, tuberous herb 7-15cm high. It grows on shaded calcareous or igneous rocks, steep hillsides and stream banks, usually under trees and shrubs, from 50 to 1100 m above sea level. It flowers from September to January.
FAUNA: 1. Mammals: The Cyprus Moufflon: The most famous Cypriot wild animal is the Moufflon. It is an endemic sheep and highly protected. Although no one can refer to numbers with certainty, they are now estimated to be around 2000. Visitors can see this shy mountain sheep in a large outdoor enclosure at Stavros tis Psokas, a large forest station in the Paphos forest. The moufflon’s connection with Cyprus is almost as long as the presence of man on the island. It is though that they were brought in Cyprus in Neolithic times (around 6000 BC) and that they were abundant in number, at least in the mountainous regions. The moufflon has become a source of national pride for Cyprus. It is, also, the emblem of Cyprus Airways. Moreover, flocks of sheep and herds of goats graze in the hilly landscape. In the wine-growing areas donkeys are indispensable working animals. In the forest there are many small animals such as foxes, rabbits, hares and squirrels. 2. Reptiles: The dry summer landscape is a natural home for lizards, chameleons and snakes. It is worth mentioning Lara Beach which is one of the few beaches in Europe where the rare sea turtles are still able to build their nests. Sometimes turtles can be seen in the daytime, swimming near the coast in the clear waters of the Mediterranean. 3. Sea Fauna: Off the coast of Cyprus live about 260 different kinds of fish. The underwater reefs near the coast are also a delight for nature lovers with sponges, corals, sea anemones and mussels. The clear water of the sea is very inviting for diving and snorkelling. 4. Birds: Many European birds spend the winter here in Cyprus because of its mild climate. Cyprus is a handy stopover for migrating birds on their way to Africa. There have been around 375 different kinds of birds counted in Cyprus. There are also several species of indigenous birds in Cyprus. Flag of Cyprus: The Flag of Cyprus came into use on August 16, 1960 under the Zurich and London Agreements, whereby a constitution was drafted and Cyprus was proclaimed an independent state. The national flag features a map of the entirety of the island, with two olive branches below (a symbol of peace) on white colour (another symbol of peace). The olive branches signify peace between the Turks and Greeks. The map on the flag is a copper-yellow colour, symbolizing the large deposits of copper ore on the island (chiefly in the form of chalcopyrite, which is yellow in colour), from which it allegedly received its name.
Coat of arms of Cyprus: The Coat of Arms of Cyprus depicts a dove carrying an olive branch (a well-known symbol of peace) over “1960”, the year of Cypriot independence from British rule. The background is a copper-yellow colour; this symbolises the large deposits of copper ore on Cyprus. It is worth mentioning that the Cypriot Coat of Arms was recently selected as the main motif of a very high value collectors’ coin, the Cyprus introduction to the Euro zone commemorative coin, minted in 2008. The obverse depicts the Coat of Arms of Cyprus while the reverse depicts Cyprus connected with a ring to Europe, on a transfigured map.
Hymn to Liberty: The Hymn to Liberty is a poem written by Dionysios Solomos in 1823 that consists of 158 stanzas, set to music by Nikolaos Mantzaros. In 1865 , the first two stanzas officially became the national anthem of Greece and later also that of the Republic of Cyprus. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus, the Greek national anthem is used in the presence of the Greek Cypriot president (or other Greek Cypriot), and the Turkish national anthem is used in the presence of the Turkish Cypriot vice-president. Cyprus stopped using the Turkish national anthem, however, when Turkish Cypriots broke away from the Government in 1963. English Translations: Lyrics Poetic By Rudyard Kipling (1918) I shall always recognize you We knew thee of old, by the dreadful sword you hold, O, divinely restored as the earth, with searching vision, By the lights of thine eyes, you survey with spirit bold. And the light of thy Sword. From the Greeks of old whose dying From the grave of our slain, Brought to birth our spirit free, now, Shall thy valour prevail, with ancient valour rising, As we greet thee again, let us hail you, oh liberty! Hail, Liberty! Hail! Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30/12/1865 – 18/1/1936) was an English author and poet. Born in Bombay, British India (now Mumbai) he is regarded as a major “innovator in the art of the short story”. In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first English language writer to receive the prize. Students: Demetriades John C’1, Makrygiorgi Andrie C’1, Moussa Isabel C’1. Teacher: Georgia Iosif (English Language).
Les Symboles nationaux Le ‘union jack’ est bleu, rouge et blanc. Il y a des rayures sur le drapeau. C’est le drapeau de la Grande Bretagne. Le symbole ‘red rose’ est rouge. Le symbole de la rose rouge est utilise sur les maillots de l’équipe de rugby d’Angleterre. Le ‘three lions’ est bleu et blanc. Le cricket, son symbole est les trois lions. C’est sur le maillot des joueurs de cricket et aussi de foot. Le Sport En Angleterre nous jouons beaucoup au rugby. C’est assez un jeu violent et douloureux mais ça peut être agréable à regarder. En Angleterre les anglais adorent le cricket. Dans les matchs internationaux, ils portent des vêtements blancs. Les personnalités La reine s’appelle Elizabeth. Elle habite à Buckingham palace à Londres. Elle a quatre enfants. David Beckham est un joueur de foot. Il est plein de vie et habite en Amérique. Le premier ministre s’appelle Gordon Brown. Il habite au 10, Downing Street a Londres. Il a deux fils qui s’appellent John et James. Il écoute de la musique Heavy Metal. Il a les cheveux gris et noirs. La Nourriture Le matin, on mange un petit déjeuner anglais. On mange un œuf sur le plat, des frites, du bacon, des saucisses au porc, des haricots blancs, de la sauce tomate et des tartines grilles. On boit une tasse de the avec le petit déjeuner. En Angleterre on mange souvent du rôti (roast dinner). C’est une tradition et on en mange chaque dimanche. Il y a des pommes de terres rôties, du poulet, des légumes, la sauce au jus de viande. On mange aussi du poisson-frites. C’est du fast food. Beaucoup de gens aiment ca parce que c’est bon marche. En Angleterre, on a le chocolat Cadbury pour une petite gâterie savoureuse. Le paquet du chocolat Cadbury est violet. C’est trop bon! Il y a aussi le gouter avec des petit pains et de la crème fraiche (clotted cream teas) qui un dessert populaire. C’est composé de crème fraiche, d’un petit pain aux fruits et de la confiture de fraises. C’est délicieux et ca vient de Cornouailles. Ecrit par Bradley, Dhanya, Ellouise, Steven, Harry, Toby, Bethany, Casey, Aaron, Vishal, Alice, Ryan et Lewis en classe de Français.
National symbols The union jack is blue, red and white. There are stripes on the flag. It is Great Britain’s flag The red rose is another symbol. It is used on the England rugby team jerseys. The three lions are blue and white. You can find them on cricket and football players’ shirts. Sport In England, we play a lot of rugby. It’s quite a violent and painful game but it can be nice to watch. English people love cricket. In international games, they wear a white outfit Famous people The queen is called Elizabeth; she lives at Buckingham palace in London. She had four children. David Beckam is football player. He is lively and lives in America. The prime minister is called Gordon brown. He lives at 10, Downing Street in London. He has two sons who are called John and James. He listens to heavy metal. He has grey and black hair. Food In the morning, we eat an English breakfast. We eat fried eggs, chips, bacon, pork sausages, baked beans, tomato sauce and toasts. We drink a cup of tea with breakfast. We also eat fish and chips. It’s fast food. Lots of people like it because it is cheap. In England, we have Cadbury’s for a tasty treat. The packet for Cadbury’s chocolate is purple. It’s yummy. We also have clotted cream tea which is a popular dessert. It consists of a fruit scone, cream and strawberry jam. It’s delicious and it comes from Cornwall.
ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΣΥΜΒΟΛΑ (Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο Τρίπολης) Ελληνική σημαία Η ελληνική σημαία περιέχει 9 ίσες οριζόντιες μπλε και άσπρες εναλλασσόμενες γραμμές και ένα λευκό σταυρό σε μπλε φόντο στην πάνω αριστερή γωνία. Υπάρχουν διάφορες θεωρίες, σύμφωνα με τις οποίες, η σημαία συμβολίζει το μπλε της θάλασσας και το λευκό των κυμάτων. Οι 5 μπλε γραμμές συμβολίζουν τη λέξη «ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ» που έχει 5 συλλαβές και οι 4 άσπρες τη λέξη «ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ» που έχει 4 συλλαβές. Η φράση «ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ Ή ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ» ήταν το σύνθημα της επανάστασης για την απελευθέρωση της Ελλάδας το 1821. Ελληνική γλώσσα Είναι μία από τις πιο δύσκολες γλώσσες παγκοσμίως που έχει δεχτεί πολλές παραλλαγές από το παρελθόν μέχρι τις μέρες μας. Αποτελεί σύμβολο πολιτισμού και ιστορίας, καθώς μέσα από αυτά βλέπουμε πώς δημιουργήθηκε η δημοκρατία, η δικαιοσύνη, η επιστήμη, η ναυτιλία και ο τουρισμός, με αποτέλεσμα να κάνει τη χώρα μας παγκοσμίως γνωστή. Ελληνικός εθνικός ύμνος Γράφτηκε από το Διονύσιο Σολωμό, το 1823 στη Ζάκυνθο. Μελοποιήθηκε από το Νικόλαο Μάτζαρο το 1828 και καθιερώθηκε ως εθνικός ύμνος της Ελλάδας το 1864: Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη του σπαθιού την τρομερή, σε γνωρίζω από την όψη που με βία μετράει τη γη. Απ’ τα κόκαλα βγαλμένη των Ελλήνων τα ιερά, και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά! Κότινος Η αγριελιά ονομαζόταν «κότινος». Οι Αρχαίοι ΄Ελληνες χρησιμοποιούσαν τα κλαδιά του κότινου για να φτιάξουν στεφάνια και να βραβεύσουν τους νικητές των Παναθηναίων και των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων. Στην Αθήνα έκοβαν κλαδιά από το ιερό δένδρο της Αθηνάς που βρισκόταν στη Ακρόπολη. Στην Ολυμπία έκοβαν κλαδιά από τις αγριελιές που βρισκόταν στην κοιλάδα του Αλφειού. Ο κότιννος είναι συνδεδεμένος με τη μνήμη του Ηρακλή, ο οποίος λέγεται ότι τον έφερε από τις ομιχλώδεις πηγές της βορείου Ίστριας για να φτιάξει στεφάνι για τους νικητές. Αυτός ο κότινος ονομαζόταν « καλλιστέφανος ελαία». Έκοβαν τόσα κλαδιά όσα ήταν και τα αγωνίσματα. Τα κλαδιά τα έκοβαν παιδιά που ζούσαν και οι δύο γονείς τους.
GREEK SYMBOLS (Experimental Highschool of Tripolis) Greek flag The flag of Greece is based on 9 equal horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white. On the upper left corner, there is a white cross with blue background. According to popular tradition, the 9 stripes represent the 9 syllables of the phrase “FREEDOM OR DEATH”, which was the core phrase of the greek revolution in 1821. Colour blue stands for the sea and white for the waves. Greek language It is one of the most difficult languages in the world, which has accepted many of versions for a long time. It constitutes symbol of culture and history which we can see about creation of democracy, fairness, science, shipping and tourism in event to make our country popular over the world. Greek National hymn The Hymn to Liberty was written by Dionysios Solomos in 1823 and set to music by Nikolaos Mantzaros in 1828. It became officially the national anthem of Greece in 1865: I recognize you from the mighty edge of the sword I recognize you from the countenance which surveys the earth with force Risen from the sacred bones of the Greeks and, valiant as first, hail, oh hail, liberty!
Kotinos Oleaster was called “Kotinos” by Ancient Greeks. They used branches of kotinos to make wreaths to award the winners of the Olympic and Panathenaic Games. In Athens they cut the branches from Athena’s sacred oleaster which was on Acropolis. In Olympia they cut branches from the trees in Alfeios valley. Kotinos is connected to the memory of Hercules, who is said to bring it from the foggy springs of the northen Istria and made a wreath to crown the winners. This “kotinos” was called “kalistefanos oil” They cut as many branches as the games of the Olympics. The branches were cut by children whose both parents were alive.
Die Nationalhymne, die auch als „Das Lied der Deutschen“ bekannt ist, wurde im Jahre 1797 von Joseph Haydn komponiert. Im Jahre 1841 verband man Haydns Melodie mit dem Text von August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Die Hymne ist die dritte Strophe des „Deutschlandliedes“. Grund dafür war der Missbrauch des Liedes in der Naziherrschaft. Die erste Zeile der 3.Strophe „Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit“ verkörpert den Wunsch nach einer freien, vereinigten und souveränen Nation.
Ein anderes bedeutendes Symbol, welches Deutschland verkörpert, ist die Staatsflagge. Sie besteht aus drei horizontalen Streifen in den Farben schwarz, rot und gold. Die Farben, ausgesucht vom Frankfurter Parlament, entsprachen im Revolutionsjahr 1848 der Kleidung der „Freikorps“ im Napoleonischen Krieg. Das Wappen Deutschlands, der Bundesadler, ist eines der ältesten Zeichen der Welt. Er ist auf der deutschen 1 Euro Münze abgebildet. Manchmal wird er auf die Fahne gedruckt. Sein Ursprung reicht bis in die nordische Mythologie zurück, wo der Adler das Symbol für Odin ist.
Es gibt nationale Symbole, die weltweit bekannt sind. Denkt man dabei an Deutschland, verbindet man sie mit berühmten Personen und besonderen Gebäuden. Das wahrscheinlich bekannteste ist das Brandenburger Tor, welches sich in Berlin befindet. Auf dem Tor steht die Quadriga, ein zweirädriger Streitwagen, gezogen von vier Pferden, gelenkt von Victoria der römischen Göttin des Sieges. Noch vor kurzer Zeit teilte die Berliner Mauer die Hauptstadt Deutschlands in einen West- und Ostsektor. 1989 wurde die Mauer nach der Wiedervereinigung niedergerissen. Nur kleine Teile erhält man als Erinnerung an das einst geteilte Deutschland für zukünftige Generationen. Deutschland wurde schon immer von großen Denkern und Künstlern geprägt. Deshalb nennt man es auch das „Land der Dichter und Denker“. Zum Beispiel gab es die Schriftsteller Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und Friedrich Schiller mit ihren unzählbaren klassischen Werken. Auch auf anderen Gebieten wurden hervorragende Leistungen vollbracht. Musiker, wie Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach und Joseph Haydn schufen einzigartige Melodien, die auch heute noch oft von unseren modernen Medien gespielt werden. Deutschland war ebenso Heimat prominenter Forscher unterschiedlichster Wissenschaftszweige. Insgesamt erhielten 101 Deutsche den Nobelpreis für ihre ausgezeichneten wissenschaftlichen Forschungen. Der Physiker Conrad Röntgen und Max Planck, der Mediziner Robert Koch, der Schriftsteller Thomas Mann um nur einige zu nennen. Albert Einstein entwickelte die Relativitätstheorie, die auch heute noch als Basis der modernen Wissenschaft und Technik dient. Erfolg im Sport verkörpern Personen wie Michael Schumacher und Dirk Nowitzki.
Deutschland identifiziert man häufig mit typischen Stereotypen, wie dem Gartenzwerg, der Thüringer Bratwurst oder der Deutschen Eiche. Weitere Statussymbole sind die deutschen Autos, hergestellt von Mercedes, Audi, BMW und Volkswagen. Diese Dinge symbolisieren die Vielfalt der deutschen Kultur und Industrie.
The National Anthem, which is also known as the “Das Lied der Deutschen”, was composed in 1797 by the famous German composer Joseph Haydn. In 1841 Haydn's melody was combined with the lyrics by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. The anthem had originally three stanzas. Because of the abuse by Nazi Germany it has been shortened to only one stanza, the third one. The first line of the third stanza “Unity and law and freedom“ implies the desire of a free, unified and sovereign nation.
Another significant symbol that represents Germany is the National Flag. It consists of three horizontal stripes coloured in black, red and gold. The colours were chosen by the Frankfurt Parliament in the revolutionary year 1848 because of the clothing worn by the socalled “Free Corps“ during the Napoleonic Wars.
The coat of the arms of Germany, the Federal Eagle, is one of the oldest insignia in the world. It is visible on the German 1 Euro coin, sometimes shown on the flag, and also to signpost the different governmental institutions. Its origin goes back to the Nordic mythology where the eagle is the symbol for the godfather Odin.
There are national symbols which are known all over the world. Especially buildings and famous people come into people’s mind when thinking about Germany. The probably most known building is the Brandenburg Gate which is located in Berlin. In the past it was used as a city gate through which you could enter the centre of Berlin. On the top of this gate there is the Quadriga, a chariot drawn by four horses driven by Victoria, the Roman goddess of victory. Not too long ago the Berlin Wall divided the capital of Germany into a Western and Eastern part. In 1989, after reunification the Wall was pulled down, but little parts still remain today as a reminder of the once divided Germany for future generations. Germany has always been driven by great thinkers and artists. That is why it is also known as the “land of poets and thinkers”. There were for example the writers Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller who wrote uncountable classical literature. But not just in the field of literature Germans made outstanding achievements. Musicians such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach and Joseph Haydn created unforgettable melodies that are still often used in today’s modern media. Germany has also been the home of some of the most prominent researchers in various scientific fields. Overall 101 Germans have received the Nobel Prize for their excellent scientific advances. The physicists Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and Max Planck, the doctor Robert Koch, the writer Thomas Mann to give only some examples. Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity that is today used as a basis of modern science and technology. Today’s world-wide known German celebrities include the sportsmen Michael Schumacher and Dirk Nowitzki.
But Germany usually gets identified with typical stereotypes like the Garden Gnome or the Thuringian Sausage and Sauerkraut and the German oak. Another status symbol that is provided by Germany are the awesome German cars produced by Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volkswagen. Those things represent the variety of German culture and industry.
Íslensk þjóðartákn Einn mikilvægur þáttur þjóðernishyggju, hvort sem er á Íslandi eða annars staðar, eru táknin sem eru fundin fyrir þjóðina. Þessi tákn eru þó alltaf verið að endurnýja þegar eitthvað breytist í samfélaginu. Eitt af táknum íslenskrar þjóðernishyggju er hin hreina og óspillta náttúra Íslands sem Íslendingar eru mjög stoltir af. Hún er gjarnan sögð hafa mótað þjóðarsálina og menninguna í gegn um aldirnar. En eins og náttúran hafa hin „upprunalegu" íslensku dýr líka orðið að þjóðartákni, þá sérstaklega hesturinn og sauðkindin. Hér ætlum við að fjalla um íslenska hestinn. Það sem einkennir íslenska hestinn er einkum fjölbreytni í gangi og litum, styrkur, hreysti og góð lund. Hann er óvenju sterkbyggður og með frábært þol. Hann gerir ekki miklar kröfur til fóðurs og húsaskjóls en nær háum aldri og hefur einstaklingsbundinn persónuleika. Hann er félagsvera og vill helst vera í húsi eða á beit með öðrum hestum. Þetta eru m.a. þættir sem hafa gert íslenska hestinn eftirsóknarverðan víða um heim.
Íslenski fáninn Íslenski fáninn var opinberlega tekinn í notkun þann 17. júní 1944. Fáninn er svokallaður krossfáni eins og fánar allra hinna Norðurlandanna eru. Hann er heiðblár með mjallhvítum krossi og eldrauðum krossi innan í hvíta krossinum. Samkvæmt fánalögum verða allir fánar dregnir á fánastöng að vera í góðu ástandi, lögreglan má gera upptæka alla fána sjáanlega á opinberum stöðum sem ekki samræmast íslenskum fánareglum. Ströng lög gilda um þá virðingu sem sýna ber þjóðfána Íslendinga og getur það varðað sektum eða fangelsi allt að einu ári að brjóta fánalögin. Litirnir í íslenska fánanum tákna fjallablámann, ísinn og eldinn en það virðist útbreiddur misskilningur að blái liturinn tákni annað hvort hafið sem umkringur landið eða vötnin sem eru á landinu sjálfu. Hann táknar í raun fjallablámann en rauði liturinn táknar eldinn í iðrum landsins og sá hvíti ísinn á toppum þess.
Íslenski þjóðsöngurinn Íslenski þjóðsöngurinn Ó guð vors lands. Þetta er þjóðsöngur Íslands. Textinn er eftir Matthías Jochumsson og lagið er eftir Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson. Þjóðsöngurinn innihledur þrjú vers. En aðeins það fyrsta er oft sungið. Lagið er mjög erfitt og geta sumir íslendingar ekki sungið það. Þjóðsöngurinn er first og fremst lofsöngur. Og er fólgin í því að Ísland er með ríkis kirkju og er kristni er ein af aðaltrúm hér á Íslandi . Hér er fyrsta versið í Þjóðsöngnum .
Ó, guð vors lands! Ó, lands vors guð . Vér lofum þitt heilaga, heilaga nafn. Úr sólkerfum himnana hnýta þér krans. Þínir herskara tímanna safn. Fyrir þér er einn dagur sem þúsund ár, Og þúsund ár dagur, ei meir. Eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár Sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr. Ísland þúsund ár, Ísland þúsund. Eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár, Sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr.
One of the most important part of patriotism, whether we are talking about Iceland or some other place, symbols are found for the nation. These symbols are always renewed when something changes in the community. One of the Icelandic symbols is the pure and unpolluted nature which Icelanders are very proud of. It is said to have molded the soul of the nation and its culture through centuries. Like nature the „original“ Icelandic animals have also become national symbols and especially the Icelandic horse and the sheep. We are going to tell you a little bit about the Icelandic horse. What sets the Icelandic horse from other horses is that he has a variety in marches, colors, strength and good morals. He is unusually buff and has awesome stamina. He doesn‘t demand much food and shelter. He can reach a high age and has a one of a kind personality. He is a social animal and prefers to be in a house with other horses. These are a few of the things that have made the Icelandic horse popular all around the world.
The Icelandic flag The Icelandic flag was first officially used June 17th 1944. The flag is a so called crossflag like the flags of all the Northern countries. He is sky-blue with a snow-white cross and a red cross on the inside of the white cross. According to flag laws all flags that are drawn on a flagpole must be in a good condition. The police can seize all flags in public places that are not in an agreement with flag law. There are stricht laws about the respect that the Icelandic national flag should receive and those who do not respect those laws will have to pay a fine or or go to prison for at least one year. The colors in the Icelandic flag symbolise the mountain blue , the ice and the fire but it seems to be a widespread misunderstanding that the blue color symbolises the ocean around the country or the water on the land itself. The blue color symbolises infact the mountain blue but the red color symbolises the fire in the core of the land and the white color symbolises the ice on top of it.
The Icelandic anthem The Icelandic anthem O god of our land. This is the Icelandic anthem lyrics are by Matthías Jochumsson and the music is by Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson. The anthem contains three verses. But only the first one is commonly sung. The song is rather difficult to sing and many Icelandic people claim to be unable to sing it. The anthem is essentially a hymn, consistent with the fact that Iceland has a state church and Christianity is the established religion and one of the bases of the culture. Her is the first verse. Oh, God of our country! Oh, our country’s God! We worship Thy name in its wonder sublime. The suns of the heavens are set in Thy crown By Thy legions, the ages of time! With Thee is each day as a thousand years, Each thousand of years, but a day Eternity’s flow’r with its homage of tears, That reverently passes away. Iceland’s thousand years, Iceland’s thousand years! Eternity’s flow’r with its homage of tears, That reverently passes away.
Simboli italiani La bandiera italiana, l'inno nazionale, la pizza il Colosseo e la torre di Pisa sono alcuni dei più importanti simboli italiani. Noi pensiamo che il simbolo più importante sia il Tricolore. La bandiera italiana o il Tricolore, come bandiera nazionale, risale al periodo della repubblica Cisalpina nel 1797. Con il trascorrere degli anni ha subito diverse modifiche. L'ultima fu quando l'Italia divenne una Repubblica nel giugno del 1946. Lo stemma reale aggiunto da Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia fu rimosso: ora è un drappo rettangolare, diviso verticalmente in parti uguali, i colori sono verde vicino all'asta, bianco e rosso . L'inno nazionale è l'Inno di Mameli, meglio conosciuto come Fratelli d'Italia dalle parole del suo primo verso. Le parole furono scritte nell'autunno del 1817 da Goffredo Mameli all'inizio delle lotte per l'unificazione e indipendenza della nazione, naturalmente esprime il sentimento per l'unificazione e indipendenza del tempo. L'inno divenne famoso durante tutto il periodo del Risorgimento e negli anni sucessivi. Ma dopo l'unificazione nel 1861 l'inno fu sostituito dalla Marcia Reale, la quale rimase fino alla nascita della repubblica nel 1946 quando l'inno di Mameli fu temporaneamente scelto come Inno per la nazione. Da temporaneo poi è diventato permanente. Giuseppe Verdi all'esposizione internazionale di Londra del 1862 lo scelse a rappresentare l'Italia nell'Inno delle Nazioni . Il Colosseo o l'anfiteatro flaviano, dal nome degli imperatori Vespasiano e Tito entrambi della famiglia dei Flavia, è una costruzione elittica nel centro della città di Roma. E' una delle opere maggiori dell'archittetura romana sopravissuta a diversi terremoti e al saccheggio dei barbari e degli stessi romani, che in tempi diversi hanno asportato i materiale usati per la costruzione. Il nome Colosseo si ritiene venga da una statua enorme di Nerone che si trovava vicino al Colosseo e dalle dimensioni stesse dell'edificio. L'anfiteatro fu usato per delle gare dei gladiatori, rappresentazioni di opere teatrali, combattimenti tra animali e gladiatori, mostre e altri eventi publici. Dal sesto secolo in poi fu usato per diverse altre funzioni. Oggigiorno è una delle attrazioni turistiche del periodo romano più interessanti. E' stato incluso nel Patrimonio mondiale dell'umanità e tra le Sette Meraviglie del mondo. La famosa torre di Pisa” che pende che pende e che mai non cadrà”, come dice una canzone ,è la torre del campanile della cattedrale adiacente. Il terreno sotto il quale la torre fu costruita era paludoso e le fondamenta non erano molto profonde. La sua costruzione iniziò nel 1173 e continuò per circa 200 anni Cominciò ad inclinarsi appena fu completato il terzo piano. I costruttori si resero subito conto che la torre cominciava a pendere, allora cercarono di darle una angolazione diversa. I lavori furono fermati diverse volte. Guardando attentamente la torre si nota che è leggermente piegata, questo perchè nel tentativo di raddrizzarla si piegò dall'altra parte e ciò le impedì di cadere.Negli ultimi anni sono stati fatti dei lavori di consolidamento e sembra che adesso penda di meno. Un altro simbolo che rappresenta l'Italia è la pizza. E' uno dei piatti italiani più conosciuti nel mondo L'impasto è fatta di un misto di farina di grano, lievito, acqua e sale. Dopo che la pasta è lievitata deve essere lavorata a mano in modo da ottenere una base tonda che poi viene ricoperta con passato di pomodoro mozzarella e dell'olio extra vergine d'oliva.Altri ingredienti si possono aggiungere a seconda del gusto e della regione. La base può essere sottile o spessa, può essere cucinata nel forno a legna(è più saporita ) o carbone o nel forno a gas. Dopo la cottura dovrebbe essere croccante e fragrante.
Symbols of Italy The Italian flag, the national anthem, the Colosseum, Pizza and the Leaning Tower of Pisa are some of the main Italian symbols. We think that the most important symbol is the Tricolore. The Italian flag or Tricolore (tricolour) dates back to the Cisalpina Republic in 1797. Trough the years it has undergone several changes. The last one was when, in June 1946, Italy became a republic . The arms and crown that were added by Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia were removed and now it is a rectangular drape , vertically divided in three bands of equal size.The colours are: green at the hoisted side, white and red. The Italian national anthem is known among Italians as The Inno di Mameli or, as it is often referred to, Fratelli d'Italia ( Brothers of Italy ) from the its first line.The words were written in the Autumn of 1817, by Goffredo Mameli at the beginning of popular struggles for the unification and indipendence of the country, and of course it expresses the feeling for the indipendence and unification of the time. The hymn became famous throughout the period of the Risorgimento and the following decades . But after the unification in 1861 the hymn was replaced by the Marcia reale, the royal march of the Savoy royal house, which remained till the birth of the republic in 1946 when Fratelli D'Italia was temporaly chosen to be the country's national anthemn. From temporarily it has become permanent. Giuseppe Verdi at the London International Exihbition in 1862 chose the Inno di Mameli to represent Italy in his Hymn of the Nations . The Colosseum or the Flavian amphitheater (after the name of its builders emperors Vespasian and Titus, both of the Flavia family) is an elliptical amphitheater in the center of the city of Rome. It is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture .The name Colosseum came from a colossal statue of Nero standing near the amphiteater. The construction was used for gladiatorial contests, performances of dramas, fights between animals and gladiators, shows, hunts and public events. No longer in use since the 6th century, the structure was used in various ways over the centuries. Nowdays it is one of the main touristic Roman attractions. It has been included in the list of The World Heritage by Unesco and among The Seven Wonders of the modern world. The famous tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the adjacent cathedral.The ground beneath the tower was built it was a marshy soil and the foundations were not really laid deep. The construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa began in 1173 and went on for about 200 years. It started to lean as soon as the third floor was completed.The builders noticed that the tower had started to lean, then they angled the new construction differently. The works were blocked few times. Looking closely at the tower you can see that it is slightly bent, because attempting to straighten it,it leaned on the other side and prevented it to fall. In the past few years solidification works have been carried out and the leaning tower is less leaning. Another important symbol is the Pizza . It is one of the most popular Italian dishes known all over the world. The dough is made of a mixture of wheat flour, yeast, salt and water. The dough must be kneaded by hand after the rising process and worked up to obtain a flat round base, then covered with tomato souce, mazzarella cheese and extra virgin olive oil, other toppings are added according to region or personal preference.The botton base of the pizza may be thick or thin, it can be baked in an wood or coal fired oven or in a normal gas oven, when cooked it should be crispy and fragant.
LIETUVOS HERALDIKA Lietuvos valstybės vėliava yra tautinė vėliava – audeklas, susidedantis iš trijų lygių horizontalių spalvų juostų: viršutinės – geltonos, vidurinės – žalios, žemutinės – raudonos. Kai Lietuvos valstybės vėliava iškeliama vertikaliai, kairėje (heraldinėje dešinėje) pusėje turi būti geltona juosta (saulė), viduryje – žalia (Lietuvos žemė), dešinėje – raudona (kraujas, pralietas už laisvę). Minint gedulą, Lietuvos valstybės vėliava nuleidžiama 1/3 stiebo ilgio. Jeigu Lietuvos valstybės vėliava keliama ne ant stiebo, ji keliama su gedulo ženklu – prie vėliavos koto prisegamas 10 cm pločio juodas kaspinas, kurio galai siekia vėliavos apačią. Lietuvos valstybės vėliava prie valstybės ir savivaldybių institucijų bei įstaigų iškeliama šiomis dienomis: Sausio 1 d. – Lietuvos vėliavos diena; Sausio 13 d. – Laisvės gynėjų diena; Vasario 16 d. – Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo diena; Vasario 24 d. - Estijos nepriklausomybės diena; Kovo 11 d. – Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo diena; Kovo 29 d. – Lietuvos įstojimo į NATO dieną; Gegužės 1 d. – Lietuvos įstojimo į Europos Sąjungą dieną; Gegužės 9 d. – Europos dieną; Birželio 14 d. – Gedulo ir vilties dieną (su gedulo ženklu); Birželio 15 d. – Okupacijos ir genocido dieną (su gedulo ženklu); Liepos 6 d. – Valstybės (Lietuvos karaliaus Mindaugo karūnavimo) dieną; Liepos 15 d. – Žalgirio mūšio dieną; Rugpjūčio 23 d. – Juodojo kaspino dieną (su gedulo ženklu); Rugpjūčio 31 d. – Laisvės dieną; Rugsėjo 23 d. – Lietuvos žydų genocido dieną (su gedulo ženklu); Spalio 25 d. – Konstitucijos dieną; Lapkričio 18 d. – Latvijos nepriklausomybės paskelbimo dieną; Lapkričio 23 d. – Lietuvos karių dieną. Herbinio skydo raudonajame lauke vaizduojamas sidabrinis šarvuotas raitelis ant sidabrinio žirgo, laikantis dešinėje rankoje virš galvos iškeltą sidabrinį kalaviją. Prie raitelio kairiojo peties kabo mėlynas skydas su auksiniu dvigubu kryžiumi – Jogailos asmeniniu ženklu, kaip manoma, perimtu iš žmonos Jadvygos. Žirgo balnas, gūnia, kamanos ir diržai mėlyni. Kalavijo rankena, kamanų žąslai, balno kilpa ir pentinas, makščių bei žirgo aprangos metaliniai sutvirtinimai – auksiniai.
Lietuvos Himnas - Tautiška giesmė. Vincas Kudirka
Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų, Tu didvyrių žeme, Iš praeities Tavo sūnūs Te stiprybę semia. Tegul Tavo vaikai eina Vien takais dorybės, Tegul dirba Tavo naudai Ir žmonių gėrybei. Tegul saulė Lietuvoj Tamsumas prašalina, Ir šviesa, ir tiesa Mūs žingsnius telydi. Tegul meilė Lietuvos Dega mūsų širdyse, Vardan tos Lietuvos Vienybė težydi!
Coat of Arms and Flag:
Public Holidays: January 1: New Year’s Day February 16: Day of Reestablishment of the State of Lithuania (1918) March 11: Day of Restitution of Independence of Lithuania (from the Soviet Union, 1990) Easter (First Sunday and Monday of spring with full moon) May 1: International Labour Day June 24: St. John’s Day (Midsummer Day) July 6: Statehood Day (Coronation of Mindaugas) August 15: Assumption Day (Žolinė) November 1: All Saints’ Day December 25 and 26: Christmas Lithuania in the World LITHUANIAN BLAZONRY The flag of Lithuania state is a national flag – it is a cloth which consist of three level horizontal colourful stripes: the upside is yellow, the middle is green, the lower is red. When the flag of Lithuania is hoisted upright in the left (in the right of blanzory) side it must be the yellow stripe (the sun), in the middle – green (the land of Lithuania), in the right side – red (blood effused for freedom). Commemorating mourning the flaf of Lithuania is lowered 1/3 of staff‘s length. If the flag of Lithuania is hoisted not on the staff, it is hoisted with the symbol of mourning – a 10cm width black ribbon is pinned up to the staff of the flag.
The flag of Lithuania is hoisted on state and municipalities institutions or houses on these days: January 1 – The Flag‘s of Lithuania Day; January 13 - Defenders of Lithuania‘s Freedom Day; February 16: Day of Reestablishment of the State of Lithuania; February 24 – Estonian Independence Day; March 11: Day of Restitution of Independence of Lithuania (from the Soviet Union, 1990) March 29 – Lithuania‘s Admission to NATO Day; May 1 – Lithuania‘s amission to EU Day; May 9 – European Day; June 14 – Mourning and trust Day (with the symbol of mourning); June 15 – Occupation and Genocide Day (with the symbol of mourning); July 6 - Statehood Day (Coronation of Mindaugas); July 15 – Žalgiris Battle Day; August 23 – Black Ribbon Day (with the symbol of mourning); August 31 – Freedom Day; September 23 – Lithuanian Jew Genocide Day (with the symbol of mourning); October 25 – Constitution Day; November 18 – Day of Declaration Independence of Latvia; November 23 – Lithuanian Soldier Day. In the red field of armorial shield there is imaged a silver mailclad rider on the siver horse. The rider holds a silver sword raised above his head. A blue shield with a golden double cross hangs on the left rider‘s shoulder. It is Jogailas‘personal symbol, supposedly, which Jogaila took over from his wife Jadvyga. The horse‘s saddle, blanket, bridles and thongs are blue. The sword‘s handle, snaffle reins, saddle noose, scabbards and horse munition‘s metal fastenings are gold. Lithuanian Anthem – National hymn. Vincas Kudirka Lithuania, our homeland, You are the land of immortals. From ancient times your suns Deplete the kick. Let your children Take the path of goodness, Let they work On behalf and boon of people. Let the sun in Lithuania Push aside all obstacles. Let the light and the truth Companion our steps. Let the love of Lithuania Burn in our hearts, In the name of Lithuania Let the solidarity flower!
Os nossos símbolos nacionais O Hino Nacional O hino do nosso país chama-se A Portuguesa . Foi composto por Alfredo Keil, para um texto de Henrique Lopes de Mendonça, escrito durante as convulsões nacionalistas provocadas pelo Ultimato inglês, nos finais do século XIX. Foi proclamado como hino nacional da República Portuguesa em 1911, quando a monarquia foi derrubada. O último verso do coro - "Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!" é uma alteração do original "Contra os bretões marchar, marchar" , numa referência irada aos Ingleses.
Heróis do mar, nobre povo, Nação valente, imortal, Levantai hoje de novo O esplendor de Portugal! Entre as brumas da memória, Ó Pátria, sente-se a voz Dos teus egrégios avós, Que há-de guiar-te à vitória! Refrão Às armas, às armas! Sobre a terra, sobre o mar, Às armas, às armas! Pela Pátria lutar! Contra os canhões, marchar, marchar! A bandeira de Portugal é um rectângulo dividido verticalmente em verde e vermelho. Centrado na linha de separação entre o verde e o vermelho está o brasão de armas de Portugal, consistindo numa esfera armilar sobreposta pelo tradicional escudo português, que é de prata, com cinco escudetes de azul carregados de cinco besantes de prata e bordadura de vermelho, com sete castelos de ouro. A bandeira foi oficialmente adoptada a 30 de Junho de 1911, mas era já usada desde a Proclamação da República Portuguesa, a 5 de Outubro de 1910. A esfera armilar, que veio substituir a coroa da velha bandeira monárquica, representa o Império Colonial Português e as descobertas feitas por Portugal. Os cinco pontos brancos representados nos cinco escudos no centro da bandeira fazem referência a uma lenda relacionada com o primeiro rei de Portugal. Tradicionalmente, os sete castelos representam as vitórias dos portugueses durante a Reconquista.
ZÉ POVINHO Zé Povinho é uma personagem de crítica social, criada por Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro e adoptada como personificação nacional portuguesa. Tem como característica principal o gesto do manguito, representando a sua faceta de revolta e insolência. Tornou-se uma figura identificativa do povo português, criticando de uma forma humorística muitos dos problemas sociais e políticos da sociedade portuguesa, e caricaturando o povo português na sua característica de eterna revolta perante o abandono e esquecimento da classe política, embora pouco ou nada fazendo para alterar a situação. O GALO DE BARCELOS Segundo a lenda, os habitantes de Barcelos andavam alarmados com um crime, do qual ainda não se tinha descoberto o criminoso que o cometera. Certo dia, apareceu um galego que se tornou suspeito. As autoridades resolveram prendê-lo, apesar dos seus juramentos de inocência, que estava apenas de passagem em peregrinação a Santiago de Compostela, em cumprimento duma promessa. Condenado à forca, o homem pediu que o levassem à presença do juiz que o condenara. Concedida a autorização, levaram-no à residência do magistrado, que nesse momento se banqueteava com alguns amigos. O galego voltou a afirmar a sua inocência e, perante a incredulidade dos presentes, apontou para um galo assado que estava sobre a mesa e exclamou: "É tão certo eu estar inocente, como certo é esse galo cantar quando me enforcarem." O juiz empurrou o prato para o lado e ignorou o apelo, mas quando o peregrino estava a ser enforcado, o galo assado ergueu-se na mesa e cantou. Compreendendo o seu erro, o juiz correu para a forca e descobriu que o galego se salvara graças a um nó mal feito. O homem foi imediatamente solto e mandado em paz. O galo de Barcelos, representado em figuras de barro, é hoje a peça de artesanato portuguesa mais conhecida em todo o mundo. O Vinho Do Porto O vinho do Porto foi e é um produto chave da economia nacional e ainda mais um valor simbólico que distintamente representa a portugalidade no mundo. É um vinho natural e fortificado, produzido exclusivamente a partir de uvas provenientes da região demarcada do Douro, no norte de Portugal a cerca de 100 km a leste do Porto. Apesar de produzida com uvas do Douro e armazenada nas caves de Vila Nova de Gaia, esta bebida alcoólica ficou conhecida como "Vinho do Porto", a partir da segunda metade do século XVII por ser exportada para todo o mundo a partir desta cidade. A empresa Croft foi das primeiras a exportar vinho do Porto, seguida por outras empresas inglesas e escocesas. Os Pastéis de Nata Actualmente, em qualquer café ou pastelaria de Portugal, é possível comprar pastéis de nata, provenientes da indústria de pastelaria, mas os originais continuam a ser os da pastelaria de Belém (apenas estes podem ser denominados Pastéis de Belém), em Lisboa, que preservam na sua secular existência o segredo e o saber da sua confecção. Estes pequenos bolos de massa folhada com recheio de creme de leite são considerados uns dos melhores embaixadores de Portugal. Sol e Praias Com 1230 km de costa, Portugal é abençoado com inúmeras praias de norte a sul do país. É um destino popular na Europa para amantes de praia e de sol.
The national anthem Our national anthem is called A Portuguesa -pronounced [ɐ puɾtuˈɣezɐ] It was composed by Alfredo Keil and written by Henrique Lopes de Mendonça during the nationalist resurgence movement ignited by the British Ultimatumm of 1890, in the late 19th century. It was proclaimed as the new national anthem of the Portuguese Republic in 1911, when the monarchy was overthrown in Portugal. The last line of the chorus — "Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!" (English: Against the cannons, march, march!) — is a late alteration of the original "Contra os bretões marchar, marchar" (English - Against the Britons, march, march!), an angered reference to the British ultimatum. A Portuguesa means "the Portuguese (song)" – the Portuguese word for "song", canção, being feminine – just as La Marseillaise - the national anthem of France , is "the song of Marseille. Heroes of the sea, noble people, Brave and immortal nation, Now is the time to raise again The splendour of Portugal! Amidst the mists of memory, Oh Fatherland, we hear the voice Of your noble forefathers, That shall lead you to victory! Chorus To arms, to arms! Over the land, over the sea, To arms, to arms! To fight for our Fatherland! Against the cannons, march, march!
The Portuguese Flag The flag of Portugal is a rectangle-shaped vertical flag featuring a field unequally divided into green and red. The national coat of arms -armillary sphere and Portuguese shield- is centered over the colour boundary . The armillary sphere was a navigation instrument used to calculate distances and represents the importance of Portugal during the Age of Discovery, as well as the vastness of its colonial empire. The Portuguese shield has 5 blue five escutcheons (known in Portuguese as quinas) in the center, surrounded by a red border and seven castles. They are supposed to represent the Moorish castles conquered by the kingdom of Portugal during the Reconquista. Portugal officially adopted this design for its national flag on June 30, 1911, replacing the one used under the monarchy.
ZÉ POVINHO Zé Povinho is a Portuguese everyman created in 1875 by Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro. He became a symbol of the Portuguese working class as well as the unofficial personification of Portugal. He is our John Bull, or America’s Uncle Sam. "Zé", in Portuguese, is a common short form of the name "José" - and "Povinho" is a diminutive for "the people". Zé Povinho is often depicted as doing the “up yours” sign or, in French, bras d’honneur and is a popular clay figure. GALO DE BARCELOS The story behind the cockerel, a medieval legend, concerns a pilgrim who had been accused of theft and was sentenced to hang. The pilgrim appealed to the judge for help, saying that if he was innocent, the roast cockerel the judge was about to eat would crow. When the pilgrim was about to be hanged, the cock did crow and the judge set him free. The Barcelos cockerel is a popular clay figure and is now known internationally because of the fast-food chain Nando's. PORT WINE Port wine (also known as Vinho do Porto, Oporto, Porto, and often simply Port) is a Portuguese wine from the Douro valley in the north of Portugal. It is typically a sweet red wine, but also comes in dry, semi-dry and white varieties. It is often served as a dessert wine. Port is produced from grapes grown and processed in the Douro region. The wine is stored and aged, often in barrels stored in caves (Portuguese meaning "cellars") as is the case in Vila Nova de Gaia before being bottled. The wine received its name, "Port," in the latter half of the 17th century from the city of Porto at the mouth of the Douro River, where much of the product was brought for export to other countries in Europe. TORRE DE BELÉM It is perhaps the most famous tourist sight in Portugal. Tower of Belém was built both as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon and as part of a defence system defending the Portuguese capital. Belém Tower was the last place that Portuguese sailors saw when beginning their expeditions and also the first place that they saw upon returning from their voyages. The architecture is "manuelina", which is is the sumptuous, composite Portuguese style of architectural ornamentation of the first decades of the 16th century, incorporating maritime elements and representations of the discoveries. PASTÉIS DE NATA A custard cream tart with a slightly burnt crust on top, sprinkled with cinnamon. Casa Pastéis de Belém in Lisbon was the birthplace of this creamy dessert, and there they’re called Pastel de Belém, after the name of this Lisbon’s area. It's a Portuguese delicacy with thousand of recipes, none of which match the original recipe from Belém. THE SUN AND THE BEACHES Portugal is blessed with beaches that meet the Atlantic Ocean and sunshine (mostly) all year round, especially in the south. It's a popular destination among the European sun seekers and beach-lovers.
Brat na hÉireann - Glas, Bán agus Ór
Seamróg – Siombal Náisiúnta
Léipreachán – An fear beag
National Flag – The tri colour Green, White and Gold
Shamrock – National Emblem
Leprechaun – The Little Man
Simboluri nationale Fiecare natiune are simbolurile ei nationale pentru a putea fi deosebita de celelalte .Aceste simboluri nationale constau in drapelul unei tari,imnul,stema,moneda(desi uneori aceasta este comuna mai multor tari),si alte insemne precum heraldica,cantecele si zilele nationale precum si diverse evenimente internationale. Drapelul naţional al României este un tricolor cu benzi verticale, începând de la lance, albastru, galben şi roşu. Are o proporţie de 2:3 între lăţime şi lungime. Drapelul este foarte asemănător cu drapelul civil al Andorrei şi cel de stat al Ciadului, neavând însă nici o legătură cu acestea. Asemănarea cu drapelul Ciadului, care diferă de drapelul românesc doar prin nuanţa uşor mai închisă a fâşiei albastre (indigo, în loc de cobalt la noi), a stârnit discuţii la nivel internaţional. Stema Romaniei adoptată de cele doua Camere ale Parlamentului, reunite in sesiunea din 10 septembrie 1992, constă într-un vultur sau o acvilă, pe un scut, avînd aripile deschise; în cioc ţine o cruce iar în gheare o spadă şi un sceptru. Între aripile protectoare se află un scut împărţit în cinci părţi cuprinzând stemele celor 5 regiuni istorice Stema de astăzi este o combinaţie a celor două proiecte prezentate Parlamentului, inspirate din stema Regatului României. Cele două proiecte veneau (doar aparent) în contradicţie cu opţiunea republicană. Chiar dacă Acvila României apărea încoronată, era vorba despre Coroana de Oţel, care reprezintă însemnul Independenţei şi al Suveranităţii depline ale României. Coroana de Oţel a fost turnată din ţeava unui tun turcesc, capturat în Războiul de Independenţă, reprezentând astfel un însemn al Independenţei căpătate prin luptă, deci un trofeu de război. Crucea de deasupra coroanei nu era o cruce simplă, ci era crucea decoraţiei "Trecerea Dunării"
„Deşteaptă-te, române!” este, din 1990, imnul naţional al României Muzica are autor necunoscut (vezi mai jos). Versurile şi aranjamentul aparţin lui Andrei Mureşanu (1816 1863), poet de factură romantică, ziarist, traducător, un adevărat tribun al epocii marcate de Revoluţia de la 1848. Începând din 1848, „Deşteaptă-te, române!” a fost un cântec foarte drag românilor, insuflându-le curaj în momentele cruciale ale istoriei. Titlul „Deşteaptă-te, române!” este în acelaşi timp social şi naţional; social, deoarece impune o permanentă stare de a asigura tranziţia către o lume nouă; naţional, deoarece alătură această deşteptare tradiţiei istorice. Imnul conţine acest sublim „acum ori niciodată”, prezent şi în alte imnuri naţionale, de la „paion”-ul cu care grecii au luptat la Marathon şi Salamina până la „Marseilleza” Revoluţiei franceze. Imnul de stat al României este alcătuit din unsprezece strofe. La ocazii festive(in special de ziua nationala a Romaniei-1 decembrie) se interpretează strofele 1, 2, 4 şi 11. Pe lângă acest imn, românii mai au Hora Unirii, pe versurile scrise în 1855 de poetul Vasile Alecsandri şi adaptate la muzică de către compozitorul Alexandru Flechtenmacher. Hora Unirii a fost mai întâi cântată în timpul unirii Principatelor (1859). Astăzi, se interpretează la diverse ocazii festive, mai cu seamă la sărbătorirea unirii din 1859 (24 ianuarie). Melodia este cântată pe ritmul unui dans lent, dar energic, care reuneşte întreaga adunare. Dansul în cerc, (hora), este el însuşi un vechi ritual, simbolizând comunitatea spirituală, egalitatea. Heraldica Romaniei a reflectat din totdeauna, în forme variante, un caracter oficial, precum şi starea de fapt din acel moment a teritoriului românesc. Stemele oficiale au păstrat aproape întotdeauna aceleaşi simboluri, în timp ce elementele heraldice princiare şi nobiliare s-au caracterizat prin bogăţia elementelor reprezentate. Astăzi, elaborarea stemelor se face potrivit normelor stricte ale ştiinţei şi artei heraldice. De asemenea, se ţine cont şi de tradiţiile locale. Aceste reguli sunt stipulate în metodologia stabilită de Comisia Naţională de Heraldică, Genealogie şi Sigilografie a Academiei Române. Nici Preşedinţia României, nici Guvernul României şi nici Parlamentul României nu au o stemă proprie. În actele emise este utilizată stema ţării. Totuşi, Senatul şi Camera Deputaţilor au câte un însemn heraldic propriu:Leul românesc (plural: lei, codul ISO 4217: RON) este unitatea monetară a României. Un leu este subdivizat în 100 bani (singular: ban) Pe 1 iulie 2005, Romania a realizat o reformă monetară, schimbând leul anterior (ROL) cu un leu nou (RON). 1 RON este egal cu 10,000 ROL.România a intrat în Uniunea Europeană pe 1 ianuarie 2007 şi este de aşteptat să treacă la moneda unica europeană, EURO, în 2014. Însemnele regalităţii române sunt formate din cele 5 simboluri ale autorităţii supreme: coroana regală,buzduganul, mantia regală, pavilionul regal şi cifra regala. A Astfel,simbolurile nationale ale unei tari definesc acea natiune,ce valorifica trecutul glorios si exprima dorinta de libertate.
National Symbols Every single nation has its own national symbols so it can be apart from the others. These symbols are composed of the flag of a nation state, the coat of arms, steal or stamp of the land, the national colours, national anthems, national day and so on. The national flag of Romania is a tricolor with vertical stripes: beginning from the flagpole, blue, yellow and red. It has a width-length ratio of 2:3. The flag is coincidentally very similar to the civil flag of Andorra and the state flag of Chad. The similarity with Chad’s flag, which differs only in having a darker shade of blue (indigo rather than cobalt), has caused international discussion. The Coat of arms of Romania was adopted in the Romanian Parliament on 10 September 1992 as a representative coat of arms for Romania. It is based on the Lesser Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Romania (used between 1922 and 1947). As a central element it shows a golden aquila holding a cross in its beak and a mace and a sword in its claws. “Desteapta-te, romane!” variously translated as "Awaken thee, Romanian!", "Awaken, Romanian!", or "Wake Up, Romanian!") is Romania's national anthem. The lyrics were composed by Andrei Mureşanu (1816-1863) and the music was popular (it was chosen for the poem by Gheorghe Ucenescu, as most sources say). It was written and published during the 1848 revolution, initially with the name "Un răsunet" ("An echo"). It was first sung in late May in the same year in the city of Braşov, on the streets of Şchei quarter. It was immediately accepted as the revolutionary anthem and renamed "Deşteaptă-te, române". Since then, this song, which contains a message of liberty and patriotism, has been sung during all major Romanian conflicts, including during the 1989 anti-Communist revolution. After that revolution, it became the national anthem, replacing the communist-era national anthem "Trei culori" ("Three colors"). July 29 is now "National Anthem Day" (Ziua Imnului naţional), an annual observance in Romania. Romania's national anthem has eleven verses. In vocal performances it is usually sang verses 1, 2, 4, and 11 (the official shortened vocal version, according to the law). At major events (like the National Holiday) the full version is sang, accompanied by 21 gun shots when the President is present at the event. Besides this anthem, the Romanians also have "Hora Unirii" ("The Unity Hora (dance)"), written in 1855 by the poet Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1890), which was sung a great deal on the occasion of the Union of the Principalities (1859) and on all occasions when the Romanians aspired to union and harmony among themselves. "Hora Unirii" is sung on the Romanian folk tune of a slow but energetic round dance joined by the whole attendance. The round dance (hora) is itself an ancient ritual, symbolizing spiritual communion, equality and the Romanians' wish for a common life. On the first of July Romania changed the previous monetary unit (ROL) with a new monetary unit (RON), which is equal to 10.000 ROL. Romania side with European Union on the first of January and in 2014 will change RON to European monetary unit EURO.
Stema Senatului
Stema Camerei Deputitilor
Stema Armatei
Štátne symboly Slovenskej republiky Úvod Štátne symboly reprezentujú krajinu, odzrkadľujú jej históriu a hodnoty, ktoré vyznáva. Vlajka, hymna, znak a pečať zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu pri stretnutiach najvyšších funkcionárov, sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou mnohých ustanovizní. Už desaťročia im patrí čestné miesto v spoločnosti. Cieľom tejto seminárnej práce je predstaviť štátne symboly Slovenskej republiky s dôrazom na európsky kontext a čiastočne i na históriu. Východiskom práce sú súčasné právne normy, ktoré definujú symboly Slovenska a ich používanie. Zhodnotiť význam a úlohu štátnych symbolov v spoločnosti by malo byť úlohou jednotlivcov. Táto seminárna práca vychádza z objektívnych hľadísk a snaží sa vyhýbať komentatívnym prvkom. Nemožno však úplne ignorovať aktuálnu spoločenskú klímu – tejto problematike sa preto venuje záverečná kapitola. História štátnych symbolov Všetky štátne symboly – znak, vlajka, pečať aj hymna – majú svoje historické korene. Základom prvých troch uvedených je dvojkríž na trojvrší. Pôvod tohto symbolu siaha do 9. storočia. Dvojitý kríž sa v stredoveku vyskytoval na mnohých mestských erboch stredného Slovenska, neskôr sa začal chápať ako symbol Horného Uhorska (dnešného Slovenska). V 14. storočí pribudlo k dvojitému krížu trojvršie, znázorňujúce pohoria Tatra, Matra a Fatra. Prerod z panovníckeho na národný symbol sa zavŕšil v roku 1848, kedy štúrovci vyhlásili dvojitý kríž na troch vrchoch za znak Slovenska a Slovákov. Znak podobný tomu dnešnému si osvojili slovenské gymnáziá a Matica slovenská. Červeno-modrý symbol sa v roku 1920 stal súčasťou znaku Česko-slovenskej republiky, v roku 1939 použili jeho nehistorickú podobu ako symbol Slovenskej republiky. Dnešný znak vychádza z panovníckej pečate z roku 1302. Jeho autori – heraldik PhDr. Ladislav Vrteľ a výtvarník Ladislav Čisárik ml. – rešpektovali historický námet, ktorý aktualizovali. Prejavilo sa to na miernom vyvýšení trojvršia. Bielo-modro-červené stvárnenie slovenských symbolov má pôvod v revolučnom roku 1848. Tento model je inšpirovaný Ruskom, ktorého národné farby sa vtedy vnímali ako všeslovanské. Posun nastal v roku 1991, kedy sa Ruská federácia rozhodla vrátiť k tradičnej kombinácii bielej, modrej a červenej farby. Slovensko obohatilo vlajku o štátny symbol a zabezpečilo tak jej medzinárodnú akceptáciu. Štátna hymna sa skladá z prvých dvoch sloh skladby Nad Tatrou sa blýska. Zložil ju slovenský národovec Janko Matuška v roku 1844 ako reakciu na odchod štúrovcov z Bratislavy.
Používanie štátnych symbolov Nakladanie so štátnymi symbolmi upravuje zákon 63/1993 z. z. (zákon Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky z 18. februára 1993 o štátnych symboloch Slovenskej republiky a ich používaní), ktorý dopĺňa smernica ministerstva vnútra číslo SVS 203-2005/02468 o dohľade nad používaním štátnych symbolov.
1 Štátny znak Slovenskej republiky / State symbol Štátny znak by mal byť vyobrazený farebne; čiernobiela alternatíva je prijateľná iba v odôvodnených prípadoch. Platí však, že striebornú farbu dvojitého kríža možno nahradiť bielou, keďže je to v súlade s pravidlami heraldickej tvorby. Napriek tomu, že zákon presne vymedzuje parametre štátneho znaku, považuje sa zaň aj jeho jednofarebné stvárnenie z kovu, kameňa alebo iného materiálu, ktoré pripomína oficiálne vyobrazenie. Používanie štátneho znaku je záväzné pre parlament, prezidenta, vládu, ministerstvá, prokuratúru, diplomatov, štátne školy, samosprávu, SAV, NBS a ďalšie inštitúcie. Znak môžu používať aj ostatné právnické a fyzické osoby, ale len takým spôsobom, ktorý je dôstojný a zodpovedá postaveniu štátneho symbolu. Porušenie povinností právnických osôb môže byť potrestané sumou 200 000 korún. Ak fyzická osoba úmyselne poškodí, zneváži alebo zneužije ktorýkoľvek štátny symbol, hrozí jej pokuta do výšky 3 000 korún. Štátny znak sa využíva na označenie budov a lokalít vymedzených zákonom (patria sem napr. štátne hranice, budovy štátnych orgánov, volebné miestnosti, štátne školy). Znak by mal byť súčasťou architektonickej výzdoby budovy. V opačnom prípade je nevyhnutné nainštalovať tabuľu zo smaltovaného plechu s jeho vyobrazením, vysokú 30, 40 alebo 60 cm. Zákon síce nešpecifikuje použitie slovenského znaku v učebniach, smernica SVS 2032005/02468 však v bode 6 uvádza, že „vo vnútri budovy sa používa tiež na výzdobu učební a zasadacích miestností v štátnych školách.“ 2 Štátna vlajka Slovenskej republiky / State flag
Vlajka má strany v pomere 2 : 3. Podľa nej sa tvorí aj štátna zástava, ktorá je vždy pevne spojená so žrďou a jej dĺžka môže byť až trojnásobkom šírky. Štátne orgány, ozbrojené sily, polícia, hasiči a samospráva označujú vlajkou budovu, v ktorej sídlia, a úradnú miestnosť najvyššieho predstaviteľa. Mimoriadnu vlajkovú výzdobu iniciuje ministerstvo vnútra, pričom určí jej začiatok, koniec a zdôvodní ju. Pri príležitostiach miestneho charakteru prechádza táto právomoc na obec. V prípade návštevy oficiálnej zahraničnej delegácie sa používa okrem slovenskej vlajky aj vlajka iného štátu. Slovenský symbol je vždy na čestnejšom mieste – pri čelnom pohľade vľavo. Rovnako tak býva aj pri umiestnení štátnej vlajky vedľa vlajky obce. Vlajka nesmie byť poškodená či zašpinená, nesmie sa zväzovať do ružice a je neprípustné, aby sa dotýkala zeme.
3 Štátna pečať Slovenskej republiky / State seal Štátna pečať je okrúhla a má priemer 45 mm. Farby sú vyznačené heraldickým šrafovaním. Používa sa na originál listiny ústavy a ústavných zákonov, medzinárodných zmlúv, poverovacích listín diplomatov a v ďalších obvyklých prípadoch. V úschove ju má prezident Slovenskej republiky. 4 Štátna hymna Slovenskej republiky / National anthem Štátna hymna sa hrá pri významných príležitostiach, akými sú štátne sviatky, pamätné dni, výročia a iné. Cudzia štátna hymna sa hrá iba ak je prítomná oficiálna delegácia iného štátu. Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú. Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú. Zastavme ich, bratia, ved sa ony stratia, Slováci ozijú. Zastavme ich, bratia, ved sa ony stratia, Slováci ozijú. To Slovensko nase posial tvrdo spalo, To Slovensko nase posial tvrdo spalo, ale blesky hromu vzbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo. ale blesky hromu vzbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo.
Štandarda prezidenta Slovenskej republiky
Lighting flashes over the Tatra, the thunder pounds wildly, Lighting flashes over the Tatra, the thunder pounds wildly. Let them pause, brothers, they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive, Let them pause, brothers, they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive. This Slovakia of ours has been fast asleep until now, This Slovakia of ours has been fast asleep until now. But the thunder and lighting are encouraging it to come alive, But the thunder and lighting are encouraging it to come alive
Prezident Slovenskej republiky pri oficiálnych príležitostiach používa štandardu, ktorá je symbolom prezidentskej funkcie. Štandarda teda nie je štátnym symbolom, ako si mnohí ľudia myslia. Podľa zákona 51/1993 má štandarda „podobu červeného štvorca, z ktorého spodného okraja vyrastá modré trojvršie s bielym dvojitým krížom v proporciách štátneho znaku Slovenskej republiky. Bielo-modro-červený lem vychádza bielou farbou z horného rohu štandardy od žrde. Kresba znamenia je strieborná, strieborná linka lemuje červený štvorec aj celú štandardu.“ Štandarda sa používa na označenie trvalého alebo dočasného sídla prezidenta, ako aj pri výkone prezidentských funkcií.
Slovenski državni simboli Republika Slovenija ima tri državne simbole, s katerimi se predstavlja navzven. To so: zastava grb himna Zastava Slovenci smo zastavo dobili 24. junija 1991. Zastava Republike Slovenije je v belo-modri-rdeči kombinaciji. Tako si sledijo barve od zgoraj navzdol in vsaka barva zaseda tretjino prostora. V levem zgornjem kotu je slovenski grb. Grb Grb Slovenije ima obliko ščita. Ščit ima modro podlago, na njej pa je v sredini lik Triglava v beli barvi. Pod njim sta dve valoviti modri črti, ki predstavljata slovensko morje (Jadransko morje) in reke, nad njim pa so v obliki navzdol obrnjenega trikotnika razporejene tri zlate šesterokrake zvezde, ki spominjajo na grb celjskih grofov, pomembne slovenske dinastije v 14. in 15. stoletju. Po levi in desni strani je grb rdeče obrobljen tako, da se v njem pojavljajo vse tri barve s slovenske tribarvnice: bela, modra, rdeča. Himna ZDRAVLJICA »Žive naj vsi narodi, ki hrepene dočakat dan, da koder sonce hodi, prepir iz sveta bo pregnan, da rojak, prost bo vsak, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!« France Prešeren Besedilo himne Republike Slovenije je sedma kitica pesmi "Zdravljica", ki jo je napisal France Prešeren (1800-1849), največji slovenski pesnik. Melodija je iz zborovske istoimenske skladbe skladatelja Stanka Premrla (1880-1965). Toni Krušnik in Marko Kastelic, 8. razred
Slovenian national symbols The Republic of Slovenia has three national symbols that represent our country. These are: flag coat of arms anthem Flag This flag has been the national flag of Slovenia since 24th June of 1991, a day before our country became independent. It features three equal horizontal bands of white (top), blue and red. There is a coat of arms in the upper hoist side of the flag. Coat of arms The Slovenian coat of arms is in a form of a shield. In the middle of the shield is a white image of Triglav (the highest Slovenian peak, 2864 m) on a blue background. Beneath it are two wavy blue lines illustrating the Slovenian sea (the Adriatic Sea) and rivers. Above it are in the form of a downward-facing triangle arranged three six-pointed golden stars which are taken from the coat of arms of the Counts of Celje, the great Slovenian dynastic house of the late 14th and early 15th century. The shield is bordered with red. Anthem The Toast “God's blessing on all nations, Who long and work for that bright day, When o'er earth's habitations No war, no strife shall hold its sway; Who long to see That all men free No more shall foes, but neighbours be.” France Prešeren Zdravljica was proclaimed the Slovenian anthem in 1989. The text is 7th stanza of The Toast, a poem written by France Prešeren (1800-1849), Slovenia’s greatest and most celebrated poet. The melody is set to the choral composition of Stanko Premrl (1880-1965). Toni Krušnik and Marko Kastelic, 8th grade
La bandera de España como se define en la constitución española de, 1978, consta de tres franjas horizontales: rojo, amarillo y rojo, la franja amarilla es dos veces el tamaño de cada una de las rojas. Tradicionalmente, la banda del medio es la mas arcaica y, recibe el nombre popular rojigualda (rojo unido). El escudo de armas aparece en la bandera de España. En el escudo español se simbolizan los antiguos reinos de España, la corona, y la monarquía constitucional. Encima del escudo está la Corona Real (heráldica corona). A los lados del escudo los Pilares de Hércules que es el antiguo nombre dado al Estrecho de Gibraltar y en los cuales se puede leer el lema ‘Plus Ultra’ que significa ‘mas allá’ en latín. Los cuatro cuartos representan los reinos medievales que formaban juntos España. El primer cuarto es el Reino de Castilla representado por un castillo. El segundo cuarto es el Reino de León representado por un león coronado. El tercer cuarto es la Corona de Aragón representada por las franjas de la bandera aragonesa. El cuarto cuarto es el Reino de Navarra representado por cadenas. A los pies del escudo una Granada que representa el Reino de Granada. Para representar a la Casa de Borbón aparecen tres flores de lis. Otros símbolos de España son: El aceite de oliva, es un aceite que se obtiene del fruto del olivo (la oliva), que es un árbol tradicional del Mediterráneo. El olivo es originario de Asia, hoy en día, la mayor elaboración de aceite se produce en el sur de España. El vino es una bebida alcohólica hecha de uvas. Hay muchas bodegas en España y nuestros caldos de vino tinto se exportan alrededor de todo el mundo. El jamón ibérico es un tipo de carne producida solo en España y Portugal. El jamón ibérico está hecho con un 75% de carne de cerdo ibérico de pata negra. Solo la raza de cerdo ibérico se alimenta casi en su totalidad buscando bellotas. Su carne es muy apreciada en todo el mundo debido a su calidad y escasez. La leyenda dice que Tomas Zumalacarregui, quien fue un general mayor durante el asedio a Bilbao invento la tortilla española como un plato de comida simple, rápido y nutritivo. Hoy en día es uno de los platos mas populares de la cocina española. Está hecha de patatas, huevos y comúnmente es llamada tortilla de patata. La paella es una comida típica de Valencia (España) Primero fue cocinada por granjeros en las casas rurales en los años 1600 y 1700, los ingredientes de la paella son arroz, carne y pescado. El toreo es un espectáculo tradicional español. El torero tiene que matar al toro , pero primero lo tiene que torear para demostrar sus habilidades con el capote y entretener a los espectadores. Los espectadores eligen si el torero puede quedarse una oreja, las dos y su cola. También si sale por la puerta grande de la plaza. El lince Ibérico también llamado lince Español, es un mamífero nativo de la Península Ibérica, que se encuentra en el Sur de Europa. El lince Ibérico se distingue porque tiene manchas como de leopardo y su pelaje es a menudo gris claro o con varios matices de amarillo y marrón. Está en peligro de extinción, por eso España ha puesto en marcha campañas para salvarlo.
The flag of Spain as it is defined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, consists of three horizontal stripes: red, yellow and red, the yellow stripe being twice the size of each red stripe. Traditionally, the middle stripe was defined by the more archaic term of gualda, and hence the popular name rojigualda (red-weld).The coat of arms appears in the Flag of Spain.The Spanish coat symbolizes in the shield, the old kingdoms of Spain; the crown, the Constitutional monarchy and the supporters, the Spanish geographic situation.
Spanish Royal crown (Heraldic crown)
Pillars of Hercules: It is an ancient name given to the Strait of Gibraltar. The motto plus ultra means 'further beyond' in Latin
The four quarters represent the Medieval kingdoms that formed together Spain.
First quarter: Kingdom of Castile represented by a castle.
Second quarter: Kingdom of Le贸n represented by a crowned lion.
Third quarter: Crown of Aragons represented by the stripes of Arag贸n.
Fourth quarter: Kingdom of Navarre represented by chains.
At the bottom a pomegranate which represents the Kingdom of Granada.
Other Spanish symbols are: Olive oil is a fruit oil obtained from the olive, a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin. The wild olive tree originated in Asia Minor, today. the cultivation of oil is mostly in the south of Spain. Red wine is an alcoholic drink made of grapes. There are many vineyards in Spain and their wine is of an excellent quality. Nowadays Spain exports red wine all around the world. The Iberian ham is a type of cured ham produced only in Spain and Portugal. It is at least 75% Black Iberian Pig, also called the black pig, the only breed of pig that naturally seeks and eats mainly acorns: according to Spain's D.O. rules on food products, The Iberian ham may be made from cross-bred pigs as long as they are at least 75% Iberian. The legend tells that Thomas Zumalacárregui, who was a major general, during the siege of Bilbao invented the omelette dish as simple, fast and nutritious food. Nowadays is one of the most popular dishes of the Spanish cousine. It is mainly made of eggs and potatoes and commonly called Spanish omelette. The paella is a typical dish of Valencia (Spain) it was first cooked by farmers in rural houses in the years 1600 and 1700, the ingredients of the paella are rice, meat and fish. Bull fighting is a traditional spectacle in Spain. The bull fighter has to kill the bull but before he plays a game with the bull called “torear” to entertain the audience who decide if the bullfighter can get one or both ears from the bull and its tail. The Iberian lynx is sometimes referred to as the Spanish lynx. It is a critically endangered feline mammal native of the Iberian Peninsula in the South of Europe. The Iberian lynx has distinctive, leopard-like spots with a coat that is often light grey or various shades of light brownish-yellow. The Iberian lynx is about of extintion. Spain is developing a series of projects to save it.
Las fiestas nacionales son las siguientes: El 1 y el 6 de enero son días de Año Nuevo y Reyes respectivamente. En marzo o en abril se celebra Semana Santa dependiendo de la Cuaresma. El 23 de abril se celebra San Jorge o el día de Aragón. El 1 de mayo es el día del Trabajador. El 15 de agosto se celebra la Virgen de Agosto. El 12 de octubre se celebra el día de la Hispanidad. El 1de noviembre se celebra Todos los Santos. El 5 de diciembre se celebra el día de la Constitución y el 25 se celebra la Navidad.
National festivities in Spain are the followings: On January the 1st we celebrate New Year’s day and the 6th the Three Wise Men In March or in April we celebrate Easter or Holy week, depending on the Lent. On April the 23rd we celebrate Saint George. On May the 1st we celebrate the Worker Day. On August the 15th we celebrate The August Virgin. On October the 12th we celebrate Columbus Day. On November the 1st we celebrate All Saints. On December the 5th we celebrate the Constitution and the 25th we celebrate Christmas Day.