FTW - 18 June 2010

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The Freight Community’s Weekly Newspaper for Import / Export decision makers – on subscription

FRIDAY 18 June 2010 NO. 1915

Truckers and port jointly address ‘appalling’ delays By Alan Peat Truckers operating in the Port of Durban are losing more money now than during the Transnet strike thanks to protracted delays of 12-18 hours to turn trucks around. That was the message from the Durban Harbour Carriers’ Association (DHCA) to senior management at the Durban container terminal (DCT)

and Pier 1 during an urgently convened meeting last week. Even after the strike, the transporters described the service levels as “appalling” and insisted that the public and the private sector must work together if an answer is to be found. The meeting was to look for solutions without the usual accompaniment of stone-throwing, according to Kevin Martin, MD of

Freightliner Transport and chairman of the DHCA – a division of the SA Association of Freight Forwarders (Saaff). “We told them that unless we could get a better level of service we would be left with no other alternative but to park off our vehicles until this could be provided.” The DHCA noted that the terminals: • Had slowed down waterside service slightly –

to achieve a better balance: • Appointed a “landside manager” purely to look after road transport; • Started staging trucks in import and export rows for each tower – sending trucks down in pigeon pairs to the tower, allowing tower machines to run loaded both ways, and achieve better utilisation of equipment and better service; • Appointed staff to control free storage/late

arrivals for June only. Martin said: “Please note this is not a blanket freebie but on a case-by-case basis. All members are under the whip to meet deadlines – but do NOT abuse or be selfish.” Implementation of the new Navis port control system has meantime been postponed to year end/early next year at DCT. At the meeting the DHCA agreed that what they would To page 8

container sector, takes control of operations at Port Elizabeth and Ngqura container terminals while Moshe Motlohi, only four months in Cape Town before his recall to Natal for family reasons, will be responsible for Durban container terminal and Pier 1. Victor Mkize remains at Richards Bay.

Vulile Dube ... taking charge.

Dube gets top CT job By Ray Smuts Transnet Port Terminals has appointed Vulile Dube to take charge of operations in the ports of Cape Town and Saldanha. Effective this week, Dube – for the past six months general manager of TPT’s new Total Quality Control and

Continuous Improvement Department – will be assisted by another divisional ‘old hand’, Hector Danisa. Dube will be in charge as regional terminal executive for Cape Town (container and MPT terminals) and Saldanha and Danisa will be assistant regional terminal

executive for both ports. Danisa is a former business unit executive at the Cape Town MPT and Port Elizabeth Container Terminal and until recently BUE at Ngqura container terminal. Of importance to other port regions is that Siya Mhlaluka, divisional executive manager for the

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