15 minute read
All Hail Big Red! Champ Of The Sports Of Champs
JOSEPH SCOTCHIE jscotchie@antonmediagroup.com
“Secretariat is moving like a tremendous machine.”
Who can forget Chic Anderson’s famous line as Big Red raced down the finish line in the 1973 Belmont Stakes to win that year’s Triple Crown.
The years have not diminished the horse’s legendary run through history.
In a field of only five horses, Secretariat broke out of the gate early, winning by 31 lengths, the largest margin of victory in Belmont history. His winning time of 2 minutes and 24 seconds is also a mark for dirt field racing.
Secretariat’s great rival was Sham, who in another year might also have dominated. The two started out evenly during the first turn and even into the half-mile mark.
Entering the backstretch and approaching three-quarters of a mile, Secretariat maintained his torrid pace as Sham began to fade, ultimately finishing last. At the three-quarters mile marker, Big Red took over. Sham began to falter, while Secretariat maintained his lightning fast speed. The horse pulled away and extended his lead with an incredible stretch run. In the postrace analysis, it was discovered that Sham had suffered a hairline fracture of his right front cannon bone during the race, which ended his racing career.
With the Belmont win, Secretariat became the ninth horse to win the Triple Crown, combining Belmont with wins in the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes. Big Red also broke a 25-year drought where no horse had completed the achievement. The last one to do so was the equally immoral Citation, who completed the feat in 1948.
As the race approached, Secretariat was already a national hero, appearing on the covers of several national publications.
“Secretariat suddenly transcended horse racing and became a cultural phenomenon, a sort of undeclared national holiday from the tortures of Watergate and the Vietnam War,” wrote William Nack.
After the race, jockey Ron Turcotte said: “This horse really paced himself. He is smart: I think he knew he was going 1+1⁄2 miles, I never pushed him.”
Commenting on the record time, The Blood-Horse magazine editor Kent Hollingsworth added: “Two twenty-four flat! I don’t believe it. Impossible. But I saw it. I can’t breathe. He won by a sixteenth of a mile! I saw it. I have to believe it.”
Seth Hancock of Claiborne Farm made a more telling comparison.
“You want to know who Secretariat is in human terms?” he asked. “Just imagine the greatest athlete in the world. The greatest. Now make him six-foot-three, the perfect height. Make him real intelligent and kind. And on top of that, make him the bestlookin’ guy ever to come down the pike. He was all those things as a horse.”
In all, Big Red won five Eclipse Awards, including Horse of the Year honors at ages two and three. He was nominated to the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in 1974.
In The Blood-Horse magazine List of the Top 100 U.S. Racehorses of the 20th Century, Secretariat was second to Man o’ War. No surprise. Secretariat was a thoroughbred born to the breed.
His breeding was arranged by Penny Chenery (then known as Penny Tweedy). Secretariat was sired by Bold Ruler and his dam was Somethingroyal, a daughter of Princequillo. Bold Ruler was a leading sire in North America from 1963 to 1969 and again in 1973.
He, too, was a great horse, winning the Preakness Stakes and Horse of the Year honors in 1957, and American Champion Sprint Horse honors in 1958.
Bold Ruler’s offspring matured into a champion. He stood 16.2 hands (66 inches, 168 cm) when fully grown. His chest, trainers noted, was so large that he required a custom-made girth. An Australian trainer said of him, “He is incredible, an absolutely perfect horse. I never saw anything like him.”
For trainers, Secretariat’s hindquarters were the main source of his power. While racing, Big Red’s hind legs were able to reach far under himself, increasing his drive.
Secretariat made his debut in 1972 as a two-year old, winning seven of his remaining eight starts, setting the 1973 performance. That year, he received the Eclipse Award for champion two-year-old colt, and also was the 1972 Horse of the Year. The Triple Crown beckoned.
Also in 1973, Secretariat set speed records in all three races: The Kentucky Derby, The Preakness Stakes, and The Belmont Stakes. On it went.
Secretariat’s win in the Gotham Stakes tied the track record for 1 mile. Later, he set a world record in the Marlboro Cup at 1+1⁄8 miles, while winning two major stakes races on turf. Needless to say, he won his second Horse of the Year title, plus Eclipse Awards for champion three-year-old colt and champion turf horse.
For 1973, Secretariat was again named Horse of the Year and also won Eclipse Awards as the American Champion ThreeYear-Old Male Horse.
The great horse was set out to stud, a process that produced numerous top ranked horses, including General Assembly, Lady’s Secret, Risen Star, Kingston Rule, and Tinners Way. Risen Star nearly matched his pop’s record, winning both the 1988
Preakness and Belmont Stakes.
In the fall of 1989, Secretariat became afflicted with laminitis—a painful and debilitating hoof condition. In time, the champ of champs was euthanized on October 4 at the age of 19.
The legend lives on.
On Oct. 16, 1999, in a ceremony conducted in the winner’s circle at Keeneland Race Course in Lexington, the U.S. Postal Service honored Secretariat with a 33-cent postage stamp bearing his image.
His Belmont run ranks second to Wilt Chamberlain’s 100-point NBA game from ESPN Classic’s show Who’s No. 1?
According to ESPN, 263 roads in the United States are named after him, more than any other athlete. Secretariat Drive is the most common option. In Illinois, the Secretariat Stakes was created in 1974 to honor his appearance at Arlington Park in 1973. And in Virginia, The Meadow, the farm at which he was foaled, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Finally, the replica Secretariat statue at Belmont Park is draped in white carnations each year for the Belmont Stakes. “Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?/A nation turns its lonely eyes to you,” sang Paul Simon in “Mrs. Robinson.”
The same is true of Secretariat.

Word Find
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Mathis
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 15 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
International Word Find International Word Find
International Word Find

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You don’t always need to use your own energy to get things done. Be strategic. Use energy from the outside instead of resisting it. Don’t contradict reality. When you are face to face with a problem, turn around. Join the ow like you would join a wave. You can guide strong forces instead of ghting them.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Because it’s so di cult to see yourself objectively, you don’t realize all that you have to contribute until you witness those without such assets. New environments and fresh faces will inspire you and give you a more accurate perspective on how you can meet the needs of others and get yours met, too.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You are a smooth and discreet operator this week. It’s good to see mistakes because each is an opportunity to improve. You’ll make note of it privately instead of pointing it out to others. Whether the mistake is yours or someone else’s, you can use it to advance without making a fuss or drawing too much attention.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re striving to be a more compassionate person, not because you seek sainthood but because you’d rather live in and contribute to a kind world. e self-centered behavior of others will make it challenging to stick with the mission. Everyone is doing their best. Remember this and love wins.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). ere’s a person or circumstance that has you alert and on guard. If only a good defense would protect your feelings, but it can’t. So instead of wasting energy ghting your emotions, agree to feel whatever comes up. is approach will expand and empower you, elevating your position and increasing your options.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). As open-minded and exible as you are, this week it’s better to do things your way, especially when it comes to fun. ere’s no need to subscribe to other people’s version of a good time. You know what brings you joy. Go with what puts a smile on your own face and you’ll soon see smiles all around you.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). No one likes feeling like they must always be “on” to be accepted. at’s why you make sure people know that you embrace them as they are. You encourage everyone to relax and be themselves. And though they still want to impress you, they feel comfortable around you and want to be around you more overall.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Serenity and clarity are on o er when you keep your life simple. Ignore complications and they’ll go away. Because you revel in pleasures such as watching nature, enjoying good company and eating delicious food, you will be ready with the right receptive mindset for other kinds of experiences.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll be aware of how your physical form is intricately connected to all that’s around you. You are continuously exchanging matter and energy with your surroundings. Like food and air, your interactions shape and in uence your body. is week, you’ll love how it all leans toward health, energy and the good vibes.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll develop an interest that is unusual or outside your main focus. It’s too early to see how this will help you reach a goal, but it will. Di erent personalities will make things more interesting for you. Because you don’t require that everyone conform to your expectations of them, your social landscape is varied and beautiful.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). For the majority of Earth’s history, pond scum ruled. ere are times this week when you’ll be convinced it still does. Try not to get discouraged by the messes you’ll sort out. You’ll adopt a helpful perspective that gives you the energy to work smart, hard and fast.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Because there is so much competing for your attention this week, you’ll appreciate people who can simply state their need or tell you exactly what they would like you to do. You are adept at helping others in the speci c way they prefer -- a gift made possible by your intelligence and lack of ego. is will be your gateway to good fortune.
is year sees you in a constant state of motion, vibrating with energy. You’ll bring something extraordinary into existence and fall in love with it, too. It’s a re ection of your unique essence and the depth of your creative power. You’ll inspire others and be constantly reminded of the profound joy that comes from following your passions. More highlights: connecting with past relationships to build a legacy, moving and/or renovating to accommodate new interests, and a huge sale that brings in a bag of money.
On the tennis court
Solution: 15 Letters
Word Find
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 15 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
On the tennis court
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Contract Bridge
A sophisticated play
By Steve Becker
But if East plays the queen of spades at trick one, declarer will almost surely go down. South wins the queen with the king because he would naturally be afraid that West might hold the A-J-x-x-x, in which case the defenders would collect the first five spade tricks after a spade return by East.
Once South wins the opening lead with the king, he is fighting a losing battle. Sooner or later, he has to lead diamonds, and when East gains the lead, he plays the ace and another spade to sink the contract.
count can frequently prove very useful to the defenders. For example, consider East’s play to the first trick in this deal. Normally, East would take the ace on the opening lead. This would be in keeping with the general principle of third-hand high. He would then continue with the queen of spades, ducked by declarer, and the four, which South would win with the king.
Observe the effect of these plays. Declarer — after losing a diamond finesse to East’s queen — winds up making three notrump, scoring one spade, three hearts, four diamonds and a club.
Why should East vary from the usual procedure of third-hand high? Because he knows declarer has the king of spades and wants to encourage him to win the trick. South’s opening notrump bid showed 15 to 17 points. Since East sees 11 points in dummy and 12 more in his own hand, there are only 17 points left for South and West to hold.
It is therefore impossible for West to have the king of spades, since this would mean that South had less than 15 points. But note that even if South had somehow lacked the king of spades, East’s queen would win the first trick, and nothing would be lost.
Indeed, even in those cases where declarer’s point count is not as precisely known, the queen would still be the play of choice for the very same reasons.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle here call 516-403-5170 •

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Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Emerald Green I GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Emerald Green I GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241301-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Emerald Green II GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Emerald Green II GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241302-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company.
Name: Grant Forbell GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Grant Forbell GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241303-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Ruby Dumont GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Ruby Dumont GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241304-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Wyona GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Wyona GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241305-ROS
Notice of Formation of CAMPUS ROW LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept of State on 6/8/23. Office: Nassau County. NY Sec. of State designated for service of process and shall mail copy of process to Campus Row LLC, 14 Junard Dr. Roslyn, NY 11576.
Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
7-26-19-12-5; 6-28-21-20236T-#241454-ROS
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on May 2, 2023. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501
“Rain or Shine” on the 1st day of August, 2023 at 2:00 PM.
All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of East Hills, Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York.
Premises known as 38 Magnolia Lane, East Hills, (Town of North Hempstead) NY 11577.
(SBL#: 7-129-26)
Approximate amount of lien
$1,485,570.37 plus interest and costs.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale.
Index No. 003215/2015.
Bradly G. Marks, Esq., Referee. Davidson Fink LLP
Attorney(s) for Plaintiff
400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Ste 200 Rochester, NY 14618