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Set to be held once more at the Radisson blu hotel in Glasgow on 6 September, the event will again see the cream of Scotland’s local retailing community gather to honour some of the best retailers, stores and initiatives in our sector.

With the cost-of-living crisis, soaring energy bills, supply issues and a shambolic countdown to the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme, it’s been yet another challenging year for our convenience store community. e sector has – as it always does – risen to those challenges and we are determined – as we always are – to recognise and pay tribute to the very best of Scotland’s local retailers.

We know how di cult running a convenience store can be – we did it with Woodlands Local – and you may well think setting aside a chunk of your valuable time to make an entry is the last thing you need but being shortlisted or winning an award can have a massively bene cial e ect on your store, your team and your customers.

With a deadline of Friday 2 June, there isn’t much time le if you wish to enter the SLR Awards 2023.

And why wouldn’t you? e prestigious event comes of age this year, as we celebrate 21 years recognising the very best of local retailing. It’s bound to be an incredibly special evening, and we want you there!

e easy-to-use entry portal has been live for a couple of months now, and the entries are coming thick and fast. However, the clock is ticking, and the 2 June entry deadline will be here before you know it.

If haven’t entered yet, now is the time to do it to ensure you don’t miss out on your chance to be up on stage come September smiling for the camera and holding one of convenience retail’s most prestigious awards.

What’s more, just entering the Awards in the rst place will bene t you: it forces you to take a step back and see your store through the eyes of your shoppers. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily challenges of running the store and lose sight of what’s right in front of your eyes. Taking a deep breath and casting an objective eye over every aspect of your business will help you gure out what you’re getting right as well as spotting where there is room for improvement.

So, what are you waiting for? It won’t cost you a penny, so visit slrawards.com and enter as few or as many categories as you choose. For advice on how to optimise your submission and to make your entries as strong as possible for the judges, please email events@55north. com.

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