12th Annual ANTSHE Conference Program

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SAINT MARTIN’S UNIVERSITY ANTSHE PLANNING COMMITTEE Co-Chairs: Josefina Pilon Jeffrey Bunnell Jan Berney Rachel Martinez Martin Moore Jame Cornett

SMU Admission Office SMU Alumni/ ANTSHE President SMU Student Service Counseling Office Nontrad Club Staff Advisor SMU Nontrad Alumni Gear-UP, Evergreen State College SMU Alumni/ANTSHE Communications SMU Student / Nontrad Club Pres. ANTSHE Student Rep.

Marki Carson Miranda Lamping Marie Basler

SMU Communications Office SMU Student / ASSMU Secretary ANTSHE Conference Coordinator

The Planning Committee wishes to thank all this weekend’s volunteers and appreciates their support in helping us bring you a great conference experience! Thank you all!

Leading Your Journey to the Summit this Weekend are 3 Honored Guest Speakers The theme for the conference is Reaching the Summit 2009. We chose this theme because it captured the spirit of the Pacific Northwest and reflected the journey that our lives take toward our goals. We believe that together we can overcome challenges and navigate our way to success while enjoying the thrill of the adventure we embark on. The goal of the conference is to inspire you to develop and share your skills in leading, planning, collaborating and providing support to each other and yourselves. Our three guest speakers are unique in their own non-traditional journey of success. Two Saint Martin’s Alumni will speak to their experiences right her on our campus. All three had non-traditional student experiences and meet the challenges reaching their personal summit of success in the end. We hope you enjoy the informal positive sharing that each will bring to the podium.

Laura Murphy, J.D. -As a judge, Laura Murphy brings experience, integrity and leadership to the Thurston County District Court bench. Her diverse experience includes serving as protem judge, private attorney (including criminal defense and civil litigation), prosecuting attorney, and as a law enforcement officer – all contributing to Laura’s unique ability to recognize and respond to every aspect of the judicial system. As a prior child victim advocate and recipient of the Human Rights Award from the Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights, Laura recognizes the necessity of holding offenders accountable while serving the entire community. Her perspective brings a balanced approach to the bench.

Education: • Juris Doctorate from Seattle School of Law cum laude • Bachelor of Arts from St. Martin‟s University, summa cum laude • Associate of Arts from South Puget Sound Community College • National Association of District Attorneys ooo• Cross Examination ooo• Trial Advocacy • Instructor – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DUI Prosecution

Cynthia Worth, J.D. - After graduating from Gonzaga University School of Law in 1996, Cynthia went on to obtain her LL.M. in Taxation from the University of Washington in 1997 and founded the Worth Law Group in 1998. Recognized as a positive force in the local community, Cynthia is active in numerous professional and community organizations including: serving as a Providence St. Peter Hospital Foundation Board member from 2004 to present; South Puget Sound Estate Planning Council President in 2003; Washington Women Lawyers Capitol Chapter President from 2000 to 2004; membership in the Thurston County Bar Association from 1998 to 2005; Washington State Bar Association Tax Section member; and Washington Women Lawyers Capitol Chapter Board Member of the Year for 2004. Cynthia was recently named a Rising Star by Washington Law & Politics magazine. This honor is only bestowed on 2.5 % of Washington attorneys under the age of 40 or practicing less than 10 years. www.superlawyers.com. Recognized as an authority on estate and tax law, Cynthia is a frequent speaker for continuing legal education programs for various organizations including the Washington State Bar Association, certified public accountants, and financial planners. She is admitted to practice in the State of Washington and before the U.S. Tax Court.

Tony Couch, BA Engineering, Saint Martin’s University Tony Couch, a national trainer and entrepreneur has dedicated his life to the following mission; To Inspire, Create, Contribute and Compel. As President and Head Trainer for A.B.Couch Training and Associates, Inc. Tony specializes in results-oriented team building and systems development training. His background includes being a national trainer, government administrator, and entrepreneur. His specialized training comes from over twenty-five years in education, administration and extensive training through numerous programs including ton Robbins and the Bill Bonnsterrer of Target Training Institute.

The SMU / ANTSHE Planning Committee wish to express its sincere appreciation for the support provided by the members of Associated Student of Saint Martin’s University (ASSMU) Thank you!

12TH Annual Conference Weekend Schedule Thursday, March 19, 2008

Board of Directors Meeting 7-10pm

Friday, March 20,2009

Harned Hall Locations subject to change

Board of Directors Meeting 8am -12pm 2:00pm City Tour Sign-in & Registration 2:00 - 5:00pm


Orientation and New Members Session

Norman Worthington Conference Center Main Rm Norman Worthington Conference Center Main Rm

Opening Sessions to include: Silent Auction / 50-50 / Raffles throughout weekend Welcoming Speakers


Norman Worthington Conference Center

Optional Capital City Tour Downtown Olympia

4:30pm - 5:30pm Registration and Check-In 5:00 - 5:30pm

Harned Hall, Main campus

" Raffle Drawings every day! ~Many chances to win! Worthington Center "

Buffet dinner Featured Speaker 1 Ms. Laura Murphy, J.D.


Special Northwest Presentation


Welcoming Social Hour


SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2009 7:30 am - 8:20am

8:00am -

Introduction and Overview of Sat. Sessions

Featured Speaker 2 Ms. Cynthia Worth, J.D.

8:30am -11:30am Break out Sessions sets I - IV 11:30am - 12:30pm "Off the Menu " Lunch 12:30pm - 12:50pm

Award and Recognition 2010 ANTSHE Host Presentation Silent Auction /Raffles/ Drawing Continues

Trautman Union Building Coffee / Juice / Fruit / Pastries Trautman Union Building Harned Hall, Main Campus Jazzman‟s Café‟ Open! St Gertrude Dining Hall / Old Main Trautman Union Bldg. by UNC Charlotte

1:00pm - 4:00pm Break Out Sessions sets V - VIII

Harned Hall

4:00pm - 5:00pm Panel Discussions

Trautman Union Bldg

5:00pm -5:30pm Silent Auction Winners / Evening Activities

Trautman Union Bldg.

Hosted Dinners at Local Restaurants

Sign-up sheets available

Local Pub Crawl (Downtown Oly.) Casino Night Out!

Little Creek Casino

SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2009 8:30am - 10:00am Full Buffet Breakfast 9:15am - 9:45am 9:30am - 10:00am

Featured Speaker 3 Mr. Tony Couch (Maj., USA Retired)


Business Meeting (Consent Agenda avail. for members at door)


2010 ANTSHE Host Presentation 10:00am -

Worthington Center

by UNC Charlotte

Remaining Awards and Recognition Seating of 2009-2010 ANTSHE Board of Directors

11:00am - Dismissal

Approx. 11am

SESSION SUMMARIES All breakout sessions will take place in their assigned rooms unless otherwise posted. Presentation rooms are located in Harned Hall, Burton Hall. The final session of the day will be in the Trautman Union Building at 4pm.

1. Presenters: Mindy Sloan Lynn Larson

Representing Chapman University College

Type P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 110 Time: 8:30-9:20am

Session Title & Summary: “How Effective are Non-Traditional Graduates of a Special Education Teacher Credential Program” - Our presentation describes student learning outcomes for nontraditional special education teacher credential candidates and alumni. Outcomes include application of skills in classroom settings, basic writing skills, reflection, and subject matter expertise. Findings indicate the faculty and employees of alumni rate alumni skills more highly than alumni rate themselves. It seem nontraditional students may be more self-critical and have higher expectations for themselves than traditional students, employer and faculty.

2. Presenters: Karen Mitchell Kristian Alton

Representing Oklahoma State University Southern Illinois University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 210 Time: 9:30 – 10:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Laughing Out Loud: Reaching the summit to good health” - Non-Traditional students have a lot of stress in their lives. There is the stress of school and the stress of family obligations. There is the stress of the job not to mention compromise, sacrifices and expectations. This workshop will explore alternative methods of reducing stress in the adult learners life and look at how positive emotions and laughter can help you reach the summit of good health. Corny? Perhaps, but lots of laughs!

3. Presenters: Kristian Alton

Representing Southern Illinois University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 115 Time: 8:30 – 9:20am Session Title & Summary: “Reaching the Summit of Member Recruitment and Retention” - Students often have very specific reasons for joining groups. As officers, if we understand what drives students to join our group in the first place, we can use that information to tailor recruiting efforts. Once we understand what our members are expecting/hoping to get out of membership, we can then tailor group activities to encourage them to continue participating in ways that are meaningful to them. There will be opportunities to share "best practice" and to brainstorm new ideas throughout the presentation in order to facilitate cooperative learning. 4. Presenters: Amanda Daly Robin Wormsley Deanna Sedlock Ellen Kisker

Representing Missouri Western State University Missouri Western State University Missouri Western State University Missouri Western State University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 212 Time: 9:30 – 10:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Planning and Organizing Fall Semester Events” - Planning ahead using the summer months to meet with Nontrad members and organization officers, to plan for fall semester club activities to be fully prepared from the first day of classes!

5. Presenters: Rebecca (Becky) Trabor

Representing Type Place / Time_______ Saint Martin’s University S/P Burton Hall Addition Two Sessions: Session 1 Time: 2:00pm Session 2 Time: 3:00pm Session Title & Summary: “Getting to Ahhhhhhh” - Participants will learn yoga poses that will help them work on creating balance in their lives, focus on areas of strength and flexibility (both figuratively and literally), and discover (or rediscover) moments of bliss (or as I like to say “ahhh…”). Please dress casual allowing for flexibility and stretching.

6. Presenters: Karen Wilson Dr. Thomas Benjamin

Representing University of Hawaii at Manoa P

Type P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 213 Time: 9:30 – 10:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Unique Programs, Unique Challenges” - University of Hawaii has a unique hybrid teacher education program. These programs are designed for people who already have a Bachelor‟s degree and so almost our entire program population are adult students who want to become teachers. Added to this is the unique geography and culture of Hawaii and the number of challenges gets multiplied. How has the University of Hawaii met these new challenges? Are any of the solutions adaptable for you institution? This session will focus on the interactive discussion of the challengers of working with adult students in unusual setting and unique programs.

7. Presenters: Amanda King Donna Minkley

Representing Eastern Kentucky \ ANTSHE ANTSHE

Type S/P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:116 Time: 8:30 – 9:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Let ANTSHE be Your Sherpa: Finding your way to the top of the ANTSHE Nontrad Services Ranking” - Amanda and Donna have spent the last few months gathering data by surveying students and professionals about the services offered to adult students at, for, and by, their institutions. They will present and explain their findings giving a grade to each of the participating institutions. They will offer concrete ways to better serve Non-traditional students as well as offer a basis for comparing one school to another.

8. Presenters: Sandra McLelland

Representing University of Utah \ ANTSHE P


Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 214 Time: 9:30 – 10:20am Session Title & Summary: “Returning to the U: An Innovative Program for Adult Learners” - In spring of 2007 the University of Utah determined there were some 4000 students with 90 or more credit hours who had never completed their undergraduate degrees. A university wide imitative was created to encourage former students to return to campus. This presentation will look at the implementation of the Returning to the U program and its history as it moves through the second year. Some of the issues discussed will be funding, resources, materials, eligibility requirements, incentives, services, and methods for locating qualifying students and others! This session will wrap with a discussion on tracking and retention and graduation rates as a results of the Returning to the U program!

9. Presenters: Deidre Eaton

Representing Saint Martin’s University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 115 Time: 1:00 – 1:50pm

Session Title & Summary: “Creating Nontrad Recognition on Your Campus” - This session will look at proactive ways you can develop nontrad clubs or organizations where none exist. Searching out support through student

government, obtaining funding under student services programs, and simply gaining recognition for your nontrad student population will be a few of the „first steps‟ discussed in becoming proactive on your campus.

10. Presenters: Jessica Fox-Wilson

Representing Augsburg College

Type S/P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 110 Time:1:00 – 1:50pm

Session Title & Summary: “Ch-ch-ch-changes: Adapting Traditional College Culture for Nontraditional Programs” - Developing nontraditional undergraduate programs at traditional colleges and universities take perseverance, creativity and flexibility. In addition to modifying class times and service availability, the institution must initiate a culture of change to integrate the new programs into the existing community. This session will illustrate the bottom-up progress for creating a culture change, for traditional schools that incorporate new nontraditional programs and reviving existing programs that have lived on the periphery. Discussion items include gathering and analyzing data, classroom experience, services and program viability, and nontraditional student visibility.

11. Presenters: Sue Denham

Representing UNC Charlotte

Type S/P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:110 Time: 10:30–11:20am Session Title & Summary: “OASES Scholarships for Nontraditional Students” - The University of North Carolina at Charlotte believes that graduation is paramount to success. The 49er Finish Program is a graduation initiative that systematically identifies, recruits, and supports students who have stopped out of the university after earning a majority of the credits needed to complete a degree. The program, administered by the Office of Adult Students and Evening Services (OASES), targets former UNC Charlotte seniors who have stopped short of finishing their bachelor‟s degree. The 49er Finish Program offers several incentives for students contemplating on returning to the University that include fee-free readmission, enrollment assistance, mentoring programs, nontraditional student organizations and a referral service. Learn how to recruit and encourage former seniors to complete their degree and work with academic departments to better meet students‟ educational needs and become more marketable in the workplace.

12. Presenters: Shawn Newman, J.D.

Representing Saint Martin’s University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:117 Time:8:30–9:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Avoiding Legal Pitfalls on the path to Higher Education” - This session will discuss and review legal issues facing non-traditional students returning to college: federal tax breaks for college education expenses; dealing with creditors and knowing your rights; bankruptcy and student loans , asset protection, LLC‟s and Trusts.

13. Presenters: Diane Schmitz Alexis Gallegos

Representing Seattle University Collegia Program

Type P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: Time: 10:30 – 11:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Creating a welcoming community for Nontrad students” - This session will provide an opportunity to learn from the success of the Collegia Program at Seattle University in providing a “home away from home” space and community for non-traditional students. One of the presenters is a non-trad student who is

part of that community. We‟ll highlight the links to other programming endeavors that have developed from conversations with non-trad students that address orientations, career service department connections, recreational sports and more. Most importantly, we challenge the generalization that non-trad students don‟t care about/are too busy for involvement and connection.

14. Presenters: Susan Huggins

Representing American Council on Education

Type P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:116 Time: 1:00 – 1:50pm Session Title & Summary: “Using „CREDIT‟ to Attract and Retain Non-Traditional Students” - The American Council on Education‟s College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT) connects workplace learning with colleges and universities by helping adults gain access to academic credit for formal course and examinations taken outside the traditional degree programs.

15. Presenters: Arthur Manjarrez

Representing Central Washington University

Type P

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:116 Time: 10:30 – 11:20am Session Title & Summary: “Factors Affecting Persistence in First-Year Undergraduates” - This presentation of research will discuss the creation, administration, and results of the Nontraditional Scale and the Self-Efficacy Scale. This lecture-based presentation will engage participants in a thoughtful question and answer session through the presentation. Participants will be provided with the Nontraditional Scale and he Self Efficacy Scale and have an opportunity to react to their own institutional challenges that are relevant to their own campus environment.

16. Presenters: Jame Cornett

Representing Saint Martin’s University

Type S

17. Presenters: Kimberly A. Hilton, M.S. Joanna Oberthur

Representing Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis, IN

Type P/S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:116 Time:1:00 – 1:50pm Session Title & Summary: “Managing a Full Platter” - This session will provide practical advice and suggestions to make family life and relationships less stressful and more meaningful during the non-traditional college years. This session will include fun, inexpensive ways to encourages the nontrad in your family while balancing the demands for the other members of your family.

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 117 Time:10:30 – 11:20am

Session Title & Summary: “Teaching Technology: Strategies for Distance Learning Success” - Online and hybrid courses are becoming increasingly more popular at all colleges. Non-traditional students like distance learning because it can save them time, travel, and money. It also allows them to continue their degree in times of illness, financial difficulty, or other situations where attending a class face to face is problematic. While distance learning offers great advantages for non-traditional students, there are considerations that must be examined by faculty, staff, and students alike. We have taught English and math in various online versions (mostly using Blackboard as a platform), and have worked with our developmental students to develop the skills and habits necessary for them to achieve success in DL classes. This presentation will offer background information about distance learning, current national statistics, and practical suggestions for facilitators and learners in DL settings.

18. Presenters: Carleen Jackson

Representing Washington Secretary of State’s Office

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:117 Time: 3:00 – 3:50pm

Session Title & Summary: “Choosing the Best Fund Raising Activity” - A roundtable discussion of what works, what doesn‟t and why. What to consider when starting a fund raising activity to ensure profit and not burn out your membership.

19. Presenters: Ann Adams

Representing Saint Martin’s University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm:110 Time: 2:00 – 2:50pm

Session Title & Summary: “Climbing the Path to Career Success” - In this session, we will focus on how to conduct a job search during a recession; how to write your resume so that it focuses on your accomplishments; how to build your network; how to answer some of those tricky interview questions. Resources on WA State Labor market, interest and motivational assessments will be available. We can have a discussion about how employers are using LinkedIn, FaceBook, etc. to recruit candidates.

20. Presenters: Dr. Carol Ann Baily

Representing Middle Tennessee State University

Type S

Place / Time_______ Harned Hall Rm: 115 Time: 2:00 – 2:50pm

Session Title & Summary: “How Wile E. Coyote helps adults reach the Summit” - The presentation will present the four insights that Steven Brookfield identified when he asked how adult learners really experience the higher education experience. They will learn about impostership, cultural suicide, lost innocence, and road running. Then, they will learn about Wile E. Coyote as a model for adult learners and how they can learn from Wile E. Coyote how to reach their goals -- how to reach the summit.

21. Presenters: John P. Hopkins

Representing Saint Martin’s University

Type P

Place / Time_______ Harned Rm: 117 Time: 2:00 – 2:50pm

Session Title & Summary: “Non-traditional students: Expanding The Concept of Multiculturalism For College Campuses” - Many college campuses today include race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, among others, as critical areas for student support. While there are support services for non-traditional students, many campuses do not fit them within the multicultural paradigm. In this presentation we consider the question whether non-traditional status could be a viable identity to include in multicultural/diversity services. To consider this question, the presentation will begin with a basic theoretical approach to understand college inclusion and engagement. Once presented, participants will engage in fruitful dialogue about the role multicultural affairs might play in serving and supporting non-traditional students.

22. Presenters: ANTSHE Panel Gabe DeGabreile Dr. Carol Ann Baily Marie Basler


Type P/S

Aduro Consulting Middle Tennessee State University Oklahoma State University

Place / Time_______ Trautman Student Union Time: 4:00 – 4:50pm

Session Title & Summary: ANTSHE host will lead this panel discussion about the current state of Non-Traditional Students. Topics covered will include (but are will not be limited to) program development and sustainment, national trends and issues effecting nontrads, returning veterans, and the effects of the negative economy on returning to campus.

The Saint Martinâ€&#x;s University / ANTSHE Planning Committee would like to thank all of our distinguished presenters and would encourage all our conference participants to convey our appreciation for their support and appearance today. Thank you!

This week STARBUCKS!

ALL SESSIONS ARE IN HARNED HALL (unless otherwise indicated)

RM # 110




8:30am - 9:20am 1(P) – How Effective are NonTraditional Grads. for Special Education 3(S) - Reaching the Summit as a group despite declining participation 7(S/P) - ”Let ANTSHE be Your Sherpa”- Nontrad Survey Rankings and Evaluation 12(S) - “Legal Pitfalls of Returning to Campus”


9:30am – 10:20am


10:30am – 11:30am

11:30am 12:30pm


2(S)-“Laughing Out loud; Reaching the summit to good health”


11(S/P) – “OASES Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students”



4(S)-Planning and Organizing Fall Semester Events


13(S)- “Creating a Welcoming Community for Nontrads”



6(P)- “Unique Programs, Unique Challenges” looking at hybrid teacher programs 8(P) – “Returning to the U”developing an initiatives to regain former students


15(P) – “Factors Affecting persistence in First-Year Undergraduates” 17(P/S) - Teaching Technology – Strategies for Distance Learning Success”







12:30 am - 1:00 pm Trautman Union Building – Speaker 2 & Raffle Drawings

Afternoon Sessions

RM #

1:00pm – 1:50pm

RM #


10(S/P) – “Ch-ch-ch-changes: Adapting Traditional College Culture for Nontrad Programs”



9(S) – “Creating Nontrad Recognition on Your Campus”



14(P) – Using “CREDIT” to attract and retain Nontrad Students 16(S) – “Managing a Full Platter” offering practical suggestions for balancing demands of being a nontrad!




Burton Hall


Trautman Student Union

2:00pm – 2:50pm


3:00pm- 3:50pm

19(S) – “Climbing the Path to Career Success” focuses on how to conduct job searches, build resumes and handling those tricky interview questions!” 20(S) – “How Wile E. Coyote helps adults reach the Summit” presenting 4 Brookfield insights into adult higher education experience 21(P) - “Expanding the Concept of Multiculturalism For College Campuse” 1(P) – How Effective are NonTraditional Grads. for Special Education


13(S)- “Creating a Welcoming Community for Nontrads”


3(S) - Reaching the Summit as a group despite declining participation





5(S/P) “Getting to Ahhhhhhh” Participants will learn yoga poses that help them work on creating balance in their lives

Burton Hall

4:00pm – 5:00pm

5(S/P) Yoga Instructions – Please dress casual allowing for flexibility and stretching 22 – ANTSHE Panel Discussion

CONFERENCE SPONSORS We would like to thank the following conference sponsors and encourage you to visit their businesses while you’re here in Washington. Let’s support those who support us! Donations Pints and Quarts

Accommodations Show your conference badge and receive at least 10% off ot;

Best Buy Inc. Frankie’s Sports Bar and Grill Safeway State Farm Insurance Company The Rock (Wood Fire Pizza) Regal Cinemas Best Buy, Inc.

Red Lobster Casa Mia Italian Brewery City Pizza Anthony’s Seafood Anthony’s Hearth Fire Bud Bay Café’ The Oyster House Olive Garden Outback Steakhouse Longhorn Steakhouse


PROVIDING YOUR CONFERENCE BAR SERVICE Over 30 micobrews on tap! Located 1 block from campus on College Ave.

Additional Sponsors  Friday Banquet and Northwest Presentation Sponsored by the Associated Students of Saint Martin’s University

 Conference Bags Sponsored by Saint Martin’s Alumni Association

 Conference Coffee Cups sponsored by Saint Martin’s Office of Admissions Other Sponsors include Saint Martin’s University Alumni Association Associated Students of Saint Martin’s University (ASSMU) State Farm Insurance Company Pinnacle Honor Society Office of the President, Saint Martin’s University Frankie’s Sports Bar and Grill University of Washington Tacoma Shawn T. Newman, Attorney at Law

My Fellow ANTSHE Members,

I want to thank everyone for their support and vote of confidence by electing me to a second term. I am humbled by the opportunity to lead ANTSHE for another 2 years. My service to this great organization has been extremely regarding I look forward to an even more productive years as we continue to move forward. Your Board of Directors has been hard at work on your behalf all year. We have streamlined many administrative processes, worked to provided more support to on campus organizations, and in general continued to be a lightning rod for focused support to Nontrad organizations around the country. Through a concerted effort by this board ANTSHE awareness and public recognition is on the rise. We are in negotiation with a webinar hosting company to develop ANTSHE Webinars featuring some of our expert members, collaborating with book publishers to develop a series of ANTSHE books including “The Nontrad Cook Book; Meals in Under 10 Minutes or less!” We are actively seeking funding and have contracted with a grant writer to formalize the process. I am confident these programs and more will continue the trend of expanding ANTSHE’s footprint. I welcome everyone to Saint Martin’s University for our 12th Annual Conference and hope to find time to meet with as many members as possible. I am very interested in hearing about all the great things members are involved in on your campus, and our conference is a perfect place to share with each other. I encourage you to meet people and introduce yourself to those you do not know. We are all members of the extended ANTSHE family so take time to share with your fellow member. I look forward to the challenges of the next 2 years and look forward to working with all of you. I am optimistic about the endless possibilities for the growth of ANTSHE! As we move forward this year let us never forget our mission to encourage and coordinate support, education and advocacy for all adult learners! Thank you again for your continued support,

Jeff Bunnell Jeffrey Bunnell ANTSHE President

ANTSHE 2009-2010 Board of Directors President

Jeffrey Bunnell

Vice Donna Minkley President Communica Cricket Bonnetaud tions Director Secretary Kay Mitchell

President@antshe.org vicepresident@antshe.org Communciations@antshe.org Secretary@antshe.org

Membershi Sandy McLelland Membership@antshe.org p Officer Scholarship Stephanie scholarshipofficer@antshe.org Officer Sirovatka-Marshall Student Coordinato Amanda King Amand.King@eku.edu r Student Michele Roulet Member Student Kristian Alton Member


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