Association for Non -Traditional Students in Higher Education
Non-trad journal 315 Grand View Park Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81503 Ph: 253.251.0901 Fax: 866.887.9940
~ Quarterly Publication by ANTSHE ~
Volume 1, Issue 10
June 2007
Presidents Message by Jeffrey Bunnell, ANTSHE President
Check out these websites of interest to all Nontrads! ANTSHE 2008
Inside this issue: Board Profiles
Scholarship Winners
ANTSHE Resource Book & CD’s
2008 Conference
Board goes ONLINE
News U Can Use
Contact Us
Coming off of one our most successful conferences the ANTSHE Board of Directors has their hands full of great ideas and projects. Through some great collaboration and idea sharing with conference attendees we are working on your behalf to develop new programs of support, streamline administrative actions of the board, and reorganize the structure of ANTSHE to better serve our membership. There is truly and atmosphere of endless possibilities for ANTSHE! This year’s conference at Oklahoma State was a great success. That success was directly to the hard work and dedication of the OSU Planning committee. Our after conference survey’s were filled with great comments on the conference as a whole. We appreciate the hard work of Marie, Shanda, and the entire OSU Planning Committee and thank them for being perfect host.
As we move through the year we are in the constant planning phase with our host for ANTSHE 2008 at Middle Tennessee State. Our Conference Officer Ms. Shanda Smith ( coming off her successful execution of the OSU conference) will be working closely with Dr. Bailey to bring us another excellent learning and collaborative weekend next march. We look forward to coming to Middle Tennessee State. All conference information will be posted to the ANTSHE website and the conference pages on Middle Tennessee OWLS pages. Check them often as information will be posted on a regular basis. Your ANTSHE Board has been busy since we left OSU. With a list of objectives for the year, each member has been busy devel~Cont. on Pg.7
ANTSHE Members! By Sandra Raab, Membership Officer MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS! If you have a story to tell and want to share, now’s your chance. We will highlight members submission in a new section of this newsletter under “Members Highlights” This section will be used for personal stories of achievement or academic success, but can also highlight a Nontrad supporter (staff or faculty) on your campus or a special program your organization or school provides for
Non-Trads and bring a national awareness to your Nontrad programs. Simply submit your writings in an MSWord .doc to our Communications Officer at “TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”
Each edition of our newsletter will feature profiles of current board members, committee volunteers, and highlight people we think you would like to know! These dedicated volunteers work on your behalf developing programs and continue to make ANTHSHE the premier advocate for Non-Traditional students across the country!
Vice President – Donna Minkley
Communications Officer – Marie Basler
My name is Donna Minkley and I live in a small former vacation village surrounding a lake in rolling southeast Wisconsin. I’ve been married for 25 years to my best friend Craig. We have four kids 3 girls and 1 boy (21, 18, 16, &14). I started college at 35 and finished in five years with a bachelor’s degree in Geography.
My name is Marie Basler and I am the Coordinator of Non-Traditional Student Services at Oklahoma State University. I have worked with non-traditional students professionally for nearly 30 years. I have been involved with ANTSHE for the last 10 years as a member and most recently as the Conference Officer. I am looking forward to this year serving as Communications Officer and I hope that all of you will send me your comments and suggestions on how ANTSHE can best communicate with you as members.
Currently I work for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources this is within my degree field, although, right now I’m still “gaining experience” in the customer service bureau. The experiences I had in college working with non-trads and leading the university non-trad group to several ANTSHE conferences lead me to my affiliation with ANTSHE. My dream career would be to do anything professional with students. I would love to be an advisor, student activities professional, or a program assistant. So, I volunteer with ANTSHE because its fun and it keeps me connected to the college community and gives me a chance to give back. If you live in the Midwest and want to network with me in regards to ANTSHE or about how you can make a difference at your institution don’t hesitate to contact me via email through the list serve or at I’ll be glad to dish out information and free advice. Donna
I have a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Southeast Missouri State University, where I also received my BA in Psychology many years ago. I love to cook and bake bread. I live with my two shelties – Al and Missy. My goal in life is to retire before I am too old to enjoy the time. Al and I are studying for him to be a therapy dog so we can fill all that free time visiting schools, hospitals and nursing homes. If you are ever in the area, let me know and I will be happy to show you around our campus. Like Donna, I am always available to speak with any of you should you want or need information about ANTSHE, non-traditional students or working with your student organization. You may contact me at or Marie
Secretary – Kay Mitchell My name is Karen Mitchell, Kay to most of everyone. I am the secretary for ANTSHE. I am in the Master’s program for Educational Psychology at Oklahoma State University. I also have an 8 year old little girl. I love to write stories and I even have published some poems. Recently I co-presented a workshop at the conference on "Surviving as a Single Parent" discovered that being a single parent by choice brought on new sets of challenges when facing school, work and family life that were uniquely mine but not uncommon to other single parents and that brought to me an inspiration to help other single parents and their everyday challenges. Since becoming a non-traditional student and getting involved with ANTSHE, I have discovered an area that I think needs to be addressed within the organization and I am working on developing a survey about non-trads, the difficulties and challenges we face on a daily basis and how ANTSHE can help support its students and members. I would love to hear your thoughts on this as members. If you have comments or suggestions, please contact me at Kay
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Scholarship Winners! De Gabriel Graduate Scholarship
Kazimour Undergraduate Scholarship
Beth Richards lives with her husband and 2 school age children and one adult child in Kansas. She is a graduate student at the University of Kansas in Lawrence studying in the department of curriculum and instruction. Beth volunteers at The Wilderness Science Center where she loves connecting children to their environments. She plans to obtain her masters degree and teach science.
Vinessa Waltimire is studying to be a certified drug and alcohol abuse counselor and obtaining her bachelor’s degree. She attends Friends University in Wichita, Kansas where she lives with her husband. Vinessa volunteers as an assistant to handicapped students and at the Kansas Children’s Services League mentoring teens.
Congratulations Beth!
Congratulations Vinessa!
ANTSHE wishes you continued suc- Best Wishes for continued success from ANTSHE. cess in pursuit of your goals.
Did you know ANTSHE awards up to 3 scholarships every year to their members? One, is for graduate students and has a special emphasis on students seeking careers in education. Another, is awarded to any member who is working on their bachelor's degree. The third, is reserved for students of two year institutions seeking their associates degree. For more information read page 5 and check out
“Lets go Shopping!” Don’t forget to visit the ANTSHE Store for great gifts, including Tshirts, coffee mugs, and much much more. All profits from your purchase go to the ANTSHE Scholarship fund! Shop Now!
"Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Building a NonTraditional Student Organization" ($25.00 +s&h) Content list: Ethics, Foundational Documents, Tips for Leaders, Motivation, Brainstorming, Group Development, Transition of Officers, Newsletter, Activities
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ANTSHE 11th ANNUAL CONFERENCE @ ANTS HE / O SU Co nfere nce Up dates
Middle Tennessee State University , 29 Feb—2 March 2008 life's challenges that come our way and making the conscious decision to thrive through those challenges.
Nontraditional students and the professionals who work with them across the nation are encouraged to begin fund raising right now in order to send a group to the national conference next February. Those of you with programs and experiences that would contribute to the theme of thriving, no matter what, are also encouraged to submit proposals for presentation sesThe theme for the 2008 ANTSHE Con- sions during the conference. ference will be Choosing to Thrive, No Matter What! Dr. Cara Di Marco, li- If you have questions you may contact censed psychologist with Lane Com- the 2008 ANTSHE Conference direcmunity College's Transitions to Suctor, Dr. Carol Ann Baily at cess program, will serve as the keynote or to go to the speaker. Di Marco is the author of Life website at Middle Tennessee State Transitions: Finding your way over, Conference Page around, and through life's challenges (1995) and Inconvenient Women: Choosing to Thrive No Matter What (to be published in 2008), will talk about going beyond surviving
“Striving to Survive, No Matter What!”
The 2008 ANTSHE Conference will open on February 29, 2008 -- Leap Year Day -- and continue through noon on Sunday, March 2, 2008. Middle Tennessee State University will host the national conference and the conference hotel will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in Murfreesboro, TN. Since Murfreesboro is located just 25 miles south of the airport in Nashville, TN, travelers may want to plan to take in some of the Nashville sites on Friday afternoon or Sunday afternoon.
2008 Conference News You Can Use!! Where the heck is Middle Tennessee State anyway? We’re glad you asked! You might have guessed from the name of the university it might be centrally located in Tennessee— and you would be right! MTSU is just a short drive from Nashville, and a few hours north of Chattanooga. Easily accessible via major interstates! (Click on the map for a closer look!)
Scholarship Information!
Have time to volunteer? ANTSHE is forming several committees to develop programs, reorganize and restructure ANTSHE, and bring greater recognition to our organization. If you have time and an interest in helping up please contact President Bunnell or any member of the Board of Directors. Here are a few of the committees’ being formed to begin work soon: National Recognition Week – working to gain national recognition from the U.S. Senate for Non-Trad week. Constitutional Review Committee – to recommend making much needed changes and amendments to our governing documents and present those changes at the annual business meeting in March 2008. National Marketing and Media Campaign – Working with other committee members to develop a new marketing strategy and launch a campaign to promote ANTSHE to a wider audience. Conference Selection Committee – develop a new standard for hosting an ANTSHE conference and proactively seek out host for future conferences These are just a few of the things we are working on. Come on in and help us out! It is rewarding work and can really make a difference in the many lives that ANTSHE touches. If you want to get involved simply contact Mrs. Donna Minkley (ANTSHE Vice President) at and she will put you in touch with the appropriate committee chairperson!
Did you know ANTSHE awards up to 3 scholarships every year to their members? One, is for graduate students and has a special emphasis on students seeking careers in education. Another, is awarded to any member who is working on their bachelor's degree. The third, is reserved for students of two year institutions seeking their associates degree. Unfortunately, in some years we do not receive any applicants for certain categories. It may be that you think you won't qualify because in the past your GPA was low or maybe you don't think you have the time to prepare the application. Well think again! Each year we accept applications until January 31st but the great news is we begin accepting them again on February 1st. That means you can submit your application at any time of the year that is convenient for you. This gives you 12 months to get that application together. We've made it easy with Word documents you can type into and print; an application page, a personal statement page, and reference forms you can send to your colleagues and professors. There are complete instructions that walk you through it step by step. You should visit our web page at and click on scholarships to see the forms. Be good to yourself, you deserve to get recognized for your hard work and everyone could use some extra money for school.
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2007-08 Board of Directors Jeffrey Bunnell
Donna Minkley
Vice President
Marie Basler
Communications Officer communications@antshe.og
Gerald Morgan
Student Coordinator
Betty Mixon
Finance Officer
Kay Mitchell
Shanda Smith
Committee Update!
RESEARCH ON NON-TRADS Looking for statistics on Non Traditional students? The National Center for Educational Statistics offers the latest statistics on nontrads. Visit their website at http://
The Executive Board of ANTSHE will be seeking volunteers to serve on several worth while committees in the coming months. All members are encouraged to participate! “Together we can make a Difference” Constitutional Review Marketing Committee Survey Committee Scholarship Committee
Conference Officer
Sandra Raab
Membership Officer
Jame Cornett
Student Member
Lori Themme
Student Member
Executive Board works to reduce administrative cost! Your Board of Directors is always looking to reduce administrative cost. In doing so, we have been developing through technology many effective means of collaboration and communication at no cost to the organization. The Board of Directors in one form or another, meets once a month via a virtual collaborative meeting
space provided to us by our friends at This virtual meeting place allows the board to meet without travel cost or conference telephone expense. This is a huge savings from previous years when our conference calls could average $40-$60 per meeting. Another great collaborative tool is the ANTSHE Board Virtual Office provided to us free of charge by our friends at This virtual online
office allows the board to collaborate on documents, host committee document libraries, and provides for real time document review. This meeting place is becoming an invaluable tool for the geographically challenge board! So, if you are ever in need of any of the services provided by our host, please consider those business who support us!
Join the New OSU ANTSHE Discussion Thread! As most of you know ANTSHE has established a new listserv at OSU. Thanks to the OSU IT Department, they have allowed us to host our list serve on their campus as no cost. ANTSHE has connections to many LISTSERV to include LearningTimes, KSU Listserv, and others. However, the list at OSU is operated by ANTSHE and administrated by board members.
is aware on how to navigate the list. Now that it is established we will begin to post topical information and membership information for all on a regular basis. We hope it will be used by everyone to distribute information and host collaborative dialogue with other s around the country. “TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”
We realize we had some challenges in setting up this valuable tool but have since worked to insure everyone 6
oping plans to complete individual projects. A few of these projects include a new national marketing plan for ANTSHE (including a media campaign), national recognition for “Non-Traditional Student Recognition Week” at the federal level, and several other projects that you will hear about in the future.
Share your thoughts and ideas with other nontraditional students around the country! There are many blogs, discussion boards and RSS available to us for sharing information without boundaries!
With all the work going on this year ANTSHE is in need of volunteers more than ever. If you have an idea for us, perhaps have some time to volunteer your time and talents, we would love to hear from you. There are many ways in Oklahoma State ANTSHE which you can be involved. Feel free to contact any board Listserv member who will give you information on how to become more involved. As the incoming President of ANTSHE, I am humbled to be of WKU able to guide this great organization. It is not alone I take on this task, as you are admirably represented by your colleagues on the Board of Directors. This great body of volunteers makes my job as President a pleasure, as I have College never met a more dedicated group of volunteers working on your behalf. Thank you,
Jeffrey Bunnell Jeffrey Bunnell ANTSHE President
Nontraditional Students blog
Nontraditional Students in
Nontraditional Students Ya-
hoo Group ~want
your blog listed here, email us~
Share information by subscribing to a Nontrad blog, RSS or discussion group:
Nontrad News Online: US News and World Reports—Nontrad Financial Aid Non-Traditional Student Success Act—introduced by Sen. Clinton
ANTSHE Board of Directors Meeting Space donated by 724 Hosting. Please support those businesses who support us!
ANTSHE.ORG is hosted by Brainstorm with service donated. Please support those businesses who support us!
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For more information about ANTSHE or if you have any questions about the content of this newsletter please write to: President Jeffrey Bunnell ( or Marie Basler, ANTSHE Communications Officer (communications
ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner.
Gabe DeGabriele
We’re on the web at
315 Grandview Park Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81503 Ph:(970) 210-3159 Fax: 1.866.887.9940
News U Can Use
ANTHSE Board of Directors is now accepting proposals to host the 2009, 2010 conference. MEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION We are particularly looking for host which posses some of the following qualities: close Don’t be left out! If your contact information has changed since joining ANTSHE please go to proximity of conference site to hotel and ease of transportation, number/proximity of surour website at click on memrounding institutions of higher learning, bership updates. We would like to have all cur- quality and availability of facilities /resources rent members verify and update their member- at host institution, visible support from the ship information as we are in the process of is- host institutions administration, enthusiasm; suing new member numbers and cards to our commitment of the local student group, promembers. If you have joined and not received a fessional presented comprehensive bid with a proposed budget, surrounding site. membership card please contact our If you are interested or would like more inMembership Officer Ms. Sandra Raab formation please contact President Jeffrey Bunnell at or Gabe DeGabriele at Updates to keep you current!
Any reference obtained from this publication to a specific commercial product, process, or service offered by 3rd party does not constitute or imply an endorsement by ANTSHE