March 2008

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Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education

THE NONTRAD journal ~ Quarterly Publication of ANTSHE ~

Volume 1, Issue 9

Feb. 2007

Presidents Message: by Donna Minkley, ANTSHE Interim President

Did you ever wonder how overcoming the challenges of managing family, work, and school obligations could help someone else find the courage to do the same? Well, I did.

Check out these websites of interest to all Nontrads! ANTSHE Conference

I have found a way that my experiences and abilities can be used to benefit others; I volunteered for ANTSHE service. At first I started small by being a member and attending conferences. I got involved at my school with our non-traditional student group. After graduation, I became a board member and helped develop the scholarship program for ANTSHE. For me, there is a sense of satisfaction in using my talents and the lessons learned along the way to help others avoid difficulty or to let them know it can be done. I am sure that most of you have had your own unique experiences, and have discovered great abilities within yourself that you didn’t know you had. There is no time like the present to put these to use.

Inside this issue: Tips for Nontrads


T-Shirt Exchange


ANTSHE is looking for volunteers to help spread the word about non-traditional stu-


OSU Conference


Board goes ONLINE


ANTSHE Elections


Contact Us


There are committees you can serve on that communicate via email and limited conference calls such as the scholarship committee, membership committee, communications committee, conference committee and more. There are regional representatives who make contact with local institutions serving non-traditional students. These representatives promote ANTSHE in their regions and let these institutions and students know that we are here advocating for and supporting them. As a thank you ANTSHE will provide an institutional membership to the regional representatives’ university. This is a great benefit and ~Cont. on Pg.7

ANTSHE Elections Underway! By Sandra Raab, Membership Officer

ANTSHE Resource Book

dents and to help us with projects and committee work. There are many levels of involvement and you can decide which opportunities fit in your busy schedule.

This years election period is upon us and beginning next week you will be able to vote for several key positions in ANTSHE. Here is list of who is running for board positions this year: Jeffrey Bunnell Donna Minkley Kay Mitchell Shanda Smith Jame Cornett Lorri Themmes

President Vice President Secretary Conference Officer Student Rep. Student Rep.

Information on the candidates is available on

our election page of our website. Simply go to ANTSHE.ORG and follow the links to elections information. Don’t forget to vote beginning 22 Feb thru 1 Mar. 2007. You can vote by email, fax, paper ballot or electronic voting site. For all your options and information on how to vote see the election pages of ANTSHE.ORG!

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