March 2008

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Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education

THE NONTRAD journal ~ Quarterly Publication of ANTSHE ~

Volume 1, Issue 9

Feb. 2007

Presidents Message: by Donna Minkley, ANTSHE Interim President

Did you ever wonder how overcoming the challenges of managing family, work, and school obligations could help someone else find the courage to do the same? Well, I did.

Check out these websites of interest to all Nontrads! ANTSHE Conference

I have found a way that my experiences and abilities can be used to benefit others; I volunteered for ANTSHE service. At first I started small by being a member and attending conferences. I got involved at my school with our non-traditional student group. After graduation, I became a board member and helped develop the scholarship program for ANTSHE. For me, there is a sense of satisfaction in using my talents and the lessons learned along the way to help others avoid difficulty or to let them know it can be done. I am sure that most of you have had your own unique experiences, and have discovered great abilities within yourself that you didn’t know you had. There is no time like the present to put these to use.

Inside this issue: Tips for Nontrads


T-Shirt Exchange


ANTSHE is looking for volunteers to help spread the word about non-traditional stu-


OSU Conference


Board goes ONLINE


ANTSHE Elections


Contact Us


There are committees you can serve on that communicate via email and limited conference calls such as the scholarship committee, membership committee, communications committee, conference committee and more. There are regional representatives who make contact with local institutions serving non-traditional students. These representatives promote ANTSHE in their regions and let these institutions and students know that we are here advocating for and supporting them. As a thank you ANTSHE will provide an institutional membership to the regional representatives’ university. This is a great benefit and ~Cont. on Pg.7

ANTSHE Elections Underway! By Sandra Raab, Membership Officer

ANTSHE Resource Book

dents and to help us with projects and committee work. There are many levels of involvement and you can decide which opportunities fit in your busy schedule.

This years election period is upon us and beginning next week you will be able to vote for several key positions in ANTSHE. Here is list of who is running for board positions this year: Jeffrey Bunnell Donna Minkley Kay Mitchell Shanda Smith Jame Cornett Lorri Themmes

President Vice President Secretary Conference Officer Student Rep. Student Rep.

Information on the candidates is available on

our election page of our website. Simply go to ANTSHE.ORG and follow the links to elections information. Don’t forget to vote beginning 22 Feb thru 1 Mar. 2007. You can vote by email, fax, paper ballot or electronic voting site. For all your options and information on how to vote see the election pages of ANTSHE.ORG!


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Tips for Nontrad Organizations A firm foundation is essential to the success of any non traditional student organization. One of the foundational documents needed is a constitution. The constitution is the framework for the organization. This document should be concise yet detailed. The constitution is a document that you do not want to change often. It should contain the organizations mission, and purposes. The following should be included in every constitution. Name of the Organization Affiliations with other groups including local, state and national Purpose of the organization Membership requirements and limitations

Elections Adviser (term) Meetings (frequency, special meetings and how called)

For more tips and examples can be found in the book: EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT BUILDING A STUDENT ORGANIZATION. This booklet is for sale on the ANTSHE website under ANTSHE merchandise.

Quorum (number required to conduct business usually 2/3 however, this is dependent on the step up of the organization Referendum or Recall (procedure for legislation and recalling officers) Amendments (proposal form, notice required, voting procedures) Ratification (voting requirements for approval of the document)

Officers (title, terms of office)

“Conference T-Shirt Exchange coming back!” ANTSHE is bringing back an old favorite activity at the conference this year with the “T-Shirt Exchange.” We are asking that each school who attends bring one t-shirt either from their club or their school to enter in the “exchange”. The shirts will be used as door prizes drawn at the brunch on Sunday morning. Large or X-Large would probably be the best size to bring along. If in doubt, bring several and mix up the sizes!!! "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Building a NonTraditional Student Organization" ($25.00 +s&h) Content list: Ethics, Foundational Documents, Tips for Leaders, Motivation, Brainstorming, Group Development, Transition of Officers, Newsletter, Activities

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ANTSHE ANNUAL CONFERENCE is Near! ANTS HE / O SU Co nfere nce Up dates

by Marie Basler, ANTSHE Conference Coordinator Plans continue to move forward for the ANTSHE 2007 National Conference to be held in Stillwater, OK from March 23-25. The NTSO (Non-Traditional Student Organization) at Oklahoma State has worked very hard over the past year to put together an exciting and yet busy conference. We have arranged the agenda to enhance and maximize the program workshops, including a special session for spouses and partners of nontraditional students as well as a preconference workshop.

peruse during breaks. We are also encouraging each school to bring a tshirt (or several) to exchange with others on Sunday morning at the brunch. Of course, any school or individual who is so inclined may bring an item for the silent auction to raise money for the ANTSHE scholarship fund. If you are interested in donating, please contact Marie Basler at and let her know so the committee can get your item(s) on the list and arrange for shipment, if necessary.

For those planning to attend, we encourage you to register early. Each registrant will receive a confirmation email verifying our receipt of your registration and payment information. For those of you wishing to participate in the pre-conference workshop, you will receive a waiver form to sign and return or bring with you to the conference. We have recently finalized the program sessions and posted this information on the conference website at ANTSHE%20Pages/antshe% 20page.htm.

There are also volunteer opportunities available for ANTSHE members at the conference. We will need assistance at the silent auction and the ANTSHE information table. If you are interested in helping, please contact Marie at the address above and she will get you on the list.

At this time we want to encourage everyone planning to attend to bring along a poster (no larger than 22”x28”) depicting your organization and activities to be displayed for all attendees to Several options are available for transportation from the Tulsa and OKC airports. If you are planning to attend, please submit your registration as soon as possible so that we can assist you in arranging transportation if necessary.

Keep watching the web page for updates!

OSU Nontrad Club

We are very excited to announce that Enterprise Rent A Car is offering ANTSHE attendees their OSU corporate rate for car rentals for the conference. There is a link on our conference page that will take you to the Enterprise web site where you can book your rental car from the airport or your “hometown” if you plan to drive to the conference. Rates are as follows: Compact: Dodge Neon, Chevy Aveo $32.00/day Standard: Dodge Stratus $34.00/day Fullsize: Ford Taurus, Pontiac Grand Prix $36.00/day We hope that many of you will take advantage of this offer as you make your plans to come to Stillwater in March. If you have any further questions or concerns contact Marie Basler at 405-744-5484 or via e-mail at

Conference News You Can Use!! arriving about the same time so you can share expenses.

OSU Van transportation (from Tulsa airport only) - $30/person roundtrip If you are not staying at the Enterprise Rent-a-Car – For OSU Atherton Hotel or in a residence Corporate rate @ $33-$36 per day hall room on campus and do not reserve on-line via conference website have transportation, please notify (click on Enterprise logo). us immediately so that we can assist you in finding transportation Airport Express Shuttle (from OKC airport): $97 one way for first person, between your hotel and campus. Don’t forget to bring your check$3 for each additional person (vans book as we will be having a silent hold 6-7 people). Anyone flying in to auction to raise money for the OKC can email flight information to ANTSHE needs based scholarship. and we will Those of you who are bringing a try to get your information to others

poster displaying your organization and activities please bring that to the registration booth when you check in on Friday afternoon. And, don’t forget to bring your t-shirts for the exchange on Sunday morning. OSU is an informal place, so plan to bring comfortable clothes for the conference. As the weather here changes by the hour, check the Weather Channel before you leave for predicted weather. I would recommend a jacket or raincoat and an umbrella, just in case. It can be chilly in the wind, but normally is in the low 70’s during the day and upper 40’s, low 50’s at night in the spring.

Did you know ANTSHE awards up to 3 scholarships every year to their members? One, is for graduate students and has a special emphasis on students seeking careers in education. Another, is awarded to any member who is working on their bachelor's degree. The third, is reserved for students of two year institutions seeking their associates degree. Unfortunately, in some years we do not receive any applicants for certain categories. It may be that you think you won't qualify because in the past your GPA was low or maybe you don't think you have the time to prepare the application. Well think again! Each year we accept applications until January 31st but the great news is we begin accepting them again on February 1st. That means you can submit your application at any time of the year that is convenient for you. This gives you 12 months to get that application together. We've made it easy with Word documents you can type into and print; an application page, a personal statement page, and reference forms you can send to your colleagues and professors. There are complete instructions that walk you through it step by step. You should visit our web page at and click on scholarships to see the forms. Be good to yourself, you deserve to get recognized for your hard work and everyone could use some extra money for school.

The ANTSHE elections are coming and we have 8 positions open including President, Vice President, Communications Officer, Secretary, Scholarship Officer, Conference Officer and two Student Representative positions. The elections are open for voting from until March 1. Soon you will be receiving an email with personal profiles written by the nominees. This information will also be posted on our web page. We hope you will take time to read these and make an informed decision as to who you would like to vote for. We have made it very easy for all of our members to vote by giving them several voting options including, US Post Office mail in paper ballots, electronic voting on our web page, and also by email. You will need to identify yourself as a member to vote so have your member number ready. If you have not received your membership number from Sandra Raab, our membership officer, please contact her by visiting our web page Sandra is also serving as our election chair and can answer any questions you may have about the process. ANTSHE hopes all our members will exercise their right and privilege to vote and will thoughtfully choose those who will serve this organization for the next two years



JULY PAGE 2006 4

Board of Directors Donna Minkley



Jeff Bunnell

Communications Officer

Marie Basler

Conference Officer

Gerald Morgan

Student Coordinator

Sandra Raab

Membership Officer

Kay Mitchell

Student Member

Jame Cornett

Student Member

Margarita Dritsas

Student Member

2008 ANTSHE CONFERENCE The Association for NonTraditional Student in Higher Education 2008 conference will be held in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. For more information contact Carol Ann Bailey at

Elections are underway! You find information on how and when to vote on the ANTSHE Website. There is also a page to let you know who the candidates are and a brief summary of qualification. Stop by and check it out and be sure to vote before 1 March 2007.

RESEARCH ON NON-TRADS Looking for statistics on Non Traditional students? The National Center for Educational Statistics offers the latest statistics on nontrads. Visit their website at

ANTSHE Board Goes Online!

the donation of server space and doBy Jeff Bunnell, Communications Officer main hosting, the board can now take Thanks to a donation of services full advantage of a virtual office for from CEO Ed York Jr.of 724 collaboration and document sharing., your Board of DiThe ANTSHE website is also hosted rectors will now be able to work in large part through the donation of from the same virtual office services from, from space from any internet connecDurango, Colorado. The ANTSHE tion using a Share Point host. webspace and registered emails have What does all that mean? The been donated by the owners to support board has used this type of serANTSHE and its mission around the vice in the past but the cost was country. usually prohibitively high. We donates our virtual

meeting space for live online meetings and promotion webcast. John Walber (CEO) has been a long time ANTSHE supporter. Receiving this type of support allows us to use our financial resources to benefit our general membership, not simply run the organization.

Join the Nontrad Discussion Thread! Learning Times host the ANTSHE Nontraditional Students Listserv and is free for all to join. If you are a nontraditional student, academic professional or staff, and in a position to support Nontraditional students, simply register with Learning Times and then sign up for the Nontrad Listserv. Joining the listserv allows you to share information with academic professionals across the country, contact and share information with fellow Nontrad students, and get idea’s from other campuses on programs of support for all Nontrad support agencies; all from the ease of your email!

LearningTimes also explores themes of interest to learning professionals during interactive webcasts, live online workshops and working group meetings. LearningTimes also produces and sponsors free podcasts exploring learning, technology, and collaboration. Audio programs foster continued discussion among members of the community. AND the best thing about all this great information; ITS FREE TO JOIN! So, login/join to Learning Times and then simply go to the link on the left ―Listserv‖ and ANTSHE Nontrad list is the first on the list! We look forward to sharing with you!! Welcome!


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For more information about ANTSHE or if you have any questions about the content of this newsletter please write to: President Donna Minkley ( or


ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner.

Jeffrey Bunnell, ANTSHE Communications Officer (

Gabe DeGabriele 315 Grandview Park Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81503 Ph:(970) 210-3159 Fax: 1.866.887.9940 We’re on the web at

News U Can Use Updates to keep you current! MEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION Don’t be left out! If your contact information has changed since joining ANTSHE please go to our website at click on membership updates. We would like to have all current members verify and update their membership information as we are in the process of issuing new member numbers and cards to our members. If you have joined and not received a membership card please contact our Membership Officer Ms. Sandra Raab SCHOLARSHIPS

Each year ANTSHE awards three school-arships. One to a undergraduate student at a 2 year university, one to a undergraduate student at a 4 year university and one to a graduate student. In order to apply you must be a member. The procedure, application and deadlines can be found on our website at


ANTHSE Board of Directors is now accepting proposals to host the 2009, 2010 conference. We are particularly looking for host which posses some of the following qualities: close proximity of conference site to hotel and ease of transportation, number/proximity of surrounding institutions of higher learning, quality and availability of facilities /resources at host institution, visible support from the host institutions administration, enthusiasm; commitment of the local student group, professional presented comprehensive bid with a proposed budget, surrounding site. If you are interested or would like more information please contact President Donna Minkley at or Gabe DeGabriele at

Any reference obtained from this publication to a specific commercial product, process, or service offered by 3rd party does not constitute or imply an endorsement by ANTSHE

Share your thoughts and ideas with other nontraditional students saves your college $350. around the country! There are many ANTSHE is always interested in project suggestions. Do you have blogs, discussion boards and RSS available to us for sharing informaan idea that could get our name out? A way to build membership? A service you think we could provide? Please don’t hesitate to let us tion without boundaries! know. We rely on the creativity of our members and consider ourselves at your service. ...cont.from page 1...

I know your time and energy are limited like mine, but many hands Nontraditional Students make light work as my mother used to say, and each little act of volblog of WKU unteerism add up to one great organization. I look forward to seeing many of you at the conference, please come find me and say hello. Those of you who will be staying home, please email me if you Nontraditional Students in would like to get involved or if you have an idea for a project or imCollege provement. I would like to leave you with this thought from President Bill Clinton: Though government has an important role to play in meeting the many challenges that remain before us, we are coming to understand that no organization, including government, will fully succeed without the active participation of each of us. Volunteers are vital to enabling this country to live up to the true promise of its heritage.

Nontraditional Students Yahoo Group ~want

your blog listed here, email us~

Share information by subscribing to a Nontrad blog, RSS or discussion group:

Nontrad News Online: US News and World Reports—Nontrad Financial Aid ―Retro-Active‖ supports Nontraditional Students!, Carlsbad, CA. Nontrads Struggle to Balance, Kids, Jobs., Salt Lake City, UT

ANTSHE Board of Directors Meeting Space donated by 724 Hosting. Please support those businesses who support us!

ANTSHE.ORG is hosted by Brainstorm with service donated. Please support those businesses who support us!

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