ood, glorious food! It’s made the past two years of ups and downs so much more bearable, hasn’t it? I’m not sure what your CB or P2HR comfort foods were, but delicious treats kept me and my family going through the very worst of times. Delivered to our door in various stages of lockdown and hotel quarantine were fancy cocktails (aka quarantinis!), a modern Chinese banquet, South American family feast, DIY mooncakes, Mother’s Day chocolate basket, GrabFoods ice cream party, pizza making kit, a high tea for two…and so on. This issue we celebrate the incredible chefs, bartenders and foodies who have battened down the hatches and survived an assault on their industry with repeated shutdowns and closures. They’ve pivoted so many times they must be dizzy by now, but they keep getting up every day to serve our stomachs. Bravo to them all, and let’s hope the future is brighter for our F&B heroes. As we head towards the end of the year, I want to tip my hat as well to our sports and interest groups, who have put their heads together and come up with innovative ways to keep our members connected and engaged. This can be seen in ANZA Soccer’s online Fantasy Football League, Scouts cooking and learning over Zoom, Nippers repurposing their kit to raise money for trash picker children in Java, Casual Coffee’s first online meet up, and so many more instances of our community coming together despite the odds.
As our sporting teams begin another season, we wish them the best of luck, and hope that Singapore (and the rest of the world) can open up again soon and witness them in action! In the meantime, pull up a seat at the table and tuck into this delicious Food & Drink themed issue.
Pip Harry, Editor editor@anza.org.sg
GENERAL MANAGER & SPONSORSHIP Kerry Low gm@anza.org.sg
ADVERTISING Deborah Gillies marketing@anza.org.sg
WEBSITE Geoff King web@anza.org.sg
THE ANZA TEAM AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION 261A Beach Road, Singapore 199541 Hours: Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm +65 6291 6301
ACCOUNTS Ellie Mills accounts@anza.org.sg MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Mandy Reinders-Hall info@anza.org.sg
www.anza.org.sg facebook.com/anzasingapore @anzasg @anzasingapore linkedin.com/groups/ANZA-Singapore
Ed Note SepOct21.indd 3
COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMBERSHIP Brinta Nandy comms@anza.org.sg
DESIGN Christina Lim design@anza.org.sg
5/8/21 4:35 PM