Gamma Gazette, Winter Edition No 33 by The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine

Page 12



Pru Burns, Emma Brook and Karen Jones Chairs of TSIG Working Committees


e as technologists have much to celebrate.

The ANZSNM 2021 conference was a huge success for the Technologist community with 288 registered in the Scientist, Technologist, Nurse, and Registrar Category, that’s a whopping 52% of the total registrants. •

Two technologist driven sessions were held in addition to the Wellness Session. It is always inspiring to hear what our colleagues are up to around the two countries. All Local sites were supported by NMT helpers, including many technologist students, from assisting on registration desks, to starting the recorded presentations at Live sites, to co-ordinating venues for the Gala dinners. Thank you to all those involved in helping make this “Live and Local” iteration of our ASM a great success. Congratulations to the following Technologists: •


Brylee Thomson, Austin Health. Winner of the Curium Award. Her presentation entitled “16 vs 8 Bin Evaluation of Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging” was interesting to all in the audience. Candice Nish, Royal Brisbane and

Women's Hospital / Queensland Children's Hospital. Winner of the Radpharm Technologist Case Presentation Award for her presentation entitled: “The Benefits of Stress: Acetazolamide versus exercise in PHACE Syndrome.”

Guidelines. Formal feedback has been forwarded to AHPRA for consideration. From the CPD & Education Group:

Given the postponement of the 2020 Technologist Symposium to March 2021, followed by the Live and Local Nicola Evans, recent UniSA grad- ASM in May 2021, the decision was uate. Winner of the Nuclear Medi- made to hold the next Technologist cine Undergraduate Student Symposium in 2022. CPD opportuniTechnologist Award for her ties, in the meantime, will be available presentation, based on the results by the way of webinars. A planning of her Honours year, entitled meeting, led by TSIG CPD Chair, “Effects of exenatide once week- Emma Brook, was held at the start of ly on intragastric distribution of June to brainstorm ideas for potential solids and liquids and perceptions TSIG webinars that will be held later of appetite, in healthy overweight this year and in 2022. A number of subjects.” great topics were proposed and we are currently in the process of organThe TSIG Oversight Committee (OC) ising speakers – watch this space! have recently been working on updating the Terms of Reference for the Coming up: Nick Daw’s term as TSIG TSIG OC and the two sub-committees. Chair comes to an end in September These were presented to the upcom- 2021. Nick will remain on the TSIG ing Technologist member consulta- OC as Immediate Past Chair, providtion via the AGM and approved. ing invaluable knowledge to the Committee. Nick will hand over the From the Workforce Advocacy role to Karen Jones who will hold the Group: combined positions of TSIG Chair and TSIG Federal Council Representative. Members of this sub-committee, led We thank Nick for his contributions by Pru Burns, have recently reviewed as outgoing Chair. consultation documents from APRHA on the Combined Code of Conduct and the MRPBA National Examination


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