The Newsletter of ANZUP Cancer Trials Group Limited
Christmas Message from CEO It only seems like yesterday I was writing my 2017 report with great anticipation as to what our 10th year might bring. Well here we are 12 months later and what a cracker of a year it has been. 8 active trials; 3 protocols in development; 27 concepts presented across the 4 Concept Development Workshops and 8 Below the Belt Research Grants awarded, to name a few.
held in Brisbane 21-23 July, ably led by our 2019 convener A/Prof David Pryor. This year marked the 5th year of the Below the Belt Pedalthon in Sydney and the very successful launch of the Pedalthon in Melbourne, raising almost $300,000 collectively and directed to the Below the Belt Research Fund. With 10 pilot projects already underway, we’ve been able to fund another 8 studies this year that showcase the depth and dedication of our members to meaningful research.
Early this year we launched the TheraP trial. This study was a culmination of countless hours and extraordinary commitment of many people ably led by Michael Hofman with great support from Louise Emmett, Ian Davis, the TheraP team at CTC and our multiple funding partners. We are extremely grateful to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) along with our collaborators; Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Endocyte, Movember Foundation and The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, without their support we could not have opened this study at 11 sites across Australia.
The level of support we receive not only from our membership and within the medical research community but also from the broader business community, organisations large and small and individuals whose lives have been touched by GU cancer is nothing short of phenomenal.
After several years of blood, sweat and tears we were delighted to announce the TIGER trial finally opened in Australia. Our thanks to Peter Grimison, all the investigators, trial coordinators and the TIGER team at CTC for your tireless efforts to ensure patients have access to this important trial. We are extremely grateful to the Movember Foundation for not only their patience but also their funding support so we could join this international study.
As with all things in life there are highs and there are lows and sadly we farewelled some great friends of ANZUP, Alastair McKendrick, ANZUP CAP member, Daniel Christidis, a rising star in urology and our Melbourne Pedalthon Ambassador, Jonathan Cantwell – all of whom have left us too soon but leave a legacy that will keep us focussed. See their tributes later in this edition.
With each month comes a new milestone for our trials currently in recruitment. TheraP, UNISoN, KEYPAD and Pain Free TRUS B are all recording strong recruitment with PCR MIB reaching 25% of its target as I type. Many thanks again to the PI’s, trial staff and all involved in order to make these important studies accessible to the patients. With ENZAMET, ENZARAD in follow up and RAMPART, UNICAB and DASLHiCAP in development, it’s heartening to see the life cycle of clinical trials continue to turn. Our 2018 ASM was hugely successful with many innovations on display not only in content but delivery. The ANZUPx presentations and Crossfire debates igniting a lot of thought and discussion among the 390 strong delegation, our biggest to date! We hope to see you at the 2019 ASM which will be
We thank every supporter, participant and donor for helping us travel this far with the Pedalthon and hope to see you next year as we plan to travel further still. Be sure to check out the new website and register now for next year.
I am very fortunate to have the privilege of working in an organisation that is made up of so many dedicated and committed people working towards one goal, to make a difference to the lives of people affected by GU cancers. I would like to acknowledge and thank the ANZUP Board, the SAC and subcommittee chairs, deputy chairs and members; our brilliant CAP, our wonderful volunteers Lesley Tinkler, Jo Stubbs and Maureen Wheeler, who brighten our day (that is when they aren’t on holidays!); our colleagues at NHMRC CTC and BaCT; our corporate supporters, sponsors and donors; and the many patients who participate in clinical trials. I wish you and your families all the very best for the holiday season, a chance to rest and regroup before another big year ahead. MARGARET MCJANNETT CEO, ANZUP