Strategic Plan 2011-2016

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Highlights from the Nansemond-Suffolk Academy S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 6


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m i s s i o n


The mission of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is to provide an academically rigorous college preparatory education in an atmosphere fostering moral character, respect, responsibility and compassion. With a commitment to honor above all, the Academy seeks to develop and inspire leaders who value diversity, creativity, scholastic excellence and community service.



t r a t e g i c


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“Education has changed from generation to generation. When our children leave NSA for college and then begin their careers, they will not just be competing with students in their community, but also against people around the world. In addition to providing a solid educational experience, a school also needs to make students aware they are global citizens and still in the skills that will help them integrate their knowledge and experiences with the larger world community. This is why the development of character with education is a priority for us.”

[ Thank You ]


ansemond-Suffolk Academy wishes to thank the following individuals who served on the Strategic Planning Committee:

Robert E. Anderson

Andrew J. Dewing ’80

Colley W. Bell III

Megan E. Edwards

Upper School Instructor and Current Parent

Upper School Instructor, Parent of Alumnus and Current Parent

S. Jane Benton

Robert J. Gies

Mary Hunter Naismith ’01

Strategic Planning Committee Chairman, Member of NSA Board of Trustees and Parent of Alumni

Head of School and Current Parent

Member of NSA Board of Trustees and Current Parent

Charles R. Birdsong ’88

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Parent of Alumnus and Current Parent

Alumni Association President, Strategic Plan Technology Committee Chairman, Parent of Alumnus and Current Parent

NSA Board of Trustees Development Committee Chairman, Strategic Plan Program Committee Chairman and Current Parent

Jeffrey K. Gough

Member of NSA Board of Trustees and Parent of Alumnus

Kimberly J. Mason ’80

Lower School Instructor

William A. Peak

Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Current Parent

Current Parent

Donal E. Birmingham

Director of College Counseling and Current Parent

A. Trent Blythe ’89

Director of Admissions and Current Parent

J. Pretlow Henderson ’93

R. Scott Carr

Treasurer of NSA Board of Trustees, Finance Committee Chairman, Strategic Plan Finance Committee Chairman and Current Parent

Kenda G. Council ’91

Director of Development & Marketing, former member of NSA Board of Trustees, Current Parent

Harry Lee Cross III

Financial Aid Coordinator, Database Manager and Parent of Alumnus

Edie S. Higinbotham ’85

Betty Jean Riddick ’72

John J. Hoy

William H. Riddick III

Parent of Alumna and Current Parent

Keith D. Horton

Member of NSA Board of Trustees, Strategic Plan Community Chairman and Parent of Alumnus

Michelle J. Horton ’89 Director of the Middle School

Member of NSA Board of Trustees and Parent of Alumni

Carlton L. Cutchin III

Member of NSA Board of Trustees, Parent of Alumna and Current Parent

Dana L. Richardson

Current Parent

Assistant Head of School for Finance and Current Parent

— Venu and Prashanthi Koduri Current Parents

Susan E. Ohmsen ’83

Tonya L. Jones Current Parent

Brenda D. Kincaid

Upper School Headmaster and Parent of Alumni


Director of Athletics

Past Chairman of the Board, Member of NSA Board of Trustees, Parent of Alumna and Current Parent

W. Douglas Russell ’80

Member of NSA Board of Trustees, Strategic Plan Facility Committee Chairman and Current Parent

Dianne C. Turner

Past President of Parent-Teacher Organization and Current Parent

Nancy B. Webb

Lower School Headmaster, Parent of Alumni and Grandparent


i n t r o d u c t i o n


Over 45 years ago, Nansemond-Suffolk Academy’s first Head of School, Arthur E. Jones, articulated a singular goal – to “make NSA second to none in the Commonwealth of Virginia for educational excellence.” This simple yet uncompromising ideal has propelled Nansemond-Suffolk Academy through four decades as a leader in pre-school through 12th grade education in the Hampton Roads area. In 2009 work began on a new Strategic Plan that would not only build on the tenets of our past, but also bring into focus the vision of the school for decades to come. That effort has now come to fruition. The 2011-2016 Strategic Plan – which focuses on the five “pillars” of programs, facility, community, technology and finance – has been endorsed by the school’s Board of Trustees. Read on for highlights from the plan along with details about the rigorous process involved and the people who were instrumental in creating this new road map and action plan for NSA’s continued success.



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[ From



of the



Trustees ]

Board of Trustees 2010-2011 Robert E. Anderson

Dear Saints,

Shirley Culpepper Baldwin ’78

Working on the school’s new Strategic Plan has been my privilege – as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, as a parent and as

S. Jane Benton Charles R. Birdsong ’88

an alumnus. In this effort we stand on the shoulders of all who have come before us, including founders of the school, alumni,

Mark H. Brinkley ’85

parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty and staff, and crafters of past strategic plans. Together we have created a new plan to

Monica Y. Brothers

help guide the leaders of our school through the years ahead. We recognize that in order to remain competitive – winning athletic, artistic and academic championships, sending our students to select colleges and universities, and producing citizens ready to excel in life – we must reflect on any and all ways that our school can be improved. Thus, the task of creating the Strategic Plan for Nansemond-Suffolk Academy was launched.

R. Scott Carr Harry L. Cross III Carlton L. Cutchin III Robert J. Gies J. David Gray III William W. Hannah

Led by Dr. Robert E. Anderson, the Strategic Planning Committee sought input from the many people who care deeply about

J. Carney Hawks ’92

our school – students, parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, administrators, faculty, friends and donors. With the

Keith D. Horton

help of everything from on-line surveys to robust open forums, the committee analyzed the school’s history and examined the market influences that will affect our school’s future. It was an invigorating experience and I am eternally grateful for the hard work and dedication of all who contributed.

Crystal H. Jackson Robert W. Jones Deborah M. McHorney Anne E. Morgan ’90

This Strategic Plan presents a defining moment for Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. As our school evolves, we build on the bold vision of parents and friends who created a small independent school with distinctive traditions, values and beliefs 45 years ago. This plan demonstrates our intention to make NSA an even stronger independent school for our students, teachers and community. We know our plans are ambitious and we welcome the challenge. While it will take steadfast commitment, increased funding and broader community support, we are confident that it can and will be done. In all that we do, we will continue to strive for

Susan E. Ohmsen ’83 William A. Peak W. Wayne Perry William H. Riddick III Brian T. Rowe W. Douglas Russell ’80 Kevin J. Ruth Nancy M. Tuck ’82

excellence and Honor Above All.

James E. Turner, Jr. Dean G. Vincent


Kenneth W. Wren, Jr.

Charles R. Birdsong ’88 Chairman, NSA Board of Trustees 3

[ From




School ]

Administration Colley W. Bell III Head of School

Dear Friends, Not long ago Nansemond-Suffolk Academy embarked on a journey to develop a new Strategic Plan that would reaffirm who we

Edie Saecker Higinbotham ’85 Assistant Head of School for Finance

are and where we are going as a school community. NSA needed a vehicle through which positive change could be identified, embraced and initiated. The trick would be creating a document that actually provides valuable guidance for the future, as opposed to just attracting dust on a shelf somewhere. I believe that has been achieved! We live in an age when change is no longer merely inevitable – it’s here. Just consider the impact Facebook, YouTube, cloud technologies and the information revolution have had on our world in the last few years. In light of all this, the Strategic Planning Committee even questioned the wisdom of developing a new plan in the midst of so many political, economic and social shifts. We concluded that now is the perfect time to map out the steps required to ensure that NSA will continue to excel in a rapidly changing world. As a rising tide of global competition sweeps over the educational landscape, among many other current and coming changes, we felt strongly that planning now for our school’s future was more than prudent; it was crucial.

Brenda D. Kincaid Headmaster of the Upper School Nancy B. Webb Headmaster of the Lower School Michelle J. Horton ’89 Director of the Middle School A. Trent Blythe ’89 Director of Admissions

The plan that was developed is not static. Adjustments will undoubtedly need to be made as circumstances warrant. But because it was based on five “pillars of excellence” that were drawn from our school’s most basic mission, I’m confident that the overall thrust of the plan is on target as a catalyst for positive change. It represents a way forward in advancing and modernizing the school’s mission, a way to continue meeting the needs of families who want a rigorous and meaningful education for their children – with Honor Above All. With this Strategic Plan, a school whose story began 45 years ago starts a new chapter. The goal, however, hasn’t changed: to create an educational experience that prepares our children to walk confidently, boldly and independently beyond these halls – as graduates of this extraordinary school nestled here in Suffolk, Virginia. Very Truly Yours,

Colley W. Bell III Head of School 5

Kenda Goldberg Council ’91 Director of Advancement

[ From


S t r at e g i c P l a n n i n g C h a i r m a n ]

Strategic Planning Committee Robert E. Anderson

Dear Members of the NSA Family,

Colley W. Bell III S. Jane Benton

When asked to chair the Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Strategic Planning Committee, I had no idea what a tremendous adventure

Charles R. Birdsong ’88 Donal E. Birmingham

this task would be.

A. Trent Blythe ’89

I have had the good fortune to be associated with NSA for over 20 years in my role as a parent, and over the past six years as a

R. Scott Carr

member of the Board of Trustees. Though my children are now graduated, my affinity for this great school remains strong. It

Kenda G. Council ’91

has been an honor to lead this talented and dedicated committee as we developed the plan to guide NSA for the next generation of students and parents! The 2011-2016 Strategic Plan represents the hopes and dreams of the many constituencies that make up the Nansemond-Suffolk Academy family.

Harry Lee Cross III Carlton L. Cutchin III Andrew J. Dewing ’80 Megan E. Edwards Robert J. Gies

Many times throughout this process, I wished that everyone in the community would have been present to witness first-hand the energy that went into developing this plan, from our administration, faculty, alumni, staff and committee volunteers to our parents, grandparents and friends of NSA. Our open forums with the NSA community resulted in invaluable input and participation. I trust you will agree that this plan provides clear direction for Nansemond-Suffolk Academy for years to come. It also provides a framework for our school to achieve financial sustainability while exemplifying excellence in academics, arts and athletics. This is an exciting moment in the life of our school and this plan represents the inspired thinking of our entire community. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this journey and am profoundly indebted to all of you who have helped bring us to this…our Strategic Plan.

Jeffrey K. Gough J. Pretlow Henderson ’93 Edie S. Higinbotham ’85 John J. Hoy Keith D. Horton Michelle J. Horton ’89 Tonya L. Jones Brenda D. Kincaid Susan E. Ohmsen ’83 Kimberly J. Mason ’80 Mary Hunter Naismith ’01 William A. Peak


Dana L. Richardson Betty Jean Riddick ’72 William H. Riddick III W. Douglas Russell ’80

Robert E. Anderson, D.D.S.

Dianne C. Turner

Chairman, NSA Strategic Planning Committee

Nancy B. Webb


[ The Process ]


“I’ve been a parent at NSA for 9 years and my family has always been pleased with the

n the spring of 2009, a Strategic Planning Committee was named with representation from every constituency in the

school. This past year we’ve

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy community. In addition to reviewing the 2003-2008 Strategic Plan initiatives and conduct-

gone from being happy to being

ing primary research that included surveys and open forums, the committee studied and analyzed comparable schools, historic

thrilled and excited as NSA

trends, regional demographics, and independent school benchmarks and best practices.

moves into the future. Last spring’s open-to-all strategic

• Spring 2009 – Revisiting the Mission Statement

planning meetings demonstrated

how the school is interested

– The Board of Trustees adopts NSA’s revised Mission Statement.

• Planning is then framed under the tenets of the Mission Statement.

in hearing from parents and

• Based on the school’s mission, the Strategic Planning Committee begins its work.

striving to stay ahead of the game with technology, facilities,

• Summer 2009 – Building the Situation Analysis – The Administration Studies comparable models of other independent schools. These schools are members of the National Association of Independent Schools that are: • Of a similar age (40-50 years old)

• Located in a rural setting no more than 30 miles from a major metropolitan area

• Funded through endowments no larger than $5 million

– Based on the situation analysis and the school’s mission, a framework is constructed to define a set of limited priorities based on five areas: programs, facility, community, technology and finance.

Already some of the great ideas from those meetings have been

• Fall 2009 – Constructing the Strategic Framework

curriculum and student support.

– Subcommittees are created to review and discuss the five priority areas.

• Winter 2009 through Spring 2010 – Developing Primary Priorities

– Forums are planned and surveys constructed and disseminated to help inform the committee on the “needs” of the community.

– Based on the review of the community feedback, the subcommittees report to the Strategic Planning Committee.

– The Strategic Planning Committee shapes three primary priorities to adopt in each of the five areas.

– The Strategic Planning Committee builds secondary and tertiary initiatives in support of the primary priorities, thus completing the framework. 9

implemented – it wasn’t just talk!” — Amy Birdsong Current Parent

[ The Process



“An academically accomplished, talented and athletic student body deserves facilities that

• Late Spring 2010 – Accepting Strategic Framework by Committee

not only further the pursuit of

excellence but also reflect the

– The Strategic Planning Committee adopts the Strategic Framework and proffers it to the Board of Trustees for formal adoption.

caliber of students they nurture. • Fall 2010 – Accepting Strategic Framework by Board of Trustees

I envision a performing arts

center suited to host our

– The Board of Trustees approves and adopts the Strategic Framework as the working document that forms the Strategic Plan.

flourishing and dynamic fine

• 2011-2016 – Implementing the Plan

– The Board of Trustees tasks the administration to implement those elements of the 2011-2016 Strategic Plan based on ongoing analysis of contemporary benchmarks.

arts program, sports facilities that truly represent the qualities of our athletes, and classrooms outfitted with the technology needed to compete in the 21st century. How pleased I am that the new

[ The Pillars ]

Strategic Plan identified these areas and that NSA is making


he 2011-2016 Strategic Plan organizes its recommended initiatives into five key areas, or pillars – programs, facility,

community, technology and finance. Some of the 130 initiatives included in the plan – everything from broad, long-term goals

to highly specific and practical to-do items – can be found in this document’s final pages.

plans for improving technology on campus and planning for the addition of new, first-rate facilities.” — Bracey Parr Class of 2011


[ Programs ]


“The great thing about Nansemond-Suffolk Academy’s program is its commitment to

f an education were a living, breathing thing – which in many ways it is – then a school’s programs would be its heart and soul.

college preparatory ideals. Our

While facilities and technology and many other objectives are important, programs (both curricular and extracurricular) are

school is in the business of

what make an NSA education an extraordinary, life-affirming experience. Whether in a classroom or on a ball field or stage,

preparing students for college,

what is taught, how it is taught and who teaches it can make the difference in developing lifelong intellectual curiosity and

and that includes having a

acuity, broadening horizons, building character and preparing for a fulfilling future. The fact that so much of the Strategic Plan

strong work ethic as well as

focuses on the school’s programs (97 out of 130 initiatives) is a good indicator that the school’s heart and soul is in the right place.

foundational skills for all subjects. The preparation

Program priorities

extends beyond academics to

• Acknowledge, reaffirm and continue to promote the school’s mission, which is committed to an engaging, holistic and meaningful educational experience

include all areas of student life here at NSA – arts, athletics,

• Promote excellence in foundational works in the arts, academics and athletics

leadership and community

• Develop meaningful leadership opportunities

service. The education our children receive at NSA will allow them to be ready for and cope with the economic, social and technological changes that will occur in their lifetime.” — Mari Whiteman Current Parent and Parent-Teacher Organization President


[ F a c i l i ty ]


“Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is much more than a 100-acre campus with 170, 000 square

rchitects and designers have long understood the importance of “creating a sense of place” in bringing a community together –

feet of facilities. It is a canvas

and that applies to our school community as well. Nansemond-Suffolk Academy’s 100 acres is the largest campus of any

of Saints pride boldly painted,

independent school in the region. How many schools wrestle with the “dilemma” of what to do with the “back 40?” With

not just on the athletic fields,

168,000 square feet of classrooms, labs, gymnasiums, dining facilities and libraries, it should come as no surprise that many of

grounds or gardens, but in the

the Strategic Plan initiatives involve important maintenance or equipment upgrades. Indeed, there are more than enough projects

buildings as well. This palette

and improvements to make sure our campus and facilities remain functional, safe and attractive.

is made complete with the smile on each student’s face as

Facility priorities

they enter the playing fields

• Continue to focus on safety, security and internal and external signage

and classrooms. Our vision is

• Develop a master maintenance plan

for the students, athletes, parents,

• Make short-term, low-cost, high-impact improvements to campus

faculty and community to feel the pride of blue and gold. While some of our buildings are new, older ones have served students over the generations. We can be proud of this while looking ahead to prepare for upgrading, restoring and rebuilding. I am excited to see the beauty that exists at our school now and to envision all that will transpire through this Strategic Plan. ”


— Jeff Warren Director of Transportation and Facilities Parent of Alumni

[ C o m m u n i ty ]


“At Nansemond-Suffolk Academy there is a sense of community that fosters learning at all levels.

ne of the most striking things about Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is the sense of community that resonates across the

The teamwork between parents,

generations of Saints. The school’s distinctive ethos is difficult to pin down and often is easier to feel than to describe, but

students and staff creates a positive

it comprises a strong work ethic, compassion for others, and a keen sense of stewardship for the school and the communities it

environment for learning. I am

serves. From the beginning, NSA’s legacy has been as a school of purpose where honor, involvement in the school and the

extremely fortunate to be a part

community, and positive contributions in both are not merely appreciated, but expected. Because its community orientation

of the NSA community.”

is such a core part of the school’s identity, initiatives included in the Strategic Plan are about fostering a sense of community and providing new conduits for its expression. Seeing our timeless, community-based traditions meet such signs of the times as Facebook and Twitter – and emerge from the exchange not diminished but amplified, embellished, even reinvented – is both exciting and gratifying. Community priorities • Promote community service involvement to school population and to greater community by word-of-mouth, articles, publications, newsletters (E-SAINTS), press releases, etc. • Articulate, communicate and celebrate NSA traditions • Propel innovative communication corridors to constituents through enhanced website and formalized parent communication software


— Susan Powell Lower School Teacher and Parent of Alumni

[ Technology ]


“To ensure that our children end up on the correct side of the looming technology divide,

echnology sounds expensive and can seem elusive. The question could be asked – and, in fact, was asked by the Strategic

we must continue to increase

Planning Committee – how does a school stay on technology’s leading edge while delivering the best traditional liberal arts

the priority NSA places

education possible, with an emphasis on liberal arts? After all, the fundamentals of a solid, well-rounded, holistic education are

on updating its technology

timeless beyond the allure of the latest technology trend.

infrastructure and increasing

Of course, a solid technological infrastructure is necessary for efficient day-to-day operations, and some of the Strategic Plan’s

training for teachers and staff.

initiatives address upgrades of this sort. The question of how (and how much) technology should be incorporated into programs and curriculum is more complex, and also more important. One of the plan’s main technology recommendations is to appoint a Director of Technology who will bridge the educational and technological divide by infusing the classroom with innovative technologies and teaching. This is an important step in ultimately striking the proper balance between the wise expenditure of

These investments will pay significant dividends, which will be reaped when our kids are as comfortable participating

resources and making sure our students are both comfortable and proficient in the ways of a high-tech world.

in global electronic educational

Technology highlights

attending a school resource

• Evaluate and implement an integrated suite of interactive software

opportunities as they are class at NSA.”

• Appoint a Director of Technology • Expand digital presence in classrooms with innovative technologies


— Mark Friedman Current Parent

[ Finance ]


“Knowledge is key with respect to financial planning for any business – and NSA operates its

n the broadest strokes, financial questions for schools like Nansemond-Suffolk Academy typically come down to this: excellence

budget like a business. Because

versus affordability. Our goal has always been to replace the versus with an and. Through the years, we’ve managed to achieve

of the small group finance

both excellence and affordability with the help of dedicated parents volunteering their time to help the teachers, clean the facilities

meetings and the strategic

and care for the grounds. Times have changed with the increasing demands of work and career on both parents. At the same

planning meeting, I have learned

time, recruiting outstanding teachers to deliver on the high standards of our ambitious college preparatory program brings a

how the NSA management

higher price tag. These challenges can seem daunting – especially while also holding the line on things like class size and debt

team focuses on expense control,

levels. But we are committed to making sure the combination of excellence and affordability remains a hallmark of our school.

maintains accountability and

The Strategic Planning Committee’s demographic analysis determined that this region could, indeed, continue to support our

transparency, and still provides

strong independent school. The finance initiatives proposed will ensure that Nansemond-Suffolk Academy remains one of the

a terrific value. The knowledge

strongest and best independent schools in Hampton Roads and beyond.

that, during these trying economic times, NSA is fiscally

Finance highlights

careful while still providing a

• Improve compensation and benefits for faculty and staff

top-notch educational experience

• Establish a debt retirement plan

for our children gives me the

• Determine optimal size of the student body in order to continue to deliver a quality educational program

confidence to entrust them with my dollars.” — Priscilla Taylor Current Parent


[ The Working List ]


“NSA knows it is important to have the children involved and interested in science. In

he initiatives generated for the 2011-2016 Strategic Plan should be seen as a work in progress. Some of the items on this

list will be initiated quickly while others may be modified as envisioned due to shifting needs, strategies and priorities. Perusing

order to capture their interest, we have agreed that the

the list will, however, give you a solid idea of the some of the projects, goals and aspirations currently on the school’s radar.

learning of science should be

We encourage continued input as we strive to continually improve Nansemond-Suffolk Academy and the educational experience

interactive. The Lower School

it provides.

has embraced this idea and has integrated science more and

Programs • Acknowledge, reaffirm and continue to promote the school’s mission, which is committed to an engaging, holistic and meaningful educational experience

labs and spending time in the

• Develop meaningful leadership opportunities

science lab – and the students

• Continue the public speaking component in the curriculum where appropriate at each grade level

love it!”

• Enhance and advance the science, technology, engineering and math programs • Establish after-school programs/offerings of strings, ballet, guitar, dance, private lessons, etc. • Incorporate a formal technology plan to establish a relationship and stable network with students in foreign countries • Establish a formal plan to educate parents with regards to the culture and needs of an independent school • Provide funding in order to retain and to continue to attract qualified teachers who also have the ability, skill and desire to lead extracurricular activities • Expand and update our spaces on campus to benefit the visual and performing arts programs

• Shift school year two weeks before Labor Day and end

Start Date

Progress Report

Summer 2010


Fall 2010


Summer 2010


academic studies by Memorial Day weekend • Promote and market the comprehensive college counseling program through communications and forums for our parents and community • Hire a full-time administrative assistant to support the Athletic Office 23

reading science-related books in the classrooms, hosting seasonal

• Promote excellence in foundational works in the arts, academics and athletics

Snapshots of Progress

more into daily activities, like

— Cindy Mears Current Parent Lower School Science Resource Instructor

[ The Working List



“NSA now is like night and day compared to when I attended the school. Even though things have


changed, many traditions remain

• Continue to focus on safety, security and internal and external signage

the same, and it makes me proud

• Develop a master maintenance plan

to have been and remain a part

• Make short-term, low-cost, high-impact improvements to campus

of the school. I feel such pride

• Hire a Facilities Engineer

when I see the school and what

• Improve playgrounds on campus

it’s become.”

• Improve aesthetics on campus

— Ralph L. Howell, Jr. ’78 NSA Alumnus Parent of Alumni

• Renovate bathrooms in the Lower School, Media Building and Upper School • Consider carpeting the Upper School hallways • Reconfigure and renovate dining facility • Improve the main buildings’ facades

Snapshots of Progress

Start Date

Progress Report

• Improve the main buildings’ facades

Summer 2010


• Recondition bleachers and concession area on the Arthur E.

Summer 2010


Fall 2010


Jones Athletic Facility • Install new external campus signage


[ The Working List



“We have always believed that Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is a jewel in the crown of


the city of Suffolk. Having

• Promote community service involvement to school population and to greater community by word-of-mouth, articles,

three children graduate from NSA, serving on the Board of

publications, newsletters (E-SAINTS), press releases, etc. • Articulate, communicate and celebrate NSA traditions

Trustees and volunteering at

• Propel innovative communication corridors to constituents through enhanced website and formalized parent

school with the Parent-Teacher Organization, we learned how

communication software • Develop shared, web-based, interactive software

an independent school worked.

• Communicate community service opportunities to students at each level

We watched the school transform

• Determine need for senior project

and progress through the years

• Determine need for senior career shadow and partnership programs

on all fronts: program, finances

• Improve community areas on campus

and facility. As you walk

• Update communication plan for school

around the campus today, you

• Articulate what NSA means in a value-based education with an honor system

get a feeling of permanence here. NSA is on the right track and that makes us very proud.” — George and Phyllis Cornell Parents of Alumni

Snapshots of Progress

Start Date

Progress Report

• Send E-SAINTS newsletters bi-weekly

Spring 2010


• Establish email database consisting of parents, grandparents,

Spring 2010


Winter 2011


alumni, faculty, parents of alumni and friends to be used for newsletters and electronic messages • Compile a list of NSA traditions 27

[ The Working List



“It is impossible to discount technology in education if we are to prepare our graduates for the future. The capacity to interact


continuously with new and

• Evaluate and implement an integrated suite of interactive software

unfamiliar technology is a critical

• Appoint a Director of Technology

measure of my generation’s

• Expand digital presence in classrooms with innovative technologies

self-confidence and adaptability.”

• Enhance infrastructure

— Edward Hunter Pleasant Dewing ’10

• Frame a training protocol for use of new technologies • Evaluate and implement curriculum development/curriculum delivery solution suite • Evaluate a Middle School laptop/tablet program • Establish a formal Cyber-Safety program for grades 5-12 • Expand Internet access • Appoint a dedicated webmaster to maintain the website

Snapshots of Progress • Conduct technology audit

Start Date

Progress Report

Winter 2011


Winter 2011


Fall 2010


• Expand technology infrastructure to support expanded on-campus internet conduit • Install digital projectors throughout the Lower School


[ The Working List



“A sense of coummunity is built at a very young age. When we thought of our 10 best lifelong


friends, we realized we met them

• Improve compensation and benefits for faculty and staff

in elementary or middle school.

• Establish a debt retirement plan

In choosing a school for our own

• Determine the optimal size of the student body in order to continue to deliver a quality educational program

children, community was our

• Establish a financially sustainable model

highest priority. We sought an

• Create a comprehensive development plan

intimate school experience where

• Study the feasibility of an international program/house

our children could be known and

• Establish full funding for technology based on NAIS models

celebrated for their individuality.”

• Establish a program to allow flexible spending associated with benefits • Increase the professional development budget to provide increased opportunities for teacher education in current trends, best practices, and different learning and teaching styles, and to learn how to incorporate technology more fully into the classroom • Evaluate feasibility of launching an international on-campus residential program

Snapshots of Progress

Start Date

Progress Report

• Establish a debt retirement plan

Winter 2011


• Adopt a zero-based budget

Winter 2011


• Establish graduated tuition levels

Winter 2011



— Todd and Jennifer Bivins Current Parents

[ Conceptual Master Site Plan ]

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS), the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Nansemond-Suffolk Academy admits qualified students without regard to race, color, ethnic background, national origin, handicapped status or religion.

[ Nansemond-Suffolk Academy ] 3373 Pruden Boulevard • Suffolk, Virginia 23434 •

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