N A N S E M O N D - S U F F O L K 2013 S
n the summer of 1982, Jean Mauck, the current Assistant Head of the Lower School, opened the first Kaleidoscope Camp at Nansemond-Suff ffolk Ac A ademy. y The camp consisted of 10 campers and one adult teacher fo f r tw t o weeks of summer activities. Kaleidoscope Camp fo f r the yo y unger students and Discovery Camp fo f r older students off ffered summer fu f n fo f r NSA students fo f r several weeks each summer until 1998. In 2000, Ri R chie Lovell ’94 developed the fo f rmat fo f r the current NSA Summer Programs. Summer Programs off ffered six weeks of summer fu f n. Each week campers explored a diff fferent theme with classes supporting the theme of the week. The fo f llowing ye y ar a Counselor-in-Tr T aining Program was added, as well as the first specialty t and sports camps. In 2006, Academic Camps were added as additional halff day a camps. In 2009, Papoose
Camp joined other camps off ffering our youngest campers a fu f ll six-week camp program. W th the addition of a separate Middle School, Summer Programs expanded again. Wi Adventure Camp off ffers rising fo f urth, fift f h, sixth and seventh graders their own day a camp. Kaleidoscope Camp is off ffered fo f r rising first through third graders. Wh W ile these day a camps will share field trips, the schedule will off ffer diff fferent age-appropriate challenges fo f r campers. This summer, r field trips hav a e been added to Papoose Camp. Papoose, Kaleidoscope and Adventure Camps now off ffer campers a fu f ll eight weeks each summer. The addition of Academic, Sports, Specialty and Upper School Camps means there is truly something fo f r everyone. Come join us fo f r an enriching summer experience on the campus of NansemondSuff ffolk Academy. y
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S General Info f rmation ........................................................................................................................................................4 W ek 1 New Ad We Adventures in the Old Country .......................................................................................................8 W ek 2 Ta We T ke a Wa W lk on the Wi W ld Side ..................................................................................................................10 W ek 3 Get Spun Up We U ! ................................................................................................................................................13 W ek 4 Come Sail Aw We A ay a ............................................................................................................................................17 W ek 5 Ro We R ck, Ro R ll and Bowl w ...................................................................................................................................19 W ek 6 Let’s Get We We W t! ................................................................................................................................................20 W ek 7 Yo We Y Ho Ho Let’s Go! .....................................................................................................................................22 W ek 8 Just Play We a it! .....................................................................................................................................................25 Extended Day a Programs................................................................................................................................................27
C AMP S TAFF Director ..................................................................................................................................Ann Lovell Assistant Director ...................................................................................................... We W ndy d Blausey ’89 Papoose Camp Coordinator ...............................................................................................Colleen Perry T ansportation Coordinator.............................................................................................. Ardie Norman Tr
NSA SUMMER PROGRAMS SUMMER PROGRAMS OFFICE Office Ho Of H urs r: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. T le Te lephone: Through May a 24 – (757) 539-8789 ext. 2110 Aft f er May a 24 – (757) 539-8789 ext. 2504 E ail and Fa Em Fax: alovell@nsacademy. y org (757) 934-8353 FULL 8 WEEKS OF CAMP JUNE 3 – JULY 26 Camp enrollment must be received by Ap A ril 5, 2013 to be eligible fo f r these fu f ll summer discount rates. See individual camps fo f r weekly enrollment rates aft f er Ap A ril 5, 2013. PAPOOSE CAMP 8 weeks of camp 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ............................................................ $1,550 8 weeks of camp 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ............................................................ $1,900 8 weeks of camp 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ............................................................ $2,225 KALEIDOSCOPE, ADVENTURE AND COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING CAMPS 8 weeks of camp 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ............................................................ $1,600 8 weeks of camp 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ............................................................ $1,950 8 weeks of camp 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ............................................................ $2,275 LUNCH Lunch is provided fo f r all fu f ll day a campers (unless otherwise noted) beginning June 3 through July 26. Halff day a campers may a purchase lunch fo f r $5 per day a or $25 a week. HEALTH FORM In accordance with the Commonwealth of Vi V rginia law aw, each camper must provide Nansemond-Suff ffolk Academy with a copy of the health fo f rm MCH-213E. The f llowing health info fo f rmation must be provided befo f re the first day a of camp. The health f rm is required fo fo f r enrollment in all independent and public schools. The school your child attends will hav a e a copy of this fo f rm on file. NSA students do not need to submit this fo f rm fo f r Summer Programs since it is already on file.
MEDICATION POLICY A l fu Al f ll day a camp staff f are First Aid and CPR certified. Prescription and nonprescription medication shall be given to a child only with completion of Medical Consent Forms. Medication administration shall be consistent with the manufa f cturer’s instructions fo f r age, duration and dosage. Expired medication needs to be picked up within 14 day ays or parents must renew authorization. Medications not picked up will be disposed of. f Longterm prescription drug use and over-the-counter medication may a be allowed with written authorization fr f om the child’s phys y ician and parent. Medication should be labeled with the child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage amount and the time or times to be given. Medication should be in the original container with the prescription label or direction label attached. Wh W en needed, medication will be refr f igerated. PROOF OF IDENTITY NSA Summer Programs are licensed by the Vi V rginia Department of Social Services and are required to document the identity and age of any child enrolling in these programs. Proof of identify f may a include a birth certificate or birth registration card. If your child is currently a student at Nansemond-Suff ffolk Academy these records are already on file. REGISTRATION Early registration is encouraged. Camp sizes are li i d P f ll, including transportation and Extended and fu Morning Care, is due with your registration. V sa and Master Card are accepted. A letter of Vi confirmation will be sent to the parent/guardian upon receipt of the application. The parent/ guardian will be notified that the child’s name has been placed on a waiting list if the requested program is fu f ll. SPECIAL PICK-UP DURING CAMP HOURS A y child leav An a ing camp during the day a must b picke k d up fr f om the Camp Canteen in the Cam Gym y and must be signed out by the parent/guardian REFUND POLICY R fu Re f nds must be requested in writing prior May a 24, 2013. Re R fu f nds will be processed min a twenty percent (20%) nonrefu f ndable fe f e. N
refu f nds will be given aft f er May a 24, 201 Allow three to fo f ur weeks processing tim f r a refu fo f nd. No refu f nd will be given if camper is dismissed because of disciplina or voluntary withdraw a al. INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY Summer Programs will be closed o Thursday ay, July 4 and Friday ay, July 5 in observance of the Independence Day a holiday ay. T-SHIRTS Each camper will receive a fr f ee camp t-sh may a be purchased at the Camp Canteen fo f r $15. CA CAMP TT SHIRT R S MUST BE WO W RN R ON ALL FIELD TRI R PS. Campers wh w o fo f rget their camp shirts on field trip day ays will be issued another and parents will be charged $15 fo f r an additional shirt. PAPOOSE CAMP Ages: Ri R sing Pre-Kindergarten 3 – Kindergarten Parents may a choose either a fu f ll or halff day a program. Children in the halff day a program must be picked up by 11:30 a.m. Those stay a ing fo f r the fu f ll day a will remain until 3:00 p.m. Morning Care, Extended Care and bus service are also off ffered. Each Thursday a campers will leav a e campus in search of new adventures on a field trip. Enrollment in this camp is limited so be sure to sign up early. y Lunch is provided fo f r fu f ll-day a campers.
ACADEMIC, SPORTS AND SPECIALTY CAMPS ges: See camp descriptions Camps are off ffered in halff day a sessions. Please check the camp description in this rochure fo f r dates and times. Campers electing to take one session will also hav a e he option of joining Kaleidoscope and Adventure Camp fo f r the remainder of he day a or participating in another specialty camp. Lunch is included in the halff a camp fe ay f e fo f r those campers joining Kaleidoscope and Adventure camps. The umber of campers accepted in these camps is limited, so sign up early. y EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM his program including Morning Care, Extended Care and bus service provides e fo f r campers both befo f re and aft f er regular Summer Program hours. Bus service off ffered to designated pick-up points. The staff f plans activities each day ay. We W ekly are listed in the catalog. Daily rates are av a ailable. A late fe f e of $10 will be charged fo f r children remaining aft f er 6:05 p.m. Aft f er 6:15 p.m., a $20 fe f e will be charged. The fe f e will increase $10 fo f r each 5-minute period aft f er 6:20 p.m. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The daily camp schedule involves almost constant activity ty. Campers should be dressed fo f r play ay. Casual, comfo f rtable, easy to change clothing and athletic shoes are recommended (no flip flops except fo f r use at the pool). Campers will need to bring a towel and bathing suit fo f r swimming on Tu T esday ays and Thursday ays. PLEA E SE LA L BEL EV EVERY RYTHING!
KALEIDOSCOPE AND ADVENTURE CAMP Ages: Ri R sing Grades 1 – 7 Campers explore the theme of the week through a variety of adventures. Each day ay, campers will participate in six classes. The classes will vary fr f om week to week depending on the theme fo f r that week. On We W dnesday a s campers will leav a e campus in search of new adventures on a related field trip. Campers will hav a e the opportunity to swim at the Suff ffolk Family YM Y CA C twice each week. COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING Ages: Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 This leadership development program will allow your child to hav a e the fu f ll “camper” experience while building character through a specialized curriculum. These campers will need to request a CIT application to be completed by the CIT and returned along with two teacher recommendations; parents must complete the regular camp application. Limited spaces av a ailable. SUMMER FUN
WEEK 1 Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
New Adventures in the Old Countryy
JUNE 17 – 21
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
SPECIALTY CAMP Dog Day ays of Summer Chess Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ri R sing Grades 1 – 5 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 3 – 7
ACADEMIC CAMP Astronomy Camp Math Cats
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 1 – 3
JUNE 10 – 14
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
Take a Walk on the Wild Side
Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
ACADEMIC CAMP Fav a orite Au A thors
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 1 – 3
SPORTS CAMP Jan Ta T lian’s Te T nnis Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
SPECIALTY CAMP R b We Ro W stcott’s Magic Camp Digital Photography Camp
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
R sing Grades 1 – 8 Ri
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ri R sing Grades 1 – 4 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 4 – 8
SPORTS CAMP Lew e Johnston’s Footbal a l Cam a p Saints Cheering Camp NSA Basketball Skills Camp Saints Sailing Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. T e. an Tu a d Thurs.
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
Rising Grades 4 – 8 R R sing Grades K – 3 Ri R sing Grades 2 – 8 Ri R sing Grad Ri a es 2 – 12
SPECIALTY CAMP Passport to the Wo W rld of Art 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ri R sing Grades 4 – 8 From Classical to Modern Art 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 4 – 8
JUNE 24 – 28
Come Sail Away
Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
ACADEMIC CAMP Lego Mindstorm Ro R botics
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 4 – 8
SPORTS CAMP Saints Sailing Camp
Get Spun Up!
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
R sing Grades 2 – 12 Ri
Challenger British Soccer
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. T e. an Tu a d Thurs. 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 3 – 7 Ri
R sing Grades 1 – 12 Ri
JULY 1 – 3
WEEK 5 Camp will be closed July 4 & 5 Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining JULY 8 – 12
JULY 15 – 19
Rock, Roll and Bowl 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
WEEK 6 Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
ACADEMIC CAMP Think Outside the Box
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 3 – 5 Ri
SPORTS CAMP Middle School Cheering
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 4 – 8 Ri
SPECIALTY CAMP Comic Creations
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 3 – 5
Let’s Get Wet!
Yo Ho Ho Let’s Go!
Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
ACADEMIC CAMP SAT A Critical Math Mystery Madness My
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 11 – 12 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ri R sing Grades 3 – 5
SPORTS CAMP NSA Baseball Skills Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
SPECIALTY CAMP “Sew” Fun Qu Q ilting Camp
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 5 – 8
JULY 22 – 26
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
R sing Grades 4 – 8 Ri
Just Playy It!
Papoose Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Adventure Camp Ad Counselor-in-Tr T aining
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
Rising Pre-K – Kindergarten R R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10 Ri
ACADEMIC CAMP A Critical Re AT R ading
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 11 – 12
SPORTS CAMP Tetra Brazil Soccer Camp T aints Vo V lleyball Skills Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Ri R sing Grades 2 – 12 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ri R sing Grades 4 – 6
WEEK 1 | June 3 – 7 New Adventures in the Old Country Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 Specialty t Camps Dog Day ays of Summer ..................................................................................................... Grades 1 – 5 Chess Camp.................................................................................................................... Grades 3 – 7
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Get yo y ur passports ready dy, campers, as we trav a el to Merry ‘Ole England, Paris, France, Madrid, Spain and other interesting places all around the globe. Sing in French, dance to Spanish music and explore wh w at life f is like as a yo y ung child in other parts of the world. Ta T ke a trip to the Norfo f lk Botanical Gardens…campers will ride a tram through the Wo W rld of Wo W nder gardens, a three-acre garden with several distinct areas off ffering interactive lessons and experiences. PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
$10 $210 $220 $230 $175 $185 $195
Norfo f lk Botanical Gardens Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 1 – 7 Ri
CIT: T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
Special a Note: Campers will not leav a e Busch Gardens until 5:00 p.m. on We W dnesday a June 5, 20l3 and will return to NSA at 6:00 p.m. There will be no aft f ernoon bus on that day ay. FIELD TRIP LUNCH
Full-Day a Camp WEDNESDAY W A
Campers are on a quest fo f r adv d enture this week! Wh W ile on campus, campers will explore the European theme through a variety t of classes and activities. On We W dnesday ay, campers will trav a el to Busch Gardens, Wi W lliamsburg to complete their search fo f r knowl w edge and adv d enture. At A Busch Gardens, campers will enj n oy thrilling rides, fa f bulous shows and charming villages with a European flair. The more adv d enturesome campers will experience breathtaking tw t ists, turns, plunges and adrenaline-pumping g-fo f rce thrills. The trip will be complete with an all-yo y u-can-eat fr f ied chicken dinner served to campers in the Black Forest. Parents are encouraged to join us fo f r the fu f n-filled day a of adv d enture. Reserva Re v ti tions fo f r th t is i event mus u t be re receiv i ed e by b Ma May 24 24.
All-yo y u-can-eat (i ( ncl clude ded in co c st) t Fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, roll, drink, dessert $55 Parent trip to Busch Gardens, lunch included $20 Season pass holders $240 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $220 Early Enrollment Discount with Season Pass $250 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $260 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Specialty Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 1 – 4 Ri
Kimberly Brinkl k ey
Hav a e yo y u ever wondered wh w y dogs hav a e wet noses? If yo y u want to know the answer to this and many other questions about dogs, this is the camp fo f r yo y u. We W will learn about proper care of dogs, safe f ty t around dogs, tricks and games yo y u can teach yo y ur dog, and we will hav a e many dog visitors. We W will also learn about diff fferent breeders and their jobs. This camp will include visits fr f om rescue groups, the Suff ffolk Humane Society t and a variety t of dog breeds. Arts and craft f s and a visit to a local veterinary hospital are also included. Come and join us this summer fo f r a “howl w ing” good time. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Busch c Ga G rd rdens with t l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 3 – 7 Ri
Stella Pay a ne
Come explore the world of chess. This class is open to beginner and intermediate play ayers. No prior chess knowl w edge is necessary. y Students will learn basic chess moves and strategies. Intermediate play ayers will learn more adv d anced moves. Al A l play ayers will participate in a mini tournament on the last day a of camp. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Busch c Ga G rd rdens with t l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
WEEK 2 | June 10 – 14 Take a Walk on the Wild Side Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 Sports Camp Jan Ta T lian’s Te T nnis Camp ................................................................................................ Grades 1 – 8 Specialty t Camp R b We Ro W stcott’s Magic Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 4 Digital Photography ....................................................................................................... Grades 4 – 8
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Pack yo y ur backp k acks and dust off f yo y ur hiking boots; get ready d fo f r some outdoor fu f n this week. Campers will experience the sights and sounds of nature and animal habitats along with the many varieties of wildlife f fo f und around the NSA campus. The actionpacked week will include visits to Camp NSA and its fire pit, teepees and tents. This week’ k s camp will journey to the Norfo f lk Zoo and observe the wild animals, explore the lush gardens and enj n oy a zoo train ride through several animal habitats. PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
$10 $210 $220 $230 $175 $185 $195
Virginia Zoological Park V Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rising Grades 1 – 7 CIT: R T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
New e Field Tr T ip Locat a ion Come join us fo f r a wild week of outdoor fu f n! During this week, campers will set up a campsite, build a fire pit, set up tents and teepees, bait hooks, catch fish and make fishing poles. Snacks will be cooked over the open fire and campers will enj n oy campfire songs and skits. Our field trip this week takes us to the Airfield Confe f rence Center in W kefield, Vi Wa V rginia, a site with fr f esh country air on the banks of Airfield Mill Pond. Campers will participate in field games, archery, y marine ecology g activities, canoeing and fishing led by the knowl w edgeable staff f at the center. CIT’s will attempt the Challenge Course. Lunch will include hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, chips, rolls, dessert and iced tea or lemonade. Come on – join us fo f r a walk on the WI W LD side! Special Note: This trip involves being in the sun most of the day ay. Ticks are prevalent in June. FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
ot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, chips, homemade rolls, cake or brownie, iced tea or lemonade $25 R serv Re rvations fo f r the trip must be made by June 5, lunch included $220 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $230 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $240 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Academic Camp
Sports Camp
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri
R sing Grades 1 – 8 Ri
Ann Dav a ies
Jan Ta T lian
Calling all book lovers! Discover everything yo y u ever wanted to know about popular children’s authors, illustrators and their many characters. Our research will reveal the inspirations fo f r their books and how they incorporated them into their creative and innovative stories. We W ’ll study d the authors’ writing sty tyles and techniques and get tips fo f r aspiring writers. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on th t e Airfi rfield l 44 H Ce C nte t r with t l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
Experience the life f -long sport of tennis, taught by USPTA T Profe f ssional Jan Ta T lian, NSA JV Boys y ’ and JV Girls’ tennis coach. Instruction is tailored to the age of the participant and is centered on fu f n and entertaining tennis games and contests. Introduction to basic tennis skills: activities are fo f cused on hand-eye y coordination, throwing, catching and athletic skills. Introductory program fo f r yo y ur yo y ung children: play ayers will use smaller racquets accompanied by fo f am, quick start or regular tennis balls. Te T chnique, scoring and names of court areas are the fo f cus in this fu f n-oriented atmosphere. Participants will need a tennis racquet, water bottle and tennis shoes. A li l mite ted number of o ra r cq c uets t willl be ava v ila l ble l fo f r us u e. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on th t e Airfi rfield l 44 H Ce C nte t r with t l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
Specialty Camp
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 1 – 4 Ri
Melody d Boone
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 1 – 4 Ri
R b We Ro W stcott
Make yo y ur child’s experience at camp an amazing success! Yo Y ur child can learn magic! Learning magic is a lot of fu f n and a real confidence builder fo f r children. Learning magic teaches them a theatrical art fo f rm with presentation skills. This fu f n, fa f st-paced class presumes no prior experience with magic. Students are provided all the training materials and magic props. Small classes use demonstration and hands-on training. On the last day a of the camp, students become star perfo f rmers in a magic show fo f r parents and relatives – bring yo y ur camcorders and cameras! Students leav a e with a case fu f ll of magic tricks and a magic wand! The class is taught by Hampton Ro R ads #1 children’s magician Ro R b We W stcott. Ro R b is an aw a ard-winning profe f ssional magician and fa f mily entertainer with a graduate degree (JD) and teaching experience. Ro R b has taught magic to hundreds of children. Learn more at Ro R bWe W stcottMagic.com CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on th t e Airfi rfield l 44H C nte Ce t r with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
Photography camp is designed to introduce students to digital photography and alternative photographic methods. Students will learn how to use their digital camera, explore various techniques and learn how to take successfu f l photographs. Photoshop will be introduced and students will learn to digitally manipulate their photographs and learn how to adj d ust and sav a e them properly. y At A the end of the week students will hav a ea small portfo f lio of work to take home. Mat a erial a s needed: digital camera with a memory card and/or usb cord. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on th t e Airfi rfield l 44 H Ce C nte t r with t l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
WEEK 3 | June 17 – 21 Get Spun Up! Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 A ademic Camp Ac Astronomy Camp ........................................................................................................... Grades 4 – 7 Math Cats....................................................................................................................... Grades 1 – 3 Sports Camp Lew Johnston’s Yo Y uth Football Camp ............................................................................. Grades 4 – 8 Saints Cheering Camp................................................................................................... Grades K – 3 NSA Basketball Skills Camp........................................................................................... Grades 2 – 8 Saints Sailing Camp....................................................................................................... Grades 2 – 12 Specialty t Camp Passport to the Wo W rld of Art ........................................................................................... Grades 4 – 8 From Classical to Modern Art ........................................................................................ Grades 4 – 8
Papoose Camp TIME
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Big wh w eels keep on turning…bring yo y ur tricy cycle or bike, with or without training w eels, and enj wh n oy exploring the grounds of NSA rolling along the campus sidewalks. A bicy cycle safe f ty t course will be taught and appropriate safe f ty t equipment will be mandatory (i.e. helmet). Bikes may a be brought on Monday a and picked up on Friday a ; they will be locked and stowed during the week at school. *R * id iding n eq e uip i ment may a not be tr transp s orte ted on th t e sch c ool bus u . To T enhance the experience of wh w at spinning wh w eels can mean to transportation, campers will visit the Seaboard Tr T ain Station in Suff ffolk, Vi V rginia and get a first-hand glimpse of wh w eels past.
$1 $210 $220 $230 $175 $185
Seaboard Ra R ilroad Station Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and TIME AGES
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rising Grades 1 – 7 CIT: R T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
Join us fo f r our most popular week! Bring yo y ur bicy cycle as we celebrate the history of w eels. Campers will participate in a bike safe wh f ty t class, as well as bike competitions and races. Many of our yo y unger campers hav a e learned to ride their bicy cycles at camp. Campers will also learn bike-handling skills, bike maintenance and the proper use of equipment. Saf afety t equipment is re r commended an a d a helmet is man a dat a ory ry. Bicy cycles may a be brought on Monday ay, June 17, and will be kept on campus locked up safe f ly at night. Bicy cycles must be picked up aft f er camp on June 21. To make our week on wh T w eels complete, campers will trav a el to Motor Wo W rld in Vi V rginia Beach. Campers will play a a unique but challenging round of Shipwreck Mini Golf, f hav a e a pizza lunch (included in the camp cost) and spend the aft f ernoon at “Yo Y ur Place to R ce” Motor Wo Ra W rld. Campers are off ffered a choice of 11 diff fferent go-kart tracks and 16 diff fferent sty tyle go-karts. Bumper boats, Grav a ity t Storm, a Sky k Coaster and other rides are also av a ailable. Don’t be left f out! Join us fo f r this exciting adv d enture. FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
izza and drink $40 R servations must be made by June 13, Re lunch included $225 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $235 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $245 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 4 – 7 Ri
Dick Stewart
Astronomy Camp is an introductory survey of the basic elements of astronomy with emphasis on describing our solar sys y tem, maj a or celestial bodies outside our solar sys y tem and discoveries and explorations of the past five ye y ars. The class will be taught through classroom presentations and a halff day a field trip to the Vi V rginia Living Museum’s Observatory. y Campers hav a e the opportunity t to use a telescope fo f r observation. Come “shine” with us! Ma Maximum # of o ca c mp m ers r 15. 5 CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Mo M to t r Wo W rl rld with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 1 – 3 Ri
Ann Dav a ies
Join the Math Cats and inv nvestigate open-ended and play ayful exp x loration of math concepts through literature and art. Strengthen math skills while boosting problem-solving strategies to successfu f lly solv lve wo w rd problems. Yo Y u’ll hav ave a “purr-fe f ctly’’ good time. Maximum # of Ma o ca c mp m ers r 10. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Mo M to t r Wo W rl rld with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
Sports Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades K – 3 Ri
Michael Wa W lker
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 4 – 8 Ri
Lew Johnston
Coach Johnston, our Va V rsity t fo f otball coach, will be conducting a Skills and Drills camp f r fo fo f otball play ayers in grades 4 – 8. Instruction will be provided in all phases of the game: blocking, passing, running and tackl k ing. Ev E ery camper will get an opportunity t to learn skills cogent to every position on the field. Ev E ery day a will close with a 7 on 7 touch passing game. Bring yo y ur own cleats. The camp will be held in “Death Va V lley” – the f otball practice field behind the baseball stadium. fo
Come one, come all! Learn cheers and dances to electrify f the fa f ns as yo y u join NSA’ As V rsity Va t cheering coach Michael Wa W lker fo f r this exciting week of cheering fu f n. This camp will introduce students to team cheering. Parents will be invited to join us Friday a f r our own Pep Ra fo R lly! Ma Maximum # of o ca c mp m ers r 25 25. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Reegistr R trati tions mus u t be re receiv i ed e by b Ma May 24 24. Mi M nimum # of o ca c mp m ers r 12; 2 max aximum # of o c mp ca m ers r 25 25. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Mo M to t r Wo W rl rld with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Mo M to t r Wo W rl rld with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 2 – 8 Ri
Dav a id Mitchell
The NSA Basketball Skills Camp is designed fo f r boys y and girls of all ability t levels. The week will fe f ature instruction in the fu f ndamentals of the game. Off ffensive and defe f nsive strategies are given appropriately fo f r each age group. Hustle, hard work, developing a positive attitude and teamwork are emphasized daily. y NSA JV boys y ’ basketball head coach Dav a id Mitchell and NSA play ayers will coach with an emphasis on fu f ndamental basketball skill development by using several of the same drills that hav a e continued to elevate play ayers to the collegiate level. Participants will need basketball shoes. Ma Maximum # o ca of c mp m ers r 25 25. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Mo M to t r Wo W rl rld with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
Specialty Camp
June 18, 20, 25, 27 (4 days – Tuesdays and Thursdays)
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Rising Grades 2 – 12
Pat Hillard
NSA Summer Programs and Hampton Yacht Club are proud to offer Saints Sailing to our campers. This 4-day program is designed to teach the fundamentals of seamanship and safety afloat. Campers will learn basic sailing instruction as well as coaching in racing techniques for more advanced students. An experienced staff of full-time instructors will be available. Classes will be taught in both Level 1 Opti and the 420 programs. Campers will ride a bus to the Hampton Yacht Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 weeks. All participants must pass a basic swim test. Campers will need to pack lunch on the days they are at Hampton Yacht Club.
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Rising Grades 4 – 8
Sofia Dakos
Students will spend the week creating art from around the world. Each day’s topic will center on one particular culture and art form. Campers will also create a passport to use through the week and receive a stamp for each country’s completed art project. Maximum # of campers 15. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Campers participating in the sailing program may join Kaleidoscope and Adventure Camps or the CIT program for the remaining days of the weeks. Campers must be 8 years old to participate. Level 1 Opti Ages 8+ This is an entry-level class that introduces the sailor to basic seamanship including rigging, terminology and sailing. Skills developed in this program are not only valuable in learning to sail but also for life-long boating activities. 420 Level 1 Ages 12 – 18 This class is for the older beginner junior sailors. It is an entry-level class that introduces the sailor to basic seamanship including rigging, sailing terminology and sailing. Skills developed in this class are not only valuable in learning to sail but also for life-long boating activities. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Minimum # of campers 6; maximum # of campers 25. CAMP FEES
$450 $470 $250
Early Enrollment Discount By April 5 April 6 – May 24 (No enrollment accepted after May 24) Half-Day Adventure Camp (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday) (Includes trip to Motor World and American Rover/Nauticus with lunch provided)
Early Enrollment Discount By April 5 April 6 – May 24 After May 24 (limited to space available) Half-Day Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Includes trip to Motor World with lunch provided)
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Rising Grades 4 – 8
Sofia Dakos
Students will concentrate on one particular art style and artist each day. They will discover what makes Modern Art different from Realism and create works of art based on Impressionist and Renaissance artists. Come perfect your art skills and create five different pieces of art! Maximum # of campers 15. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By April 5 April 6 – May 24 After May 24 (limited to space available) Half-Day Adventure Camp (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) (Includes trip to Motor World with lunch provided)
WEEK 4 | June 24 – 28 Come Sail Away Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 A ademic Camp Ac Lego Mindstorm Ro R botics Camp ................................................................................... Grades 4 – 8 Sports Camp Saints Sailing Camp...................................................................................................... Grades 2 – 12 Challenger Sports’ British Soccer Camp ....................................................................... Grades 1 – 12 Specialty t Camp R cketry Camp............................................................................................................... Grades 3 – 7 Ro
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
What makes a boat float? How fa W f r can yo y u throw a beach ball? How are bubbles f rmed? Yo fo Y ung campers will need to use their imaginations as they explore the concepts of things that float, both on the water and through the air. Campers will investigate some scientific notions under the sea and among the clouds. Campers will “sail” (via NSA bus) over to Norfo f lk to visit Nauticus and engage in an interactive program about ships. PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
$10 $210 $220 $230 $175 $185 $195
Nauticus Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rising Grades 1 – 7 CIT: R T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
It’s going to be another week of water adv d entures on the campus of NSA! During this sea-themed week campers learn more about life f in and on the sea. This week campers will sail the Hampton Ro R ads harbor aboard Th T e Ameri r ca c n Ro R ver, r a 135-fo f ot, threemasted topsail schooner. Campers will set the sails, steer the ship, learn how the captain nav a igates, hear stories of mariner history and tie nautical knots on this interactive tour of the historic Hampton Ro R ads harbor. Up U on debarking Th T e Ameri r ca c n Ro R ver, r campers will walk to Nauticus fo f r lunch in Outtakes Café f . Aft f er lunch, groups will tour Nauticus, the National Maritime Center and the battleship Wi Wisco c nsin. Come join us fo f r this educational and fu f n-filled adv d enture. FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
unch at Outtakes Café f : cheeseburger, r fr f ench fr f ies, drink, cookie $35 R servations fo Re f r the trip must be made by June 18, lunch included $220 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $230 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $240 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Academic Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Rising Grades 1 – 12
Challenger Sports’ Staff
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Rising Grades 4 – 8
Michele Bossick
Come and design the type of robot toy you want. The Lego Mindstorm is a programmable robotics kit that allows children to use their imaginations, creativity and programming skills. In this camp students will design, build and program our robot to do ordinary tasks. Students will also compete in challenges and work on team building skills. Maximum # of campers 10.
Join Challengers’ specialized British soccer coaches in this awesome camp experience! Campers are taught the fundamental skills and tactics of the beautiful game through fun and exciting drills, activities and professionally coached scrimmages. Every camper will receive a FREE soccer ball, camp t-shirt, poster and personalized evaluation from their coach. Host a British soccer coach and receive an $80 rebate! Call (443) 552-0518 for more information. Minimum # of campers 10. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
June 18, 20, 25, 27 (4 days – Tuesdays and Thursdays)
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Rising Grades 2 – 12
Pat Hillard
See Saints Sailing Camp description on Week 3 June 17 – 21 on page 16.
Early Enrollment Discount By April 5 April 6 – May 24 After May 24 (limited to space available) Half-Day Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Includes trip on The American Rover and to Nauticus with lunch provided)
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Rising Grades 3 – 7
Dick Stewart
Blast off in one of NSA’s most popular specialty camps. Boys and girls learn how to build and launch their very own rockets. Campers will learn about different types of rockets and what it takes to make them fly. Minimum # of campers 10. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By April 5 April 6 – May 24 After May 24 (limited to space available) Half-Day Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Includes trip on The American Rover and to Nauticus with lunch provided)
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By April 5 April 6 – May 24 After May 24 (limited to space available) Half-Day Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Includes trip on The American Rover and to Nauticus with lunch provided)
WEEK 5 | July 1 – 3 Rock, Roll and Bowl, Camp closed July 4 and 5 Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Campers will get in touch with their scientific and creative side! We W ’ll invent things that rock, things that are like rocks, things that roll and things that can be put in a bowl w! The week will fe f ature a field trip to Cold Stone Creamery wh w ere campers will tour the f cility fa t to look in the fr f igid fr f eezer, r gaze at the many flav a ors of fr f ozen treats and finally create their own concoction to put in a bowl w! PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
$5 $160 $170 $180 $135 $145 $155
Cold Stone Ice Cream Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rising Grades 1 – 7 CIT: R T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
Come join us fo f r 3 day ays during this holiday a week to rock and roll! Hav a e fu f n with some ball games and good ‘ol rock and roll. Come show yo y ur bowl w ing skills at the Frankl k in Bowl w ing Center on We W dnesday ay. Wi W th our “Pizza, Pins and Pepsi Package” lunch and f n is all included! We fu W will return to school by 3:00 p.m. on We W dnesday ay, July 3. FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
izza and drink $20 R servations fo Re f r the trip must be made by July 16, lunch included $160 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $170 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $180 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
WEEK 6 | July 8 – 12 Let’s Get Wet! Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 A ademic Camp Ac Think Outside the Box .................................................................................................... Grades 3 – 5 Sports Camp Middle School Cheering................................................................................................. Grades 4 – 8 Specialty t Camp Comic Creations............................................................................................................. Grades 3 – 5
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Fins to F t th t e le left, fin fi s to t th t e ri right… t join us fo f r an undersea adv d enture. Campers will explore things that live in the ocean fr f om the smallest to the fiercest! Grab yo y ur imaginary wet suit and snorkel and join us fo f r a week of wet and wild fu f n! This week campers will ride a paddleboat fr f om Portsmouth to Norfo f lk and engage in a creative fa f ct-finding mission about things that are propelled on the water, r as well as wh w at lives in the water. PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
$3 $210 $220 $230 $175 $185 $195
Paddle Wh W eel Ferry Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rising Grades 1 – 7 CIT – Ri R R sing Grades 8 – 10
Water is the theme of the we W w ek! From water balloons to water games to water experiments, campers will be experimenting and learning about our greatest natural resource. On We W dnesday ay, campers will make a splash at Ocean Breeze Wa W ter Park. W ether yo Wh y u like to slide, rush, plunge or float, a trip to Ocean Breeze has something f r everyo fo y ne. For lunch campers will be served an al a l-yo y u-can-eat buff ffet under a covered picnic pav a ilion. Lunch choices are hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, watermelon and cookies. Don’t be left f out! Join us fo f r fu f n under the sun, both on campus and at Ocean Breeze! Reserva Re v ti tions fo f r th t is i tr trip cl close on Ju J ne 26. 6 Special a Note: This trip involves being in the sun most of the day ay. FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
All-yo y u-can-eat (i ( ncl clude ded in co c st) t Hot dogs g , ham a burge g rs, ch c ips, wa watermelon, drink, dessert $40 Parent trip to Ocean Breeze, lunch included $220 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $230 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $240 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Academic Camp
$160 $170 $180 $140
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 3 – 5 Ri
Little Scholars’ Staff f
Are yo y u an inventor? Hav a e a flair fo f r creative ideas? Join our think tank! We W are going to build, invent and participate in thinking games that may a crack yo y ur brain. Play a minuteto-win-it games to get yo y ur mind and muscles moving. Thinking outside the box builds y ur reasoning skills, expands yo yo y ur creative problem solving and allows yo y u to tackl ke tasks in not just the “ordinary” way ay. About Little Scholars – Little Scholars believes each child learns in a unique way A ay. They are committed to providing educational experiences fo f r yo y ur child that spark their interest wh w ile tapping into their individual learning sty tyle. They believe it is important to hav a e an accurate account of yo y ur child’s current level of perfo f rmance and build upon his or her skill set in an appropriate time fr f ame. Ma Maximum # of o ca c mp m ers r 20. Registr Re trati tion mus u t be re receiv i ed e by b Ju J ne 25 25. CAMP FEES
$175 $185 $195 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Ocea e n Bre r ez e e Wa W te t r Pa P rk rk, l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 4 – 8 Ri
Michael Wa W lker
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Ocea e n Bre r ez e e Wa W te t r Pa P rk rk, l nch lu c pro r vid ided)
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 3 – 5 Ri
Little Scholars’ Staff f
Do yo y u hav a e a knack fo f r draw a ing? Do yo y u like to write? We W hav a e the class fo f r yo y u! Come join us as we explore the world of comic strips.We W will learn about the diff fferent sty tyles of cartooning, create new characters and build a portfo f lio of yo y ur work. About Little Scholars – Little Scholars believes each child learns in a unique way A ay. They are committed to providing educational experiences fo f r yo y ur child that spark their interest wh w ile tapping into their individual learning sty tyle. They believe it is important to hav a e an accurate account of yo y ur child’s current level of perfo f rmance and build upon his or her skill set in an appropriate time fr f ame. Ma Maximum # of o ca c mp m ers r 20. Registr Re trati tion mus u t be re receiv i ed e by b Ju J ne 25 25. CAMP FEES
$175 $185 $195 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Ocea e n Bre r ez e e Wa W te t r Pa P rk rk,
Come one, come all! Learn cheers and dances to electrify f the fa f ns as yo y u join NSA’ As V rsity Va t cheering coach Michael Wa W lker fo f r this exciting week of cheering fu f n. This camp will introduce students to team cheering. Parents will be invited to join us Friday a f r our own Pep Ra fo R lly! Ma Maximum # of o ca c mp m ers r 25 2 .
WEEK 7 | July 15 – 19 Yo Ho Ho Let’s Go! apoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 A ademic Camp Ac SAT A Critical Math ...................................................................................................... Grades 11 – 12 Mystery Madness............................................................................................................ Grades 3 – 5 My Sports Camp NSA Baseball Complete Skills Camp.............................................................................. Grades 3 – 7 Specialty t Camp “Sew” Fun Qu Q ilting Camp ............................................................................................. Grades 5 – 8
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Grab yo y ur eye y patches! We W ’ll explore the stories of pirates and their adv d entures! Campers will journey through times gone by as their fa favorite swashbuckl k ing pirate. The week will f ature an exciting expedition that will transport our campers to a high seas adv fe d enture along Constant’s Wh W arf wh w ere they will hear a pirate’s tale and engage in hands-on pirate craft f s! PARENT FIELD TRIP COST
$210 $220 $230 $175 $185 $195
Constant’s Wh W arf and Vi V sitors Center Play ayground Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. R sing Grades 1 – 7 CIT: Ri T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
Yo ho ho – let’s go on a pirate adv Y d enture! Campers will explore pirate legends and lore befo f re leav a ing campus to set sail fo f r adv d entures on the high seas in search of treasure! W ’ll leav We a e the dock in the port of Inlet Station Marina and fr f om there we will set off f to explore the seven seas of Vi V rginia Beach on the ship Pi P ece ces of of Eight. t To T keep campers entertained on the voyage, pirates will put on a show. w Being a pirate is hungry work, so there will be plenty t of snacks on board and lunch will be provided. We W ’ll keep an eye y out f r dolphins, too, because they love pirates and oft fo f en swim alongside us on our trav a els. W will then visit the Vi We V rginia Aq A uarium wh w ere campers will hav a e the opportunity t to experience animal fe f edings, training sessions, “hands on” programs and visit thousands of animals representing over 300 species! If yo y u are a pirate or a pirate at heart with a taste fo f r nautical fu f n and adv d enture, then this is the camp fo f r yo y u! FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
ubway a sandw d ich, chips, drink, cookie $40 Parent tr Pa trip to t Vi V rg rginia Aq Aquarium u , lun u ch c incl c ud uded $220 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $230 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $240 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Academic Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 3 – 5 Ri
Little Scholars’ Staff f
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 11 – 12 Ri
W lliam To Wi T mlin ’94
Come work to improve yo y ur score on the Math SAT A ! Ev E ery math topic appearing on the SAT A test will be covered including algebra, geometry, y probability t and statistics. Strategies fo f r multiple choice and fr f ee response math problems will be discussed and practiced. Instruction will be given on how to eff ffectively use a graphing calculator and w en it will sav wh a e time finding the solution. A fu f ll practice test will be analyz y ed with clearly explained solutions on each problem. Yo Y u can “count” on this course to enhance y ur preparation fo yo f r this test! Ma Maximum # of of parti t cip i ants t 15.
WA W ANTED…detectives and investigators! Get out yo y ur magnify f ing glasses and detective hats as we hav a e clues to decipher and crimes to solve. We W ’ll put our critical thinking to the test and get to the bottom of each of these mys y teries by learning the tricks real investigators use, such as DNA N , blood sampling and fingerprinting. Wh W ile experimenting with simple detection techniques, yo y ur reasoning skills will grow and problem-solving skills will become better than CSI agents.
Book to be sup u plied by student: Ba B rro r n’s SA S T Cr Criti t ca c l Ma M th t Wo W rk r book by Sharon W iner (paperback) We k
About Little Scholars – Little Scholars believes each child learns in a unique way A ay. They are committed to providing educational experiences fo f r yo y ur child that spark their interest wh w ile tapping into their individual learning sty tyle. They believe it is important to hav a e an accurate account of yo y ur child’s current level of perfo f rmance and build upon his or her skill set in an appropriate time fr f ame. Ma Maximum # of o ca c mp m ers r 20.
$160 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $170 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 (Cost of (C o book not incl clude ded)
$175 $185 $195 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on Pieces of Eight and to t th t e V rg Vi rginia i Aquari r um, lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
Sports Camp
Specialty Camp
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 4 – 8 Ri
R sing Grades 3 – 7 Ri
Dav a id Mitchell
Charlotte Mansfield
The Baseball Complete Skills Camp is designed fo f r all ability t levels. The week will f ature instruction in the fu fe f ndamentals of fielding, throwing, hitting, bunting and base running. Off ffensive and defe f nsive strategies are given appropriately fo f r each age group. Hustle, hard work, developing a positive attitude and teamwork are emphasized daily. y NSA Va V rsity t baseball head coach Dav a id Mitchell and NSA play ayers will coach with an emphasis on fu f ndamental skill development by using several of the same drills wh w ich hav a e continued to elevate play ayers to the collegiate and profe f ssional levels. Participants will need a glove, hat, cleats, bat and sunscreen. Please label items. Facilities: NSA Baseball Complex The Complex fe f atures a beautifu f l play a ing surfa f ce, batting cage, restrooms and press box. The fa f cility t is one of the best in Hampton Ro R ads. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on Pieces of Eight and to t th t e V rg Vi rginia i Aquari r um, lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
Come learn how o to sew e by hand. Yo Y u’ll learn ev everyt y hing fr f om how o to thread a needle to how o to create a hand-quilted pillow ow. Yo Y u do not need to hav ave any prev e ious kn k ow owledge or experience, but please come and learn more if yo y u al a ready d do some hand sew ewing. Hav ave f n chatting as yo fu y u mak ake a pillow o fo f r yo y ur room or a gift f fo f r someone. Discov over how o fo f lks k used to find out about the wo w rld around them befo f re they e had Facebook and Tw Twitter! CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip on Pieces of Eight and to t th t e V rg Vi rginia i Aquari r um, lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
WEEK 8 | July 22 – 26 Just Play It! Papoose Camp ........................................................................................... Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Kaleidoscope, Ad Adventure Camp........................................................................................... Grades 1 – 7 Counselor-in-Tr T aining ....................................................................................................... Grades 8 – 10 A ademic Camp Ac SAT A Critical Re R ading.................................................................................................. Grades 11 – 12 Sports Camp Challenger Sports’ Te T tra Brazil Soccer Camp ................................................................ Grades 2 – 11 Saints Vo V lleyball Camp ................................................................................................... Grades 4 – 6
Papoose Camp
Kaleidoscope, Adventure and
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades Pre-K – Kindergarten Ri
Full-Day a Camp Halff Day a Camp
Young campers will spend a busy week exploring all things sporty Y t ! From board games to field games, fr f om organized sports to card games; it’s an action-packed five day ays of game play a ing! So, eat yo y ur “Wh W eaties” and come join this fu f n-filled week exploring sportsmanship and gamesmanship! Al A so this week, campers will trav a el to the Children’s Museum and test their skills on numerous hands-on activities and learning challenges. PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
$10 $210 $220 $230 $175 $185 $195
Children’s Museum of Vi V rginia Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rising Grades 1 – 7 CIT: R T Ri R sing Grades 8 – 10
Sports! Sports! Sports! The campus of Nansemond-Suff ffolk Ac A ademy will be filled with a variety t of sport activities during Just Play a It week! Campers will be testing and improving their athletic skills. Tr T y yo y ur hand at a new sport or become more proficient at one yo y u already d enj n oy. y The philosophy of this program is to emphasize the enj n oyment of sports in a healthy, y competitive environment, determined by the age and skill level of the participant. Be ready d fo f r yo y ur fa f ll season and learn about sports that are a part of y ur life yo f ! An emphasis on good sportsmanship is the overriding theme fo f r our program. A propriate athletic shoes and clothes are required. Ap Culminating one of our most popular weeks is our all time fa favorite trip to Laser Qu Q est, w ere campers love to run fa wh f st and play a hard. Pizza lunch at Laser Qu Q est is included. FIELD TRIP LUNCH PARENT FIELD TRIP COST CAMP FEES
izza lunch $30 Parent trip to Laser Qu Q est, lunch included $220 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $230 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 $240 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le)
Academic Camp
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 4 – 6 Ri
Beverly Nuckl k es
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
R sing Grades 11 – 12 Ri
W lliam To Wi T mlin ’94
Formerly known as the verbal section of the SAT AT, Critical Re R ading questions are all multiple choice and fa f ll into tw t o categories: sentence completion and reading comprehension. Wo W rd analys y is and context clues will be emphasized to help students overcome unfa f miliar vocabulary. y Instruction will be given on how to read passages quickl k y and critically. y Un U derstanding how to read fo f r fa f cts and details will be contrasted with reading fo f r themes and broader ideas, such as the author’s intent. Come join us, build some confidence and learn some tips to help yo y u be more successfu f l. Ma Maximum # of parti of t cip i ants t 15. 5 Book to be sup u plied by student: Ba B rro r n’s SA S T Cr Criti t ca c l Re Readi d ng n Wo W rk r book by Sharon W iner (paperback) We k CAMP FEES
$160 Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 $170 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 (Cost of (C o book not incl clude ded)
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
R sing Grades 2 – 12 Ri
Challenger Sports’ Staff f
Profe f ssional a Braz a ilian coaches bring their flair and samba sty tyle of soccer to yo y ur fu f ture soccer star. r Campers are coached on the intricate fo f otw twork r , bal a l manipulation and fr f eesty tyle tricks k that Braz a il is fa f mous fo f r in the soccer wo w rld. Al A l campers wi w ll receive v a FRE R E soccer bal a l, camp t-shirt, poster and personal a ized ev evaluation fr f om their coach. Host a Te T tra Braz a il soccer coach and receive v an $80 rebate! Cal a l (443) 552-0518 fo f r more info f rmation. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Las a er Qu Q es e t with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
We are off W ffering a ski k lls camp taugh g t by Bev everly Nuckl k es, NSA JJ J V and Va V rsity t assistant v lley vo eybal a l coach, fo f r grades 4 – 6. The camp wi w ll incorporate drills to introduce proper f rm fo fo f r beginning ski k lls, including passing, setting, hitting and serv r ing. We W wi w ll al a so learn to play a mini games and court ski k lls fo f r 6 play ayer teams. Coach Nuckl k es has 30 ye y ars of experience coaching vo v lley eybal a l and is USA perfo f rmance vo v lley eybal a l certified. She al a so coaches competitiv ive trav avel vo v lley eybal a l fo f r Nansemond Vo V lley eybal a l Club. CAMP FEES
$160 $170 $180 $140
Early Enrollment Discount By Ap A ril 5 A ril 6 – May Ap a 24 Aft f er May a 24 (l (limite ted to t sp s ace c ava v ila l ble le) Halff Day a Ad Adventure Camp (11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) (Inclu (I l de des tr trip to t Las a er Qu Q es e t with t lu l nch c pro r vid ided)
ansemond-Suff ffolk Ac A ademy off ffers Morning Care beginning at 7:00 a.m. and Extended Care is off ffered each aft f ernoon fr f om 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Bus service is also off ffered to select pick up and drop off f points. Parents may a register fo f r the combination service and use any of the three services. Bus pick-up locations are: Benns
Morning Care
Church, Bennett’s Creek Food Lion, Harbour Vi V ew Ri R verfr f ont Swim Club, Chesapeake Square Kmart and Deep Creek. A camper may a ride the bus in the morning and stay a in Extended Care in the aft f ernoon fo f r the combination fe f e. All Extended Day a Fees are listed below. w
Extended Care
Happy Camping!
I am a Saint Christine Comer, Class of 2013
Come see what it means to be a Saint ÇxÇ®ÊxÎ nÇn Ê 8/°ÊÎÎxxÊUÊ777°
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N nsemondNa d Su Suffolk l Aca c de d my m adm d its t quali lified stu t de d nts t with t out re regard r to t ra r ce ce, co c lo l r, r eth t nic back ckground, d nati t onal ori rigin, handi d ca capped e sta t tu tus or re r li ligion.