New regulations in California and across the country require new equipment. Demo the latest products you need at Equip Exposition. EQUIP EXPOSITION The industry is changing. The equipment you need is at Register at www.equipexposition.comOCTOBER18-21,2022LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY

TABLE OF CONTENTS The ALCA INFLUENCE ARIZONA CONTRACTORS’LANDSCAPEASSOCIATION September/October 2022 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Dwight Faires Creative Environments Immediate Past President Marty Monroy Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock –a SiteOne Landscape Supply Company President Elect Nickie Velten DTR Landscape Development, LLC Secretary Kim Kleski Kleski & Associates Treasurer Steve Shields Hill & Usher Insurance & Surety Chief Executive Officer Judy Gausman judy@ALCA .org PUBLICATION Advertising Association Outsource Services, Inc. (916) www.aosinc.biz961-9999 Printing Diversified Print Solutions Arizona Contractors’LandscapeAssociation 5425 E Bell Road, Suite 105 Scottsdale, Arizona 85254 Phone: 602-626-7091 The ALCA Influence is the official publication of the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association. ALCA and The ALCA Influence assume no responsibility for the statements or opinions appearing in articles under an author’s name. The services of an attorney or accountant should be sought in legal and tax matters. For editorial information, contact the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association, 5425 E. Bell Road, Suite 105, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254; telephone, (602) 626-7091; facsimile, (602) 626-7590; e-mail, President’s Message 4 CEO’s Message 6 Calendar of Events 6 ALCA Sponsors ................................................................... 7 New Members .................................................................... 7 2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Santa Rita Landscaping, LLC 8 2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - DLC Resources, Inc 9 2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Sunburst Landscaping 10 2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Crystal Falls Construction Services 10 2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Wickenburg Landscape ..... 10 2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - CareScape, Inc. .............. 11 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Award Sponsors 11 ALCA Member Profile: The Synthetic Grass Store 12 ALCA Member Profile: Arizona Turf Masters 12 ALCA Member Profile: Evergreen Turf, Inc. 14 ALCA Member Profile: SiteOne Landscape Supply 16 ALCA Member Profile: RDO 18 ACLP Schedule - September/October 19 For the Love of Aloes ......................................................... 20 Member Mixer: Enterprise Fleet .......................................... 21 Member Mixer: All Season Wholesale Growers 21 Resource Guide 22 PMD Certification Exam Preparatory Courses Conducted Weekly Ornamen tal & T urf Right of Way Aquatic Core Exam Get Knowledge! C Call 602-452-2900 Or Check Schedule And Register Online 3September/October 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

Dwight Faires 2022 ALCA President Mountain States Wholesale Nursery offers over 400 taxa including desert adapted trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, accent and flowering perennials, groundcovers and vines. We specialize in providing landscape plants that fuse natural beauty with water efficiency. It is our goal to provide quality plant material that integrates the spirit of landscape design, while reflecting the beauty of the natural desert. Mountain States Wholesale Nursery 13803 W Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85307 623-247-8509 We invite our wholesale customers to visit our nursery, explore the variety of plants collected from the deserts of the world and the innovative introductions produced at our growing grounds in Glendale, AZ.
The ideas listed below came from a blog on written by Gerri Detweiler May 31, 2022.There are numerous ways you can try to prepare for weathering the next recession, from cutting costs to diversifying services provided. Having access to financing may help small busi nesses when cash flow is uncertain, and can provide funding needed if the business needs to pivot to provide the products or services that are in demand.1.Line up a Line of Credit - The ideal time to get a line of credit is before you need it. If your business faces a cash crunch, it may be harder to qualify. Banks have the strictest standards for lines of credit, but offer the lowest interest rates, while online lenders are often more flexible on qualification requirements and can make credit decisions very quickly.
THE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 20224
On the note of CHANGE: have you as a busi ness owner stopped to consider current and future market changes? Have you noticed that housing stats are showing some signs of slowing with increased interest rates? Have you set up a business plan that will help you sur vive the next 2 years, 5 years, 10 years? A good business model should consider and possibly implement the following. I will first state that, I am not a financial planner and if I owned a business, I would be considering some of these items. Please consult with you own financial planner to discuss your specific needs.
5. Refinancing - If your business is carrying debt, you may be able to refinance or con solidate debt with less expensive financing. A lower rate means more of your payment goes toward paying down the balance, rather than toward interest or fees. And lower payments can free up cash flow to invest in other areas of your business— or just to give your business some breathing room. The perfect scenario is to refinance debt with lower rates and lower payments, but sometimes you’ll wind up having to choose between one or the other. Again, rates will continue to rise this year. Think ahead a year: your future self may be glad you locked in financing at today’s rates. There are many smart people out there and you should use any and all resources to help you with your individual needs. Change is inevitable, do all you can to weather the coming changes in our market. Position your self for endurance and success. Talk to others who may be struggling with the same issues you may have. Collectively, and together, we can be suc cessful! ALCA will be promoting some upcoming discussions that you should consider attending to help you make important decisions. As we now move into the later part of 2022, remember, let your voice be heard in Novem ber with your Vote! Plan, implement necessary changes to be successful, and let’s finish 2022 on a positive note! Until Next Time Stay ALCADwightPositiveFairesBoardPresident
Greetings from the ALCA President PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
1969 2020
2. Finance for Growth - While you may be tempted to slash costs, don’t ignore opportunities to grow your business. Learn about new trends that home owners want in their outdoor living environments. Educate your key employees.
July is gone. Kids are back in school. Football is in full swing and Halloween decorations will be hitting store shelves near you soon! Where has the time gone????? Much has happened this year and ALCA is leading the way with new and exciting additions and changes. As most of you have heard, Judy will be retiring as ALCA’s CEO at the end of the year. Albeit a sad chapter in our history, we knew this day would come at some point. The Executive Board has been working with Judy to find a replacement and we could not be happier with our selection. Please read Judy’s message and announcement of our new Executive Director!
4. Keep Cash Flowing - One reality of an economic slowdown is that your custom ers may also pay more slowly. Stress to your staff that finishing projects on time, providing the highest quality service pos sible, and going a step above customer expectations will make a difference when asking for progress or final payments! Don’t give your clients a reason to drag their feet when paying you. You still have payroll and bills to pay. You are depending on getting paid!
3. Lock in at Lower Rates - The Federal Reserve has already raised the federal funds rate twice in 2022, and several more rate increases are expected. Since business loan interest rates often track with this benchmark interest rate, its likely rates for many types of small business rates will rise. Getting a loan now before interest rates increase may be crucial. Even if you secure a loan with a variable rate that may go up in the future, you’re qualifying now based on current rates. That may be harder to do as rates climb.

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The RTX200 pedestrian trencher can handle tough challenges on landscape jobsite. The machine is designed with the intuitive and enhanced VZ steering capabilities, providing additional leverage with operating uneven terrain. The slender profile (35-in width) allows the RTX200 to access small spaces - including passing through typical backyard gates.
in the U.S. and/or other countries. ©2022 Vermeer Sales Southwest. All right reserved. VERMEER RTX200 PEDESTRIAN TRENCHER Scan the QR code to learn more. DECORATIVE ROCK CEMENTBOULDERSSANDPRODUCTSBLOCKTOPSOILRIPRAPABCCURBINGPAVERSMULCH/SODMIXIRRIGATIONRIVERROCKWEEDBARRIERFLAGSTONESOD&TURFBAGGEDGOODSWINTERSEEDBEACHPEBBLESHAULINGSTABILIZEDINFILLNow part of the Site One team, Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Is your one stop shop for all your landscape needs. We are a hauling company with a fully stocked retail yard and a proud distributor for Belgard, Southwest Sod, Evergreen Turf, Phoenix Paver, and AZ Best Block. We carry over fifty colors of landscape rock, river products, soil mixes, rip rap and boulders. Our knowledgeable sales staff will insure that your order is accurate and our experienced drivers will get your materials to you on time. Our certified scale ensures that you are receiving the correct amount of material ordered. Call or come by today. Monday Friday 6A 5P Saturday 7A 3P 7540 N 67th Ave, Bldg. A Glendale, AZ 85301 Office 602 353 1020 Fax 602 353 1027 Now with nearly 150 acres of premier growing facilities we are providing the Valley with the widest selection of shrubs, trees, ornamentals, small and specimen size Agaves, Aloes, cacti and succulents. We know that for you, Time is Money, so we are focused on improving your purchasing experience; with an expanded pre-pulled order area, increased delivery capacity, and enhanced ‘Plant Locator’ services to find the plants you need even if we don’t have them in stock. ARIZONA WHOLESALE GROWERS “Growing Forward” since 1982 1634 W Park View Ln. Phoenix, AZ 85085 (623) 581-3100 4204 E. Lone Mountain Rd. Cave Creek, AZ 85331 (480) 488-1968 TWO LOCATIONS:CONVENIENT 5September/October 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

to accommodate the online Spanish exams. More announcements to come in the near future. And soon there will be another change at ALCA as I start a new chapter in my retired life. For the past twenty years, I have been blessed to work at a job that I love and with so many people that I love dearly. I am truly grateful for the trust that you have given me to run the Association. While this is not my final farewell speech, I will transition my responsibilities and duties to a new Executive Director by the time I leave at the end of the year. I could not be more thrilled to announce that Barb Shehan, who began her career in March as ALCA’s Business Manager, has accepted the position as ALCA’s Executive Director as of AugustFrom1.the start, Barb has demonstrated her commitment to go above and beyond and do whatever it takes to help ALCA succeed. She has a contagious, positive and enthusiastic attitude that has gained her the respect of the Board and ALCA members. Ladies and gentlemen, I am confident that you are in great hands with Barb leading the association! Until later, Judy Gausman, CEO Barb Shehan, Executive Director and Judy Gausman, ALCA CEO
2022 Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 5 Labor Day – ALCA Office Closed 15 ACLP Irrigation – ALCA Office or Zoom 17 ACLP Irrigation – Randolph Center, Tucson 21 ALCA Member Mixer – Sponsored by Ewing Irrigation 22 ACLP Pesticides & Calibration –ALCA Office or Zoom 23 Sustainable Landscape Management (SLM) Workshop 28 Drought Prepardness - Efficient Irrigation OCTOBER 11 ALCA Board of Directors Meeting 13 ACLP Plant Problem – ALCA Office or Zoom 14 Deadline for Sheraton Grand Reservations for ALCA Awards Gala 15 ACLP Plant Problem – Randolph Center, Tucson 20 ACLP Safety & Tools – ALCA Office or Zoom 26 ALCA Member Mixer – Sponsored by Rain Bird 27 ALCA Certified Irrigation Tech (Day 1) –at ALCA Office or Zoom NOVEMBER 3 ALCA Certified Irrigation Tech (Day 2) –at ALCA Office or Zoom 10 ALCA Certified Irrigation Tech (Day 3) –at ALCA Office or Zoom 19 Annual ALCA Membership Meeting 19 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Program 25 Thanksgiving – ALCA Office Closed *Dates Subject to Change* • Use for Rounded or Curved Applications • UL Certified E487030 • Available in 2700K, 65.62 ft (20M) reels • Dimmable with Brilliance Dimmer and Most MagneticStripTransformersLight WAVE ALCA_202209.indd 1 6/23/22 9:21 AMTHE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 20226
CEO’S MESSAGE Routines are great. You get faster and better at what you do. But it can also be a trap to remain the status quo. So, when members make suggestions or offer ideas, it creates an important opportunity for improvement and growth. ALCA’s Education Coordinator, Heather Taylor, continually updates ALCA’s educational and certification programs. Improper tree and shrub pruning is one of the most difficult challenges to educate not only the landscape industry but the public at large. ALCA members have been asking for detailed pruning schedules to help address this challenge. ALCA has created a publication, “Plant Pruning Schedule - The First 100”, a guide for proper pruning of 100 common plants found in the Desert Southwest. Pruning is the intentional removal of plant parts. Pruning should only be done when necessary and at the right time of year and use the natural growth form of the plant as the goal. Along with photos, each page in the publication will include the bloom period, pruning time, proper pruning techniques and helpful tips for trees, palms, groundcovers, vines, shrubs, flowering perennials, cacti, non-cacti succulents and grasses. You may expect to see a copy by the end of October. Then stay tuned for “The SecondOne100.”ofALCA’s goals and mission is to promote continued education and what better way to increase knowledge of hard workers in the field than to offer the workshops in Spanish. Translation for the AZ Certified Landscape Professional workshops has begun. Bear with us as we translate the power points, film new videos, create exams and update the website
What’s Up at ALCA?

NEW MEMBERS AZ Home & Landscape Services, LLC Bryan Reed I955 W Baseline Rd, Ste 113-234 Mesa, AZ 85202 (480) 200-9597 | We are a small business offering complete landscaping services including but not limited to irrigation, sprinkler, lighting, turf and tree care. Contractor Class 1 Design Tree Maintenance Justin Kett 1635 W Parkview Ln Ste 1, Phoenix, AZ 85085 (602) 550-0471 | Our talented team includes multiple certified arborists, tree safety professionals, and certified tree workers to ensure you have unparalleled care for your landscape and tree removal services Contractoryear-round.Class4 Dusty Landscaping, LLC Kenya Felix 5425 South 3 St #1, Phoenix, AZ 85040 (480) WeKenyadustylandscaping@gmail.com749-3789providelandscapingandirrigation services. Serving a wide range of customers, including: municipalities, general contractors, shopping centers, apartments complexes and single-family residences. Certified arborist and qualified horticulture professional on every job. Contractor Class 1 HCT, LLC Austin Lahr 7032 E Cortez Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (602) 909-0282 | AssociateProprietarywww.HCTLLC.comalahr@hctllc.comchemicaltechnologyClass2 Hillman Workshop Aaron Hillman 2901 E Highland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (480)686-2001 | ArchitectsLandscapewww.Hillmanworkshop.comaaron@hillmanworkshop.comarchitecturalpractice&Designers Special Thank You to our ALCA Sponsors All CuttingBelgardWholesaleSeasonGrowersArizonaCLABayerHardscapesCivanoGrowersEdgeCurbingSand & Rock – a SiteOne Landscape Supply &EvergreenCompanyTurf,IncEwingIrrigationLandscapeSupply Hill & Usher Insurance & Surety Horizon Distributors, Inc Hunter Industries / FX Luminaire LeBaron and Carroll, LLC Mountain States Wholesale SimsRainNorthwesternNurseryMutualBirdCorporationBusinessSystems SiteOne Landscape Supply Southwest Sod, Inc Sunrise Nursery, LLC The Synthetic Grass Store / Arizona Turf Masters The Toro Company / Irritrol / Unique Lighting Systems West Coast Turf GOLD SPONSOR RDO Equipment Co PLATINUM SPONSORS LandCom, LLC Daniel Moreno 1334 W Angus Rd, San Tan Valley, AZ 85143 (602) 515-1101 | Full-service landscaping services. Contractor Class 1 Left Branch Landscape Designs Jack 13210DyerN21st Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029 (612) 889-7722 | Offeringwww.leftbranch.cominfo@leftbranch.comtailoredlandscapedesignand pool design services, we are committed to blueprint ing your dreams from formative ideas into working, collaborative, and fully-fleshed concepts and Architectsbeyond.& Designers Lovitt & Touche, a Marsh & McLennan Agency Patty Cashin 1050 W Washington St, Ste 233 Tempe, AZ 85281 (480) 375-8176 | AssociateinsuranceCommercialwww.lovitt-touche.compcashin@lovitt-touche.comInsurancebrokerprovidingbusinessandemployeebenefits.Class4 McConnell Nursery & Landscaping Lauren McConnell 2545 E Fort Lowell Rd, Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 990-8578 | We offer a great variety in plant materials including drought tolerant plants. Licensed & bonded for over 45 years & A+ rating with BBB. Contractor Class 3 Outdoor Power Equipment Institute Charles Bowen 2354 Meridian St, Falls Church, VA 55046 (330) 703-1848 | OPEIwww.OPEI.orgisaninternational trade association representing manufacturers and suppliers of power equipment, small engines, battery power systems, portable generators, utility and personal transport vehicles, and golf cars. Associate Class 3 Rainbow Ecoscience Jim 11571RamosKTel Dr, Minnetonka, MN 55343 (877),wehavebeenpracticing plant healthcare (PHC) for over 40 years. Combining world-class horticultural and arboricultural research with a ground-up understanding of the day-to-day operations of running a service company gives Rainbow unique insights within the Green Industry. We are here to help you understand the issues your client’s properties are facing and get you the tools you need to find the Associatesolution. Class 1 Southwest Turf Pros Maximilian Peoples 8042 E Del Cristal Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (602) 617-6789 | irrigation,installationcompanyWesouthwestturfpros.wpcomstaging.commaxpeoples4@gmail.comarealandscapeconstructionanddesignthatspecializesinartificialgrassandotherhardscape.Weinstalllandscapelightingandothertypes of Contractorsoftscapes.Class 1 Yeppis Landscape Services LLC Lisa 2212GomezN49th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85035 (602) ContractorsystemsWewww.yeppislandscapeservicesllc.comyeppislandscapeservices@gmail.com335-9966specializeinhardscapeandirrigationinstallations.Class2 7September/October 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 8 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 2022 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Santa Rita Landscaping, LLC Sponsored by: Casper ResidentialResidenceInstallation $50,001 - $70,000 Judges Award Award$25,001DeHerreraResidenceResidentialInstallation-$50,000ofDistinction Saguaro Trails Community Park Commercial Installation $1 - $3 Million Award of Distinction Lazy K Bar CommercialRanchInstallation $500,001-$1 Million Commercial Maintenance $30,001 - $50,000, Awards of Distinction Robson Communities Quail Creek 1793 Model Model Home Installation Under $100,000 Judges Award

9September/October 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards DLC Resources, Inc Sponsored by: Verrado Community Association Commercial Maintenance Over $1 Million, Award of Excellence Windgate Ranch Community Association Commercial Maintenance $350,001 - $500,000, Award of Excellence WestWing Mountain Homeowners Association Commercial Maintenance $500,001 - $1 Million, Judges Award Eastmark Residential Association Commercial Maintenance Over $1 Million, Award of Excellence Australian Native Plant Growers Extensive Eucalyptus Plantation ♦ Eucalyptus papuana ‘aparrerinja’ ♦ Eremophila – emu bushes ♦ Callistemon varieties ♦ Acacia species ♦ Casaurina “cousin it” ♦ Melaleucas Specializing in: To schedule delivery or walkabout: Dani, Horticultural Sales Specialist 760-803-8288 Paul D. Chambers, C.H. AustralianOutbackPlants@gmail.com623-780-8500 No Wor r ies Mate! Aussie Out. quarter page ad 112619.pdf 1 11/26/19 8:52 AM

ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 10 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 2022 Gannarelli Residence Residential Installation $50,001 - $70,000, Judges Award Landis ResidentialResidenceInstallation $125,001 - $175,000 Award of Distinction 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Sponsored by:Crystal ConstructionFalls Services LandscapeWickenburg Sponsored by: Sponsored by: Ennis Residence, Residential Installation $300,001 - $500,000 Award of Excellence Olander Residence, Residential Installation $125,001 - $175,000 Award of Distinction Ask us about other water saving turfgrassesQUALITY,westcoastturf.com888/893-8873VARIETY,SERVICE,SOD ~KURAPIA~ • A turfgrass alternative changing the industry • No need to sacrifice lawns to save water on landscape • Grows low to the ground rarely exceeding 1” • Dark green year round, and if left un-mowed produces small white flowers May-November • Extreme salt tolerance • Advanced striping ability • Shorter dormancy period • Versatile mowing heights Less water + less fertilizer = more $ in your pocket and a “greener grass” for the environment DROUghT TOLERAnT gROUnDCOVER SOD LandscapingSunburst

11September/October 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Award Sponsors Brilliance LED, LLC Brilliance is passionate about leading the landscape lighting industry into a fully energy efficient LED market with only the highest quality products at the most cost-effective prices. We strive to provide honest and exemplary customer service to our network of distributors, contractors, and end users. (800) 867-2108 | Latitude Retirement & Hillspring Financial Latitude Retirement serves and expresses their flexibility in crafting retirement plan solutions that meet your unique needs. (602) 833-8620 | Hillspring Financial is dedicated to helping people successfully manage their financial resources, so they can pursue the activities they enjoy most in life. (623) 583-6141| RDO Equipment Co RDO Equipment Co sells and services John Deere construction equipment, Hitachi, and WIRTGEN GROUP equipment as well as provides construction technology solutions from Topcon, Carlson Machine Control, Sokkia, and more. (602) 415-4700 | Sprinkler World of Arizona, Inc Going strong since we opened our doors in 1975, we provide irrigation & landscape supplies. Metro Phoenix: (800) 678-3764 | Metro Tucson: (800) 707-9335 Sun Country Truck From landscape bodies and flatbeds to hitches and accessories, we provide the best in custom manufactured truck bodies and factory equipment in the (602)Southwest.438-4956 | The Toro Company/Irritrol/ Unique Lighting Systems We strengthen our position as a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf maintenance, snow and ice management, landscape, rental and specialty construction equipment, and irrigation and outdoor lighting brian.qualls@uniquelighting.comBrianwww.toro.comsolutions.Qualls | (480) 381-6901 Brian Brian.whitcher@toro.comWhitcher | (602) 509-4501 Paul paul.tammelleo@toro.comTammelleo | (602) 315-3637 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards CareScape, Inc. Sponsored by: Stone CommercialButte Maintenance $250,001 - $350,000 Award of Excellence Blue Horizons, Commercial Maintenance $350,001 - $500,000 Award of Excellence Tre CommercialVicino Maintenance $150,001 - $200,000 Award of Distinction

Arizona Turf Masters
“Your success is our success” 1 gallon thru 36 inch box Stop by and see all the new exciting changes we have made. P nursery@aridsolutionsnursery.com602-437-5194F602-437-4719 3815 E. Southern Ave., Phoenix,
Although the state of Arizona is one of the best at managing water resources, the drought in the southwest presents an ongoing challenge, and everyone must do their part. Natural grass is increasingly seen by home owners and governments as an unnecessary drain on water resources, with many areas offering incentives for removing grass. We feel that we have an important role to play in helping to realize attractive, low-maintenance, and water-conscious landscapes. more information, go to AZ
The Synthetic Grass Store The Synthetic Grass Store, your premier synthetic grass experts, has remained focused on customer service, quality products, and com petitive pricing. We offer a one-stop shopping experience where homeowners and contractors can get everything needed to complete a proj ect. This approach has led to our continued success, and we look forward to celebrating our 15th anniversary in 2023. As one of the largest stocking wholesalers in the country, we keep over 4,000,000 sq ft of turf in stock and offer competitive tiered pricing to land scape contractors. The Synthetic Grass Store has four locations in Arizona and two in Southern California with shipping available throughout Canada and the United States. We offer a comprehensive line of international and American-made turfs for every application, and our purchasing power allows us to special order turfs we do not keep in stock. We also carry a variety of infills, nails, glues, tools, and putting green supplies. All of our locations have tools for rent, including power brooms, gas-powered compactors, and drop spreaders for applying infill. Please call ahead to confirm availability of rentalOurtools.standard turf lineup includes grasses designed for lawns, pets, putting greens, commercial applications, and our SGS Power Play system for playgrounds. We stock a variety of turfs that have been carefully chosen to provide a broad choice of color, texture, and durability, with options for every budget. As grass technology evolves, we continually evaluate and refine our lineup to make sure we are offering the absolute best turf in the Asindustry.thewater crisis continues to deepen in the southwest, The Synthetic Grass Store has made it our mission to inspire afford able, eco-friendly landscapes through superior customer ser vice and premium materials. We believe that synthetic grass can help homeowners, commercial properties, and municipalities conserve valuable resources while maintaining beautiful outdoor spaces. We can provide enhanced specifications for architects and can provide free samples of any of our turfs. If you have any questions concerning an upcoming synthetic grass project, contact our Business Development Direc tor, Stan Moscrip at 602-828-4918 or Stan has many years of experience in the turf industry, and he is a great resource for your specific project.
Local and state governments are coming around to the potential of syn thetic grass, and in 2022 Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed HB 2131. This allows homeowners to install synthetic grass in HOA areas that allow natural grass. This is a major positive development, and we look forward to artificial turf gaining in popularity going forward.
Arizona Turf Masters is one of the most experienced artificial turf installers in Arizona, and the sister company of The Synthetic Grass Store. A focus on quality, workmanship, and customer satisfaction has made us one of the most trusted names in the industry. With thousands of turf installations completed, Arizona Turf Masters are truly experts in the is adept at helping customers realize their vision with artificial turf, whether it is a dream backyard, new putting green, or a spectacular high-rise rooftop. Our experienced estimators are standing by to help cus tomers choose the right material for their application and budget. As the synthetic turf landscape continues to evolve, AZTM has risen to meet new challenges and new customer needs. We have specific solutions dedicated to pets, playgrounds, commercial applications, putting greens, and more. Quality materials and quality installations are what our customers have come to expect.

Specimen Trees for Desert Landscapes ARID ZONE TREES phone (480) 987-9094 fax (480) e-mail:aridzonetrees@msn.com987-9092 WWW.ARIDZONETREES.COM Variety ‘AZT’ Quality,Uniform,Desert Adapted Trees SIMPLY THE BEST Prosopis Hybrid ‘AZT’ Thornless Mesquite Cercidium praecox ‘AZT’ Sonoran Palo Verde Olneya tesota ‘AZT’ Desert Ironwood Cercidium Hybrid ‘AZT’ Thornless Hybrid Palo Verde Chilopsis linearis ‘AZT Bi-Color’ Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis ‘AZT Desert Amethyst’ Desert Willow Cercidium Hybrid ‘DM’ Desert Museum Hybrid Palo Verde* *AZT propagates the ‘Desert Museum’ with the guidance and permission of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Document1 2/29/04 2:44 AM Page 1 e-mail: Earn Your Arizona Certified Nursery Professional (ACNP) Designation Set yourself apart in the nursery and landscaping industry by completing the Arizona Certified Nursery Professional (ACNP) program! This online course is one of the most popular educational programs in the industry and is offered in partnership with the Arizona Nursery Association (ANA) and the Maricopa Community Colleges. The course was created as an online study guide designed to increase your horticultural knowledge and to help prepare you to pass the Arizona Certified Nursery Professional (ACNP) exam. Learn on your own time and conveniently access this online, non-credit course from anywhere Potentially earn credit for prior learning from Mesa Community College Prepare to earn an industryrecognized credential certified by the Arizona Nursery Association For registration or online course issues, please contact Dana Redford at Advance Your Nursery and Landscaping Career For all other questions, contact the ANA office at 480-966-1610. Get Started Today! Expand your landscape irrigation knowledge. Explore unique solutions and new products. Attend the largest trade show dedicated to irrigation for access to • hundreds of exhibitors, including landscape irrigation tech startups. • a showcase of the latest products and technologies in landscape irrigation and lighting. • industry experts who can answer your most pressing questions. • certification and education opportunities to advance your career. • unique events like a Craft Brewfest and more. Register now! December 5-9, 2022 | Trade Show | Dec. 7-8 Las Vegas Convention Center | Las Vegas, Nevada The NGWGroundwaterAAssociationSM

Honorable mention: Other grasses that have specialized uses are Mini Verde Ultra-dwarf, TifEagle Ultra-dwarf, TifDwarf, and Kurapia. Evergreen Turf was established 23 years ago right here in Arizona. We now have operations in New Mexico, Southwest Texas, and California. No matter which of our farms you deal with, you can be sure that we will help you choose the right grass, for the right location, grown the right way!
Grass in the Desert? Why, Yes! Wherever people live and play, there is a need for grass! COVID has taught us a lot of lessons, (most of them we hope to never repeat), but one of the lessons that resonates with our industry, people more than ever, want to be outdoors. They want fresh air. They want to connect with nature. They want to live a healthy lifestyle. For anyone with small children or pets, that means natural grass under their bare feet! Literally! The pandemic brought better than expected sales to the sod industry last year. The pandemic helped increase the rounds of golf, which in turn, created a demand for sod repair work and upgrades to golf courses. Sports fields are increasing in demand as youth sports are at an all-time high. With a little extra time spent at home for many people, homeowners began to remodel and rejuvenate their living spaces, inside and out. Natural grass saw a huge resurgence as people realized that life outdoors is more pleasant with cool grass underfoot. As we face record drought and record heat, many people feel that grass has no place in the desert, but the reality is, if people are going to live in this desert, then the responsible use of grass will be a part of our lives. How do we balance the use of grass while saving water?
Tifway is still the standard for sports turf and golf course fairways in Arizona. A durable hybrid that makes a great playing surface for athletes – grown on soil or sand. Tifgreen, once the standard for golf course putting greens, it is now used for high quality fairways, home lawns and even a few low use sports fields.
For more information, go to
Evergreen Turf, Inc.
At Evergreen Turf our first priority has always been to help our custom ers find the best grass for their specific needs. Evergreen Turf grows more than 10 different grasses, just for Arizona, each with its own specific use to ensure the success of our recreational space in the Sonoran Desert.
Midiron is still king of our landscape grasses, the main reason, it is the easiest grass to maintain – the easiest to overseed, and the best transitioning grass from overseeding. It can be mowed at 3 inches or half an inch; it is drought tolerant and produces very little thatch.
TifTuf has made a splash the last few years. After rigorous testing in Arizona and California, we can confirm that it is the most drought tolerant bermudagrass on the market today. You will begin to see its use on golf courses and sport fields first. We are beginning to see homeowners request TifTuf as they hope to lower their water bill by using this grass. As landscapes and trees mature, we see shade lines extending into grass areas. No grass can tolerate 100% shade in Arizona, but TifGrand and Palmetto St. Augustine both tolerate as little as 4-6 hours of sunlight. The right grass for the right application!

P R O U D L Y S E R V I N G T H E S O U T H W E S T W I T H S U B T R O P I C A L A N D D R O U G H T T O L E R A N T P L A N T S S I N C E 1 9 7 8 W W W . V P N U R S E R I E S . C O M P H O N E : ( 4 8 0 ) 9 1 7 9 8 4 7 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION | Built on Innovation® Learn More: Visit JUST LIKE RAIN. BUT NO UMBRELLANEEDED. EFFICIENT. DURABLE. VERSATILE. With the revolutionary MP Rotator® Nozzle, you can install more heads on one zone with matched precipitation, no runoff, and water savings up to 30% over traditional sprays — plus 15 years of proven performance. Now that’s smart watering!

SiteOne Landscape Supply now has even more of what you need. Arizona Stone, Solstice Stone, Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock and Prescott Dirt have joined the SiteOne family to give you added expertise, materials and delivery power. Now more than ever, you can rely on us, the leading hardscape supplier in Arizona, to help take your projects to the next level. More Product Lines, More Locations, More Options
When you need supplies, you need the right materials at the right price from a location that’s convenient to your site. That’s exactly why we have added these four new suppliers to SiteOne. With Arizona Stone, you have easy access to the leading manufacturers of stone, brick and pavers, along with five new locations, plus the Solstice Showroom. Our addition of Solstice Stone, a top supplier of unique natural stone products from around the world, gives you the “next generation of stone.” Adding Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock means SiteOne can be your go-to source for bulk materials, curbing installation, and onsite hauling services. Our newest addition to the family is Prescott Dirt, supplying the best planters mix in the tri-city area as well as decorative rock, flagstone, pavers and more! Your One-Stop Shop You can find it all in one place, now in even more places. These new locations allow us to expand to 15 locations across Arizona. Whatever you’re looking for, from hardscape materials to irrigation, landscape, golf, agronomic and pest control products, SiteOne is your one-stop shop. We stay up on the latest trends and conditions, so you always get what you need, including advice. We’re Loyal To You We can’t thank you enough for allowing us to be your partner. To show our appreciation, we created the SiteOne Partners Program. You can earn points on qualifying purchases, redeemable for hundreds of reward options like gift cards, merchandise, event tickets, weekend getaways, and even charitable donations. You can also redeem points for training programs like SiteOne Universities, our annual Winter Business Meet ing and other exclusive Partners Program trips.
SiteOne Landscape Supply
You have access to Business Solutions for deep dis counts on services from Home Advisor, Verizon, Office Depot and more. If you haven’t signed up yet, be sure to ask about this rewarding program.
Put Our Experience to Work As the largest wholesale landscape supply distributor in North America, SiteOne builds on a long-standing tradition of providing quality products and service. Ready to put our 45-plus years of experience to work and build something truly great? Visit to find a branch near you. Your One Source for Landscape Supplies Now Gives You Even More

DE WE Y 14900 Hwy. 169 Dewey, A Z 8632 7 (928) 632-5320 2PHOENIX815E.Rose Garden Ln. Phoenix , A Z 85050 (602) 569-8722 HUGE SELE C TION o f boulders and decorative rock WE DELIVER STATEWIDE Prescott,560PRESCOTTEZSt.AZ 86301 (928) 776-2999 RIVER ROCK DECOMPOSED GRANITE GROUND COVER SURFACE BOULDERS RIP RAP REQUESTmdirock.comAQUOTEAT Big Enough to be Professional, Small Enough to be Personal Horizon has the products you need, when you need them—all under one roof. @horizondistributors | HorizonDistributors 800.PVC.TURF | ||IrrigationOutdoor Living ||LandscapeEquipment POWER EQUIPMENT including parts & service IRRIGATION & DRAINAGE products LANDSCAPE products & accessories Low voltage lighting, synthetic turf, outdoor kitchens & hardscaping are all great opportunities for you to improve your profitability and expand your service offering. Visit us online, or stop in to your local branch to experience the Horizon difference today. MORE THAN A STORE.

Both skid steers and compact track loaders (CTLs) are dependable machines that can dig, load grade and move materials. These machines are highly advantageous for landscapers and precisions projects because of their exceptional maneuverability. They can also adapt rather easily to a range of project needs by adding on attachments such as buckets, brooms and pushers.
1. Start from the ground up CTLs are often the go-to choice for many landscapers because of their turf-friendly low ground pressure, reducing disruption as well as clean-up time. With their tracks, CTLs are also high performers in loose, soil, sandy or muddy environments, Mommsen explains.CTLs also offer heft and can push off better and lift more. They also have a slight edge over skid steers for operator comfort. On the other hand, skid steers are great on harder surfaces like concrete and asphalt. They are also a little faster and lighter than CTLs, meaning they are a little heavier to transport but also have higher clearance which may make them easier to load.
The first piece of advice from Mommsen is to look at what your current projects might be telling you about your future. “When thinking about buying CCE, consider current and future projects,” says RDO Equipment Co. sales professional Rob Mommsen. “Sometimes jobs completed in the previous months give clues to future opportunities.”
Mommsen recommends having the aftercare discussion before buying equipment.Thereare any number of additional considerations that may influence your decision about whether to purchase a skid steer or CTL. One of the best ways to clarify the decision is to speak with an expert at your local equipment dealership. Learn more about compact construction equipment, parts, and service at or scan the QR code on the page to get con nected to the RDO store in Phoenix, Arizona.
18 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 2022 ALCA MEMBER PROFILE RDO EQUIPMENT CO. GROWING NATIVE DESERT TREES & ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES Arizona Certif ied Nursery Certifiable to ship out of state Contract Growing for Large Projects Office 602.243.6125 • Fax 602.243.3764 3401 E. Southern Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85040 Hunter Hawkins 602.625.1566 hunter@westerntree com Mo Ibarra 602.763.8004 mo@westerntree com SA LES: Eric Johnson 602.738.8733 ej@westerntree com 24” Box up to 48” Box Three Considerations Before Buying your Next Compact Construction Equipment With the market’s high inflation rate, businesses must carefully consider its decision to add to its fleet. RDO Equipment Co. team members share their expertise so busi ness owners can find equipment to get the job done at the right price. Often, compact construction equipment (CCE) helps landscapers to effi ciently complete jobs.
2. Count your pennies when it comes to costs beyond the price Consider that your total cost of any machine will extend beyond just the purchase price. Mommsen recommends paying attention to dealership quote details including warranty and service plans. “Many times, customers buy an affordable machine, and find the aftercare service is lacking,” he says. Mommsen recommends comparing warranty, interest rates and long-term costs.
There are any number of reasons to consider adding either machine to a fleet, whether business is growing, or existing equipment is aging out. Before you make that investment, RDO Equipment Co. sales professional Rob Mommsen offers a few suggestions on choosing the right piece of CCE.
3. Consider the long-term care of the machine In terms of skid steers or CTLs, they require a similar commitment to preventative maintenance. Doing so will ensure that the machines perform their best and last as long as expected. “The big differentiating part is tires vs. tracks, and both of those should be checked on a regular basis,” Mommsen says. “Tire pressure on skid steers, track tension and adjustment on CTLs.”

Plant Problem Diagnosis — CEUs: ISA = 3.75 PMD = 4 CEUs Differen�ate between plant stress disorders and biological diseases Discuss the importance of proper plant care in an urban environment Iden�fy common weeds and recommend appropriate control methods Recognize common insects and determine what controls are needed Determine if a pathogen is present and if it is treatable Iden�fy plant nutrient deciencies and how to treat accordingly What is the ACLP cer�ca�on process? Anyone may a�end the workshops to increase their knowledge and skills. To become ACLP cer�ed, each student must par�cipate in all 10 workshops and pass the exams. Students will be declared an AZ Cer�ed Landscape Professional when he/she receives a minimum score of 70% on each of the exams. Ques�ons: Contact the ALCA office at (602) 626 7091 or email Sept / Oct 2022 ACLP Schedule Cost: $60/ALCA Member $120/Non Member *** Non Refundable *** Register: Loca�ons: ALCA Office—5425 E Bell Rd #105, Sco�sdale AZ 85254 Randolph Center (auditorium)—200 S Alvernon Way, Tucson AZ 85711 Arizona Landscape Contractors Associa�on • 5425 E Bell Rd, #105 Sco�sdale, AZ 85254 (602)626 7091 • Irriga�on— CEUs: 4 = IA Common irriga�on components Basic hydraulics Precipita�on rates Irriga�on controller programming Valve troubleshoo�ng Drip irriga�on and smart controllers Pipe repairs & adjus�ng sprinklers Troubleshoo�ng valves, controllers and sprinklers Pes�cides and Calibra�on— CEUs: ISA = 3.75 PMD = 4 CEUs Gather health, safety & pes�cide use informa�on from product labels How to mix, load and apply pes �cides so that the product is applied correctly and evenly Reduce the risk of contamina�on to us, other people, animals and the environment by applying pes�cides responsibly Prevent, recognize & respond to pes�cide related emergencies Properly calibrate pes�cide applica�on equipment Dates to choose from: Sept 15 ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—12:30 PM Sept 17 Randolph Recording9:00AM—2:00Center—TucsonPMOrw/LiveFacilitator7:30AM—12:00PM Sept 22 ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM Dates to choose from: Oct 13 ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM Oct 15 Randolph Recording9:00AM—1:00Center—TucsonPMOrw/LiveFacilitator7:30AM—12:00PM Safety & Tools — CEUs: ISA = 3.75 Selec�on, use, and maintenance of non power tools Hedge trimmer safety Trimmer and brush cu�er safety Chain saw safety DPS Officer will share informa�on about truck and trailer safety and the rules and regula�ons that apply to these vehicles Pre trip inspec�ons for trucks and trailers Weight limits and types of registra�on Loading and covering vehicles correctly Oct 20 ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM

Some recommended aloes for Arizona landscapes include: Aloe barbadensis – Medicinal Aloe Aloe dawei – Dawe’s Aloe Aloe ferox – Cape Aloe or Tree Aloe Aloe maculata (A. saponaria) – Soap Aloe, Zebra Aloe Aloe marlothii – Flat-Flowered Aloe Aloe striata – Coral Aloe Aloe variegata – Partridge Breast Aloe Aloe x hybrid – Blue Elf Aloe
Article by Cindy Odgers Aloes are popular plants with a long history of use by humans in various ways, includ ing landscape beautification, medicinal value, and pollinator attractant. Over 500 spe cies are currently identified, with four species known for medicinal properties. Unlike agaves which are New World plants, aloes are Old World plants originating in Africa. Even though they are grown worldwide, aloes are native to sub-Saharan Africa, the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, and other islands in the Indian Ocean. The center of diversity for aloes is South Africa, which hosts more than 120 species. Previously considered part of the lily family LILI ACEAE, aloes have significant differences from lilies and are in the family ASPHODELACEAE.Aloeshavefleshy
ALCA BULLETIN BOARD For the Love of Aloes
spiny leaves arranged in neat rosettes and flowers clustered in groups on candle-like or cone-shaped stalks. The flowers are tubular and come in many colors, from white to yellow to orange and nearred. Fruits are dry capsules containing black seeds. The range of sizes of the species varies widely from small grass-like aloes such as Aloe descoingsii to large tree-like aloes such as Aloe bainesii that can grow to 45 feet tall with a 35-foot spread. Aloes grow in various climates, including deserts, grasslands, and coastal and alpine locations. Aloe polyphylla can grow at 11,500 feet above sea level. Aloes grow in rocky or gravelly soils but thrive in richer soils along side grasses, rock cracks, crevices, or sand. In Africa, aloes are pollinated by sunbirds, while in the Americas, they are pollinated by hummingbirds. Aloes have adapted to their environments in several different ways. They have a unique kind of photosynthesis called CAM that minimizes water loss; they can store large amounts of water in the leaves, and a waxy coating on the leaf surface minimizes moisture loss. Aloes have developed spines along the leaf margins and sometimes throughout the leaf surface, as well as a bitter exudate produced just under the leaf surface to deter feeding upon by desert wildlife. Aloes require little care but do best with good drainage and plenty of sunlight. Fertilize only lightly in mid-spring and late summer. Pests are rarely a problem. Propagate aloes by using seeds or offsets produced at the base of the plants. They are primarily long-lived plants, especially larger species. A specific Aloe dichotoma was estimated to be between 100-145 years old, while some exceptionally tall specimens (over 33 feet) of Aloe marlothii may be over 200 years old. Sometimes aloes may be confused with agaves. Differences in the leaf margin and marginal teeth make a clear vegetative distinction between aloes and agaves. In agaves, the marginal teeth are always of a different and distinct tissue with a fine line of demarcation. In aloes, there is no such border; what look like teeth on closer examination are just elongations of the leaf. In all agaves, the vascular system elongates through the leaf, creating fibers that run the entire length of the leaf. Aloe leaves are gelatinous in the interior, never with the fibers present in agaves. Aloes make beautiful additions to gardens due to their bold architectural forms, vibrantly colored flowers, and ability to attract hummingbirds. They are commonly planted in groups or clusters and serve as accent plants along borders or other succulents. They blend well in perennial, tropical, and desert landscape gardens and as potted plants. They offer some of the best colors for Arizona gardens with their impressive and long-lasting flowers shown during late winter and spring.
THE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 202220

ALCA MIXERS Your One Stop Shop Rentals • Sales • Parts • Service Locally Owned, Family Operated... Since 1960 Call, Text or Visit... Four Valley Locations West Valley 803 E Van Buren St. 623-925-0200 East Valley 1313 E Baseline 480-539-8700Rd. Central Phoenix 4050 E Indian School Rd. 602-955-5100 North Phoenix 15634 N 32nd 602-992-1150St. •Seed •Power Rakes •Mowers •Burlap•Manure•Spreaders•Fertilizer•BladesSpreaders Quantity Discounts On Select Parts Fall Is The Time To Overseed, A to Z Has Everything You Need 20” COMMERCIAL • Self Propelled, variable speed • Kawasaki engine, 6hp • Single lever height adjustment • Blade Brake Control • Cast aluminum deck 21” COMMERCIAL • 5.5hp - push • Heavy duty steel deck • Rear bag or mulch * See an A to Z representative for details regarding fleet qualifications. Save up to 20% on fleet purchases* We have them in HN-HRC216PDAstock!!!HQ-W520 All WholesaleSeason Growers Abig thank you to Beth Postma, owner of All Season Wholesale Growers for sponsoring the July mixer at the beautiful Lou’s Bar & Grill at Papago Golf Club. All Season Wholesale Growers is a full-service, wholesale nursery that specializes in providing high quality trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines. They set themselves apart by providing consistent, premium customer service and quality plant material. Plant brokerage services and edu cated advice on species selection are advantages they offer to assist you in creating healthy, lasting and valuable landscapes. In addition to raffling off some great prizes, proceeds from the 50/50 raffle in the amount of $500 was donated to an ALCA family member in need. Enterprise Fleet Another great Member Mixer in the books! Thank you, Enterprise Fleet Management, for hosting the June mixer at Aunt Chilada’s. With hands-on management, award-winning technol ogy, and the infrastructure and expertise of Enterprise, the world’s largest fleet operator, we’ll show you how far an exceptional fleet program can take your organization while saving you thousands. In addition to some great raffle prizes donated by Enterprise Fleet, $2,000 was raised for an ALCA family member in need. Thank you to everyone that came out and made generous donations. 21September/October 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

RESOURCE GUIDE/AD INDEX Tree Relocation Service 90” Tree Spade Please phoneBonniecontactErvine602-541-7762fax623-772-0205 ISA Certified Arborist on staff. We locate plant material of all types and sizes. AZ Contractor #ROC 230352 THE CONSCIENTIOUS MOVERS Hill & Usher’s Trim Risk for Maintenance or Construction We do the groundwork for you. 602.667.1848 • Hill & Usher • 3033 North 44th Street, #300 • Phoenix, AZ 85018 Professional, Personalized, and Experienced Guidance in the Sale and Acquisition of Arizona Businesses MACOR ASSOCIATES, INC. Jim DesignatedMagroganBroker Call me for a free one- hour consultation to discuss your business BUSINESS BROKER Macor Associates, Inc. (602) 989-9960 | Please see our ad on page 22 IrrigationCONFERENCESAssociation (703) PleaseALCAorg/2022show/?utm_source=website_https://www.irrigation.536-7080seeouradonpage13 ArizonaEDUCATIONNursery Association (480) 966-1610 | Please see our ad on page 13 HillINSURANCE&Usher (602) 667-1848 | Please see our ad on page 22 IRRIGATION PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS Horizon (800) PVCTURF 17 Hunter Industries (760) 744-5240 | Please see our ad on page.................. 15 LANDSCAPE MetroTRAINING/TESTINGCERTIFICATIONInstitute (602) 452-2900 | Please see our ad on page 3 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales (480) 539-8700 | Please see our ad on page 21 Stotz Equipment (623) 936-7131 | Please see our ad on page 11 Vermeer Southwest (480) 249-5111 | Please see our ad on page 5 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Landscape Materials (602) 353-1020 | Please see our ad on page 5 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Material Delivery, Inc. dba MDI Rock (602) 569-8722 | Please see our ad on page 17 Pioneer Landscape Centers (480) 739-6505 | Please see our ad on page 23 BrillianceLIGHTING LED, LLC (800) 867-2108 | Please see our ad on page 6 AllNURSERIESSeason Wholesale Growers (602) 276-0230 | Please see our ad on page 3 Arid Solutions Nursery (602) Pleasearidsolutionsnursery.com437-5194seeouradonpage 12 Arid Zone Trees (480) 987-9094 | Please see our ad on page 13 Arizona Wholesale Growers (623) Pleaseazwholesalegrowers.com581-3100seeouradonpage 5 Australian Outback Plantation (623) Pleaseaustralianoutbackplants.com780-8500seeouradonpage 9 Mountain States Wholesale Nursery (623) 247-8509 | Please see our ad on page.................... 4 V&P Nurseries (480) 917-9847 | Please see our ad on page 15 OLIVES & ORNAMENTALS Arizona Olives & Ornamentals LLC (602) 833-8252 | Please see our ad on page 16 EvergreenSOD/TURF Turf, Inc. (480) 456-1199 | Please see our ad on page Back Cover Southwest Sod (602) 271-4266 | Please see our ad on page 20 West Coast Turf (888) 893-8873 | Please see our ad on page 10 SUPPLYING WilburPROFESSIONALSLANDSCAPEEllis (480) 921-8500 | Please see our ad on page 14 TRADE SHOW Equip Exposition (844) 770-2963 | Please see our ad on page 2 TREE MOVERS AZ Big Tree Movers (602) Please541-7762seeourad on page 22 WesternTREES Tree Company (602) Pleasewesterntree.com243-6125seeourad on page 18 AD INDEX A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales 21 All Season Wholesale Growers 3 Arid Solutions Nursery 12 Arid Zone Trees 13 Arizona Nursery Association 13 Arizona Olives & Ornamentals LLC 16 Arizona Wholesale Growers 5 Australian Outback Plantation 9 AZ Big Tree Movers 22 Brilliance LED, LLC 6 Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Landscape Materials 5 Equip Exposition 2 Evergreen Turf, Inc. Back Cover Hill & Usher 22 Horizon 17 Hunter Industries 15 Irrigation Association 13 Macor Associates, Inc. 22 Material Delivery, Inc. dba MDI Rock 17 Metro Institute 3 Mountain States Wholesale Nursery 4 Pioneer Landscape Centers 23 Southwest Sod 20 Stotz Equipment ................................. 11 V&P Nurseries 15 Vermeer Southwest .............................. 5 West Coast Turf 10 Western Tree Company ...................... 18 Wilbur Ellis 14 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T September/October 202222
