The Sphinx Summer 2021

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in this issue 3



General News


What Every Alpha Should Know


Alpha Chairmanship


Education | Professional Development







Literary | Entertainment



Politics | Advocacy


Chapter News





Alphas on the Move


Licensed Manufacturer & Vendor Directory


Omega Chapter


Leadership Directory


Official Organ of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. CONVENTION ISSUE | Volume 107, No. 2 EDITOR OF THE SPHINX Eric Christopher Webb, DDiv., CPLC


CREATIVE DIRECTOR Malik Whatley CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III, Sean L. McCaskill, Eric Christopher Webb, DDiv., CPLC, Nehemiah Bester, Dr. Douglas S. Shipley, Adrian B. Stratton, MBA, PRP, James Douglas, Waymon Clyde Lemon, Thomas J. Pope, Jr., Dr. Robert L. Harris, Jr. PHOTOGRAPHERS Gary Gibson, Brian Cook, Michael Williams, Larry Crider, Reginald Birris PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Ramon E. Peralta, Jr., L.H.D., Chair W. Gabriel Selassie I, PhD, Donald L. Ross, LaMarcus J. Hall, Philip Wilkerson, III EDITORIAL OFFICES Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 212I8-5211 ADVERTISING AND SALES


COVER DESIGN BY: Mailk Whatley and Peralta Design DESIGN AND PRINTING Mercury Publishing Services, Inc. (800) 634-9409

© 2021 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

ON THE COVER This issue of The Sphinx explores ‘Strengthening Our Brotherhood’ – the first component of General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III’s ‘Elevating The Alpha Spirit’ platform. We also revisit our first-ever hybrid 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention in Indianapolis, IN.







Letter from the General President Brothers, Strengthening our Brotherhood is a direct challenge that we as a fraternity must embrace. We must consider the reality that there are areas of opportunity where we should naturally gravitate toward, such as fraternal growth. Within the scope of fraternal growth, we identify, we graduate, we retain, and reclaim/reactivate mission driven Alpha Phi Alpha men. Alpha Phi Alpha must drive the importance of academic excellence. In that spirit, it is important that we promote and strengthen the academic viability of every Alpha Phi Alpha man. As we pursue baccalaureate degrees, academic excellence and brotherhood remain at our core. But academic excellence must also include Brothers who have already obtained those degrees, and perhaps are now obtaining advanced degrees in professional or graduate study. This “excellence” transfers to the community that we support and serve, (via College or Alumni chapters) through our general/fraternity-wide programming. The Fraternity must also facilitate brotherhood development. As a fraternity, we should be Willis L. Lonzer, III, PhD very involved in making sure that Brothers’ professional and personal progress is held at General President an apex within the organization. We must ensure that young promising Brothers have a path in leadership within and outside of the Fraternity (e.g., professional societies, affinity groups etc.) as well as a path towards becoming productive career professionals. We must emphasize the importance of “delivering” when College Brothers are seeking “support” along the way. At the same time, it should not be lost on a Brother who seeks help that those providing assistance are putting their professional and/or personal reputation on the line. Additionally, Alpha Phi Alpha needs to ensure that our Brothers, whether they are entry level employees or senior level executives, are pursuing advanced opportunities. Some, if not many of these things have naturally happened over the years, particularly at the regional and district levels. The Lonzer Administration is seeking to help formalize and cement these pathways to success from the general organizational level and to maximize our members’ opportunities. Lastly, the Brotherhood must vigilantly guard the portals of the Fraternity. The nature of Alpha Phi Alpha (refer to The Ritual) demands it. Every man that seeks the light of Alpha Phi Alpha or petitions to be a member is not worthy to wear the Fraternity’s letters or our Fraternity Badge. We must be ever aware that there could be young or older men who possess some of the qualities, but are not ready and may still need further development. We also need to recognize that character and integrity matter. The sacredness of our Brotherhood requires that we afford as much time and resources to get to know individuals before we sponsor a man for membership. To be fair to College Brothers, who have less time to become acquainted with a potential member, I believe that we must provide even more resources, such as external character reference letters, which are not currently included in our membership process. These resources can assist College Brothers in assessing the qualities of a petitioning collegiate candidate. Likewise, Alumni Brothers must take more time in vetting candidates. There should never be an urgency or “rush” at the Alumni level surrounding membership selection, per se. We should genuinely know the candidate at this level. Why is this relevant? Our communities need us to serve and lead. The Ritual of our dear Fraternity is our north star, our pinnacle point of reference. We must hold ourselves accountable and true to our own mission by keeping our Brotherhood centered, focused, and relevant, even as we mature in the Fraternity and eventually transition to Omega Chapter. I ask that our Brotherhood continue working together and help to reinforce our place as the conduit for strong and visionary men who are leaders in every field of endeavor. S CONVENTION ISSUE



Letter from the Interim Executive Director My Brothers of Alpha, I hope this letter finds you mentally and physically strong. It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce you to this latest edition of The Sphinx Magazine with the theme of “Strengthening Our Brotherhood.” This is an ideal opportunity to commit to an agenda that is strictly focused on the betterment and transcendence of our Brotherhood. As our first-ever hybrid 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention proved, no challenge is beyond Alpha’s ingenuity. That is our greatest strength. Sean L McCaskill Interim Executive Director

This strength is at its greatest by harnessing the collective brain trust and efforts of our Brotherhood. Every Brother, in every chapter and in every community, must not only continue to seek personal growth, but lend their aid to this Fraternity and to their communities. The ongoing pandemic and the racial injustice that continues to affect our communities serve as reminders that our work is never done. General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III along with the Board of Directors and General Office has made this commitment to better serve our Brotherhood. Under his leadership, we have been tirelessly working on ways to maximize the administrative systems already set in place for the fraternity, while conducting extensive research and analysis to improve our most essential practices and policies. Among these improvements is our newest social media platform, Alpha Elite, which relaunched recently, allows financial Brothers to leverage the full strength of our Fraternity’s network. Alpha Elite is a member-only platform that serves an all-in-one online community, exclusively for our Brotherhood. The app is available for download through the Google Play and the App Store offering fellowship opportunities, membership benefits, exclusive educational opportunities, grants, scholarships, professional development, as well as a plethora of other benefits. I encourage each of you to take full advantage of tools like this one as we continue to announce more opportunities that improve and strengthen our Brotherhood. S




Letter from the Editor of The Sphinx Greetings Brothers, This volume of The Sphinx magazine highlights the “Strengthening the Brotherhood” component of General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III’s Elevating The Alpha Spirit vision and platform as well as revisits our first-ever hybrid 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention, including the General President’s historic State of the Fraternity Address and the convention’s various awards and recognitions.

Eric Christopher Webb, DDiv., CPLC Editor

In another feature, celebrated and longtime Big Brother mentor, Brother Dale Long, who also serves as the General Chairman of the Fraternity’s Big Brothers & Big Sisters Initiative, sits down with Big Brothers & Big Sisters of America’s newly named president and CEO, Brother Artis Stevens, and poses seven questions about his vision and challenges, as well as the role of Alpha and other Fraternity men in mentoring. Among our departments, in General News, the Fraternity announces the renewal of its partnership with Big Brothers & Big Sisters of America and our new five-year agreement with the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine that will streamline the admissions process for the organization’s members. That agreement paves the way for financially active members of the fraternity to apply and enroll in the school’s online master’s programs in areas like community health sciences, environmental health sciences, and health administration. In History, our General Historian Dr. Robert L. Harris explores the history of Critical Race Theory and addresses what’s behind the Conservative-fueled uproar. Two of our newer departments, What Every Alpha Should Know discusses how we should properly wear our badge and our pins while Alpha Chairmanship from the Fraternity’s General Parliamentarian Brother Adrian Stratton addresses “Mastering the Minutes.” We also continue to highlight the notable accomplishments of our Alpha Brothers in Alphas on the Move, including recently signed to the NBA’s Los Angeles Laker, Brother Chaundee Brown, and NBC’s The Voice finalist, Brother Victor Solomon as well as share the latest books by or about Alpha Brothers in the Literary & Entertainment section. As in the previous Inauguration Edition, we have fully returned to our classic masthead, but with a slight enhancement to the design. As always, I look forward to your readership and feedback. S





Alpha Phi Alpha members can enjoy tuition discounts for top-ranked Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine online degrees leading to in-demand public health and health administration degrees thanks to new partnership.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Partners With Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine NEW AGREEMENT WILL PAVE THE WAY FOR MORE BLACK MEN TO ENTER FIELD OF PUBLIC HEALTH


lpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the nation’s oldest intercollegiate fraternity for AfricanAmerican college men in the United States, has entered into a five-year agreement with The Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine that will streamline the admissions process for the organization’s members. The agreement paves the way for financially active members of the fraternity to apply and enroll in the school’s online master’s programs in areas like community health sciences, environmental health sciences, and health administration. “Advancing educational and professional outcomes for Alpha Phi Alpha Men in the field of public health will undoubtedly improve health outcomes and resilience in the communities we serve around the world.” says Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III, General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. “Alpha Phi Alpha Men are men of distinction who have a long track record of service and advocacy for the downtrodden. The recent 6

global pandemic and its disproportionate impact on communities of color is a great reminder of the need for more professionals of color in field of public health and we are confident that this partnership with Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine will positively impact the field and our communities.” Under the agreement, Tulane will develop a pipeline program for undergraduate members of Alpha Phi Alpha, to prepare them for graduate and professional school, which the Fraternity will promote with its members and encourage their participation. In addition, all application fees will be waived for financially active members of Alpha Phi Alpha. In addition, participating students will enjoy tuition discounts that will increase based on the number of fraternity members who enroll, according to the agreement. “This is a positive step for both institutions and aligns with our school’s goal to become the most diverse THE SPHINX®


school of public health in the country,” says Dr. Thomas LaVeist, dean of the school and Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Health Equity. “We are thrilled to be in partnership with such a well-respected fraternal organization.” This exclusive partnership is the first of its kind with any National Pan-Hellenic Council organization, which represents the nine historically African American Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities, as well as any Greek-lettered organization overall.

trying to check off a box to make sure we have every race and ethnicity represented. What we are trying to do is to make sure that our students and therefore our graduates represent the communities that are touched by public health every day. It makes a communities being helped after a disaster, for example, or during a pandemic. It’s also important that we have more men involved in the field because, let’s face it, men make up half the population. Men are impacted by infectious diseases and disasters and workplace safety concerns, and we need more men in the public health workforce.”

“Diversity is not just a buzzword here,” says Dr. Alicia Battle, associate dean for online programs. “We’re not

Members can learn more about the programs at S

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reignite Partnership to Empower Young Men of Color Through Mentorship


ig Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated announced the renewal of its long-standing partnership to empower young men of color. Both organizations recognize a shared commitment to developing leaders, promoting brotherhood and academic excellence, and with 30 years of existing partnerships across the country, BBBSA and Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Inc., will take its efforts nationally to reach more young men through one-to-one mentoring.

less likely to be involved in delinquent behaviors.

“We are honored to work with this prestigious organization and the thousands of members across the country who share our values. And as a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, I know firsthand the tremendous impact this network can have on the life of a young man,” says Brother Artis Stevens, president and CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. “We are excited to reignite our partnership with a deeper focus on outreach, engagement, and opportunities to provide career and higher educational readiness to youth with the support of Alpha members.”

“This partnership will allow Alpha members the opportunity to leverage our collective power,” says Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer III. “We will build a true movement of change for children and make a difference in the lives of young people.”

Like Alpha Phi Alpha, Big Brothers Big Sisters’ beginning dates back more than a century ago in New York. Volunteers, called ‘Bigs’, spend a few hours a month enjoying free low-cost activities with their mentee, called ‘Littles’. Studies show that children who have role models are more likely to do better in school, have better connections with family and friends and are CONVENTION ISSUE

Currently, there are over 30,000 youth across the country waiting for a Big, with most being young boys of color. The renewed partnership will focus on recruiting mentors, where Alpha Phi Alpha members will serve as Big Brothers, join local boards, and help open doors to companies and other organizations for advocacy and financial investment to support Big Brothers Big Sisters locally and nationally.

BBBSA’s mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth is a mission valued by the full network of fraternities and sororities serving the Black community. The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. partnership is just the beginning of BBBSA’s efforts and partnership with all nine historically African American fraternities and sororities. To learn more about this partnership and ways to get involved, visit S





Mastering the Minutes


n each meeting a secretary is responsible for capturing what was done by an organization. As one of the minimum essential officers, participation by the secretary in an organization is significant.1 With involvement prior to, during, and after a meeting the secretary is expected to be reliable and detail oriented. The secretary may be assigned many responsibilities,2 but at the core of duties are production of the minutes. Minutes become the official record of proceedings in a session after approval by the organization. Combined with minutes from previous meetings, the official record of an organization is extended with each approval. If dispute ever arises on the direction of an organization the previous minutes serve as a valuable historical resource. In that way, it is important that the minutes accurately reflect what took place. Extensive details and explanations are provided on minutes in most published parliamentary authorities.3 Minutes need not be complicated or unnecessarily long but must capture actions of both the organization and members. For clarity and ease of reading only what is necessary should be included. Each organization may have differing levels of detail required (by law, precedence, or custom)4 but at a minimum, minutes should contain the following: •

• • • • •

Basic identifying information (such as name of organization, date and time, type of meeting, and members present) All stated motions and their disposition (that is, whether the motion was carried, lost, withdrawn, postponed, referred, etc.) Points of order raised (and the ruling) Disciplinary action (if any) Name of guest speakers and subject presented (where appropriate) Time of adjournment Signature of the secretary

Over time, a rich history is developed by the proceedings of an organization that meets regularly. Who attended, what issues were debated, and any challenges to rulings of the presiding officer are all captured in minutes that are properly approved with necessary corrections. So important is the official record that the responsibility of extending it is maintained even if the actual secretary is not present. In the secretary’s absence one must be 8



appointed to carry out the secretarial function for the meeting. Minutes mastery is defined by inclusions as well as exclusions. Proper minutes are concise and capture actions that have occurred. Inclusion of information beyond what is necessary should be limited to avoid unnecessary confusion and unintended consequences. Several customs that impact the production of proper minutes include utilizing notes as minutes, recordings, capture of inappropriate discussion, and errors and omissions. •

Utilizing notes as minutes. Notes are helpful for a number of reasons (including producing draft minutes) but notes are not a substitute for minutes. Notes often contain expanded details that are simply not necessary. The distinction is important as sometimes notes submitted as minutes are drafted as if to provide an exact transcript of the meeting for those absent. Minutes are not produced to provide a record of everything said in a meeting. Confusing minutes with notetaking will produce improper minutes. Recordings. It has become common for meetings of all types to virtually gather. In extension, some organizations have made a custom of digitally recording meetings using virtual conferencing software features. While organizations have the right to record their sessions it is generally advisable not to do so without the consent of the membership. Fear that deliberations may be shared in an unintended way or taken out of context could restrict comments and ideas from some members. If recordings are made they are not appropriate substitutes for minutes.

Inappropriate discussion. Sometimes organizations must discuss difficult matters. Archived items discussed create a permanent record that could later become evidence in a dispute.5 Members have a right to discuss everything and should do so freely. However, the organization should consider capturing (in recordings, notes, or minutes) only the actions taken on matters while omitting dialogue to avoid documenting unnecessary discussions that may be inappropriate.

Errors and omissions. Members have an obligation to review the minutes prior to approval and should look closely to ensure accuracy.6 Minutes of an organization are typically approved at the next regular meeting after they are taken. With limited exceptions it is not appropriate to attempt to


approve minutes of a meeting in the same session prior to adjournment.7 Minutes may be further corrected after approval as appropriate to address errors and omissions. Members should not hesitate to assist with maintenance of the official record. Accurate records must be maintained in an organization and all actions should be recorded in the minutes. Each organization must decide, however the appropriate level of information to capture in the official record.8 It is generally best to restrict minutes to the basic facts and actions while limiting dialogue that may have transpired in deliberations. Avoiding issues impacting proper minute taking will greatly aid in proper minute production and clarity in the official record of an organization. Minutes are a record of what was done, not what was said. Without this information it is possible that the will of the assembly may never be fulfilled. The organization has the final responsibility in approving the minutes with any necessary corrections for accuracy. Notetaking, and even recordings, can be helpful in the production of draft minutes but are never substitutes for minutes. Only recording what is necessary and approving minutes that are concise are great practices to start and maintain to keep members informed of actions that have occurred in previous meetings. S

Brother Adrian Stratton, MBA, PRP [Omicron Zeta Lambda ’08] serves as General Parliamentarian for the Fraternity. For article footnotes, email:




Panel Tackles Critical Race Theory at the 96th General Convention & 115th Anniversary Convention


n the aftermath of a year of worldwide protests against police killings of unarmed Black people in the United States and the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, conservatives have touted a new so-called divisive bogeyman to distract from these other issues. That is Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory or CRT is an educational philosophy advocated by a cross-disciplinary movement of scholars and activists that seeks to examine the intersectionality of race, law, and justice. Through the decades, legal and academic scholars like Derrick Bell, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlé Crenshaw have further offered critiques and elevated the conversation across various disciplines. The common denominator in their evaluations stem from America’s story and its truth-telling dilemma.. With that in mind, the Fraternity’s 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, presented a panel, hosted by Television commentator, Brother Roland Martin of Roland Martin Unfiltered, which tackled this very contentious subject.

“What I want Brothers to understand is that Critical Race Theory is taught at the upper echelon of education, says Brother Martin. “So not even the vast majority, I dare say ninety-eight, ninety-nine percent of people who are going through college will never even deal with Critical Race Theory. What I hope people understand is that we are trying to broaden this so you can understand the dynamics that America and Black people are going to be facing for a minimum of the next fifty years, because what we are laying out is actually going to be the fertile battleground that we are going to have to contend with.” The panelists, which included Brother Dr. Frederick V. Engram, assistant professor at the University of Texas, Arlington, Brother Dr. Leonard V. McKinnis of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Brother Dr. Gregory Vincent of the University of Kentucky, gathered to analyze the historic elements of Critical Race Theory, assess the intersectionality of race as presently constructed, and present a forewarning to an America that has yet to atone for its original evil. The following are some excerpts:

BROTHER DR. FREDERICK V. ENGRAM Assistant Professor University of Texas “Critical Race Theory took off from Critical Legal Studies because it was meant to help us understand particular things. One of those things is understanding the role that media plays, the role that whiteness plays, even how we look at ourselves because I think a lot of people really don’t understand that. White people have a greater role in white supremacy, we didn’t create this. We did not create the idea of race as a construct, we didn’t create white supremacy. So, when people start saying things like reverse-racism, or black people are being racism, no. We can be anti-black, we can be bigoted, we can be these things, but we can absolutely not be racist. You cannot be something that you yourself did not construct.”




BROTHER DR. LEONARD V. MCKINNIS University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign “The question that I’m grappling with is who in fact defines what truth is? Because for the larger stream of the American Academy or University that is, truth is embedded in this historical enlightenment project which by and large did not take into consideration the lived experience of Black folk, right or African people. And so, you think of these Enlightenment philosophers who formed the structure of knowledge in the west, the question or the critique, or this fear emerges, and by the way I want to say Black activists, right? Because remember, Delgado’s definition of Critical Race Theory was this sort of accumulation of both scholar and activist. So, the question that they are grappling with is, how dare these Black folk, these Brown folk, these queer folk, these women, how dare they have the audacity to question the truth of the American Project.”

BROTHER DR. GREGORY VINCENT University of Kentucky “One of the things that we have been alluding to is that although the Union won the Civil War the South won the narrative. And so, this narrative has continued and what your seeing is an assault on that narrative. And so, I think that becomes incredibly important. The second thing that is important is that we’re seeing (if we’re going to really broaden it) an all-out assault on the truth. And whether that’s about the science of vaccines, whether that’s an issue of voter suppression or whatever those things are, there is an all-out assault on the truth, and it often has fatal consequences.”

BROTHER ROLAND MARTIN Host of Roland Martin Unfiltered “We need Brothers who are on the frontline of this battle. We need Brothers who understand what we are up against here. And we cannot have Alpha men on the sidelines as spectators in this war. That simply cannot happen. This is a war. This is a war not only for us on this panel but for the next generation. I’ll be fifty-three in November. I’m fighting this for my thirteen nieces and nephews and for their yet to be born children. When we approach it that way it changes our viewpoint about how we actually have to fight moving forward. And so, when we quote Brother Vertner Woodson Tandy, when he says, ‘we will fight until hell freezes over and then we will fight on the ice,’ it applied in the 1930s and it applies in the 21st century.” S





Lesser Men Are Occupied By Lesser Things


hat we do with most of our time shapes the greatness, character, and aspirations of our humanity. Neither birthright, or inheritance, plays such a vital role. We alone have the power to shape our destinies. Extraordinary people are engaged in extraordinary things. For them, time spent is an investment, as much as it is a monetary and an educational commodity. In whatever we do, we are meant to derive some benefit. So, it’s up to us to ensure that the dividend we receive makes us better, healthier, wealthier, and smarter. Those who are ordinary and less educated or affluent, however, strive for distraction from their experience. They deliberately attempt to balance or compensate for hectic, dead-end jobs with equally mind-numbing, toxic, and parasitic endeavors. While the mind and body require leisure and entertainment, too much of the same can cause us to become lazy, immature, disengaged, oblivious, numb, and eventually ill-informed to the realities of the world. All this too becomes the fuel that drives the engine of procrastination.


We make excuses to ultimately engage and specialize in nothing. We tune in and tune out, and nothing worthwhile is ever addressed or completed. Entertainment, at the least, or activities during our leisure time, must have a dual purpose. And that other purpose is enrichment. We must ask ourselves in all we do, how does this benefit us, or is it just a balm against our boredom? The more purposeful we become in how we spend our time, the more purpose-filled our lives become. Suddenly, we are more likely to achieve our goals since we are now constantly working towards them. Most of all, time no longer stands as our enemy, but as our ally.

EATING TO LIVE For example, when we dine, are we eating to live, or living to eat? Food should not only satisfy our appetites, but rather sustain a healthier lifestyle, and support the time, and effort we are already dedicating to our exercise regimen and the physical result we desire. A few years ago, I traveled to Europe, but most notably, Paris, France, where I made an interesting observation.



While walking along the picturesque streets and sitting in the cafés, I didn’t spot a single overweight person. What I realized was, they eat and look at eating very differently. As Americans, we each much larger servings. Our meals include much more processed foods, all while many of the ingredients in those foods are banned there as well as in other countries abroad. The typical American diet is too high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars, and does not have enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium, and fiber. Processed foods make up close to 70 percent of the U.S. diet.

The key is understanding how these events benefit you, such as getting a new job, meeting, or recruiting new clients, finding capital for one’s startup business, meeting professionals from other industries, improving one’s skills, finding new opportunities, staying up to date on industry trends, finding a mentor, building awareness about one’s latest business venture and learning more about others’ viewpoints.


Many times, people pursue relationships to restore a broken heart, fulfill something they are missing, or to satisfy an intense sexual attraction. For the most part, the first two reasons are totally unfair to the other person as well as establishes and demands unspoken and unrealistic expectations.

During our commute, are we listening to the radio simply for entertainment, or are we listening to podcasts for our education and personal development? What we listen to should inform or teach us something useful and relevant to help us navigate each aspect of our lives. Time is not always on our side to attend continuing education classes or personal development workshops. Therefore, we must take advantage of “wasted time” and convert it into opportunities for education. While work commutes are ideal for podcasts and audiobooks, increased opportunities are garnered by forgoing mindless, random browsing on social media platforms. According to research, people spend about 2 ½ hours on social media platforms daily. While increased knowledge provides obvious benefits, such as enhanced job skills and new avenues for entrepreneurial pursuits, adopting learning as a lifestyle reaps improved self-confidence, better memory, increased happiness, and better social engagement.

PURPOSEFUL NETWORKING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS Are our evenings and weekends dedicated to hanging in nightclubs or are they spent attending networking receptions? The way we socialize and whom we socialize with should offer the potential and opportunity for meaningful relationships, whether they be to enrich our personal lives, or to support our professional ones. Typically, there are 7 types of networking opportunities at our disposal: happy hour networking meetups, industry-specific speaking engagements, seminars and conferences, roundtable events, higher education lectures, mixers, and informational interviews.


As for pursuing personal and intimate relationships, oftentimes we establish relationships at the wrong time or are attracted to people for the wrong reasons.

Our mates are not our saviors. They cannot miraculously provide closure or healing for the pain someone else caused. They are our partners, and only responsible for who they are and how they treat you. We are the only ones who can save and complete ourselves. As individuals, we must already be whole before we can join with others to become one. Likewise, physical, and sexual attraction eventually dissipates when someone gains weight, gets older, or simply shows who they really are, and the negative treatment outside the bedroom overshadows the experience within it. The idea of a soulmate is a fairytale. Relationships require transparency, honesty, commitment, and a willingness to do the work to share a life together. If we are not prepared to offer that, we must first work on ourselves before we potentially waste someone else’s time and our own.

GREATNESS DEFINED Living the life that we desire is achieving greatness. Greatness is not necessarily defined by how much one earns, but how one feels while earning it. That means purpose drives our lives. We realize that happiness, success, and the power to maintain them are choices, our choices. Because of that, we can regularly achieve our goals or at least feel we are afforded the freedom or opportunities to do so thanks to our preparation. Simply put, people positioned for greatness know what they want from their lives, and have done what’s necessary achieve while those who don’t, and have not, will potentially achieve just that. S






New Books By Alphas CHOOSE LIFE Brother Brian Nelson [Delta Rho ’87] explores both the short and long-term choices and consequences of 10 individuals after a series of intersectional events causes their lives to take unexpected twists and turns. In this novel, Brother Nelson demonstrates his acute awareness of life’s internal and external struggles as he demonstrates how the choices people make every day simply don’t happen at the point of one decision, but after a sequence of decisions based on our lifestyles, our morality, and the input of others. As Brother Nelson describes it, “Decisions don’t happen in that moment, reactions do. By the time we reach a point of decision, we have already been developed by a process that will shape the way in which we will respond to that choice.” Within this realm of decision-making, Brother Nelson also ties in contemporary issues such as race relations, suicide, bullying, mass shootings, trauma, and others, to articulate how people’s current situations and realities affect not only their present circumstance, but their future one as well. Their choices will lead them down roads they could not have imagined and reveal the inner conflict we all must overcome to travel the correct path in life. and S

THE CROW FROM THE SHADOW In Brother Olaolu Ogunyemi’s [Delta Sigma ’11] children’s book, he writes about the fictional character, Crow – a very intelligent and talented bird with a bright future. He could be an architect, a professional athlete, or even a military leader... But there is one problem – The Shadow will not allow Crow to succeed. Join Crow as he learns the secret to defeating The Shadow and achieving success. The easy-to-read story is meant to teach childrenis a valuable life lesson – YOU control your destiny! The story includes Fun Facts and four “Continue the Conversation” questions that will promote critical thinking and provide a teachable moment. S







ver the last year, Conservative pundits have railed against an ideological perspective being introduced into educational institutions and into political arenas as a way of understanding how American racism has shaped public policy. While Critical Race Theory has become the new buzzword, recent racially-targeted violence against Blacks by white police officers and an unforgettable American history of lynching and ongoing racial discrimination has emphasized the need for a new examination of institutions and policy. For instance, the cruel and callous murder of George Floyd in broad daylight on May 25, 2020, by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for allegedly using a counterfeit $20 bill ignited waves of protest around the world. Chauvin’s three fellow officers stood by as he kept his knee on Floyd’s neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds, squeezing the breath out of him as Floyd complained that he could not breathe. A courageous 17-year-old Black teenager, Darnella Frazier, recorded the modern-day lynching on her cell phone, evoking memories of the historical lynching of African Americans to the delight of white crowds, who often attended such harrowing murders with their children. In 2021, Frazier received a Pulitzer Prize Special Citation for her video that went viral.1 A year earlier, the Pulitzer CONVENTION ISSUE

Prize Board at Columbia University issued a Special Citation to the 19th-century century investigative journalist, Ida B. Wells, for “…her outstanding and courageous reporting on the horrific and vicious violence against African Americans during the era of lynching.”2 Ida B. Wells, co-owner of the Memphis Free Speech newspaper, through her investigations put to rest the claim that lynching was necessary to protect White women from rape by Black men. She discovered that only one in five cases even involved the accusation of rape, which often proved false. Lynching was a means of social control to keep African Americans in their so-called place. Lynching resulted primarily from White supremacists’ fear of African American progress. Upwardly mobile Black men were most often the victims of lynching. White vigilantes destroyed Wells’ newspaper office and printing presses in retaliation for her strong stance against racial injustice. She had to leave Memphis because of threats against her life. She settled in Chicago, where she continued her work for racial justice and women’s rights.3 With the alarming number of killings of unarmed Black men and women by police, now captured on video, people around the world, on every continent, marched, and demonstrated against the killing of George Floyd. 17


Black Lives Matter and an End to Racism themes dominated the marches, which included large numbers of whites. Students in the United States, in particular, sought to understand how the police in New York City and Minneapolis could snuff out the lives of Eric Garner and George Floyd for minor offenses while they protested “I can’t breathe.” For many Americans, the election of Barack Obama 12 years earlier in 2008 had signaled the arrival of a so-called post-racial society. How then to explain the police killing of so many unarmed Black men and women? Three Black women organizers - Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi - started Black Lives Matter in 2013 after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the murder of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Martin was visiting his father on February 26, 2012, in the townhouse community of the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. He left his father’s home to buy a bag of Skittles and a bottle of juice. He was returning home when Zimmerman, captain of the neighborhood patrol, spotted Martin and called the non-emergency line of the Sanford police to report that Martin looked suspicious. Zimmerman ignored a police dispatcher’s advice not to follow Martin. He later got into an alleged scuffle with Martin and killed him. Black Lives Matter objectives were “…to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.”4 Almost two months later, on August 9, 2014, a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri fired 12 shots and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, who pleaded “Don’t Shoot.” Brown’s last words led to the rallying cry “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” for protests around the country. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. donated $25,000 to Michael Brown’s family for his funeral expenses.5 The blatant disregard for Black lives by law enforcement and White supremacists laid bare racial disparities in the United States. In Charleston, South Carolina, an avowed White supremacist, 21-year-old, Dylann Roof, was welcomed into Bible Study at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church the evening of June 17, 2015. The church service was led by the pastor and South Carolina State Senator, Alpha Brother Clementa Pinckney. Roof quietly attended the service for about an hour before opening fire and killing 9 church members. Our Fraternity Brother Rashawn Ray, Sociology Professor and Executive Director of the Lab for Applied Social Science Research at the University of Maryland as well as David M. Rubenstein Fellow at the Brookings 18

Institution in Washington, D.C., has identified racial differences in health, education, employment, home loans, maternal mortality, and criminal justice. Black men, given the daily and often unconscious biases, experienced in American society, have more high blood pressure, diabetes, and prostate cancer than white men. African American college graduates with the same credentials are less likely to receive job offers than white Americans. African Americans are less likely to receive home loans with the same credit scores or to have their homes appraised for equitable value. Among men ages 18-64, 1 in 87 white men, 1 in 36 Hispanic men, but one in 12 Black men are incarcerated. And the children of incarcerated parents are more likely to live in poverty, to have learning disabilities, and five times more likely to enter the criminal justice system.6 The murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others revealed what many young White Americans saw for almost the first time what they perceived as contradictions in American society. Moreover, how could a young man like Dylann Roof, the same age as many of the young white students who protested the death of George Floyd, accept that Black life was so expendable? They had learned in school about the United States being the land of opportunity. They were taught that the United States is a “melting pot,” based on meritocracy, where anyone with grit and determination, who worked hard, can succeed. They did not know that an initial draft of the Declaration of Independence charged King George III of England with imposing slavery on the American colonies by waging “cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, capturing & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.” Thomas Jefferson later explained that the charges against the King of England were removed to satisfy delegates from South Carolina and Georgia as well as northern delegates who represented constituents who were actively involved in the slave trade.7 They might have heard about the three-fifths clause in the U.S. Constitution, to wit: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.” THE SPHINX®


Enslaved African Americans for more than eighty years were defined as three-fifths of a person. Moreover, in 1857, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney, in the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford, ruled that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States. The Civil War and Reconstruction were supposed to usher in an era of equality for African Americans. But as Brother W.E.B. Du Bois reflected in his masterpiece, Black Reconstruction in America: “The Slave went free: stood for a brief moment in the sun, then moved back again toward slavery.” Racial violence, court decisions, and disfranchisement wiped out the gains African Americans made after the Civil War. Both de jure and de facto segregation limited African American progress. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) enshrined in law and in practice the doctrine of “separate but equal” with racial separation that was seldom equal. For many white Americans, the civil rights movement of the 1960s uprooted racial segregation. But the roots of racism coursed deep in American society. Almost every segment of American society from education to corporations to professional sports examined the roles they could play in closing the racial gaps in the United States. The Chancellor at Rutgers University-Newark, Nancy Cantor, a social psychologist, after the murder of George Floyd addressed her campus and explained that “racism is so deep and yet so quickly emergent in the psyche and the souls of white America.” Colleges and universities, in particular, reviewed diversity, equity, and inclusion on their campuses and some schools for the first time have appointed administrators to initiate and to manage programs for racial equity. Several schools established task forces on the study of race and charged them with considering how their research, teaching, and structures might eliminate racial disparities on their campuses and in society. They removed statues and renamed facilities of individuals who had supported White Supremacy. Sports teams from the NBA, NFL, WNBA, and Major League Baseball to the NCAA took measures to protest the murder of George Floyd and to seek racial equity. Even NASCAR at the urging of its major African American driver, Bubba Wallace, banned the Confederate flag at races and events. Kylin Hill, the leading rusher in the Southeastern Conference, threatened that he would no longer represent the state of Mississippi unless it changed its state flag, which included the Confederate symbol. Fans, legislators, and football coaches worried about Mississippi’s image, reputation, and ability to recruit star athletes, pressured CONVENTION ISSUE

the state legislature and the governor to approve legislation removing the Confederate flag and emblems from public buildings.10 According to CNN exit polls for the 2020 Presidential election, almost 70 precent of all voters acknowledged that racism is an important problem in the U.S. There are vast differences, however, between Black and white Americans on the nature and persistence of racism. Many white Americans view racism as prejudice, a preference for one group over another and don’t see that preference as a form of oppression. Jack Dovidio, a professor at the University of Connecticut, who has researched racism for more than three decades, posits that up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist tendencies that they do not recognize. He sees racism as more subtle than blatant.11 Given the structural and systemic nature of racism and its persistence for more than 400 years in the land that became the United States, there is much unconscious bias against African Americans. Very few white Americans today assume that African Americans are bio-genetically inferior as they did in the past. A central premise of Critical Race Theory is that race is a social construct, a product of social thought and relations, of dominance, marginalization, and subordination. And that racism is the apparatus in custom, law, and practice that maintains inequality.12 More than half of adults in a recent Fox News poll responded that they were not familiar with Critical Race Theory.13 Still the Republican Party has branded it as “anti-white” and a threat to democracy. Much like the loaded phrases “law and order,’ “tax and spend,” “intrusion of big government,” the Republican Party has determined that Critical Race Theory evokes a visceral negative response within their base of supporters. The Republican Party has a two-pronged strategy for returning to power, i.e., big turn-out by its base and low turn-out by its opposition. Republicans have used schools as a focus for their diabolical plans. They have sought, in many respects, successfully, to frighten parents that their children are being indoctrinated to hate themselves because of their white skins, to feel guilty about past racial discrimination in which they played no part, and to see the U.S. as an inherently racist country. In their propaganda, Republican-controlled state legislatures have conflated the 1619 Project with Critical Race Theory. The 1619 Project, according to its editor, Nikole Hannah-Jones, seeks “…to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery 19


and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” 14 The U.S. was founded on the institution of slavery and the protection of property rights. To build the nation and to develop and to sustain its prosperity, the country defined enslaved African Americans as property. That designation remained for almost 250 years or almost two-thirds of the nation’s history. It infused almost every aspect of American life and became an almost inextricable part of the nation’s fabric. Nikole Hannah-Jones explains that it was not the founders of the U.S. who promoted the idea of freedom, but the African Americans, enslaved and free, who challenged the country to live up to is creed of “liberty and justice for all.” In their freedom struggles, African Americans blazed a trail for almost every other rights struggle, “including women’s and gay rights, immigrant and disability rights.” Hannah-Jones concludes that the White founding fathers of the U.S. established “… a decidedly undemocratic Constitution that excluded women, Native Americans and Black people, and did not provide the vote or equality for most Americans.” 15 Legislators in more than 25 states have introduced bills that prohibit schools and teachers from incorporating a range of practices and ideas grouped under the umbrella of “critical race theory,” which the legislation’s advocates admit is more of a “branding” than actual engagement with ideas.16 Critical Race Theory is a paradigm that legal scholars developed to address the idea that the U.S. had become a colorblind society that no longer harbored racial inequality. The legal and legislative victories of the civil rights era

supposedly wiped away racial discrimination. Derrick Bell, civil rights attorney and the first African American scholar to become a tenured professor at the Harvard Law School, is credited with being the progenitor of Critical Race Theory. He theorized that racism is systemic and deeply embedded in the nation’s laws and institutions. He argued that White Americans supported laws and court decisions to remedy past injustices only when it was in their self-interest. White supremacy and White privilege had become endemic, so entrenched that they had become a permanent feature of American society. In the epigraph to his best-selling book, Faces at the Bottom of the Well, he wrote: “Black people are the magical faces at the bottom of society’s well. Even the poorest Whites, those who must live their lives only a few levels above, gain their self-esteem by gazing down on us. Surely, they must know that their deliverance depends on letting down their ropes. Only by working together is escape possible. Over time, many reach out, but most simply watch, mesmerized into maintaining their unspoken commitment to keeping us where we are, at whatever cost to them or to us.”17 Derrick Bell’s tone was rather pessimistic. His jeremiad was in many respects a warning to African Americans to let us know what we are up against, to be prepared for a protracted struggle. His tone is very different from that of Nikole Hannah-Jones, who appears more optimistic about the prospect for change. But both recognize the need for change and struggle to achieve it. As Brother Frederick Douglass proclaimed: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” S

References 1.

Elahe Izadi, The Washington Post, June 11, 2021.

2. Toronto Star, May 4, 2020. 3. Ida B. Wells, Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All it Phases, New York Age, 1892 and A Red Record: Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynching in the United States, 1892-94. Chicago, 1895. 4. 5. Mark S. Tillman, 34th General President, The Alpha Investment, 2013-2016 Quadrennial Report, p. 43. 6. Rashawn Ray, “Is the United States a racist country?” May 4, 2021, at “Incarceration,” at 7.

Black Past, August 10, 2009, The Deleted Passage of the Declaration of Independence. https://www.blackpast. org/african-american-history/declaration-independence-and-debate-over-slavery/

8. W.E.B. DuBois, Black reconstruction in America: an essay toward a history of the part which Black folk played in the attempt to reconstruct democracy in America, 1860-1880. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1935. 20



9. May 30, 2020. 10. Jemele Hill, “Athletes Will Never Be Quiet Again,” The Atlantic, May 29, 2021. 11. “Poll: Most Americans see lingering racism – in others,” 12. Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. Third Edition. New York: NYU Press, 2017, p. 9. 13. -Fox-June-19-22-2021-National-Topline-June-25-Release.pdf 14. Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times Magazine, August 14, 2019. 15. Ibid. 16. Rashawn Ray and Alexandria Gibbons, Why are states banning critical race theory? July, 2021. 17. Derrick Bell, Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism, New York: Basic Books, 1992.





Alpha Returns to the U.S. Senate Amid Hostile Social and Political Climate


he historic election of Brother Rev. Raphael Warnock as the first African American to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate, not only helped Democrats seize control there, but also marked the return of Alpha men to its sacred chambers. Brother Warnock, who represents the fourth Alpha to serve in the U.S. Senate, is a 1993 initiate of Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter and the senior pastor of Atlanta’s famed Ebenezer Baptist Church – the same sanctuary that previously was home to the fraternity’s esteemed and iconic, Brother Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. “. . . the improbable journey that led me to this place in this historic moment in America could only happen here,” says Brother Warnock in his victory speech. “We were told that we couldn’t win this election. But . . . we proved that with hope, hard work, and the people by our side, anything is possible.” Interestingly, his run-off election victory followed 12 months of an ongoing pandemic, protests nearly worldwide against the police killing of unarmed Black men across the country, including killings in Georgia; a second impeachment of a sitting president, intense tactics to disenfranchise African American voters, and an evolving, even hostile political climate. On Jan. 5, behind the scenes, Eduard Florea, a New York man, posted on the social media site Parler that “Warnock is going to have a hard time casting votes for communist policies when he’s swinging with the f**king fish” and then the next day, he wrote that “Dead men can’t pass s**t laws.” Later that afternoon, the same day of the violent insurrection at the Capitol, where domestic terrorists sought to violently block Congress from the certification of the Presidential Election results, he claimed he planned to go to Washington, D.C., though court documents say he did not, he wrote in part that there were “3 cars of armed patriots heading into DC from NY” and “Guns cleaned loaded ... got a bunch of guys all armed and ready to deploy ... we are just waiting for the word.” Since then, Florea has pled guilty to threatening to kill Brother Warnock with law enforcement officers finding 22

more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition during a search of the man’s home on Jan. 12. On Inauguration Day, it visually reflected how different the nation had become. The U.S. Capitol was once again the setting for the ceremony, but it lacked the traditional throng of attendees, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There were participant screenings and heightened security due to the Jan. 6 insurrection just 14 days earlier. Even more divisive, the outgoing President, who himself, at the least, indirectly encouraged the siege elected not to attend. Additionally, Brother Warnock’s oath of office was notably administered by Vice President Kamala Harris, the country’s first female, African American, and of Asian heritage in the office, as well as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. During his first Senate speech, Brother Warnock, used the opportunity to slam the Republican Party’s assault on voting rights, calling it “Jim Crow in New Clothes” and urged Congress to pass voting rights legislation. “And so politicians, driven by that big lie, aim to severely limit – in some cases, eliminate – automatic and same-day voter registration, mail-in and absentee voting, and early voting and weekend voting,” he says. “They want to make it easier to purge voters from voting altogether. And as a voting activist, I have seen up close just how draconian these measures can be.” Prior to his election, Brother Warnock had become noted for his activism in the community by using his pulpit to serve citizens in and outside of his church. He previously served as a junior pastor at Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church, which was once led by Brother Adam Clayton Powell Jr., the second Alpha man in American history to serve in Congress. In 2014 and 2017, he had been arrested for civil disobedience associated with his advocacy while also having been named chair of the New Georgia Project, where he is credited with helping register over 400,000 voters, also in 2017. Currently, in the U.S. Senate, Brother Warnock is a member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, where he is chairman of the THE SPHINX®


Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management, and Trade, as well as the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, where he is chairman of the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection. In addition, he serves on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, the Senate Aging Committee, and the bicameral Joint Economic Committee. Unlike Brother Warnock, other Alpha Brothers who served in the U.S. Senate had established themselves in prior elected office before ascending to the U.S. Congress. Brother Sen. Edward W. Brooke III was the first African American elected to the Senate by popular vote in 1966. He served there for the state of Massachusetts from 19671979 and was previously the state’s Attorney General. Brother Hubert H. Humphrey, who became an honorary Life Member in 1965, while serving as U.S. Vice


President with then-President Lyndon B. Johnson, became the second man of Alpha in the Senate in 1971. He was there until his death in 1978. The first African American elected to state office in Illinois was Brother Roland W. Burris, who became Comptroller in 1979, and Attorney General in 1991. In 2009, he finished the unexpired term of the former Sen. Barack Obama, when his vacancy was created due to his presidential election. Brother Burris did not seek re-election. Due to the full tenure of Brother Humphrey occurring within that of Brother Brooke, this year we have only the third instance of members of our esteemed organization working in both chambers of Congress. S

Brother Eric Christopher Webb, DDiv., CPLC., Editorof-The Sphinx, and Brother Nehemiah Bester also contributed to this story.




STRENGTHENING OUR BROTHERHOOD “Goodwill is the monarch of this House, Men unacquainted, enter, shake hands, exchange greetings, and depart friends. Cordiality exists among all who abide within. I am the eminent expression of friendship. Character and temperament change under my dominant power. Lives once touched by me become tuned and are thereafter amiable, kindly, fraternal.” — Excerpt, The House of Alpha By Brother Sidney P. Brown


rom generation to generation, what we as Brothers wear, chant, as well as whether we profess to step, or stroll, has changed.

Our identity and values, however, should not. And while we have been initiated through different chapters, either through the College or Alumni ranks, The Ritual, and the principles and standards espoused within should unite us all. “We must embrace that we as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. men must live by the code,” says General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III in his 24

State of the Fraternity Address entitled, ‘Alpha Phi Alpha Men of Distinction Follow the Code’ during the 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention. “We are called out. We are special and I really believe we have God’s favor. We have seen Brothers over the years do things that our code tells us that we should not do. We are charged to hold high the name.” Strengthening our Brotherhood remains one of the key aspects of General President Lonzer’s platform. Our letters and symbols are sacred. They do not belong to just us, as individuals, but all of us. THE SPHINX®


Therefore, the usage of our letters or symbols should never be used to endorse or even refute anyone’s personal lifestyle choices, sexuality, or political affiliations. Additionally, all Alpha Brothers must be equally mindful of their behavior while wearing those letters or symbols. “Our Brotherhood is diverse, and it is not my business how one chooses to live his personal life,” General President Lonzer says. “But, when a Brother puts his letters on – it becomes my business, and the business of all Alpha Men. All I am saying to you is what you took an oath to do – HOLD HIGH THE NAME. We must hold a standard.” The Fraternity’s Protocol & Etiquette Manual offers us guidance on “What all Alphas should know,” including: “What it means to be an Alpha man? What is Alpha attire? How to wear official Alpha pins/badges? How to wear Alpha shirts, hats and other logo wear and jewelry? How to use official Alpha emblems and insignia? How to use Alpha hymn, song, and step shows? How to conduct official Alpha ceremonies and meetings? How to conform to Alpha policies on alcohol and the use of drugs? How to handle Alpha-related public/media appearances? and lastly, How to handle Alpha greetings?” “In this ever-changing world of hip-hop, informality, and anything goes, it is important that men of culture understand and adhere to basic rules of protocol and etiquette,” the manual states. “Alpha men do not simply follow the style; they establish the trend! If Alphas are to transcend all, they must be ‘first of all.’ In being first, Alphas must be sure to represent the basic principles of refinement and culture through understanding and implementation of the basic rules of etiquette and protocol.” The Sphinx and Men of Distinction Vs. The Ape Moniker Over the years, the over-emphasis on ape imagery and its mimicry has distanced us from the noble moniker, ritualistic meanings, and lessons of The Great Sphinx of Giza along with our slogan, “Men of Distinction,” which we are now fighting to reclaim and re-instill. CONVENTION ISSUE

By denying or overshadowing the Sphinx, we compromise or discard our very distinction as well as the lessons established in The Ritual. And while the ape has long been a part of our traditions or ritualistic portions of our membership process, it cannot replace those primary and intrinsic teachings associated with the Sphinx, which define and make us who we are. However, in the 1990s, the “public” overemphasis on the ape gained popularity first among College Brothers. Back then, it was promoted as an unofficial counter to public perceptions about the perceived ease of the non-pledging/non-hazing, Membership Intake Process, which subsequently, became the Initial Membership Development Process (IMDP). In addition, it has been used to promote the perception of masculinity, toughness, or to match the usage of animal mascots by other rival fraternal organizations. In 2018, the General Historian Dr. Robert L. Harris penned a brief essay, “The Derogatory Meaning of The Ape: A Perspective from the National Historian.” “Stereotypes die hard, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity of all organizations should not be complicit in perpetuating them,” he writes. “The image of the ‘ape’ is not one with which we should want to be associated (publicly). It runs counter to everything that Alpha Phi Alpha was built on and stands for. In its verb form, “to ape,” means to imitate. While others might base their organizations on brute strength, men of Alpha are leaders who set the standard for others to follow.” He continues. “When Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859 about evolution, 25


proponents of white supremacy used his ideas to argue that Black people were in a state of arrested development, that we had not evolved as far as White people, and were therefore closer to “apes,” Dr. Harris wrote. “(That) idea of Black inferiority was reinforced through minstrelsy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, schoolbooks, postcards, movies, and advertising for products from shoe polish to toothpaste.” Unfortunately, ape imagery and mimicry will become increasingly problematic for Alpha Chapters at predominately white institutions (PWIs), where there has been a resurgence of racist attacks by white students who frequently liken Blacks to monkeys and apes in their racist diatribes and attacks.

communities. Note at the University of Missouri, two of our College Brothers were instrumental in forcing the resignation of its President Tim Wolfe. Student Body President Brother Payton Head was among those who penned a letter demanding the president’s resignation and charging that he had “enabled a culture of racism” since his arrival and “blatantly ignored and disrespected the concerns of students.” Starting Safety for Mizzou’s football team, Brother Anthony Sherrils, was part of the highly publicized football team protest in which members of the team decided they would not play unless the president stepped down. College Days Swiftly Pass

In 2017, bananas hanging from strings fashioned into the shape of nooses were found in three locations on American University campus with the words, “Harambe” and “AKA,” believed to be referencing Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, of which the University’s recently elected first Black female student government president was a member. In September 2021, a banana was found taped to the dorm room door of two Black male students, who were ironically members of the group, ‘Men of Distinction,’ no-affiliation to the Fraternity, at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. And since many of our College chapters, and our individual Alpha Brothers, typically lead campus anti-racist activism, it could easily be embarrassing and even labelled hypocritical if they challenge such racist acts, and their opponents attempt to discredit them or distract from the seriousness of the claims by pointing out their own fraternity’s embrace of the ape or their own apelike poses or strolls on their social media posts. Alpha cannot risk such misdirection compromising the influence or hindering our fellow College Brothers’ efforts and success with providing advocacy to their campus 26

Like other National Pan-Hellenic Fraternities, as College Brothers graduate, we tend to become disconnected to a large percentage, who fail to remain financial with the General Organization or fail to transition to an Alumni chapter. In most cases, it is almost a decade before they return. The reasons Brothers give vary from lacking the current financial means to arguments of not feeling welcome, at home, or having a voice in Alumni chapters. Whatever the case, some Brothers drift further away from the Brotherhood. Others simply choose to socialize with Brothers they already know personally, or those alumni Brothers from their initiation chapter living locally. “For decades, the Fraternity has placed great emphasis on investing externally, without giving proper attention to investing internally,” says Brother Kirk D. Carrington, II, chairman of the Fraternity’s Reclamation and Retention THE SPHINX®


committee. “However, because we have not taken the time to sow into our members, we have not truly reaped what could be done from a strong membership. The Fraternity is like a bank, you can only gain interest on what you put in, hence if you are not putting much in, then you won’t get much out.” He is recommending the Fraternity provide more support in the personal and professional transition of college-initiated Brothers through what he terms, “the Alpha Middle Passage.” Brother Carrington suggests the Fraternity establish positions such as a housing coordinator, employment development coordinator, and an academic coordinator, as well as identify a pool of Brothers in workforce development and social work. Therefore, Brothers would have support finding housing, employment, mental health resources and educational and professional resources. At the same time, however, we have recent college graduates, who, for whatever reason, failed to join the Fraternity through their respective College Chapters, but soon after attain membership through Alumni Chapters. Once initiated, however, some yearn for the college fraternal experience they missed and subsequently become missing in action for chapter meetings and service projects. Instead, they pursue the region’s College Greek social calendar of parties, and picnics. The same holds true for older men, who join Alumni chapters to primarily enhance their resume or to leverage professional networking opportunities. Brother Carrington suggests Alumni Chapters adopt definitive neophyte training programs that do a deeper dive into the Ritual, Constitution & Bylaws, and other Fraternal Guidance Documents than time allows during intake as well as a make strategic preplacements of neophytes on committees to gain an intimate knowledge of the Fraternity and Chapter’s work. On the fellowship side, he stresses opportunities for the neophytes to introduce themselves to the Chapter, such as purely social game parties or outings that are CONVENTION ISSUE

inexpensive and not riddled with Alpha pomp and circumstance. Affiliated Social Media Groups

While some Brothers have shunned traditional affiliation and fellowship through Alumni chapters, many are compensating for that interaction and connection through affiliated Facebook groups that focus on a range of interests and topics, including open Fraternal discussion to grilling. Although these groups are great ways to establish and renew connections with Brothers from around the world, they do not always offer the privacy and security to prevent non-Brothers or “perpetrators” from accessing or ensuring that sensitive or sometimes inflammatory, uncensored comments remain among the Brotherhood. In response, the General Office relaunched the AlphaElite social media platform for its financially active members in September. The platform, which is connected to the Fraternity’s AlphaMX database is the first of its kind for any Black Greek-lettered organization and garnered national coverage by Black Enterprise magazine. The platform hopes to serve as an exclusive, private, and self-contained virtual environment for networking, online discussion groups, and job hunting, as well as to offer access to a plethora discounts and opportunities from our corporate and non-profit partners. “This is an added value to our Brothers that are dues paying members of our organization,” says Brother Gerald Johnson, chief development officer for the Fraternity. “We’re excited to say that we 27


have over 70+ communities and building. These communities are for affinity groups, professional groups, regional and state groups as well. So, there is something in there for everyone. We also want to talk about the member database that we have access to as well as our directory.” Fellowship During The Pandemic

Through a year of lockdowns, masking, and social distancing, the Brotherhood proved itself agile by creatively finding safe new ways to combat boredom and continue to fellowship. Like most of the world, many chapters and individual Brothers hosted virtual events such as happy hours, Brotherhood Smokes, virtual worship services, and game nights. Others in select areas in various cities gathered with masks in small socially distanced groups outdoors in fields, parking lots, and under bridges complete with chairs, coolers, bourbon, cigars, and portable speakers for Fraternal tailgates every other weekend. The more athletic among us started walking, running, or cycling as well as established similar activity-based clubs or groups for Brothers. An Informed and Healthy Brotherhood As part of General President Lonzer’s commitment to improve the health of our Brotherhood and how that awareness influences our programs and partnerships, he named Brother Jeffrey E. Sterling, MD, MPH,


FACEP, as the Fraternity’s first-ever Surgeon General on February 4, 2021. Dr. Sterling is a 1982 initiate of the Alpha Mu Chapter seated at Northwestern University, currently affiliated with the Beta Tau Lambda Chapter in Fort Worth, TX. Brother Dr. Sterling received his medical training from the University of Illinois College of Medicine and holds a Master of Public Health degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. He has also received executive education from Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business and is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Medicine. In addition to his strong medical and public health background, he also brings strong business and strategic acumen to this role as reflected through his leadership in several initiatives and businesses, including Sterling Initiatives, an international healthcare consulting and implementation firm that provides entities with clinical, operational, and financial best practices. His unique mixture of medical practice, public health, and international healthcare business/consulting knowledge makes him an ideal fit for the strategic demands of this role. “I am incredibly honored that Brother General President Lonzer tapped me to serve as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.’s Surgeon General,” says Brother Dr. Sterling. “As Surgeon General, I work alongside our existing Health Committee to identify and implement solutions (to improve the comprehensive health of our Brothers, and their families) – both proactively and responsively.” Since his appointment, Dr. Sterling has solicited the help and expertise of Brothers, who work anywhere in the health space, i.e. as a physician or other healthcare provider: a nurse, dentist, scientist, public health professional, chiropractor, pharmacist, or pharmacologist, nutritionist, personal trainer, administrator or otherwise, and has been producing live SphinxTV webinars as part of the Surgeon General Initiative since August 2021. S






lpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.’s historic 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention from July 14 – July 18 in Indianapolis, Indiana marked the first-ever hybrid convention in the Fraternity’s history. Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and the city’s safety restrictions, the Fraternity’s leadership decided to allow for in-person attendance for delegates and convention officials only while curating a virtual convention experience for all other Brothers. With that in mind, the Fraternity engaged Brother Joseph Weaver [Nu ’86] and his company, Global Design Interactive, to create and manage a fully interactive virtual CONVENTION ISSUE

convention environment, where registered Brothers could participate in the convention’s public program, business sessions, workshops, the 2nd Annual John H. Johnson Alphapreneur Pitch Experience and vendor showcases, including live and recorded content while Brother Justice Houser [Nu Tau ’19] and his company, SkyRocket Professional Services, Inc., provided audio visual and other technical support for the in-person and virtual production as well. In person attendees also participated in an annual golf tournament, Alpha Block Party featuring sounds by DJ Vince Adams as well as two other parties sponsored by the host chapters. Outside of convention activities, Indianapolis offered vibrant African American cultural 29


experiences, institutions, and landmarks like the Crispus Attucks Museum, the Market East Cultural District, the Kuaba Gallery, the Square Cat music destination, Black Arts Movement Leader Marie Evans Mural, the Indiana Avenue Jazz Masters mural, the Madam Walker Legacy Center, the statue paying tribute to where Robert F. Kennedy memorialized Brother Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when he had been assassinated earlier that day, and lastly, the Indiana Black Expo Summer Celebration, which occurred simultaneously as the convention.

Winner of Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Competition

Brother Justice Hill Alpha Eta Chapter St. Louis University Midwestern Region 30

During the convention, General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III delivered a powerful State of the Fraternity Address charging the Brotherhood to “. . . Follow The Code” in their attention to and deportment of our standards and traditions, as well as in our protection of our symbols and brand. Throughout the convention, Past Fraternal leadership was also recognized and honored. Past General President Dr. Charles C. Teamer, Sr., and Past General President Dr. Henry R. Ponder received Presidential Citations while the late Past General President Judge James R. Williams was posthumously awarded a 2020 Lower Great Lakes Regional Emmy for the “Historical Documentary” category for his film, “An Answer in Akron,” which he executively produced, and the late Midwestern Regional THE SPHINX®


Assistant Vice President Brother Sharron R. Anderson was recognized and awarded a posthumous Life Membership. At the Old Gold & Black Leadership Gala, which featured live performances by Terisa Griffin, the Fraternity’s new board leadership was also sworn-in, including: Eastern Regional Vice President Brother Christopher G. Ellis, Jr. and Assistant Regional Vice President Brother Tamir D. Harper; Midwestern Regional Assistant Vice President Brother Cartier B. Stewart; Southern Regional Vice

President Brother Cecil E. Howard and Assistant Vice President Brother Donavan I. McLean; Southwestern Regional Vice President Brother Jeramaine O. Netherly and Assistant Vice President Brother Ayowolemi Akinyamoju; Western Regional Vice President Brother Wayne M. Kimball, Jr. and Assistant Vice President Brother Kenzi K. Bishara; as well as General Treasurer Brother Densel Fleming. Former Acting General President and Regional Vice President Brother Aaron Crutison was also honored with the Alpha Award of Merit – the highest honor in the Fraternity. S

Winners of the 2nd J.H. Johnson Alphaprenuer Pitch Experience

1st Place Brother Donald Boone (Boxed Up)


2nd Place Brother Calvin Williams (Freeman Capital)

3rd Place Brother Rudy Racine (Watch The Block)



Other Fraternal Recognitions and Awards The Board of Directors of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. awarded a Posthumous Life Membership to the late Past Midwestern Regional Assistant Vice President Sharron Anderson.


The Alumni and College Chapters traveling the greatest distance: Omicron Theta Lambda and Mu Kappa, both from the Western Region.


The Alumni and College Chapters with the most registered brothers inside and outside of the Midwestern Region: -Inside the Midwestern Region: Gamma Lambda and Alpha Alpha Chapters. -Outside the Midwestern Region: The Alumni Chapter is Alpha Eta Lambda and tied are the College Chapters of Eta Kappa and Beta Gamma.


College Chapter w/ the highest GPA (1): With a 3.409 the Beta Phi Chapter seated at Dillard University in Southwestern Region.

4. College Brother w/ the highest GPA (2): -With a 4.0 Brother Alex D. Crosslen from the Gamma Pi Chapter seated at Benedict College in Southern Region. -With a 4.0 Brother Chad Fuselier from the Beta Phi Chapter seated at Dillard University in the Southwestern Region. 5.

Oldest (age) registered Brother (1) & Longest Tenure in Alpha (1): This Brother is 98 years young and was initiated in 1948 giving him 73 years in Alpha. This brother is LM# 11114, from the Alpha Epsilon Lambda chapter located in Jackson, MS, Brother Henry T. Drake.

6. Wesley: This year the award goes to the Iota Zeta Lambda & Mu Chi Chapters seated in Los Angeles, CA of the Western Region. 7.

Alumni Chapter of the Year: This year the award goes to the Gamma Lambda Chapter seated in Detroit, MI of the Midwestern Region.

8. College Chapter of the Year: This year the award was presented to the Beta Gamma Chapter at Virginia State University of the Eastern Region. 9. Alumni Brother of the Year: Brother Larry Scott-Blackmon from the Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter seated in Harlem, NY of the Eastern Region. 10. College Brother of the Year This year the award goes to Brother Trentqual Rhone from the Beta Upsilon Chapter seated at Alabama State University of the Southern Region 32






or Brother Aaron Crutison, receiving the Alpha Award of Merit at the 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, was somewhat bittersweet since his friend, mentor, father-figure, and supporter, Brother Dr. Payton C. Cook, had not lived to see it. Brother Cook, known to us all as “Life Member 215,” was 97 when he passed away on December 25, 2018, and had been a longtime supporter who looked forward to seeing Brother Crutison receiving the honor. He recognized him in his acceptance speech during the ceremony.

convention; he attended and registered for all regional conventions across Alphadom; he held one of the lowest life membership numbers in attendance at conventions, winning that award many times, and most importantly, he was an Alpha mentor, father figure, friend and supporter of me as an Alpha man,” says Crutison about the 1941 Beta Sigma chapter initiate and founding charter member of both UCLA’s Gamma Xi and San Diego’s Zeta Sigma Lambda chapters. “He was so proud to witness my leadership over the region as I elevated and restored the western region, and then later he was so proud of my leadership as the Acting General President. He traveled the country with me as I sought the position (as an elected General President).”

“I gave homage to him because he loved Alpha, never missed a general or regional

At the 92nd General Convention in Austin, Texas in 2013, the Fraternity voted for Brother




Crutison to receive the award for his service as the first and only Acting General President in Alpha Phi Alpha’s 115th year existence. He was unanimously selected from the serving Regional Vice Presidents by the Past General Presidents during the incapacity of the 33rd General President Herman “Skip” Mason. Sworn into office by the late 25th General President, James R. Williams, he served Brother Mason’s remaining term from April – December 2012 before transitioning the gavel to the then-incoming General President Mark S. Tillman on January 1, 2013. “This Fraternity owes Brother Crutison a debt of gratitude,” says 34th General President Tillman. “Prior to 2013, he never sought this office and he never campaigned for this office. He was selected from among his vice president peers to guide this ship through choppy waters while navigating it to a safe harbor. Brother Crutison served this office with respect and maintained Alpha’s dignity throughout a difficult period in its history. The start of my term as General President will forever be linked to the events where Alpha required transitional leadership. Thank you, Brother Aaron Crutison.” Prior, Brother Crutison served as the 27th Western Regional Vice President (WRVP) and was a 1983 Alpha Epsilon chapter initiate at the University of California at Berkley, a Life Member of the Fraternity, and member of Gamma Phi Lambda chapter. Later, he was inducted into the Western Regional Hall of Fame by the 29th WRVP, Brother Dondrell Swanson. During Brother Crutison’s tenure as Acting General President, he provided tactful leadership as well as principled vision and direction during a turbulent time in the Fraternity’s history. Among his efforts, he oversaw the Fraternity’s General Presidential election, a public lawsuit against the Fraternity, a new General Counsel appointment; established a special committee that developed financial protocols to ensure the


Fraternity’s financial policies and procedures were modified and approved; established a Fraternity’s National Day of Prayer; worked with the Executive Director and his team at the General Office to ensure the business of Alpha Phi Alpha continued; signed more than 600 shingles and life membership certificates; presented two Presidential Citations; and represented the Fraternity across the nation and internationally at fraternal events, including the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Week in Washington, D.C., where he served on the Council of Presidents panel on the role of Fraternities and Sororities on the National Agenda and received and presented the report of the World Policy Council. During the holidays, he was also invited to the White House as the Acting General President of the Fraternity, where he was accompanied by his wife, Suzanne Crutison, and met President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. While he says juggling work, family, regional responsibilities, and responsibilities as Acting General President were among his most challenging efforts, Brother Crutison, whose sons, Aaron Crutison II, Pi Epsilon, Spring ’08; and Cameron Crutison, Gamma Xi, Fall ’16, are also Alpha Brothers, still counts receiving the phone call from PGP Williams about his unanimous selection as Acting General President and then later, as a result, General President Dr. Willis L. Lonzer, III presenting him the Alpha Award of Merit as among his proudest Alpha moments. “Honored!” he says. “Words cannot express how honored and touched I was to receive the Alpha Award of Merit. The award responded to what the Brothers at the 2013 Austin Convention voted and approved. Only a few months removed after passing the gavel to the next general president, the Brothers saw it fit to add my name to the highest award an Alpha man can receive. This award by the Brothers acknowledges my leadership and actions as their leader during that time as official and the impact it meant to our dear fraternity.” S







en of Distinction. My Brothers of Alpha. As your General President, on this 16th day of July in the year of our Lord 2021, I am proud to report that the State of our Fraternity is strong. Together we are making history in 115 years. This is our first hybrid general convention. CONVENTION ISSUE

This innovative gathering that allows delegates to assemble virtually as well as in person is just the latest example that proves Alpha Men are smart, resourceful, and will let nothing get in our way of doing the business of Alpha Phi Alpha. While this convention is a joyous occasion, we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic that has attempted to paralyze our very way of life. For over a year, we had 35


a Voteless People is a Hopeless People, and Alpha Phi Alpha will never sit idly by while voting rights are under assault! This time has given new meaning to the Test of A Man.” *** “We must lead and live as Men of Distinction. The world is looking at us. We must embrace that we as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity men must live by the code. We are called out. We are special and I really believe we have God’s favor. We have seen Brothers over the years do things that our code tells us that we should not do. We are charged to hold high the name. We cannot use Alpha Phi Alpha as a political crutch to promote our personal ideals.” ***

to navigate uncertain public health terrain, suspend in-person fraternal gatherings, and we even had to mourn the loss of family members and brothers. On top of the pandemic, we felt the heavy burden of oppression again in the United States of America with the killing of an unarmed black man by the police. The murder of George Floyd rightfully sparked national and international protests that has led to police and criminal justice reform. And if the pandemic and social unrest wasn’t enough, we all had to endure watching a lawless president lead an entire group of insurrectionist thugs and vigilantes in an attempt to circumvent the will of voters and prevent the new President of the United States from taking office. Now they are trying everything in their power to disenfranchise voters, but we know that 36

“Our brotherhood is diverse and it is not my business how one chooses to live his personal life. But, when a Brother puts his letters on – it become my business, and the business of all Alpha Men. All I am saying to you is what you took an oath to do – HOLD HIGH THE NAME. We must hold a standard for this. This does not discourage Brothers from having their personal choices, but when you come and put on the uniform of an Alpha Man, I expect as your General President and as a Brother that you will follow our code.” *** “Our words mean much and the letters we wear have great meaning. I love our fraternity. We are the best of the best, and sharp. It is the fellowship that helps us live up to the (interpretation) each of our letters mean. Now our challenge is to hold high the standard set by the Jewels and the great Brothers who have gone before us. We can achieve anything we put our minds to, but we must remember the charge we accepted when we first saw the light and hold high the name.” S THE SPHINX®





rother Dale Long, a long time Big Brother who serves as the General Chairman of the Alpha Phi Alpha/Big Brothers Big Sisters Committee, sat down with Brother Artis Stevens on behalf of The Sphinx magazine to pose seven questions about his vision, and challenges, as well as the role of Alpha and other Fraternity men in mentoring. 1.

Brother Stevens, you have now been at the helm of this 117-year-old organization now for six months. With the increasing demand for kids needing mentors what has been your biggest challenge? The biggest challenge is knowing that right now, more than 30,000 kids are depending on us—that’s 30,000 kids who are waiting for their turn to be paired with a caring adult mentor. And this is just a snapshot of the need. Today, one in three kids in our country are growing up without a mentor to provide support and positive reinforcement. This past year alone, 20% of the young people we serve reported losing contact with an important adult in their life. Every kid needs a positive mentor in their life, and we want to be a resource to match Bigs--more positive adults with Littles—the inspiring young people who need them. So, while it is a tremendous challenge, it’s also our biggest opportunity. Establishing more mentoring partnerships to create


more equity and opportunity for young people across every sector of society is the power of Big Brothers Big Sisters and that’s the opportunity and responsibility I’m proud to carry as CEO of this great mission. And when I think of those kids on the waiting list, most of them boys, who look like the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha, it makes me even more determined to say, they deserve this…they need a mentor in their lives. 2.

How can fraternity men, in particular members of Alpha Phi Alpha play a significant role in eliminating or minimizing the number of kids across the country who are on the BBBSA waiting list? First, it’s simply raising your hand to say, ‘I can do this.’ It’s making that commitment to connect with a young person, a few hours a month, whether enjoying free low-cost activities in the community or, we’re hoping when school resumes, following local health guidelines, our Bigs can continue meeting with their Little one hour a week at school. It’s not about perfection when it comes to being a mentor, it’s about being present, consistent, having a listening ear, and more than anything, a person who believes in their Little. Knowing that you have someone in your corner, like an 37


Alpha Brother, can make all the difference in the world. And one thing we know for sure is that our Bigs are impacted just as much as the Littles they mentor. 3.


What steps should Alpha men take in order to volunteer to become a Big Brother or are there opportunities to serve on a local board or task force? Is there training? How does one apply?

An organization built on one-to-one connections could have easily stopped in the middle of the pandemic. But what we learned is that our 230+ agencies across the country are innovative and resilient. Almost overnight, they had to pivot to turn all of their processes into a virtual experience. On the National level, we accelerated plans for our messaging app to keep Bigs, Littles, parents and staff connected. We provided guidelines and tools to make sure that the virtual connections were safe and productive. Technology was the lifeline, especially during times of social distancing. And even as we determine what the new ‘normal’ will look like, what we do know is that our volunteers can still make an impact, even if they’re virtual. Bigs have found fun games—educational ones, too—for the two to enjoy. They’ve tried new hobbies online and shared what they’ve learned through Zoom sessions. One Big was able to help their Little navigate their college application by sharing their screen and talking things through. We know in-person is ideal, but we also know in this day and age, we must continue to evolve to make sure we remain relevant and meet young people where they are.

Our Network reaches across the country in all 50 states, in 5,000 communities, from small towns to big cities, so chances are, there is a Big Brothers Big Sisters agency nearby. Brothers can connect with local agencies and find out ways to support. Agencies are always looking for dedicated volunteers and board members, who can bring their talents and expertise to the board or young professionals’ group, or perhaps a task force. Whether it’s providing support for children impacted by incarceration, or it’s career readiness or college prep, your personal experiences and expertise in your profession can prove to be a valuable resource for non-profit organizations. For volunteers, training, support and coaching are three elements that make our program unlike any other mentoring program. Bigs go through our volunteer training sessions, available in-person or online, providing information on the youth we serve, their challenges and strengths. Trained Big Brothers Big Sisters staff conduct in-depth interviews, to gauge interest and qualities to find a Little who will be a good ‘match.’ And once you are matched with a Little, that’s where the support comes in. Each Big/Little is assigned a BBBS staff member who regularly checks in to provide guidance or support as needed. To learn more about ways to support or volunteer, members can visit our website,, click on Get Involved, type in a zip code, and get connected to a local agency. 38

Obviously the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the traditional one-to-one mentoring concept. How would you recruit me to be a Big Brother, offering creative ways to be effective as a mentor in today’s environment?


Is there statistical data that you can share with the Brotherhood that shows the effectiveness of mentoring? Big Brothers Big Sisters is the nation’s most experienced 1-to-1 mentoring organization. Established more than a century ago as innovative alternative to the juvenile justice system, we are committed to creating equity and empowerment for all young people through mentorship and our evidenceTHE SPHINX®


based programs. We track data and consistently monitor what’s working and what’s not. Our latest statistics show that when Littles have a Big in their lives: •

96% have improved attitudes towards risky behaviors, including skipping school or violence. 91% improved their sense of belonging. That’s a key indicator, as mentoring is linked to positive outcomes including school achievement and lower likelihood of dropping out of school. 92% plan to graduate high school which is a link to higher educational and vocational aspirations.

The impact is real and continues to fuel our vision to empower every kid who needs us on a path to graduate with a plan for their future and a mentor who impacts them for a lifetime. 6.

What if a Brother or a chapter is interested in fundraising? What opportunities are available? Financial support is a critical need to ensure we can continue our work in providing kids and families free access to our program. We need more of Corporate America and community institutions at the table investing in career mentorship for young people. Big Brothers Big Sisters’ career mentoring program allow companies and institutions to engage in turnkey yet powerful ways to do well and do good. I encourage Brothers to consider engaging their companies to get involved, whether through event sponsorships, corporate grants or matching funds when employees volunteer their time. Or personally giving, whether it’s a onetime donation or monthly donation for sustainability or including Big Brothers Big Sisters in your estate planning to leave a legacy for more young people. Lastly,


our local agencies engage supporters in a variety of ways: fundraising events from bowl-a-thons to galas or golf tournaments, as a fun way to connect with like-minded individuals in your community. 7.

Finally, you have been described as a “visionary leader and strategist”. Are there any thoughts you can share relative to being a member of Alpha Phi Alpha that makes you unique in serving as the CEO? Any specifics? I joined this amazing brotherhood in 1994 at the Zeta Pi Chapter of the University of Georgia. And over the years, whether through my 25+ year career in youth development or personally, I have had the pleasure of connecting and working with hundreds of Alpha men, who believe in the idea of developing leaders, promoting brotherhood and academic excellence… and providing service and advocacy in our communities, including local Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the country. The bond I have been able to share in the Brotherhood has shaped me into the man I am today. It was 30 years ago when Big Brothers Big Sisters of America launched a partnership with Alpha Phi Alpha. And to renew and reignite our partnership today, gives me a sense of pride: two organizations I believe in, are joining forces once again to make an impact on our nation’s youth and their future. We are Bigger Together. S Brother Dale Long, a 1971 Delta Theta Chapter initiate and member of Xi Tau Lambda Chapter, is a long time Big Brother who serves as the

General Chairman of the Alpha Phi Alpha/Big Brothers Big Sisters Partnership.




| XI BETA CHAPTER The Fraternal year-round efforts of the Xi Beta Chapter at Troy University led to three major university awards as well as campus and Fraternal leadership posts. During Greek Week last year, they won the Deans’ Cup which was based on the organization with the highest overall performance, member involvement, community service, and academics; along with two other awards for highest campus involvement award and the most community service award. In addition, the chapter also partnered with the Xi Beta Alumni Association to establish The Xi Beta Endowed Scholarship on the campus of Troy University, which is the only Greek organization-funded scholarship. Members of the chapter not only participate, but lead several campus organizations, including three Brothers on the executive board of the Elite 101 Men, an organization that helps develop Black men in society; the University Activities Council, with Brother Malik Moore (FA ’20 initiate) serving as its president; and four other Brothers active in the Student Government Association. Brother Jaelin Fleming (SP ’19 initiate) serves as Assistant Area Director for Area 3 for Alabama and also serves as chairman of the Southern Regional Ms. Black and Gold committee while Brother Colvin Prince Jr. (FA ’20 initiate) provided IT-support at the 96th General Convention I 115th Anniversary Convention in Indianapolis, IN. | BETA UPSILON CHAPTER

The Beta Upsilon Chapter, seated at Alabama State University, prevailed in becoming the two-time, consecutive Southern Region College Chapter of the Year (2020, 2021) and the District of Alabama’s College Chapter of the Year Award for the last three consecutive years.


During the 95th General Convention, the chapter was the 2019 Alpha Phi Alpha National Stroll-Off Champions and mostly recently, Brother Trentqual Rhone, an initiate of the chapter, was named National College Brother of the Year at the 96th General Convention. This past fraternal year, the chapter received awards for their voter registration drives with its Voteless People is a Hopeless People campaign efforts, including the recipient of a $3,000 grant from the John R. Lewis HBCU Fund for their voter education and anti-voter suppression initiative during the last presidential election. In addition, the Brothers also delivered personal protective equipment (PPE) to local residents to help mitigate concerns associated with COVID-19. On campus, the Brothers received national recognition for their initiative called, “Alpha Care,” where sanitary supplies and hygiene products were placed in the residence halls monthly to assist financially challenged students with emergent personal needs. They also conducted its “Alpha Angel Tree,” where they provided Christmas gifts for more than 100 pre-K children at the on-campus early childhood care center. Currently, more than 75% of the chapter has a 3.5 or higher, grade point average.


| IOTA DELTA CHAPTER Iota Delta Chapter at Florida State University served the Tallahassee community on multiple occasions throughout the summer. First, Brothers were able to dedicate their time and service to Project Annie, Inc and aid the underprivileged surrounding community in Tallahassee. Project Annie, Inc. serves as a local service-based organization that provides hot meals to those in need in the surrounding community. The chapter has been a consistent contributor to Project Annie’s overarching mission to provide nutritious meals to those less fortunate. Furthermore, the chapter has also partnered with Farm Share to distribute healthy and nutritious fruits, vegetables, proteins and other non-perishable food to Florida families, children, senior and individuals in need. Brothers were able to provide immediate food assistance for the families of Riley Elementary School and provide supplies to Tallahassee’s Kearney Center, which provides 24-hour comprehensive emergency services to individuals experiencing or on-the-verge of experiencing homelessness. Brothers of the Iota Delta chapter have also had the opportunity to take advantage of multiple internships over the summer. The Brothers have been able to work in their respective career fields with companies such as THE SPHINX®


Amazon, IBM, BlackRock, Procter and Gamble, Pepsi Co., and Seibert Williams Shank & Co. | IOTA BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Over the last 20+ years, the Iota Beta Lambda Chapter has provided college scholarships in some way to graduating high school seniors in Brevard County, Fla. continuing their education. That same community impact has continued this year with the award of Iota Beta Lambda Chapter scholarships to six high school students, including: Jalynn French, a graduate of Rockledge High School, who will be attending Florida A&M University where she will pursue her goal of becoming a nurse; Zyon Hayden, a graduate of Bayside High School, who was a member of the football team, active in the community, will be attending Friends University (Wichita, Kansas) and pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering and will also be part of their Football team; Dalyn Sims, a graduate of Rockledge High School, a member of the Varsity Boys basketball team among other activities, who will be attending Bethune-Cookman University, where he plans to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering; Mikyla Tolivert, a graduate of Palm Bay Magnet High School, excelled in basketball recognized as Florida Today Player of the Year, Breakfast of Champions Player of the Year, Brevard Sports Network Player of the Year, 5A-District 12 Player of the Year, Florida High School Athletic Association 5A Player of the Year, who made history as the first athlete in Brevard County to ever win the Florida Dairy Farmers 2020 Player of the Year, will be attending Georgia State University, and majoring in PreLaw, where she will be part of the Women’s Basketball team and intends on continuing her education to receive her Master’s Degree; Azaria Watkins, a graduate of Titusville High School, actively involved in extra-curricular activities, including as Student Senate President and Lieutenant Governor of the Key Club, who will be attending Valdosta State University, and majoring in Psychology, to be a Behavioral Specialist; and lastly, Jayden Weatherspoon, a graduate of Viera High School, who participated in basketball and worked part time, will be attending Edward Waters College and pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Sports Management. | IOTA PI LAMBDA CHAPTER Brothers from across Miami-Dade County, convened at Sgt. Joseph Delancey Park in Richmond Heights, Florida to walk and raise awareness about the need to support pregnant mothers through the research, advocacy, and maternal aid provided by the March of Dimes. As part of the March for Babies campaign, the Iota Pi Lambda Chapter engaged in social media fundraising CONVENTION ISSUE

with the proceeds going directly to the March of Dimes. The chapter spread its message through email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram sparking online conversations about the March of Dimes and its vital services. Additionally, to foster community engagement for the event, the Chapter invited the Mu Gamma Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., in the spirit of the Gwen Carmen Alpha Phi Alpha/Zeta Phi Beta Fundraising Challenge. The advocacy of the Brothers resulted in more than $2,700 raised for the March of Dimes. “Our chapter stands with March of Dimes to fight for the health of all moms and babies,” said Chapter President Brother Leslie Elus. “Families in our community and across the country are touched by the fundraising we do, and we won’t stop until we reach our goal of building a better future for us all.” | BETA BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER At the start of 2021, Beta Beta Lambda Chapter conducted a series of events dedicated to the memory of Brother Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., beginning with MLK Day of Service held on Saturday, January 16th. Chapter members, the chapter’s mentee group the Knights of Gold, and College Brothers from the Delta Psi Chapter at Florida Memorial University and Tau Delta Chapter at Florida International University, as well as family members and friends conducted a trash cleanup activity on the alumni chapter’s designated Adopt-A-Highway located on Northwest 183rd Street between 37th and 47th Avenues in Miami Gardens Florida. On Sunday, Jan. 17, the Chapter played an active role in the virtual church service celebrating the outstanding life of Brother King, partnering with the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, the Greater Miami Chapter of the Links, and the Jack and Jill Chapters of Miami Fl and South Miami Fl. The service which was pre-recorded was streamed on Zoom and the Church’s YouTube channel. During the service, the Chapter donated $500. And finally, on Monday, Jan. 18, the Chapter participated in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 5000 Role Model Virtual Scholarship Breakfast. As a sponsoring partner of the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Foundation, the Chapter donated $1000.00 towards the effort. The event was also streamed live on YouTube. | DELTA XI LAMBDA CHAPTER Literacy development starts early in life and is highly correlated with academic achievement. With this in 41


mind the Brothers of Delta Xi Lambda Chapter in conjunction with their non-profit arm, the Hankins Johnson Education Foundation have launched their Head Start to Literacy Initiative through the Callahan Head Start program in the Parramore section of Orlando this past Spring. The project, which targets kids ages 3-5 in underresourced areas, promotes daily reading, enhances writing skills, establishes critical & creative thinking, develops social skills, and promotes Kindergarten readiness. The Hankins Johnson Education Foundation purchased new books and flashcards while the chapter held a drive-thru donation event, where Brothers and their families were asked to donate new books and other much needed supplies. The combined efforts collected 165 new books, 48 sets of flashcards, over 7000 sheets of plain paper, over 3000 sheets of construction paper, 50 notebooks, 160 markers & highlighters, 50 boxes of crayons, 52 boxes of Ziploc bags, 70 containers of disinfectant wipes and assorted arts & crafts supplies. In addition, the alumni chapter along with the College Brothers of Xi Iota Chapter at the University of Central Florida also volunteered for Callahan’s Read Aloud program.


| RHO SIGMA LAMBDA CHAPTER In the last five years, the Rho Sigma Lambda Chapter located in McDonough (30 miles south of Atlanta) has seen tremendous growth in academic achievement of students in the Henry County Public Schools. However, despite improvements, many students of color are still far from proficient in reading and math. Especially striking is that by 3rd grade many of Georgia’s students show significant deficits in those academic areas In late 2019 the Rho Sigma Lambda Chapter partnered with Walnut Creek Elementary School to address the literacy deficit by donating more than 200 children’s books primarily written by African American authors and other people of color during Walnut Creek’s Literacy Night. The chapter also encouraged the students to develop a love for reading and celebrated the accomplishments of students who increased their reading scores the most during the first semester. The program has been so successful that the school now has an Alpha Young Achievers group of young boys who are developing interest in robotics, 42

engineering, medicine, as well as sports. Just prior to the pandemic, the Alpha Esquires (the chapter’s middle and high school group), demonstrated their robotics skills at Walnut Creek which opened the door for the elementary students to transition to the Alpha Esquires group. “Our students and parents look forward to their time with the members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,” says Principal Fredric Latschar. “They saw a need and together we will address that need and make a positive difference moving forward.”


| IOTA ALPHA LAMBDA (IAL) CHAPTER The Brothers of Iota Alpha Lambda Chapter, chartered in Harford and Cecil Counties in Maryland, overcame the challenges of the pandemic starting in 2020 to successfully execute its programs. In collaboration with the women of the local Delta Sigma Theta Chapter, the chapter recognized the importance of the impending primaries and general elections as well as diligently co-hosted several voter registration drives, and stressed the importance of those exercising their right to vote and completion of the 2020 US Census. Later in the year, the Brothers literally hit the streets to encourage citizens of Harford County to complete their commitment by getting to the polls. As part of the chapter’s Go-To High School, Go-To College National Program, the chapter sponsored, through its foundation, its annual Brother Donald J. Waldon Scholarship Banquet. The scholarship funds a full two-year scholarship for deserving minority males who matriculate at Cecil College or Harford Community College. The Chapter awarded and is currently funding three scholarships. In November 2020, IAL also joined Cecil College’s Multicultural Student Services Advisory Board (MSSAB) in its first ever 50/50 raffle, raising over $2,000 to fund two minority scholarships at the College: Eva Muse and Laney Hoxter Memorial Scholarships. In addition, the chapter provided funds to assist the Aberdeen Elementary School for computers so that students could continue their studies while virtual during the pandemic. THE SPHINX®


| RHO TAU LAMBDA CHAPTER In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, there was a hue and cry in the pursuit of justice from all communities. On June 25, 2021, Derek Chavin was finally sentenced to 22 ½ years in his death. While the announcement brought some solace about our justice system, the headline is one example of how audiences were mollified by using the word, “death” instead of “murder.” On the eve of that announcement, the Brothers of Rho Tau Lambda Chapter in Baltimore, Maryland had subsequently realized the depth of the words, actions, and disenfranchisement of people of color and presented; “The Criminalization of the Black Identity: A Panel Series.” The panel included Marjoleine Kars, PH.D. Of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Richard Bell, PH.D. of the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Brother Gregory Parks, JD, Ph.D. of Wake Forrest University Law School with Moderator, Brother Gerrod A.M. Williamson. In this first series, we examined the Criminalization of the Black identity through the lens of the Early Modern Period of Slavery; American history to 1865; American Revolution and the Civil War focusing on Free Black Communities and the civil litigation related to race and social science law. Overall, laws put in place to protect citizenry, have historically resulted in adverse effects for Black people. Despite the many historical and constant efforts achieving freedom and equality, Black people have never been considered American citizens. Black communities have been dismantled, exploited, and denied access to wealth and resources for generations, an effect directly derived to the ideology that Black people are criminals and black bodies are inhuman.

in 1942 while attending Alcorn A&M College. He later served as the Vocational-Technical Program Director at Coahoma Junior College (now Coahoma Community College) as well as a shop teacher in 1948 in Vocational Education and Myrtle Hall School and the new W.A. Higgins High School. He has received several awards, including: the recipient of several Brother of the Year awards, Oldest Active Chapter Senior Brother Award, and was the 2021 Brother Dr. MLK Gala Honoree. He continues to remain active within the Epsilon Xi Lambda Chapter serving as treasurer and has remained financially active for 67 consecutive years. The chapter’s education foundation is also named in his honor. Literacy development starts early in life and is highly correlated with academic achievement. With this in mind the Brothers of Delta Xi Lambda Chapter in conjunction with their non-profit arm, the Hankins Johnson Education Foundation have launched their Head Start to Literacy Initiative through the Callahan Head Start program in the Parramore section of Orlando this past Spring. The project, which targets kids ages 3-5 in underresourced areas, promotes daily reading, enhances writing skills, establishes critical & creative thinking, develops social skills and promotes Kindergarten readiness. The Hankins Johnson Education Foundation purchased new books and flashcards while the chapter held a drive-thru donation event, where Brothers and their families were asked to donate new books and other much needed supplies. The combined efforts collected 165 new books, 48 sets of flashcards, over 7000 sheets of plain paper, over 3000 sheets of construction paper, 50 notebooks, 160 markers & highlighters, 50 boxes of crayons, 52 boxes of Ziploc bags, 70 containers of disinfectant wipes and assorted arts & crafts supplies.

“. . . our challenges are not unique to any one place but systemic,” says Brother Dr. Parks while restating the Fraternity’s aims. “To be serious about addressing these many challenges, we as Alpha’s must not die out or repurpose but only just stay in the fight.”

In addition, the alumni chapter along with the College Brothers of Xi Iota Chapter at the University of Central Florida also volunteered for Callahan’s Read Aloud program.


| ZETA NU LAMBDA CHAPTER Leveraging community partnerships and local resources, Zeta Nu Lambda Chapter, under the leadership of President Brother Sherlock Dow, garnered the support needed to give youth in grades 7-12 across the New Jersey the opportunity to learn and apply fundamental, long-term investing skills through a unique, interactive 4-week virtual program.

| EPSILON ZETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Epsilon Zeta Lambda Chapter recognized its first initiate, Brother Samuel Lee Blackburn, who also turned 100 years old last November. He was initiated on May 12, 1953. Brother Blackburn graduated from Alcorn A&M College (now Alcorn State University), located in Lorman, MS, and registered for the World War II draft CONVENTION ISSUE




This 4-week virtual program divided activity time between educational lectures and interactive team collaboration segments. Guest speakers provided mini lectures on such topics as stocks, bonds, ETFs, cryptocurrency, real estate, futures, and options which were then followed by interactive investment experiences. In addition, the teens managed $100,000 virtual cash to demystify the stock market, trade stock, build a portfolio, and participate in a little friendly competition. Through this active engagement teens cultivated realworld skills and practice in mathematics, language arts, economics, as well as financial literacy. | ZETA MU LAMBDA CHAPTER Zeta Mu Lambda Chapter conducted several projects to provide support and service to the area’s youth. The chapter partnered with Canopy’s South Mississippi Children’s Advocacy Center to collect school supplies for the Children’s Advocacy Center children. The SMCAC serves child victims, vulnerable adults, and their families in South MS. In addition, the chapter purchased and collected close to 70 neck ties for a project at a local elementary school in Gulfport, MS as well as adopted elementary schools on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and provided breakfast and lunch to the faculty on May 22 and Aug. 3.


| ETA NU CHAPTER Eta Nu Chapter at East Carolina University, which celebrated its 50th Anniversary on April 3, has the distinction of being the University’s first Black fraternity. During its establishment, the chapter had received help and guidance from Brother Dr. Andrew Best, an Alpha and prominent member of the Greenville community,

who was notable for orchestrating the desegregation of East Carolina College and Pitt County Memorial Hospital (now Vidant Medical Center) in the 1960s. Since then, the chapter continued to break barriers in subsequent years. Alpha Phi Alpha members became the first African American Vice President and President of the Student Government Association, and the first African American Homecoming King. Chapter members, which recently connected virtually (since an in-person event was postponed due to the ongoing pandemic), initiated 11 new Brothers and kicked off a scholarship campaign, are planning a full-scale event to celebrate the 50th anniversary at a later date. | XI ETA CHAPTER Over the summer, Brothers of Xi Eta Chapter at Wake Forest University have continued to demonstrate hard work and excellence as they prepare to return to school this Fall. Brothers Jaquarii Roberson and Justice Ellison have been tirelessly working on the football field, increasing skills and notability. Brother Roberson has been featured in Bojangles ads and other ACC reports which show that audiences and scouts are anxiously awaiting his return while Brother Ellison has participated in several training camp experiences as well as been featured on social media platforms focused on promising collegiate talent. In other parts of North Carolina, Brothers have completed their internships and work. Brother Cameron French worked with the SMP which is a rigorous business program for those who are not business majors; Brother Myles Cyrus has been working diligently and strengthening his medical resumé through shadowing and other networking tactics while Brother Maurice Cowley III has been gaining engineering experience through an internship and shadowing opporutnities. In St. Louis, Brother Jonathan Willliams is working with the Vivint Sales Team, where he is conducting door-todoor sales throughout this Summer. He did so well the company has offered him a permanent position in the Winston-Salem Community. | BETA NU LAMBDA CHAPTER Advocacy can often take several forms. In the Beta Nu Lambda Chapter seated in Charlotte, NC, the chapter found several ways to place advocacy at the center of all of its work. In Elevating the Alpha Spirit, the chapter’s political action committee has instituted political roundtables,




movie-screenings followed by discussions, in addition to marches and rallies for social and racial justice despite the challenges of COVID-19 and to keep the Brotherhood and our community safe. This year, the chapter offered “Keeping Up with the Candidates,” a monthly advocacy issue-focused series with two main priorities: to inform and educate our Alpha Brotherhood and the broader public about the roles and responsibilities of elected offices at all levels, and to hold candidates who are now in elected offices accountable for the promises, initiatives, and platforms that they ran on.


| BETA ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER The Brothers of the Beta Eta Lambda Chapter and the Alpha Community Foundation of Oklahoma purchased a former elementary school to turn it into a community center. The 27,500-square-foot Garden Oaks Elementary School is located in Oklahoma City and will cost about $1 million dollars to fully renovate. The Beta Eta Lambda hopesthis new community center will be that permanent home for several of their initiatives and programs, including its Alpha Boys Institute, a mentoring outreach program.

The March event featured five Mecklenburg County judges and a discussion around what is needed within the judicial system, how our community can get involved and stay active, as well as what must be done to create a more equitable, fair, and just society. In April, the chapter hosted elected Charlotte City Council representatives to discuss displacement, affordable housing, and economic development among other topics. | SIGMA DELTA CHAPTER The Sigma Delta Chapter at Elon College, now Elon University, will mark its 30th anniversary on Sept. 29 and will observe the milestone during the university’s homecoming this fall. Since the initiation of its 12-member charter line, the Pharaohs of the Future, by the Kappa Lambda Chapter of Greensboro, N.C., and the Beta Epsilon Chapter of North Carolina A&T University, more than 90 Brothers have been initiated. The chapter and its members have also received several awards and recognitions, including NPHC Chapter of the Year, SGA Organization of the Year, Most Service Hours per Member, Fraternity of the Year, and many others. Several Brothers have been Black Excellence Award recipients for scholastic achievement; as well as Elon Fellows, a prestigious class of leaders from different majors across undergraduate students while eight Brothers have been inducted into Elon’s Greek Life Hall of Fame at Elon. One of the chapter’s early initiates, Brother David Bynes, was the university’s first Black Homecoming King, while Brother David Morrow was the university’s first Black drum major. In addition, the chapter has won the homecoming step show 11 times in 30 years. Of course, Sigma Delta’s success doesn’t stop there. Several Sigma Delta Brothers who majored in Music Theater have gone on to appear in movies, TV, and on Broadway, including Brother Daniel J. Watts who was nominated for a Tony Award for his role as Ike Turner in Tina, the Musical. CONVENTION ISSUE

In addition, the chapter is planning to offer low-cost office space for local businesses and community leaders and include a computer lab and community library. Other additions to the space include a game room for neighboring students, a music studio, and a multipurpose room, where free community activities like martial arts, exercise and dance classes are provided. While the building’s transformation continues, Fraternity members have been hosting community outreach activities outside of the building. Brothers have also continued their work in the community by giving away over $100,000 annually in scholarships, hosting political candidate forums, voter registration campaigns, and drives, and clothing and food drives for those in need. Brothers also anticipate a full transformation of the building inside and out. New roofs, exterior wall strengthening, and new heating and air conditioning capabilities are among many of the upgrades. The chapter also anticipates other upgrades to the 10-acre former school grounds, including possible new walking paths, an outdoor pavilion for festivals, a basketball court and other sports fields, as well as a free community garden.


| XI TAU LAMBDA CHAPTER The Brothers of Xi Tau Lambda Chapter, also known as the North Dallas Alphas, joined with the Collin County Chapter of the NAACP to protest the death of Marvin Scott in April 2021. 45


After being arrested at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, for possession of two ounces of marijuana – a misdemeanor on March 14, he was taken to a hospital for what the police called “strange behavior” and then transported to a correctional facility in McKinney,

appreciation and Yarbrough acknowledged individual employees for going above and beyond. Afterwards, store employees enjoyed a complimentary lunch from Daddy’s Soul Food & Grille, a local Black-owned restaurant, as a token of thanks from the chapter.


| TAU ZETA LAMBDA On July 13, the General Board of Directors of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. gave its approval to grant a provisional charter for the first Alpha chapter in the Dominican Republic, seated in Santo Domingo.

Texas, where detention officers used pepper spray and covered his head with a spit hood while attempting to restrain him. He became unresponsive and was later pronounced dead. A medical examiner ruled the cause of death was “fatal acute stress response in an individual with previously diagnosed schizophrenia during restraint struggle with law enforcement.” While seven corrections officers were fired regarding the incident, and one officer resigned, a grand jury later declined to indict the eight former detention officers. The protest included a march and rally, where more than 500 protestors carried signs declaring “We Are Done Dying,” “Justice For Our People,” and “We Demand Justice.” At the rally, Lee Merritt, the Scott family’s attorney, spoke about a Texas trend of undervaluing the lives of Black people in mental health crisis. The victim’s family shared inspiring messages about his life.


| DELTA CHI LAMBDA CHAPTER Employees of two Family Dollar grocery stores in areas of Milwaukee that were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 were acknowledged and treated to lunch by the Brothers of Delta Chi Lambda Chapter on July 25.

That chapter, dubbed, Tau Zeta Lambda, was born at the Fraternity’s 96th General Convention and 115th Anniversary Convention in Indianapolis, IN, on July 17. Its impetus was an email from Brother Dr. John Carter in October of 2020, after several Dominican brothers participated in the Vota Latino initiative organized by Brother Ramon Peralta for the 2020 Presidential Election under then-General President Ward’s direction. Charter members includes Brothers Ernesto Morillo, David Campaña, Cesar Coronado, Francisco Colon, Alexander Sepulveda, Ramon Peralta, Erik Tejada, Amado Vargas and Miguel Rodriguez. On September 19, chapter members elected the following 2022-2023 slate of officers: Chapter President, Brother Ernesto Morillo; Chapter VicePresident, Brother Alexander Sepulveda; Chapter Secretary, Brother Cesar Coronado; Chapter Treasurer, Brother David Campana; Sergeant-At-Arms, Brother Jean Paul Lacon; Chaplain, Brother Argenis Rodriguez; Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx, Brother Miguel Rodriguez; Director of Intake, Brother Ralph Baker; Parliamentarian, Brother Erik Tejada; and lastly, Director of Reclamation, Brother Miguel Pozo.

Brother Dr. Kenny E. Yarbrough, who chaired the organizing committee, observed, “People have been going to great lengths to celebrate medical staff, EMS, firefighters, police, etc., but these (grocery store) workers have not been celebrated as much.”

The Chapter is excited to do the work of Alpha and continue the blueprint that our 7 Jewels created and fought very hard for. The inaugural TZL Alpha Week is scheduled for July 13 - July 18, 2022 in Santo Domingo, DR.

For each store, Chapter President Brother Clint Myrick awarded the store manager with a certificate of

The chapter website can be found at






There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes’ stock and soul There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won’t forsake There goes a man in cultured verse Who hold a sportsman’s creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time morn. There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift The lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with industry and faith at his command There goes the best man in and out For he is an Alpha Man.


rother Chaundee Brown, Jr., a 2019 Xi Eta Chapter initiate at Wake Forest University, recently signed with the NBA’s Los Angeles Lakers. Brother Brown, who was an undrafted guard from the University of Michigan, emerged as a significant addition to the college team off the bench in the 2021 season. He is signed under an Exhibition 10 contract with the Lakers and showed off his athletic ability during the NBA Summer League. Previously, Brother Brown played college basketball for the Wake Forest University’s Demon Deacons. He was the No. 60 ranked prospect on the ESPN 100. S



or Brother Victor Solomon, “one of the greatest feelings ever” was getting award-winning singer and songwriter John Legend to turn around during his performance on NBC’s The Voice. The 2020 Beta Epsilon chapter initiate at North Carolina A&T University was recently a finalist on NBC’s popular singing competition television series. “Even though Blake (Shelton) turned around first, John Legend was the first person I saw turn around for me because my eyes were closed,” he says. “Even performing Freedom at the end, which was such a powerful song for me to perform in front of millions, was huge.” Brother Solomon is the past Mister A&T and a senior at North Carolina A&T University, majoring in business management. S 47




rother Scorpio Rogers, a 1990 initiate of the Theta Zeta chapter at Dartmouth University, was appointed Interim Vice President of Mercy College’s Mercy Manhattan. In his new position, Brother Rogers will serve as the senior, on-site management representative for Mercy Manhattan and provide essential leadership to help the college achieve ambitious goals related to enrollment, student success, and creating connections with community partners in New York City. Brother Rogers previously served as Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor at Mercy College in the School of Business on the Bronx Campus. S



rother Scott Kemp, a 1986 Psi Chapter initiate at the University of Pennsylvania, was appointed to lead Food Operations for Connecticut Food Bank/Foodshare. As the Head of Food Operations, Brother Scott will provide direction and leadership to the organization’s food sourcing, distribution, warehousing of food, and transportation. Brother Scott has over twenty years of expertise in the commercial food and beverage industry, has led business developments for several brand names including PepsiCo and Coca-Cola and holds a B.S. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. S



rothers Ameer Brown [’10], Anthony Brown [’08], Dan Ware [’10], and Rotimi Omosheyin [’10], initiates of the Beta Nu Chapter at Florida A&M University established a music marketing platform, MusicBreakr to promote independent artists. The Brothers raised $4 million for the platform. MusicBreakr is an app that bridges gaps between creatives and DJs who aim to have their music heard and fosters collaborations. The group currently has over 50,000 creators across 133 countries. Founded in 2020, the Brothers have lined up significant hip-hop artists and investors, including Nas, retired NBA All-Star Baron Davis, and global sportsstreaming service DAZN Kevin Mayer. They have also partnered with concert series Rolling Loud Miami 2021, where the artist with the best song had a chance to perform with headliners Travis Scott, Post Malone, and A$AP Rocky. S



rother Dr. Ronnie Hopkins, a 1989 initiate of Beta Theta Lambda was named the 10th President of Voorhees College. Brother Hopkins was chosen with a unanimous decision by the Voorhees College Board of Trustees. Brother Hopkins has been in higher education for nearly 30 years, having served in senior leadership roles and instructional positions. Before being named president of the college, Brother Hopkins served as interim president as well as the institution’s provost and vice president for academic affairs. Brother Hopkins has authored more than 10 research articles, received $30 million in grant funding to advance higher education priorities, and conducted international scholarly research in several countries across the globe. S 48





rother Eric Tymer Kimbrough, a 2017 Upsilon Omicron chapter initiate at Oglethorpe University, Kennesaw State University transfer student, and Cultural & Community Centers Program Assistant, worked as a member of the Summer 2021 Team for the AmeriCorps VISTA program, successfully completing an impressive 400 community service hours. AmeriCorps VISTA, a national service program that was established in 1965 and designed to alleviate poverty, has encouraged, and allowed over 220,000 members to join the fight against poverty by helping local organizations expand their capacity to make change. In his role, he and three others advanced Kennesaw State University’s African American Male Initiative (AAMI) Program, led multiple workshops and virtual leadership webinars, as well as planned both volunteer and community service outreach events. AmeriCorps recognized and highlighted his efforts in its July newsletter. S



lack men in astrology circles are already a rarity. But when two Alpha men find themselves in the field’s leadership, the stars must have aligned. In the last year, Brother Omari Martin, was named chairman of the board of directors for Kepler College, one of the key schools of online education in the astrology world while Brother Samuel Reynolds was named the vice president of the board of directors of the International Academy of Astrology, the oldest online school of astrology in the world. Brother Martin, MAFM, LPMAFA, NCGR-PAA I, a 2013 Rho Zeta Lambda Chapter initiate and member, is a certified professional astrologer and a life member of the American Federation Astrologers (AFA), President of The Friends of Astrology, Inc., Treasurer of the Astrology News Service, and Chairman of the board for Kepler College. He has a Level I certification through the National Council of Geocosmic Research – Professional Astrologer’s Alliance. Brother Martin is a life member of the Organization for Professional Astrology, a certified teacher with the Church of Light – Brotherhood of Light lessons, and a certified integrative NLP practitioner through the Association for Integrative Psychology. Brother Reynolds, ISAR CAP, NCGR-III, a 1987 Delta Zeta Chapter initiate at Syracuse University and member of Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter, was a former self-described skeptic, but had a life-changing visit to an astrologer and has since spent 30 years doing charts and studying astrology. He currently serves on the board of directors for the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), the International Academy of Astrology, and the Astrology News Service. He’s also a co-founder of the International Society of Black Astrologers, and a faculty member for the International Academy of Astrology. Brother Reynolds has written for multiple print and online outlets, including,,, and New York magazine. His website is S




LICENSED MANUFACTURERS AND VENDORS* 3 Sisters Embroidery, LLC Cathy Sheppard 5410 NC Hwy 55 STE D Durham, NC 27713 919.572.6864

Bolton Business Services, LLC Henry Bolton 100 Azalea Drive Columbus, MS 39705 662.386.2253

Designed 2 Dribble, LLC Cheryl Sellers, CEO 3305 Anne De Bourgh Drive Triangle, VA 22172 719.963.0363

AD Greek 179-10 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 718.454.4211

Clotho Productions LLC Steven Hoel 3844 S. Santa Fe Ave Vernon, CA 90058 310.901.1735

Alpha One Greek & Promotional Items LLC Robert Jones 11 S. Vandeventer Ave St. Louis, MO 63108 314.534.4733

College Crib, Inc. T. O. Price 2719 Jefferson Street Price Plaza-Suite D Nashville, TN 37208 615.329.3885

APGG/Stuff4Greeks Monica Allen 1339 Marietta Blvd, Suite C 6400 Powers Ferry Rd, NW Atlanta, GA 30318 404.792.2526

Craftique Mfg. Co** Dean Hogue PO Box 4422 Chattanooga, TN 37405 800.251.1014

Doom Wear Designs Alain Uyidi 14 Mulholland Ct Mission Viejo, CA 92692 949.278.7831

Creative Options of America, LLC Anita Harris PO Box 311497 Atlanta, GA 31131 404.349.2185

DVN Co., LLC Divine Creations Clothing, Co. Danielle Render 2070 Attic Parkway, Suite 302 Kennesaw, GA 30152

Creative Woods Charles “Chas” Brooks 116 Shannon Chase Drive Fairburn, GA 30213 678.592.1541

Esmie’s Closet Amityville, NY 11701 516.986.7799

Aphiliated, LLC 816.527.6489 Big Boy Headgear, Inc.** Joanne Kim 1321 S. Burlington Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90006 213.388.2744 Believe Accessories Erika Thomas Columbus, GA 706.780.1023

Div9ne Fitness Owings Mills, MD 443.447.2106

Express Design Group, Inc Joseph Tantilo 6 Commerce Drive Freeburg, IL 62243 618.539.9998 * as of 2.13.22


Distinctive Specialties (Greek Paraphernalia) dba Rare Case, LLC LaVonne McDowell 7925 North Tyson Street, Suite 113 Charlotte, NC 28262 704.547.9005

** Licensed Manufacturer



Faith and Blessings 240.838.6508 Free Radical Labs, LLC dba Obsidian Mercantile Exchange Jason Robinson, PHD Athens, GA 706.521.3790 Greek CertiPHIed Apparel Kenyon Holley Philadelphia, PA 19142 267.716.7602 Greek Dynasty P. O. Box 2053 Jonesboro, GA 30237 866.950.7373 Greek Escape 2801 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90007 213.747.4442 Greek4Life Shedrick Warren 4231 East McCain Blvd. North Little Rock, AR 72117 501.955.8227 Greek Occasions, LLC Tommie Arnold, Jr. 1502 Kincross Street Flossmoor, IL 60422

Greek Traditions** Darrin Thomas 1806 Washington Street Columbia, SC 29201 803.254.6404 House of A Lyndell Pittman Anthony J. Morina Drive Stony Point, NY 10980 646.373.5296 J Mar Specialty/ Greek Life Shop Inc. 1101 Belmar Street Columbus, GA 31907 770.484.1798 Kendall’s Greek Duncan, SC 29334 864.304.7043 The King McNeal Collection** Kankakee, IL 815.351.9188 Michael Madison Design Michael Madison 407.501.6083 My Greek Letters** Nicolas Cunningham Harrison, TN 423.475.9331 MyWoodCanvas, LLC Fort Lauderdale, FL 305.781.3248


National Convention Sales Cory Davis 4857 Neal Ridge Atlanta, GA 30349 281.507.7776 404.632.4819 Old Gold Fine Art Old Gold Fine Art LLC Steven Patterson 830.345.0279 Old Gold Goods Paul Vaughns Fort Worth, TX 817.412.3418 Pat’s Exclusives Pat Bell 4810 Ashford Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301.248.2882 Pegasus Promotional Products Rick Davis 110 Clifton PL., #3c Brooklyn, NY 11238 718.230.0991 Penz by Design 2180 Satellite Blvd, Suite 400 Duluth, GA 30097 877.736.7117 Perfect Apparel, LLC 8770 Commerce Park Place, Suite C Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.398.5553



PhirstPham Greek Boutique LLC Roland & Andrea Ridgeway 560 Peoples Plaza #279 Newark, DE 19702 202.656.1768

Savage Promotions, Inc.** Kim Savage 300 S Front St. Steelton, PA 17113 717.939.1152

Phorever Phirst 707.344.2088

Schaffes’s Wooden Treasures Schaffe Smith 2302 Brookhaven Drive Champaign, IL 61821 217.369.0508

PHrontRunners, LLC Kelvin Thomas 757.602.4940 Real Greek Apparel Company Robert Taylor 2912 N. MacArthur Blvd #103 Irving, TX 75062 815.454.5371 Red Light Group, LLC House of Greeks 773.559.6598 Royalty & Beads dba Forever Southern Royalty Victoria Evans 1610 Danube Court Atlanta, GA 30349 901.218.8721 Royal Works-Texas Johnny King III 72 Palmero Way Manvel, TX 77578 346.253.6342 The Sandz, Inc. Dedric Benton 704.975.3900


Sharp Crisp Clean 9614 Summer Point Avenue Baton, LA 70810 954.243.5764 Soror Bling Marlene Jones 2110 The Oaks Blvd. Kissimmee, FL 34746 407.818.7971 Sororitique 3324 S. Halsted Chicago, IL 773.801.1529 Stuart Consulting Group, Inc.** Brad Aboff 4191 Dairy Court Port Orange, FL 32127 386.236.2236

TCE Shop 800.336.2719 Three J’s Products James Bennett 1301 Edgebrook Lane Snellville, GA 30078 678.467.2093 Turf Gear Gerald J. Brown 10255 Lisco Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89183 510.633.9870 Uzuri Kd Kidz/ Uzuri Greek 6262 Alissa Lane Columbus, OH 43213 614.440.4601 Varsity Apparel, LLC Aaron Givens 3831 Vaile Avenue Florissant, MO 63034 501.920.4497 Worldwide Origins, LLC 314.749.2534 X-Press Yourself Worldwide Arlington, TX 817.269.5767

The Tatum Group, LLC 2266 Canterbury Cir. Akron, OH 44319 330.807.4973



Life-long Educator and Service Man Transitions to Omega


rother Robert Nelson Cann, Sr. was born on March 4, 1915, in Crossett, Arkansas to Williams Cann and Seth Robert Cann. Brother Cann graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. He entered Omega Chapter on July, 12, 2021. After high school, Brother Cann enrolled in Dunbar Junior College where he majored in the sciences. After completing Dunbar Junior College, Brother Cann continued his education at Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana where he received his Bachelor of Science in 1939. While there, he was baptized and received both First Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation at local Catholic churches and was initiated into the Beta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., on May 21, 1938. Brother Cann was one of Alpha Phi Alpha’s oldest living initiates having celebrated 83 years as a member of the fraternity. Brother Cann worked in Little Rock and New Orleans before enlisting into the U.S. Military in 1941. After


completing his training at Camp Funston at Fort Riley in Kansas, Brother Cann was appointed to Troop F in the 10th Cavalry, one of the esteemed Buffalo Soldier regiments, where he qualified for Officer Training School and was assigned leadership roles such as Quarter Supply Officer. Serving the Third Army under General Eisenhower, his staging for D-Day included Scotland and England with one of the highlights of his military career occurring during the Battle of the Bulge. Following his discharge in Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five, Brother Cann continued to serve in the Reserve Corp as a Captain. Brother Cann eventually made his way to New York where he worked for the Veteran Administration from 19461948 and then the Railway Mail Service where he was honored for decades of service. In 1967, Brother Cann began his distinguished career as an educator, working at Public School 158 in Brooklyn before being appointed as the Assistant Principal at P.S. 158. Brother Cann was a life-long teacher, learner, and champion for equality and justice. S




A Man of Multi-Generational Talent


rother Dr. Stanley McKenzie was born on October 6, 1944, in Miami, Florida. He is a graduate of Miami Northwestern High School. Brother McKenzie was initiated into the Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on June 21, 1997. He entered Omega Chapter on July 21, 2021. After completing high school, Brother McKenzie continued his education at New York University (NYU), where he played college basketball, scored over One-Thousand points, and was inducted into the NYU Hall of Fame in 1984. He also studied International Law at the University of Perugia in Italy. The Baltimore Bullets selected Brother McKenzie during the 1966 NBA Draft. During his NBA career, he would play guard for several teams, including: the Phoenix Suns, Portland Trailblazers, and Houston Rockets. An NBA multi-record holder, Brother McKenzie holds a more than 50-year record for “Most Free Throws,” taken in one quarter, beating out NBA legend, Wilt Chamberlain. After retiring from the NBA, Brother McKenzie spent more than two decades in human resources


and personnel services. He served in managerial positions with several corporations, handling day-to-day operations, overseeing a multi-milliondollar budget, writing U.S. government proposals, supervising and training staff, contract negotiations, client relations, and streamlining and implementing security procedures. In 2000, Brother McKenzie served as an Episcopal Supervisor of Missions and Children’s Work of the Women’s Missionary Society, where he instituted several programs to improve the lives of the youth, adults, and the greater community. He also became the first male supervisor in the AME Church’s more than 200-year history when his wife, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie was elected as its first female bishop. A Life Member of the Fraternity, he was also a member of the Rho Nu Lambda Chapter in Carrollton, Texas. Brother McKenzie is the recipient of several honors and awards, including: the Jesse Owens Lifetime Achievement Award from the Fraternity, and was an active member of many organizations such as 100 Black Men, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the NBA Players Association.




Scholar to a Golden Era in Academia Brother Dr. Frederick S. Humphries, Sr. was born on December 26, 1935, in Apalachicola, Florida to Minnie Henry and Thornton Humphries. He transitioned to the higher realm of Omega Chapter on June 24, 2021. Brother Humphries graduated from Wallace M. Quinn High School in 1953. After completing high school, Brother Humphries continued his education at Florida A&M University, where he graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in chemistry in 1957 before going on to complete a master’s and a doctorate in physical chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh. Brother Humphries was the first African American to obtain a Ph.D. in his discipline from the University of Pittsburgh. While a student at FAMU, Brother Humphries was initiated into the Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on November 18, 1954, and was a long-time member of the Gamma Mu Lambda Chapter seated in Tallahassee, Florida. Brother Humphries had an extraordinary career. He taught at the University of Minnesota before returning to his alma mater as a professor of chemistry in 1968. Starting in 1967, Brother Humphries was the director of the Thirteen College Curriculum Program for HBCU’s which was a comprehensive first-year college academic program to enhance the learning achievements of and retention of African American students in higher education. In 1974, he was named president of Tennessee State University. During his tenure, Brother Humphries guided the HBCU through the merger with the predominately white institution University of Tennessee-Nashville campus. The legal case for integration marked the first time an HBCU had successfully merged and acquired a PWI in American history.


In 1985, Brother Humphries left TSU to become president of FAMU. The 16 years Brother Humphries occupied the president’s office are described as FAMU’s golden years. While there, he created the Life Gets Better Scholarship and the Graduate School Feeder Program, which more than doubled enrollment while simultaneously raising academic standards, increased the number of National Achievement Scholars, ranking first in the nation three times, surpassing Harvard University and Stanford University. This helped boost FAMU to the nation’s No. 1 spot as a producer of African Americans with baccalaureate degrees, and to No. 3 in the nation as the baccalaureate institution of origin for African American doctoral degree recipients. In 1997 FAMU was selected as TIME Magazine/ Princeton Review “College of the Year”. Brother Humphries also served in several roles in higher education and his community, including as president and CEO of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, Regent Professor at the FAMU College of Law in Orlando, chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, member of President Bill Clinton’s White House Advisory Committee on HBCUs, member of the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Barnett Bank (Bank of America), the National Merit Corporation, the Princeton Review, Academy for Educational Development and a founder and board member of the Thurgood Marshall Fund. His awards and commendations include the Thurgood Marshall Award for Higher Education, the Drum Major for Justice Award for Higher Education, Floridian of the Year, the Trumpet Award for Education, a Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to African Americans in Engineering, and numerous honorary doctorate degrees.



A COMPREHENSIVE MEMORIAL LIST OF BROTHERS TRANSITIONING TO OMEGA CHAPTER BETWEEN THE FRATERNITY’S 95TH AND 96TH GENERAL CONVENTIONS For each member, included is his name, chapter of initiation, date of initiation, and date of death or date of reporting of death. All of the information is based on what is submitted by chapters and family members, which has been reconciled with the Fraternity’s records. Albert J. Abrams Iota Eta 12/1/76 1/1/20

Noel Allwood Theta Epsilon 12/22/83 1/1/20

Thomas E. Asbury Gamma Mu 4/6/57 5/14/20

Raphael A. Baranco Chi 4/1/58 1/1/20

Coley M. Bellamy Beta Sigma 4/1/55 1/1/20

David F. Bluford Zeta Zeta Lambda 5/17/69 5/27/20

Nathaniel Abston Theta Delta 2/22/72 1/1/21

Thaddas L. Alston Sigma 4/29/65 1/1/21

Gregory C. Ashley Delta Psi 4/21/84 1/1/21

Donald l. Barber Eta Rho Lambda 3/23/14 1/1/21

Frederick C. Bennett Nu 10/6/82 12/6/20

Regis Bobonis Omicron 6/1/50 1/1/20

Darryl R. Adams Alpha Delta 12/5/82 12/22/20

Franklin R. Ampy Beta Gamma 4/21/56 4/3/20

Jimmie O. Atmore Mu Zeta Lambda 1/13/84 12/5/20

Samuel D. Barham Beta Gamma 12/10/48 9/1/20

Marion D. Bennett Iota 12/14/56 1/1/20

James E. Bolden Alpha Chi 4/7/51 1/1/20

Heath Adams Pi Kappa 11/29/86 2/16/21

Amel J. Anderson Theta Iota 12/16/59 6/5/21

Bruce A. August Theta Mu 12/4/76 1/1/20

John Barnett Delta 9/15/78 12/29/19

Timothy G. Benson Gamma Iota 2/22/92 8/1/19

Wiley S. Bolden Beta Upsilon 5/6/38 1/1/20

Richard T. Adams Delta Lambda 3/22/97 1/1/20

Arthur J. Anderson Theta Sigma Lambda 6/1/68 12/22/20

Curtis H. Austin Delta Phi 12/5/69 1/1/21

Corey J. Bartley Delta Beta 4/3/99 4/7/21

Isaac H. Berry Beta Omicron 5/6/61 2/25/20

Carey L. Boone Epsilon Iota Lambda 5/1/52 1/1/20

Samuel L. Adams Alpha Chi 11/24/79 4/13/20

James Anderson Psi Lambda 3/19/88 1/1/20

Joseph M. Austin Xi Alpha Lambda 5/3/92 1/1/21

Ronald D. Barton Xi Epsilon 3/5/83 2/18/20

Walter L. Berry Xi Alpha Lambda 4/24/87 1/1/21

J. E. Bowier Kappa Phi 8/19/76 6/27/21

William Adams Zeta Mu Lambda 2/3/62 1/1/20

Joel W. Anderson Alpha Tau Lambda 9/30/46 1/1/21

James L. Avery Delta Alpha Lambda 5/17/86 1/1/20

H. M. Bass Beta Epsilon 5/18/33 1/1/20

Robert Bess Delta Eta 2/23/60 1/1/20

Percell R. Bowser Gamma Beta 2/1/53 6/18/21

Olutosin S. Akintod Epsilon Rho 11/15/14 12/1/20

Sharron R. Anderson Omicron Xi 4/25/09 10/9/20

Cuttie W. Bacon Beta Mu 11/21/82 5/14/21

Frank Battle Beta Sigma 11/30/49 1/1/20

Louis B. Beverly Delta Phi 4/1/57 3/7/20

Sidney L. Boyd Gamma Omicron 11/25/67 1/1/20

Harland P. Alexander Xi 1/30/48 1/1/20

Thomas Anderson Gamma Sigma 1/26/57 10/21/19

Warren K . Badgett Delta Xi 4/15/60 6/23/20

Leonard C. Battle Gamma Upsilon 10/1/54 1/1/21

Stephen J. Boykin Alpha Epsilon 8/11/69 1/1/20

Romeo Alford Alpha Tau Lambda 4/12/48 1/1/21

Willie J. Anderson Kappa 1/12/52 1/1/21

William H. Bailey Alpha Rho 3/1/46 1/1/20

Claude Batts Delta Gamma 4/11/68 1/1/20

Karl V. Binns Delta Omicron Lambda 12/8/91 4/2/21

Keith Allen Epsilon Rho 4/20/98 8/22/20

Ahmad Ansar Rho Lambda 11/20/99 11/5/20

Smith A. Baker Epsilon Iota Lambda 4/14/90 1/1/20

Charles Bazile Nu Theta Lambda 5/1/81 5/30/20

Stephen Allen Omicron Xi 3/27/82 1/21/21

Joseph L. Anthony Beta Omicron 4/28/51 9/3/20

Arthur Baldwin Delta Gamma Lambda 12/9/65 1/1/20

Ril M. Beatty Theta Lambda 6/16/07 1/1/20

William A. Allen Delta Xi 12/5/61 1/1/21

Leon W. Armistead Epsilon Iota Lambda 12/1/51 1/1/20

Gladwin Ball Zeta Psi Lambda 4/30/77 1/1/20

Edward Beck Epsilon Epsilon 3/1/67 1/1/21

Ervin C. Allgood Delta Zeta 11/20/77 1/1/21

Bryson C. Armstead Gamma Psi 2/1/48 1/1/20

Franklin D. Ball Pi Delta 5/16/85 7/30/20

Kevin L. Beckett Delta Lambda 4/23/83 3/30/21

Preston R. Allison Beta Nu Lambda 5/9/69 1/1/20

C. C. Armstrong Theta Sigma Lambda 1/1/20

Lawrence D. Bannister Psi 4/18/68 12/12/20

Andre E. Bell Iota Omicron 3/29/91 11/1/20

Johnny L. Blackwell Gamma Beta 12/9/60 1/1/21 Marion R. Blair Beta Epsilon 11/20/51 1/1/21 Marcel D. Blakely Beta Delta 12/10/49 5/5/20 Randolph J. Blakeney Rho 3/20/04 1/15/20 W. W. Blanchet Alpha Beta 5/1/28 1/1/21 David Blount Iota 12/14/56 1/1/20

Rickey T. Boyland Nu Chi 5/6/78 12/5/20 Larry Bradley Epsilon Epsilon 10/16/69 1/1/21 Clarence Branch Beta Omicron 12/1/54 1/1/20 Walter D. Branch Gamma Kappa 5/1/47 1/1/20 Willie R. Bray Gamma Phi 4/21/50 1/1/20 Nathaniel E. Brazill Alpha Epsilon 4/12/72 1/1/20





Talmage Brewer Kappa Lambda 4/1/51 1/1/21

Russell A. Brown Zeta Omicron Lambda 3/1/82 1/1/20

Jason E. Burson Delta Gamma 3/15/97 1/1/21

Duane P. Carkum Sigma Lambda 10/22/06 1/1/20

Anthony L. Cheatham Iota Upsilon Lambda 12/5/93 12/31/20

Zeddie D. Coley Delta Delta 6/24/52 1/1/20

Christopher R. Brient Pi Omicron 12/2/98 3/11/20

Te-Andre A. Brown Beta Nu 3/16/19 3/15/20

Nathel Burtley Beta Eta 12/5/59 1/1/21

Tracy Carr Epsilon Delta Lambda 2/18/96 1/1/21

Bruce A. Cheatham Alpha Epsilon Lambda 2/16/91 6/18/21

Milton C. Collier Pi Lambda 3/1/73 1/1/21

Lorenzo D. Briggs Epsilon Pi 12/9/95 6/15/20

Willie H. Brown Alpha Beta 10/15/62 12/22/20

Donald T. Burton Delta Pi 4/26/56 1/1/20

Walter C. Carrington Sigma 4/14/51 8/11/20

Phillip Cheatham Alpha 12/4/06 1/1/20

Samuel J. Collins Beta Delta Lambda 12/1/67 3/1/20

Herman Brinson Beta Upsilon 4/6/68 12/27/20

William T. Brown Beta Epsilon 12/12/46 1/1/21

Jack Bush Alpha Psi 5/17/47 11/20/20

James R. Carroll Delta Lambda 3/21/98 1/1/20

Jefferson Cheeks Alpha Beta 12/2/27 1/1/21

Michael W. Combs Beta Sigma 4/30/71 8/29/19

Samuel Brooks Delta Alpha 12/12/59 1/1/20

Caleb V. Brunson Delta Sigma Lambda 2/13/85 2/7/20

Richard O. Butcher Chi 4/12/61 1/1/21

Malcolm D. Carson Eta Phi 12/1/79 9/22/20

Fletcher Chisholm Rho 2/17/88 11/19/19

James Conyers Zeta Nu Lambda 10/2/83 1/25/21

Warren H. Brooks Alpha Theta Lambda 9/25/93 1/1/20

Herbert L. Bryan Beta 3/31/60 10/27/20

Silas A. Butler Gamma 12/1/58 1/1/20

Warren D. Carson Alpha Beta 3/9/91 1/1/20

Cecil G. Christian Beta 4/1/51 2/7/20

Simon A. Cook Beta Gamma 4/1/39 1/1/20

Marvin A. Brotherton Theta Delta Lambda 4/5/86 2/1/21

John G. Bryant Alpha Theta Lambda 11/9/91 1/1/20

Roddie Byers Zeta Rho Lambda 7/18/99 4/8/20

Cornelius C. Carter Phi 5/17/80 2/22/20

James Christian Beta Chi Lambda 5/15/64 7/24/20

John F. Cooke Alpha Epsilon 4/21/85 1/1/20

Alberto L. Brown Iota Alpha Lambda 5/31/86 8/20/20

Willie L. Bryant Beta Nu 12/1/57 1/1/20

Franz A. Byrd Nu 12/1/23 1/1/20

Wesley B. Carter Gamma 2/23/62 11/20/19

Terrence L. Christian Beta Epsilon 3/30/19 8/9/20

Gary Copeland, II Beta Delta 3/4/17 8/21/20

Arnold A. Brown Alpha Tau 6/1/49 1/1/21

Donald R. Buckner Alpha Zeta 5/1/51 6/10/20

Donald B. Caldwell Delta Gamma 4/18/53 6/28/20

Leonard Casanares Delta Omicron 3/14/57 1/1/20

Arnold E. Clark Theta Sigma Lambda 3/30/97 1/1/20

John C. Corbin Kappa Iota Lambda 6/23/84 1/1/20

Calvin A. Brown Alpha Rho 12/12/50 1/1/20

Malcolm Buford Beta Kappa 12/9/67 1/1/21

A. A. Cash Zeta Theta Lambda 5/1/63 1/27/21

John A. Clark Zeta Omicron Lambda 4/13/77 1/1/20

Ronald Cornelius Kappa 11/30/56 6/27/21

Earl Brown Delta Alpha Lambda 4/9/05 1/1/20

Frank H. Buntin Eta Alpha 11/1/62 1/16/20

Robert J. Caldwell Omicron Lambda Alpha 5/28/83 12/15/20

Cecil A. Catron Alpha Rho Lambda 5/1/77 1/1/21

William E. Clarke General Organization 12/1/67 3/16/20

Charles E. Council Delta Mu Lambda 12/17/83 1/1/20

James H. Brown Chi 5/3/49 7/1/20

Harold F. Burgess Alpha Phi 12/17/56 1/1/20

Carl E. Chancellor Kappa 4/30/48 1/1/20

John G. Claybrooks Tau Lambda 12/8/89 8/1/20

Theodore R. Covington Kappa Iota Lambda 4/22/83 1/1/20

Lloyd W. Brown Gamma Nu 5/8/75 11/1/20

Edward Burks Epsilon Upsilon 12/2/74 4/30/21

Lloyd Chandler Beta Psi Lambda 2/23/80 2/13/20

Louis W. Clayton Epsilon Iota Lambda 3/1/65 1/1/20

Jonathan W. Craig Delta Tau 4/11/88 9/7/20

Ocie C. Brown Theta Sigma Lambda 3/15/08 1/1/20

Dossie L. Burnett Iota Alpha Lambda 10/1/81 1/1/20

Thomas O. Chappelle Beta Kappa 10/1/63 1/1/21

Warren M. Cobbs Xi Delta Lambda 11/1/82 1/1/21

Darren D. Criglar Beta Lambda 11/22/97 9/14/20

Ralph Brown Alpha Rho Lambda 5/1/66 1/1/21

Donald W. Burnham Gamma Delta 12/11/70 1/1/21

David Carey Omicron Xi 1/18/21

Carl J. Character Kappa 11/30/48 1/1/20

Rudolph R. Cohen Eta Lambda 11/1/72 7/6/20

Shawn G. Crockwell Rho Chi 2/28/93 1/1/20

Richard B. Brown Alpha Upsilon 4/10/48 1/1/20

David Q. Burns Iota 11/21/98 1/1/20

Douglas Caridine Mu Mu 11/15/03 1/1/20

Ronald J. Charles Eta Gamma Lambda 12/21/75 1/1/20

William H. Cokley Alpha Beta 11/20/48 1/1/21

Ronald H. Crump Delta Nu 1/12/59 2/7/21

Robert Brown Gamma Tau 10/1/55 10/14/19

Tellis C. Burns Nu Epsilon 4/21/84 3/2/21

Riley E. Cariness Eta Mu Lambda 3/7/70 1/1/20

Kenneth D. Chase Alpha Psi 11/1/82 11/14/20

Michael K. Coleman Theta Psi 11/1/76 1/1/20

Russell C. Campbell Gamma Pi 12/6/64 4/10/20 Claroy Campbell Delta Xi Lambda 6/1/79 1/27/21 Reginald S. Capers Psi Lambda 3/1/80 1/1/21 Albert M. Carey Nu 4/30/48 5/12/20





Robert Crumpton Gamma Xi Lambda 9/1/82 10/17/19

Daniel W. Dawson Alpha Xi Lambda 6/11/76 2/2/21

David N. Dinkins Beta 12/5/47 11/23/20

Luther W. Elliott Iota Upsilon Lambda 12/6/92 1/9/20

Louis A. Ford Beta 4/16/62 6/5/20

Reuben Gamble Delta Eta 4/11/52 1/1/21

Paul E. Cruse Alpha Psi 5/12/47 1/1/20

Darius J. Dawson Beta Epsilon 3/21/09 9/5/20

Huley B. Dodson Alpha Phi 12/1/48 1/1/20

Willie T. Ellis Beta Epsilon 5/1/49 1/1/21

Paul J. Ford Gamma Iota 4/20/63 3/21/21

Andre J. Gardner Delta 2/11/96 4/2/20

Albert R. Cummings Gamma Chi 3/25/61 2/22/21

Irving G. Dawson Delta Eta 4/21/55 9/16/20

Frank Doggett Nu 12/1/38 1/1/20

Thomas S. Embry Alpha Theta Lambda 3/1/42 1/1/21

Sammuel A. Ford Zeta Alpha Lambda 11/19/49 1/1/20

Sheldon G. Gardner Nu Omicron Lambda 3/7/20 2/5/21

Manuel L. Curry Pi 11/30/51 1/1/20

Vivian L. Deas Beta Delta 3/1/41 11/1/19

Wilburn Dooley Alpha Theta Lambda 11/27/56 1/1/20

George E. Evans Gamma Nu Lambda 4/1/66 1/1/20

Paul J. Ford Gamma Iota 4/20/63 3/21/21

Winston Gaskin Beta Gamma 12/12/47 1/1/21

James E. Curtis Eta Gamma Lambda 5/1/65 1/1/20

George H. Declouet Mu 5/26/62 1/1/20

Vernon R. Dorkins Delta Lambda 5/7/83 1/1/20

Isaiah Evans Epsilon Delta Lambda 12/1/64 1/1/21

Henderson E. Formey Beta Phi Lambda 12/7/72 1/1/20

Samuel L. Gay Delta Iota Lambda 5/18/63 4/19/20

Tony B. Curtis Alpha Chi Lambda 4/2/05 2/19/21

Larry D. Decosta Beta Delta 11/8/68 1/1/20

Albert E. Dotson Beta Beta Lambda 3/20/04 5/29/21

James E. Evans Beta Epsilon 4/26/51 1/1/21

Harold A. Franklin Alpha Rho 11/16/79 1/1/21

Robert L. Gibbs Beta Pi 11/10/37 1/1/20

Frank E. Cyrus Gamma Phi 4/21/62 1/1/20

Henry E. Dees Delta Gamma 4/10/54 1/1/20

Junius B. Dotson Zeta Chi 1/26/86 2/25/21

Malcolm A. Evans General Organization 5/1/62 1/29/21

George F. Gibbs Gamma Phi 11/12/65 7/28/20

Albert W. Dade Gamma Phi 12/4/54 1/1/20

Franklin P. DeLanie Gamma Psi 2/10/49 11/11/20

William R. Douglas Alpha Kappa Lambda 4/2/05 5/19/21

Richard A. Evans Gamma Upsilon 11/1/57 4/15/20

Ben Frazier Epsilon Epsilon Lambda 7/1/80 1/1/20

Stanley L. Daniels Zeta Sigma 3/17/73 1/1/21

Kenneth E. Dennis Gamma 3/28/80 1/1/21

Willard Draper Epsilon Phi 12/13/69 1/1/20

Walter L. Evege Gamma Upsilon 11/12/61 1/1/20

Joseph J. Davis-Fleming Alpha Mu 5/23/79 11/9/20

Rickey C. Dennis Xi Phi Lambda 11/1/08 5/16/20

Leroy T. Duff Beta Omicron 12/9/61 1/1/20

Robert L. Fairchild Beta Beta 5/7/27 1/1/21

Bennie L. Davis Beta Zeta 5/1/46 1/1/20

Kenneth L. Dentson Delta Delta 5/25/96 1/1/20

Jerome Dupree Xi Psi Lambda 6/10/90 11/27/20

Stanley Fields Gamma Lambda 7/31/86 1/1/20

Clifton Davis Alpha Omicron Lambda 12/18/82 2/15/20

Harry Depew Kappa Iota Lambda 6/23/84 1/1/20

James E. Ealy Epsilon Iota 12/1/67 4/15/20

Julian G. Finley Eta Eta Lambda 11/4/81 1/1/20

George Dickerson Nu 12/1/29 1/1/20

Norris A. Edney Gamma Upsilon 12/15/56 1/1/20

William E. Finley Zeta Sigma 4/15/83 4/2/20

Eric J. Dickey Kappa Eta 3/28/80 1/5/21

Albert E. Edwards Alpha Eta Lambda 6/14/70 4/29/20

Douglass J. Diggs Epsilon 11/19/83 1/1/20 Ray D. Dillon Gamma Pi Lambda 8/1/62 5/5/21

Lewis Davis Eta Alpha Lambda 8/31/89 12/8/19 Thomas Davis Alpha Tau Lambda 3/25/11 1/1/20 Calvin A. Dawe Nu 11/14/47 1/1/20 George M. Dawkins Pi Zeta 11/6/99 12/15/20

Kary G. Free Beta Gamma Lambda 2/1/83 10/31/20 Gregory A. Freeman Beta Delta 11/1/82 4/16/21 Walter L. Frierson Iota Pi Lambda 11/23/74 6/15/21 Andra C. Frost Xi Epsilon 11/11/01 4/6/20 Cedric A. Fuller Delta Theta Lambda 5/24/88 1/1/21

Fred J. Gibson Beta Iota 11/21/75 1/1/20 Sterling E. Gill Alpha Rho 12/18/38 1/1/21 William Gilliam Beta Pi 12/31/48 1/1/20 Charles E. Givens Xi Nu Lambda 4/7/84 1/1/21 Gerry B. Glasco Theta Kappa 11/6/75 1/1/21

Harry L. Fusilier Eta Gamma Lambda 1/1/20

Earl F. Glenn Beta Nu 4/20/61 1/1/20

John H. Finney Beta Phi Lambda 11/12/05 9/22/20

Kirk P. Gaddy Delta Lambda 3/31/96 6/20/20

Frank Glover Iota 11/1/51 1/1/20

James C. Edwards Gamma Gamma 4/12/56 3/30/20

Franklin G. Fisher Beta Psi Lambda 12/1/63 7/29/20

Elbert D. Gadsden Xi 1/4/49 8/20/19

Howard Glover Iota 12/7/55 1/1/20

M. Howard Edwards Gamma Rho 1/17/57 4/23/20

Joel L. Foote Beta 5/15/47 1/1/20

Manyles B. Gaines Alpha Tau Lambda 4/1/66 1/1/20

Alfonza R. Goggins Alpha Phi 12/1/48 1/1/20

O. C. Edwards Delta Xi 12/14/56 1/1/20

Paul J. Ford Gamma Iota 4/20/63 3/21/21

Cornelius E. Gaither Nu 11/14/47 3/22/20

Cecil R. Goins Beta Epsilon 2/25/48 9/1/20





John Golden Kappa Iota Lambda 6/29/91 9/20/20

Reginald Green Iota Eta Lambda 3/3/18 1/1/21

Rodney E. Harrington Zeta Chi 12/5/79 1/1/20

John W. Henry Xi 2/4/61 7/16/20

Kenneth R. Holmes Nu Lambda 5/1/74 3/23/21

Ulysses Hughes Epsilon Mu Lambda 6/1/79 1/1/21

Shelby Golden Alpha Xi 6/1/40 1/1/20

Willie T. Green Delta Eta 5/8/75 12/27/20

Carlyle B. Harris Alpha Zeta 3/9/36 1/1/21

Vernon M. Herron Beta Rho 12/1/50 1/1/20

Mark A. Holmes Alpha Iota Lambda 4/12/96 3/22/20

Harley W. Hughey Gamma Lambda 11/2/02 1/1/21

Robert G. Goldsborough Omicron Xi 11/29/86 5/21/20

John S. Greene Epsilon Pi 12/6/74 1/1/21

James B. Harris Eta Lambda 12/12/22 1/1/20

Lewis C. Hicks Xi Theta Lambda 3/29/97 4/8/20

Col. Raymond Holmes Zeta Delta Lambda 1/31/73 1/1/21

Frederick S. Humphries Beta Nu 11/18/54 6/24/21

Loniel Greene Tau Lambda 11/6/04 1/1/21

Leon N. Harris Beta Gamma 4/1/61 1/1/20

Lamar Higgins Xi Beta 5/21/78 4/15/21

Shaun O. Holmes Zeta Gamma 12/3/88 1/16/21

Thomas Hundley Epsilon Eta 5/2/67 1/1/20

Robert F. Greene Alpha Tau 9/1/66 1/1/20

Walter Harris Gamma Omicron 11/1/65 12/21/20

George E. Higgs Epsilon Tau Lambda 12/1/58 1/1/20

Cecil C. Holt Delta 4/18/50 3/3/21

Curtis A. Hunigan Beta Beta 7/28/56 10/23/20

Lloyd L. Grier Nu Mu Lambda 3/27/99 1/1/20

Darryl J. Hart Mu Zeta 11/14/80 7/1/21

Jack L. Highsmith Theta Eta Lambda 3/1/82 1/1/20

John B. Holton Beta Tau 12/31/40 1/1/20

Dirk W. Hunter-Ellis Epsilon Mu 3/26/82 1/1/20

Percy A. Grimes Kappa Iota Lambda 3/18/89 1/1/20

Wallace S. Hartsfield Alpha Phi 12/12/51 1/23/20

William S. Hight Beta Theta 12/1/46 1/1/20

Lovette Hood Iota 4/14/49 1/1/20

Charles Hunter Alpha Beta 10/20/66 11/30/20

Nathaniel A. Guthrie Beta Gamma 12/1/68 1/1/21

Gregory M. Hartwell Iota Kappa 5/9/89 6/11/20

James Hill Epsilon Pi 5/1/65 12/26/20

Ronnie Horne Zeta Nu 3/1/81 1/1/20

Derek K. Hunter Iota Omicron Lambda 2/14/93 1/1/21

Fred Guy Alpha Xi Lambda 12/7/48 12/28/20

Keith J. Harvey Theta Sigma 11/10/01 1/1/20

Thomas A. Hinton Beta Rho 12/1/48 1/1/21

Donald M. Horner, Sr. Alpha Iota 6/8/58 1/1/21

Carroll L. Hurdle Beta Zeta 4/1/68 1/1/21

Christopher D. Hall Gamma Xi Lambda 3/13/17 3/3/20

Elbert L. Hatchett Epsilon 4/5/57 4/8/21

Floyd M. Hitchens Alpha Xi Lambda 11/28/53 1/1/20

Robert D. Horton Kappa Zeta 5/31/77 5/25/20

William S. Hutchings Epsilon Beta Lambda 3/21/87 6/17/21

Morris F. Hall Alpha Omicron 4/17/62 12/30/19

Charles C. Hayling Eta Kappa Lambda 2/1/64 2/4/20

Sandy Hoagland Beta Nu Lambda 11/18/78 6/7/21

Robert J. House Beta Omicron 11/1/53 1/1/20

Galven Irby General Organization 7/2/49 1/1/20

Ronnie A. Hampton Eta Chi 4/7/74 1/1/20

Robert C. Haynes Eta Lambda 5/12/25 1/1/20

Oliver L. Hodge Beta Upsilon 10/30/57 8/23/20

John B. Howell Beta Kappa 12/12/33 1/1/20

Willie B. Irby Beta Delta 11/20/75 11/2/19

Richard Handy Beta Phi Lambda 12/1/71 7/1/20

Stanley P. Hebert Gamma Epsilon 6/20/46 11/17/19

Albert L. Holimon Zeta Epsilon Lambda 5/22/87 1/1/21

Simon Hubbard Iota 5/13/63 12/26/20

Eddie L. Irions Gamma Upsilon 12/5/57 1/1/21

Cluey D. Hargrove Beta Epsilon 5/9/55 1/1/20

Vernon Hector Delta Eta 11/21/63 1/1/20

Roy P. Huddleston Delta Kappa 12/8/51 1/1/20

H. Adrian Isabelle Alpha Epsilon 11/14/53 1/1/20

Johnson W. Harmon Delta Tau 4/18/56 1/1/20

Herman W. Hemingway Sigma 6/20/52 12/14/20

Terrell L. Holland Epsilon Upsilon Lambda 3/11/06 2/17/21

Benjamin Hudson Epsilon Psi 3/15/68 2/7/20

William O. Ivy Epsilon Phi 4/22/86 1/1/20

Glen D. Hudson Alpha Rho Lambda 4/1/83 1/1/21

Earl J. Jackson Gamma Gamma 12/1/60 1/1/21

Marshall Hudson Kappa Delta Lambda 5/31/87 1/1/20

Edgar N. Jackson Beta Eta 12/6/58 1/1/20

Ralph C. Gomes Omicron Eta Lambda 5/19/90 1/1/20 James A. Goodman Zeta Pi Lambda 12/1/53 1/1/21 Kenneth B. Goodrich Beta Alpha 1/12/73 1/1/20 Donald Goodwine Iota Kappa Lambda 2/16/79 1/1/21 Leon N. Gordon Beta Kappa 12/11/54 3/23/20 Wendell J. Gorum Alpha Phi Lambda 5/26/62 2/21/20 James C. Graham Theta Upsilon Lambda 11/1/72 9/3/20 Alphonso W. Grant Zeta Theta Lambda 3/7/15 12/4/20 Bishop William Graves Beta Pi 12/12/57 1/1/20 William A. Graves Delta Chi Lambda 6/1/74 1/1/20 Darius Grayson Iota Delta 12/7/74 12/23/20 Alvin H. Green Zeta Upsilon Lambda 11/5/17 1/1/20 Patrick J. Green Zeta Xi 9/1/66 1/1/20

Kylan Harrell Rho Theta 3/10/18 5/26/20 Thomas P. Harrell Epsilon Sigma 3/7/64 1/1/21

Herbert W. Henderson Alpha Beta 10/28/55 1/1/21

Johnny J. Hollis Delta Delta 11/12/11 1/1/20 John E. Holmes Alpha Epsilon Lambda 4/16/05 11/18/19





Elmer C. Jackson Upsilon 3/20/60 9/18/20

Garland U. Jamison Tau 12/1/29 1/1/20

George R. Johnson Mu Lambda 5/18/88 11/20/20

James N. Joyner Delta Xi 12/11/59 7/23/20

Eric V. Jackson Omicron Xi 11/17/89 1/1/21

Gerold H. Jarmon Zeta Eta Lambda 3/24/90 3/4/20

Horace J. Johnson Mu Alpha 1/15/77 7/1/20

Charles L. Keels Delta Alpha 3/25/48 1/1/20

Ernest Jackson Kappa 9/30/65 1/1/21

Adrian Jenkins Beta Gamma Lambda 3/24/07 5/30/20

John W. Johnson Alpha Rho 12/9/54 10/13/19

Vernon Keeve Gamma 3/29/75 1/1/20

James S. Jackson Iota 11/18/00 1/1/20

Quinn R. Jenkins Eta Gamma 3/29/80 1/1/20

Jordan D. Johnson Kappa Iota Lambda 4/1/75 1/1/20

Harold W. Kelley Alpha Chi 11/24/56 1/1/20

Lenwood A. Jackson, Sr. Iota 12/4/63 1/1/20

Ronald T. Jenkins Rho 4/22/64 1/21/21

Larry W. Johnson Eta Tau Lambda 11/16/79 1/1/20

Jerry W. Kellum Epsilon Tau Lambda 4/1/75 1/1/20

Quenton V. Jackson Epsilon Rho 5/9/68 1/6/21

Willie C. Jenkins Iota Chi Lambda 5/1/78 12/14/19

Lawrence Johnson Epsilon Iota 12/1/68 12/29/20

J. A. Kelly Chi 4/25/53 1/1/20

Robert W. Jackson Delta Lambda 11/20/16 1/1/20

Norris T. Jennings Kappa Phi Lambda 3/24/07 1/1/21

Logan A. Johnson Xi 3/1/47 1/1/20

Albert B. Kelsey Gamma Iota Lambda 11/24/51 1/1/20

Lawrence Lakey Epsilon Beta 5/1/58 1/1/21

Terrence R. Jackson Phi 2/2/74 10/3/20

Thomas L. Jennings Theta Lambda 11/5/16 9/24/20

Prince Johnson Delta Eta 11/1/66 5/1/20

Cameron Kelsey Nu Mu Lambda 7/7/83 12/4/20

Artez Lamar Theta Delta Lambda 12/9/06 11/17/20

William C. Jackson Delta Gamma Lambda 5/15/88 1/1/21

Jacob R. Jernigan Theta Lambda 6/1/78 1/1/20

William Johnson Beta Pi 12/4/56 1/1/20

Irvin O. Kemp Alpha Phi 12/14/46 4/5/20

Colin M. Lambert Iota Alpha Lambda 3/1/02 1/1/21

Haymon T. Jahi Alpha Eta Lambda 4/15/76 4/9/20

Andrew L. Johnson Alpha Mu 11/30/49 1/1/20

Edward D. Jonas Eta Lambda 12/1/82 7/2/20

Milton B. Kendrick Gamma Rho 4/24/48 1/1/20

Isidore J. Lamothe Alpha Rho 11/1/70 12/26/20

Warcecer Jakes Delta Delta Lambda 6/30/86 9/5/20

Brady B. Johnson Beta Zeta 4/16/62 11/28/20

Charles F. Jones Eta Gamma Lambda 3/1/59 1/1/20

Rufus E. Kennedy Beta Tau 3/31/72 1/1/20

Otha O. Lang Mu Mu Lambda 12/1/80 1/1/20

Asa James Gamma 4/1/56 1/1/21

Calvin J. Johnson Delta Psi 11/24/76 1/1/20

Elve S. Jones Iota 11/20/88 1/1/20

E. G. Lansey Beta Alpha 4/1/70 1/1/20

Frank James Beta Lambda 1/1/82 8/10/20

Charles E. Johnson Beta Omicron Lambda 11/11/06 2/23/21

Glenn Jones Zeta Omicron 12/11/82 1/1/20

Nelson A. Keyes Kappa Upsilon Lambda 3/10/96 1/1/20

Kenneth Q. James Beta Mu Lambda 12/1/82 1/1/20

Charles V. Johnson Gamma Delta 5/1/54 1/1/21

Jack E. Jones Zeta Zeta 5/18/78 6/1/20

Michael C. James Eta Alpha Lambda 8/31/89 5/1/21

Clyde W. Johnson Beta Beta Lambda 3/14/74 4/1/20

Otis Jones Alpha Zeta 5/10/68 1/1/21

Ralph A. James Beta Nu 12/1/45 1/1/20

Cordell E. Johnson Beta Kappa 12/12/52 4/27/20

R. B. Jones, Jr. Alpha Chi 11/1/56 1/1/20

Stanford James Rho 2/14/63 3/26/20

Eugene Johnson Delta Eta 12/1/72 1/1/20

Henry Jordan Alpha Chi Lambda 4/1/78 2/9/21

Allen F. Killings Beta Nu 1/1/41 1/1/20 Ernest J. King Beta Upsilon Lambda 4/13/85 1/1/20 James E. King Gamma Psi Lambda 10/20/62 2/5/20 Robert M. King Alpha Sigma 5/11/56 11/19/20

Bishop C.A. Kirkendoll Beta Pi 4/30/36 1/1/20 Donnie Kirksey Omicron Xi 11/18/83 12/28/20 Allen W. Knox Theta 9/6/68 1/19/21 Raymond Kollock Beta Delta 2/24/01 6/16/21 John P. Krouse Alpha Rho Lambda 12/12/39 1/1/20 William Lackey Alpha Pi Lambda 1/1/21

Len Leach Delta Sigma 11/1/72 1/1/21 Carson Lee Alpha Phi 12/1/50 1/1/20 Herman W. Leggon Pi 4/8/52 1/1/20 Elmer P. Leigh Alpha Upsilon 12/9/50 12/19/19 C. M. Lewis Beta Upsilon Lambda 12/9/46 1/1/20

Horace P. Lewis Theta Mu Lambda 10/29/05 7/5/20 Ian H. Lewis Delta Epsilon 12/12/95 6/18/20 James J. Lewis Xi 3/22/74 6/23/21 Laurentz E. Lewis Epsilon Alpha 4/2/21 Leon O. Lewis Alpha Iota 6/28/58 6/1/20 Mercer Lewis Eta Lambda 7/10/86 10/12/20 Michael D. Lewis Epsilon Phi Lambda 2/9/92 1/1/20 Robert L. Lewis Alpha Phi 12/12/50 1/1/20 Wilbert G. Lightfoot Nu Omicron Lambda 4/1/81 1/1/20 Reginald Ligon Theta Eta Lambda 3/31/18 1/1/20 Lee J. Lindsey Beta Lambda 5/19/91 8/31/20 Coley Little Zeta Eta Lambda 3/26/60 1/1/20 Robert H. Little Delta Beta Lambda 5/1/74 1/13/21 Steven L. Little Beta Nu Lambda 11/16/96 1/1/20 Russell L. Livingston Eta Epsilon 4/21/74 6/1/20 Herman O. Long Epsilon Eta Lambda 1/1/61 1/1/20 Derek D. Love Kappa Beta 3/2/13 11/14/19





Drew M. Love Eta Alpha 4/4/87 6/6/20

Monroe L. Manning Xi 5/1/51 1/1/20

Andrew McBride Delta Iota Lambda 4/18/98 9/15/20

Willie Mcgowan Theta Sigma Lambda 8/1/76 1/1/20

Richard T. Middleton Alpha Psi 11/18/61 6/24/21

Palmer Mosby Beta Pi 2/26/62 1/1/20

Jerry Lowe Delta Alpha Lambda 3/16/79 1/1/20

Luke M. Marchmon Alpha Tau 7/7/72 1/1/20

Neal C. Mccall Beta Upsilon Lambda 6/10/90 1/1/20

Joseph W. McIntyre Epsilon Nu Lambda 5/1/51 3/5/21

Henry L. Miller Delta Delta Lambda 9/28/85 1/1/21

T. M. Lowe Nu 1/1/46 1/1/20

General Marshall Alpha Rho 12/1/55 1/1/21

Edward L. McCarty Epsilon Psi Lambda 1/11/86 1/1/20

Louis T. Mckinnie Epsilon Lambda 10/1/56 8/13/20

Joseph H. Miller Alpha Beta 11/12/47 1/1/20

Frederick Moseley Epsilon Epsilon Lambda 9/1/59 5/16/20

Joseph E. Lowery Eta Lambda 11/21/10 3/27/20

Arthur B. Martin Alpha Chi 10/31/61 4/3/20

William B. Mcclain Alpha Phi 12/4/58 11/18/20

Rodney Mcknight Iota Delta Lambda 12/30/95 1/1/21

Aaron B. Milton Eta Epsilon Lambda 8/1/20

Christopher R. Lowman Delta Theta 12/2/95 5/16/21

Clarence Martin Kappa Iota Lambda 4/1/83 1/1/20

Wesley C. McClure Beta Pi 3/2/62 1/1/20

Garrett G. McLain Beta Nu 3/31/20

Willie J. Minnifield Alpha Phi 12/8/67 11/9/20

Johnny E. Martin Beta Sigma 3/1/64 1/1/20

Marion McCord Zeta Sigma Lambda 7/28/95 12/1/20

Andrew J. McLemore Alpha Rho 3/31/53 3/5/21

Travis M. Mobley General Organization 3/28/92 12/23/19

Ross R. Martin Zeta Nu 3/5/93 1/1/20

Robert J. McCoy Phi Lambda 11/17/78 6/9/20

Elridge W. Mcmillan Kappa 11/3/56 1/1/20

Dillard B. Montgomery Tau Lambda 12/1/65 9/1/19

Willie M. Martin Beta Iota Lambda 11/1/60 1/1/20

Walter L. Mccreary Delta Rho Lambda 5/26/56 1/1/21

Charles R. Mason Iota 5/9/52 1/1/20

Lester McDowell Iota Kappa 4/5/74 1/1/21

Elmond Masters Epsilon Epsilon Lambda 7/24/83 1/1/20

James M. McFadden Kappa Psi 10/18/02 6/29/20

Ira T. Lucas Delta Theta 12/1/61 9/10/20 Walter M. Lucas Epsilon Upsilon Lambda 6/7/80 2/20/20 William R. Lucas Zeta Zeta Lambda 7/1/52 9/12/19 Theodore Lumpkin Alpha Delta 3/27/46 12/26/20 Harold J. Mackey Gamma Gamma Lambda 12/1/75 6/2/21 Howard H. Mackey Eta Eta Lambda 10/5/85 6/2/21 Robby J. Madden Zeta Gamma 11/6/99 9/21/20 Odinga L. Maddox Beta Mu Lambda 6/15/76 3/5/20 Robert W. Magby Delta Kappa 5/1/50 1/1/21 Joseph R. Malone Alpha Tau 2/1/52 1/1/20 Charles W. Manning Beta Delta 3/20/43 9/20/20

Robert L. Matthews Upsilon 11/1/51 7/3/20 Sterling E. Matthews Beta Gamma Lambda 3/24/07 4/1/20 Virgil E. Matthews Alpha Iota Lambda 5/1/67 5/1/21 Carlos T. Maxie Eta Chi 3/20/86 7/31/20 Robert Maxie Beta Chi Lambda 4/15/65 1/1/21 Theodore C. Mayo Phi Lambda 2/1/48 1/1/20 Harold E. Mazyck Beta Delta 4/21/42 1/1/21

Arnelious Mcfrazier Beta Kappa 12/5/65 1/1/21 Rudolph M. McGann Beta 3/5/95 3/29/21

Irvan McMurtry Beta Epsilon 11/1/52 11/13/20 Irving P. McPhail Zeta Rho Lambda 7/25/86 10/15/20 Alfred P. McQueen Delta Beta Lambda 6/1/72 10/25/20 Matthew Mczeal Eta Gamma Lambda 4/10/93 1/1/20 Charles I. Mercer Beta Pi 12/15/66 1/1/20

Clitus E. Moore Gamma Iota 4/14/62 12/31/20 Harry A. Moore Beta Omicron Lambda 12/1/81 1/23/21 James D. Moore Phi 9/1/56 1/1/20 Willie A. Moore Beta Omicron 11/17/51 10/1/19 W. L. Moore Epsilon Phi 1/12/64 1/1/20

William B. Mcgee Alpha Delta Lambda 12/14/80 1/1/20

Theodore L. Merriweather Rho Zeta Lambda 11/11/06 8/8/19

Rufus W. McGee Eta Rho Lambda 4/3/82 6/26/20

Stephan P. Mickle Epsilon Pi Lambda 12/1/63 1/26/21

Johnny Morant Delta Eta 5/10/71 1/1/20

Willie McGee Beta Omicron 5/1/52 2/23/20

Darrell F. Middlebrooks Delta Iota Lambda 11/22/03 1/1/20

Charlie J. Moreland Alpha Rho 12/16/48 1/1/20

Nelson Mcghee Beta 12/1/46 1/1/20 Hugh A. McGhee Psi 3/25/84 4/20/20

Shawn Middlebrooks Xi Zeta 2/26/05 7/4/20

Jon A. Moorehead Phi 9/1/65 2/18/21

Edward Morgan Beta Omicron 11/30/69 11/30/20 Calvin F. Morrow Delta Zeta 1/12/49 4/11/21

Clifford A. Moss Gamma Chi Lambda 10/22/05 11/14/20 George G. Moss Gamma Zeta 11/21/64 5/31/21 Charley Mouton, Jr. Eta Gamma Lambda 4/1/60 1/1/20 Samuel L.Myers Beta Alpha 11/30/38 1/8/21 John Q. Myles Gamma Pi Lambda 5/17/92 1/1/20 Arthur W. Myrick Beta Iota 11/4/60 1/1/20 Keith D. Napier Beta 4/1/76 1/1/20 Gary C. Nash Eta Sigma 4/16/76 1/1/20 Gerold Nave Beta Eta 9/4/66 1/1/20 Wyley P. Neal Alpha Eta Lambda 12/12/64 3/5/21 Scott L. Nelson Iota Lambda 3/16/84 2/5/21 Kenneth M. Newkirk Delta Beta 12/14/64 1/1/20 Mikkos Newman Xi Epsilon 11/11/01 6/7/20 Robert E. Nicklos Omicron 4/1/56 1/1/20





Rudolph E. Nimocks Xi Lambda 6/27/87 3/16/21

Albert R. Pannell Eta Omicron 3/21/73 5/22/20

Harrison J. Phillips Xi Lambda 6/27/87 3/23/20

Warren J. Price Kappa Upsilon Lambda 3/10/07 3/6/20

Everette C. Relaford Nu Omicron Lambda 4/1/82 1/1/20

Foday K. Ross Delta Iota Lambda 11/18/06 1/1/20

M. C. Norman Iota 12/14/57 1/1/21

Ernest J. Parker Iota Omicron Lambda 2/9/92 11/1/19

James A. Phillips Beta Sigma 3/1/56 9/1/19

Robert Pringle Epsilon Rho Lambda 12/1/75 9/15/19

Howard M. Richard Beta Sigma 10/1/53 5/24/20

Johnny R. Rosson Alpha Xi 3/13/88 1/1/21

Alphonso Norris Gamma Phi 5/7/55 3/21/21

Fred Parker Upsilon 4/1/30 1/1/21

Tony L. Pierce Delta Theta 12/5/81 4/23/20

Alfred L. Pugh Nu 5/1/45 1/1/20

Donald W. Richards Nu 4/1/59 1/1/20

Floyd Russaw Xi Lambda 8/22/92 5/3/20

Percy O. Norwood Delta Kappa 12/5/65 11/27/20

Harry K. Parker Omicron 2/1/59 1/1/20

Alfred N. Poindexter Alpha Eta Lambda 4/30/47 1/1/20

Walter P. Richardson Epsilon Iota Lambda 4/1/51 1/1/20

Clarence C. Russeau Alpha Sigma 11/1/47 1/1/21

Willie J. Nunnery Mu Eta Lambda 1/31/87 8/1/20

John Parker Beta Upsilon 4/1/52 1/1/20

Ben Pollard Iota Omicron Lambda 5/6/83 1/1/20

Thomas J. Pugh Gamma Omicron Lambda 12/9/50 1/1/20

Winston Richie Pi 12/22/49 1/1/20

Charles R. Russell Beta Nu 11/1/49 11/26/20

Frank Earl Nute Nu Pi Lambda 5/1/82 1/1/20

Kenyon R. Parker Beta 3/1/75 3/25/20

Percy E. Pollard Beta Gamma 12/4/63 4/22/21

Levon Richmond Nu Psi Lambda 6/4/82 12/10/20

Ronald Russell Beta Eta 3/31/78 7/8/20

Mark O'neal Kappa 4/12/74 1/1/21

Harry E. Payne Alpha Zeta 11/10/57 8/3/20

David Porche Nu Rho 10/1/81 1/1/21

Leon H. Ridley Alpha Tau 5/31/61 2/24/20

Gil D. Rutherford Beta Eta 3/27/81 4/30/20

John Y. Odom Beta Pi 12/2/67 10/30/20

Solomon C. Payne Beta Gamma 12/3/49 1/1/20

Judge Albert Porter Tau 10/30/54 1/5/21

Kenneth J. Riley Beta Nu 4/7/67 6/7/20

Foday S. Sackor Eta Epsilon Lambda 3/8/15 6/16/21

Bassey O. Offiong Epsilon Xi 11/12/16 3/29/20

Purcell A. Pearson Zeta Iota 2/25/17 2/6/21

Roland Porter Beta Pi 12/6/55 1/1/20

Joseph L. Roberts Gamma Omicron 5/1/54 1/1/20

Robert A. Saddler Xi Lambda 5/27/72 3/9/20

Richard T. Oliver Beta Kappa 12/10/66 1/1/20

Winston R. Pearson Gamma Beta 5/4/49 2/14/20

Roland M. Porter Beta Pi 11/21/55 1/1/20

Maxime Robertson Eta Gamma Lambda 11/27/78 1/1/20

Larry A. Sadler Beta Omicron 11/22/52 11/11/19

Ronald M. Ollie Epsilon Psi 3/12/70 6/11/20

Clifton L. Peele Eta Nu 3/29/03 5/27/21

William D. Porter Alpha Sigma 11/22/71 5/5/21

Quincy L. Robertson Alpha Chi Lambda 1/19/61 1/19/21

Louis E. Sanders Eta Chi Lambda 4/19/86 2/28/20

Arthur W. Outen Gamma Pi 4/9/49 1/27/21

Thomas L. Penn Theta Rho Lambda 10/7/67 1/1/20

Tommie Postell Delta Delta 12/5/61 1/1/20

Jamar K. Robinson Nu Mu Lambda 3/17/12 11/8/20

Stephen D. Sanders Mu Xi 4/7/89 11/13/20

William E. Packer Theta Eta Lambda 12/1/79 1/1/20

Harold Perdue Gamma Zeta 11/12/48 5/12/20

Berve Power Beta Chi 12/1/57 1/12/20

Roy A. Robinson Psi Lambda 10/17/98 1/1/20

John T. Saunders Delta Beta 11/1/55 1/1/20

Thomas L. Page Delta Mu Lambda 4/28/95 1/1/20

James R. Perkins Kappa Kappa Lambda 6/1/82 2/7/21

Willie L. Powers Gamma Phi 11/17/72 12/13/19

Walter K. Robinson Beta 11/9/40 11/23/20

Earnest L. Palmer Epsilon Nu 11/10/62 1/1/20

Malcolm X. Perry Epsilon Pi 3/9/14 10/11/20

John W. Pretlow Beta Gamma Lambda 4/7/91 1/29/21

Wayne T. Saunders Omicron Alpha Lambda 4/15/89 1/1/20

James W. Palmer Xi Lambda 9/30/68 12/4/20

John W. Peterkin Eta 6/6/20

Keith M. Price Kappa Zeta 3/23/02 1/1/20

Robert A. Reese Alpha Psi 12/1/48 10/13/20

Kelly O. Price Alpha Rho 10/1/67 1/1/21

Walter W. Reid Alpha Delta 3/23/56 1/1/20

William M. Palmore, II Nu Rho 10/23/81 1/1/21

Robert A. Pettis Beta Omicron Lambda 11/23/97 1/1/21

James L. Pulley Tau Lambda 12/8/89 10/1/20 Edmond L. Pundcil Epsilon Epsilon 12/1/66 1/1/21 William P. Purcell Gamma Iota 3/1/51 1/1/20 Louis A. Rabb Alpha Nu Lambda 11/30/38 1/1/20 Vernon Randall Epsilon Nu Lambda 12/9/60 4/5/20 Marvin Rasberry Eta Tau Lambda 7/17/83 1/1/20 Raleigh R. Rawls Beta 6/1/49 1/1/20 William B. Ray Beta Mu 4/25/47 1/1/20 Caesar A. Raynor Eta 4/26/69 1/1/20 Lawrence Reed Alpha Rho 12/1/51 1/1/21 Clyde L. Reese Beta Delta 1/1/20

Wilbur R. Robinson Alpha Nu Lambda 1/1/21 Edward Rodgers Beta 5/11/48 10/1/19 Ervin Romnie Delta Gamma 4/1/57 1/1/20

James M. Schooler Beta Theta Lambda 7/1/75 7/1/20 Joseph P. Segura Eta Gamma Lambda 4/1/67 1/1/20





Coleman R. Seward Beta 5/1/54 1/1/20

Nathaniel H. Simpson Theta 11/30/66 8/8/20

Charles T. Smoot Beta Upsilon 4/28/51 1/1/20

William C. Shanks Beta Rho 10/31/36 1/1/21

Robert L. Simpson Beta Tau 12/12/47 2/23/20

Myron L. Smoot Kappa Alpha 11/1/81 1/1/20

Sanford Sharp Epsilon Phi 9/24/83 1/1/20

Larry C. Sims Beta Theta 12/1/61 1/1/21

Clinton T. Smothers Alpha Phi Lambda 10/1/50 1/1/20

Dan Shaw Beta Pi 2/15/70 1/1/20

Leroy Sims Xi Psi Lambda 4/12/86 7/17/20

Billy J. Snoddy Beta Kappa 4/15/61 1/1/20

Jimmy B. Sheats Tau Lambda 2/12/94 1/1/20

Leonard W. Sloan Gamma Iota 3/1/51 9/13/20

James M. Sowell Beta Nu 3/14/66 8/21/20

Jackson B. Sheftall Alpha Rho 11/1/51 12/1/19

William T. Small Gamma Beta 12/4/57 1/1/21

Alvin D. Spencer Mu Chi Lambda 6/1/79 1/1/20

Abraham Shelton Beta Omicron 1/18/60 7/1/20

Rapier P. Smiley Delta Theta Lambda 4/3/76 12/4/20

Gregory Spinks Epsilon Phi 4/12/76 1/1/21

Ronald A. Shelton Beta Gamma 11/23/74 1/1/21

Charles E. Smith Kappa 4/7/73 9/30/20

Eric W. Springer Delta Iota 12/12/50 1/1/20

C. B. Shepherd Gamma Alpha 1/15/47 1/1/21

Charles L. Smith Nu Eta Lambda 2/1/83 1/1/20

Shelley B. Stanley Eta Lambda 12/11/75 1/1/21

Ricky J. Shields Delta Phi 10/27/79 1/1/20

James B. Smith Delta Nu 12/1/35 1/1/21

Nathan B. Stanton Omicron 3/1/79 1/1/20

Shannon Sutton Zeta Nu 3/19/91 1/1/20

Wayne D. Shipley Alpha Psi 4/7/62 1/1/21

James F. Smith Gamma Iota 4/20/63 5/10/21

James F. Steele Alpha Omicron 4/5/51 1/1/20

O'neil D. Swanson Delta Xi 3/1/51 1/1/20

Charles D. Shorter Theta Eta Lambda 6/1/73 1/1/20

Richard G. Smith Beta Alpha 4/1/71 4/23/20

Charles R. Stephens Xi 3/22/68 12/1/20

Hiram Tanner Beta Chi 5/21/38 1/1/21

Bobby J. Simmons Alpha Xi Lambda 6/11/76 5/10/21

Robert E. Smith Epsilon Alpha 5/27/68 5/1/21

Stephen V. Stephenson Omicron 4/1/72 2/25/21

John Tarlton Upsilon 4/10/57 1/1/20

Leon Simmons Xi 12/13/42 1/1/20

Robert L. Smith Nu Rho 10/19/84 1/1/21

Henry A. Stewart Alpha Rho 3/27/99 3/16/21

Charter C. Taylor Iota 3/18/51 1/1/20

Merilus J. Simms Delta Eta 11/28/62 1/1/20

Wallace L. Smith Theta Gamma Lambda 3/13/63 7/29/20

Stephen W. Stewart Theta Nu 3/31/01 2/14/21

Hilary S. Taylor Delta Xi 11/10/66 11/6/20

Gordon H. Stills Beta Alpha 12/12/52 1/1/20

William E. Taylor Nu Chi Lambda 6/18/94 3/1/20

Charles S. Stinson Alpha Phi 12/1/52 1/21/21

Ronald J. Temple Delta Gamma Lambda 4/16/81 11/23/20

Cuthbert O. Simpkins Alpha Sigma 4/25/44 12/4/19 William B. Simpson Alpha Upsilon 5/22/53 12/7/19

Wayman W. Smith Delta Pi 4/25/51 2/12/21 Willard B. Smith Gamma Phi Lambda 1/1/69 1/1/20

John D. Stokes Theta Omicron Lambda 4/1/70 12/25/20 Herman Stone Beta Pi 4/11/39 1/1/20 Maurice A. Streater Xi Epsilon 4/1/79 1/11/20 Baxter Stretcher Beta Nu 11/11/50 1/1/20 Michael Stuart Nu Rho 10/1/81 1/1/21 Cameron Suber Theta Nu 3/26/16 5/22/20 Todd W. Summers Nu Beta Lambda 4/22/83 1/1/20 Everett D. Sumner Delta Chi Lambda 6/24/89 1/1/21 Edward M. Sutton Beta Iota 1/1/21

Fred J. Terry Beta Gamma 11/1/82 1/1/20

Emory T. Turner Gamma Rho 4/30/58 1/1/20

Cecil J. Thomas Delta 11/6/48 11/13/20

Johnny L. Turner Mu Psi Lambda 8/18/20

Daughtry Thomas Alpha Phi 5/1/50 1/1/20 Jimmie Thomas Phi 3/1/86 1/1/20 Malcolm Thomas Beta Phi Lambda 9/19/52 1/1/20 William Thomas Beta 3/21/87 12/6/20 William D. Thomas Beta Delta 11/12/62 4/6/20 Allen F. Thornhill Gamma Iota 3/7/50 1/1/20 George E. Tiggle Kappa Phi Lambda 4/7/01 10/26/19 Arthur L. Tillery Kappa Epsilon Lambda 5/12/90 1/1/20 Melvin Todd Beta Kappa 12/1/50 12/2/20 Michael L. Todd Xi Mu 11/12/89 4/19/21 Odell Trahan Nu Theta Lambda 7/16/83 8/5/20 Oscar Trusty Iota Rho Lambda 4/29/89 1/1/20 Samuel J. Tucker Alpha Rho 5/1/51 1/1/20 Clarence Tunley Beta Kappa 3/12/61 1/1/21

Smith Turner Beta Nu Lambda 4/11/87 1/1/20 William C. Turner Beta Upsilon 5/14/87 1/1/20 Dirk Twine Nu Mu 5/12/79 1/1/21 Lee A. Tyler Mu Lambda 10/1/68 11/19/20 James E. Tyson Gamma Beta 12/8/62 1/1/20 Philip S. Tyus Alpha Rho 11/30/56 1/1/20 Clarence Underwood Beta Upsilon 4/19/49 1/1/20 Donald H. Valliere Zeta Xi 2/6/71 6/14/20 Clarence E. Vaughn Iota Alpha Lambda 10/1/81 1/1/20 Lewis Vaughn Delta Eta 4/1/49 12/30/20 Harry L. Vernon Delta Gamma 12/17/48 1/1/21 Cordy T. Vivian Eta Lambda 11/21/10 7/17/20 Jimmie Voss Mu Delta Lambda 6/1/78 10/30/20 Darryl Walker Epsilon Epsilon 4/1/81 1/1/21 James Walker Psi 3/25/84 4/5/20





Nelson G. Walker Mu Mu Lambda 7/22/95 3/11/21

Tyrone T. Webb Omicron Lambda 3/27/99 5/27/20

Clarence O. Wilkerson Delta Alpha 1/11/45 7/23/20

Lucius A. Williams Tau 5/19/44 1/1/20

Frank M. Wilson Theta Sigma Lambda 3/11/69 1/1/20

Clisson M. Woods Alpha Upsilon 2/3/60 1/1/20

Robert E. Wall Phi Lambda 4/30/74 12/31/19

Walter D. Webb General Organization 1/1/20

Arthur R. Williams Eta Gamma Lambda 4/1/64 1/1/20

Ned L. Williams Beta Kappa 12/11/59 1/1/20

James E. Wilson Beta Chi 12/7/55 1/1/21

James D. Woods Nu 11/12/62 1/1/20

Beryl Williams Kappa 12/1/54 1/1/20

Ozzie L. Williams Beta Phi 12/11/70 3/19/20

Jethro W. Wilson Beta Upsilon 11/1/59 1/14/20

Derrick L. Woody Omicron Kappa 5/5/91 7/14/20

Lorenzo A. Wallace Alpha Rho 12/1/38 1/1/21

William L. Wedgeworth Beta Kappa 12/4/50 1/1/21

Vernon Wallace Delta Alpha 4/1/72 11/30/20

Theo Weir Epsilon Xi Lambda 6/10/67 1/1/21

Carl J. Williams Eta Gamma Lambda 11/12/94 1/1/20

Randolph Williams Beta Alpha 11/15/62 6/26/21

Percy Wilson Delta Rho Lambda 4/26/87 1/1/20

George R. Woolfolk Alpha Eta Lambda 1/31/33 1/1/20

Isiah P. Ward Mu Mu Lambda 12/8/84 1/1/20

Arthur L. Welch Gamma Kappa 4/23/66 4/25/20

Charles L. Williams Beta Mu 4/22/50 5/1/20

Rayford Williams Gamma Psi 12/3/82 5/30/20

Tylon L. Wilson Epsilon Kappa 3/22/75 4/16/20

Ernest W. Wright Alpha Rho 12/17/38 1/1/20

Byron M. Wardlaw Iota Delta Lambda 12/14/97 5/23/21

Charlie H. Welch Gamma Omicron 11/1/63 1/21/21

Reginald D. Williams Delta Sigma 5/5/86 4/4/21

Willie J. Wilson Beta Upsilon 12/1/67 1/1/20

Donnie B. Yawn Omicron 4/15/00 1/1/20

Henry A. Washington Beta 11/30/28 1/1/21

Thomas Wellmon Beta 5/19/53 1/1/20

Demethrius D. Williams Beta Pi 3/7/20 1/1/21

Ronnie N. Williams Pi Psi Lambda 11/18/06 12/6/20

Louis B. Wingate Kappa Sigma Lambda 5/23/87 3/28/21

Columbus V. Young Beta Upsilon 11/1/60 1/1/20

Milton A. Washington Psi 12/1/54 1/1/20

Solomon C. Westbrook Beta Omicron 5/9/50 1/1/20

Sirrom T. Williams Epsilon Rho Lambda 10/2/10 11/29/20

Eugene E. Wise Kappa 11/1/51 7/7/21

Joseph L. Young Delta Eta 11/1/65 1/1/20

Vincent S. Williams Epsilon Theta Lambda 11/26/03 1/1/20

Roy J. Wolfe Eta Lambda 4/30/53 1/1/20 Lee T. Womack Beta Chi 10/22/66 3/9/21

Kenneth B. Young Alpha Upsilon Lambda 5/1/35 1/1/20

Ralph C. Washington Alpha Epsilon Lambda 11/1/76 12/7/19 Gilbert W. Waters Delta Lambda 11/18/06 1/1/20 Herbert B. Watson Gamma Sigma 1/25/58 10/25/19 Willie F. Waugh Alpha Tau Lambda 4/12/74 1/1/21 Howard W. Ways Kappa Iota Lambda 4/1/83 1/1/20 John Webb Delta Pi 4/22/59 3/9/21

Eldredge M. Williams Gamma Delta 4/1/56 1/1/20 Gerald V. Williams Delta Sigma 4/17/64 8/17/19

Donald L. Wheat Theta Eta Lambda 12/7/85 1/1/20

James A. Williams Alpha Psi Lambda 12/13/64 9/4/19

Ollis E. Whitaker Epsilon Phi Lambda 3/26/05 1/1/20

James R. Williams Alpha Tau 12/1/58 11/6/20

Clarence B. Williamson Xi Lambda 4/1/81 6/27/20

Jacques M. White Gamma Chi Lambda 4/26/96 11/14/20

John P. Williams Alpha Pi Lambda 6/3/88 3/17/21

Edward D. Willis Delta Pi Lambda 3/21/81 3/6/21

Eric C. Whitehead Epsilon Mu 5/12/90 2/13/20

Keith J. Williams Beta Gamma Lambda 3/15/15 1/1/20

James B. Willis Mu Mu Lambda 7/22/95 12/17/19

Ronnie Whitehead Xi Xi 4/21/82 1/1/21

L. W. Williams Alpha Rho 12/9/59 1/1/21

Carl W. Wilson Zeta Rho Lambda 11/1/75 10/21/19

Charles Whitlow Beta Kappa 12/1/48 1/2/21

Leonard N. Williams Beta Upsilon 11/23/63 12/7/20

Charles Wilson Gamma Iota 5/8/49 1/1/20

Larry W. Womble Beta Iota 4/20/61 5/14/20

Lawrence S. Young Gamma Omicron Lambda 12/9/60 1/1/21

Frank Wood Beta Epsilon 6/1/30 1/1/21 Damon Woodard Iota 4/25/98 1/1/20 Fred H. Woodruff Eta 7/16/55 1/1/20



















HBCUS TASK FORCE Dr. David H. Jackson, Jr.

ELECTIONS Luscious Turner, III












PAST GENERAL PRESIDENTS 35TH GENERAL PRESIDENT Everett B. Ward 34TH GENERAL PRESIDENT Mark S. Tillman 33RD GENERAL PRESIDENT Herman “Skip” Mason Jr. 32ND GENERAL PRESIDENT Darryl R. Matthews Sr. 31ST GENERAL PRESIDENT Harry E. Johnson Sr. 30TH GENERAL PRESIDENT Adrian L. Wallace 29TH GENERAL PRESIDENT Milton C. Davis 28TH GENERAL PRESIDENT Henry Ponder 27TH GENERAL PRESIDENT Charles C. Teamer Sr. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. General Office 2313 St. Paul St. Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 554-0040

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY JEWEL FOUNDERS Henry Arthur Callis Charles Henry Chapman Eugene Kinckle Jones George Biddle Kelley Nathaniel Allison Murray Robert Harold Ogle Vertner Woodson Tandy



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