The SPHINX | Spring May 1940 | Volume 26 | Number 2 194002602

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Southern Steaional (MaiUaQa. May, 18-20

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Some of the pages in this issue are damaged The best copy available was scanned

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, Inc OFFICIAL DIRECTORY General Officers CHARLES H. WESLEY President Howard University, Washington, D. C. BERT A. McDONALD First Vice-President 319 East 48th St., Los Angeles, Calif. :H. COUNCIL TRENHOLM ...Second Vice-President -n^^™ i a - ™ l S . ] l e g e ' M o n t ^ ° m f X; M% BJ .ROGER F. GORDON Third Vice-President •T,^™. , _ ' p l ™ e l p h i a . Pa^ LUCIEN C WRIGHT Fourth Vice-President • r « o m „ J » „„H5. S t " C o l u m b u s ' ° h l °

HENRY L. DICKASON—Chairman, Committee On Standards. Bluefield State Teachers College Bluefield, W. Va. JEWELS D r H e n p y A CalUs_ 2 3 0 6 £ ^ R £ Washingtori/ D. C ; Nathaniel A. Murray, 150 You Street, N. W. Washington, D. C ; Vertner W. Tandy, 221 West 139th St t N e w York a t N y George B. Kelly, 1-113th g ^ Troy N e w York 'Charles H. Chapman— *Roy H. Ogle— * James

FARROW R. ALLEN Treasurer 337 West 138th St., New York City, New York LEWIS O. SWINGLER Editor Of The Sphinx 390 Yi Beale Street, Memphis, Tenn. RAYFORD W. LOGAN . Director of Education Howard University, Washington, D. C BELFORD V. LAWSON, JR. General Counsel 2001 11th, N. W., Washington, D. C. LAY MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Ferdincmd L. Rousseve, 4636 Willow Street, New Orleans, La.; Walter S. Scott, Jr., 69 North 21st Street, Columbus, Ohio; Edward W. Brooke, 1730 First St., N. W. Washington, D. C. BELFORD V. LAWSON, JR., — Chairman Chapter Housing Commission. 2001 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. HOWARD H. LONG—Chairman, Committee on Publie Opinion. 1112 Girard St., N. W., Washington, D. C.

REGIONAL DIRECTORS Southern Jurisdiction, H. C. Trenholm, Vice-President; H. I. F. Nanton, The Carolina Tribune, Raleigh, N. C ; Felton G. Clark, Southern University, Scottlandville, La.; M. G. Ferguson, Citizens Savings a n d Trust Co., Nashville, Term.; Rulus G. Atwood, Ky. State College, Frankfort, Ky.; Eastern Jurisdiction: R. G. Gordon, Vice-President; John M. Moore, 1220 Howard Road, Richmond, Va.; John L. S. Holloman, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va.; Mid-Western Jurisdiction: L. C. Wright, Vice-President; Grant W. Hawkins, 2627 Shriver Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.; J. Kermit Hall, 1332 Washington Street, E., Charleston, West Va.; Charles F. Lane, 4722 Langley, Chicago, 111.; Western Jurisdiction: B. A. McDonald, VicePresident; Kenneth L. Jones, Langston University, Langston, Okla.; C. Paul Johnson, 2700 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas; Bernard E. Squires, 326 Railway Exchange Bldg., Seattle, Wash.

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ALPHA—Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; President, Dr. G. A. Galvin. 216 W. State Street; Secretary. Dr. Albert P. Johnson, 216 W. State Street BETA—Howard University. Washington, D. C ; President. Edward W. Brook. 1760 1st St., N. W.; Secretary, N. Alan Harris, 1917 3rd St. N. W. GAMMA Virginia Union University; Richmond, Va.; President, E. D. McCreary, Jr., Secretary, Percy Patricks. Virg'nia Union. DELTA—Tillotson College. Austin, Texas; President, Milton E. Granville. Secretary, Joseph B. Bracy. EPSILON—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mich.; President, Peter


PHI—Ohio University, Athens, Ohio; Pres. John Walter B. Allen, 155 W. Washington St.


CHI—Meharry Medical College. Nashville Tenn., President, Max Johnson. Secretary. Donald M. Cary, 1017 16th Ave. PSI University of Pennsylvania, Temple University. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; President, Alton C Berry, 5314 Race St., Secretary, Ernest Smith, 208 N. 53rd St. ALPHA ALPHA—University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati College of Pharm. Miami University. Cincinnati. Ohio; President. John W. Fleming, acyi Secretary. Saul S. Sanford, 747 Clark Street 1 5 J 2 L i n n S t

^ E ^ A - Y a U ^ U r e V i t r N e ^ ' f c n ^ C o V n l c S u t T Pres. Sec. Dr. R. S. Fleming 216 Dwight St. ETA—Columbia University, St. Lawrence, Brooklyn, C. C , St. John University. Brooklyn, New York City; President, Mac C. Davies, 79 St. Nichola:. Place. N. Y. C ; Secretary. Lucius C. Watson, 3 5 West 110th Street, N. Y. C. THETA—University of Chicago, Chicago, III.; President, George A. Denison, 4432 S. Parkway; Secretary, Clarence Robinson, 4934 Wash-



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T ^ T T PC' C ' II • _ . „ e.vrac.e New Y„rk- TNACTIVP ' ^ l ^ S ^ S ^ V ^ Z ^ C ^ ^ r o J o ^ U ^ ' S ^ Parks, Jr 75 E 11th Ave.. Secretary Robert R. Watson, Jr., 154 Monroe Ave. MU University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; President. John R Lawrence, 947 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul. Minn., Secretary, John M. Patton 954 St Anthony Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. NU Lincoln University, Pa. President, Roy Nichols; Secretary William


XI Wi'lberforcc University, Ohio; President, George Walker, Secretary, Warrcn Walker, Wilberforce University. OMICRON—Pittsburgh, Pa., President, Paul L. Jones 228 West 14th, Homestead, Pa.; Secretary McDonald Williams, 201 Michigan Avenue, Betshoover, Pitts., Pa. PI—Western Reserve. Cleveland, Ohio; President Samuel Wade 2285 p , . t «Qth Street- Secretary. Joseph D. Smith, 2813 Central Avenue, fcast »ym street, secretary, j osep RHO—Graduate Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pres. Dr. W. P. Jerrick, 1843 Christian St.; C. Sec. Dr. O. Wilson Winters, 28 Curren Arcade'; F. Sec. Norristown, Pa.; F. Sec. Dr. Percy I. Bowser, 5344 Race cj t > SIGMA—Harvard University, Boston, Mass., President, Thomas A. Center, 54 Mt. Pleasant St., N. Cambridge, Mass., Secretary, Julian C. Branker, 11 Waumbeck St., Roxbury, Mass. TAU University of Illinois, Champaign, 111., President, Richard M. Haskins. Secretary, Willie B. Martin, 1305 W. Stoughton St., Urbana, 111. UPSILON—University of Kansas, Kan., State Teachers College, Em. poria, Kans., Kansas State College of Agriculture fli Applied Sciences, Manhattan, Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; President, Harry Rawlins, Jr., Secretary, Richard Walker, 1101 Mississippi St.


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ALPHA BETA-Talladega College Talladega, Ah,; President, George ", Lee; Secretary, Andrew B. Randall, Corresponding Secretary, Erman W. Edgecombe, Talladega. ALPHA GAMMA—Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; INACTIVE—Address Joseph G. LeCount, 42 Westminister St. ALPHA DELTA—University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., President, Edward C. Strong, 1145 Sunset Ave., Pasadena, Calif., Secret a r y ) Henry Feltenberg, 1126 S. Serrano Ave. ALPHA EPSILON—University of California, Berkeley, California; Pres. g ^ E. A b ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ « £ W « 2 e ^ « • L ' b e c - ™enr>' L - "'""roson, i j , 7 Seventh St., Oakland, Calif. ALPHA ZETA—West Virginia Sute, West Virginia State College, Institute, W. Va., President, Lloyd G. Lewis, Secretary, Thomas H. Shaw, Jr., W. V. State College. ALPHA ETA—Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; INAC-

ALPHA THETA—University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; President, Julian Mason; Secretary, Clifton R. Jones, 815 Dubuque Street. IOTA—University of Colorado, Denver, Colo. President HowALPHA j r , 3 1 3 1 Gilpin St., Secretary, John Watlar, 2606 Gilpin St. a r d j e n k i n S i }2. ALPHA KAPPA—Springfield College, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., Springfield, Massachusetts; Sec. Eric Headley, Springfield College. ;»«..». . .*, k , , . . . . ^ _ 3 3. ALPHA MU—Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; President, William B. Pollard, Secretary William C. Pyant, 1930 Brown Avenue. 34. ALPHA NU—Iowa State College, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, Ames, Iowa; Pres. S. M. Riley, Jr.; Sec. Charles P. Howard, 515 Mulberry St., Des Moines, Iowa. 35. ALPHA XI—University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; President, James P. Johnston, 928 31st St., Seattle, Washington; Secretary, Robert B. Pitts, 1319 E. 56th St., Seattle, Washington. 36. ALPHA OMICRON—Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C , President. Earnest N. Mattison, C. Secretary, Willie C. Parks, Johnson C. Smith University. 37. ALPHA PI—Louisville Municipal College, Louisville, Kentucky; Pres. Perry A. Lively, 3431 W. Hale Ave.; Sec. Vernon E. Miller, 1740 Dumesnile St.



Official O r g a n of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc PUBLISHED FEBRUARY, MAY, OCTOBER, a n d DECEMBER VOLUME 26

Sphinx Gleanings Additional Scholarships Because the war has prevented the publication of the book for which Brother Fadipe of London, England, was awarded a grant-in-aid of publication the sum of four hundred dollars, there is available an additional one hundred dollar scholarship in each vice-presidential jurisdiction. There will th "" be three one hundred dollar scholar hips in each vice-presidential jurisdiction for trie academic year, 1940-1941. The mailing deadline is May 15, 1940.

Gsts Doctorate Brother Akiki K. Nyabongo, Uganda, East Africa, was recently awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the Queen's College, Oxford University, London, England. He has participated in several Service Bureau activities. His books for children are being favorably received in the United States. The most popular of his books aro The Story of an African Chief and Winds and Light.


MAY, 1940

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Larger Undergraduate Attendance 2 Brother Brooke Sphinx Club Director 2 Editorial 3 Alphas To Invade Atlanta 4 Role Of Alpha In Aviation 5 Beta Lambda's Contributions 7 Point Banquet At Nashville 8-9 Brother Bennett, Undergraduate's Model 10 Frat Fun 11 Hits & Misses 12 Book Reviews 13 Graduate Education for Negroes 15 Washington High School, Tulsa .AB Delta Lambda's Program of Service 18 Student Leaders at Wilberforce 17-18 Coordinating Committee in K, C. Meets 20-21 Voice Of The Sphinx 23 L'Ouverture Advertisement Back Cover.

THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LEWIS O. SWINGLER Memphis, Tennessee ASSISTANT EDITOR HUGH M. GLOSTER LeMoyne College Memphis, Tennessee WHO'S WHO EDITOR GEORGE B. KELLEY Troy, New York HISTORY EDITOR JAMES B. BROWNING Miners Teachers College Ga. Ave. at Euclid and Fairmont, N. W. Washington, D. C. FRAT FUN EDITOR DR. O. WILSON WINTERS 28 Curren Arcode Norristown, Pa. ART EDITORS JAMES D. PARKS Lincoln University Jefferson City, Mo. FERDINAND ROUSSEVE Art Department Xavier University New Orleans, La. HERSHAL C. LATHAM Memphis, Tennessee CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MILTON S. J. WRIGHT Wilberforce University Wilberforce, Ohio WILLIAM H. GRAY 1844 N. 11th St. Philadelphia, Pa. JOSEPH E. COTTON Memphis, Tennessee KERMIT J. HALL 1332 Washington Charleston, W. Va. CLYDE L. COLE Carver Junior High School Tulsa, Oklahoma

Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in Memphis, Tenn. as issued four times a year in February, May, October and December, under the Act of March 3, 1879 and accepted for mailing at the second class rates of postage,

GRANT W. HAWKINS 2627 Shriver Indianapolis, Ind. 1940 CONVENTION EDITOR J. R. LILLARD Kansas City, Mo. CIRCULATION SPENCER SMITH Memphis, Tennessee

•ice—One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year

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NEEDS LARGER UNDERGRADUATE ATTENDANCE AT CONVENTIONS By EDWARD BROOKE, Councilman To say that the Alpha Phi Alpha Convention held in New York City the past summer, amidst the pageantry of the World's Fair, was successful is to express too mildly the enthusiastic comments made by brothers fortunate enough to have been present. Without a doubt it was a convention which all of us should have attended. . .one with the dignity and conservatism characteristic of Alpha Phi Alpha. The city itsielf offered innumerable potentialities to those who were interested in sight-seeing; the many gala festivities provided by the capable social committee of Eta and Alpha Gamma Lambda to socially inclined brothers the height of enjoyment; those interested in educational, civic, and industrial achievement were inspired by such exponents of the Fraternity's high principles as our president, Dr. Charles H. Wesley, Brothers Charming Tobias, Myles Paige, Belford Lawson, Bentley Cyrus and others. Permit me to briefly discuss three very unfortunate observations which appear to contradict the seeming success of the convention by first asking the following questions:—Is it not a fact that the holding of offices in Alpha Phi Alpha is primarily an honor and not a monetary achievement? Was it not the aim and purpose of the seven students a t Cormell University who founded our beloved Fraternity to improve social and scholastic conditions and to foster fraternal spirit and brotherly love among undergraduate students? With the great mass of undergraduate Alpha Phi Alpha men- scattered over this country and abroad, is it possible that there are no able persons ca-, pable of filling responsible positions | in the general organization ? It was my experience to represent one of the few undergraduate chapters which answered the convention roll call. On reading the program I noted with satisfaction that time had1 been allotted to the treatment of undergraduate problems but this satisfaction was lessened somewhat because in comparison to the time and thought expended on other problems this topic received far too little attention much to the chagrin of undergraduate representatives. Unfortunately the majority of undergraduate men find it impossible

May, 1940


to meet the financial obligations of a general convention. Obviously this causes a scarcity of undergraduate representatives at these conventions because, needless to say, few chapters are able to send representatives; especially when conventions are held1 at distant points. With this sparse undergraduate representation there is simultaneously a scarcity of undergraduate discussion. Instead of intelligent criticisms and adjustments which would improve the general standing of the student and fraternity on college campuses, there is too much of a tendency for individual brothers to bask in the light of their political, educational, civic, and1 industrial achievements. Until our fraternity can formulate some plan by which the representation of a greater number of undergraduate chapters may be obtained, I believe that present disruptive ten-

dencies will continue and eventually cause a chasm between undergraduate and graduate brothers. We must avoid this evil. There is no doubt in my mind as to the capabilities of past and present graduate general officers. Their records speak for themselves. But basking in reflected glory is not an admirable trait in a man; especially not an Alpha man. We should all put our shoulders to the wheel and work together for a greater Alpha Phi Alpha. In this way our graduate brothers can become more familiar with our problems and we can derive immeasurable benefits from our Fraternity. It is sincerely hoped that the suggestions offered1 here be accepted in the light of constructive criticism. If so, when we meet in Kansas City, there is no reason why consideration should not be given to the Alpha undergraduates. To effect this plans should be made, during the interim, to insure the whole-hearted' support and interests of all our brothers in order that our body will merit the honor, dignity, glory that it so richly deserves.

BROTHER EDWARD BROOKE NAMED SPHINX CLUB BUREAU DIRECTOR BY JOSEPH H. B. EVANS, General Secretary Brother Edward! Brooke, who was appointed by General President Wesley as Director of the Central Bureau of Sphinx Clubs, has received .several letters from various chapters asking for information. I have had several conferences with Brother Brooke and he has asked me to circularize the chapters giving them the information which follows: 1. The Manual for Sphinx Clubs has not been written or published but a committee is working on this item. If you have suggestions as to the contents of this Manual, send' them in to Brother Brooke or to the General Secretary. 2. The requirement for registration of all Sphirxmen with the Central Bureau and the payment of $1.00 Registration Fee is now in effect, and no undergraduate initiates can be accepted into Alpha Phi Alpha until this Registration Fee has been paid. 3. The blanks for registering will be furnished by Brother Brooke after you have sent him, listed in duplicate, the names and addresses of those who have been pledged. These blanks are retained in his office until the men are initiated. They are

then transferred to the General Secretary to become a part of the files cf the General Organization. 4. The Director now has charge of the ordering of all Sphinx pins, payment for which comes out of the $1.00 registration fee. The General Secretary has sent through recent pin orders Sfl no rÂť^+ *-~ J-ln.. mvrnrvam .

May, 1940



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EDITO RIALS CITIZENSHIP CAMPAIGN IN SEVENTH YEAR ' p H E week of April 29-May 5th is designated for the annual observance of our educational campaign which includes the "Go to High School, Go to College" program and "Education for Citizenship". In a study of chapter letters to this edition of the Sphinx one cannot but help note with interest accounts of extensive planning by chapters in keeping with the observance. With an exalted spirit of determination and hiah purpose in the cause they represent, Alpha Phi Alpha men are moving to the forefront to join hands with other forces engaged in the struggle for citizenship and all that it implies in a democratic nation. The "Education for Citizenship" campaign has entered its seventh year. It was in 1933 that Dr. Rayford W. Logan, as the new Director of Education, outlined for this Fraternity the citizenship phase of our educational campaign. As radical as the program then appeared to many brothers at the St. Louis, Mo., convention, the years that have elapsed have been characterized by a series of trying experiences for the Negro race. These experiences have called for just such a program as the Director presented to this organization at the 24th General Convention. The growing perplexity of the racial problems in America has demanded new approaches on part of individuals and organizations to whom the Negro looks for leadership in a transitory era of its racial life. Therefore, it is gratifying to observe that the past six years have attested to the wisdom of our selection of the Citizenship Campaign. This campaign, with its dynamic slogan, "A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People," is being reflected in the programs of other organizations. Our leaders in the field of education are being called upon for authoritative opinions on the problems of Negro education. Alpha men have been and are represented on the legal staff of every major case involving court litigations for equal educational opportunities... the Donald Murray Rise ...Lloyd Gaines versus Missouri and the more recent case of Bluford vs. Missouri. Moreover other significant contributions have been made to bring our citizenship campaign to the attention of state and federal authorities. The

publication of two surveys on the New Deal versus the Negro, both published in the official organ of the Fraternity have had their influences in the shaping of policies as they relate to the Negro. Dr. Logan has prepared a third and equally important survey which this organization has wisely provided funds for publication. It is the "Attitude of the Southern Press toward the Negro." In recognition of Alpha's educational program, the Southern Negro Youth Congress chose our Director of Education to lead its Symposium on "Balloting for Democracy" at its Fourth Congress in New Orleans, La., last month. Then the chapters are doing their full share to make the campaign an articulate expression of our hopes for a greater participation in American life. Adjusted to local conditions of their respective communities, the chapters' programs are doing much to raise the economic and social standard for effective living on a higher plane. So every year. . .for six years. . .has represented a forward step in our Education for Citizenship Campaign. Otherwise it would not be an Alpha Phi Alpha program.

LOUISVILLE BID FOR CONVENTION IN 1941 A fine spirit of brotherhood was demonstrated by delegates of Alpha Lambda, Louisville, and Beta Lambda, Kansas City, in their competitive bid for the 1,940 convention. Brother Burt Mayberry, who headed the Kansas City delegation, and Brother Frank L. Stanley, delegation leader from! Louisville, were on the convention and place committee. While each "jockeyed" for position in the! final consideration for a convention city in 194C, the most amiable rala^cnship between the two groups of delegates prevailed throughout. Kansas City, "Heart of America," was victorie s , but promised to cooperate with Louisville in securing the convention for 1941 or "whenever it will be held". In appreciation for this sort of sportsmanship, all delegates to the Kansas City convention next December should go with instruct tions from their chapters to vote unanimously for Louisville as the convention city-in-waiting. At any rate the time expended in deciding on a convention city could be used for other important matters. For time is always short at an Alpha Convention.

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ALPHAS TO INVADE GATE CITY MAY 17 FOR TWO-DAY SESSION BY CLIFF MACKAY X J O R E than 300 brothers in Alpha , Phi Alpha from ten states, representing the 47 chapters in the Southern Region are expected to invade the South's Gate City on May 17 to attend the annual Southern Regional Convention at Atlanta University. Host to the expected throng will be members of Eta Lambda, graduate chapter, which is now busily making elaborate plans for the entertainment of the visitors. The Regional Conference will be serving a dual purpose for Eta Lambda. In addition to the entertainment of visitors, members of the chapter will be observing its twentieth anniversary. Eta Lambda, often referred to as the parent unit of Alpha Phi Alpha in the South, can truthfully boast of having supplied more pioneers in the building of the fraternity below the Mason and Dixon Line than any other. Several now very active chapters in this Region were established as enterprising Eta Lambda men pushed out to explore new areas and bring new blood into the fold. Too, many national and international personages, at some time during their careers, were members of grand old Eta Lambda. Final arrangements for the Regional Conference were worked out with various committees from Eta Limbda in a conference held the latter part of March with Brother H. C. Trenholm, president of Alabama State College, and Regional Vice-President of the fraternity. Chosen as the theme of the forthcoming meeting, "The Future of Alpha Phi Alpha in the South", will give delegates ample discussion ground to review the glorious past of the fraternity and make concrets plans for increased activity in the future. In addition to discussion of the central thome, round table conferences are expected to be held on the problems of education, citizenship and voting, and suggestions which the Regional will take to the national convention. •Several national officers have already indicated their intentions of attending. "Chapters in the states of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas are expected to send delegations.

Registration fee has been set at the nominal figure of $3.00, while room and board in the Atlanta University dormitory can be obtained at the unusually low figure of $1.50 per day. Rooms in the vicinity of the campus and at several hotels are available at a rate of 75 cents to $1.00 per night. Atlanta has long been known as the South's progressive city, insofar as Negroes were concerned. In no other community of the United States do Negroes operate as many first class and progressive businesses as they do in Atlanta. And the fact that most of these businesses are headed by Alpha men gives an added incentive to brothers to visit the Gate City. In Atlanta can be found the million-dollar Atlanta Life Insu.Vnce Company, the Scott Newspaper Syndicate, which publishes the only Negro daily newspaper in addition to 37 weekly publications distributed in 18 states; the Yates and Milton drug store chain; the Citizens Trust Bank, three jewelry stores, an optical store,


an electrical appliance store, a Negro soft-drink bottling company, a Negro dairy, the Young Barber and Beauty shop chain, a Negro wholesale oil and gasoline dealer, three Negro building and loan associations, and numerous Negro-owned and operated restaurants, barber shops. There are 18 undertaking establishments, 12 Negro grocery stores and scores of dry cleaning businesses. Atlanta is also the city of beautiful churches, including that nationally famous Big Bethel A. M. Ei. Church and the equally well known Wheat Street Baptist church, whose combined membership total nearly 20,000 people. Atlanta with 7 Negro colleges can easily lay claim of being the educational center of the race. Included are Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morris Brown College, Morehouse College, Clark University, Gammon and Turner Theological Seminary. In addition to these several professional colleges, the Gate City boasts the Atlanta University School of Embalming and Mortuary Science, Atlanta University School of Social Work, Atlanta Apex Beauty College, Poro Beauty College, DermisCura Beauty College, Griffin Barber College, and others.




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Brothsr Lieutenant William Powell, pioneer for Negroes in the field of aviation, is seen giving instructions to his aviation class at the Municipal Airport, Los Angeles, California. He is one of the founders of Craftsmen of Black Wmgs, Inc., an organization composed of Negro flyers, majority of whom are licensed. Inset presents a closeup of the noted wingsman.


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portant part in the past and present development of aviation in our country. No report on the progress of Negro aviation would be complete without mentioning the splendid work of Brother Lieut. William J. Powell, of Los Angeles, California. As early as 1934, Brother Ppwell foresaw the great possibilities for the Negro in a growing industry. He wanted Negroes to be adequately trained in all branches of aeronautics — mechanical, designing, piloting, administrative —so as to be ready for the increased employment that was sure to come, to be desirable and acceptable for jobs in a highly competitive business. Brother Powell organized and was the guiding spirit behind the "Craftsmen of Black Wings" which formed chapters in Los Angeles and New York. Aero Clubs were established, airplanes purchased, and an aircraft repair shop built in the pioneering efforts of this organization. The work of Brother Dr. N. Curtis King was instrumental in the early development of this aviation unit. Brother J. C. Evans, Director of Trade and Technical Education at West Virginia State College, directs one of the leading programs among the Negro institutions. Twenty stud-

By WILLIAM A. ROBINSON ""THE passage of the Civil AeronX autics Act of 1938 establishing an experimental program in airplane piloting for thirteen colleges in the United States which, in turn, led to the Civilian Pilot Training Act, passed June 27, 1939, provided an opportunity for the Negro that cannot be overlooked in planning for the future of the race. This act provides for the training of 10,000 civilian pilots each year until July 1, 1944, in a controlled program of 72 hours ground instruction at the institution sponsoring the course and from 35 to 50 hours of flight training at a nearby airport. The program was designed to increase the number of private fliers in the country, thereby expanding aviation as an industry and creating a market for new airplane models, and to insure safety in the air as more and more citizens learn to fly by intensive training in principles of safety. It provides a thorough, yet inexpensive, introduction to the entire field of aviation, enabling some to find a career in aeronautics and others to attain skills for their future

private air travel. It will, indirectly, contribute to the speedy development of military pilots if the country should ever enter war. Six of our colleges have been approved for participation in the first year of the program's operation. At these schools, some 90 young Negro men and women are securing technical training and knowledge in a field destined to play an increasingly important role in our future economic life. The institutions offering civilian pilot training include: A. & T. College, Greensboro, N. C , 10 students; State College for Colored Students, Dover, Del., 10 students; Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va., 20 students; Howard University, Washington, D. C , 10 students; Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., 20 students; and W. Va. State College, Institute, W. Va., 20 students. At the Harlem Airport in Chicago ten non-college civilians are being given flight training. Many more are enrolled in the ground programs at these centers, flying on a private basis and studying for employment in the mechanics phase of aviation. True to the objectives and purposes

ents, including two young women, have almost completed all requirements there for their private pilots certificates. Included in this group are Brothers Charles D. Minor, of Wheeling, W. Va., and Mac Ross, of Dayton, Ohio, both mechanic arts students. Sphinxmen Lloyd S. Hathcock, Robert L. Robinson, and Edward Wilson are also trainees in this program. One of the leading organizations in the country for Negro aviators at present is the National Airmen's Association of America with headquarters at Chicago. This group was instrumental in the efforts to include race schools in the government flight program and a good-will flight by two of its officers last year did much to focus attention on the possibilities of the Negro in aviation. The second chapter of the Association was formed recently to embrace aeronautical activities thoughout the state of West Virginia. Brother Joseph W. Grider, General Instructor of the West Virginia State College ground program, is President of this chapter and Brother William A. Robinson, Assistant in the college program, serves as Business Manager. Brother Evans, Advisor, Brother F. J. Lacy, Treasurer, and Brother Robert E. King are also connected with the Association whose purpose it is to encourage flying in West Virginia and to provide employment opportunities within the field of aeronautics. At the University of Minnesota, Brother Walter L. Robinson is the lone Negro being trained in the school's unit of fifty. Under adverse conditions, Brother J. M. Marteena, Director of Mechanic Arts, has developed at A. & T. College in Greensboro, a program representative of this new era in Negro aviation. Ten future aviators have begun flight training there and eagerly look forward to the completion of their private flying course. Included among the trainees are Sphinxmen William Jones and Graham Smith. Brother L. K. Downing, Dean of Howard University's School of Engineering and Architecture, was instrumental in securing approval for a flight program at Howard. Alpha men have been interested in and assisted, also, with the development of aeronautical programs at Tuskegee and Hampton. The influence of these and other Alphas in the progress of flying is keenly apparent. Much more remains to be done, however, if success in this developing industry is to be achieved. Aeronautics needs men who are energetic, enthusiastic, intelligent, and

experienced. Our fraternity should lend all possible encouragement and assistance to our aeronautical leaders. Concerted effort is necessary in order that we get in on the ground floor of this field so as to be ready and able for any opportunity that may develop. The fact the only one Negro in the entire country was properly qualified for instruction in flight training when the college program was launched last fall should not be repeated. Many more should be qualified for this and other branches of aviation when opportunities, which are certain to come as aviation enthusiasm becomes greater, present themselves. At present, Negroes are employed at various airports in the United States. Some are employed in airplane manufacturing plants as mechanics, mechanics helpers, and etc. A few are represented in other phases of the industry. Yet there remain some barriers to .be hurdled. Negroes are denied, for the most part, from enrollment in aviation schools in this country. Shall we establish our own air schools for the training of mechanics, parachute riggers, airport attendants, designers, pilots or continue efforts to gain admittance to these training centers? We are still barred from participation in the Air Corps of the U. S. Army and Navy. The achievements of the Negro in other branches of the military organization speak for themselves and we are assured that similar feats could be accomplished by our pilots in the air. On the basis of population in the country and enrollment in institutions of higher learning, we are not enjoying the representation we should in the Civilian Pilot Training Program. Of 10,000 yearly trainees in the nation, almost 1,000 should be members of the race, instead of the 100 now being trained. None of our schools in the southwest and only one in the south is enjoying the benefits of this program and surely a program of this type would do much to start our youth into a new field of employment. The influence of Alpha Phi Alpha is desired in this work. Encouragement is needed to give impetus to the desire for aviation study on the part of our young men and women. For each person in the air, ten are needed on the ground to keep him there and these jobs must be filled by somebody. Why not our youth? Eagerly awaited are black wings over America with the full participation of the Negro in all branches of a growing and expanding field. , o A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People.

St. Louis Choice


By ARNOLD B. WALKER Epsilon Lambda Chapter is pleased to note that the name of Brother Rev. Frank Madison Reid, pastor of St. Paul A. M. E. Church, is among those prominently mentioned as favorite candidates for the bishopric at the forthcoming General Conference of the A. M. E. Church to be held in Detroit, Michigan in May. Brother Reid has been an active and loyal Alpha man since his Wilberforce days. He was inducted into the organization by Xi Chapter almost twenty-five years ago. We believe his elevation would reflect credit upon his church and our Fraternity. This letter is to ask the support and influence of brothers who expect to attend the General Conference as delegates. "Dr. Reid has pastored Allen Chapel, Columbus, Ky.; St. John, Louisville; Asbury, Louisville; St. James, Covington, Ky.; and St. Paul, Lexington, Ky., where, during his six years' pastorate he added more than four hundred members to the church, erected a $7,000 parsonage reputed to be one of the best in his connection, and increased1 the property value nearly $20,000." He is also endorsed by the Missouri Annual Conference of the A. M. E. Church, Rev. William H. Burjnett, D.D., Secretary.


May, 1940



Page 7






Convention Committee of Beta Lambda Chapter, Kansas City, Mo. which has already proceeded with plans for entertaining delegates ar.d visitors to ths 28th General Session of the Fraternity December 27 to 31, 1940. Left to light: back row—Brothers Burt a Mayberry, secretary of committee; John L. Howell, general chairman; Paul Mobiley, souvenirs and favors; Guy D.ivis, finance; Dan Matthews, radio. Left to right, front row:—Brothers Cordell Norman, hospitality; James A. Jeffress, program; J. Oliver Morrison, entertainment; Roosevelt Butler, housing; J. R. Lillard, housing; Matthew E. Carroll, Jr., registration.

BETA LAMBDA'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO CULTURAL AND CIVIC LIFE OF GREATER KANSAS CITY BY BURT MAYBERRY g E T A Lambda Chapter of Alpha of America" as its meeting place in Phi Alpha Fraternity was es1920. tablished in January 1919 by BrothIt is significant that the General ers J. Oliver Morrison, I. F. Bradley, Convention came to Kansas City in Thomas Taylor, Guy Booker, T. C. the early infancy of the Chapter, and Brown, W. H. Bruce, and L. H. Noris returning to help Beta Lambda wood. Of these Founders, J. Oliver celebrate its 21st birthday. Truly, the Morrison and I. F. Bradley are still Convention was here a t the birth, active in the Chapter. and is now back to see the group The new chapter was well received enter into its manhood. and enjoyed phenomenal growth unDuring the boyhood and adolesder the guidance of J. Oliver Morricence of the chapter, it has made son, the first President. As a result contributions to the civic and culof this unusual activity on the part tural life of Kansas City. It has of the young chapter the Twelfth sponsored: Radio Broadcasts, PubAnnual Convention, which met in lic Forums, Citizenship Campaigns, Chicago in 1919, chose the "Heart Scholarships, Undergraduate Chap-

ter Aid, and Conferences with High School Seniors. Probably the three major activities of the chapter have been three programs given as contributions to the cultural life of Greater Kansas City. In all three cases the objective was obvious that this was the primary purpose. The first program was entitled "An Evening With Negro Composers", given on February 22, 1935 and featured local musical talent and honored William L. Dawson, a former Kansas Citian. The second program was by the same title, given on February 21, 1936, and featured the worta (Continued on page 8)


Page 8

May, 1940



Pictorial highlights of Joint Banquet Reception of the four Nashville chapters. Left to right, top row— (1 Speakers' Table) — Mrs. G. W. Gore, Dr. G. W. Gore, Jr., Dean at Tennessee State College; Mrs. H. D. West, Dr. H. D. West, speaker; Miss J. G. Harrison, Regional Director M. G. Ferguson; Maurice F. Gleason, Toastmaster; Miss Mary Atkins, of Cleveland, Ohio. Center photo, top:—Another view

of Speakers' Table. (3 top:—Brothers and their charming guests are shown well under way at the Banquet. Bottom photo: — Brothers Billy

Jones, president of Beta Omicron, and Rip Collins, reporter for Chi Chapter, both members of Banquet Dance Committee. Dean Gore and Dr. West are members of Tau Lambda Chapter. Brothers M. G. Ferguson and Maurice F . Gleason hail from Chi Chapter, Meharry Medical College. Undergraduate brothers of Fisk University, represented Alpha Chi Chapter.

FOUR CHAPTERS JOIN HANDS TO PRESENT SOCIAL CLASSIC—MANY OUT-OF-TOWN BROTHERS ATTEND When the Nashville Alpha men of Chi, Alpha Chi, Beta Omicron, and Tau Lambda, representing Meharry, Fisk, Tennessee State College, land graduate members respectively, get

Beta Lambda (Continued from page 7) of N. Clark Smith. These programs were staged in the beautiful Edison Hall, Power and Light Building. The third program was called, "A Fantasy in Black and Gold", a musical revue staged in the Arena of the Municipal Auditorium on May 21, 1936. It spared no expense, and had been acclaimed by many as one of the outstanding productions of its kind ever given in the Arena. It was the first show of its type given by Negroes in the New Municipal Auditorium. Beta Lambda Chapter has the distinction of having had one General Officer among its membership in the person of Brother Matthew E. Carroll, Jr., who served as the Director of Education, 1931-1933. John L. Howell is the President at the present time.

together, pool their resources and combine their efforts they do big things. And so it was on the night of March 29, 1940. The annual Nashville City-wide Alpha Banquet and dance took place at the spacious dining hall and beautiful Crystal ballroom of Tennessee State College. Despite an abnormal precipitation in the atmosphere which had! been in effect all during the day over a hundred men with the black and gold striped ribbon showing beneath their formal attire, together with their company of feminine loveliness sat down a t a huge "A" and! dined.. .yes, dined midst surroundings of flowers and candle light while the sweet and melodious strains of dinner music by the Tennessee State Collegians added to the splendor and enjoyment of the occasion. The menu was as follows: Olives, Gherkins, Celery, Curied Carrots! Mints, Nuts, Fresh Fruit Cocktail, Smothered Chicken Halves, Pear Fritters, Baked Summer Squash, CreamSpring Onions, Golden Potato Fluff, Buttered Hot Rolls, Currant Jelly! Salad of Mixed Greens, Alpha Phi Alpha Ice Cream, Gold Cake, and Demi-Tasse.

Interesting Program During the course of the dinner, musical selections were rendered by the Tennessee State Trio and Sphinxman DeKasha Nollez. Dr. G. W. Gore, dean of instruction a t State, introduced the main speaker, Dr. H. D. West. Dr. West gave a brief but fullsome message (which is given elsewhere in this edition). Dance Upon completion of the banquet the brothers and their company retired to the Crystal Ballroom where they joined special guests and dance. In the center of the floor was a miniature desert with the Sphinx and pyramids. The dance was a very formal, swanky affair indicative of true Alpha. During intermission more than one hundred brothers spread over the spacious floor in an inter-locking circle and held the guests spellbound as their voices resounded with the Alpha hymn. Several out of town brothers were in attendance from Little Rock, Ark. Lynchburg, Tenn.; Orangeburg, S. C, Chattanooga, Tenn., Louisville, Ky-» Birmingham, Ala.

May, 1940



Page 9 Negro race was emancipated and thrown into the lap of what was already becoming the greatest civilization the world has known. It was the perfect setting for the advance of any race. I say tonight that we as a group need more and more to take advantage of these new opportunities. If men in the past with their limited facilities could achieve the goal how much more successfully can we? The answer is that we can. But it takes real men. It takes the will to do. It takes the ingenuity of an Irving Langmuir who with materials purchased from the five and ten cent store learned to measure the size of molecules from a study of surface films and won the Nobel Prize for the work. It takes the keen insight of a Beaumont, who saw a gunshot wound in the stomach of a Canadian heal with an opening to the outside— recognized an opportunity—and gave the world the story of digestion. It takes the humility and the courage of a Hattie McDaniel who accepted a humble role in a great motion picture and played it well enough to win for the first time in Negro history the Academy award. It takes the kind of a "man who can keep his head when all about him are losing theirs, and blaming it on him." It takes the kind of thing the poet had in mind when he said: "I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul." My plea is for an aristocracy of intellect—and there is no better place to make this appeal than here tonight where sit both those capable of giving the stimulus and direction and those capable of receiving it. THIS IS THE NEW CHALLENGE. o Real knowledge, in its progress, is the forerunner of liberality and enlightened toleration.. .Lord Brougham.

"THE NEW CHALLENGE" BANQUET Address By Dr. H. D. West '"TONIGHT, Alpha Phi Alpha pauses to fraternize, to entertain her sweethearts, her wives and her friends. Tonight, this significantly outstanding organization stops, as already tradition seems to dictate, to take inventory, not only of the progress of its individual members, or of itself, but of its race. For you— who know both laughter and sobermindedness in the same breath •— a few minutes addressed to the serious side of things will not be amiss. I gaze tonight upon a spectacle which not very many years ago would have been impossible. There sits a t the banquet table before me here in the Athens of the South intellectuals of color—students of art, science, and of the learned professions—teachers —specialists — some of national and international reputation, mute evidence of the myth of nordic superiority. The presence in our group of individuals with graduate and specialized degrees from America's oldest and finest Universities certainly disproves any idea of inferiority. But, it also imposes the grave and serious responsibility of measuring up to all of the "rights and privileges thereto appertaining". The mere increase in the number of our graduates and in the number of graduate and professional degrees attained by faculty members of our various schools and colleges in the past decade or so would be meaningless if these people had not begun the long and hard journey toward intellectual excellence, which for the race as a whole, is yet to be finished. It is of considerable significance that opportunities for higher education among the members of our group today are manifold. I have been privileged to see increases in the financial resources of our own schools—and the consequent increases in buildings, classrooms and laboratories. Today, we can boast of extensive modern facilities in classroom equipment and libraries. We have at our disposal laboratories of which many of the truly great scientists of the past could only dream. Added to this are our newly developing graduate schools and the open doors of the great universities of the North which seem to be calling our graduates to continue their development along highly specialized lines. I rejoice that today one can go to the outstanding journals and read the scientific and literary contributions of an original nature my people are

making. But even as I rejoice, I find myself wondering if many, many more additions to existing knowledge might not have been made. Whether the future of the race is to be the building of a small empire within a larger one—or whether it is to be a biological or a mere physical amalgamation—I do not know. But I do know that we must, if we are to survive—build up within our ranks a mighty army of intellects which can — through discover — through the acquisition of new knowledge, and continued development of our institutions, solve some of the serious problems which face us today. The pages of Negro history record the achievements of individuals who under unlimited handicaps truly distinguished themselves. They were a handful of martyrs who—unembittered by injustice—dreamed of a new day and through the depth of their imagination and with incredible exertion handed to the world their works of invention—of music and of literature. There is no question but that we have within our group isolated men in various fields who are making important contributions to existing knowledge. You know who they are. But I contend tonight that this race needs multiplied examples of such men active in numerous fields of endeavor if we are to continue to go ahead. I hold no brief for those who sit idly by thinking that the progress of the past excuses us from working toward these newer goals. Perhaps, it is true that we have made more progress as a race in a shorter time than any other race known to history. But so it should have been. The



1 940

All chapter news, feature articles, and pictures for Pictorial Number of the Sphinx, to be published in October, must reach the Sphinx Office not later than September 10. So begin now preparing for this edition.

Lewis 0. Swingler, Editor 390'/2 Beale Avenue,

Memphis, Tenn.


Page 10


Bennett's Career A Model

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has represented a succession of achievements on part of its members in many walks of life since its inception at Oornell University thirty-five years ago. Younger men as well as older ones have contributed1 to this splendid record of accomplishments. A typical Alpha pattern so far as the youthful members of our organization is concerned is reflected by the brilliant career of Brother L. Howard Bennett. Brother Bennett was more or lesa associated with the Alumni Office at Fisk University from the beginning of his freshman year in 1931 until his graduation in 1935. In his Junior year he was permitted 1 to go out and represent the University in a program of student solicitation, the first time that a student had represented the University as an officer of the University. He remained a representative of Fisk for a period of six years, being appointed Field1 Secretary immediately upon graduation. In this capacity he traveled throughout the United States in the interest of his Alma Mater's program of student solicitation, its scholarship fund campaign, its endowment campaign, and the program of the General Alumni Association. Brother Bennett entered1 Fisk in 1931 as a Scholarship student, and shared honors for the $250 Gabriel Scholarship a t the end of his Fresh-

Gets Salute From Alpha Pi Lambda

BRO. DR. J. M. WALKER, JR. Alpha Pi Lambda is proud to acknowledge the lucrative practice in

May, 1940


For The Undergraduate

L. HOWARD BENNETT man year as ranking scholar. He was unanimously elected president of his class every year for four years. Other high points of Brother Bennett's earear:—Ejamed1 part of his college expenses as Dining Hall Headwaiter and University Chief Usher; was member of the University Y. M.C. A. Activities Committee, serving as church usher and deacon; twice winner of the Mayhew-Merrill prize for public speaker; conceived the "Five-point Plan" in his Sophomore year for University campus improvement and student-teacher understandsurgery enjoyed by Brother J. M. Walker, Jr., in Winston-Salem, N. C. He was recently elected president of the Twin City Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Society. Brother Walker is a native of Augusta, Ga. He attended Haines Normal and Industrial Institute of that city, and later attended Morehouse College where he received his A.B. degree in 1922. Illinois University bestowed upon him the B.S. degree and M.D. degree, the latter having been received in 1933. Brother Walker interned a t St. Louis City Hospital Number 2, now known as Homer G. Phillips Hospital. He had the distinction of serving as its first resident surgeon. Brother Walker has had five years of hospital training which was completed in 1938. Theta Chapter, Chicago, 111., initiated him into Alphadom in 192C Since that year he has been affiliated with Epsilon Lambda, St. Louis, Mo., and Alpha Pi Lambda, Winston-Salem. He still holds membership in Alpha Pi Lambda.

ing; conceived the "Greater Fisk Spirit Week" in his Junior Year, and represented his school at the International Relations Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1934; voted by the General Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, St. Louis, Mo., 1933, the American Negro student who had clone most to promote student activities on any University campus in the United States; chosen by the Alumni Secretary of Fisk University in 1934 to represent the University in the field; graduated from Fisk University June 12, 1935, with Cum Laude honors; appointed Field Secretary of Fisk University July 1, 1935. During the entire period' of Brother Bennett's association with Fisk University he held the respect of the student body, faculty, administration, alumni, trustee board, and Fisk's great public. He left no black mark on his record, and never took a backward step in the program of the University. His [record, experience, and contacts in the public relations program of Fisk University were the potent factors in making it possible for his being awarded a Rosenwald Fellowship for study in the field of Public Administration and1 Administrative Law at the University of Chicago. o •

Acting Dean At Alcorn College

BROTHER W. B. NELSON Registrar at Alcorn College, who is at present Acting Dean of the college. Brother Nelson is a member of Alpha Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Jackson, Mississippi.


May, 1940

Page 11


f * A T E * H I T Y rUAf DR.O.WILSON FRAT A HUMORIST CONTEMPLATES EDUCATION Education! What is it? What does it mean? Shall I ask the Romans who would break it down into e, out, and, duce, I lead; educere, to lead or draw out. Shall I ask the Alpha men of more or less wide pedagogical parts; shall I interrogate a Wesley, a Trenholm, a Davage, a Milton Wright, a Clark, Logan or Long ? The epigrammatist says, education is almost as expensive as ignorance. It is a wonderful thing and no college should be without it. It consists of learning one's A. B. C.'s and using them to write home for money to pay the fraternity initiation fee. A good education enables you to get into more expensive trouble. Nowadays, you don't rate unless you go deeper into the Alphabet among the M. A.'s and the Ph. D.'s; an A. B. simply means that you know the first two letters of the alphabet. The reason why Freshmen are such a happy jolly lot is that they have four years more of college and then their education begins. Those who go to college and never get out, who simply must stay around in classical environment are called professors. And we don't hear anything about the dangers of kissing anymore since the educational campaigners gave lip service to their laboratory researchers. Warden Lawes of Sing Sing says, "College men make model prisoners." There! that clinches these epigrammatic arguments. Education is imperishable. Take the sagacious utterings of Confucius. They had a renaissance last year and even though scarcely less printable than speakable they were very prolific and the life of many a party. Education, as Dr. Howard H. Long, the erudite Alpha analyst, will attest, seldom hurts a man if he is willing to learn a little something after he graduates. The trend of pedagogy runs the gamut of revolutionary scales. It is like the modern skirt of Dame Fashion which in a few years has gone all the way from the instep to the step-in. Prof. Long would tell you of the sweeping changes that have come with the advent of an Angelo Patri, a Calliver, a John Dewey or a Bertrand Russell. Back in my day when the house of Winters decided that young Wilson should begin his educational training there



was a wild scramble between the blackboard and the billboard to teach me the arts and sciences of life. The billboard although most frequently in charcoal or crude pencil marks was more phonetic and onomatopoetic than the prosaic c-a-t and r-a-t with which the teacher started my blackboard education. The billboard training was impressive and indelible. It was repetitive and appeared in sundry other spectacular places, walls, etc. And isn't it strange, Bro. Long, that all through my course of training, the two schools of thought never mixed. Never on blackboards of the schools or colleges, never in the. scholarly tomes of educational lore did I ever see any of the simple words, phrases or clauses or descriptive sentences the billboards so eloquently taught. Occasionally in certain biblical references there were faint glimpses of words that seemed somewhat familiar, but, alas, they were unlike in meaning and were pronounced with a Harvard accent. Last summer at the Alpha convention while meandering among the cloisters of the New York University I chanced into one of the many little rooms which abound there. Lo, and behold, I saw one of my first billboard lessons. With a faint smile I looked around and there was one of our more sanctimonious brothers. He, too, was smiling. Could it be that he knew the lesson? Right then I was convinced of the universality and potency of billboard education, both prose and poetry. Education is imitative. The newly used war necessity, "rhe blackout", is not new to us. We've had blackouts galore at our conferences, conventions and other Negro periodic gatherings. Was there ever a more impressive blackout than the Philadelphia delegates and alternates to the New Orleans Alpha Convention, Gordon of Psi, Jerrick, Sheppard, Sargeant and Winters of Rho, college men all. This has turned1 out to be an open letter, and I wonder if you have heard that the old family physician who went away on a much needed vacation entrusted his practice to his son, a recent Howard Medical School graduate. When the old man returned the youngster told him, among otherthings, that he had cured Miss Ferguson, an aged wealthy spinster, of her chronic indigestion. "My boy", said the old doctor, "I'm proud of

you, but Miss Ferguson's indigestion is what put you through college." Education is sometimes tragically expensive. "With sadness in our hearts, we buried Sammy O'Day He tried to live the life of Reilly, while Reilly was away." You would have been just as curious as was the anxious family which gathered around the precocious young child which had just returned from his first day at school registering intense boredom. "Donald, what did you learn today?" "Nothing." "What, nothing at all?" "Nope, nothing. There was a woman there who wanted to know how to spell "cat," so I told her. That's all." He flunked because he said,— The flower has five parts, sepals, pedals, antlers, pistil and trigger. —in the spring salmon ascend fresh water streams to spoon. —hot water is H20, cold water is C02. —Sea water is CH20. —a triangle which has an angle of 135° is called an obscene triangle. —Geese is a low heavy bird which is most meat and feathers. Some geese when they are big has curls on their tails and is called ganders. Ganders don't have to sit and hatch, but just eat and loaf around and go swimming. It I was a goose I'd rather be a gander. Education is wonderful. Remind me to get some! Yores fruternilly, WILSON WINTERS.



Page 12

APOLOGIES TO ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA In the Convention Number of the Sphinx, November-December, 1939, this column, (Plage 22), under the caption, "Convention Highlights", made five specific references to the World's Fair convention in New York City last summer. Interpreted as an attack upon its name, reputation, and motives, Alpha Gamma Lambda, one of the two host chapters through its chapter secretary, Brother C. Arthur Jackson, has asked for a retraction. I t is not the purpose of "Hits and Misses" to offend lany brother or chapter, but rather to evoke thought in a light, humorous vein. While it was my sincere belief that brothers read this article in this light, I do not hesitate to apologize when it arouses a deep-seated ire as expressed by Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter. Again, brothers of New York, my apologies and I express it in the 窶「truest Alpha sense with the hopes that with this edition the matter becomes a closed incident. We are too near another convention to carry over any ill-feelings from the last one. A GAIN by the stroke of fate, we " ^ find ourselves drawing to the close of another school year. Many varied and different things have come and gone, and just when we think we are about to take a little respite from war news, Bang! it breaks out anew all over again. Well here's hoping that all of the fighting won't disturb us much. A suggestion or an idea comes to my mind when I speak of the wars raging on the European soil, and that



is there will be quite a bit of travel in this country and the adjoining countries of Mexico and South America and of course that means several chances for some of us to pick up some extra change with those that are bound to go somewhere. Quite a number of Negroes were appointed thruout the country as census takers. From experience, I know they had some interesting problems to contend with. One that I noted in one of the Southern cities was the expression from a lady of the old dyedin-the-wool southern prejudice when she stated that she would not answer any questions that would be asked by the Negro census takers assigned to her home district and the prompt reply from the Manager in charge that a special consideration would be made and dispatched a white worker to interview this "special

In session now at Detroit, Michigan the A. M. E. Church is holding its General Conference. You know those things that occur once every four years where the clergy forget their ecclesiastical vestments and get right down to plain old battling. There are a few choice posts to be filled at this session, and I know the going will be pretty rough. Two outstanding sons of Alpha are in the front line trenches for the honor of Bishops. I speak of that dapper minister of Chicago, the Brother who is author of our Fraternity prayer, Brother A. Wayman Ward, and the polished orator of St. Louis, Mo., whose wonderful strides in the ministry have been noteworthy 窶馬one other than Brother Frank Madison Reid. Here's hoping that the efforts of

May, 1940

both of these brothers will be rewarded. Had the very great pleasure of playing host to the Southernaires, that famous singing group of the National Broadcasting System a few Sundays ago when they stopped in my town to give their regular Sunday morning broadcast. You will remember they dedicated their program to us when we were in convention session in New York last summer. A fine bunch of men. Brother O. Wilson Winters in the last issue was rather poetical; especially when he mentioned in poetry form about my declining years and my love grown cold. Well maybe there is something in that, but he should see me now as I write this splurge. The inspiration at my side will make me easily forget his poem. Ask Gladys. Alpha Phi Alpha Educational Week should go over with a bang this year for there is ample room for any number of varied ideas to be put forth in this new trend of educational reorganization. What the next ten years hold in the way of training is hard to predict. So all who have pet peeves can get them off. The boys in Atlanta are celebrating their anniversary during May with the Regional meeting. It promises to be a grand affair. Their theme is "The Future of Alpha Phi Alpha in the South". I will try and attend, if possible. Incidentally, as the summer approaches it is possible that I may (Continued on page 14)

May, 1940


Pago 13


By James B. Browning History Editor

I.—The Negro, Too, in American History by Merl R. Eppse. Tennessee A. & I. State College, Nashville, National Educational Publishing Company, 1938, p. p. XXII. 544. "This volume is an effort to supply a guide for those who are trying to correlate the study of the Negro in the United States with that of general American history. It is, however, prima facie evidence that the author's equipment is decidedly inadequate, for he shows neither a knowledge of history in general nor of the history of the Negro in particular, nor does he distinguish, in his selection of the facts set forth, between the import-nt and the unimportant." CARTER G. WOODSON, American Historical Review XLV. pi). 480-481. II.—The American Race Problem: A Study of the Negro. By Edward Byron Renter, Revised edition, New York, d w e l l , 1938, pp. XII. 430, $3.00. "There is vast literature on the American Negro but few systematic treaties. Among the latter this work of Renter's has held high rank since the publication cf the first edition in 1927. The new edition is basically the same as the first in arrangement, viewpoint, and even in content. In many chapters the changes have been limited to a few words here and there. One new chapter has been added and one of the old ones expanded into two. In the places where statistical material is presented this has been reorganized and brought down to more recent dates." FRANK H. HAWKINS, American Historical Review, XLV, pp. 482. III. — The Negro Immigrant, His Background, Characteristics, and Social Adjustment. 1899-1937. By Ira De A. Reid. (Columbia UnU

versity Studies in History Economics, and Public Law. New York. Columbia University Press, 1939, pp. 261 Tables $3.50). "This inductive study contributes new knowledge about a hither-to little-known group of Negroes, thus extending our knowledge of the Negro peoples and the forces that are playing upon their life in the greater economic order. The number of Negroes migrating to the United States is large enough to be felt in American Negro life. This investigation has further significance due to the peculiar situation faced by the Negro immigrant. Here is a pioneer study of another phase of the American immigrant problem. In this case, however, the problem is increased by differences in color, for, according to the prevailing ideology, the group cannot be assimilated. The Negro immigrant has no part in the Melting Pot. Furthermore, the study of the Negro immigrant presents an opportunity "for the analysis of the intraracial aspect of the process of culturation." LEWIS C. COPLAND, Social Forces XVII pp. 308-309. IV.—The Negro Family in the United States. By E. Franklin Frazier, University of Chicago Press, pp. 686. Price $4.00 postpaid by Survey Association, Inc. "Dr. Frazier's thesis is supported by an amazing accumulation of biographical narratives, hundreds of family histories, statistical data, case records and pertinent historical documents. These are analyzed with scholarly thoroughness and insight, and fashioned into a readable volume. The book, undoubtedly one of the most significant sociological documents on the family published in recent years, will be found indispensable to the social worker who seeks to bring intelligent understanding to the basic

social problems of the Negro." Fisk University, p.—389-1939. CHARLES S. JOHNSON, Survey Midmonthly, December Journal of Social Work. V.—The Life of a Practical Humanitarian: Julius Rosenwald. By M. R. Warner, New York: Harper and Bros. 1939 ppXI V. "In 1911 Rosenwald met Booker T. Washington and gave him lunch. They became intimate friends. Rosenwald became a trustee of Tuskegee and took an active part in the affairs of it. Annually, he took a party of friends there to see it work. Among his many gifts for the benefit of Negroes the most conspicuous was his contribution to the building of schools throughout the South. He gave about one-third of the cost and the rest was supplied by local people and by the country and state government. When he died a total of nearly $28,500,000 had been spent for over fiftythree hundred school buildings. Of this sum he had given fifteen per cent and local authorities, 64 per cent, Negroes, 17 per cent and other individuals, 4 per cent." JOHN M. GLENN, Social Service Review XIV pp. 146-;48. VI.—"Graduate Education for Negroes in Southern Universities." By Charles H. Wesley Reprinted from the Educational Review, Vol. 10, 1940. The education of Negroes at all levels is a problem which educators are prone to blink. On the graduate level the difficulties beset a smaller number with greater force. This dispassionate summary of the Dean of Howard University clarifies the special complexities of graduate Negro education and indicates the general difficulties of the whole field. Every brother must take pride in

3a g g:14 the achievements of a General President whose works are so frequently published by notable periodicals.



Writes On


yjll.—"Jules Michelet as a Person arid as a Historian." "Jules Michelet, born in Paris during- the bloody phase of the French Revolution, was a poor but specialized historian. He was passionately interested in history and has written more than fifty volumes. Jules was timid and defiant in character. In spite of his shortcoming Michelete's attempts to portray the past as it replly existed, his emphasis on people rather than a person or a class m$ke him even today a force in historical literature which neither this nqr subsequent generations can afford to neglect." MARGARET PARHAM, The Quarterly Journal pp. 12-18.

"Hits And Misses" (Continued from page 12) be able to see some of you in my getting around. Also any nearby B a c c a l a u r e a t e or commencement speeches that have not been filled, well, I might consider them—let me know. If at any time there occurs anything in these columns that may cause offense to any brother or chapter, this correspondent will be glad to allow him space to print his views in criticism thereby. We are always open for criticism and1 it is very likely that we must make some "misses" as this is a "Hit & Miss Column". Your comments always appreciated. I hope that the next year will see more Alpha men availing themselves of our scholarships and fellowships and put some of this good money to use. In Nashville a few evenings ago, one. of those swanky Alpha affairs was pulled off. It was really swell. There was a good crowd present. All eyes now turn toward Kansas City of the forthcoming convention to be held at Xmas time. Let's all storm Kansas City and have a swell time. To Carolina Brown and the brothers of Little Rock: I'll have to have an . accounting with you soon. Seems like instead of helping me out with Olga, . you used the opportunity for yourselves. It seems to me that where I am concerned, Olga is "Gone with the Wind." Brother Winters was right, I guess.


BROTHER LOUIS SCHUSTER Brother Louis Schuster, Columbus, Ohio, Regional Director, gives a fine appraisal of Negro insurance companies in an article, titled, Some Aspects of Negro Insurance Companies, in the Negro History Bulletin for Januai-y, 1940. (Page 51). This treatise should be of real value to insurance representatives of Negro insurance companies. It offers a fine index to young men and women who expect to enter this field as a life's vocation. The article presents a series of four tables in which Brother Schuster points out: Table 1—Capital and Surplus of Ten Negro Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies for the Years, 1929, 1931, 1936; Table II— Investments by Classes of 49 leading Life Insurance Companies in the United States, 1935; Table III—Diversity of Admitted Assets of Eleven Negro Life Insurance Companies for Selected Years, 1927, 1931 to 1935 Inclusive; Table IV—Bond Ratings of the Portfolios of Six Negro Life Insurance Companies Based on Moody's Bond Ratings. —


Mere knowledge is comparatively worthless unless digested in practical wisdom and common sense as applied to the affairs of l i f c . T r y o n Edwards.

May, 1940

Employment An organization known as the National Institute of Public Affairs, financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, is located at 400 Investment Bldg., Washington, D. C, i-eceiv?s applications from classified college seniors and graduates who seek an opportunity to serve an interneship of one year in government service at Washington. Applicants must have a definite interest in public affairs, must have maintained a high degree of scholarship, have an aptitude for leadership, etc. An inquiry as to the numV>r of Negroes in such service brought forth the reply that there are none because nine have applied. If any brothers are interested, have them write to the Institute for their booklet describing the program. (From chapter letter by Brother Joseph IT. B. Evans, General Secretary). o



Brother E. W. Browne, "perpstual" secretary of Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter, Bluefield, West Virginia, while enroute to the Dean's meeting at Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma. He spent the day in Memphis Tuesday, March 5th. Brother Ralph E. Mizelle, Assistant solicitor of the U. S. Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. He addressed members of the Miemphis Negro Chamber of Commerce on the Booker T. Washington stamp. Brother Mizelle is a member of Mu Lambda Chapter, Washington, D. C. Brother Woodruff C. Adams, Epsilon Chapter, Michigan University, had a brief chat with the editor while enrout home, in Louisiana, during spring vacation. He told of efforts that are being made by Epsilon brothers to secure a chapter house which is sorely needed in view of inadequate living quarters for out of town students at Michigan University. Brother Dr. Eugene H. Dibble, Medical Officer-in-Charge, United States Veterans Administration Facility, Tuskegee, Alabama. He was in Memphis, April 26-27 attending a conference of U. S. Veterans hospital officials at Hotel Peabody. o

Go for Fins in Attack When fish fight they generally go for the other fellow's side, attacking his fins if possible. The most effective and quickest way to kill a shark is to damage its gills.

Enlighten the people generally and tyranny and oppressions of both mind and bendy will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of d a y . . . Thomas Jefferson.

May, 1940



"Graduate Education For Negroes In Southern Universities"—Review

PRESIDENT CHARLES H. WESLEY Its origins are found in the growth Editor's Nctes:—Excerpts from an articta prepared by Dr. Claries H. Wesley, General and expansion of Negro educational President, for the Harvard Educarional Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan., 1940. institutions and in the desires and The entire treatise appears in four parts, two reeds of the Negro population for a of which are published in here as a significant contribut'on to the Educational Edition of the more equitable educational system. Sp'iinx. Part III is a summary of a survey of Negro college graduates have faced graduate work in 1936-7 as reported to the Association of Negro Colleges and Secondary the fact that there was not a single Schools. Part IV is an evaluation by the state-supported institution in sevenauthor of possibilities "which grow out of these events and trends" in the field of graduteen States* where they could pursue ate work for Negro students. graduate and professional education. Nevertheless, these States had made The education of Negroes at all provision for many years for State levels is a problem which educators tax-supported universities with graduare prone to blink. On the graduate and professional courses for white ate level the difficulties beset a students. In fact, there are twentysmaller number with greater force. nine institutions of higher learning This dispassionate summary of in the South which are members of the present conditions by the Dean the Conference of Deans of Southern of Howard University clarifies Graduate Schools. No Negroes are adthe special complexities of gradumitted to any of these schools. There ate Negro education and indicates were in 1936-37 over fifteen thousand the general 'difficulties of the white students who pursued these whole field. courses and 5221 of these were graduate students. However, not one Negro student was admitted to these instiThe decision of the United States tutions and no graduate degree was Supreme Court in December 1938, awarded to a Negro student within which was reaffirmed in January 1939, thsse seventeen States with their in the case of Lloyd L. Gaines vs. large Negro populations. There were S. W. Canada, Registrar of the Uni3226 graduate students in the reguversity and the Curators of the Unilar sessions and 7743 in the summer versity of Missouri has directed atsessions of thirteen State universities tention to the, opportunities of Negro of the South in 1936-1937, and no Nestudents for graduate and professiongro students were among these. Howal education. This decision emphasizever, there were seven States which ing the "equality of legal right" and provided by scholarships for graduthe "equality of opportunity" of the ate iand professional courses for Neraces within the State has focused a groes outside of their State boundacontinuing interest upon this aspect ries. These States were Missouri, of the problem of education in the West Virginia, Oklahoma, Maryland, South in a spectacular way. The backKentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. ground for this decision has been deBut the States with the largest Negro veloping for more than two decades.

Pagre 15 populations those of the lower South, made no provision whatever for the graduate or professional education of Negro students. One of the scholarship acts, a law of the State of Missouri, provided: "Pending the full development -of the Lincoln University (Negro institution) the board of curators shall have the authority to arrange for the attendance of Negro residents of the State of Missouri at the University of any adjacent State to take any course or to study any subjects provided for at the State University of Missouri and which are not taught at the Lincoln University and to pay the reasonable fees for such attendance." The adjacent States mentioned above were Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois, which admitted Negro students to graduate and professional courses. The United States Supreme Court maintained in its opinion in the Missouri case that this scholarship law did not furnish training "to the residents of the State upon the basis of an equality of right" and that "the provision for the payment of tuition fees in another States does not remove the discrimination", since the duty resided upon the State independently of the action of otheT States. The background for this case is found in several significant changes which have taken place in Negro education. These changes, which at first seem only incidentally concerned are in secondary-school enrollment, college enrollment, the accrediting of Negro colleges, the demand for Negro teachers and teaching requirements. In the first place there has been a large increase in Negro secondary-school enrollment. I|n sixteen of the Southern States there was an increase of enrollment of Negro pupils in public secondary schools from 12,662 in 1916 to 157,034 in 1934. This increase was and is significant to graduate education because it meant that an increase of teachers was necessary for these pupils and it also led to the surging upward of secondary-school graduates so that college enrollment was ultimately affected. The second trend of importance was the increase in college enrollment. Since 1916 Negro collegiate institutions have developed until threefourths instead of one-fifth of their students are on the college level. In public institutions the increase showed a development from 1053 students in 1916 to 19,237 in 1933. The increase in private institutions was from 1588 in 1916 to 19,037 in 1933. (Continued on page 21)


Page 16


Phenomenal Growth For Booker Washington High School In Tulsa


May, 1940


BY ROBERT L. FAIRCHILD "yWE'NTY-SIX years ago, the Booker Washington High School opened its doers for the first time. Out of the grammar department a t Dunbar School sprang Tulsa's Negro High School, when, in the fall of 1912, fewer than fifty students enrolled in classes taught by four faculty members. The first high school classes were taught in a fourroom frame building which occupied the site where now stand our magnificient Home Economic building, the only one of its type in the United States. A group of three other modern brick buildings comprise this educational plant which is the show place of Tulsa. There are thirty class rooms, including a commercial room with 30 typewriters; a science laboratory with $10,000 worth of equipment; a domestic science department with its beautiful dining room, its well-equipped kitchen, and its laundry; a library with its 6,000 volumes; a sewing room with its 7 late-model machines, 13 sewing tables; and a manual arts department with three rooms equipped for the teaching of electric wiring, mechanical drawing, and woodwork. Other features of the plant are a six-room health clinic and a cafeteria with a seating capacity of 250. Five hundred sophomores, juniors and seniors attend Booker Washington High School. They have their student organization which guide and direct the activities of the school and cooperate with the administration in governmental affairs. Booker Washington High School is located in Tulsa, the second largest city in Oklahoma, and the Oil Capital of the World. There are twenty-five thousands Negroes in Tulsa. Their children attend five schools: Booker Washington Elementary, Dunbar Elementary, South Haven Elementary, Carver Junior High and Booker Washington Senior High. These five schools have a combined enrollment of 3,500 and a teaching staff of 90. No student is admitted to Booker Washington High School with less than four units or eight credits of high school work. Students who come from non-accredited schools are required to take an entrance examination. In the basement of the Home Economics Building are the band room and the laundry; on the first floor, a cafeteria with a seating capacity of 250; on the second floor, the domestic arts and domestic science departments. In the basement of the Gymnasium is a well-equipped science laboratory, and athletic storeroom, shower baths, locker rooms, and class rooms. The first floor of the gymnasium is a combination auditorium-gymnasium with a seating capacity of seven hundred. On the second floors are class rooms. The manual arts building is a three room apartment with facilities for teaching electric wiring, woodwork, and mechanical drawing. The Health Clinic is equipped for dental and medical supervision. Hornet Stadium, a newly completed project with WPA participation, costing approximately $30,000.00, is an athletic field used for football games, track meets, and spring festivals. Recently, the board of Education has spent approximately $3,000 for aluminating purposes, now we have night games.

Mrs. Charles W. Anderson, wife of Brother Anderson, Louisville, Ky., who before her marriage was Miss Ann Rucker, charming socialite of Atlanta, Georgia. Brother Anderson is a member of the Kentucky State Legislature, and a prominent attorney of Louisville. The development of this school and the progress the school made has been dependent upon the untiring efforts of Brother E. W. Woods, the present principal. For these years, numbering more than twenty-six, this distinguished brother has labored night and day to accomplish this attainment. The brothers of Alpha Tau Lambda take this special occasion to pay tribute to this brother. The brothers of Alpha Tau Lambda can say that this brother has spent his life in useful service to mankind and we are indeed proud of E. W. Woods.


May, 1940





Page 17


Splendid Record For Xi

These brothers have been outstanding leaders and potent forces in collegiate circles at Wilberforce University. Left to right, top row:— Brother James F. Dunn, Dayton, Ohio, is Assistant Proctor of O'Neil Hall, Motion Picture operator, Cadet Captain of the R. 0. T. C, Chairman of the Big Brothers' Association and the Pan-Hellenic Council; member of the Y. M. C. A. Cabinet and the Wilberfores Players. He is a candidate for the B.S. degree in Social Administration Brother John T. Letts, Lansing, Michigan, is the Cadet Major of the R. 0. T. C.j member of Sword and Shield and Zeta Sigma Pi Honorary Fraternities; president of Emery Hall House Council. He is candidate for the A.B. degree. Second row, left to right:— Bro. Albert McKee, New York City is a member of Zeta Sigma Pi Honorary Fraternity, the Wilberforce Players, Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, and Assistant in Economics, Editor-inChief of the Year Book (Forcean). He is a candidate for an A.B. degree. Brother William Leace, Huntington, West Va. He has been a student assistant in Biological Sciences for three years; is vice-president of the Men's Senate and the Y. M. C. A.; member of the Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, Sword and Shield Honorary Fraternity, Big Brother's Association. Brother Leace is winner of the Alpha $100 scholarship and a candidate for the B.S. degree Cum Laude. Third row, left to right:— Brother Odell Can-, Youngstown, Ohio, is a member of the Sword and Shield Honorary Fraternity, Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, American Student Union and University Choir. He is a candidate for an A.B. degree Cum Laude in Romance Languages. Brother George 0. Walker, president of Xi, hails from Boston, Mass., and is a member of the International Club of Affairs, Emery Hall House Council, Big Brother's Association, Advanced Officer in the R. O. T. C, and president of the Wilberforce Debating Society. He is & Junior in PreLaw.

Left to right, Top—Brothers James F. Dunn and John T. Letts; Second row— Brothers Albeit McKee and William Leace; third row—Brothers Odell Carr and George Walker.




May, 1940

OUTLINES PROGRAM OF SERVICE FOR DELTA LAMBDA NATIONAL ORGANIZATION isfied. Whatever the endeavor might Chapter President I think it is time that Delta Lambbe, we must take the lead.

RUFUS E. HACKETT Newly elected president of Delta Lambda Chapter, Baltimore, Maryland, recommended! & vigorous program for Alpha mem of his city in his acceptance speech, which touched upon eight major topics, namely, Time, Civic and Social responsibilities, Housing, Unemployment, Patronage, Finance, National Organization and undergraduate chapter. TIME We need* all brothers of Baltimore and surrounding communities present at meetings to make our chapter successful. Late hours of our meetings keep many men away. This administration will try as far as possible to open meetings not later than 9:30 p. m. Some believe the repast before business will help us get started earlier and increase our attendance. This will be left for the chapter w decide.

HOUSING Delta Lambda should have a house. I should like to go on record as endorsing the report of the Housing Committee. But let us remember, when things become a financial burden, the joy disappears. Let us consult those organizations which have been successful with housing programs in order that we may start on a solid foundation. UNEMPLOYMENT There are too many qualified unemployed brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha. The N-atiortal organization is trying to decrease this number by publishing in a column in cur official organ under the caption, "Know of a J o b ? " I am urging brothers of Delta Lambda who are influential in selecting men for new jobs or filling vacancies, to please give Alpha brothers due consideration. PATRONAGE Our fraternity has seen fit to give its jewelry contract to a, colored firm. Brothers, I urge you to patronize Negro business institutions. If such institutions cannot serve your needs, patronize those employing Negro help. And let us never forget to patronize a brother.

da had a brother in one of the chairs of our national organization. There are many who believe our fraternity has grown to a full-time secretary. What do you think? There are many brothers among us who are outstanding in their vocation. I urge you to make contributions to the Sphinx. It is vour journal. Use it! UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS I endorse the establishment of a chapter at Coppin College for Teachers and hope this chapter will do all it can to get a chapter at that institution. To get better and closer contact with Beta Alpha (Morgan State College) I propose that this chapter ssnd an official delegate to each Delta Lambda meeting. This delegate should be given time to report the activities of Beta Alpha and let us know what we can do to help its progress. Brothers I ask you to put forth your untiring efforts during 1940. Let us put Delta Lambda in its rightful place. President Hackett is a ten-year Alpha man, having been initiated by Beta Alpha while a student a t Morgan College.


CIVIC AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES We cannot forget our civic responsibility. We must take the lead1. This year I hope our Education for Citizenship Committee will keep our chapter posted on public affairs that affect our racial group and advise us as to what we can do to better conditions for our people. On the other hand we as college trained men must take our place socially; therefore I am wholeheartedly behind our annual prom and other social affairs the Chapter sees fit to give. Our civic-minded brothers and social-minded brothers must be sat-

Brother Henry Garcia , seen at the Console, hails from Jersey City, New Jersey. He was awarded a plaque of appreciation by the brothers of Xi for meritorious work in the field of music. Brother Garcia has been of invaluable service during his four years at Wilberforce, not only to the Fraternity, but also to the student body in general. He composed Xi Chapter's Sweetheart Song and has been organist for the University for four years. A concert and radio artist, and laboratory technician for the Student Health Service, Brother Garcia has completed his work anid will receive a B.S. Degree in June. Shown with him are Brother Eugene Robinson (left), and Melvin Nelson, accomplished musicians, who assisted Brother Garcia in his farewell concert given for the benefit of "Founders' Day" by the chapter.

May, 1940

13 Years In Psi

J. GORDON BAUGH, III Brother J. Gordon Baugh, III, outstanding young Business Executive of Philadelphia, and active member of Psi Chapter who .successfully steered the chaptar's Twentieth Anniversary Celebration in Philadelphia during the holidays. Brother Baugh who is a graduate of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, has been a member of Psi for thirteen years during which time he has missed less than five chapter meetings. He served two years as president of Psi and over five terms as secletary. His downtown business office has served as the Alpha "hangout" for a number of years. Brother Baugh is executive secretary of the Mt. Lawn Cemetery Corporation, and a fervent religious and civic leader in Philadelphia. He is married to the charming Mrs. Virginia A. Baugh and is the father of three sons. Brother Baugh has won note as an amateur photographer and is presently president of the Philadelphia Lens Guild. o





BROTHER ROY NICHOLS President of Nu Chapter, member of Council, Secretary of Y. M. C. A., Cabinet, Debating Society, Lincolian, Dramatic Society, and1 honor student. Mo. received his early education at Howard University Academy. Brother Lindsay received his A.B. degree in 1919 from Howard University as wall as his M. A. degree, 1920. He specialized in economics and finance a t New York University's Graduate School of Business Administration.



DROTHER Philip Waring, retiring president of Alpha Zeta Chapter, has been outstanding in youth work during his college career. Active in the N.A.A.C.P., the West Virginia State College chapter, under his presidency, was the first in the Association to enroll one hundred members. He was the second Negro to serve as an officer of the West Virginia Federation of College Students. Brother Waring has represented West Virginia State at numerous Youth Conferences and is at present a member of the National Executive Committee of the All-Southern Negro Congress. Other honors gained by him while in college include the vice-presidency of the Student Council, membership in the John Dewey Society of campus leaders, and presidency of the class of 1940. Brother Waring plans to attend the New York School of Social Work next school year. o

Government Appointee Brother Arnett G. Lindsay, former editor of the Sphinx Magazine, and for several years manager of the People's Finance Corporation in St. Louis, Mo., was appointed supervisor of Negro manuscripts for all Historical Records Survey Projects of the Work Projects Administration, with headquarters a t Washington. Under Brother Lindsay's supervision, an intensive survey will be made of manuscript material relating to the Negro. He is a native of Griffin, Ga., lived in Memphis, Tenn., and St. Louis,

Page,- i 9

Michigan's Great Track Star (Picture at Left)



Former Captain of the: University of Michigan track team, ended his collegiate career in 1939 by winningthree first places in the Western Catt'ference outdoor meet to bring t& nine the total of the greatest number accumulated by a Western Conference athlete. See February Number, 194Q Edition of the Sphinx for d e t a i l ^ account of Brother Watson's Stella,? record at Michigan University.' '"


Page 20

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,


ANNOUNCE TENTATIVE FOR 1940 CONVENTION More than one hundred committee chairmen and members of the four chapters in Greater Kansas City, met in Room 401, Municipal Auditorium, on Sunday, April 7, 1940, to consider the progress in plans to date for the entertainment of the three National Greek Letter Organizations which will meet in the Heart of America, December 27-31, 1940. The feature of the meeting was a Symposium on the theme, "WHAT WE PLAN TO DO". The speakers were General Chairmen of the participating organizations or their representatives, and used the opportunity to release the tentative schedule of activities. The speakers were: Mrs. Louise Clarke, Co-Chairman of the Coordinating Committee who described THE COORDINATED ACTIVITIES; Mrs. Mary Louise Chapman, General Chairman of the Boule Committee, on

May, 1940

May, 1940


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity


Page 21


Committee Chairman and Members

(Front row center) Dr. T. T. Lowrey, Trussie Smothers, Carl R. Johnso n, Louise Clarke, John L. Howell, Mary Louise Chapman, Burt A. Mayberry


WHAT THE A K A'S PLAN TO DO; Attorney Carl R. Johnson, General Chairman of the Conclave Committee, on WHAT THE KAPPA'S PLAN TO DO; and J. Oliver Morrison, Representative of the Convention Committee, WHAT THE ALPHA'S PLAN TO DO. HOW MUCH IS ALL THIS GOING TO COST was the final speech by Guy L. Davis, Chairman of the Finance Committee. A chart of tentative activities for the Convention, as outlined a t the Symposium is herewith published, subject to changes before December. We understand best that which begins in ourselves and by education brightens into birth. . .Mary Baker Eddy. o The ultimate aim of education should be effective l i v i n g . . . The Sphinx.

Day Date Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi Registration Registration Directorate Dinner Friday Directorate "At Homes" Sightseeing Trip Dec. 27 "At Home" Open Party Open Party Business Sessions Business Sessions Saturday Committee Sessions Committee'Sessions Pilgrimag^lto Lawrence Dec. 28 Informal r%rty Closed Formal Sunday Dec. 29

Religious Service Public Session

Monday Business Sessions Dec. 30 Joint Lunch Tuesday Business Sessions Dec. 31 Closed Banquet

Alpha Phi Alpha Registration Executive Council

Open Party Business Sessions Committee Sessions Pilgrimage to Lawrence Symposium

Religious Service Public Session "At Homes"

Religious Service Public Session "Open Houses"

Business Sessions Joint Lunch Sightseeing Trip Radio Hour Closed Banquet

Business Sessions Joint Lunch

Business Sessions Closed Formal

Business Sessions Closed Banquet

Closed Formal

"Graduate Education For Negroes In Southern Universities"—Review (Continued from page 15) There has also been a considerable increase in the number of Negro college graduates. The volume of increase has been greater for Negro college graduates than for all graduates. In 1920 there were 38,552 bachelors' degrees for the whole country and Negroes received 381 of these degrees. Eight years later, there were 83,065 bachelors' degrees for the whole country and Negroes received 1512 of these degrees. The total increase was 115.5 per cent and the Negro increase was 296.9 per cent. In 1936 there were 1791 bachelors' degrees awarded by Negro colleges and 143 by Northern colleges to Negroes. This represented a total of 1934 bachelors' degrees awarded to Negroes. There were approximately 2500 graduates from Negro colleges of the South with the bachelor degree in 1937. On the basis of these figures, it is reasonable to assume

that there will be an increasing number of Negroes who will want graduate training-. Of equal importance with numbers is the accrediting of these Negro colloges by the State accrediting agencies and the Southern Association colleges by the State accrediting increases the prestige of these colleges and make their degrees more desirable to their graduates and more acceptable to the State educational authorities. It is worth noting that only about one-fifth of the 117 Negro colleges of the nation are accredited and nearly two-thirds of those approved are private institutions. As a result, many Negro colleges supported by the States have a long way to go for the accreditation of their college work, and accordingly are not in a position to undertake graduate instruction. Another trend has been the increasContinued On Page 22

"Graduate Education For Negroes In Southern Universities"-Review Continued From Page 1 ed demand for teachers. The factors noted above, the increase of secondary-school enrollment and the increase in college enrollment, have led to a demand for a larger number of teachers in these schools. The National Survey of Education in 1930 showed that in sixteen Southern States there were 51,842 white highschool teachers and 5040 Negro highschool teachers. For each white teacher there ware 60 pupils and for each Negro teacher there were 211 pupils. These figures would seem to lead to the conclusion that additional Negro teachers are needed if there is to bo efficiency connected with their work. Along with these trends, there were increases in the teaching requirements in the larger cities, North and South, in several of the States. These requirements were generally that the teachers should have, for the secondary schools and junior colleges, the master's degree or one year of graduate work. The city requirements are even more specific than the State requirements. While the subject of Education bulks large in these requirements, subject-matter courses predominate. The experiences of the graduates of some of the Negro colleges show that they desired and needed further graduate study. Comments by the graduates themselves show this trend in Negro education. A student in social sciences suggested the following as one of the reasons why he has not advanced more rapidly: "When vacancies occur the master's degree is required." Another states, "School officials refused) to employ a person in my field, romance languages, who did not have a t least the master's degree." A third student wrote, "I needed the minimum of one year's graduate credit in my major field (science)." Still another states, "I was kept from advancement by the lack of an advanced degree." Numerous instances indicate the same fact, namely, that students who are now in the teaching field needi the master's degree for teaching in the secondary schools and junior colleges and in order to obtain some type of advancement. These requirements may be expected to increase. II In the meantime, efforts were made by Negroes to obtain graduate education through application for admission to several State universities and through the addition of graduate studies for the master's degree in certain strategically located Negro institu-

tions. The first of these efforts was undertaken in 1933, when Thomas R. Hocutt, a Negro who had attended the State College for Negroes a t Durham, North Carolina, applied for admission to the School of Pharmacy of the University of North Carolina a t Chapal Hill. Hocutt wias refused admission to the University by its registrar. Court proceedings were instituted by attorneys for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The University was asked to show cause why a citizen of the State qualified in all respects except that he was a Negro, should not be admitted to a tax-supported institution conducted by the State. The suit was lost on the technicality that Hocutt had net complied with all the regulations for admission. The immediate question seemed settled in this way. The legislature of the State then began the consideration of a bill for the payment of the expenses of Negro students who desired graduate and professional education in Northern institutions. This bill passed the lower House but failed of adoption in the Senate. ' A second case arose in 1935, when Donald Gaines Murray, a Negro graduate of Amherst College, applied for admission to the Law School of the University of Maryland. The applicant was denied admission. Suit was instituted on April 8, 1935, in the City Court of Baltimore. The case was carried to the Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland. This Court rendered its decision on January 15, 1936, which states, "The case, as we find it, then, is that the State has undertaken the function of education in the law, but has omitted students of one race from the only adequate provision made for it and omitted them solely because of their color. If these students are to be offered equal treatment in the performance of the function, they must at present be admitted to the one school provided." Under the pressure of this decision, Murray was admitted to the Law School of the University of Maryland and was graduated from this school in June 1938. As a result of this contest, a scholarship law was later (adopted by the legislature providing for graduate and professional education of Negroes outside of the State of Maryland. A similar result occurred in Tennessee when admission to the School of Pharmacy of the University of Tennessee was denied to a Negro student. The State legislature then passed a

scholarship act which became effective on May 22, 1937. The final step in this series of cases was taken when Lloyd L. Gaines, a Negro graduate of Lincoln University at Jefferson City, Missouri, applied for admission to the Law School of the University of Missouri. A writ of mandamus was filed against the University on January 24, 1936, and on December 12, 1938, by a decision of 6-2, the Supreme Court of the United States reversed and remanded the decision of the Supreme Court of Missouri denying the right of admission to Gaines, and rendered the positive opinion that he was entitled to be admitted to the Law School of the University and that the scholarship law was not an evidence of equality of opportunity. This decision has implications of far-reaching significance for Negro education. It seems to suggest at the same time the legality of the admission of Negroes to State universities and the approval of separate institutions for Negroes, if they are maintained on a basis of "equality" with those for white students. *AIabama. Arkansas. Delaware. Georgia, Florida. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nort'i Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. O

Phi Beta Kappa

BROTHER FELTON G. CLARK Brother Felton G. Clark, president of Southern University, Scotlandville, La., was recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Society at Beloit. Holder of the Ph.D. Degree from Columbia University, Dr. Clark succeeded his own father, also an ardent Alpha brother, as president of Southern.


M a y , 1940 B.R B.Bl B.ft B.R B.ll B>g> B.ll U.H B.ll

P o g e 23

S P H I N X Ul.ll B.ll B.l> B-E. B.E-__ <*.B J . B ^l.B « . g



VOICE OF THE SPHINX H.F> B.ll B.H H.IR B . l l - g r e

T T " ' " '••" * * "

J, H


tfeta Si#ma Lambda—New




a , H

*'" *

Link To Alpha


* '

* '

*'" " ^ " " ^


Alnha adds a new link to its fraternal chain in the far epgt. Members of the newly established chapter Beta Sigma Lambda . H a r t f o r d ? Connecticutfare shown with Eastern v£e-President Roger F. Gordon, on occasion of their initiatory Banquet. Left to right:— , __,„, , , „ _ „ , ., . ,, T x> 4.V. T r. w T a , K n n rvm-o-e ^helron George A. David, William Jones, Joseph M. Bullock, president of ths eJS^S^^SiStSiSi^SSSSJ^R James A.' Wright, James W. Hall, Jarvis Arms and William Foster visiting brothers of Philadelphia, Pa. ^

Beta Sigma


HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Greetings. Brothers: The State of Connecticut has long anticipated the establishment of a Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in its capital city. This long awaited event became history upon the night of March 30, 1940 with the setting up of Beta Sigma Lambda Chap-

ter by the Eastern Vice-President, Roger F. Gordon of Philadelphia. We the brothers of Beta Sigma Lambda are happy to be included in that great realm of Alphaland. First, since ours is the capital city and the city of leadership in the state, we feel that Alpha should be here to help lead; secondly and last, we feel that the good old Alpha spirit, wherever it may be, can help the cause of our people. So again, we greet our

dear brothers throughout America and Europe. May yours truly send a special bouquet to my old chapter, Gamma, for winning Alpha's historic McG-ee Cup. The chapter plans to launch its spring program April 29, 1940, holding a forum with high school seniors and junior high school seniors, the purpose being to encourage them to continue their education by going to high school and college. Sunday,

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May 5, 1940, was declared "Alpha Sunday." We held a special program that afternoon at the Talcott Street Congregational Church. The program consisted of musical selections by our local artists and brothers and a nationally known speaker. At this time, we announced the forthcoming "Miss Alpha Phi Alpha" contest which we plan to conduct throughout the month of May. This event will be terminated by a social event at which time the winner of the contest will be crowned "Miss Alpha Phi Alpha." Officers and members of Beta Sigma Lambda Chapter a r e : Dr. Joseph Bullock, president; George A. David, vice-president; Dr. Jas. A. Wright, treasurer; James W. Hall, corresponding and recording secretary; Dr. William Coleman, chaplain; George Shelton, financial secretary; James W. Jackson, Associate editor of Sphinx; Jarvis H. Arms, sergeant-at-arms, and Williams Jones. Fraternally yours, JAMES "STONEWALL" JACKSON, Associate Editor to Sphinx. o




AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Greetings, Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Alpha Chi Lambda chapter drank deeply of sweet victory here in Augusta late in March when in a thrillfilled cage contest before a record crowd of well over 500 people who packed the Bethlehem gymnasium its doughty basketeers subdued the Purple and Gold cagers of Omega Psi Phi. The game, first in what is expected to be a long series of annual basketball tilts, saw the Omega team take an early lead in the first quarter, which it was subsequently forced to relinquish as the Alpha 5 settled down to close guarding and a brilliantly organized passing attack. The final score, 34-27, hardly reflects the closeness and uncertainty of the contest as the tide of victory see-sawed between Alpha and Omega throughout a tense, exciting 40 minutes. For Alpha Brothers Horatio Lamar and Rias Bennett at forward, L. D. Perry at center, and Clairmont Williams and Hinton James at guard went the whole route, performing a Herculean task against the greater reserve of the Omegas. During half-time intermission in a beautiful ceremony Miss Jayma Carter, who received an overwhelming vote, was crowned "Miss Alpha" and on behalf of the fraternity was pre-


sented a purse and a box of candy by Brother Dr. R. L. Lockett. As in athletics, so in its education program, Alpha Chi Lambda held the banner high when in a well-arranged broadcast over local radio station WRDW it paid tribute to the late Julius Rosenwald. Brothers J. W. Wallace and L. D. Perry served as speaker and announcer respectively. Quartets from Haines Institute and Paine College along with their directors furnished musical numbers on the program. When members of the local chapter entertain the Brothers in their regular bi-monthly meeting, they truly entertain. Since the chapter resumed its activities in September after a summer recess every Brother has gone the limit in his hospitality and efforts to please a.nd satisfy the group. The month of March saw entertaining reach its peak. The first meeting of the month was held in the recently constructed and palatial home of Brother A. M. Carter. When the business had been disposed of, the meeting began. Cocktails in the living room, dinner in the dining room, and demi-tasse on reassembling in the living room climaxed an evening which every Alpha Brother truly enjoyed. Brother Dr. A. C. Griggs, in his turn on the next meeting night in Marc'.i,

May, 1940 commandeered the capable resources of Haines Institute, to afford an atmosphere and a repast excellent in every respect. From the place cards, past the candles, through black coffee in gold hued cups to the attire of the charming waitresses the Gold and Black of Alpha Phi Alpha shone forth. A number of visiting brothers were present at this session, including Brothers. Dr. Harold Hill from Seneca, S. C , C. D. Ingram from Columbia, Dr. Scott from Aiken, and W. Maye. Brother Dr. Hill is a charter member of Alpha Chi Lambda chapter and was first to serve as its president. The chapter in April will celebrate its fifth anniversary with a program which now is being arranged. The Brothers will have five years of splendid achievement and steady progress proudly to commemorate on this occasion. Alpha Phi Alpha here continues to take the lead. Among the additional honors which brothers have garnered as they seek to serve all may be listed, the elevation of Brother Hinton James to the position of superintendent of the Sunday School of the great Tabernacle Baptist Church, and the election of Brothers L. D. Perry and Rev. A. C. Griggs to the post of president and secretary of the Augusta Civic and Business League. Neophyte

"Miss Alpha" For Augusta


MISS JAYMA CARTER Miss Jayma Carter, charming contest winner shown shortly after she had been crowned "Miss Alpha" at the Alpha-Omega basketball game in Augusta, Georgia. Brother Dr. R. L. Lockett is presenting Miss Carter a box of candy while little Miss Juliette Harris, crown bearer stands by. Detailed account is published in Alpha Chi Lambda chapter news.

Brother Horatio Lamar has been appointed recreational director at the local boys NYA project and is doing a splendid work. Fraternally, JOEL W. WALLACE, o



HOWARD UNIVERSITY Greetings, Alpha Brothers: Here at Beta we have tried to carry out a program which we are proud to relate to you. Since our last writing in February many things have taken place which tended to further send the name of Alpha to the top on Howard campus. On Sunday, March 10th, in Frazier Hall, Beta sponsored its annual musical Tea. This tea as usual was quite a success. Brother Walter Primas, head of the committee who handled the affair and to whom I would like to sound a note of praise for the excellent manner in which he handled the program, obtained full co-operation from the other frats and sororities in rendering selections on the program. It has rightfully gained its place as an annual pleasure to be looked forward to. During the past month the pledge club saw fit to sponsor a party for the brothers at the fraternity house. All brothers who attended will certainly verify the fact that it was quite a party, both enjoyable and unique. About an hour after the party had begun the p l e d g e s sang their song with lights out and when the lights were again turned on, seemingly from nowhere, a beautiful new radio appeared on the scene which was presented to the chapter by the pledge club through its president, Oris Allen. At this time of year as usual we are all eagerly looking forward to Education week which was between April 29th and May 5th, and during which time Beta did its share toward making this one of the most impressive to date. On April 6, the brothers were treated to one of those real Alpha smokers which was arranged by the social committee under the direction of its co-chairmen, Brothers Harry Jones and William Parks, who have done very creditable work. On May 3rd Beta staged its annual spring prom. The arrangements for this affair were in the hands of the joint social committee from Beta and Mu Lambda chapters. Here I would like to state that the cooperation between the chapters has been at a peak throughout the year, which has been exemplified on many occasions.

On the program for the year Beta has initiated what is known among the brothers as "Alpha Night" each Saturday. During this time the brothers gather, play checkers, ping pong, and other games, and engage in real brotherhood. Also the house has begun to accommodate the brothers living there and other brothers who wish to come by serving meals twice a day. To further promote that brotherly feeling which has been one of the key notes of the present administration all brothers again this year will attend Sunday services in a group at the university chapel on Mothers' Day. Wishing continued success to all chapters, I remain, ROBERT LEWIS, JR. Editor to the Sphinx. o




BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Greetings, Brothers: In keeping with our national program of "Education for Citizenship" Omicron Lambda has done extensive planning for a successful program which is to go into effect immediately. It is the aim of Omicron Lambda to touch all the high schools in the Birmingham area with her citizenship program. Our national program this year should be of great interest to all the people throughout the nation for it comes at a time when the suffrage and poll tax questions are being aired in Congress. Omicron Lambda is proud in that she claims a representative at the hearing in Washington. Our brother, Attorney A. D. Shores, who has made an outstanding name for himself in the field of law, is the representative. On April 10 he testified before the special committee on the effects produced on Negroes by the Poll Tax law of the State of Alabama. In a move by the various chapters in the Southern States to study the problems of the Fraternity, Omicron Lambda will send four representatives to attend the Southern Regional Convention which convenes in Atlanta on May 17-19. The following brothers are representatives: C. J. Greene. H. Lovell Mosely, Peter A. Hall, Herbert Peques. It is hoped that some solutions will come from the study of our mutual problems, and here is wishing to see you at the convention. Fraternally yours, HERBERT PEQUES.



A & T COLLEGE Greetings: This issue of the Sphinx finds Beta Epsilon still doing bigger and better things for Ole A Phi A. On March 2, 1940, Beta Epsilon sponsored an amateur show at A & T which was a great success, financially and otherwise. At one of its regular meetings Beta Epsilon decided to present our college library the sensational novel "Native Son" by Richard Wright. At the time of this Sphinx issue the book has been presented to the library. At present this chapter is sponsoring its annual popularity contest. The winner of this contest will be crowned "Miss Beta Epsilon" a t the annual dance given by the Beta Epsilon Chapter. Beta Epsilon is still carrying high the aims and ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha and it is hoped that the other brothers and their respective chapters are doing likewise. Until the next issue, we'll be seeing you. EARL HOLLAND, Chapter Secretary. o

Alpha Psi Lambda COLUMBIA, S. CAROLINA Greetings, Brothers: During the Palmetto State Teachers' Association (Mar. 20-22) it was our privilege to give a smoker in honor of Brother H. Council Trenholm, our Southern Vice-President, who was the Association's guest speaker for Friday evening. The smoker was attended by visiting brothers from over the State. After an informal chat, Brother Trenholm spoke to the group briefly about his plans and expressed his appreciation for the hospitality accorded him. The occasion was further highlighted by a surprise visit by Brother Dr. Akiki Nyabongo, who was in this vicinity on a lecture tour of leading colleges and universities, white and Negro. Brother Nyabongo was brought to the smoker and introduced by Brother Dr. Mance, whom he was visiting. We expressed the hope that both of our distinguished guests would be with us again when the opportunity presented itself. In view of certain circumstances, we have decided to forego a mass meeting in connection with the annua'. "Education for Citizenship" program and through smaller groups attempt to do something toward the problem of parks and playgrounds for Ne-


Page 26 groes. Plans for a social affair for the spring are as yet incomplete. Fraternally yours, FRED C. HIPP. o

Beta Omicron


MOBILE, ALA. Greetings from Beta Omicron Lambda in the Azalea City: • Spring is here and our thoughts naturally turn to the observance of Alpha Educational Week. In view of the fact that this is our first opportunity in this connection we felt it wise to combine the two programs; namely, the "Go to High School, Go to College" program and ths "Education for Citizenship" program. It is our plan to have speakers from the chapter to go to the high schools of the city and to the Mobile branch of the State Teachers College. We expect to publicize our program through the local newspapers and by means of the Alpha posters and tags. Wo" also contemplate a public forum on citizenship. Citizenship discussions in our chapter brought the brothers to a realization of their obligation to support the N. A. A. C. P. All brothers pledge fully to support the organization. Best wishes to all chapters in their activities of the Spring. Fraternally, J. P. DIXON, Associate Editor of Sphinx. o



LANGSTON UNIVERSITY Greetings, Brothers in Alphadom: The brothers of Langston University are looking back on a very enjoyable and successful winter of fraternal life, and we hope that all brothers everywhere have enjoyted some measure of this same spirit which has been and still is so characteristic of Alpha Phi Alpha. Out of a chapter of twenty-eight members, fourteen are seniors and will graduate either in the Spring or Summer, namely they are: Ora Ellis, Thomas Johnson, Leander West, Leo Woody, Howard Clay, William (Bill) Hale, Richard Jones, George Hubbard, W. F. Talton, Frank Swain, Prentis Nolan, P. J. Lane, Emery Jennings, Coy Franklin and Orlando Nelson. All of them have been outstanding in one or more respects and we feel that we will miss them greatly, as they have as leaders contributed much, not only to Beta Kappa but to Langston's students as a

May, 1940


whole. We pause to mention only a few who have so diligently served and worked for the betterment of Langston during their four years' stay: Wm. (Bill) Hale, vice-president of Student Council, President of University Y. M. C. A., President of Oklahoma Council of Student Christian Associations, Cochairman of Southwest Council of S.C.A.S., National Chairman for Oklahoma Southern Negro Youth Congress, and an honor student throughout the four years. Emery Jennings, former President of Student Council, President of Debating Society, President and organizer of the College Chapter of N.A.A. C.P., National Councilman for Oklahoma Southern Negro Youth Congress, and Senior representative of the Student Council. Coy Franklin, President of Student Council, and former president of Beta Kappa. Frank L. Swain, selected as AilAmerican guard by the Associated Negro Press and three years a letter man. The events of the season that astounded the entire campus were those associated with our observance of our Chapter's Founders Day, on Sunday March 10. Eager to get the best, we were fortunate to secure Bro. B. H. Brown, prominent attorney of Wichita, Kansas, who gave an inspirational address, not only to the thirty-two tuxedo clad brothers who were behind him but to the entire audience. After the program which was held in the University Auditorium, the brothers with their beautifully dressed lady friends, walked leisurely across the campus to the university dining hall where everybody enjoyed the very elaborate menu that had been prepared for the occasion. Bro. K. L. Jones, our Regional Director, served as toast-master. We are happy to acknowledge the presence of members of the graduate chapters located in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Wewoka. The following Monday night the brothers and their fair ladies strolled off the campus to the Chapter House for our very unique Birthday party. It was here and at this occasion that our much commemorated Eighth Anniversary birthday cake was cut. Needless to say, the affair was enjoyed by all. Despite the unusual winter and windy spring, the brothers of the Chapter House have done exceptionally well at landscaping, and beautifying the lawn. Beta Kappa wishes all chapters suc-

cess in their spring program and says to all her friends, "We wish you a very happy and prosperous summer". Fraternally yours, JERRY W. RUSHING, Associate Editor. o

Sigma BOSTON, MASS. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha— Greetings: Sigma Chapter has been marching on in spite of the many obstacles that are confronting us. Brother Thomas Center, our able president, needs to be congratulated for his very fine guidance and able leadership. The bi-annual prom, that accompanies the Harvard-Yale game when played in Boston, was tops. Brother Julian Brank-T who was chairman for the occasion is known to surpass in such endeavors. The novel invitations, the exceptional music and the unsurpassed decorations will live long in the hearts of those who were able to enjoy the grandeur. To climax the evening Alpha's guests drank to their health, and the general concensus of opinion was that "the wine for the gods was truly a masterpiece." All Alpha might well be exceptionally proud of the very fine unusual affair, given with that tor.-e, color and completeness only known to Alpha. Brother Harry Loften, formerly Roxbury court officer, was recently promoted to the position of probation officer. Brother Lofton did a very fine job in his former position and we are very sure that he will do equally as well as probation officer for Roxbury, the only officer of color in Boston. The Alphas here now look with great expectancy to the fast approaching Citizenship program. We ar-e all hopeful for a visit from Brothers Wesley and Evans. Brother Kenneth Gray and his committee are endeavoring to break all past marks and to go on record as having had the finest program for any such affair in the annals of time. It is therefore fitting that our National president and secretary witness such an exhibition. The Sphinx Club is progressing with a very fine group of prospects. It is our hope that they shall prove themselves worthy to be called brothei-s and ere long be assisted over the burning sands. Fraternally, WILLIAM H. JACKSON, Editor to the Sphinx.


May, 1940



RALEIGH, N. C. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Once again we greet the brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha. We assure you that we are still forging ahead—continually reclaiming brothers, and spreading the fellowship that is so typically Alpha. Even as this article ia written we can still hear echoes of the rythmical music and of the enthusiastic reverberations that sallied forth from our many friends, sweethearts, wives, and brothers on the occasion of our formal dance recently held in the City Auditorium here in Raleigh. Credit for the entire affairs is due Brother J. M. Stevens and the members of the Social Committee who worked with him. Education for Citizenship campaign week served only for the initiation of a progam that will continue in Raleigh throughout the remaining weeks in the year. Civic organizations, agencies, clubs, and alliances with whom Phi Lambda is co-operating are most enthusiastic, and are anxiously joining with us in laying plans for an honest examination of present local conditions in terms of recognized needs. Phi Lambda plans to continue this program as an integral part of and as a continued impetus to a searching and ever developing program of citizenship in this city and its immediate vicinity. Brother John Hope Franklin, Professor of History a t St. Augustine's College, is the chairman of this Citizenship Committee, and Phi Lambda is looking to him, together with the members of his committee, for a most successful experiment in coordinated citizenship development. In addition to this experiment, there were activities carried on at the local schools and churches. The most outstanding of these featured an imaginary radio broadcast and two addresses. The imaginary broadcast was conducted at the Washington High School by the local undergraduate brothers in Beta Rho. Brother David D. Jones, President of Bennett College of Greensboro was i n v i t e d to make * e address at the local meeting and Brother J. Percy Bond, Jr., State Director of Negro Affairs of the NYA, was invited to make the address over the radio. Music for both occasions was be furnished by the Shaw University Choral Club. A few of the outstanding activities


of some individual brothers of Phi Lambda include: The recuperation of Brother T. K. Borders, Director of the Oxford Orphanage from his illness of long standing. The outstanding success and program of Brother Harold L. Trigg, recently elected President of Elizabeth City State Teachers College. The excellent address of Brother Robert P. Daniel made at the State Conference of the North Carolina Commission on Interracial Co-operation. At this time Brother Daniel appeared on the program with the Governor of North Carolina. The honor which has recently come to Brother John Hope Franklin to address the annual Conference of Social Science Teachers. The work of Brother H. I. F. Nanton, who as State Supervisor of Negro Work, Housing Authority, has Directed surveys indicating the need for the building of 13 low income housing projects throughout North Carolina. Several of these are already under construction. The recent publication of Brother J. Percy Bond, Jr., entitled, "The Negro in the NYA for North Carolina" and the great success of the four day Conference held in February at Fayetteville State Teachers College on the problems of Out-ofSchool Negro Youth, which included North Carolina, Virgina, Florida, and South Carolina. This conference was organized and directed by Brother Bond. Phi Lambda is now looking forward to the Regional Convention to be held at Atlanta University the week-end of May 17-19. We hope that we will see many of you there. C. G. HENRY, Acting for the Associate Editor of the Sphinx. o

Beta Nu Lambda CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Greetings Brothers: Though we are late telling you about Beta Nu Lambda's activities we feel assured that some of this chapter's activities may be of interest to you. After having organized last year and starting out this new year, our chapter decided to elect officers. The new officers are as follows: Brother C. L. Blake, president; Brother Dr. Thomas Watkins, vicepresident; Brother G. F. Woodson, financial secretary; Brother John N. Ladson, recording secretary; Brother

Page 27 Dr. A. J. Williams, treasurer; Brother E. L. James, editor to the Sphinx; Brother Floyd Anderson, sergeant-atarms; Brother Lewis Levi, chaplain. It is not contrary to Beta Nu Lambda's custom to tell of our Brothers and to state some of their accomplishments. Brother C. L. Blake, our president, who is the Principal of West Charlotte High School and a Columbia University graduate, has done much to keep our chapter active and before the general public. Brother Dr. Thomas Watkins can always be depended upon whenever we present new ideas for our chapter. Brother G. F. Woodson, financial secretary, is mathematics teacher at Johnson C. Smith University. Note that he has been blessed with an addition to his family, a baby boy, which may prove some day to be good Alpha material. Brother John N. Ladson, recording secretary and teacher of Adult Education in Charlotte, was also blessed by a visit from the stork, this one a little girl. Brother Dr. A. J. Williams, our treasurer, is one of our true Alpha brothers. We always look forward to his inspiring statements. Though he is rather quiet, he speaks as one in authority. Brother E. L. James, editor to the Sphinx, has made a fine record as Principal of Logan High School, Concord, North Carolina. Our hats are off to him for his sincere efforts in aiding us in placing Beta Nu Lambda "first of all". Brother Floyd Anderson, sergeantat-arms, is one of our few Census enumerators of this section among our race. Brother Lewis Levi, chaplain, is the Chemistry teacher at Second Ward High. He is especially noted for his soft spoken prayers. This article would not be complete if I did not mention Brother David E. Carroll, teacher of music at Johnson C. Smith University. We look to this brother with pride for the type of music he has presented to the institution which he is now serving. Though he is quiet in manner, he is well liked by everyone. We are fortunate to have Brother W. A. Davenport with us. He is a graduate of A and T. College, Greensboro, North Carolina. At present Brother Davenport is a Mecklenburg County Farm Demonstrator. Beta Nu Lambda and Alpha Omicron Chapters have made definite plans to carry out a unique educational program for this section. We shall inform our brothers concerning the

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program in detail at a later date. To those brothers who have changed their addresses and find it impossible to attend meetings in Charlotte, let it be known that we regret that you will not be with us. However we hope to keep in touch with you. They are as follows: Brother I. P. Stanback of Columbia, South Carolina; Brother James H. Holmes, Wilmington, North Carolina; Brother Frank Hammond, Morganton, North Carolina. Sincerely yours, JOHN N. LADSON, Recording Secretary. E. L. JAMES, Editor to the Sphinx. C. L. BLAKE, President. o



FLORIDA A. and M. COLLEGE Greetings to all Brothers of Alphadom : After the initiation of two neophyte brother, Beta Nu Chapter advances in full stride with the aims of dear Alpha Phi Alpha in view and with eager anticipation of doing greater things. On February 22, 1940, Roy Spencer of Tallahassee and Moses Miles of Lakeland entered Alphadom holding the flaming torch high. The latter was one of five delegates from the college who attended an interracial meeting at Daytona, Florida in March at which time he participated in the round-table discussion on, "What Shall We Teach Our Youth About Race?" The Spring season unfolds that Brothur R. H. Wadlow, Professor of Chemistry, has been added to the roll of "The American Association For The Advancement of Science," and that Brothers Murray Neely, Robert Griffin and Henry Butler have been for the last time placed on the AllAmerican and All-Conference teams in inter-collegiate combats. Beta Nu is excellently represented in the Sigma Tau Mu Debating Society by Brothers Jefferson Rogers, who is anticipating entering Howard University Theological school this fall, and Reginald Hughes, who made the annual traveling debating team. Brother E. E. Ware, coach of the Debating Society, must be congratulated for producing such splendid teams as have appeared this year. On the night of February 24, our chapter was host to many guests at Beta Nu's Annual Costume Ball. The setting of a Hades scene exhibited great originality and taste. Alpha always blazes the way with dignity. The guests' costumes dis-


played the fact that much time had been put into their preparation. All Alpha brothers were clad gayly in Russian costumes. With the Education Week Program in the offing, we are making arduous preparation to present the most uplifting and intellectually stimulating program that has ever been produced. As a means of terminating the year harmoniously and colorfully, we are planning a very elaborate and gala "get together" in May. This affair will be had at spacious Lake Hall, which is five miles North of the campus under trees evergreen. Fraternally yours, OLIVER H. JONES, Secretary. . o

Alpha FISK



We of Alpha Chi are pleased to greet the brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha through these columns. Brothers here, as well as those in the three other Nashville chapters, are still in the process of recuperation from the big Alpha affair of the year, our annual joint banquet and dance. It was a real occasion, and everything was carried out in grand Alpha style...Two Alpha Chi men are to be praised for their part in planning the program, Brother Walter Boags, chairman of the dancebanquet committee, and Brother Carroll Leevy. In that the activities of this chapter were not included in the last issus of the Sphinx, we have not had an opportunity to present to you the officers for this year. However, it is with a deal of pride that we present the men at the helm of Alpha Chi: President, Brother Axel C. Hansen; Vice President, Brother William Patton; Secretary, Brother Carroll M. Leevy; Assistant Secretary, Brother Roscoe C. Bryant; Treasurer, Brother John T. King; Associate Editor to Sphinx, Brother Mack J. Mosely; Sergsant-at-arms, Brother George W. Gaddy; Parliamentarian, Brother John W. Parker Jr.; Historian, Brother Edward Howard. The chapter is very much indebted to its former president, Brother Walter N. Boags, and his administration for a most successful year during his period of office. Through him we have attained much of which to be proud. The most recent addition to our Sphinx Club was made at the termination of last semester, at which time we pledged the following fifteen men:

May, 1940 Harvey Alexander, St. Elmo Brady Jr., Hyron Coleman, Earl Carl, Clarence Griffith, George Giddings, John Hall, Benjamin Hudson, Louis Kindle, Frenese Logan, Thaddieus McCray, Robert Patterson, Clarence Payne, Irwin Powell and Charles Proctor. Preparations are being made to fete the following graduating brothers with a chapter banquet: Samuel C. Adams, Walter Boags, Samuel Darby, Harrold Gaskins, Terry Gray, Paul Hough, James Morris, Edward Mosley, Roderick Pugh, James Ray and Vincent Sanders. May our loss be a gain to the world they are about to enter. For the second time this Chapter has launched its Annual Scholarship Drive. This drive was initiated last year for the purpose of raising funds in order to afford some deserving Fisk student a scholarship for the following semester. The recipient of last year's award was Miss Grace Young, sophomore, of Dayton, Ohio. This year it is our intention to make the drive even more inclusive and widespread in its scope. The chairman of the scholarship drive is Brother Mack J. Mosely, Jr., of Galveston, Texas. In connection with the Scholarship Drive, Brother John T. King, of Austin, Texas, is managing our annual popularity contest which is well in progress. This contest was also an integral part of last year's program. As you see, the members of Alpha Chi are quite busy at the present attempting to further the relationship between the fraternity and the entire student body, and to make the motto a reality in Alpha Phi Alpha. MACK J. MOSELY, JR. o

Alpha Delta Lambda MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Greetings Brothers: As the summer season approaches we of the Mid-South extend to all an invitation to pay us a visit, at the home of our Sphinx Magazine. Our chapter has been actively engaged in the numerous drives that yearly come around during this season. Brother Gloster has headed up the Boy Scout Movement and Brother Swingler the Y. M. C. A. drive. Our Educational drive promises to be one of far reaching effect in that it is touching a larger area this year. One of the most beautiful weddings ever to be staged in Memphis took place Sunday, March 31st, when Brother William Owen was married


May, 1940

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Memphis Alphas Observe Founder's Day

Members of Alpha Delta Lambda and Beta Xi Chapters, Memphis, Tennessee, as they celebrated Founders Day with an elaborate Buffet Supper at the beautiful Harmony Club in February The occasion which was attended by the wives and lady friends of the Bluff City Alpha men, also marked the Tenth Anniversary of the founding of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter, 1930. to the charming Miss Addie Griffin. A number of the brothers were in the wedding party and in attendance. This event united two of the oldest and best known families of the South. Our Brother Rev. H. B. Gibson and his Golden Hour program every Sunday evening have made an enviable record. He, with Brother R. L. Prince, publishes the widely circulated Golden Hour Digest. Brother Thomas Hayes has acquired the famous Birmingham Black Barons, an outstanding baseball team, and he sees a very lucrative season with his team. As we go to press plans are being laid for an enormous social affair, something that is needed from this chapter. We have had any number of visits from various brothers passing through our city. We are always glad to welcome them.

With best wishes for the summer season, we hope to be with you in the fall. Fraternally yours, J. EDWARD COTTON.

Alpha Rho Lambda COLUMBUS, OHIO Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings: On Saturday evening, February 24th, Columbus experienced a new kind of social event—the opening of a fraternity house. The formal opening of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House was a gala affair. More than 200 guests were shown through the fourteen-room structure. Gifts were many and varied. There were several lamps, smoking sets, draperies and ping pong sets. It would be impossible to mention

all of those who helped to get the house in such fine shape for the opening. At the same time, it would be most unkind if I didn't at least mention the efforts of Mrs. Thelma Manuel, wife of Brother Dr. Manuel. The very beautiful drapes and curtains were only a small bit of evidence of her untiring efforts. I know that Bro. John G. Turner is eager to know just how the Community Forum is getting along. It's getting bigger and bigger. It is now of age, being in its third year, and has become an institution. In fact, I believe that a large crowd would be on hand by merely announcing that "This is Forum Sunday", saying nothing about the subject or speakers. In January, the subject "The Problem of Separate Schools in Ohio", Mrs. Hazel Mountain Walker of Cleveland being the speaker, drew a capacity

Page 30 crowd of 700 people. "The Negro Press" was discussed at the February meeting, while the subject, "What has the Major Political Parties to Offer the Negro," drew more than 600 people. The topic was most ably discussed by Bro. John Cobb, Democrat, of Cleveland; and Bro. Albertus Conn, Republican, now the Assistant Att'y General of Ohio. Because of the touchy nature of the subject, the matter of using it at all was discussed quite at length in the executive committee before announcing it. Even then, each speaker was warned against making a political speech. It turned out to be one of our grandest meetings. We still have two meetings left for this season, both of which will draw a capacity crowd of more than GOO people. In April the subject is the much discussed "Socialized Medicine". Two prominent physicians have been secured to discuss it pro and con. For May, the tentative subject is "Public Utilities and the Negro". I might say here that we are doing a litt'.e different than in the past two years in setting up our program. During the first two years we set the program up for the whole year at the beginning of the season. This year we tried the plan of setting up the program as the various issues arose in the community, and found that results were more satisfactory. For those chapters, particularly graduate chapters, that are looking for something to do, Bro. Louis Schuster, general chairman, and Bro. Frank Shearer, master of ceremonies, highly recommend Alpha Rho Lambda's Community Forum as an example. It has gone far beyond even our fondest expectations. You might want an idea of what it has done for Columbus. Briefly, 1. Furnished a medium where controversial subjects can be discussed pro and con. 2. Raised the level of discussion and thinking in general. 3. Increased the people's interest in public affairs. 4. Furnished the inspiration for two other Forums in Columbus. By way of explanation of No. 3, I might say that when we first started the Community Forum, we found it necessary to 'plant' questions in older to get them started. We no longer find that necessary. The people have outgrown any shyness that may have existed, and n w take particular delight in asking difficult questions of the speakers. More than one speaker has remarked, on leaving the platform, "That sure was a hot spot." In closing, I wish to state that we want as many as possible of those brothers who are planning to attend



summer school, to stay in the house. I urge you to write early, now, for reservations. Direct your inquiries to Att'y Edward Cox, Chairman of the House Committee, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House, 214 Hamilton Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Fraternally yours, BARBEE WM. DURHAM. o



TENN. A. & I. STATE COLLEGE Greetings, Brothers: From Tennessee State College on the fertile banks of the Cumberland, we salute you. Since our last writing the fraternity has given two very interesting programs and the Sphinx Club likewise has given two. Beta Omicron as usual served as host to the annual city-wide Alpha Banquet and Dance, held March 29th. Incidentally, Brother John Bush, class of '39, journeyed from Little Rock, Arkansas, to take part in the affair which was bigger and better than ever. Brother Herman J. D. Carter wrote a skit, "Inhellvictus", for the Jabberwock. It was acted by Brother Billy Jones and took second place. Southern Vice-President H. Council Trenholm was on our campus April 15th. We are expecting to bring seven little brothers across the burning sands in our spring initiation (all things being equal). At the time of this writing we are making plans for our Education for Citizenship Campaign. Wishing all chapters and brothers no little amount of success, I am Fraternally yours, BILLY JONES, Associate Editor to the Sphinx. o



JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY Greetings Brothers: Alpha Omicron greets you at this time with two new brothers in the fold. The new brothers are Ulysses L. Oliver, junior, and Eulas C. Rosamond, senior, in the College of Liberal Arts. This year has been one of success for Alpha Omicron. Brother Milton B. Meadows, Captain of this year's football squad, was selected to the All-CI A A team for the third time. This Chapter leads in scholarship, as usual on our campus. Brother John "Sox" Stocking is the captain of this year's tennis team, and he is ably supported by Brother Richard B. Blue. Brother Jesse Hue Primus and Little Brother Horace Davenport were regu-

May, 1940 lars on the gridiron. The chapter officers for the year are as follows: President, Willie C. Parks; Vice-President, Richard B. Blue; Secretary, Jesse Hue Primus; Financial Secretary, Ulysses Oliver; Sergeant-at-Arms, Nathaniel H. Mc6111; and E. Avery Adams, Chaplain. At the time of this writing plans are under way for the annual dance and the "Education for Citizenship". "Go to High School, Go to College programs." We had two visitors quite recently. They were our Director of Education, Brother Rayford W. Logan, and Brother Akiki Nyabonga, one of the founders of Beta Psi Chapter in England. Alpha Omicron was very proud to have these distinguished Brothers in our midst. Alpha Omicron looks into the future with renewed vigor and inspiration, and wish for success for all chapters. Fraternally yours, JESSE HUE PRIMUS, Corresponding Secretary. o .

Beta Gamma


RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Greetings, Brothers: Our favorite fraternity journal once more affords us the pleasure of meeting our brothers and exchanging felicitations to Alphas everywhere. The current year has seen a greater burst of enthusiasm in our chapter which was already a fast growing, progressive body. Our energetic financial secretary has been working diligently and several delinquent brothers have been brought back to the fold. We were honored by a visit to our city recently by Brother Prince Nyabongo, founder of the London Chapter. Beta Gamma Lambda turned out in large numbers to dine with our royal brother. To say that he completely captivated us with his charm and disarming wit would be understating Bro. Prince's engaging personality. The brothers are looking forward to a return visit by him in the near future. Modest, democratic, informed, Brother Nyabongo is a credit to Alpha Phi Alpha, which he holds so dear. The citizenship committee of Beta Gamma Lambda is headed this year by Bro. Christopher J. Foster. He and his committee have been doing such intensive work that our observance of the campaign promises to be more successful than that of any previous years. Certificates will be awarded to youths who, upon reaching 21 years of age this year, regis-

May, 1940 tered and voted. The displaying cf placards and a timely ad in the city journals helped remind our citizenry of their civic obligations in the recent hot Mayoralty campaign. The program reached its climax on the fourth Sunday night of April with the public address of Editor P. B. Young, of the Norfolk Journal and Guide. Two neophytes crossed the sand and on Easter Eve, were resurrected, seeing "The Light of the World". Bro. Frederick C. Jackson, recent honor graduate of Hampton Institute, where he won acclaim as a student leader and succeeded in being listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges", bids fair to uphold the standards and ideals of our founders. Our other neophyte brother, Sumner G. Madden, is a graduate of Virginia State College, where ha also gathered unto himself the honors and laurels of student life. Bro. Madden is a teacher in one of the local high schools, and his vigor and personality have won him an enviable place in Richmond's social and civic life. Both will be true Alpha men and Beta Gamma Lambda is happy to introduce them to fraternity life. Our State-wide meeting of all Alpha men in Virginia was held on April 13th, with Beta Gamma Lambda host for the occasion. Brother Archie G. Richardson, Assistant State Supervisor of Negro Education, worked arduously as chairman of the committee to make the affair a success. We feel that these "little conventions" can do much to invigorate the fraternity. We'll tell you more about the results later. The annual "Vocational Opportunity" campaign of the Urban League was once more effectively put over by Bro. Wiley A. Hall, Executive Secretary of the Richmond Branch. Bro. Hall's radio interviews, meetings, etc., have been a veritable vocational clinic. Regional Director John M. Moore gets another orchid. Bro. Moore, besides being professor of French and German, is director of the Virginia Union Players, who won first prize in the recent N.I.D.A. tournament. Time soon approaches when many of our ' undergraduate brothers will graduate from colleges all over the country. We extend our best wishes to all Alpha seniors. Continue to hold high our proud name when you go out into the world, and we hope that each one will experience the other side of Alpha life—participation in a graduate chapter. Fraternally yours, JAMES H. PAYNE.



Alpha CORNELL UNIVERSITY Alpha Chapter met Friday evening, February 16, in the home of Dr. Gregory Alexander Galvin. The purpose of this meeting was to pledge three candidates into the Sphinx club. After a brief outline of the history, tradition, and ideals of the fraternity given by Brothers Johnson, Thomas, and Morris, Brother Galvin presented the candidates with the Sphinx head emblem. Those pledged into the fraternity, all Cornell students, were: Caldwell McMillan agriculture; Norman Hamilton, agriculture; and Aubrey E. Robinson, Jr., Liberal Arts. After a very informative and pleasant meeting, Brother Galvin served those present a most delicious repast. This meeting marks the beginning of a new era for Alpha chapter which for some years has been inactive because of a scarcity of members and candidates for membership. The reorganization of the chapter was ef-

DR. G A. GALVIN fected through the efforts of Brother Galvin, prominent Ithaca Physician and Surgeon, and Brother Johnson, outstanding dentist for the parochial schools in Syracuse. Brother Galvin is President of the chapter and Brother Johnson is Secretary-treasurer. It is the aim of the present officers and members to have Alpha chapter regain its former prominence as our grand Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity where it was founded in 1906 by seven Cornell students and established itself as the oldest of all Negro Greek letter fraternities. The recently reorganized Alpha chapter is justly proud of its president, Dr. Gregory Alexander Galvin. President Galvin, extremely well prepared, is an honor graduate from the

Page 31 collegiate and pharmaceutical departments of Howard University as well as an honor graduate from Mehairy Medical School where he served as secretary of Chi chapter 1 year and president 3 years, which included his term as chapter president during the National Silver Convention when he also acted as secretary of the convention committee. In addition to his affiliation with our own Alpha Phi Alpha brotherhood, Brother Galvin, because of his brilliant scholastic achievements, holds membership in Chi Delta Mu and Kappa Pi honorary fraternities. Our pride in Brother Galvin is increased when we consider his pioneership and tremendous success in Ithaca, New York, his chosen field of established practice and He has the distinction of being the first Negro physician to practice in Ithaca as well as the first to establish anywhere in Tompkins County. He holds membership in the American Medical Association, only Negro member of the Tompkins County Medical Society; only Negro ever to become a member of the staff of the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital. He has lectured before the Tompkins County Medical Society as well as the hospital staff and his unusual ability combined with a most likeable personality demands the respect of all with whom he associates. In addition to such a crowded professional life, Brother Galvin finds time for community service. He served as chairman of the Trustee Board of his church, an indispensable member of the Board of Management of the Southside Community Center, chairman of the local health committee in connection with which he has spoken over the radio and has also organized the only blood donors club in upper New York State. We salute and congratulate Brother Galvin, for such phenomenal success must not go unnoticed. We use the term phenomenal, for Brother Galvin has only been in Ithaca one year and six months and has already accomplished what some never acquire in a life time. Hats off to Brother Galvin! Congratulations and continued success. o



CINCINNATI, OHIO Greetings. Brothers: Alpha Alpha greets you at this time, four brothers stronger than it was at the time of our last writing. Brothers who crossed the burning sands last winter are as follows: Brothers Harold McClure, Chester C. Pryor, Charles Hatcher and Charles Dunn. This year promises to be a great

Page 32


one for Alpha Alpha, the belief being obvious from the selection of officers. The Chapter is honored to have as its executive staff these brothers: Brother John W. Fleming, president; Brother Willis Weatherly, vice-president; Brother Sol Sandford, recording secretary; Brother John E. Pettress, financial secretary; Brother J. E. Randolph, treasurer; Brother Joseph Simpson, sergeant-at-arms; Brother William N. Lovelace, chaplain, and Brother C. E. Dillard, editor to the Sphinx. In our seventh annual basketball tilt with Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity our hoopsters, under the direction of Brother Sol Sandford, playing manager, won both the varsity and reserve games with decisive scores. Brother Singer, Brother U. D. Johnson, Brother "Babe" Mitchell and Brother Lee Render were outstanding in bringing victories to us. Dan Cupid, too, has been victorious and has scored several hits in our ranks. Brother Lee Render has plighted his troth to Miss Arabella Richardson. Brother James Campbell took Miss Marguerite Wiggins, of Delta Sigma Theta, as his bride on April 20th. Brother William A. McClain, formerly of Epsilon, last July succumbed to the charms of Miss Ella Harris of Springfield, Ohio, and is happily married. Plans are being formulated for the Twentieth Anniversary of Alpha Alpha Chapter, this Autumn. Brother Birch and Brother Maxey of the Social Committee and Brother Lovelace and Brother Braxton Cann of the Promotional Committee along with our president, Brother John Fleming, are heading the promotion of this event. Brother Hartwell Parham, president of the University of Cincinnati Quadres Society, is aiding in the advancement of personal progress on the campus. Brother Si Rhodes, our Educational Committee chairman, promises a stirring program of enlightenment during the coming season. These, brothers, are some of the happenings and objectives that are in the air around the Queen City of the West. Yours in The Bond, CHARLES E. DILLARD, Editor to the Sphinx. o




BLUEFIELD, W. VA. Greetings, Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Alpha Zeta Lambda met in Kimball, W. Va., and elected Bro. D. T.


Murray to the presidency of the chapter. Bro. Murray is a member of the W. Va. State Negro Board of Education. Bro. E. W. Browne was continued as its efficient secretary and the undersigned was elected Associate Editor to the Sphinx. March 21 will go down as a special day in the history of the chapter because on that evening, thirty faithful brothers in Alpha gathered at the home of Bro. J. C. Kingslow for the first joint Smoker between the graduate and undergraduate chapters in the Bluefield jurisdiction. You can just imagine the kind of get-together that was when 30 brothers gather for fun, eats, smokes and pep talks. Bro. H. L. Dickason, president of Bluefield State Teachers College, reviewed the history of the general organization. Bro. D. T. Murray pointed out the deeds and achievements of Alpha men in all walks of life today. Bro. Leroy Perry spoke of the attempts of the undergraduate chapter to carry on the work of Alpha men among the student body of Bluefield State Teachers College and in their several homes and communities. The following brothers were present and expressed the belief that the Smoker was the best meeting they had ever had: Brothers D. F. Dunlap, E. T. Browne, P. G. Howard, C. A. Rogers, H. Whisiker, J. E. Martin, J. C. Kingslow, T. S. Branch, E. D. Palmer, C. D. Reese, W. H. Nicholson, T. L. Price, Edwin Ferrell, D. T. Murray, S. A. Calhoun, H. C. Simpson, J. H. Franklin, W. C. Spencer, L. H. McClanahan, C. Shelton, W. W. Browne, H. L. Dickason, S. S. Collins, D. A. Mitchell, R. A. Swann, L. R. Perry, W. V. Campbell, W. D. Foy, P. A. Higgenbotham, A. J. Deskins, and T. Mahaffey. Bro. John Franklin has charge of our Education Week PrcfeTam but did not have it completed in time for it to be included in this issue. A new brother crossed the sands of Alphadom recently in the person of Bro. Edward Palmer. Bro. Palmer is one of the instructors in the local high school.

A FEW NOTES FROM THE LEDGER: B r o . R . R. Carroll, Business Manager of Bluefield State Teachers College, attended the meeting of the Association of Business Officers in Negro Colleges held at Tuskegee Institute. Brothers C. A. Rogers and P. R. Higgenbotham operate the largest hospital for Negroes in Bluefield. Bro. E. W. Browne and your correspondent conducted the Third Annual Bluefield State High School Commercial Education Contest Program

May, 1940 on the campus of Bluefield State Teachers College on April 6 with 75 contestants in attendance. This is the only contest of its kind among Negroes in the U. S. and was organized and initiated by Yours Truly. Bro. Leonard McClanahan is president of the W. Va. Elementary Principals Conference. Bro. J. C. Kingslow operates West Virginia's best known drug store, the place where everybody meets. Bro. John Franklin is vicepresident of the W. Va. State Teachers Association. Bro. W. C. Spencer operates the City Poultry Co., and does a prosperous business with both races in Bluefield and vicinity. These are just a few examples of the good work that the Alpha men of this section are doing and carrying on the traditional Alpha spirit of leadership. Fraternally yours, THEODORE MAHAFFEY, Associate Editor to the Sphinx.



LANE COLLEGE Members of Beta Pi wish to extend greetings to other chapters that are making such splendid landmarks tor Alphadom. We, too, join you in doing our best to hold high the ideals of our dear fraternity. Like chapters elsewhere, we spare no pains in trying to keep Beta Pi the guiding light of our campus. On Thursday, February 22nJ, our Regional President, Brother H. Council Trenholm, president of Alabama State College, shared with us the celebration of our Founders' Day ceremonies which marked the beginning of the fifth year for our banner to waver over Lane College's campus. In the morning chapel exercise, Brother Trenholm delivered a wonderful and inspirational address, encouraging deeply the brothers and thrilling the entire student body. To climax the occasion, we enjoyed a Smoker in the evening when both brothers and Little Brothers shared one of the grandest occasions of its kind ever held on the campus. Brother Trenholm, Brother Dr. J. F. Lane, our beloved president, Professors J. T. Beck, and P. M. Caruthers were honored guests. Remarks were made by each of the guests. The old loving cup was passed around. A program, featuring our fraternity quartet, was also presented. The spirit was so high that everyone was reluctant to leave befoie midnight. Then on Friday evening, February 23rd, when Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's Beta Chi Chapter presented its first annual Jabberwock, Alpha re-


May, 1940 ceived first honor for its skit, "Let My People Go", depicting the emancipation of Negro slaves in America. Honorable mentions went to the Sphinx Club for its comedy Skit, "Rhythm In the Court-Room". o

Delta TILLOTSON COLLEGE Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: A newly established chapter, Delta Chapter, at Tillotson College, Austin, Texas, sends you greetings from central Texas and the great Southwest. Under the leadership of Brothers Baldwin Burroughs, Charles Fisher and C. Randolph Taylor, Delta Chapter was established at Tillotson College on November twenty-ninth. Ten Brothers form this new Chapter in Alphadom: Brother Milton E. Granville, president; Brother Samuel Fuller, vice-president; Brother Joseph B. Bracy, secretary; Brother Oliver J. Fountaine, corresponding secretary; Brother Roby David, treasurer; Brother Charles E. Smith, director of Sphinx; Brother Bruce Liggins, chaplain; Brother Clyde Cullen Long, sergeant-at-arms; Brother Rossie Elliott, Business Manager and Brother William M. Heyward, Associate Editor of Sphinx. The new chapter began immediately to inject new life into campus activities. We gave a chapel program in which Brother Joseph Bracy outlined the history of Alpha Phi Alpha and Brother Milton Granville stated the program of Delta Chapter. One of the most salient points of the program of Delta Chapter was the sponsoring of an Essay Contest. The title of the essay is "Democracy on a College Campus". The contest is open to all Tillotson College students except Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha and closed April fifteenth. A handsome loving cup was put on display for the winner. Another important point in our program will be the awarding of a scholarship to the most deserving freshman. The selection will be made by a group of faculty and student representatives. Among the other points in the program of Alpha Phi Alpha on this campus were the giving of campus songs and musicales. One will find our Brothers active in every phase of campus life. Seven of our Brothers are on various committees contributing to the regulation of campus life and activities. On the debating team is Brother Heyward. President of the Sophomore


class is Brother Fuller. Brother Liggins is president of the junior class, student assistant in the Department of Biology and a member of the choir. Brother Fountaine is president of the senior class. President of the Y. M. C. A. is Brother Rossie Elliott. In a more strenuous line we find Brothers Long, Granville, Liggins, Heyward, Bracy and Smith as football lettermen. Brother Fuller is a basketball letterman and Brother Granville is the manager of the basketball team. Although it is evident that our Brothers are athletically inclined, they are also well represented scholastically. Eight of our Brothers have been on the hdnor roll at some time during their tenure at Tillotson. Our chapter Softball team is rapidly rounding into shape. If our present progress is continued we bid fair to capture the campus gonfalon. Fraternally yours, WILLIAM M. HEYWARD, Associate Editor of Sphinx. o

Rho Lambda BUFFALO, N. Y. Greetings, Brothers: We have just passed through a period of three months of severe winter weather and we are now enjoying the beautiful sunlight and breezes of the approaching spring. However, Rho Lambda Chapter has been very successful in carrying out the winter program. The last regular meeting was held at Brother Dr. S. Calvin Johnson.

Page 33 founded, and it is his sole desire that Alpha Phi Alpha will carry out andi adhere to the true principles on which the fraternity was founded. Brother Kelly seemed to be very much concerned about the future of the fraternity because it is an organization for which he and many others have given their life's blood. The wedding bells rang out for the first time in Rho Lambda Chapter in nineteen hundred and forty, last Saturday, March 30th, when Brother Robert Edwards and Miss Lorrine Jarrett were united in holy wedlock by Rev. Father O. H. Brown. The wedding was held at St. Phillips Church, which was beautifully decorated and filled to capacity. Immediately after the wedding a reception was held a t the Women's Friendship Home, 300 Jefferson Avenue, where many beautiful gifts were witnessed. April 13th was la lucky night for Rho Lambda Chapter, a t which time there was held a Scholarship Dance given a t Crescent Hall a t Verplamk and East Utioa Streets. Brother William Council, chairman of a Social Committee, exercised every effort to make the dance a success, so that Rho Lambda Chapter will foe able to do its part in the Educational Campaign. With the past behind us, we do not gloat over triumphs or mope over defelats; but letting the dead bury its dead, we look to the future with courage and optimism. Fraternally yours, DR. RUSSELL HOLLAND, Editor to the Sphinx. o


JEWEL GEORGE KELLY The meeting was very enthusiastic and was considered of vast importance to all who attended. The brothers deemed themselves very fortunate and was much pleased to have Brother Jewel Kelly to meet with them. Brother Kelly gave a very interesting and helpful talk. He discussed with the brothers some of the principles on which Alpha Phi Alpha was

Greetings. Brothers: Spring has come and with it comes graduation, a time when we must say farewell to many who have become dear to us. In view of this fact, Xi Chapter wishes to dedicate this article to its graduating brothers. Brothers: Wendolyn Terrelle, a member of Zeta Sigma Pi Honorary Fraternity, President of the Intel-national club of Affairs, and a member of the Debating Society; Rembert Stokes, member of the Big Brothers's Association, number one varsity tennis player, President of YMCA, President of the American Student Union, and a member of Zeta Sigma Pi; James Cash, President of Commercial Club, member of International Club of Affairs, Secretary of YMCA, Head Waiter Mitchell Dining Hall, and Big Brother; Raymond Middleton, baker of Shorter Hall Dining Hall and a Biology major; the YMCA; Leonard Raymond, member of the Integration-


Page 34 al Club of Affairs, High School Teachers' Club, and the Sociology Club; P. Casino Corbin, a pre-med student, and the efficient head plumber and electrician for the University; Charles E. Taylor, who has received the B.D. degree and is now a candidate for the A.B. degree; Forrester Lee, a member of the Physical Education Club, is a master of the parallel bars and a candidate for the B.S. degree. The following John Letts, William Leace, James F. Dunn, Albert McKee, Odell Carr and Henry Garcia are listed on pages 17-18. It is true that Xi will miss these brothers but, under the efficient guidance of President George O. Walker, the neophytes are prepared' to take their places in Alphadom. Xi Chapter entertained the Deltas and Kappas who held their Regionals on the campus from the twentysixth to the twenty-eighth of April. We are proud to announce that two junior brothers, Edward Bradley and Robert Harris, were initiated into Sword and Shield Honorary fraternity, which is one of the most coveted organizations on the campus. Brother Bradley is outstanding in the field' of boxing. He is the State A. A. U. Champion in the 118 pound division, and represented this state in the National A. A. U. Tournament at Boston. Brother Harris won the Alpha $50.00 scholarship in this jurisdiction; he is an assistant in chemistry, and the ranking junior class scholar with a high 3.5 average. Xi Chapter with thirty-three out of thirty-six members financial has made itself an irrepressible force on Wilberforce's campus, leading in all phases of student life, serving as an incentive for achievement to the student body, and striving ever to maintain the ideal of Alpha. Brothers in Alpha, may we forever keep the torch of Alpha Phi Alpha burning brightly, lighting the dark paths of ignorance with a zeal for education with which the Negro youth may lift himself out of the mire of intolerance and bigotry to take his rightful place among the leaders of the world. Fraternally yours, MELVYN M. NELSON, Editor to Sphinx. •




CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Greetings, Brothers: Psi Lambda wishes to extend greetings to Eta Lambda for its twenty years of successful service. Psi Lambda opened the season of activities with a smoker for all Broth-


ers in and around Chattanooga. We were happy to see seventeen Brothers out enjoying the night together. Out of the seventeen we have thirteen active members. The following Brothers represent the officers for 193940. Brothers J. C. Brown, president; L. L. Patton, vice president; W. B. Davis, secretary-treasurer; J. B. Barber, chaplain; G. H. Moores, chairman' rushing committee; B. T. Scruggs, associate editor; W. B. Davis, Jr., sergeant-at-arms. Under the leadership of our efficient president, a very effective program has been arranged. One of the new activities this year which brought on much interest among sororities, fraternity members and friends was the Alpha-Kappa Basketball game. The Alphas defeated the Kappas, 26-20. Alphas—26 Kappas—20 Hainey (4) F . . . . Vaughn (6) Brown (6) F Prater (0) Julian (4) C Carney (8) Davis (2) G . . Robinson (0) Lewis (0) G Walton (0) Substitutes: Alphas—Upshaw (2). Nelms (3), Pitts (5). Kappas—Singleton (2), Smith (4), White (0). The Alphas were much superior to the Kappas and few of the stars only played a few minutes in the game. For instance, Brother Pitts, who accepted the coaching duty. This particular activity was so interesting that popular request demands that it will be an annual event, and as our new Brothers come in, I am sure it will grow to be a great institution. Brother B. T. Scruggs, instructor at B. T. Washington High School, left our city ait the beginning of the second semester to resume his graduate work at Atlanta University. Chattanooga regrets his leaving because he is a valuable man in the educational and civic affairs of our city, but to come back better prepared with an A.M. will make us happy. Until the next issue, Psi Lambda wishes every Brother much success. Fraternally yours, J. L. PITTS, JR., W. B. DAVIS, JR., Acting Associate Editors. o

Chi Lambda WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY Greetings, Brothers: Ohi La-mbda's short interlude of silence was not an expression of inactivity. On the contrary, under the enthusiastic and zealous leadership of Brother James T. Henry, Chi Lambda is making every effort to

May, 1940 match and excel the sustained successes which characterized the incumbency of Brother Milton S. J. Wright. The chapter has launched' upon a program, the objectives of which are fundamentally two: (1) To exert even more than in the past, a positive and constructive influence in neighboring communities. (2) To keep the brothers mors sharply attuned to those aspects of present-day problems which ordinarily escape our immediate attention. This latter objective is to be attained through the medium of guest speakers and discussions following our regular meetings. Now for a few words concerning the accomplishments of some of the brothers. Brother J. Aubrey Lane was recently named Athletic Commissioner of the Midwestern Athletic Association; Brother George Gibbs is directing the N. Y. A. project here; Brother C. H. Johnson planned and directed the annual International Day Conference here. Fraternally, ROBERT COLEMAN, JR. Editor to the Sphinx. o



DAYTON, OHIO History was made in Dayton, February 23rd last, by Brother Verne C. Green, when a second one of his original one-act plays of Negro life, "Her Stars", was presented by the Linden Center Players in the citywide One-Act Play Contest held at Central Y. M. C. A. The contest opened the previous night, February 22nd. Brother Green had previously won first place with one of his religious plays, "The Web of Life", given by Bethel Baptist Players in the Fifth Annual Drama Festival under sponsorship of Montgomery County Sunday School February 2-4th. These plays were not only written but also directed by Brother Green. The winning institutions and actors were all Negroes, and was the first time that Negro groups had won either contest. It is also the first time the same author or director has ever won both contests in the same year. "The Web of Life" is an appealing story of a Negro family steeped in religious training and faith in God. .. a family which had left its home in Alabama in the late eighties to brave hardships of pioneer life among the rollicking frontier people of North Dakota. A few years of hard work bring a measure of success in spite of adverse conditions.. .then disas-

May, 1940 ter strikes in an unexpected manner. The only child of this family becomes very ill and the parents find themselves shut off from medical aid by a raging snowstorm. The very fiber of the faith of this couple is severely tried after the husband fights his way through the blinding blizzard to get a doctor. He finds that the only doctor in the county has been called on another case. The cast of four that turned in a sparkling performance was composed of Owen Leigh, son; Amsden Oliver, the parson; Leafy Green, mother; and Stewardess. This group was scheduled to represent Montgomery County in the District Drama Festival, March 9th and 16th. The achievement of this cast is remarkable when one considers that some of the best religious dramas ever written were presented excellently by six white churches. Among other productions were "The Lord's Prayer", by First Baptist Church; "The Pact", by Omar Park Methodist Church; "The Terrible Week," by the Y. M. C. A. and "Dust of the Road", by the First McKinley U. B. Church. "Her Stars" is a realistic tragedy. It is the story of a typical Negro mother who for the love of her son, her guiding star, spends the golden days of her life in labor and sacrif i c e . . . to see him secure and educated. Her son fulfills her fondest dreams by achieving success in college and graduates as one of the greatest athletes and scholars in the history of the school, having been brilliantly educated as an architect. He goes out into the world with high hopes of a glorious career only to have the door of opportunity shut in his face because he is a Negro. The effect of the play, "Her Star", on the audience was astounding. They laughed heartily at the comedy of Linnie, the friend, played by Rosalee Young and Floyd, son played by Robert Blackburn. They listened attentively to the dialect of Linnie and Sadie. They were profoundly pleased with the dignified portrayal of the doctor enacted by Brother F. Arlington Young. They were moved to tears by the pathetic and dramatic ending, beautifully drawn by the preeminent performance of the entire cast. Brother Green has written and directed many successful plays of Negro life for the stage and radio. Among his most outstanding 1 are "Deep River", and "By Parties Unknown". He has been director of the Penn College in Iowa. Besides directing the Bethel Baptist Church



Players, the Linden Center Players, he is director of the Richard B. Harrison Little Theatre Guild. He heads the Social Studies Department at Dunbar High School. Brother Green is a member of Theta Lambda Chapter. o

Zeta Lambda's Man Of The Month

BROTHER T. ROGER THOMPSON Principal of the Booker T. Washington School in Newport News, Virginia, and Worshipful Master of Hiram Abiff Lodge A. F. and A. M. who recently moved into his new home. Brother Thompson was formerly a teacher of the Huntington High Schools and is potentate of Zem Temple of the Shriners. Brother Thompson is quite active in just about every local community endeavor. Talk about new homes — Brother Thompson's abode is A-l in comfort and modern appointments. His home is so complete that the "boys" in the chapter confidentially expect Brother Thompson to select a "charming lady", and after the proper marriage rituals have been performed, to carry the new "Mrs." across the threshold. P. S. We will not be surprised if this happens in the very near future. Brother Thompson is a graduate of Wilberforce and Ohio State Universities. He is studying for his master's degree at Hampton Institute. The chapter was host recently to the brothers from Norfolk. The affair was a dinner held at the Colonial Inn and what an enjoyable occasion

it was.

Page 35 Most of the members of the chapter motored' to Richmond on Saturday, April 13. The brothers joined with the brothers from all over the state in Virginia's first state-wide Alpha get-together. A number of the brothers who are teachers plan to resume their studies this summer. Among these Brothers Charles H. Jones and William A. Miller will return to New York City and Columbia University. Brother Stephen S. Howe who is doing a grand job as president of the Newport News Teachers League, goes back to Boston University. Brother Howe's most recent activity was presiding at a public meeting which was addressed by Dr. George S. Counts, Professor of Education, Columbia University, New York City. Meeting was sponsored by Newport News Teachers League and Peninsula Chapter of the American Federation of Teachers. Brother G. Wesley Raney, Jr., president of the chapter, plans to begin work this summer on an M.A. degree at Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia. Brother 0. H. Smith was host to the chapter a few days ago. Brother Smith has just bought a new deluxe hearse which will no doubt add much to his reputation and efficiency as one of the city's leading morticians. Brother G. Guernsey Ellis, former service state operator, is now employed in the shipyard, a local industry which employs more than 10,000 workers. Brother Ellis has received several promotions since he began work sometime ago. Brother L. F. Palmer, principal of the Huntington High School and member of the faculty of Hampton Institute, has been proposed by the AfroAmerican, the East's leading colored newspaper as the logical choice for the presidency of Hampton Institute. (Present Hampton president has resigned effective this summer.) Yours truly is busy teaching his thirty-pound 16-months-old (son, J>. Rupert, Jr., in the fundamentals of being a good Alpha man. Fraternally yours, J. RUPERT PICOTT, Sr.

ChT MEHARRY UNIVERSITY Greetings, Brothers: 'Tis truly spring here in Nashville as is evident by the green grass and the fair young damsels of the sister

Page 36 schools all bedecked in spring regalia —rather distracting to a laddie trying to concentrate on physiology, dental anatomy, surgery, or some other branch of the healing arts. rhis season of the years finds Chi men budgeting their time so as to provide time for the many affairs common to this season of the year. On the night of March 27 five more men of Alpha quality were initiated into the ranks of alphadom. They were Brothers R. L. Screen, A. L. Jackson, H. L. Collier, G. W. Hillard, G. W. Thompson. These men were members of one of the most active Sphinx Clubs that Chi has known :n recent years and we feel that they will bring this same enthusiasm into the fold and render to Alpha enviable lives. The climax of the social calendar for Nashville was reached on March 29 when the Alpha men of Nashville paused to fraternize at a closed banquet and dance. The wives and sweethearts of the participating brothers furnished the ieminine charm to the occasion. Representatives of all of the other Greek letter organizations of the city were present, along with other members of the 400, at the dance. Both the banquet and dance were colorfully carried out. Brother M. Gleason, of Chi, was toastmaster at the occasion. Brother Lincoln B. Childs has been given one of the cherished interneships at the Hubbard Hospital. Fraternally yours, DANIEL A. COLLINS, Associate Editor to the Sphinx. o —

Alpha Pi Lambda WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Greetings, Brothers: For the past three years Alpha Pi Lambda has been the recipient of Brother W. E. Pitt's service as Chapter President. He has done a very noble job—one which will always be Appreciated and remembered. This year surrounds us with many predictions for better progress in all phases of endeavor. Alpha Pi Lambda plans a better program for its community. The following brothers have been chosen to serve as chapter officers: L. B. Frasier, president; L. L. Hall, vice-president; G. H. Vaughn, recording secretary and corresponding secretary; E. S. Wright, financial secretary; Leander Hill, treasurer; and W. E. Pitts, chaplain and sergeant-at-arms. With such enthusiastic men, we count our activities as well as already accomplished.



We are very happy to announce in an informal w(ay that Brother Leander Hill has recently become a proud father. One can further realize a ray of sunshine and happiness in all aspects of his life. Brother Dr. H. Rembert Malloy and Brother Dr. Albert W. Coleman are spending their interneship period in our city at the Kate Bittings Reynolds Memorial Hospital. Their work has brought creditable regards for them throughout the community. They are both recent graduates from the Medical School of Howard University, where they were quite renowned for their scholastic abilities. They have not disclosed whether they will practice here or not. Fraternally yours, G. H. VAUGHN, Editor to the Sphinx. o



LINCOLN UNIVERSITY Brothers in Alpha: Opportunity has presented itself again, whereby Alpha Psi can impart to Brothers everyway, ideas and programs that are pathways and highways leading to the development and successful, educational and anjoyable Alpha chapters. Along with suggestions and activities of other chapters, Alpha Psi hopes to establish and improve many programs undertaken. Last week-end, Beta Zeta Lambda, our graduate chapter, entertained Alpha Psi with a banquet that was nothing short of perfect. Graduate brothers, as well as undergraduate, gave suggestions by which our program could be widened and strengthened. After having dined sufficiently, we sang the immortal Alpha Hymn, and each brother left bubbling over with Alpha enthusiasm and joy. . Plans are rapidly taking form for our "Education for Citizenship" program, and to date we have not yet rounded out the little fine points that should be considered in Alpha endeavorment. Brothers will speak in near-by communities within a fifty mile radius, and point out to them the different reasons and advantages that can be obtained from our Educational Program. Success in a grand way is expected. As has been the custom in the past, Alpha Psi looks forward to the greatest Mothers' Day program in history. We are setting aside the week end of May 8, 9, and 10 for a group of activities that end with the Mothers' Day program. On Friday, the tenth anniversary of Alpha Psi will be celebrated in a public meeting. Afterwards, a closed smoker will be given

May, 1940 for all present and former brother* of this chapter. Saturday night, the annual Alpha Prom will be held in the school gymnasium, and favors of an anniversary nature will be given. Sunday will be dedicated to Mother, and each student will be asked to have his mother spend that day with Alpha Psi. An open meeting will be held followed by an inspiring program carried out especially for the visiting mothers. The mother of Alpha Psi will be given a gift to show the appreciation that we have for her. Mrs. Cross, our chapter mother, has worked faithfully with us in any way we might desire, and no end of tribute can be given her. The week-end of March 29 was spent pleasantly with the Sphinx Club of the chapter. Encouragements and suggestions were given for greater work. The true meaning and true values of Alpha were brought out and developed. The roster of officers of Alpha Psi are as follows: James Hunt, president; William White, vicepresident; James Jones, secretary; Benjamin Williams, corresponding secretary; Joseph McDuffie, treasurer, and Eugene Bradley, associate editor to the Sphinx. Wishing all chapters endless success in everyway, I remain Fraternally yours, EUGENE 0. BRADLEY JR., Associate Editor to Sphinx. o

Beta Rho Lambda YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Beta Rho Lambda has struck her activity stride for this year. On March 15th we presented George S. Schuyler in a lecture which was received by a very enthusiastic audience. Chalk up another first for Alpha, as this was Mr. Schuyler's first appearance in Youngstown. Brother Robert Stokes as chairman of the program committee has completed the arrangements for activities for the rest cf the year. On the 26th of April we hiaid the Sweethearts and Wives Banquet. On the 5th of May, the combined "Go to High School go to College"—Education for Democrary program under the direction of Brother Grarjam Lynch of the local juvenile court. Alpha Phi Alpha tokens are to be given to the graduates of the High Schools who have been invited to this program as guests. Fraternally yours, HARRY J. MOODY, Associate Editor to Sphinx.


May, 1940

Kappa OHIO STATE Columbus Alpha's Open Hbuse On February 1(7, 1940, approximately two hundred people attended the formal opening of the new house of Kappa and Alpha Rho Lambda Chapters from two p. m., until twelve m., at 214 N. Hamilton Avenue. It was a grand occasion since the Alphas are the first Negro Greekletter organization to have a house in Columbus, Ohio. Gifts poured in continuously during the day and evening from friends and social organizations of the city. The residence was secured for the purpose of fraternal activities, chapter meetings and social functions. It ha^ four well-equipped bedrooms, two lounges, a reception hall and recreation room. Inspection was held from two until seven o'clock in the afternoon and dancing was enjoyed from eight to twelve in the evening. Light refreshments were served to all in attendance. During intermission, Brother Lucien Wright, Midwestern vice-president, gave the welcoming address and Brother Maceo Hill, acting as master of ceremonies, presented officers of the fraternity to the assemblage. Brother Dr. J. J. Carter is president of Alpha Rho Lambda and Brother Fowler Biggs is president of Kappa Chapter. House officers are as follows:— Brother William Roberson, house manager; Brother Dr. Manuel, treasurer; and Brother Oscar Wollfolk, secretary. o

Alpha Mu NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Members of this chapter have been rather busy since last General Convention, and our chapter, though small, has done a creditable piece of work. Brother William Pollard, energetic teacher at the Wendell Phillips High School was elected' president of the chapter, and his interest and enthusiasm is contagious. For chapter Secretary we named Brother William C. Pyant, who is doing a very creditable job and is also holding the job as Chairman of the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Our basketball team met the Kappa Alpha Psi team of Evanston at the Foster School on February 28th. Our team consisting of Brothers Gay, Turner, Pollard, Jefferson and Pyant took the lead early in the game and maintained the lead until the final whistle when the score was 34 to 30.

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Brother Theodore Harding, recently from Tau Chapter, is doing much to see that this chapter continues to progress. Brothers Gay, Jefferson and Pollard have been mainstays on the Chicago Alpha Phi Alpha basketball team, which defeated such teams as Fisk and Alabama State. This chapter recently affiliated with the Chicago Pan-Hellenic Council. Brothers Gay, Jackson and Pyant are our representatives. Brother Pyant was the unanimous choice for Secretary of the Chicago Pan-Hellenic Council. It is needless to add that he is holding down this post in a satisfactory manner. Fraternally yours, A. LAURENT TURNER, Associate Editor to Sphinx.

Psi PHILADELPHIA, PA. Greetings Brothers: Brothers of Psi Chapter and all Alphadom are happy because again our doar Fraternity has evinced a superiority in many fields. Of prime importance to the Negroes of Philadelphia in general, and Alpha men in particular, was the appointment in February of Brother Herbert E. Millen, charter member of Psi Chapter, to the post of Assistant Director of Public Safety by Mayor Lamb=rton -of Philadelphia. This, brothers, is indeed a step forward, for it marks the first time that a Negro ever held a position of such authority in the Police Department of the City of Philadelphia. Mayor Lamberton requested Brother Millen to take the post, because, as he put it, he had wanted' for sometime an Assistant Director with expsrience in the field of law to handle the legal end of the cases in which the police had to appear. Let us all join in wishing Brother Millen the best of success in his new endeavors! Again Alpha Phi Alpha has scaled the heights. Felicitations are also dua Brother Jerry Certains of Psi Chapter. Brother Certaine, a student at Temple University, and mathematician of such ability that hs was elected President of the Mathematical Club at the University, has been honored again, by being elected to the Pyramid Honorary Society at Temple University. Brother Fred Alsup of the University cf Pennsylvania has been elected a member of a National Honorary Society, marking the first time that a Negro has been so honored at Penn. Need we say again that Alpha always leads ? Best of luck to brothers

Certaine and Alsup. Until next time, best wishes from Psi Chapter. Fraternally yours, ROBERT L. POINDEXTER. o •

Alpha Xi Lambda TOLEDO, OHIO Greetings, Brothers: With the coming of spring, we are indeed turning our hearts and souls to things of social, educational, and athletic natures. We recently sponsored a Sunday afternoon forum, in which Brother Eddie Tolan, former Olympic champion and now Executive Director of the 75 years of Negro Progress Exposition to be held in Detroit, was guest speaker. Highlights of his lecture were given in the form of challenges to the youth that filled the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Brother Harold Strickland took his final steps across the stage of Doerman Theatre last January to receive his Bachelor's degree from Toledo University. Soon after graduating, Brother Strickland received a job as special investigator in the Works Progress Administration. Brother Iseah Israel was one of Ohio's Census takers. Brothers Victor English and Charles E. Doneghy are to receive degrees in science and arts respectively, in June. Brother English will attend Medical School next year. Our basketball team, managed by Brother John James, lost a close game to our University of Michigan Brothers recently. This group was headed by Big Bill Watson, valuable U. of M. Track Man. Members of our team included such stars as Iseah (clown) Israel, Chas. (Bottle) Ward, John (Jawawa) James, Larry Bleach, Jimmy Thomas, Vic English and Joe Doneghy. We are preparing for a spring program to inform high school graduates of the opportunities that lie in the fields of higher education, with srecial encouragement towards attending one of the numerous, good universities throughout the country. Fraternally, JAKE CHANDLER, Associate Editor to the Sphinx. o

Beta Beta and Beta Xi Lambda NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY AND OMAHA, NEBRASKA Hello, Brothers: Acting in a spirit of cooperation and brotherhood, Beta Beta and Beta Xi Lambda chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha, have combined their efforts this spring toward a program of

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fraternal benefit. In collaboration with Educational Week, the two chapters have aided the promotion of an educational tour of the industrial and business centers of Omaha. In the interest of Citizenship, a program to stimulate those of voting age to exercise their right to vote has been initiated. The brothers of Beta Xi Lambda are happy to welcome to the chapter Brother Raymond R. Brown, formerly president of Alpha Tau chapter, Akron, Ohio. Brother Brown is the new Urban League Secretary, occupying the position formerly held byBrother Bernard E. Squires, who was transferred to a similar position at Seattle, Washington. The two chapters are entering wholeheartedly into making the coordination of their activities the pride of Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternally yours, JOHN W. SIMS, Associate Editor. o



MOREHOUSE COLLEGE Greetings, Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: This year Alpha Rho is looking forward to one of the best years in its history. We have definitely a goal to accomplish and our program is extending, including most of the curricular and extra-curricular activities. The new officers for.-the year are as follows: Brothers Benjamin Bullock, president; Earl Kennedy, vice president; William Kindle, Corresponding- Secretary; Clarence Williams, Recording Secretary; Albert Whatley, Treasurer; George Jackson, Sergeant- At-Arms; George Strickland, Parliamentarian; Ernest Wright, Chaplain. With the above officers Alpha Rho should be successful during the ensuing year. Alpha Rho was well represented in the Seventeenth Annual Atlanta Interfrat Basketball Tournament. Brothers Henderson, Watson, Adams, Curry, Harris, Weeks, Pierre, Kindle, Ward and Colson, proved that Alpha Rho meant business. Six brothers were honored with other Morehouse men at a special chapel service in Sole Hall on the Morehouse College campus. These brothers were William Walker, William Kindle, Edward Wells, Benjamin Bullock, James Carter, and George Strickland. These brothers were honored for high scholarship for work completed during the first semester of the present academic year. Fraternally yours, ADOLPHUS TRUITT, Editor to the Sphinx.


Beta Eta Lambda OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Our program and objectives for the year have been definitely formulated. We are undertaking a concrete constructive project in the community and state which will be farreaching in its economic, political, and social consequences. We will succeed in this effort just as we have in all others. Our chapter is composed of a group of fine men — men who have demonstrated strength of character, intellectual stamina, and a spirit of altruism in the way that they harness and marshall their f jrces toward the accomplishment of an objective. We celebrated our Founders Day on March 2nd. It was in the form of a "Stag". We had a short business session first, and then the collating committee served an eight course turkey dinner. Urn'. Urn'. As I pen this the memories of that turkey—large slabs of white meat, Alpha Rolls hot, Alpha Phi Alpha Ice Cream—come before me so strongly that methinks I taste them still. We wish you had heen there. Don't you ? Since the Founders Day Celebration, we have concerned ourselves largely with our "Better Citizenship Week" preparations and the Annual Spring Social. Since neither of these has occurred, we cannot say at this writing what was what. Fraternally yours, ELBERT LEE TATUM, Associate Editor to the Sphinx. o



COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY The sacied traditions of Alpha Phi Alpha summons every brother to action. Eta Chapter accepts the challenge to get every brother in the metropolitan area active in 1940. Extensive cultural and1 social programs, and Campaign for a fraternity center are Eta's 1940 foiward steps. The Activity Calendar follows in part: 1. Balloting Session, April 11, 1949, at the New York Urban League, 202 West 136th Street, New York City. The Sphinx Club Members recommended are the caliber of students which seek Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. General organization tax, and Eta tax must be paid in full, in order to take part in the ballot for new members. Refreshments after the balloting. 2. Savoy Ballroom Grand Spring Bill, Eta Chapter, June 5, 1940 Ten invitations for every Brother taking part. All brothers are invited and eligible to participate. Attend Eta

May, 1940 meetings for details. Come on Brothers: We are going to have a ball. Recall the Night in Egypt, and all Alpha Proms you have witnessed and none will describe this College Men's Campus "Swing Cade". The chickadees will be there. 3. Scholarship Promenade Savoy Ballroom, October 11, 1940. Eta Chapter successfuly staged its first scholarship affair in 1937. The 1940 goal is $500.00 for scholarships. This Pre-Columbus Day affair will achieve the goal. First of all, Servants of all, we shall transcend all. 4. Alpha Phi Alpha Sunday, 1940, General Convention, Anniversary, Testimonial Banquet, and Formal Dance, Friday, February 14, 1941, at Savoy Ballroom are other projected plans. Fraternally yours, MAC C. DA VIES, President. o

Alpha Epsilon


JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI Greetings Brothers: The chapter is now under guidance of our reelected president, Brother E. R. Lawrence. Other officers are Brothers J. B. Dillard, vice-president; Alan T. Busby, secretary; Fred E. Pinson, secretary; Fred T. Pinson, treasurer; Walter H. Williams, chaplain; Clifton Scott, Associate Sphinx editor. In making its program for the year the chapter pledged its support to the Boy Scout Movement in Vicksburg. As this chapter letter goes to press, preparations were being made for our spring dance in April. Fraternally yours, CLIFTON SCOTT, Associate editor. —o

Nu Chapter LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (PA.) Greetings, Brothers: Nu Chapter has eleven more names inscribed on its scrolls since the fateful night of March 11. The neophyte", who braved the scorching sands were Andrew Bass, Abdul Discu, Charles Fields, Jerome Ford, Wookson Hopewell, Charles Hooe, Robert Lee, Charles Oksdas, James Robinson, Lemuel Tucker, and Virgil Young. Alpha men at Nu are now in the midst of an extensive spring program which will culminate with the annual dance and Alpha Sunday, May 11-12. Nu is proud of its record which entails leadership in campus scholarship (present class valedictorian, Brother Paul Jackson; salutatorian,


May, 1940 Brother Jack Tracey) and definite prominence in such extra-curricular activities as Male chorus, Debating, Journalism, drama, Y. M. C. A., and the Student Council. Fraternally GLEN FOWLES, Associate Editor. 0



VIRGINIA STATE COLLEGE After going thru nine days of probation, neophytes James Bailey, James Gault, Jamies Smith, James Byron, James Young, Mack Campbell, Alfred Abramson, and Harry Winston were successful in crossing those burning sands and in becoming Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Saturday night, April 13. Three of the Neophyte Brothers, Gault, Winston and Campbell earned places on the College honor roll last semester; oi.e, Young, i s soloist for the Men's Gle; Club; and one is one of the outstanding members of th? boxing team. Incidentally, Brother Gault, a junior has been on the College honor roll since his first semester here. Brother George Diggs, as President of the Student Council, represented the College at the Youth Conference in New Orleans. Brother Jefferson Bryant, President of the Chapter, was elected Vice-President at a Statewide meeting of the Brothers in Richmond1 Saturday night, April 13. Beta Gamma is working, with Nu Lambda in an effort to make the Program for "Education for Citizenship" week one of the most successful in the history of the College, Plans are being made to send Brothers to the various high schools of the State and to climax the week with a program in the College auditorium. When, on June 3, the members of the class of '40 march down the aisle to take the final step in becoming members of the Alumnae Association, Beta Gamma will lose ten Brothers. These Brothers are: William Baugh, Elbert Pogue, Edward Shelton, Thomas Smith, Charles Pettigrew, George Diggs, Harold Jones, Julius Hughes, Coleman Lewis, and Edward Robinson. Fraternally, JULIUS H. HUGHES, Associate Editor. o



XAVIER UNIVERSITY Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Beta Tau wishes to acknowledge the visit of Brother H. Council Trenholm on his tour of the Southern


Jurisdiction. Brother Le Cesne, Tureaud, Numa Rousseve, and Reynold ;, of Sigma Lambda; Brother Felton Clark, of Beta Iota Lambda, and Brothers Pope and Spellman, of Beta Phi were present. Brother Trenholm gave an interesting and timely talk on the qualities and selection of Alpha men. He said that it is not that which a man has accomplished but rather what he is capable of doing that makes him an asset to any organization. Brother Waldo Bernard competed in the Southern A. A. U. boxing meet at which time he went as far as the finals. Brother Bray, recent graduate of Xavier and Beta Tau, has been playing basketball with the Globe Trotters this season. We have made all of our arrangements for our educational program. With the cooperation of the three New Orleans chapters, Sigma Lambda, Beta Tau, and Beta Phi, we intend to have a city wide program which, we hope, will make the city conscious of the fact that "A voteless people is a hopeless people". Brother Atkins is the pilot of the Beta Tau program. Xavier campus has a newly organized Student Council of which six members are Alphas. They are Brothers Martin, Mason, Francois, Williams, Thomas, and Cloyd. Brother Martin was elected president, while Brothers Williams and Cloyd were elected chairmen of the Management and Decorum committees, respectively. Following in their footsteps are several members of the Sphinx Club who constitute a part of the organization. Fraternally yours, MASON DOUGLASS CLOYD, Associate Eiditor. o

Mu ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Saturday evening, March 30th, Mu chapter gave its annual Formal party at the rather exclusive Rawjess Club in Minneapolis. About one hundred fifty couples attended. To make the party as collegiate as possible, the guests were limited mainly to college students and their company. Everyone had a very enjoyable time. Our brother Archie James is the sportsman of Mu Chapter. He has been awarded several trophies in trapshooting in our local sportsman club. His chief interest is in hunting dogs. He has done lots of hunting for coons along the Mississippi river bottoms in this state. He has two fine coon hounds, one he raised from a pup and he is seriously contemplating the purchase of another.

Pago 39 It is said that Brother L. M. Moore is thinking of making that sacred trip to the altar soon. Lots of luck to him. He graduates from the University of Minnesota this coming June. His field is Animal Husbandry. Brother Walter Goins, our energetic chairman of the social committee, has to apply most of his time to his post office duties. He was appointed postal clerk in February. During Interracial Week in February, yours truly gave a talk on "Local Race Problems" at one of the large local white churches to a group of about fifty young people, many who were university students. Brother Raymond O. Hatcher, head boys' worker at Phyllis Wheatly House in Minneapolis may be seen cruising about in his new 1940 Plymouth Sedan. Brother Hatcher has done great things in his work with the boys at Phyllis Wheatley House. More power to him! The Alpha Matrons gave a very nice Easter egg hunt for about fifty children at Phyllis Wheatly House. They are awarding another scholarship soon. Brother Henry R. Thomas was appointed Neighborhood Secretary of the Phyllis Wheatley House. He is doing very well at his new post. He recently outshone all brothers as host to a meeting by laying out a huge feed for the chapter. Brother Thomas received his M. A. degree in social work from the University of Minnesota in 1938. Besides being a great scholar and social worker, he is also a wit. Mu chapter plans to put over a great educational meeting in May. Brothers of other chapters who are planning to visit in Minnesota in May are invited to set their dates so that they coincide with the date of the educational program. On February 10th, two neophytes entered Alpha in the persons of Brothers H. Ransom Goins and Robert N. Gardner, seniors at Macalester College of St. Paul. Both are star footballers. This was a grand addition. Fraternally, Norman P. Lyght, Associate Sphinx Editor. o

Alpha Delta UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Brothers in Alpha, Greetings! The last initiation brought into the fold two neophytes, Brother Jack Terry of Chapman College and Brother William Faulkner of U. C. L. A. who are greatly imbued with the eld Alpha spirit. Since the administration of Brother Edward Strong we have made a very successful effort to reclaim lost brothers, and at pros-


Page 40 ent we have thirty-five active brothers and the prospect of many more before the year is out. We consider the Sphinx Club, which has twentyeight members under the directorship of Brother Horace Hampton, one of the finest and most active of any Sphinx Club in Alphadom. Alpha Delta is very proud of the achievement lof Brothers Woodrow Strode and' Kenny Washington in sparking the U. C. L. A. into a tie for the conference football championship. Strode played end and was picked on several all-star teams during the past season. He is at present making good as a professional wrestler, having won six straight bouts to date. Brother Washington was considered one of the best all-around backs in the nation and was named on several ail-American teams. He is second to none. At present he is starring in a football picture with Jeni Le Gon, which, if you ask me, is nice work if you can get it. We are now in the midst of preparation for our Education for Citizenship Campaign under the chairmanship of Edward Strong. We are offering scholarships to men interested in enrolling in the C. A. A. Aviation training. We have quite a mark at which to shoot this year, for last year's program was considered the best educational program ever given by a Greek letter organization in these parts. Our basketball team this year won from the Omegas but lost two thrilling games to the Kappas. You can bet your last shirt that we will win the series next year. Fraternally yours, PERRY C. PARKS, JR., Associate Editor to Sphinx. o



ETTRICK, VIRGINIA At the Conference on Religion and the College for Negroes, meeting at the North Carolina State College for Negroes, Durham, N. C . on February 16, 17, Brother Davies, Director of Religious Activities who has been with this movement from its inception in 1937, led the discussion group jointly with Mr. J. W. Faulkner, of Fisk University, on the topic, "Students Responsibility for the Religious Life of the Community." Brother Gandy, President of this College, served on the panel with presidents of a number of colleges, giving the point of view of college administrators on the problem of religion on the College Campus. On March 7, Brothers Gandy and Roberts, members of the Rural Youth Advisory Committee of Virginia, met with the State Committee in Rich-


mond to consider progress reports on the Youth study in the state. Brothers Gandy and1 Roberts attended the State Conference of the Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation at the University of Virginia, March 11, and feel they had a part in supporting the movement which resulted era the setting up for the first time definite objectives for the ensuing year. At the Virginia College Science Teachers meeting in Richmond, March 15, 16, Brothers McDanisl and1 Townes were among those representing the College. Brother Towrces is instructor in chemistry and physics and chapter secretary. Brother McDaniels fine work in his field has netted him a promotion from the Head of the Mathematics Department to the Chairmanship of the Science Mj'thematics Unit. Interested in the promotion of research in the State, Brothers McDaniels, Johnston and Roberts attended the meeting of the Virginia Society for research on March 17, at St. Paul School, Lawrenceville, Va. To Brother Foster, Treasurer-Business Manager, goes the honor of reelection to the presidency of the Association of Business Officers in School for Negroes, which met a t Tuskegee Institute, March 28-30. Thirtyseven colleges from the District of Columbia and all states south thereof, participated in the discussion of financial problems common to the colleges. Brother Roberts attended the meeting of the first national Student Conference of the N. A. A. C. P. convened at Union University, Richmond, March 29-31, and also the meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, at Knoxville, Tennessee on April 5 and 6. Fraternally, HARRY W. ROBERTS. o 0


Beta Eta SOUTHERN ILLINOIS TEACHERS COLLEGE Brothers of the bond: Beta Eta is happy to extend greetings to all brothers. As 1940 progresses rapidly, the chapter progi esses also. Beta Eta is now busy in preparing the seasons most outstanding feature, Alpha Phi Alpha's invitational semi-formal. This dance, which is an annual event, is to be May 25. The social committee for the event appointed by president Sam Davis are brothers Whitney Bell, chairman, Wallace Price, Charles Jones, and Arthur Washington. Alpha pledges gave one of the

May, 1940 season's most elaborate smokers at Steven's Hall in honor of the Alpha Fiaters. The little brothers are active on and off the campus, also. The brothers of Beta Eta have been carrying on nobly this year. Samuel Davis, president of Beta Eta, is also president of the Dunbar Literary and Social Society. Brother Price is the treasurer. Brother Wallace Price is the reporter and the business manager of the Society. In the sepia plays presented by the Society, Brother Wallace Price and Brother Sam Davis as well as several pledges have leading parts. Brother Arthur Washirgton will soon receive his school's letter and sweater for participation on the University's Gym team. Until the next time, Beta Eta signs off by saying: "Watch us progress under Alpha's banner." Cheerio and the best of luck to all. Yours fraternally, WALLACE PRICE, Associate Editor. o

Beta Epsilon


WEWOKA, OKLAHOMA Greetings to Brothers everywhere. Our President, Brother D. A. French, has instilled new life into our chapter. We are not after new members but are maintaining the good blood we already have. Brother L. L. McGee, past general president, and now principal of Wheatley Junior High School, Oklahoma City, was guest speaker at our February meeting. Brother F. D. Moon, principal of Douglass High School, Wewoka, Okla., attended the American Association of School Administrators Convention in St. Louis, Mo., February 23, to 29. Beta Epsilon Lambda mourns the loss of Brother G. C. Snowdin. Memorial Services were held at the February meeting. Brother Snowdin was a graduate of Langston University. Langston, Oklahoma. During his college days he was a member of Beta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Snowdin is survived by his wife Mrs. G. C. Snowdin of Detroit, Michigan, and his mother Mrs. Snowdin of Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Peace to his ashes, rest to his soul. Yours Fraternally F. H. HARRIS. o

Education Education has for its object the formation of character. . .Herbert Spencer. Instruction increases inborn worth, and right discipline strengthens the heart,—Horace,


ROSTER-Con t inued


ALPHA RHO—Mo-e'-ouse College, Ga.: President, Ben jamin Bullock, secretary, Clarence Williams, Morehouse College.


ALPHA SIGMA—Wiley Co'lege, Bishop College, Ma rshall, Texas, President. Robert Riley, Secretary, James C. Wallace, Jr., Wiley College. ALPHA TAU—University of Akron, Akron, Ohio; P resident, Raymond R. Brown; Secretary, Herbert T. Bracken, 385 Wellington. ALPHA UPSILON—City College Detroit, Detroit, Mchigan; President. Norman Tabor, 2001 Chestnut Street, Secretary. Carlyle J ohnson, 2922 Montc.'air. ALPHA C H I — F sk University, Nashville. Tenn.; President, Alex Carl Hai-en. J-.. Secre'ary, Carroll Moten Leevy, Fisk University. ALPHA CHI—Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; President, Walter N. Boags; Secretary, Roderick M. Pugh. Fisk Uni verslty. ALPHA PSI—Lincoln University, Jefferson Cry, Missouri; President, James Lee Hunt; S.-creary, James Jones, Lincoln University. BETA ALPHA—Morgan College, Baltimore, Md.; President, Bruce Edemy; Secretary, Broadus K. Whims. BETA BETA—University of Nebraska, Creighton University, Municipal University, Lincoln. Nebraska, President. Merle Herriford, 1035 Rose St., Secretary, Rober: A. Rucker, 2510 Corby St., Omaha. BETA GAMMA—Virginia State College, Ettrick, Va.; President, Elbert Pogue: Secretary, Sinclair Jetter, Va. State College. BETA DELTA—Sta e Co'lege, Orangeburg, S. C ; President, Laler DeCoita; Secretary. Frark Hall, State College. BETA EPSILON—Agricultural and Technical College, Greensboro, North Carolina; President, Mercer Z. Ray, Secretary, Earl Holland, A cV. T. College. BETA ZETA—Simuel Huston College, Austin, Texas; Pres. Jackson D. Smith, Jr., Samuel Huston College; Sec. LaVon E. Smith, 1314 Bob Harrison St. BETA ETA—Southim Illinois Teachers College, Cirbonda'.e, 111.; President. Samuel W. Davis, 402 E. Oak Street, Secretary, Gaffney Taylor, Colp, Illinois.

40. 41. 43. 43. 44. -45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.



BETA THETA—Bluefield State Teachers College. Bluefield. W. Vir. ginia; President, Taft Johnson, Secretary, Hayward A. Simpson, State Teachers College. 53. BETA IOTA—Western St-te Teichers College, Kalamazoo, Michigan; Pres. Hackley E. Woodford, 114 N Park St.; Sec. John T. Tapley. 13 31 W. Michigan. 54. BETA KAPPA—Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma; President. Coy Franklin; Secretary, Leo Woody, Langston, University. 55. BETA MU—Kentucky Stlte College. Frankford, Ky.; President, Sheley Lynem, Secretary Nathaniel L. Shields, Ky. State College. 56. BETA NU—Florida A. iV. M. College, Tallahassee. Florida; President. Reginald H. Hughes; Secretary, Joseph N. Patterson, Florida T. 4V. M. 57. BETA XI LeMoyne College, Memphis, Tenn.; President, Fred Lyle; Secretary, Ben Jones, LeMoyne College. 58. BETA OMICRON—Tennes ee Sate Coll-ge, Na hvllle Tenn.; President, Bi ly Jones; Secretiry. Ira Evans. Tennessee Stare College 59. BETA PI—Lare College. Jackson, Tenn ; President, farriuel W. Beas. ley. Secretary, Herman Stone, Corresponding Secretary, Cecil T. Draper, Lane College. 60. BETA RHO—Shaw University, Rale:gh, N. C ; President, Claude R. Trotter; Secretary, W. Coleman Shanks, Shaw University. 61. BETA SIGMA—Southern University, Scotlandville, La., President, Emmet: Bashful; Secretary, Charles Harrington, Southern Universit/. 62. BETA TAU—Xavier University. New Orleans, La.; President, Charles dc Lay, 1912 Dorgenois St.; Secretary, Walter Morial, 143 3 Tburo St. 63. BETA UPSILON—State Teachers College, Montgomery, Ala., President, Alphonsin. Jonet; Secretary. Isaac Points, State Teachers College. 64. BETA PHI—Dillard University, New Orleans, La.; President, James L. Hall; Secretary, M. C. Rhaney. 65. BETA CHI—Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Arkensas; President, Walter Watklns; Secretary, J. A. Ruherford, Philander Smith. 66. BETA PSI CHAPTER—Oxford, Cambridge, London Universities, London, England; President, Dr C. B. Clarke, Belfield House, New Barnet, England; Secretary, N. A. Fadipe, 43 Calthorpe Street, London, England.

ROSTER- Graduate

101. ALPHA LAMBDA—Louisville, Kentucky; President, Dr. J. H. Walls, 932 W. WalnLt St., Secretary, Lyman T. Johnson, 2627 W. Madison St. 102. BETA LAMBDA—Kin as C ty, Mo., President, John Howell, 2519 Mich'gan; Corresponding Secretary, James Alfred Jeffress, 1824 Paseo St. 103. GAMMA LAMBDA —Detroit, Mich., President, Henry S. Dunbar, 561 Chandler; Secretary, Grover D. Lange, 607 Adams Ave., E. 104. DELTA LAMBDA—Baltimore, Md., President, Clarence C. Jackson, Jr., 2325 Madison Ave., Secretary, David J. Whitfield, 704 N. Gay St. 105. EPSILON LAMBDA—St. Louis, Mo.; President, Aa ron E. Malone, 1516 Pendleton Ave., Corresponding Secretary, John A. Davis, 4200 W. Cote BriiLante. 106. ZETA LAMBDA—Newport New% Va.; President, G. Wesley Raney, Jr., 641 Hampton Ave.; Secretary, Fernando, Brown, 2411 Jefferson Ave. 107. T h E l A LAMBDA—Dayton, Ohio, President, Lloyd G. Phillips, 617 Randolph St., Secretary, Fred J. Grigsby, 221 Horace St. 108. ETA LAMBDA Atlanta, Ga.; President Charles W. Greene, 304 Griffin St., N. W.. Secretary. Nelson C. Jackson? 247 Henry St., S. W. 109. IOTA LAMBDA—Indianapolis, Ind., President, Alfred D. Grayson, 527 W. 42nd St.; Secretary, Jonathan W. Giles 2629 Shriver, Ave. 110. KAPPA LAMBDA—Greensboro, N. C , Pres., William c. beaver; Sec, Benjamin H. Crutcher. A Sc T. College. 111. MU LAMBDA—Washington, D. C ; President. C. C. House, 149 W St., N. W., Secretary, George W. Peter, on, 604 D St., N. W. 112. NU LAMBDA—Ettrick, Va., President, Reuben R. McDaniel; Secretary, Charles H. Townes, Va. State College. 113. XI LAMBDA—Chicago. 111.. President. William R. Thompson, Secretary, Laurence T. Young, 4432 S. Parkway. 114. OMICRON LAMBDA—Birmingham. Alabama; President, Peter A. Hall, 620 10th Ave., N.; Secretary, Charles O. Webb, 910 1st St. N . 115. PI LAMBDA—Little Rock, Ark., Pres., Dr. J. B. Jordan, 610 Vl W. 9th St ; Sec. C. Franklin Brown. 1019 Cross St. 116. RHO LAMBDA—Buffalo, N. Y., Pre ident, Dr. W. B. Hollond, 357 William St., Secretary. Dr. J. McDonald Bobb, 215 William St.. Buffalo. 117. SIGMA LAMBDA—New Orleans, La., President, Whitney Haydel, 2228 St. Bernard Ave.; Secretary, Rene J. Rousseve, 5014 LaSalle St. 118. TAU LAMBDA—Nashville, Tenn., President, Dr. St. Elmo Brady, Fisk University; Secretary, James R. Anderson, 1027 18t'i Ave., N. 119. UPSILON LAMBDA—Jacksonville, Fla., Pres., Charles S. Long, Jr., Edward Waters College; Sec. H. James Greene, Edward Waters College. 120. P H I LAMBDA—Raleigh, N. C , President, John C. Harlan, Shaw Universitv, Secretary. Louis W. Roberts, St. Augustine College. 121. C H I LAMBDA—Wilberforce, Ohio; President, James T. Henry, Secretary. Granvillle C. Smith, Wilberforce University. 122. PSI LAMBDA—Chattanooga. Tenn.. President, Julian C. Brown, 727 Flinn St.; Secretary, W. B. Davis, 124'/ 2 E. 9th Street. 123. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Newark. N. Jersey. Pres.. Dr. Ferdinand D. Williams, 191 Bloomfield Ave., Motntclair, N. J.; Sec, Arthur C. Williams. 136 Lincoln St., Montclair. 124. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA—Lexington, Ky., Pres.. Edward M. Chenault. 226 W 6th St.: Sec. Dr. Henry A. Merchant, 126 DeWeese St. 125. ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA—New York City; President, Dr. Louis R. Middleton, 601 West 136th Street; Secretary, C. Arthur Jackson, 400 Convent Ave. 126. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—Memphis, Tenn., President Edwin C. Jones, Route 1, Box 252 (Mallory Ave.); Secretary, Abner B. Owen, Jr., 598 Williams Ave. ' 2 7 . ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Miss., Pres., Everett K. Lawrence, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss.; Sec, Alan T, Busby, Box 176, Alcorn. Miss 128. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA—Bluefield, W. Va.; President, Dr. D. T . Murray, Keystone, W. Va.; Secreury, Edward W. Browne, Bluefield State Teachers College. 129. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA—Houston, Texas; President, Walter M. Booker, Prairie View College; Secretary, Harvey R. Turner, Prairie View College, Prairie View, Texas. 130. ALPHA T H E T A LAMBDA—Atlantic City, N. J., President, Ferdinand C. Newton, 217 N. Jersey Ave.; Secretary, Austin Martin, 1711 Arctic Ave.


131. ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA—Charleston, W. Va., Pres., Earl J. Reason, Jr.. 611 Shrewsbury St.; Sec, J. Kermit Hall. 1332 Washington St. E. 13 2. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Roanoke, Va., Pres.. Dr. Elwood D. Down. ing, 236 Patterson Ave., NW; Sec, Dr. George A. Moo.-e, 160 E. Vine St. 133. ALPHA NU LAMBDA—Knoxville, Tenn.; President, N. A. Henderson, 123 E. Vine Ave., Secretary, M. D. Senter, 2134 E. Vine Av.134. ALPHA NU LAMBDA—1 uskegee, Ala., 1-res., W. Henri Payne; Sec, Hollis F. Price, Tuskagee Institute. 135. ALPHA XI LAMBDA—Toledo. O h o , Pres dent, Leo V. Ergl sh, 614 Tecumteh St., Secretary, Charles Peoples, 522 Wabath Ave. 136. ALPHA OMICRON LAMBDA—Pittsburgh, Pa., President, R. Maurice Moss, 1300 5th Ave.; Secretary, Wilbur C. Douglass, 518 4th Ave. 137. ALPHA PI LAMBDA—Winston-Salem. N. C ; President, L. B. Frasier; Secretary. G. H. Vaughn, 13 28 N. Highland. 138. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA—Columbus, Ohio, President, Dr. J. J. Carter, 86 Monro: Ave., Secretary. A. DeV Crosby, 265 N. 22nd St. 139. ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Dal'as, Texas. President, H . I. Holland, 2913 Thoma: Ave.. Secretary, D. N. Howrll, 2700 Flora S . 140. ALPHA TAU LAMBDA—Tulsa, Okla.; President. E. W. C arke, 617 E. Archer St., Secretary, J. Tyler Smith. 124 N. Greenwood St. 141. ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—Montgomery, Ala.; President. Cohen T. Simpson, Secretary. William H . Fletcher, State Teachers College. 142. ALPHA P H I LAMBDA—Norfolk, Va., President. P. Bernard Young, Jr.; Secretary, Thomas W. Young, 721 Chapel St. 143. ALPHA CHI LAMBDA—Augusta, Ga., President, Lawrence D . Perry, Box 904 Pilgrim Ins. Co.; Secretary, John M. Tutt, 1108 Phillip St. 144. ALPHA PSI LAMBDA—Columbia, S. C..; President, Raymond L. Bailey, University Terrace Apts. 145. BETA ALPHA LAMBDA—Jersey City. N. J.. President, Dr. W. Harold Branch, 190 Duncan Ave., Jersey City, N. J.; Dorland Henderson, 269 N. Clinton St, East Orange. N. J. 146. BETA BETA LAMBDA—Miami. Fla., Pres., Dr. Felix E. Butler, 366 N. W. 14th St.; Sec, Frederick L. Johnson, 159 N. W. 10th St. 147. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA—Richmond, Va., President, Joseph R. Ransom, 815 N. 6th St.; Corresponding Secretary, David A. Graves, 308 W. Leirth Street. 148. BETA DELTA LAMBDA Daytona Beach, Fla., President, Charles J. Greene, P. O. Box 1789; Secretary, Dr. H. Ernest Hartley, 624 2nd Ave. 149. BETA EPSILON LAMBDA—Wewoka. Okla.. Pres., Dr. D. A. French, 201 S. Seminole; Sec. William A. Dobson, Box 2 16. Lima. Okla. 150. BETA ZETA LAMBDA—Jefferson City, Mo.; Prrsdent, N. P. Barks. dale. Secretary, A. S. Pride. Lincoln Univerity, Jefferson City, Mo. 15 1. BETA ETA LAMBDA—Okla. City. Okla.. President. Raleigh A. Wilson, Box 253, Langston, Ok'ahoma; Secretary, John E. Jackson, 527 North Phillips St.. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 152. BETA T H E T A LAMBDA—Durham. N. C , Pres. James T. Taylor, 2106 Fayetteville St.. Sec. John E. Payne, 1609 Lincoln St. 153. BETA IOTA LAMBDA—Baton Rouge, La.; President. Dr. B. V. Baronco. Jr., P. O . Box 2005, Secretary, James H . Boswell, 933 Napoleon Street. 154. BETA KAPPA LAMBDA—Charleston, S. C ; President, Arthur D . Greene, 5 5 " G " Johnson St., Secretary. Frank A. DeCosta, Avery Institute. 15 5. BETA MU LAMBDA—Statesville, N. C ; President, Secretary, T. E. Allison, Jr., 536 S. Green Street. 156. BETA NU LAMBDA—Charlotte, N . C ; President, Secretary,! Clinton L. Blake, 423 E. 1st St., Financial Secretary, G. F. Woodson, Jr., 2112 W. Trade Street. 157. BETA XI LAMBDA—Omaha Nebraska; President; Secretary, George A. Stams, 1119 N. 21st St., Omaha Nebr. 158. BETA OMICRON LAMBDA—Mobile, Ala., President, Milton G. Ed. monds. Secretary, Orlando H . Johnson, 201 N . Lawrence St. 159. BETA PI LAMBDA—Albany, N. Y.; President, George B. Kelley, 1 1 13th Street, Troy, N. Y. 160. BETA RHO LAMBDA—Youngstown, Ohio, President, S. S. Booker, 963 W . Federal St., Secretary, Andrew L. Johnson, 404 W. Earl Ave 161. BETA SIGMA LAMBDA—Hartford, Conn.; T o Be Set Up 162. BETA TAU LAMBDA—Ft. Worth, Texas; To Be Set Up. 163. BETA UPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Tenn.; To Be Set U p .

B C C K E E T . WASHINGTON STAMP Among noted educators who are honored and memorialized by issuance of United States Stamps is that illustrious American—

BCCEER T . W A T H I N G T C N Sage of Tuskegee The Washington stamp was officially released at Tuskegee Institute April 7th by Posmaster General James A. Farley. Alpha Phi Alpha men throughout the country should take the lead in the purchase of these stamps. There could be no finer expression of oar Education for Citizenship Campaign.

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