A Fragrance Called Love

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A fragrance called love The Trilogy of life: Book One: A fragrance called Love Wake up, and look around you. Look at a magnificent world, full of beauties. It is a beautiful day. It is a beautiful world. Open your eyes, and look again. Look further. Look at a helpless world, Void of love, desperately in search of peace & happiness. A peace, sometimes offered through barrels of a gun, and a happiness, often bought and sold in the market. Ask yourself; is this the world, the 21st century man deserves, and strives for? Is this the future, you wished to create for your children? Look around you. Happy faces are hard to find. Everyone pretends to be happy, yet their souls cry out of loneliness. The 21st century man is a lonely creature. Loneliness is not just a sense, it has turned into a disease; a contagious disease spreading around us; infecting us, with no cure at sight. What our world needs today, most of all, is love. 1

A fragrance called love Pure love. Meaningful love. True love. People have forgotten, how to truly love one another. Their world is void of love. Love has lost it's meaning. In this world of ours, to love means to have, to own, to possess. When you say:" I love parrots", what you are really saying is: "I love to have a parrot". You don't love parrots, per say; their destiny does not concern you. You love to own one. "I love that house", you say. It is not the house you love. Love is your desire to own it. Your desire to own and possess, has wrongly been labeled as "LOVE". "I love that girl", you say, because you wish to have her. As soon as you become aware, that she does not wish to belong, your love for her fades. You can't call this love. This is not true love. Call it a desire to own, call it anything you wish, but do not call it love. "I love my child", you say, but actually, you love the image, of the child you wish to have. 2

A fragrance called love Child plays that designated role, you are pleased, and "you love that child"; child does not play the role, and wish to be independent; not the image you want him to be, you become furious, you become disappointed, you disown your child, your love fades away. This is not true love, do not fool yourself. Love for you, has become a tool, to own, to possess, to chain, to imprison. This is not true love. For, love does not imprison; on the contrary, love offers freedom. Love for you is a tool to please you; it is a trap to cage others. You love roses, so you must own them; a bunch of them. Even if that means taking away their lives, and watching them die, in a vase, on a table, in your home. This is not true love. You love, so you must have; the consequences are not important to you. This can not be called love. Everyone desires love, everyone wishes to be loved, yet, love has lost it's meaning. 3

A fragrance called love People talk about love, the want to "make love", yet they fail. Because, they are not aware that, "Love is a secret"; a secret to be revealed and experienced. Not many people experience love. Many people experience lust, and mistake it for love. Love is different from lust. There are no secrets in lust. Lust is a bodily need. Lust is a biological game. Animals, birds and plants know this game. They play this game to mate. But, love is phenomenon, a force, that encompasses all living things. Love is the secret of existence. Love is not limited to a person, or a thing. Love boils out of the well of divine knowledge. Most people are alien to love, they only know lust. Love is an aura, that follows you wherever you go. Love grows in your open arms, and not in your closed arms. As soon as you close your arms, you are emptied of love. When you open your arms, the whole existence can be placed in it. Love shares itself with others, love has no interests, 4

A fragrance called love love is unconditional sharing. Love has no demands, no expectations, and does not seek to possess; to own. Love is the drunkenness of offering. Love does not seek to pretend; it is, and that is enough for it. Love grows the soul, and never leads you to depression, or agony. Commit yourself to love, and be free from both worlds. Give, and do not expect anything in return. Love owes nothing to no one. Do not consider love a duty. When you love, do not seek praise or thanks, or you will destroy love's heavenliness. True love will never create fear. It is the seek for praise or thanks, that creates fear. Commit your self to love, be the slave of love, and not the slave of the lover. It is love that is important. Your lover or beloved, are only ways of God's appearance to you. God is present in every living thing. God is the thousand faced idol, that appears to you, and takes your breath away. Flower is one of it's faces, moon is one of it's faces, 5

A fragrance called love your lover is one of it's faces, your child is one of it's faces. Father and mother are also faces of God. They are all waves in the ocean of love. Love shows itself, in infinite waves of the ocean. Your beloved is only one of these waves. It is only a pretext to see God through, and make love. Your beloved, provides you this time and opportunity. God does not fit into the whole existence, only your open arms can fit him in. If you start to see so, you will not depend on your lover. If you do not depend on your lover, and depend on love instead, your love will reach greatness. Dependency decreases love, freedom is the essence of true love. Dependency creates false love. False love is always in pain and agony. True love pays attention, but never agonizes. When you love someone, you pay them attention. You are never in fear of love fading away. Your fear and agony poisons love. Love seeks togetherness, love pays attention, to the true needs of the lover; but never leads to fear or agony. 6

A fragrance called love Those that do not experience true love, never understand the meaning of life. They live on the sideline, and never deeply understand. "Love is God", seek love, and you seek the truth of God. Wake up.

"Love yourself"; This is the first step in the art of living. If you dislike yourself, You point that dislike towards others. Love feed the soul. Without love, your soul will fade and die. Love gives you wings to fly. Love gives you vision, So others cannot cheat you, And enslave you. Those wishing to enslave you, Prevent love from blossoming in your heart. They fear love. They teach you not to love yourself. 7

A fragrance called love If you can't love yourself, You can never experience love; You cannot love God, People, nature or family, before you learn to love yourself. One that loves himself, understands that "self" is not important. "Self" appears important, when you don't love yourself, and try to love others. It is then, that you feel superior. It is then, that you need more and more. This is the feeling of selfishness, born out of a great lie. Love towards God, without loving yourself, is rootless. Love yourself, and take the first step, towards true love. If you can't love yourself, you destroy the power to love others. If you can't love yourself, love becomes a boring duty. Love is God's gift' love is drunkenness; it can not be created by duty. A true lover can never give enough. A true lover always feels he could give more. A true lover feels appreciation, towards the receiver of love. 8

A fragrance called love One who loves himself, respects himself. One who respects himself, respects others. Such a person thinks: "others are equal to me, in the face of God. I feel respected, because others are equal to me". Let love flow through you like a river, and satisfy the thirst of others. Your love to yourself creates a wave, that reaches other shores. Then, you shall love the birds, animals, mountains, and the rivers; the wind and the rain. You can fill yourself with love. It is love that feeds the soul. Soul is your seed, and love is the soil. Cultivate your soul in love, so it blossoms, and flowers. First, shine the light of love on yourself. First, light up your path, and let the light shine, on the darkest sides of your soul. Let love become your vision of eternity. Love goes further than time, and joins eternity. True love starts with the first step: 9

A fragrance called love "Love yourself". You are the most beautiful creation of God. God desired you, so you were given birth. Not loving yourself shall poison your soul. It shall take away your will. The black clouds of agony, will cover your heart and mind. If you agonize yourself, you can't love yourself, and if you can't love yourself, how could you love others? And if you are void of love for others, you will never be able to love God. Only when you love God, that lives within you, you can join forces with the universe. You are the host, and God is your guest. Love yourself, for having God as your guest. God has chosen you, therefore, he loves you; and if he does so, how could you not love yourself? For, your existence is not accidental. You have come to this world, with a purpose. God has created you in his own image, so you become an unimaginable being, that spreads love, 10

A fragrance called love and turns the world into paradise.

You and humanity, as a term, have nothing to do. You have things to do with people, real people. Therefore, you are the first person you have to deal with. If you can't love this person, you can never love others. Once you cannot love yourself, you start to blame the whole world. You consider everyone guilty for your agony. Therefore, loving yourself is the foundation for a great change. Do not fear. Once you let go of agony, once you feel that 11

A fragrance called love you are the favorite of God, you will feel joy and happiness; you will feel prosperous. From then on, you see everyone in the light of love. You feel, see and give love to others. You sink in your own greatness, you shine in your own light. You celebrate your existence, and feel satisfaction from your life. The greatest of all miracles is you. Your existence is a miracle. Only those would feel this, that love themselves. If you don't, you run away from your "self". Who would enjoy looking at their own ugly faces? Who would enjoy sinking in their own darkness? You have replicated hell within your "self"; therefore, you fear entering your soul. That is why you love to be in a crowd, and hate to be alone by yourself. You cannot tolerate your own "self". You want to be accompanied. Waste of time and life, in search of entertainment, has replaced enjoyable times; so that, you forget your "self", you escape from your "self". Oh, be aware, your time in this life is not that extended. 12

A fragrance called love Your time is very limited. Loving yourself can change your world. Loving yourself can wash away your ugly past. Loving yourself is the beginning of a new humanity. Love will commence through loving yourself. Then, it shall encompass everyone and everything. Love begins to expand. It is not necessary to work on this; Love yourself, know yourself. If you can't love yourself, you cannot know your abilities. It is love, that prepares the ground for knowledge. Love is the tool to know yourself. Do not escape; see yourself as you are, and accept. Surround yourself with love. Do not be an enemy of yourself. If you don't love yourself, you can't properly see yourself, and can't know yourself. You look, but you don't see. You listen, but you don't hear. Your mind does not allow you to see the truth. You can not see things as they are. Your mind only shows you the things, it wants you to see. Your mind only understands it's surroundings. Mind is the result of the past. Mind controls your "self". "Self" is not at your service, 13

A fragrance called love it is the agent of the mind. Push aside the curtains, and see things as they are. See, and face the truth. First step, is to love yourself. By doing so, you put aside the conditionality of your environment. You will be free from it's forces. Once free, you begin to calculate your "self". You watch your "self". You watch your thoughts, speech and deeds. There will come a time, you may also see your dreams clearly. Dreams will no longer linger out of your control. You will remain awake while your body sleeps. Your body needs rest and sleep, while awareness is the essence of your soul. Your body is under the influence of gravity. When you run or climb up the stairs, you feel tired, because gravity pulls you down. Even standing or sitting makes you tired. Only when you lay horizontally, you feel at ease. In this position, your body is coordinated with the forces of gravity. Standing opposes the gravity law. In standing position, blood, 14

A fragrance called love in contrast to the gravity law, flows upward. Therefore, heart must pump harder, in order for blood to reach your head and brain. Just this alone, makes your body tired. But your soul, is not under the influence of gravity. It is so that your soul does not tire. Gravity has no effect on your soul. Your soul has no weight or volume. Your soul is under the influence of another law, called "kindness". It is unkind actions that tire your soul. Gravity pulls your body down, kindness pulls your soul up. Body is closer to the ground, therefore, it dies, and returns to the ground. But God has blown a part of himself into you. Soul relaxes when it goes up. When you watch your "self", and enjoy your kind actions, you gradually grow wings; and one day, will fly, and make your castle in the sky. Man is the meeting place, between earth and sky. When you are kind to others, think of the joy and drunkenness resulting from your actions. Do not think, whether your actions are appreciated. 15

A fragrance called love The important thing is, that you enjoy doing it. What you do must expand your mind. When you consider, the joy and drunkenness of your kind actions, you can no more be indifferent, to the destiny of others. Because, you can not, in the ocean of sadness of others, have your own island of happiness. People's destiny is tidily sewed to one another. We are connected parts of a great planet, and not far apart islands. If you wish to be happy, you must be kind to people around you, so that they can enjoy happiness as well. It is only in this manner, that you may experience true happiness. You are not made of stone, you are a soft and sensitive being. Sadness of others will effect you. Sadness is a contagious disease. Happiness is contagious as well. If you help others feel happy, you have eventually helped yourself. Those in search of joy and happiness, must help others feel joy and happiness. If you love yourself, you will love others too. If everyone does so, our world will turn into paradise. In such a world, 16

A fragrance called love sadness and agony can be uprooted. Teach others to love themselves. More people loving themselves, will end up making a happy world. Such people, celebrate their presence and existence. They breath love, and live in their pure and heavenly life. One that does not love himself, is ruthless, is nervous, is aggressive, is the enemy of nature. He can not be healthy and complete. He constantly struggles with life and existence. When you feel happy, you share it with others; but when you feel sad, what have you got to share? To share, you must have something. You, that have lost the joy of life, how can you bring joy to others? One that feels sad, constantly destroys. Sadness is destructive, only joy and happiness are creative. When you feel joy and happiness, you want to create things. You wish to express your feelings, therefore, you become creative. When you are sad, and in agony, you like to destroy. You desire to create an environment, in which you can destroy. Your creativity becomes destructive. 17

A fragrance called love Your inventions become destructive. Your discoveries become destructive. On the other hand, a happy person belongs to himself, while a sad person yearns to belong. No "ism" can enslave a happy person. It's the sad people, that are entrapped by "ism", and become slaves. They must belong to a group of people. They must be part of an entity. Populations give them security. It is sad. Expand your roots in yourself. It is from "you" that you reach God. But, if you lose yourself, then, you can not see others, and can't find anyone to share. One that has lost himself, has turned off his guiding light. If you dislike your home, you won't clean it, you won't repaint it, you won't plant a tree in it's garden. If you love yourself, indeed, you will plant a tree, in the garden of your soul. You will try to cultivate your talents. You will try to express, what grows within you. If you love yourself, others will love you too. 18

A fragrance called love Nobody loves the one who dislikes himself. You won't have real friends, if you don't love yourself. Who would pay the price of loving you? One who does not love himself, is destined to hate. Life is a chance. If you don't choose love, you are left with hate. One who chooses hate, is destructive, is hateful of others, is always nervous, and in agony. Loving yourself is a spiritual value. Loving yourself is not selfish, loving yourself is the opposite of selfishness. One who loves himself, finds no "self" within. The alchemy of love always melts "self". When you love yourself, "self" disappears. "self" and love can not gather. They are like darkness and light; when light comes, darkness fades. Loving yourself forces "self" to fade; this is the secret of love. Where there is love, there is no "self". "Self" is an iceberg, and love is the morning sun. Love melts the iceberg of "self". The warmth of love melts "self". 19

A fragrance called love Loving yourself is a loop towards God. Therefore, do not forget, never call selfish pride or narcissism, "love". One who doesn't love himself, falls for selfish pride and narcissism. A narcissist, does not love himself. His image becomes his love. One who loves himself, does not need an image of himself. Within the soul of a narcissist, there is a huge cavity. He is divided. When you love yourself, love yourself, not your image. When you love someone, love them, and not your image in them. Do not expect praise or compliments, so that you falsely feel respected; in which case, the one you love, becomes a mirror of your image, and the real you ceases to exist. When you look at them, you don't see them, you see your image in them. This is the real meaning of narcissism. Your time in this world is not eternal, it is very limited, and rapidly passes by, Live, love, and spread your love. Turn your life into a song, and sing it. 20

A fragrance called love What is "living"? It is life spent with the loved ones, it is life spent in joy, happiness, and compassion. It is from your happy life, that happiness flows, and reaches others. Love is freedom from dependence. When you love everyone and everything, you are not dependent anymore. Why do you depend on things or people? Because you fear their loss. Maybe someone steals them from you. You fear what you have today, and might not have tomorrow. Who knows what tomorrow comes? In the face of love, come naked. You and your lover, must drown in the wave of love, so that no sign of "you" remains, and no sign of your beloved remains. When you fade your "self" in love, who remains to depend on? Depend on whom? Love, lives now and here. There is no fear of tomorrow. Without the thought of tomorrow, there will be no fear. In the face of love, every moment is a glory, now and here. Enjoy the beauties of life, 21

A fragrance called love sing your life, dance your life, hand in hand, in the face of love. There is only love; beloved is just an excuse. It is love that overcomes, and surrounds the stars, the moon, the sun, mother earth and father nature, the flowers and the birds. Love will celebrate the whole existence. ....

To fall in love, a star full evening is enough; few friends are enough, so that your whole world becomes loveable, so that you live like a child, with no pretend. Look how happy children are, playing with the sands, by the sea, as they have found a treasure. If little things in life make you happy, then you can live freely, and allow others to live free as well. Such an insight, will turn your world, into a joyful and happy existence. Do not fear, and start the fire of love. 22

A fragrance called love Love gives freedom. Love that seeks return becomes a cage, and destroys your freedom. Do not cage your beloved. Those that cage their beloved, never experience true love. Then, you can no more fly, into the blue sky of pure experience. Love is the temple of soul. Love can give you wings, and open your eyes to life. Don't exchange love for lust. Lust is part of your biology. Love, on the other hand, is your soul. It's all that you have. You can get away from lust, you can't do away with love. Once you turn away from love, your creativity dies, your senses slow down, and dust will blur the mirror of your heart. Without love, life is an eternal boredom. If lust is all you have been after, you will not find love. If love, for you, is a dance between two hearts; if love, for you, is the union of two souls; then, you will find love, that will last your whole life. Your life time experience will be an inner experience of God. 23

A fragrance called love Do not depend on lust, you will forget love, and lose your path. You won't see the true beauty of existence, and won't experience the calm of the universe. Love does not have a frontier. Love does not know jealousy. Love does not seek to own the beloved. Love that owns the beloved, puts a price on love. Only things can be owned. Love brings freedom. Love is freedom. Love never compares. When you love someone, do not compare them against others; Just be a witness to their inner beauties. In true love, there is no separation, between the lover and the beloved. In true love, there is only love. Love is an incredible phenomenon. If you fall for it, you dissolve in it. True love is always experienced at present. Narcissism lives in the past, or the future. Love is not a relationship, it is a union. Yes, love seems paradoxical; yet, all the true things in life are. The path of love is complicated. It paves the way towards happiness. True love, at the same time, must shake your foundation. Love is a fundamental change, 24

A fragrance called love and any change is painful. The old are known and secure, the new are unknown and insecure. Mind only works with the old knowledge. Therefore, leaving the old and comfortable world, and stepping into a new world, is fearsome. A child, at the time of birth, experiences this fear. A bird, on it's first flight, gets to know this fear. A dying man also experiences this fear. Leaving the securities of the old, and going towards the insecurities of the new, is fearsome. The fundamental change of love, is the journey from "self" to "selflessness". Therefore, love makes you face this great fear. If you don't experience this fear, you will never experience, the attraction of universal love. Gold, has to pass the smith-man's oven, in order to shine. That is why, most people live without the real experience of love. Loveless people experience agony, but their agony is useless. Pure love is constructive. Pure love offers you the cosmic knowledge. If you don't pass on the path of love, your life is wasted. 25

A fragrance called love If you haven't experienced true love, you are locked in a circle, turning and tossing, going nowhere. If you have not seen yourself, in the mirror of your beloved, you have not seen yourself. Beloved is the mirror; she will show "you" to you. If you don't see yourself, in the mirror of your beloved, you will never know yourself. Love is the essence for self recognition. Relationship is the mirror. The deeper the relationship, the clearer the mirror. Love, requires openness. Love requires sensitiveness. In the face of love, you must put aside your Armor, and come naked; and this is hard to do. In the face of love, leave aside the calculative mind. Let heart experience danger. You must change. You fear looking in the mirror, and see your real "self"; so, you break the mirror of relationship. But, breaking the mirror, does not make you more beautiful. Break out of the mirror. Breaking the mirror is wrong. Turning away from dangers of love, 26

A fragrance called love will deprive you from adulthood. You must take your steps bravely, and reach the true peak of your soul. Love is the first step, in the pilgrimage of God. You don't take that first step, you don't reach God. Yes, the first flight in the star full sky is scary. You work all your life, to strengthen your "self". Breaking that "self" is painful. You mistakenly think of your "self", as a treasure; you protect and decorate it. When love knocks the gates of your heart, you must let go of "self". Get up and open the gates. Letting go of the "self" is painful. "Self" separates you from existence; from God. This separation must end. You are part of the existence. You are not just a person, you are a presence. Your presence can flow, through everyone and everything And if the experience of love to a person, can create so much pleasure, joy and happiness, just imagine the pleasure and joy of loving, everyone and everything. Each step, prepares you for the next step, 27

A fragrance called love and makes you strong. Love is the beginning, and God is the end. You must face the difficulties, On the path of love. You must bake yourself, In the oven of love. You must melt,, So that your pureness shines out. Love is the only meaningful purpose in life, All other purposes will not lead you anywhere, All other tasks are tools, Love is the target. Therefore, Without any worries, Step in the path of love. For, If you don’t, You will not reach the sea, And you will not breath the pure air. If you don’t fall in love, You will turn into still water. If you wish to experience fresh life, Always be in love. Rivers remain fresh, Because they are current. Being current is the magic of freshness. Still water decays, stinks, Because it is still. The lovers of the world are all fresh. People who are not in love smell old; They decay while alive, 28

A fragrance called love Because they have nowhere to go. Their life has reached a “still” point. It is the lack of love, That has turned the world, Into a mental asylum, With patients of anxiety, Depression, aggression and emptiness. Mankind is suffering from a sever nervousness. A nervousness caused by lack of love, And compassion. People that see each other, As far away islands, Become lonely, nervous, With a suicidal mind. People that fear true love, Commit spiritual suicide. We are not brave enough, To experience the exciting adventures of love. Love is not a transit. When it spreads roots, it lasts forever. Love is the union of two souls, And not two bodies. It is during mating encounters, That two bodies meet. They don’t look into each other’s souls. They want to take pleasure, From each other’s bodies. Then, They run away from each other. Don’t run away from each other. Don’t run away from love. Bravely go through it. 29

A fragrance called love The joy and excitement of love, Comes from love’s suffering. It is due to these sufferings, That your “self” disappears, And God appears to you. Love teaches you the purpose of life. If you have no purpose in life, It’s because you have not experienced love. Do not let fear in your heart, And pass through the dark nights, Towards love; A magnificent dawn awaits you. Sun rises through the dark nights, Morning comes after dark nights. You can forget all, You can’t ignore the all encompassing love. You are born in love, You grow in love, And you die in love. Love takes a drop from you, And offers your heart an ocean. Let go of the drop, And become the ocean. Fall in love. .........


A fragrance called love

"To be or not to be", this is the question. "To have or not to have", some ask this question. Some are there to learn more, others just want to be. Those that want to be, know that having might lead them away, from what they are. Those that want to have, are after experimental responds, to fundamental questions: "Where do I come from?" "What am I here for?" "Where am I going to?" They don't want to only know the answers, they want to experience them, taste them, become one with the answers. For them, that is the only way, towards knowledge; there is no other way. Experience is one thing, and learning is another. How can you learn about love? The only way to taste love, is to experience it. Fall in love and experience love, 31

A fragrance called love It is the only way to know love. If you want to study love, and observe to learn, you will never be able to understand. You might gather information about it, but you will never know love. New sciences are influenced, by the Greek logic of knowledge. You must watch and observe, in order to know. Without any excitement, you must control your feelings; you must be objective. You must stay out, and never engage yourself. You should not become a part of it. You must remain rational. These are the basic requirements, to become a scientist. The way of Greek knowledge, is useful, but it is a way towards knowledge of material. Soul can not be known by such ways. You may learn about your surroundings in this way, but, about your inner knowledge, never. The knowledge within requires your participation, and engagement. It requires your partnership. You can not remain out, and look inside. 32

A fragrance called love To know "you", you must look within. How can you stay out of touch, and observe within? Out of a stone or a tree, you may stand and observe; you can not stay out of yourself, and observe in; unless you want to a material insight, of yourself. The Greek mind was attracted towards material. A line above the Delphi Temple reads: "Know yourself". This simple line deprived the Western knowledge, from itself. Eastern mind, on the contrary, does not believe to understand humanity, as we may observe a tree or a stone. Eastern mind does not want to learn, but, to experience the knowledge. At the top of the Delphi Temple reads: "Know yourself". If this temple was in the East, it would read: "Be yourself". Eastern mind is not scientific, it is spiritual; maybe that is why Western lifestyle is so rich, on the outside, and hallow on the inside; and opposite that in the East. 33

A fragrance called love We must construct a bridge between the two. Spiritual and scientific minds must meet, face to face, hand in hand, non ignoring the other, so that we may build a new Temple, that would read: "Love yourself". First, you must love yourself. In order to love yourself, you must become a unique being. This is the image of love: unity, oneness. The magnificence of love, is this unity, without which, there is no love. Love unites the lover and the beloved. Lover and beloved are one. Love is self sufficient. Love does not need anything, but itself. If love is true, it is complete. A love incomplete, is not true love. A circle is always complete; if it is not, it is not a circle; it is something else. If love is true, it is complete. 34

A fragrance called love Every love is like a flower; unique, complete and different. Every love, like a flower, dances under rain and sun. Every love, like a flower, reflects the image of God. It reflects God in itself. You cannot love less or more, because love is not measured quantitatively. It is the quality that counts. Love relaxes and calms the mind, so that, it shines the lucidness of sky in itself. Love is your heart's trial, to reach above material. There is something within you, that does not belong to this world. It comes from above. It is not measurable. Once revealed, it will break down the frontiers of your knowledge. Once revealed, you will become a pilgrim of eternity. Love is like the fragrance of a flower. Do not search love in the roots, you won't find it there. Your body is your roots, your knowledge is your flower. Experience the fragrance of love, so you dance towards the shining sun, to experience true love. 35

A fragrance called love With such an experience, you will feel like a cloud, that wishes to rain itself down, on the whole existence. Let it rain. Love is not received from one, with no experience of love. Everyone likes to be a lover, or a beloved. Everyone pretends to be one. To be a streaming well of love, you must find your way, towards the underground well of love. You must be able to smell, the mesmerizing fragrance of love. What have you got to offer others? you are hallow! Nothing grows in the ground of your heart. You have not flowered. No well streams from you. You have not experienced yourself. You don't know who you are. In this blindness, in this uselessness, love will not grow. How can others enjoy the fragrance, you don't have? When Spring comes, and you blossom, everyone will enjoy your fragrance; a fragrance called love. You will share this fragrance with others; with everyone and everything. 36

A fragrance called love You must be filled with joy, happiness & compassion; and then flow towards others. Love, is this fragrance. You only have to open the gates of your heart. That is it. You do not need to be a perfectionist. Perfectionists are always in agony, and bring agony to others. A perfectionist expects others to be perfect, and will humiliate them for their lack of perfection. You don't need to be a perfectionist, Just turn a bit, from where you are standing, and change your position towards existence. Watch out, not to let lust hide, behind the beauty of love. Never say:"I love you", when all you mean, is to satisfy your hunger, for bodily pleasure. Bodily pleasure lasts for a while, and then fades, but love is eternal. Love is the experience of those, who reach the lucidness of freedom and calm. It is only from the peak of a mountain, that you may experience a panoramic view. If you desire to experience love, seek inner knowledge. If you desire to grow flowers, become a Gardner, take care of the bushes, irrigate them, nourish them, 37

A fragrance called love give them compassion, till they grow and flower. Flowers will come at the proper time, do not worry. You can't experience them, earlier than their time. You can't force them to blossom, before their time. Love, is a flower that grows within you. It is enough to prepare the ground, and open the gates of your heart to infinity. Love will come. Love will settle in your heart. First, be yourself, then, know yourself, Finally, love yourself. Love is the reward for this knowledge. Love is the reward from above. Love is a guest in the friendly hearts. Love comes to settle in your heart, but you don't open the gates, because you don't know yourself; and even if you open the gates, you won't recognize love, because you have not met face to face. When love fills you, you become confused, not knowing what has happened. All you notice, is your heart's desire to dance. You hear the heavenly music. You smell a fragrance in your soul, 38

A fragrance called love unfamiliar till now. You know something has happened to you. You are in love. Everything flows from the well of love. Love is God, and God is the ultimate truth. Love, is not a name for God; Love is God itself. There is nothing above love. To reach love, "you" have to disappear. Where there is love, there is no "you". You will find love, when there is no seeker. "You" and love can not add up together. It's either "you" or love. Be yourself. Respect and love yourself. Be aware, God desires you, therefore, you were given a presence. You are desirable, you are God's favorite. If you see your real "self", love will come to you. Love is endless. You can share love, with everyone and everything. This will not decrease your love. The more you give love, the more there is to give; without expectation or reward. 39

A fragrance called love Love; don't expect praise, or compliments. Be a love giving king, not an expectant beggar. Love belongs, to the realm of the giving emperors, not the ruins of expectant beggars. It is not important "who" profits from your love. The drunkenness of offering is so stunning, that, you won't care who is profiting. Who cares? When love comes, you will get so drunk, that you will jump out of your "self", and everyone and everything will benefit, from your desirable fragrance; even the trees, and the furthest stars. Your loving sight, will reach far away stars. Your loving caress, will touch and heal, the broken branches of each tree. When everyone and everything profits, from your love, then, you become the beloved, of everyone and everything. You will suddenly feel the breeze of calmness, for the first time. You will feel the quality feeling of freshness. The quality of love; love that is not biological, results in your freedom and salvation. Love is not just a relationship. 40

A fragrance called love Love creates a relationship, but is not one. A relationship can end, but, love is always current. Like a river, it never ends. The honeymoon of love starts, but never ends. Love is endless giving. The future of love is unforeseeable. Love and beloved can reach an end, but love continues. Do not lower love, to the level of a relationship. Relationship does not give freedom, is not a poetic love. In a relationship, both parties think they know each other, in a constant and limited image. Your being is not constant. You are evolving, and therefore, you can not know each other, for certain. A picture of a river, captures just a second, a fragment of the river. The person you knew yesterday, is not the same you meet today. You must get to know each other, a new everyday. You must create a relationship daily. You are not a "thing", to remain constant. Even "things" face changes in time. 41

A fragrance called love Your armchair might remain the same as yesterday, but people are not the same. They must constantly be discovered. In love, people discover each other constantly, and, therefore, remain fresh. If you don't lower love, to the level of a relationship, your beloved becomes your mirror. You look into her and discover yourself. You discover yourself, when you travel deep, into her thoughts and emotions. In fact, you reach your own depth. This is how love gives knowledge. In a relationship, two people never deeply look, into each other. You might be together for many years, yet never have looked, into each other's souls. You have been blind towards each other. You might not even be able to tell, the exact eye color of your lover. You can't remember. You have not deeply looked, into each others eyes, in a very long time. Open your eyes, refresh your sight, remove dust from your heart's mirror, and see again. Renew daily. 42

A fragrance called love You and the world require constant discovering; but you are not aware, because you don't pay attention. You "own", so you know! Do not leave the honeymoon of love. Discover each other daily, and constantly find new ways, to share your love. Love is an eternal journey, keep it fresh. Love does not shine in the logic of mind; love shines when "you", are in touch with existence. Love appears in three dimensions: First, is the animalistic love; it's a need mixed with lust. It's a love that seeks to find a beloved. You are the master, and, beloved is your slave. You own your beloved, you give directions. You provide, therefore, you lead the way. Second, is the human love. love does not seek itself, through the beloved. Lover and beloved are equal, so they share, and they are both the goal. You don't seek to take advantage, from your beloved. This dimension seeks to share, 43

A fragrance called love it does not seek to own. In the first dimension, love imprisons; in the second, love brings freedom. In the third dimension, love is divine. Love is not a relationship, it is not a sense, it is your way of being; it is your thought, speech and deed. Your love becomes perfect. Anything you touch, you touch with love. You desire to experience the beauty, and the fragrance of every being. There is no more beloved. All there is, is love. No lover, no beloved. Just pure love. Love becomes the purpose of life. Most people experience, the first dimension of love, and do not go further. Many experience the second dimension of love; but only few reach the third dimension; although it is reachable by all. The third dimension of love, is eternal; death and destruction cannot reach eternal love. If your togetherness is not of first dimension, your love will grow, deeper by the day. Lust lowers your being. 44

A fragrance called love Be together, do not seek to be above one another. Do not seek to own each other. Let love remain a wave full sea, that reaches both shores, and connects you. Let there remain free spaces, Between your togetherness. Let heavenly breeze dance, in between spaces. Give it this free space, so it whirls. Do not take away each other’s individuality, And freedom. When you are together, Let there remain little space between you. You each need your individual space. Space in which, you may breath freely. Love never doubts, And does not give birth to jealousy. Love never takes away beloved’s freedom. Freedom is gained, When there remains individual space, Between lover and beloved. The more you respect this space, The longer you remain together; The more honest and sincere and honest you’ll be together. Let heavenly breeze dance freely, Between your spaces. If you stick too close, That heavenly breeze cannot dance between you. The flower of love will die. Love one another, Do not imprison one another. 45

A fragrance called love Love must be given and taken in freedom. No expectations and no demands. Otherwise, you may live together, But will remain cosmic distance away, From one another. Let love be a wavefull sea, Between two coasts, That connects your souls. Do not force love to stand still. Do not make a habit out of your love. You will be bored. If you give love and freedom, You gain the knowledge of existence. The purpose of your magnificent existence, Is to freely love. Many of us, live a sad and fearful life. We come, live and die with out ever loving. Some don’t even notice their birth; They come and go, As they have never been, Because they are alien to love. An alien to love, will never know himself. It is through love, That they are truly born. You will sleep, through a loveless life, As you were never born. Love is awakening. Wake up, And watch your magnificent existence, And make a more livable, And lovable life. Do not forget why you are here. 46

A fragrance called love You have not been invited, To the celebration of existence, To gather or take away things. You have come here to share, And find yourself. You are here to share your faith, Your hopes, your love and your bread. You have come to fill a vacuum, That only fills with your presence. You are here, to know your existence, To register your being. Without love, there is no “us”, And without “us”, What is there to live for? You have come to add, To the beauties of the world. Without you, The magnificent celebration of life, Lacks something. You have come to be the great actor, On the scene of life. Love will prepare the ground, So that you fly. The desire to fly freely in the sky of love, Is a desire of existence in your heart; So that you never lose your way home, And not be entrapped in cages. This is the path of love. Do not forget, Birds decorate your food table, Because they forgot to fly. The bird of your heart will die, 47

A fragrance called love In the cage of boredom. Your heart is a bird, it seeks freedom. Let it fly high, and seek love. There is no puzzle in love, The puzzle is in “us”. The simple word of love, Hides a miracle in itself. It is not important whom you love, The profiteer of love is not the subject. The important thing is, To spend twenty four hours of the day, In love. Breath love, You don’t seek thanks or praise for breathing. Love is the same, It does not seek thanksgiving. Love must come naturally, Like breathing. Love has the same value to soul, That breathing has to body. You are not as small as you think, The whole universe lives within you. You are a part of the existence. Yes, your life seems like a dew, Yet you carry the whole oceans in your heart. Those that travel deep in the ocean of hearts, Are surprised of it’s depth. This ocean is infinite. When you reach your inner core, You understand that you are one, With the existence. You are the existence. 48

A fragrance called love This is the divine experience of “you”. Travel in yourself, Go deep, God is within you, Discover God. When God created you, He blew his spirit in you.

Whatever makes you happy, Is food for your soul. It’s not only your body that needs food, Your soul needs feeding too. Always take the side of happiness, And drunkenness; Avoid sadness, anxiety and depression. Do not allow agony to appear. You might feel lonely, depressed or sad; There are the clouds that cover your heart. Clouds come today, But sun will shine again tomorrow. Look at the clouds, Look at the sun, And remember, one comes after the other. Sometimes your heart becomes gray and cloudy, Sometimes your soul enters the realm of darkness, But there is a dawn for your soul. 49

A fragrance called love You pass life through seasons, Spring, summer, fall and winter, They come and go, yet you remain. Happiness comes when you coordinate your life, With the existence. This is pure happiness. If you learn to live happily, Through the passing periods of your life, Your soul will be resistant and strong. Otherwise, It remains a seed and will not grow into a tree. If seed does not become a tree, And the tree does not blossom and bear fruit, And if it does not shed old leaves, Life becomes futile. Love encompasses everything, If love is “true”, Nothing remains out of it’s touch. Love is alien to death. Love is the only phenomenon in our life, That surpasses death. Love is complete, And once you grow love in your heart, You follow your goals, Without no doubt, and no fear. Do not worry. Do not fear. Do not stop the wave full current, That leads you to God. The most complete love, Is your love for God. Jump into the wave full current, 50

A fragrance called love And go towards God. One that is lucky to be in love, Is a harmless person. Such a lover, Will not harm himself or others. His is not “able” to harm himself or others. He can only be compassionate. One who can’t love, Turns his soul into still water. Although he might not be aware, Whatever he does turns wrong. He is void of compassionate talents. Even if he wishes to do right, It turns wrong. He might think he loves people, But in the name of love, He opposes and aggresses. He might consider himself servant of the people, Yet he seeks power, wealth and fame. Poor are those not seeking out love, They can’t do anything worthwhile. Therefore, Salvation only comes through one path, The lack of love. Love is divine and lack of it is a “sin”. Be happy. Be the streaming well of joy, Happiness and compassion. Turn your life into a dance. Sing your life. Then, whatever you do becomes worthwhile, Joyful and compassionate. 51

A fragrance called love Love is more a fragrance than a flower. Flowers have shapes, And shapes limit the being of things. Love is infinite and has no limits. Infinity does not come in forms or shapes. Your lack of knowledge “shapes” love. You are creating the frontiers, You are the cage builder. Love is a singing bird. Lonely and caged, She won’t sing. She will die. Love is a bird wishing to fly. You may cage the bird, But you can’t cage the flight; Even if the cage is built, Out of gold and diamonds, It will kill the bird of love. Bird in a cage, Looks like a bird, But has no sky, Has no freedom, Is not happy. Love is a bird, and loves freedom. Love needs the sky to fly, Never imprison love. Do not try to shape it. Do not label it, or give it names. Never. Let love remain a fragrance, Free and invisible. Then, love will give you wings to fly. 52

A fragrance called love Living in love is a gift, Only to the brave ones. It only comes your way, When you become a traveler, Of the unknown. This travel requires bravery. If you live in the world of the known, Life becomes constant boredom. Standing still kills your heart, Takes away your wisdom, Turns your ears deaf, Locks your tongue, And turns your eyes blind. You only see, What you “know” you must see. In the world of the known, There is nothing to discover. Others have already done it for you. You just repeat other people’s experiences. They don’t touch your heart. How can you be joyful and compassionate, When you stand still, And do not discover life? There is no salvation; Such a life has only one taste, Bitterness. Leave the realm of the known willingly. This is a risky travel. The known are safe and secure. Nobody knows what is there in the unknown. Board the little boat of your knowledge, And experience, 53

A fragrance called love Without a map or a guide; Enter the virgin realm of the unknown, Without any hope to find your way back. No one guarantees your way back. There are no guarantees, and remember, As long as you do not face danger, You will not taste the salvation of love. Face the danger. Life knows no other way. Live your life bravely; Bravery is a needed requirement. Happiness comes through bravery. If you live bravely, The fragrant blossom of salvation, Will rapidly grow, On your tree of life and soul. One without love, has only seen a dream, But has not experienced. Therefore, He is not born yet. So, he is imprisoned in fears, His heart remains locked, His energy whirls within, But does not flow out. He is out of touch with the existence, Has nothing to give or take, Does not reach the eternal sea. If your contact with the existence, With the unique being, with God, Is cut, you will be a loser, A poor being. If you stop being current, 54

A fragrance called love You become still water. You rot. You die. You are no more a current rive, But a muddy still water. You will be a loser, If your heart does not connect with love, Does not learn to act beautifully, You will live in fear, And the only thing growing in fear, Is death. But if the same energy becomes current, It can turn into love. Open up the windows of your soul, Breath, see. The same muddy water, when current, Becomes a river and purifies. It flows towards the sea. It becomes clear, and pure, Because, it is current towards a higher being. Live your life freely, lovingly, And not in fear, and anxiety. If you live with love, You will feel the eternity, In every moment in life; You will feel the fragrance of divinity. If you live with love, Your heart becomes the river that flows, And sings the poetic song of life. Love will purify you. You become clear. Then, not only you reach salvation, 55

A fragrance called love You offer salvation to others. Bravery is not doing what other brave men do; It is finding your own path, And paying its price; Even if the price for finding your path, Is to risk your life, To give up your life. Your path will give re-birth to your soul. When you are ready to sacrifice, Your “self” for something, The excitement gives you re-birth; You are born again. There is a treasure in this suffering. It is the suffering of birth. Living it your way requires bravery. Live your way, Be yourself, And do not worry about critics. Paint your own life, Do not copy other people’s life. Be creative, Even if you go wrong, You can be proud; It is still better than letting others, Live your life for you. If you live other people’s life, You never learn anything new; You only experience the known, Your life is wasted. If you live your life your way, Even if you go wrong, You learn from your wrong doings. This learning will help you, 56

A fragrance called love With new life experiences. Only those that experience, Truly learn; And those willing to experience, Are ready to taste defeats, And make mistakes. It is better to make a mistake and learn, Than to listen to others, And never experience. The best way to truly learn, Is not to do what others have done, It is to live according to your ways, And see with your own eyes, And feel with your own heart.

Everyone hosts a beautiful seed of love, 57

A fragrance called love and compassion. Yet, only few are able gardeners, to grow that seed into a blossoming flower; because people are not aware. They don't open their eyes, to see themselves. Open your eyes, focus your sight on life's beauties, and not on fake beauties. Look and see, how numerous are fake jewels, that attract you, in order to replace love. If they were true beauties, there would not be a place for jealousy, sadness, depression and agony. If you are left alone with these feelings, then your love is not true; and the beauties are fake. Get rid of them. Love always carries the light of calmness, and freedom. You can't feel sadness in love, do not forget this reality. But people are fools. Instead of letting go, of these dark clouds of bitterness, they let go of sweet love. They let go of love, in order to keep their "self". They run away from life. Life is a unique opportunity to love. Human history is full of such stupidities, 58

A fragrance called love committed in the name of love. Future generations will not believe, how easily past generations sacrificed life, for a vague selfishness. Let go of the world. Take your world and go. Do not make a river out of your ocean. Do not forget the sea. Bu current. Life belongs to the brave; the cowards live a life of a plant. Cowards lose the time needed for loving. Cowards think of living, but forget to experience it. The world is full of cowards. Cowards are scared of the unknown. Bravery takes place, when you pass the frontiers of the known. Take the risk. The more you risk, the more you feel your being; the more you challenge your "self", the deeper you look into your soul. Without that challenge, you will live a bodily life. Many can not reach their soul; They will never reach their real being. There are few, who grow their soul. Be brave, be one of them. The experience of GOD, 59

A fragrance called love is an unexplainable experience. GOD is not a meaning, it can not be understood. Those that have experienced GOD, were unable to detail their experience; they could only point to a vague silence, a mystic silence. Every breath taken in, is the continuation of life. If you stop breathing, bodily life stops; but soul needs to breath love; the fragrance of love. Do not become a soulless man. Experience love. Everybody think they have a soul, and of course, they do. If they experience love, their soul will grow. Their soul will take the place of their "self". Love is the greatest miracle, the greatest magic, the greatest secret of life. There is nothing above love, the love that is not bodily need. Love, means the loving relationship with existence, friendship with everything and everyone, a divine love, towards everything living. If your love becomes divine, you will even treat a tree, or a flower, 60

A fragrance called love like she is your beloved. When you fly high, and seek divine love, you sit close to GOD; Knowledge enters your existence. The miracle is that, When you ascend towards GOD, GOD descends towards you. Meeting GOD always happens, somewhere in the middle. The excitement of meeting, is not one-sided; as soon as you take a step towards GOD, GOD runs to you. A true love is this way. The heart that beats for GOD, is in reality, GOD's heart that beats in you. Unless you ascend towards him, he will not descend towards you. People live in a dream, they live as the material world is the only world. They live as there is no higher sense of life. A higher sense of life is possible, very possible. People carry great potentials. The highest peak of humanity is GOD. It is not as only man is in search of GOD; GOD is also in search of man. If this love was one-sided, it would had been valueless. Thank GOD it is not one-sided. 61

A fragrance called love There is no hotter love, no higher flame of love, than the love for GOD; a two-sided, truly heated love. God only understands one language, and it is not Hebrew, Latin or Arabic; but rather, it is the universal language of love. If you love the existence, that is of his creation, then you have told him, what needs to be told. The language of love is above every religion. The jewel of religion, is not it's human teachings, but, it's lessons of love, a living love. The appearance of GOD, is the world around you. Love the world around you, and you love GOD. Enmity against God's creations, is enmity against GOD. You can't kill in the name of GOD. GOD only understands the language of love. So many are crimes committed under the name of GOD. So many of God's creations were sacrificed, in the name of GOD. The temple of God is the heart of "true lovers". Yet, so many temples of GOD, were burnt to the ground, so that, brick and stone temples replace them. 62

A fragrance called love So much stupidity!!! God creates, people unfamiliar with GOD destroy; although they claim to do it, in the name of GOD. People repeat prayers, without knowledge of their true meanings. If GOD is the creator of all existence, if GOD appears to you in all things living, then, destruction of God's creations, is enmity against GOD. You cannot fight GOD, and claim to love him. The only way to reach GOD, is through the green valley of love. Create with love, as much as you can. Create a statue out of your love, and place it at the crossroads of your life. This statue will be your eternal prayer, it will keep you safe, under thunder and lightning, and will live forever. Create a better world and go. When you leave bodily life behind, you have left something beautiful, that will live forever; then, you know your existence was not a waste. The result of a creative and loving life, is eternal life, 63

A fragrance called love is salvation.

Love is the meaning of life. Love is the flame of humanity; Few have discovered this flame. You are not alive by bread, But by love. Love will not only keep you alive, It will fill your life with joy, Beauty, happiness, calm and truth. Life is divided in two parts. A part is priceless. Where there is no price, Value appears. Prices are for non-living; Life deals with the living. Poor are the people, 64

A fragrance called love That think they can buy love. Many fools pay to receive love. Many people marry for money. They are all broke; Although they think they are wealthy, Real poverty and suffering is theirs. Money cannot buy love, It can’t buy experience. So many rich people live, With a heart the size of a penny. When you walk the realm of values, Money, fame and power lose their importance. You enter the realm of pure life; Love is the taste of this pure life. People who spend seconds, minutes, Hours, days, weeks, Months and years of their life, Adding to their wealth, Live a life of a machine. People in love don’t sell, their valuable life time, for money. Some wish to buy everything with money; But, They actually are selling themselves to money. People consider their spouse as property, Because they have bought their affection, With money. Today’s world is a market, in which, Everything is bought or sold. When price interferes; love disappears. A man married to a woman, Due to his wealth, 65

A fragrance called love Has killed her love. She can never offer him true love, so, The man who never tastes true love, Is dead as well. He lives the life of the living dead. He might breath; Plants breath as well, Yet they cannot experience human life. They don’t experience divine love, They don’t have soul from above. Isn’t it strange? The world is full of assassins, Living life void of true love. It’s only love that lives. They kill their soul, To keep their “self” alive. Love is sensual, Love is divine, Do not lower it, To the level of a simple relationship. Remember well, Your wife is not a thing, Allow her to remain a woman, Who lives and loves in freedom. Do not prohibit her from her freedom, Because the flower of love, Only blossoms in the air of freedom. People, due to their negligence, Have destroyed everything of value. People even try to buy the truth, Salvation and God. How silly they are! 66

A fragrance called love Seek things that cannot be bought, Otherwise, your life will not blossom, It won’t flower. Have you got anything priceless in your life? If you can’t buy something, You can’t own it. You think you own your children. You say:” this is my child”, But they don’t belong to you, You are just a transit; Although you consider to own them, And try to tame them, And enforce your will upon them. You cannot buy love in the market. To experience pure love, You must know that you exist. Existence is rich with the light of love. Look properly, Love encompasses the world. To see the rain of love, You must cross the world of prices, And enter the world of values. People lose their soul somewhere in the market, Somewhere in politics, Somewhere in fame and power. Look at the politicians, You can see that they have lost their soul. Love is the highest value, A value out of reach by calculation, Out of reach by philosophy. Love cannot be taught, You can only taste love, 67

A fragrance called love You can only enjoy it’s fragrance. Talking about the uniqueness of love, Is impossible. Love is a mystery, Love is a secret. The meaning of love is hidden. Mind only sees a market, And becomes a trader; Love sees no market, It sees existence, It sees God. In the number of all humanity, There are ways towards God. When you pray, You are calling out your God. Religion tries to unite all, To pray to one God. Every person faces his own God, Not other people’s God. This is the truth. Love is the mother of all things, And every man is a unique truth of God. Believe in love, Do not take other people’s word for it, Experience love. You will believe only when you experience. Mental belief without experience, Is not constant. Tomorrow, Your mind changes upon new learning, You may believe in something more “logical”. Believe in Love, 68

A fragrance called love Not what is said about love. Let this belief come from your heart experience. Have faith in love. Faith does not depend on logic, It is based on love. It is love that cures the pain of hate, Love replaces hate. Where there is love, There is no hate. Love is not dependent on reason. Love is the rendez-vous of two hearts, Love is the union of two souls. Believe in it. Love will crown you, Love will crucify you. Love will crucify your “self”, And crown your “soul”. It is the fear of being crucified, That people don’t believe in love. It is due to this fear, That they are not crowned. They will not enter the realm of kings. What is crucified in love, Is your “self”, The false “you”. In love, true “you” is crowned. On one side of love’s coin is a cross, On the other, is a crown. Love becomes your gardener, It crucifies the unwanted branches, The ugly branches of jealousy, Anxiety, oppression, hatred and suspicion; 69

A fragrance called love All the ugly branches preventing you from blossoming, From the true experience of love. If gardener does not love the flower, Who else is there to love? To care? Grow greener leaves, taller branches, More blossoms, richer and tastier fruits. This is one side of the coin. Love also reaches your roots. As your leaves and branches need the caress of love, Your roots, deep down, need love’s shaking, So that your roots do not become your prison. Love makes you grow wings, So that you can fly high in the blue sky of love. Deep roots keep you away from flying. The deeper your roots of needs, The more you wish to stay on safe ground. Open up your shackles, Be free. Until when will you remain, That slave of gold, money, politics and lies? You fear, therefore, You clinch your fist to the ground. Know that fear, Is the opposite of freedom. Those that fear, Never taste freedom. Freedom requires bravery. Cowards always remain in prison. Do not clinch to anything, Even to the one you love. Clinching your fist, 70

A fragrance called love Even to the love in hand, Will take it out of your reach. Do not become the cage of your beloved, The purpose of love is to give freedom, Not to own. Look at the beloved’s needs, Not through your own eyes, But through her eyes. Creativity is the essence of love. If love is not free, It is not creative. The path of creativity is freedom. One who is not free, Is dependent, Is a slave. One who is not free cannot love God, Has no religion, has no faith, No matter how much he pretends. Your humanity, Your faith in God, Requires your freedom. Love caresses you, But without any caution, It travels deep in your roots, And shakes you, Awakens you. We all seek freedom, But are dependent on people and things. We can’t be dependent and free at the same time. Freedom requires risk taking. Security comes in a cage; Although the blue sky offers flight, 71

A fragrance called love To the bird of love, It is not as safe and secure as the cage. Prison, is the most secure place in the world, But freedom, with all its insecurity, Is so dear and precious, That is worth sacrificing for; And love is a requirement for freedom. It’s only in free space, That you make the sky your home; Your home is not in ca cage, It’s in the sky. Those fearing the insecurities of love, Depend on bodily love, And do not experience true love. If you wish to experience love, You must risk all your security. Your freedom seeking soul, Pulls you towards the sky, While your comfort seeking body, Wishes to remain on the ground, Keeping you away from the journey; A funny wish to “remain in a stable”. Love is full of danger, but, It is worth risking for. A moment spent in love, Is worth the whole life time. A life void of love is a grave yard, Full of precious grave stones. Nothing will grow in a loveless life. Surely, in a life without love, There is security; But this security is not to your advantage. 72

A fragrance called love Love is the celebration of existence. Love turns your life into celebration, Of color and light. If you don’t join this celebration, You stay behind. Love reveals the secrets of life to you, But if you just follow bodily love, In fear of true love, You will live a season-less and rhythm-less life, In which everyone laughs with their body, Yet their soul cries out of loneliness. People want love without challenge. They think love is all pleasure. Love is salvation; Leave fear and seek salvation. One who fears won’t taste love; One who doesn’t experience love, Has not lived life. One without experience of love, Cannot profit from the real treasures of life. Tired and lonely, he will die. Without love, Your laughter is colorless. Without the experience of love, Your life remains still. Love does not offer anything except itself, Love is alive through offering. This is the miracle of love. You don’t need to beg love; Love makes you a king, Love offers itself to you. People have forgotten this cosmic law, 73

A fragrance called love And have become beggars. They all want to be loved. True lovers are real emperors of the world; They don’t beg for love or compassion, They love and are loved. The more you love, The more love fills your heart. If you love someone, Offer them freedom. If you limit your beloved’s freedom, You offer her hatred, not love. Love belongs to the soul; You cannot own someone’s soul. This is suicide. The only food for soul is love. You might own the universal wealth, But without the experience of love, You are a beggar; You beg compassion, You beg love. How certain are you that your wife loves you? How certain are you that your husband loves you? How certain are you that your children love you? You try to buy those as well?? Poor you! True love cannot be bought. They might show you that you own them, But they certainly laugh behind your back. Let true love settle in your heart, Let your heart host God. God only settles in hearts, That have experienced love. 74

A fragrance called love When God settles in your heart, He turns you into himself; You become one with God. You wrongly consider God, Somewhere out of reach, In the sky. That is why you feel far from him. That is why you sometimes lose him. When God settles in your heart, You disappear, There remains only God. Those that do not search for God, Within themselves, But seek him in the sky, Become violent. See and worship God in the mirror of your heart. Religion is to serve humanity, and, Not humanity to serve religion. Once you worship God in the mirror of your heart, You will not take a gun to threaten others, You will not offer a bribe to deceit, You will not be indifferent, Towards other people’s destiny. You will not allow hatred, To spread in your neighborhood. Take your loving heart in your hand, And offer it to others. Follow the religion of love. If your religion does not offer love, It’s there to enslave you, Not to free you. You become violent. 75

A fragrance called love Violence is a reaction to fear and weakness. Love grows in freedom. Love never seeks to own, And can never be owned. Do not say: “I am in love”, Say:”Love is in me”. Life is a divine story. Life is not your biography, Life is the biography of God, You are just pages in this great book. Existence is a great orchestra, And you are just a player. Existence plays the symphony of life, So that you enjoy your presence. If you are feeling sad and agony, Know that, Knowingly or unknowingly, You are not in coordinate with other players, You are not in tune with this great symphony. Adjust yourself. No one is responsible for your suffering, Except you. You are responsible for your own happiness, And well being. Your happiness is the result of your coordination, With existence. Create this coordination in yourself, Register it in yourself; The feelings of sadness and happiness, Are our great teachers; Look, listen, and learn. If you have eyes to see, 76

A fragrance called love Life is full of beautiful sights. If you have ears to hear, Life is full of beautiful songs. Existence will unveil all sights and songs to you. Enter the scenery of secrets, Expand your horizon, Get rid of your old “self�; You still do not know about love, Because you have not experienced true love. You need to prepare yourself. Jealousy, hatred, anger, anxiety, Agony and love, Cannot assemble together; They destroy the ground for love, They are anti-love. When love blossoms in y0ur heart, You feel a desire for thanksgiving, You pray. The fragrance of love fills your nasals. If loving someone can be so beautiful, Then loving the whole existence, Loving God, How beautiful can that be? Loving God, Is the most sacred of prayers. It is through love of God, That you reach salvation. Salvation, is becoming one with existence. Salvation arrives, When you are in peace with yourself. Without love, life becomes silent. No song, no dance, no warmth, no prayers. 77

A fragrance called love Give love its excellence, Go after love ceremoniously, With knowledge; So that your inner core reaches calm. Love will bring you new challenges. Do not fear the challenges; Love wants to separate you from your old “self”. “Self” resists, Does not want to change. “Self” wants to live your life for you. “Self” wants to rule. Love does not accept the sovereignty of “self”. If you take the side of your “self”, Love will leave your heart; But if you let go of “self”, Love will penetrate deep within you; It will shake your roots, And light up your heart. This is your first challenge, Letting go of the “self”. The whole existence is encompassed by a force, That supports you as well. This force is worried about you. This force is always available to you, It is at your reach. If you do not use this force, You are at fault. If you close the door and windows of your heart, You have not covered the sun, but, You have imprisoned yourself in the darkness. The sun is out there. Even if you open the doors, 78

A fragrance called love And pull aside the curtains, Yet keep your eyes closed, You still live in the darkness. This is your relation with God; This love is always available, Yet your heart is not open to it. Let your heart at the fingertip of God, Let God play with your heart. Let God coordinate your heart beat, With the symphony of existence. Remember, love requires bravery. Travel to the realm of love, Requires leaving behind the old “self”. If you fear, you are weak. The weak ones, Wish to remain under the sovereignty of “self”. They are ready to die, To keep their “self”, because Their definition as a being, Comes from their “self”; “self” gives them identity, It defines them, It separates them from other beings, And makes them feel important. The importance that “self” offers, Is a fake feeling; Yet, they take it for granted. They are fooled by their “self”, But they don’t mind; As along as they feel important. This is the main problem, Of the 21st century humanity. 79

A fragrance called love Travel to the realm of love, Means leaving behind, The fake definition of your “self”. Taking away the mask, Revealing the big lie, Opening your wings, And flying high, To join the celebration of life; The magnificent celebration of existence, Requires bravery. Those that love are smarter people, Their senses are sharper, Their mind is more aware, They are more creative. All these qualities are yours, Once you experience love. All you have to do is to let go of your “self”, And open up the gates of your heart, To love. Once you achieve this, You become your own master. Once you are in control of your “self”, Life becomes beautiful; Your mind becomes a tool in your hand, And not a monster sitting on your shoulders. You cannot foretell the future, Although you really want to know. Now, since you don’t know, You seek guarantees. Therefore, you follow the path, Others have travelled on; Because, guarantees come in the things known, 80

A fragrance called love And fear comes from things unknown. Following the path of others, Experiencing other people’s experiences, Kills your love. Love cannot be guaranteed. Neither wealth, Nor contractual agreements, Can guarantee love. Love is either here, or it’s not. There is no third option. Do not build your life on the known, For the sake of guarantees; Do not fear the unknown, This is the only way to live your life. Fear, keeps you in prison, And prevents the flower of love, From blossoming in your heart. Fear prevents you from doing, What you have to do. Fear gives birth to jealousy, Suspicion and worries; They each become a dam, That stop your love from being current. Suspicion and worries become black holes, In your universe of existence. Let love flow through you, And reach everyone and everything. You will make mistakes on the way. Making mistakes is the essence of human experiences; You grow by each mistake, And by learning from them, You become a “man”. 81

A fragrance called love Just remember one thing: “never repeat your mistakes”. It is stupid to repeat mistakes. Man is a voyager in existence, To discover life. There is no avoiding mistakes. If you fear making mistakes, You will never discover life, And therefore, The excitement of an adventurous life, Will be left aside; You will never taste life, You come and go, Without making a mistake, Without making a difference, Without living life, Without knowing the truth. Truth, is nothing to go after; Truth, is already with you, It is in your heart, You are the truth; But you search, House to house, City to city, Religion to religion, To find the truth, Because you do not know yourself, So, you can’t find the truth. Stop searching for it out of yourself, You won’t find it there. The only way to find the truth, Is to search deep within yourself. 82

A fragrance called love To find the truth, You must silence the mind. Mind tricks you, Your mind is the result of the past. It want to rule you, Shape your life, And your vision of life. So, it will show you the truth, According to its learning. To find the truth, You don’t need to do anything; Actually, you must stop doing Many silly things you do. When you listen to existence in silence, Truth will appear to you. It has always been with you; Although you have never been with it. Experiencing the truth will only happen, When you know yourself. The deeper you travel within yourself, The more meaningful your life becomes. Mind, time and death will lose meaning in your life, And you experience eternity. Worries and fear of death will disappear, Like a shadow under the sun. A flame will light up your heart. This flame has always been with you; Just pull the curtains aside, and look; You will see the light. Your darkness is the result of your own doing. If you go deep inside, It’s all light and bright. 83

A fragrance called love Darkness is around you, You will see it looking outside, And forgetting to look within. Let love become your guiding light. Light is the essence of existence. No wonder all religions search for the light of God; Even new sciences reveal that, Your world is alive, due to the light. Decide right now, To experience the light of love, To experience God, By travelling deep within yourself. First, know yourself; Whatever on the way stops you, Leave it aside. Things that stop you, Are real “sins”. Whatever puts a lock on the gates of your heart, Is a real “sin”. It wants to keep you ignorant, So that you don’t feel, And experience love. Sin, is the blindfold on your eyes, So you don’t see the truth. Sin, deafens your ears, So that you don’t hear, The heavenly songs of existence. Your senses are there, To take you closer to God. Know that your God is the light, The light of love, Resulting from your experience, 84

A fragrance called love And coordination with the existence. You live through this light, This light lives within you. Man is not made of flesh, But, rather, of light. Flesh is the material, Light is the soul. Not only man is made of light, Everything else is made of light as well. If they are without light, They don’t have a life. Take the light away from living things, And they cease to exist. You need to experience love, So you close your eyes to darkness, And open your eyes to the light; The light within you, The light within everyone and everything. This is enough. This will cause your salvation. First, you must know yourself. The light within can only be seen, When “self” disappears, And your mind reaches calm. This light will guide your way. Your heart and mind become one; “you” disappear, Love appears, And all that you think, All that you say, And all that you do, Will be based on love. 85

A fragrance called love You will be in love, And love will be in you. There and then, You see everyone and everything, Swimming in rays of light. You see that existence in nothing, But an ocean of light. So, sing your life under the limelight, Turn your life into a song, That everyone loves to sing. Sadly, you try to be everything, Except love. Why? Why do you search for wealth? Isn’t it because you want to find love? You search for power and wealth, So that you are loved. But in reality, You are killing yourself, For things that never lead you to love. Don’t you know, To seek power, wealth and fame, You must compete, and, Do away with competitors. To destroy your competitors, You must lie and deceit, So that your “self” becomes strong, And create an image of you, That makes you feel important. You may falsely feel important, But you will not experience love. To get wealth, power and fame, You become brutal, 86

A fragrance called love And put on a serious face. How hateful is a serious face, That cannot laugh. Serious face is the tomb of the soul. You look like a dead person. Have you ever seen a corpse? Corpses always have a serious face. Have you ever seen a corpse laugh? Laughter is a sign of life. Thos that forget to laugh daily are dead. Live your life in a way, So that you can laugh daily. Laugh from your heart, And be happy; You are a guest in the ceremony of existence, Dance, you have been invited. Once the party is over, You will be dead, And won’t enjoy life anymore, So, enjoy life now, Right now; Not tomorrow, now. You don’t know if you live tomorrow. Love is Jesus’ breath, It breathes life into dead bodies; Experience love, So you experience the breath of Jesus. Love is with you. Love is a phenomenon, Love is the attraction of the universe. If you experience love, You experience Jesus, 87

A fragrance called love You experience Moses, Mohammad and Buddha. Love is what they all seek, and preach. Love of mankind, Love of God. But, when they left us, They took their guiding light with them. We were left in the dark, So that we experience our own light, And experience our own love. Mesmerize yourself, And discover all the secrets, Existence has to offer. It is in this way, That you will be able to see God. God appears to you, In the mirror of your heart, So that love, Becomes your prayers; A divine love, Towards everyone and everything. When you see God in everyone and everything, How can you kill another being, Another person, When you know that God lives within everyone? How can you wage war, Commit crimes against God’s creations, That are host to God? Experience love in its own way. If you want to love a rose, Plant a rose; Become a gardener, Take care of the rose, 88

A fragrance called love Let it grow, blossom and flower, So you may enjoy its fragrance, And love its soul. But, when you cut a flower, You may own its body, Yet, you have killed its soul. Even if you take the petals, And place them under a microscope, You may learn its composition, You may learn about its elements, But you will never know about its soul. You will know about the body, the material, But, never about the soul. Plant a rose in your garden, Take care of it, Allow it to patiently grow, Blossom, flower, And spread its fragrance in the air, Freely, joyfully. You will find the soul of the rose, Every time you walk in the garden. This is the way of love. This is the way of life. ………..


A fragrance called love

"Love your death", as you love your life; for they are two sides, of a single coin. You can't experience life, without experiencing death. Your life and death were born, the day you were given birth. One cannot be without the other. Every life brings us to a death, and every death brings us a new life. Death is not the end of your existence; if you live with love, and share your love with others, your death is not necessarily, the end of your life. Many dead people are alive, because they shared their love with others. Buddha is not dead, he is alive. Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, They are not dead. They are alive. The end of their bodily life, was not the end of their existence; because they shared their love, with the whole existence. Physically, they are not among us, 90

A fragrance called love but the fragrance of their love is omnipresent. Life is a short and unique opportunity, life is a limited possibility to love. With this limited possibility, you must travel, on the path of unknown, and search the unlimited, so that, you use this short opportunity, to become eternal. Therefore, life is a challenge; a great and unique challenge. Life should not be wasted, on valueless matters. Valueless matters are those, that death can take away from you. Spend life on matters, that do not end with your death. God has created his creations, because he loves to create, so that he can be seen, and become visible, in the mirror of people’s hearts. God is the essence of life and existence, God is the life of every living thing. This life is within you, around you. All of the existence, is the beautiful dance of life. Running away from life and its forces, is running away from God. 91

A fragrance called love Your life is the worship of love, and laughter. Nothing separates the ground from the sky, all of this earthly life comes from the sky; everything in this world is divine. We are all invited, to the divine celebration of existence. God has not given us life, so that we turn away from it. He has honored us with life, so that we live it to the full extent, in joy and happiness. Surely God's master plan was not to create, so that his creations live in misery; for if he planned so, he would have created the world in gray, and not in so many beautiful colors. Death is also a part of this magnificent life. Even death should be celebrated. Death is to lie in God's arms. Death is a mystery to us, it is also a great lie of life. Everyone dies, yet, no one dies. Death is just a disappearance. In reality, there is no death. Always, someone dies, but you never die. You always say:"that person died", but you never say: "I died". The one who dies, is dead to the ones looking from outside. 92

A fragrance called love He has migrated from one life to another. He does not consider himself dead, He has dissolved in the existence. Every day that passes by, takes us one step closer to death. Here, you live in a crowd, death takes you away from that crowd. Death is not an accident, it is not as one day, suddenly, death arrives. Your death, has always been with you; it has followed you like a shadow. Your death started, the day you were born. Death and life, are two sides of a single coin. The nature of life is, the existence of this paradox; life gives birth to death, and so death; it gives birth to life. Life and death, both are not waiting for you; they both happen in you, they both beat in your heart, and are current in your veins. You have both, life and death, within you. So, search for them within you. It is useless to look for them, 93

A fragrance called love out of yourself. Your death, like your life, lives within you, and as life passes by, death grows in you, and reaches it's peak. It's at this peak, that your life and death, meet face to face, and become one. Those that want to experience life, must also experience death. It's the fear of death, that prevents you from experiencing life. Death is an end, and a beginning; every beginning must have an end. Existence, is a collection of endless beginning and ends. Fear of death, is meaningless, because death is half of life. If you fear death, your life won't be complete. Your complete life, will always be under the shadow of death. Death, might at anytime come your way. It won't send you a note in advance. It comes as an uninvited guest. But you must not fear; death takes your bodily life, 94

A fragrance called love so you become one with God. Death will not approach you from outside, death grows within you. If you experience life, you must experience death as well. Death will not destroy you; you will not vanish. Death will end your bodily life, So, you enter a new form of life. With death, you change your home. let go the fear of death; even the word death is fearsome to you' and prevents you from experiencing life. Life and death are two sides of a coin; they are one. Those that are brave, know that every living thing, including our dearest ones, must one day pass away, from one form of life to another; but remember, the exciting experience of the unknown, awaits us all. If you love and share your love, with everyone and everything, even when you pass away, to another form of life, you will still receive love from the living ones. Your fragrance will remain with them, and when they smell that fragrance, their blessing comes your way; 95

A fragrance called love you might be gone, but your fragrance will remain. Buddha's fragrance of love, still lives within us; so does that of Moses, Jesus & Mohammad's; their fragrance of love is still with us. What is death? It's your melting under the sun, it's being naked under the rain. Your body returns back to earth, and all it's elements return back to their origin; but your soul remains. "You" are not the body, "You" are the soul, "You" remain. Do not fear. The end of one life, is the beginning of another. Your soul will let go of the body, to dissolve in existence, and join the Universal Spirit. Life is a school; if you learn your lessons well, and experience it in your life, upon death, you dissolve in the existence, and your soul will live forever. When your body returns to the ground, you are free from gravity. Your soul will fly, and dance freely in the eternal sky of love. The more love and happiness, 96

A fragrance called love you share with others, the happier and more joyful your flight will be. Your soul will fly away from it's cage. Body, is soul's cage. Man is not made of flesh, he is made of soul. Soul is not born, and it will not die. Soul has no beginning, and has no end. You are the core of existence. You are eternal. Love yourself, for being an eternal soul. Your appearance in this life is a transit, you are truly faceless. Your real face is God. If you know yourself, you understand that you are part of the existence. Nothing dies in existence, it changes face, from one being to another. Some think they are born out of nothing, and they will die into a void, an emptiness. There is nothing after death, they think. Those that traveled deep within, know better. They know that birth and death are just illusions. It is our mind that makes us believe in them, as the only truth. 97

A fragrance called love There is no birth, there is no death, one leads to other. What you fear in death, Is separation from the things you own, You depend on; From the people you know. When your parents die, It is painful. They are separated from you; But if you love them, You soon notice that they live within you. Losing your loved ones, Is just an illusion in your mind. Be assured, They are alive in you. Your body is not yours alone, It is an extension of your parent’s, And an extension of your ancestors. Just looking at you provides enough evidence. They live within you, They are not dead, They have left one life for another, To appear in new faces. Look at the trees, The flowers, Look at the birds; Your loved ones might appear to you. You must love everyone and everything, Because they are all parts of a great spirit, That runs the universe; They are all faces of God. 98

A fragrance called love Nothing is born, Nothing dies, They just change forms. When conditions are right, They appear to you; And when conditions are not right, They disappear to you; But they are, In both cases, still, Parts of the existence. Radio and TV are good examples. Sit in a room, With no TV or Radio. There are no TV programs to watch, And no Radio programs to listen; Yet we all know, The room is full of TV and Radio programs. You might not see or hear, But they are there. All you need is the right conditions, The right tools, A Radio or TV set. With those tools, You watch the TV programs in color, You hear music and words, That were present, But you were unaware of them, Because they did not appear to you. It is wrong to say:� they do not exist�. You do not have the right tools, They are there, But you do not know, 99

A fragrance called love Because they do not appear to you. If you cannot understand a phenomenon, It does not mean the phenomenon does not exist. The understanding of existence, In your mind, Is a wrong definition, That must be corrected. Your mind forces you, To believe these definitions. What you consider to be above you, Can be considered by others’ To be below them. It’s all relative to your surroundings. People, in one part of the world think its day time, While people in another corner consider it the night. Your mind makes you believe, Your surroundings to represent the truth. Your mind only interprets definitions, In accordance to your surroundings. Let go of the mind; Do not believe what mind considers, As the truth. Travel deep within yourself, In search of the truth. Light up your path, With love, and experience life. Let go of your dogmas and false beliefs. Your soul has been hurt so many times, Because of your dogmas and false beliefs, Engraved in your mind. Free your mind, Let your heart lead your path, 100

A fragrance called love So you live happily, And bring happiness to others. Do not believe that one day, You come to this world, And one day, You have to leave it. Do not think that your loved ones, Came one day, And now they are gone. When the conditions are right, They appear, And when the conditions are not right, They disappear. Their disappearance does not necessarily mean, That they don’t exist. So many people live a life, Without any presence; They come and go, As they have never been. Like TV or Radio waves, Lack of appearance is not a sign, That they don’t exist. Everything is related, We are all connected parts of a great planet, Our destinies are sewed to one another. Every being is related to other beings. Nothing comes into existence, Or goes out of existence. They appear to us, Or disappear to us. You might be smart enough to understand this; But understanding is not enough. 101

A fragrance called love Your understanding must force out fear, And light up your path. Definitions are veils, And veils keep you away from experiencing the truth. Unveil the truth, Love your death as you love your life; Experience the truth in your daily life. When you look at the sea, You see waves rise and fall. Where do the waves come from? Where do the waves go? Waves are parts of the sea. They rise, because conditions are right; They fall, because conditions are not right. They don’t come and go. If you look deep enough, You see the waves are parts of the sea. Waves are nothing but the sea, That changes face at different conditions. The sea does not give birth, Or bring death to the waves. Waves are parts of the sea. You are what you are searching for, You are what you want to be; You are not born, You do not die. You are always a part of the sea of existence, No matter how you appear, Or disappear. Look at the clouds, Can you guess when they were born, Or where do they come from? 102

A fragrance called love And, when do they die? Before clouds appear, They were waves of a sea. Sun, warmed up their heart, So, they evaporated. Winds blew at them, And forced them to migrate. Clouds do not appear out of nowhere. They just change forms, From one life to another. Sooner or later, Clouds will reach the peak of their life, And when conditions are right, They change forms again, They become rain, snow or ice. But if you look deep within them, You see the clouds, You see the sea, You see the waves. The clouds do not die, They turn into rain, And feed the plants. Plants feed the cattle, Cattle produce milk. So, if you are drinking a glass of milk, Say hello to the lovely clouds. In such a way, You see the truth. You can see the river, The sea, the waves, the clouds, In the milk you drink. The clouds do not die, 103

A fragrance called love They change forms, They migrate from one life, To another. Death is not the end of life, Life constantly evolves. The clouds give life to the rivers, The same that river gives life to the clouds. The clouds also give life to plants, And the cattle, And, eventually, us. Look deep into your glass of milk, And say:� Hello, lovely clouds�.

God is your ultimate truth; A truth that is not born, And will never die. A truth that lives within you; Within every living thing. God is not a definition, To be prisoner of your mind. God does not fit in your mind, It settles in your loving heart. Everything in life is related to other things. Nothing dies, And nothing is born. Things appear or disappear. Their appearance requires a relationship, With other forms of life. A flower, In order to appear, Must have a relationship with other things. If you look at a flower deep enough, You can see the sun, The clouds and the rain, 104

A fragrance called love The wind and the soil; But, sun is not the flower, Cloud is not the flower, Soil is not the flower, Yet, all of these elements gather together, So that flower appears to you. Time after time, God appears to you; But you do not pay attention. He appears to you, In a beautiful sunset; But you do not pay attention, And miss his appearance. He may appear in a cold autumn afternoon, In a falling leaf from a tree; But you don’t pay attention. You look the other way, You do not believe. God, time after time, Has walked side by side of you; Yet you have been ignorant to this presence. So many times, He has looked into your eyes, He has smiled at you, He has sat in your room, He has spoken to you; In the garden, In the face of a child, In the flight of a beautiful butterfly, That has suddenly sat on your shoulder, Yet, you have not recognized him, And have passed him by. He sometimes has appeared, As a friend, Who has gifted you with a book. He sometimes appears as a smile, On the face of a colleague, or a passerby. Sometimes he appears as a young boy, Who approaches your car, To wash the windshield, So that you see your path more clearly; Yet, you turn your face away. So many times, you have stared into his eyes; Yet have not recognized him, You pass by, and don’t see him. Your eyes are shut, Your heart is locked. God is a thousand faced idol, 105

A fragrance called love That appears to you; But you are ignorant to his presence. You cannot know God, If you don’t know yourself; And you can’t know yourself, Unless you love yourself. Sometimes God appears as a child, That grows in an orphanage, Just to prove how senseless you have become, Towards others. Sometimes he appears to you as a homeless person, Sitting on a sidewalk, Hungry and thirsty, Cold, and in search of compassion; Just to prove, That your world is void of love, That you are not as compassionate, As you think you are. You worship definitions, Not the living and present God; God is alive and present in every living thing. God is always with you, But you search him, In the void darkness of the sky. This is the life story of many people. Wake up, and become “human”. Open your arms, And share your love, With the existence. Take this opportunity called life, To become eternal. Only love can make you eternal; Love towards every living thing, Love that seeks no return, Love that does not judge. So many times, you speak of people, Who have made a mistake, Who have lost their path, As they are not among you; As you never make mistakes. You call yourself religious, And then, divide people, Into good ones and bad ones; Who are you to judge others? Who gave you the authority to judge? Can you look into the soul of other people? You only see the surface of people. You only see their actions, or reactions, 106

A fragrance called love And judge without ever knowing, How lost they are, And what lead them to behave as such. If your loved one is lost, You help him find his way back; You don’t judge, You don’t condemn, You forgive. Unless you love yourself, You can’t love others; You don’t see or hear their reasons, Your judgment is selfish and foolish; It is inhumane. Moments, provide you with unlimited opportunities. Always refer to your heart, Consult with your heart. Never look at yourself in the dusty mirror of others. Trust yourself, And see yourself as you really are; And love yourself. When you become angry, Your anger becomes a cloud, That covers your mind and heart. When you hide behind this cloud, It becomes easy to make mistakes, To commit crimes. Every Saint, In just a turn of a moment can become vicious; A criminal, And every criminal, in just a turn of a moment, Can discover God and start to love, And therefore, become a Saint. Both sides of the coin, Are constantly present within you. The important thing is how you are, Now and here. To sit, accuse and condemn, Those that have lost their path, Is not a solution. Sing them a song of love, Offer them compassion and love, Let them taste and smell, The fragrance of love, Through your kind actions. They have heard of the beauties life has to offer, Yet, they have never experienced love. Let their soul come out of the darkness, And experience the light. 107

A fragrance called love For, those that accuse and condemn, Yet offer no solution, Are hallow, And have not experienced the truth of God. If there is condemnation, We are all to blame; Everyone is guilty. We are all leaves of a single tree. If you are green, Do not condemn the leaf that has turned yellow; Maybe that leaf has turned yellow, To fall, So that a fresh and new green leaf replace it. Maybe he is to go, To provide space for a newcomer. Maybe you, that are green today, And proud of it, Soon turn yellow and fall. Who knows? Many people thought they shall remain evergreen, But they didn’t. They turned yellow and fell to the ground. We can, with little attention and compassion, Save many, Who have lost their path, Who have gone wrong, Who have made mistakes, Or have committed crimes. But we have not paid attention, And have not been compassionate. You have not noticed that, This criminal is the same child, That one day needed your help, And you did not offer it to him. It’s now him, Who has climbed up the walls, To take your wealth away from you. Oh, look at him, How grown up he has become. Look more closely, If he has a knife in his hand, It is to hide the tormented innocence in his eyes. Remember the day you passed him by? Barefoot and empty handed, Hungry and cold, He looked at you, and begged for help; But you passed him by, Your head up in the sky and despise in your eyes. 108

A fragrance called love With your weapon of contempt, You afflicted a wound upon his soul, And passed him by; Left him in the cold and darkness. Upon years, his wound became infected, And tormented his soul. Look at yourself, In the mirror of his tormented soul. Do not blame him now. See who is to blame, You were fortunate, you had wealth, Yet, your wealth did not turn into a school, Hospital, shelter, or food for others. You did not share, You accumulated all for yourself. One who has wealth, And sees hunger and poverty, And it does not affect him, Is a monster, Is a dark soul, Is the real criminal. We take revenge under the banner of justice. No one looks for the cause, We all look for the effect. A criminal, is also a victim. Treat the victims of this loveless world humanely. Point your finger, first, At the society in which, People care more about wealth, Than other people’s souls. In the heart of the 21st century humanity, No love beats. People judge others to hide their own crimes; No wonder there is no reduction in crime rates, Of our societies. There is a major deficiency in the legal systems of the world. Something is missing. Everyone is for himself. There is no love. When you judge a criminal, Treat him as a human, or else, You are humiliating the whole humanity. Surely, he has done a crime, But he is a human who has committed a crime. His humanity must be respected at all times. If he has done wrong, If he has lost his path, And has walked into darkness, 109

A fragrance called love And has committed a crime, then, He must be treated, not revenged. All the prisons must be turned into schools, And hospitals. Those, that due to their loveless societies, Have lost their path, Must be saved. They have lost respect for themselves and others, They must be treated in schools and hospitals, So that once again, They find themselves. Give them another chance, To find God in their hearts. Lead them, with your kind actions, With your forgiveness, Towards God. Show them that you care; The society cares. The same is true about the people around you. Do not judge and condemn, For every mistake they make. Forgive them, and offer them love. See what lead them, To make the mistake, And shine the light of love on their path, So they find their way; And breathe love into them, So they don’t feel humiliated., So they learn from their mistakes. In this way, you reach above your own “self”, And start to look differently at your “self”. People’s mistakes are warnings to you, That you are travelling on a rocky path. “Watch out, so you don’t trip and fall”, They cry. Do not condemn, Do not judge; Hear the warnings. Those that are travelling on the path of life, Remind you that you may fall. They have fallen, because no one warned them, Or else, they would have enjoyed the light of love, Shining on their path. The rocks are still there. Every step of the way, You need love to shine, And light up your path, Or you may fall as well. 110

A fragrance called love Help the ones who have fallen, Offer them a helping hand, So that they get up. Every time you help someone get up, The whole universe celebrates. Those that commit crimes, Those that cheat or steal, Are sick souls. Sickness is bad, yet, A sick person is not bad. A sick person is a human being. Human being is a mirror, in which, God watches himself. Do not break the mirror. Clean it, so that it shines again. Never accuse or condemn your partner, For unfaithfulness. Before you do so, Put your own heart on a balance, And weigh it. Love, is not a habit. Love, is not a duty. Love is a fragrance, That fills your nasals. When the fire of love burns within you, You light up your path, As well as your partner’s path; You offer your partner your warmth and light, So you both may see more clearly, The common path you are travelling on. This is human nature. You each need your partner’s warmth and light, To feel safe and assure; But, if you are too busy to share your warmth and light, Or you are so busy appreciating your own path, Darkness and cold will appear on your partner’s path. It is a natural right of a person, Left in the cold and dark, To seek warmth and light, From whoever is offering it. Keep the fire of love burning, And offer its light and warmth, To the people around you, To everyone and everything. The more you offer your love, The more there is to give. If there is love, there is a home. Without love, home is a prison. 111

A fragrance called love If home is vacant of love, Man and woman find themselves in constant conflict. They accuse each other for love fading away. Life without love becomes boring and depressing. Boredom and depression lead to violence. If love has left a relationship, It is best for partners to separate in friendship. But many prefer to stay in the darkness and cold, And hate each other, And fight each other. If love is not between you, Do not blame each other. Accept the reality. Life is current, It constantly changes. You too, with the changes in life, You change too. Love is a river, That is current between two shores. If love disappears on one shore, It will disappear on the other shore as well. Love is an energy, That is exchanged between two lovers. If one has no more to give, No matter how much the other desires, There is no more lo0ve to exchange. Be faithful to love; Lovers might come and go, But love must be with you forever. Lover and beloved must both be faithful to love; But if love is gone, Do not leave each other with hatred. For, hatred will replace love, And will punish you for the love you shared. It will punish and tarnish your soul. Clear your soul from judgment, Condemnation and punishment. People are safe from a person, Who does not judge. He won’t harm them. Do not rest, Unless others around you rest. Do not satisfy your hunger, Unless you are certain that people around you, Have satisfied their hunger. Do not add to your wealth, Unless you are certain that people around you, Have shelter, 112

A fragrance called love Are warm and have food on the table. So that people around you, May call you an angel, Or even better, A human; The ultimate creation of the truth. …………..

All I wish, Is to see your spirit experience true drunkenness. All I wish, Is to give you a new desire to live in love, And dance your days in joy and happiness. I wish to see you live bravely. I wish to see you reach the peak of your life; So that you fulfill your true destiny, So that you use your full capabilities, And enjoy a divine life. Fear of the unknown locks you up, You become your own prisoner. Do not fear. Open the gates of your heart, To the infinity; Let God be your guide and show you the way. He knows your nature best, So that on the judgment day, You may look him in the eyes, And say:”Oh, my lover and my beloved, I lived my life the best I could, 113

A fragrance called love And I made many mistakes on the way, I know and you know�; And God shall smile at you, He will understand you, He will take you in his arms, And love you for your bravery. So, do not worry. It is hard to let go of the old; The new will only come when the old is gone. It is always hard to accept the new. We are not familiar with the new, We are comfortable with the old, The traditions of our surrounding. The new are lovable, otherwise, You will never progress. Growth and progress, Come when you are brave enough, To go through the old and reach the new. Always be after the new, Because in every moment, Things become old, And in every moment, New are born. So, get up and open the gates of your heart, To the new. The old imprison you, The new bring you freedom. The truth is always new; God never gets old, He is always new. Discover God every day, So that you experience true love every day. Everyone likes to experience true love, Everyone desires to be loved, Yet, no one wants to truly experience love. True love is a great art, You are born with the talent to love. In order to grow, you have to experience love. Activate your talents, The next step is awaking. You must wake up, So that you don’t spend your life, In random dreams. Those that are awakened, Follow their dreams and turn them into reality. This is called creativity. If you are not creative, You get no results from your actions, 114

A fragrance called love You destroy love in your soul, You imprison your talents to love. What you don’t notice, Is the cloud of boredom that covers your life. Boredom brings you agony, You blame your destiny, You blame God, You blame everyone and everything, Except yourself. If you are awaken, You know well, How to coordinate your desires and actions, You blame no one, For the results you achieve. The next condition for experiencing true love, Is the art of awakening. It points you the path, Towards the magnificent castle of love in the sky, And the art of loving leads you towards salvation. In this way you will know, That truth is now ready and present. Truth cannot be found in books, It cannot be taught or learned; You must dive deep within your soul. This is a difficult path, But enjoyable and full of adventure, And beauties. So many mysteries to be revealed, In every step of the way. Man becomes a traveler; A traveler within the most magnificent being, But, if you don’t love everyone and everything, You can’t be creative. How can you paint a beautiful tree, If you don’t love trees? How can you compose a song, If you don’t love the singing of birds? How can you play the harp, If you don’t experience the drunkenness, Of hearing wind’s music between the leaves, of a Buttonwood tree? Only those that experience love can be creative. Living creatively makes you pious. If God is creative, that he is, Then, creativity gets you closer to God. Creativity makes you pious. Creativity is unity with the existence. Creativity is the condition of being. 115

A fragrance called love One who is not creative, Has never been and will never be. Truth, shows its lucid face, Only to the pure and clear hearts; Hearts as pure as a child’s heart, Ready to experience and discover. Hearts that are not clouded by the desires of the mind. Commit yourself to love, Or else your time in this world will reach an end soon; Your life becomes purposeless. Love, it is not important whom you love, The important thing is to allow, The flower of love to blossom in your heart, And the fragrance of love to fill your nasals. Let love be your purpose, And not a relationship with one person; For, in doing so, you let one person in, And leave the whole world out of your heart. This is an unwise and dangerous decision; Choosing one, and leaving the rest of the world, While, the whole world belongs to you, And you belong to the whole world. Let existence constantly shower you with love. You cannot do away with the existence for only on person; You become lonely. You get old fast. Therefore, love the sky, the sun, The moon and the stars, Love the mountains and the seas, The jungle and the animals; Love the black and the while, the yellow and red. Love mother earth and father nature, And turn your whole being into love. Once your love umbrellas everyone and everything, Once your love seeks no frontiers, Once your love is not imprisoned, Once your love becomes your way of living, Then, and only then, Your love becomes your purpose, Your love becomes your religion, And your prayers, Your love, will set you free. For, only love remains. Love is freedom. Love is salvation. And, although we reach the end of this book, Yet, the story goes on. May the mesmerizing fragrance of love 116


A fragrance called love END OF BOOK ONE Dr. Reza Rafiei


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