"The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key Arranged by Jonathan Williams O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave. O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? "The Virgin Islands March" Composed by Alton Adams, Sr. All hail, our Virgin Islands, Em’ralds of the sea. Where beaches bright with coral sand And trade winds bless our native land. All hail, our Virgin Islands, Bathed in waters blue, We give our loyalty, Full to thee, And pledge allegiance forever true.
God bless our Virgin Islands, Humbly now we pray, Where all mankind can join today In friendly warmth of work and play. God bless our Virgin Islands, Beautiful and tall, Beneath a sunny sky, Hilltops high, Hold out a welcome for one and all.
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” Composed by James Weldon Johnson Lift every voice and sing, till earth and Heaven ring, ring with harmonies of Liberty Let our rejoicing rise, high as the list’ning skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us. Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might, led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, True to our native land.
2021 Commencement Exercises Mark C. Marin Center May 29, 2021
"Antilles School Alma Mater" Composed by Louise Noble, Arranged by Verna Araujo Antilles School, the lessons you have taught us. The lush green hills, the beauty that surrounds us. The Blue and White, your colors flying high. Antilles School will fill our hearts with love. The joy and lasting friendships you have brought us, Will stay with us though the years go by. Antilles School will fill our hearts, Antilles School will fill our hearts, The stately palms, the sparkling sea around us. Antilles School will fill our hearts with love. The crystal sea, a seabird high above.
Antilles School Class of 2021 Joshua Matthew Bearden Haley Ann Belcher Janae Alandra Boschulte Elisha Meshach Bruney Jostin Canario Tyler Daniel Christensen-Lunz Mateo DiBlasi Elliff Maya Alexandrovna Dudkin Rayne Todd Duff Israel Octavius Clifford Duffy Alessandro Jerry Gever Alemu Soren Mitchell Gibbs Saloni Lalit Giyanani Aralisha Reishalie Harris Elijah Daniel Hood Hobie Bartholomew James Maggie Claire Klotzbach Andrew James Kowalski Candisa Eurania Lake Jada Michael Lake Nicholas Pierre LaPlace Margaret Emma McConnell Mohit Manoj Mirpuri Veeren Haresh Mirpuri Mia Louise Nicolosi Riley Paige Oram Dalton Parr Sakhshi Jeetender Parwani Ajaleina Rose Peevey Aynsley Shaw Prewitt Finn Travis Sharpless Bader Khalaf Suid Nickolas Thane Swan Zahrria Kyla Ianthé Thomas Lyric Stewart Nibondh Vacharat Eesha Manoj Ved Rose Marie Whitter Savannah Lee Young Tyler Dawson Yannone
Note: Graduation Regalia White Bib Indicates National Honor Society Membership Yellow Cord Indicates International Thespian Society Membership Pink Cord Indicates Tri-M Music Honor Society Membership
Processional Pomp and Circumstance March Composed by Edward Elgar Class of 2021 The Star-Spangled Banner Arranged by Jonathan Williams The Virgin Islands March Sung by Megan Elliot, Mark Daniel, Aynsley Prewitt '21 and Eesha Ved '21 Composed by Alton Adams, Sr. Lift Every Voice and Sing Sung by Megan Elliot, Mark Daniel, Aynsley Prewitt '21 and Eesha Ved '21 Composed by James Weldon Johnson Welcoming Remarks Elizabeth Morrison, Head of School Remarks Claire Starkey, President of the Board of Trustees Salutatorian Veeren Mirpuri Valedictorian Janae Boschulte Introduction of Guest Speaker Edye Ciaccia Guest Speaker Pastor Jeff Neevel Awarding of Diplomas Claire Starkey, President, Board of Trustees with Elizabeth Morrison, Head of School Antilles School Alma Mater Composed by Louise Noble, Arranged by Verna Araujo Sung by Verna Araujo and the Class of 2021 Presentation of the Class of 2021 Kimberly Ballowe, Director of Middle and Upper School Recessional 2021 Antilles School Graduates
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Colleges and universities our graduates will be attending: American University Boston University Brown University Chapman University Embry-Riddle University Florida State University Colorado State University Georgia State University Georgetown University Harvard University High Point University Hult International Business School Jacksonville State University Northeastern University Pratt Institute Savannah College of Art and Design San Diego Mesa College Spelman College St. John’s College Syracuse University The American University of Paris The Carlos III University of Madrid University of North Carolina Wilmington University of North Carolina Charlotte University of Colorado - Boulder University of Edinburgh University of Rhode Island University of the Virgin Islands Villanova University Webb Institute Yale University