Asia Pacific Conference 2013 (Singapore) Congress Committee Application Information Booklet 2 nd Round
Introduction Hello there!
It is exactly 5 months to the most exciting, most impactful and most anticipated AP conference of the year – except that we are now running not just 1, but 3 conferences, with a few major events in between!
The Congress Committee team has taken up the challenge of not only hosting the potentially largest ever flagship conference, Asia Pacific Conference 2013, but also the finale of the AP ER Summit series in the 2012/2013 term as well as the inaugural Youth Leaders Summit that will reach out to primarily Singapore youth leaders beyond AIESEC. To say that this is a very exciting time for us is an understatement indeed!
In order to ensure the wild success of all 3 conferences that we are expecting, the Congress Committee team is expanding! If you want to be part of the team that will be remembered forever for its awesomeness, apply to join us today!
We sincerely wish you all the best in the application process and really look forward to working with you very soon!
“The Dream Architects” Congress Committee team AIESEC Singapore
Congress Committee (CC) Structure
Following the decision to host 3 conferences, the Congress Committee team has undergone some restructuring that has led to this round of recruitment. Please refer to the revised Congress Committee team structure as follows.
This round of application is looking at recruiting the Organising Committee Presidents (OCPs) of Youth Leaders Summit and AP ER Summit as well as a few more Congress Committee Team Leaders (CCTLs) who will be working under the department portfolios on any of the 3 conferences – the Volunteers will only be recruited sometime in December 2012-January 2013 to be on-site conference support on a per-need basis.
The Organising Committee Presidents (OCPs) and Congress Committee Team Leaders (CCTLs) are required to fulfil the following expectations:
Positions open to members of AIESEC Singapore (or AIESEC members from other entities currently residing in Singapore) ONLY, on a part-time basis
Recent alumni (defined as having left your last AIESEC leadership position not more than 2 years ago) may apply for this position
• Able to commit to the position from the point of selection in early November 2012 to early April 2013 Working commitment is approximately 15-20 hours per week for OCPs and 10-15 hours per week for CCTLs, on average (some evening and weekend work to be expected), with more hours expected as the actual conference approaches and as the need arises
Attendance to at least 1 national conference required; attendance to regional and international conferences preferred but not required
Event management experience is preferred but not required
Congress Committee (CC) Responsibilities The Congress Committee (CC) is collectively responsible to provide conference direction and organization and ensure synergy between Asia Pacific Conference 2013, AP ER Summit and Youth Leaders Summit, involving the AIESEC Singapore membership, Singapore community and the Asia Pacific (AP) region at large where appropriate in aspects related to the 3 events.
The portfolios that are open for the Organising Committee Presidents (OCPs) are as follows:
Youth Leaders Summit AP ER Summit
The portfolios that are open for the Congress Committee Team Leaders (CCTLs) are as follows:
Finance External Relations Operations & Logistics Marketing Delegate Servicing Special Events
The exact job description of each OCP and CCTL will be clearly defined only upon successful selection, based on the individual’s skills/experience and desired development as well as the CC team dynamics and needs.
Each applicant will therefore indicate his/her top preference or top 2 preferences in the application form.
Organising Committee Presidents (1 for Youth Leaders Summit and 1 for AP ER Summit) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive)
Organising Committee team management
Conference Management
Agenda Delivery
Finance (1 more CCTL) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive)
Cost management
Process grant applications
Financial claims process
Revenue stream management
External Relations (2 more CCTLs) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive) •
Sell the conferences for partnerships with corporates, organizations, universities etc
Service partners & product delivery
Acquire in-kind sponsorship such as catering, venue and attractions
Operations & Logistics (5 more CCTLs) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive) •
Create functional operational plan, contingency plan and emergency evacuation plan
Source for accommodation, venues, catering, transport, printing materials and other equipment required for the conference
Execute operations on the conference and implement risk management framework
Marketing (2 more CCTLs) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive) •
Design marketing collaterals
External website, social media, newsletter and other platform creation and management (for positioning in Singapore and the network)
Public relations
Broadcast media
*Knowledge of design and IT platforms highly desired
Delegate Servicing (3 more CCTLs) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive) •
Responsible for all immigration-related support for delegates
Plan to facilitate delegate accommodation, team groupings and reception systems (with logistics team)
Develop and execute systems and SOPs for registration, reception, feedback etc
Ensure that delegates are well-received and taken care of during the conference
*Some design skills preferred
Special Events (1 more CCTL) Job Scope (Non-exhaustive) •
Responsible for each individual special event to be created
Coordinate the other departments in the planning and execution of the special event
Agenda Delivery
Application Process The application form can be assessed here: 0E6MQ#gid=0
Other Important Information • • • •
All applications must be submitted only through the link provided above Deadline for the submission of all applications will be 31 st October 2012, Wednesday, 2359 hrs (GMT +8) Any applications received after the application deadline WILL NOT be accepted and no exceptions will be made Applicants who submit COMPLETE applications will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of the application deadline
Selection Procedure Date
22 nd Oct 12
Release of APC 2013 CC Application (2nd Round)
31 st Oct 12
Application Deadline
1 Nov 12 1 st Nov 127 th Nov 12 8 th Nov 12 9 th Nov 12
Confirmation Email sent out to Candidates Selection Interview
Remarks Information can be downloaded from Application closes at 2359 hrs (GMT +8) Only for completed applications Exact date and time to be determined by CCP/each CCVP
Release of APC 2013 CC Application (2nd Round) Result Attend the 2nd APC Dialogue Session with MC and LCPs
Contact Us For any general enquiries and recruitment-related enquiries, please contact: Name Yuvan Mohan
Designation CCVP Internal Ops & Admin
For any OCP enquiries, please contact: Name Amanda Ong Jie-Mei
Designation CCP
For any department portfolio-specific enquiries, please contact: Name Rebecca Li Xiaoyan Danielle Hong Mingyi Vincent Wang XiaoYang Ong Chah Yiin Vincere Zeng Xiaoyun Sufiartie Sudyono
Designation CCVP Finance CCVP External Relations CCVP Ops & Logs CCVP Marketing CCVP Delegate Servicing CCVP Special Events
Additional References For more information on some of the conferences and events we will be organising, please refer to the following proposals: Conference Overview: X=&zoomY=&noteText=&noteX=&noteY=&viewMode=magazine Youth Leaders Summit: =&zoomY=&noteText=&noteX=&noteY=&viewMode=magazine Global Village: cent=&zoomX=&zoomY=&noteText=&noteX=&noteY=&viewMode=magazine Asia Pacific Youth to Business (Y2B) Forum: ercent=&zoomX=&zoomY=&noteText=&noteX=&noteY=&viewMode=magazine