Asia Pacific
Regional Sales Guide 19 Keppel Road, #03-01 Jit Poh Building, Singapore 089058 +65 6572 8621
For Asia Pacific AIESEC entities
Asia Pacific
Preface Dear AIESEC in Asia Pacific, Welcome on board the inaugural Asia Pacific Youth to Business (Y2B) Forum! Asia Pacific Youth to Business (Y2B) Forum will be held on 25 March 2013 (Monday). Delegates will be 250 APXLDS 2013 delegates as well as 200-250 Singapore youth. As you look through the attached proposal, you will notice that each individual product has its own pricing. While we are selling each product individually, we have also included partner packages that you can recommend to potential large
Forum partners in your entity and elsewhere in the region. (*Please pay close attention to the max spots allowed for each product and partner package!) (Note: Do not approach GEP, unless given approval by AI BD Managers)
We look forward to intensive connection and collaboration to enable this first ever Asia Pacific regional Forum to be a truly Asia Pacific driven effort for the future of Asia Pacific. AP HOT TO GO!
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Asia Pacific
Partner Packages
Y2B Forum Champion Partner USD $15,000 (Max 1)
Y2B Forum Topic Advocate USD $13,000 (Max 2)
Y2B Forum Topic Sponsor USD $8,000 (Max 3)
Asia Pacific Youth to Business Forum Engagements 30-minute Speech
Topic Space
Moderator of Panel Discussion
Company Space at 90-minute Networking Lunch
60-minute Closing Panel Discussion as panelist
90-minute Partner Workshop
Invitation to 90-minute Networking Lunch
90-minute Topic Space Workshop
Logo placements and branding opportunities Exclusive email signage in AIESEC in Singapore (500 members)
Brand positioning of logo and banner in the entire duration of Y2B Forum
Brand positioning of logo and banner in the Workshop spaces
1 page
½ page
¼ page
Opportunity to distribute company materials
Interaction with online audience during Y2B Forum
Name and logo positioning in all Y2B Forum brochures and online platforms
Write-up in Y2B Forum brochure
Asia Pacific
Profit Sharing & Rationale Y2B Forum Champion Partner
1 only
Product included Keynote Speech Partner Workshop Company Space at Networking Lunch Networking Lunch Topic Space Workshop Closing Panel Discussion 1 page Write-up, featuring, material distribution Online featuring, physical banners and logo placement Email signage by AIESEC Singapore Interaction with online audience Total Rounded price Profit Shared
Price (USD) $4,000 $2,500 $600 $300 $2,500 $1,500 $2,400 $1,500 $800 FOC $16,100 $15,000 $3,750 (25%)
Y2B Forum Topic Advocate Partner
Max 2
Product included Partner Workshop Company Space at Networking Lunch Networking Lunch Topic Space Speech Topic Space Workshop Closing Panel Discussion 1/2 page Write-up, featuring, material distribution
Price (USD) $2,500 $600 $300 $3,000 $2,500 $1,500 $1,800
Online featuring, physical banners and logo placement Interaction with online audience Total Rounded price Profit Shared
$1,000 FOC $13,200 $13,000 $3,250 (25%)
Y2B Forum Topic Sponsor
Max 3
Product included
Price (USD)
Partner Workshop Networking Lunch Topic Space Workshop Featuring, material distribution Interaction with online audience Total Rounded price Profit Shared
$2,500 $300 $2,500 $1,800 $1,500 $8,600 $8,000 $2,000 (25%)
Asia Pacific
Contact Information For more information about Asia Pacific Conference 2013 in general, please contact: Amanda Ong Jie-Mei Conference Director Asia Pacific Conference 2013 AIESEC Singapore
For more information about the Forum and direct Forum sales enquiries, please contact: Danielle Hong Mingyi External Relations Director Asia Pacific Conference 2013 AIESEC Singapore For more information about regional sales collaboration, please contact: Edwin Seah Kah Shing MC Sales Training & Events Director AIESEC Singapore