4 minute read


Lisa Kalmin—founder of WorldWorks Trainings and co-founder of Inspire Coaching. Hi, I’m Lisa Kalmin. I am one of the founders and principal of WorldWorks Trainings. I have spent the last 34 years plus developing myself as a transformational leader and spent the last 33 years plus coaching tens of thousands of people how to live the life of their dreams. Regardless of the circumstances and obstacles you are facing, imagine having a technology that can help you achieve your highest goals and dreams no matter what. Whether you are brand new to using transformational tools to achieve your goals and dreams or even if you have many years of experience in transformation and self-development, the technology I am going to share with you is timeless and proven to get results. This is for you if: • you want to improve your life personally, professionally, financially or physically; • you are at a crossroads in your life; • you want to go to the next level; • you have had success in area, but are looking for a breakthrough in another area of your life; • you want to impact your own life and make a profound difference for others; • you want to achieve your highest goals and dreams; • you are a professional, entrepreneur, a mother, a father, an artist or even retired looking for what’s next; and/or • you are motivated to expand yourself and create your dreams with joy and grace.

I am going to share 5 key distinctions for creating success and fulfillment in your life. First, you are going to learn THE POSSIBILITY PROCESS, which is going to help you change the perception of how you live life so you can open possibilities that seemed impossible before. Next, I am going to teach you THE FREEDOM FACTOR, where we show you how to be responsible for your choices so you have freedom and power to achieve your highest goals. Number 3, is the THE NOW FACTOR, where we teach you the secret to creating an inspired life right now! Then, THE SECRET TO ABUNDANCE, where you will learn to allow the flow of abundance into your life. And finally, I will give you a VISIONING PROCESS, so you can learn how to manifest your vision NOW! One of the challenges I have noticed is that most people end up working really hard and often don’t reach their true potential or success. They end up putting in lots of time and energy without achieving the results they really want and deserve. They end up feeling frustrated and struggling even though they are smart and talented. If you are one of those people I believe you are committed… you just may not be accessing the most powerful tools to support you. I am going to give you five distinctions that will support you in living an inspired and purposeful life, as well as simple applications. If you embrace and begin to practice these five essentials, you will begin to create your heartfelt desires with freedom and joy.




Helps you turn negative experiences into empowering ones so you can have joy, freedom and power.

[Previous page.] Trust and be open to flow.

One of the things the Dalai Lama says is that 90% of human suffering is determined by how we see our life and our world. With the Possibility Process, you begin to look at the events of your life as neutral, that they have no inherent meaning. Now, they have meaning to you because as human beings we are meaning-making machines. However, if you take a moment and realize that you bring the meaning or interpretation to the event, then you could actually bring a different interpretation to the exact same event! Just look at how witnesses of a traffic accident have completely different memories of the same event. When you start realizing this, new possibilities open up for you immediately. I’ll give you a big example for me. When I was 27 years old, my parents divorced and it was very painful for me. In the trainings, I reinvented my interpretation of their divorce. My dad is remarried and I have a little brother who is 32 and a little sister who is 28. I also have a 10 year old nephew. I would never have had a brother or sister (I grew up as an only child) and experienced that joy. I am also much more connected to my mom out of their divorce. Now if you asked me would I rather they had stayed married…yes, but given the fact that they are divorced, I have reinterpreted the event to experience gratitude and joy.


Next time you feel like something negative has happened whether you feel like you were the one that generated it or someone/something else did - just stop for a moment, notice and feel all your feelings. Then, write down five other ways you could see that same situation in a positive way. Actually write down five different interpretations of the exact same event that are empowering to you. If you actually practice this in writing for 30 days, then you will begin to think that way and see so much possibility in your life events.

In time, glacial passages reveal paths to freedom.

Patience brews possibility.

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