17 minute read

Branch Reports

(b) Education and Publications Committee

The Chairman presented the on a meeting which was held at York UmversIty on Wednesday 3rd February, 1971. Mr. E. Fletcher, Chief Inspector of Weights and


Measures for the City of York, was co-opted to the

Committee in the capacity of Liaison Officer for the

York University Advanced Seminar. It was agreed that the Hon. Editor and th.e Hon.

Secretary should investigate and proceed wIth. the production of a printed brochure for the York Semmar. The following points were also agreed by the Committee :(i) the maximum number attending the be limited to 60/70 together with 12 non-resIdential applicants.

(ii) that an application be made for an extension of the bar facilities.

(iii) (iv) (v)

that arrangements be made for end-of-course dinner to be given on Tuesday evemng, 6th July. that arrangements be made by the Secretary the provision of technical assistance and eqUlpment to enable lecturers to project slides, films etc. various other domestic problems were discussed and it was agreed that the Hon. Secretary be authorised to proceed with the arrangements as necessary.

The following officers of the should attend the seminar on behalf of the AssoclatlOn :J. Short, Chairman; J. Frid, Hon. Secretary; W. C. Thacker Hon. Editor; R. E. J. Roden, ImmedIate Past Chairm;n; R. P. Holdaway, C. T. Peacock, Education Committee ChaIrman;. and H. E. Fletcher: the Chairman to open the semmar and to chair the course forum on Wednesday, 7th. The Immediate Past Chairman to chair the lectures on Monday, 5th. The Vice-Chairman to chair the lectures on Tuesday, 6th. The Hon. Editor and Hon .. Secretary to liaise with lecturers, delegates and semmar arrangements generally.

A second meeting of the Education Committee took place on the morning of the Council Meeting and it was decided :(i) in view of the 1,90Oth Anniversary of the foundation of the City of York, it would be a nice gesture to make a special presentation to one of the speakers at the Advanced Seminar - Herr J.

M. Dopner. It was agreed that the presentation should take the form of a special goblet prepared by the City of York. The presentation to Herr

Dopner would be made by the Chairman of the

Association at the end-of-course dinner. (ii) The closing date for applications for places at the

Advanced Seminar had been fixed for 1st April but in the light of the postal strike it was agreed to extend this date to the 1st May. Over 30 applications had already been received and it is expected that the target figure of 60 will be easily achieved.

A selection committee of the Vice-Chairman, the

Secretary and the Editor will meet at York on

Monday, 3rd May to select applicants for the course. The arrangements for this meeting to be made by Mr. Thacker. (iii) it was agreed that for non-residential students the charge be £3.00 per day. Resolved that the report be accepted.

Other Business

The Secretary drew the Council's attention to a letter which had been received from J. Birks, Honorary Secretary of the East Midland Branch, regarding the installation of central heating equipment within garages in private houses. The Honorary Editor pointed out to the meeting that the answer to this query was contained in the current 'Questions and Answers' supplement which he had as yet been unable to post to members, a copy was made available for Mr. Birks.

It was agreed that arrangements for the next meeting of the Council be left to the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Honorary Secretary.


A meeting of the Branch was held at the Department, Oakroyd Hall, Bradford Road, Bradford, on Monday, 12th October, 1970. Fire Service Birkenshaw,

Present The . M E L Darwin and ChaIrman, r. .., 22 members. . h H

The . ChaIrman d opene the meeting by welcommg . t e on. Secretary back after his brief sojourn in hospItal. Apologies Apologies for absence were receiVed from Messrs. Fletcher and Skelton.


The minutes of the last meeting, held at Scarborough on the 6th May, 1970, having been circulated, were taken as read. It was resolved that they be signed as a true record. Matters Arising out of Minutes Enquiries concerning simultaneous delivery mentioned in the last minutes were deferred until later in the meeting.

Correspondence The Hon. Secretary read the letter from Mr. J. A. Sharp, the Association's Hon. Electrical Adviser, received in reply to the Branch's query concerning the use of a megometer in a Division 2 area. Mr. Sharp stated that an insulation tester was usually used and that the point of supply, which is in a safe area, was the place to test. In the case of Storage Depots where the equipment may be in Division 1 or 2 areas, intrinsically safe instruments may be obtained.

Any Other Business (1) Multiple Deliveries

At the last meeting it was generally agreed that simultaneous delivery at two points not more than 8' 0" apart was reasonable provided that both points were visible at the same time. Two members stated that this was contrary to the Code. It was pointed out that simultaneous deliveries were permissible unless the circumstances were exceptional and the Licensing

Authority considered it unsafe. It was also pointed out that in 5(d) on page 7 of the

Association's Code, no opening shall be provided in a storage tank for the sole purpose of dipping but that 7(ii) on page 28 requires that "the dipping pipe, where such a pipe is separately fitted to a storage tank, shall be kept securely closed". It was generally agreed that this was to cover existing installations where an offset fill-pipe is already in use and it would be unreasonable to require complete compliance with the

Code. Mr. Dick pointed out that if the dip pipe were kept locked until the delivery be completed there would be no danger. (2) Termination of Tenancy

An enquiry was received concerning a petrol station owned by a company but rented by an occupier. The occupier gave up the tenancey of the premises leaving petrol in one of the tanks. It was agreed that the licensee could not be prosecuted as the Act refers to "the occupier", and he no longer occupied the premises, neither could the company as they were the owners but not the occupiers. No other legislation seemed applicable.

(3) Electrica! Certificate

The difficulty in finding a man qualified in accordance with the requirements of the Code who was willing to complete the Electrical Certificate was expressed by several members and a request was made for a leaflet or an article in the "Bulletin". The Hon. Secretary was instructed to draw both matters to the attention of the

General Council. An enquiry was made concerning the provision of a cover to a petrol interceptor in a Distributing Depot or

Major Installation. No definite conclusion was reached and the Hon. Secretary was instructed to refer the query to the General Council.

Talk In the afternoon an excellent paper on liquified petroleum gases was given by Mr. R. Bull of Shell-Mex and B.P. Gases Limited.

North Western

A meeting of the Branch was held at Altrincham on 22nd October, 1970.

Present Fourtyeight members were present.

An official welcome to the Branch was extended by the Worshipful the Mayor of Altrincham, Councillor W. Hiett. The immediate past Chairman of the Branch, Mr. J. R. Roberts of Manchester, suitably replied.

Minutes The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 2nd July, 1970 were approved.

Report of Secretary and Branch Representative Mr. H. R. MelIor reported on the September meeting of the Council of the Association and following this it was agreed that the Executive Committee consider the revised model Branch Rules now issued by the Council of the Association and submit recommendations to the 1971 Annual General Meeting of the Branch.

The Secretary also reported on the preliminary arrangements for the holding of the Northern School at the University of York on 13th-15th April, 1971, and on the Advanced Petroleum Seminar also to be held at the University of York on 5th-7th July, 1971.

Address The Chairman introduced Mr. J. Beer, F.I.W.M.A., Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures, City of Worcester, who presented his paper "The Testing of New and Existing Petroleum Spirit Storage Tanks"; this paper appeared in "The Bulletin" October, 1968, pages 102-105.

The first question in the ensuing discussion related to trade resistance in the application of a 10 Ib.jsq. in. pressure on old tanks. In reply, Mr. Beer said that he considered a 10 lb.jsq. in. pressure on an old tank might be oversevere. He suggested a pressure between 5 and 7 lb.jsq. in. He felt it was necessary to be satisfied that the tank was sound, not only at the time it was tested but also that it would remain sound for a reasonable number of years and this could only be achieved by stressing a tank to a degree.

Asked about the necessity of completely emptying an existing tank before applying a pressure test, Mr. Beer said that if a tank was leaking at the bottom when pressure was applied, this could result in the leak being increased by pressure. Since this was the very situation which the tests were intended to avoid, he would always have a tank bottomed before pressure, using an inert gas such as nitrogen, was applied. Accommodating the removed petrol could create a problem but this would have to be resolved at each site. Perhaps it could be put in other tanks or in motor cars. It was for this same reason that he did not favour ullage tests as the filling of the tank with petrol to just below the neck might result in a leakage of petrol from a previously unsuspected hole in the upper part of the tank.

When asked for his views on the inventory check as recommended in the Home Office Model Code, Mr. Beer said that whilst he knew of some areas where this check was used and where the petroleum officers were apparently satisfied with the results, he had doubts as to whether it was sufficiently accurate. The Weights and Measures Regulations permitted petrol pumps at a garage to give up to 2 fluid ounces per gallon overmeasure before they were rejected. In view of this he would be reluctant to use a form of test which was based on stock plus receipts of petrol delivered balanced against the readings on a petrol pump which could have an error of up to one gallon in eighty.

A member enquired whether the plus or minus corrections to be applied to the readings of a pressure gauge at the end of the 24 hour test could be dispensed with if the zero indications of the gauge were made adjustable in such a way that zero could become equal to atmospheric pressure. Replying, Mr. Beer said that this suggestion would not give the desired results. If atmospheric pressure was at 14.7 Ib./sq. in. and a tank was pressurised to 10 lb./sq. in. the tank would then be at 24.7 Ib:/sq. in.absolute pressure.

Provided that the tank did not leak and that the temperature did not vary, this absolute pressure would remain constant. If atmospheric pressure dropped by 1 lb. to 13.7 Ib./sq. in., the result of adjusting the zero reading on the pressure gauge to 13.7 Ib./sq. in. would be that the pressure gauge would indicate 11 Ib./sq. in., (Le. 24.7 lb. less 13.7 lb. equals 11 lb.)

Replying to questions on ullage testing, Mr. Beer said that in his opinion it was essential to disconnect the vent pipe from the tank before taking dips and desirable to disconnect the suction line as well. For checking lines he considered that pressure tests should always be applied.

Owing to the pressure of time the Chairman then had to terminate the discussion and Mr. Beer was thanked for his very able presentation of this paper. Thanks were also expressed to Mr. B. E. Chapman and Mr. L. Ryan of Altrincham for making the necessary arrangements of the meeting. Visit After lunch, members visited the factory of the Budenburg Gauge Co. Ltd., at Altrincham where they were conducted through the works in small parties and shown the various processes and techniques which had been developed to produce the reliability and precision claimed by the company in respect of their instruments. The tour proved most interesting and instructive and was followed by refreshments provided by the company.


The Annual General Meeting of the Scottish Branch was held at Glenrothes, Fife on Tuesday, 16th March, 1971. The meeting was opened by Councillor Alex Carstairs, Convenor of the General Purposes Committee, Fife County Council, who welcomed the 52 members present. The Vice-Chairman, Mr. Gavin Arneil thanked Councillor Carstairs for officially opening the proceedings and made reference to the Branch Chairman's absence owing to illness. The Secretary was instructed to write to Mr. R. Donnelly expressing the good wishes of the meeting and wishing him a speedy recovery. Apologies Apologies were received from R. S. Brown (Argyll and Bute) and T. Cairns (Glasgow).

Minutes The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Dalkeith, Midlothian on 17th March, 1970, as printed in the Bulletin dated July, 1970 were approved.

Self Service Equipment - Talk and Visit During the mor?ing session the meeting was addressed by Mr. O. General Manager, Tokheim Corporation, U.K. who gave a talk on self service equipment. A short tlme was allowed following his talk during which he capably dealt with questions put to by members. Thereafter, at the invitation of Tokheim Corporation, members toured the factory . 1 d' practlca emonstratlOn of self at Glenrothes and service eqUipment. saw a

Lunch was kindly provided by. Fife County Council, and members C were welcomed by Th V· Ch' e Ice- aIrman, SIr David Er k' C t s me, oun y Mr. Arneil thanked Sir David for the hIS welcome on behalf .. bus mess meetmg took of the place. Branch . F 11 . 0 owmg I h unc

Secretary and Treasurer's Report The had Report of the Secretary and " been prevlOusly CIrculated, Treasurer' , CopIes was app d of . WhICh was made to the . Ittee to place an decision by order for a th B rove . Reference e ranch Executive CommBranch Cha' Office. Delivery had been held up Badge of

Report by Branch Representative The Branch Representative circulated Council meeting held at Solihull on 3rd Ma report on the Council meetings had been fully reported' archh, m t e 1971. Other BUlletin

Specific attention was drawn to the po t . Annual General Meeting of the Associati:nPonement of the arrangements for holding the meeting at P a.nd to the new day, 26th April, 1971. alsley on Mon-

The extension of the closing date to 1 receipt of applications to attend the May 1971,. for at York University from 5th-10th J lanced Semmar intimated. u y 1971. was also

Branch Bye-Laws On the motion of Mr. R. S. L. Anderson (A Mr. Senior (Dumfries), the meeting ad/? seconded by Branch Bye-Laws as approved by the C p. ed the Model iation, subject to the amendments ap ouncll of the AssocE" xecutlve ing. CommIttee and previously proved by th B h c· 1 e ranc lrcu ated to the meet-

Election of Officers and Committee The Office Ch . azrman Bearers and Committee were I e ected as follows: G. ArneiI Mid & East Lothian Vice-Chairman K. McLeod Dunbartonshire

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer J. Short Paisley Branch Executive Committee R. S. L. Anderson Ayr J. J. MacKeIIar Perth W. Anderson Port Glasgow G. A. Taylor Perth & Kinross Auditor R. Mc Gill Clydebank Branch Representative to the Council J. Short Paisley

Other Business Mr. Wilson (Kirkcudbright), referred to a recent report on the Fire Service which recommended that enforcement of legislation relative to safety should be carried out by fire prevention officers. He asked if the Branch knew whether this recommendation was likely to be implemented. No official answer to this question was known.

Mr. Taylor (Perth and Kinross), raised the question of rendering safe underground petrol tanks which had been discontinued in use. He had experienced difficulty in cases where the owners of the premises had gone into liquidation, and the Conditions of Licence could not be enforced against the liquidators. After some discussion, it was agreed that this matter, together with other unsatisfactory aspects of petroleum legislation, should be remitted to the Branch Executive Committee for further consideration.

Place of Next Meeting

An invitation from Mr. Kerr (Forth Ports Authority), to provide accommodation for holding the next Annual General Meeting at Grangemouth was remitted to the Branch Executive Committee.

Vote of Thanks The meeting closed with Mr. R. S. L. Anderson proposing a vote of thanks to all who had contributed to the success of the meeting, particularly Fife County Council, together with the County Convenor, Sir David Erskine, and Councillor Alex Carstairs, for their hospitality and presence, Tokheim, U.K. Division, together with Mr. Rankin, for facilities and hospitality, and the Chairman, Secretary and Mr. Reid, Chief Inspector of Fife County, for their efforts in organising the meeting. The Secretary was instructed to send letters of appreciation to the County Clerk and to Tokheim, U.K. Division.


The Annual General Meeting of the Anglia Branch was held at the Town Hall, Harlow, on Wednesday, 31st March, 1971.

Present The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Mr. J. G. Clark, Who welcomed the 22 members who were present. Five apologies were received. Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting and also the completed minutes of previous Branch meetings were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising The Honorary Secretary-Treasurer replied to one question raised by a member concerning Powers of Entry as reported in the minutes of the meeting at Bacton on 17th September, 1970.

Chairman'S Report The Chairman reported that a meeting of the Branch Committee had been held and that during this meeting it had been decided that a nomination for the post of Vice-Chairman should be submitted for the approval at this meeting. The Chairman stated that he would put this name forward after nominations had been asked for, for this post.

He further reported that a badge of office had been obtained for the National Chairman and it was suggested that a replica of this be obtained for Chairmen of this Branch. The Chairman went on to inform the meeting that during the year the Association had, for the first time, been given direct representation on the Home Office Working Party set up by Home Office Sub-Committee IV. This Working Party is to prepare a Model Code of Practice covering basement, sub-basement and multi-storey car parks. It was proposed by Mr. Phipps, seconded by Mr. Lee, that the Association be congratulated upon its work in obtaining representation on the Home Office Working Party.

Honorary Secretary-Treasurer's Report The statement of the Branch's action previously circulated to members was received and after some discussion was accepted by the meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer reported that during the year a number of queries on petroleum matters had been raised by Branch members and that these had been forwarded to the Chairman of the Association's Legal and Reference Committee.

The Honorary Secretary-Treasurer drew members' attention to the fact that the replies to these questions and all others raised throughout the country will in future be published for the information of all members in a Question and Answers supplement to the "Bulletin". After some discussion the Secretary-Treasurer's report was accepted by the meeting and it was agreed at the request of the Secretary-Treasurer to formally minute the agreement reached at the first meeting of this Branch held at Saffron Walden on 10th September, 1969 to the effect that an honorarium of £10 be paid annually to the Honorary Secretary-Treasurer.

Branch Representative's Report It was reported that the Branch Representative had attended four meetings of the National Council and five Committee Meetings during the year. Mr. Frid drew members' attention to the fact that there appeared to be a growing awareness of the Association's activities which was reflected by the fact that the Council during the year were asked to comment upon :-

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