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Council Meeting

Council Meeting

(i) A new British Standard for plastic containers for petroleum spirit produced by the British Standards

Association; (ii) The B.A.S.E.E.F.A. Certification Standard SFA 3002 "Requirements for the certification of metering pumps for filling stations" produced by the Department of


Trade and Industry; (iii) The amendments to the Petroleum Spirit (Motor

Vehicles) Regulations 1929 submitted by the Home

Office; (iv) The inclusion of a member of the Association in the

Home Office Working Party previously mentioned.

He further reported that the membership of the Association continues to grow steadily and that its finances since the increase in subscription rates now appear to be satisfactory. He then gave members present details of the three courses which the Association is sponsoring in the present year - at Surrey University (1) and York University (2).

There followed some debate on these reports during which the Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, Representative, answered various questions. It was then proposed by Mr. Kemp, seconded by Mr. Martin, that the two officers concerned, Mr. Clark and Mr. Frid, be thanked for the work which had been done on behalf of the Branch during the year. This was agreed. The Honorary Secretary-Treasurer in reply to the thanks of the Branch stressed that much of this appreciation should be directed towards the staff in his own office, particularly his Secretary, Mrs. Sergeant.

Election of Officers and Committee The following were elected :Chairman Mr. J. Wookey. Vice-Chairman Mr. Parcell Huntingdon & Godmanchester RD.C. Hon. Secretary-Treasurer Mr. J. Frid Cambridge City. Committee Mr. Lee Chelmsford RD.C. Mr. Scrivener Saffron Walden RD.C. Hon. Auditors Mr. Hoyle South Cambridge RD.C. Mr. Hill Cambridge City. Branch Representative Mr. J. Frid Cambridge City. Model Branch Rules The Model Branch Rules as agreed by the Association, having been previously circulated, were discussed. The Honorary Secretary-Treasurer explained briefly the reason for the Association's desire that Branches should operate under similar sets of rules. He went on to inform members that Model Rules differed only slightly from the present Branch Rules and after some questions and answers, during which various dates, times and numbers were inserted in the new rules, it was proposed by Mr. Daynes, seconded by Mr. Lee, that these new rules be accepted by the Branch and that the Secretary be instructed to submit these to the Association for its final approval. This was agreed.

Any Other Business A question regarding the licensing of car parks which was raised by Mr. Shears of Epping and Ongar RD.C. was discussed. It was felt by the meeting that this subject could be explored more fully at a later date and it was suggested that perhaps a speaker from the Council could attend at a future meeting when this matter could be explored more fully The Secretary-Treasurer undertook to approach the Association's present Chairman on this matter.

Next Meeting Mr. Wookey, the Chairman, reported that he had been in contact with Messrs. Fisons Limited of Harston, Cambridgeshire regarding the possibility of holding the Branch's next meeting there to include a tour of the works. The date to be finalised between himself, the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary-Treasurer. This was agreed by the meeting.

Visit Members then adjourned to enjoy the hospitality extended to them by B.P. Limited at their Harlow Headquarters. After a very pleasant meal, as guests of B.P. Limited, Mr. W. Bunn expressed a few words of thanks to the catering staff for the excellent lunch. At 2.15 p.m. members returned to the Town Hall at Harlow where they were shown three films on the petroleum industry's work which B.P. Limited had kindly made available and which were projected by a member of the Public Health Department at Harlow.

At the conclusion, Mr. Bunn thanked the Harlow Council for their hospitality and for the excellent facilities which had been afforded the meeting making particular mention of the efforts made by Mr. Gethin of Harlow without whose help the meeting would not have been possible.

The meeting closed at 4.15 p.m.

WEST BROMWICH Contravention of Conveyance Regulations As a Petroleum Officer entered the forecourt of a service station, he saw a tank wagon being driven forward, although, at the time it was discharging petrol into an underground storage tank. The driver's explanation was that wheels were standing onanother manhole cover he wished to lift. Almost immediately, petrol issued from a vent and also spurted out from the fill-pipe in the tank manhole. There appeared to be nobody in charge of the storage tank and the petroleum officer switched off the main electrical supply in an adjacent kiosk, told the driver to cut off his supply from the tank wagon and placed cones at the entrances to prevent cars from coming onto the forecourt.

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