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Report from the meeting held on 21st May, 1968



C. T. Peacock, Esq. (Chairman), with Messrs. Birks, Bloor, Dean, Frid, Griffiths, Hall, Harvey, Hewison, Holdaway, Kerr, Mellor, Peskett, Roden, Short, Thacker and the Hon. Secretary.

Standing Orders

The following Notice of Motion was considered by the Council and agreed: Notice of Motion

Proposed by Mr. D. Hall, Seconded by Mr. G. H. Harvey:

That the Standing Orders for the Council for the

Association of Petroleum Acts Administration be amended as follows:

I. Reference and Legal Committee Standing Order 22 by the substitution of '6' for '4' in relation to Membership. 2. Education and Publication Committee Standing Order 24 by the substitution of '6' for '3' in relation to Membership. 3. Constitution and Rules Committee Standing Order 26 by the substitution of '5' for '3' in relation to Membership.

Confirmation of Standing Orders then followed.

Apologies J. Apologies Beer. were received from Messrs. E. V. Beeby and

Minutes of Previous Meeting

T.he Minutes ~f t~e previous meeting were confirmed ~bJect. to subst~tut10n of Education and Publications ommittee for ~mance and (page 44 of Apnl Bulletin). General Purposes Committee


Resultin~ fro~ a f~rther letter from Avery-Hardoll Ltd., the Council agam discussed Associate Membership and Co~pany R~~resentation at Branches and confirmed the previ~us decis10n that Companies wishing to have repre-sentation at Branch to join as individual level must members. get their Representatives _A letter from Mr. M. E. Woodworth Flammable Liquids Specialist, of Boston, Massachus~tts, U.S.A., was re.ad. He hop~d to meet a representative of the Council when he visited Lo~don in June. It was agreed that Mr. Peskett and Mr. Gnffiths meet Mr. Woodworth. Election of Committees

It was unanimously agreed to suspend Standing Orders and proceed with the election of Committees and refer to the Constitution and Rules Committee the question of revising Standing Orders to regularise the position in future years relating to the procedure for electing Standing Committees.

The following Committees and Chairmen were elected to serve for the ensuing year. (a) Finance and General Purposes Committee The officers ex-officio and the Chairmen of all Committees.

(b) Reference and Legal Committee Messrs. Roden (Chairman), Birks, Frid, Griffiths, Harvey and Kerr. (c) Education and Publications Committee Messrs. Bloor (Chairman), Dean, Hall, Holdaway, Mellor and Peacock. (d) Constitution and Rules Committee Messrs. Hall (Chairman), Beeby, Hewison, Short and Thacker. lt was unanimously agreed that the present ad hoe Committees set up to deal with Emergency Procedures and Code Revision should be combined to form a Technical Committee and the following were elected to serve on this Committee. (e) Technical Committee Messrs. Peskett (Chairman), Beer, Birks, Dean, Frid, Griffiths and Holdaway.

Report of the Hon. Treasurer

The Hon. Treasurer reported a balance in hand at 11 th May, 1968, of £1,078.

Report or Hon. Secretary

The Hon. Secretary reported that the current membership figures stood as follows: 463 Local Authority Members 74 Associate Members 8 Honorary and Retired Members

There were 32 subscribers to the Bulletin.

Report of Hon. Editor

The Hon. Editor reported the cost of printing the Membership Roll was £50 and it was proposed to print this biennially. lt was agreed that printing of the next issue of the Bulletin be extended to 750 to allow for additional copies to be sent to Branch Secretaries to encourage membership.


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