7 minute read


Reports of Committees Reference and Legal Committee

The Committee had dealt with three items of correspondence all affected by the Revised Home Office Model Code. Copies of"the proposed Health and Welfare legislation had been sent to all Council members for information. Education and Publications Committee


Final arrangements had been made for the School at Attingham Park. The Committee had discussed running a second School and on balance recommended the Council not to proceed. The Council discussed this recommendation at some length, it was mentioned that 117 Local Authorities had applied for the 62 places available this year and that some Local Authorities had applied for several years and not been successful and that this fact was causing some dissatisfaction.

On the proposition of Mr. Holdaway, seconded by Mr. Peskett, it was agreed that accommodation be booked for a School to be held at Attingham Park in May, 1969, and arrangements made for a second School to be held in the Autumn of 1969. Constitution and Rules Committee

The Committee would meet to discuss the items raised at the Annual General Meeting and on the proposition of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Holdaway, the Council formally elected the following retired gentlemen to be Life Members of the Association:

Mr. E. T. Crowe, late of Mansfield M.B.; Mr. T. J. Metcalfe late of Warley C.B.; and Mr. E. Vaughan, late of Solihull C.B. (previously retired member).

Any other business Qualifying Examination

The question of the necessity for a qualifying examination in Petroleum Administration was referred to the Education and Publicity Committee for report. Definition of Members

The Constitution and Rules Committee was asked to look into the definition of 'Member' as defined in the Constitution with a view to clarification. Self-Service Conditions

Criticism of some of the recommended conditions in the Association's recently published suggested conditions for Self-Service had been voiced at Branch Meetings particularly relating to the minimum amount of money 'to be inserted. It was emphasised that the Codes had been drawn up when the official information available from the Home Office was that 10/- was the recommended minimum amount. The Technical Committee would meet and consider the revision of all the Association's RecomConditions and Codes in the light of changed ctrcumstances. Scottish Branch

It was by the Secretary of the Scottish Branch th.at Sect10.n 73 of the Public Health Act, 1961 (dealing with derelict petrol tanks) did not apply to Scotland. Mr. Short asked on behalf of his Branch that representations be made to the Secretary of State for Scotland to extend these provisions to Scotland.

The Scottish Branch requested the Council to press for recognition of the Association at the highest level and the Council discussed the present position in regard to this matter at some length. Members were perturbed that the Revised Home Office Model Code was soon to be published and the Association (representing nearly 500 Local Authorities responsible for administering the Petroleum Regulations) had not been consulted at any stage. On the proposition of Mr. Dean, seconded by Mr. Thacker, it was agreed that the Secretary approach the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out a resume of the Association's Aims, Objects and Achievements to date, requesting the Association be consulted on all matters relating to Petroleum Administration.

Annual General Meeting

held at the West Midlands Gas Board Headquarters, Solihull, on Wednesday, 24th April, 1968

The Chairman, Mr. C. R. Peskett welcomed delegates and representatives of Local and Harbour Authorities and Associate Members. He then introduced George E. Cooper, Esq., F.I.M.T.A., Deputy Chairman of the West Midlands Gas Board and invited him to open the proceedings.

After welcoming the Association, Mr. Cooper gave a very brief history of the development of the Solihull Headquarters and of the progress in the changeover from Town Gas to Natural Gas and concluded by extending an invitation to visit the various sections of the Gas Works. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Cooper.

The Chairman then referred to the business portion of the Agenda.


Three Authority Chairmen, 68 members, 8 Associate members, one retired member and one visitor.


A large number of apologies were recorded.



These were agreed and as there were no comments the Chairman then gave his report on the progress of the Association.

Chairman's Report

In his report on the year's work the Chairman stated that the Association's membership now exceeded 500 and had been strengthened during the year by the formation of a new branch in Scotland and a new branch to cover the North Western Counties. There were now eight branches of the Association covering the whole of the country apart from the South West and Wales, where it is hoped branches can be set up.

During the year the Association produced a recommended Code of Practice for special types of Car Parks and Special Conditions for Attended and Unattended SelfService at Retail Filling Stations; a small ad hoe committee had been set up to enquire into and bring forwa~d recommendations and standard procedures for use m emergencies.

Expressing disappointment at the failure of the Association in obtaining representation on the Home Office Standing Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances, he said it was strange that when consultation at all levels had become an accepted and useful procedure, . t_he Association representing a large number ?~ Aut~ontles and officers responsible for petroleum admmistr~~10n was having difficulty in obtaining rightful recogmt10n and representation in some quarters.

The Association's Bulletin and Residential School had proved of immense value and had done much for the Association. Thanks were due to the Council and its committees and to the Secretary, Mr. L. A. Cave.

In resolving the problems and difficulties of administration in the petroleum field the Association had a vital role to play. Concluding, Mr. Peskett said there was no room for complacency and much remains to be done if the Association is to fulfil its aims and objects and obtain rightful and proper recognition at all levels. All this can be achieved if the strength of the Association continues to increase and all members take full part in the activities of the Association at branch and national level.

Hon. Secretary/Treasurer's Report

The Hon. Secretary/Treasurer submitted his reports, which were agreed. He was thanked for his services.

Election of Chairman

Only one nomination being received, Mr. C. T. Peacock, Hemsworth R.D.C., was duly elected. Mr. Peacock having taken the Chair thanked members for his election and on behalf of the Association thanked Mr. Peskett for his services during the past year.

Election of Vice-Chairman

Only one nomination being received, Mr. B. w. c. Thacker, Teesside C.B., was duly elected. Election of Officers

Hon. Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. L. A. Cave Hon. Editor: Mr. R. P. Holdaway

Hon. Legal Adviser: Hon. Electrical Adviser: Hon. Liaison Officer and

Auditor: Mr. P. D.Wadsworth, LLB. Mr. J. A. Sharp

Mr. G. N. Dean

Election of Council

The Chairman informed the meeting that as nine nominations had been received it was necessary to hold a ballot. He further stated that in order to overcome the absence of. two scrutineers from the meeting to count the votes, this work had been done by Mr. Harvey and an assistant in the presence of the Hon. Secretary, at Dudley. He asked the meeting to agree to this procedure. Agreed.

The Hon. Secretary then read out the results of the ballot as follows:

Mr. J. Beer Worcester City 21 I

Mr. R. L. Bloor Kidderminster M.B. 205

Mr. E. V. Beeby Rugby R.D.C. 198

Mr. D. Hall Newcastle-under-Lyme M.B. 198

Mr. H. Griffiths Walsall C.B. 196

Mr. R. E. J. Roden. Birmingham City 185

Mr. J. W. Hewison Havant & Waterloo U.D.C. 184

Mr. T. Kerr Glanford Brigg R.D.C. 157

Mr. K. C. Hughes Stafford M.B. 140

The Chairman informed the meeting that all but Mr. Hughes ha~ been el~cted to the Council, together with the representatives nommated by branches.

Notice of Motion-No. 1

In the name of the Council, Mr. D. Hall moved and Mr. _K. C. Hughes seconded the following Notice of Mot10n:

That Rule 3 be amended as follows: !: Under A-!en_1bers delete the first line and substitute Th~ Assoc1~tton shall consist of a President, Vice-

Presidents, Life Members, Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Honorary Members and Retired Members". Agreed. ii. Insert "(a) The President shall be elected by the

Annua! 9eneral Meeting and shall have all the rights and pnv1leges of a member". Agreed. iii. Insert "(b) Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the

Annua.l 9eneral Meeting and shall have all the rights and pnvileges of a member". Agreed. iv. Insert "(c) Life Member. A person who having c~ased to be a member of another class and is elected a L_1~e Member b)'. the Annual General Meeting in recogmt10n of exceptional service to the Association. A Life

Member shall not .b~ required to pay any subscription and sh~ll not be ehg1ble for election to the Council, but otherwise shall have all the rights and privileges of membership". Agreed.


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