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Branch Meetings



The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at Ardrossan Refinery, Ardrossan, Ayrshire, on Tuesday, 9th April, 1968.

Present were the Chairman, Mr. T. Cairns and 32 members, together with Mr. J. Beer of Worcester. There were eight apologies for absence.


Shell & BP., Scotland, Ltd., kindly made a road tank wagon available for the use Mr. Beer, who effe.ctively demonstrated how an mspection should be earned out under the Petroleum Spirit (Conveyance by Road) Regulations. The demonstration aroused a of interest and the numerous questions asked were md1cative of the warm appreciation of those present.

The members then divided into groups of six each under the charge of a guide provided by Shell U.K., Ltd., and were conducted on a tour of the Refinery. The Refinery produces mainly bituminous products, but a section is used for the storage and distribution of petrol brought in by sea.

At the close of the morning session, members adjourned to a local hotel for lunch. Hospitality was extended by Shell & BP., Scotland, Ltd.

The business meeting took place in the afternoon.


The Minutes of the inaugural meeting held at Paisley on 27th Aptil, 1967, as printed in The Bulletin dated July, 1967, were approved.

Secretary /Treasurer's Report

The Secretary reported that the membership of the Branch now totalled 32, consisting of 27 Authority Members, 4 Officer Members and one Associate Member. Since the Inaugural Meeting, 10 Authority Members, 4 Officer Members and one Associate Member had been admitted.

The Branch Committee had met on two occasions during the year and business transacted related to selfservice filling stations, latched nozzles, the opening of a bank account and arrangements for the A.G.M. It was also agreed to pay the expenses of Committee Members who were not reimbursed by their Authorities.

Capitation Fees received from the Association amounted to £7 10s. Od. and at 31st December, 1967, there was a balance of £7 8s. Od. in the current account. As only one small item of expenditure had been incurred, it was not thought necessary to call on the services of the Honorary Auditor.

Report of Branch Representative

The Branch Representative stated that he had attended three meetings of the Council of the Association and that proceedings at those three meetings had been fully reported

Place of Next Meeting

Authority Was given to the Branch Committee to fix the date and place of the next meeting. It was also agreed that a special meeting would be called to consider the Home Office Model Code when published.

Other Business

It was agreed to request the Council of the Association to make representation to the Scottish Office that immediate provision should be made for the inclusion in future

80 in The Bulletin. He drew members' attention to the fact that a new Home Office Model Code was likely to· be published at any time and that observations from Branches on the Association Codes of Practice in the light of the provisions of the New Model Code woul9 be welcomed.

Some questions were asked about the draft of the new Model Code and if consultation had taken place with the Association. After hearing that the Association was not officially recognised by the Home Office a motion that the Branch press the Council of the Association to take steps to obtain recognition was unanimously approved. It was pointed out in support of this motion that the Association membership consisted largely of Local Authority repre-sentatives.

Mr. Reid enquired if any progress had been made by the Home Office Working Party on Inflammable Substances. It was pointed out that the Association was not represented on this Working Party and no information was available.

Branch Annual Subscription

After hearing an explanation by the Chairman, a proposal by the Branch Committee that a Branch Subscription of 10/- be imposed in terms of Article 4 of the Constitution and Rules was unanimously approved.

Election of Officers and Committee

The following Officers were elected:

Chairman: T. Cairns, Glasgow City

Vice-Chairman: I. G. Forbes, Clackmannan C.C.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: J. Short, Paisley Burgh

Five members were nominated to serve on the Committee, but A. McK. Mitchell of Ayr with the consent of his proposer and seconder withdrew his nomination, and the following Committee members were elected:

Divisional Officer Andrews, Lanark C.C.

R. F. Donnelly, Kilmarnock Burgh

J. J. MacKellar, Perth City

G. Arneil, Mid and East Lothian C.C.

R. McGill, Clydebank Burgh was elected Honorary Auditor.

The Hon. Secretary/Treasurer was elected Branch Representative to the Council of the Association.

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