36 minute read

Branch Reports

On re-convening the meeting the Chairman of the ad hoe Committee, Mr. Hall, reported the selection of the following Committees:

Constitution and Rules: Messrs. Beeby, Beer, Hall, Hewison, Hughes, Short.


Education and Publications: Messrs. Birks, Frid, Griffiths, Hetherington, Hodgson, Mellor, Peacock.

Reference and Legal: Messrs. Birks, Frid, Griffiths Harvey, Huntington, Kerr, Peskett. '

Finance and General Purposes: The Chairman of the Association together with the Chairmen of the four Standing Committees.

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, Editor and Liaison Officer of the Association to be ex-officio members of all Committees.

At this juncture the Council adjourned proceedings to allow Committees to elect Chairmen.

At the resumed session it was reported that the following had been elected Chairmen:

Constitution and Rules: Mr. D. Hall.

Education and Publications: Mr. C. T. Peacock

Reference and Legal: Mr. C. R. Peskett

The Chairman of the Association, Mr. B. W. C. of the Finance and General Purposes Committee m accordance with the Constitution.

Officers' Expenses iyir. Cave and _Mr,. Holdaway retired from the meeting the Council discussed this matter. On the proposition of Mr. Roden, seconded by Mr. Frid, it was agreed that both the Secretary /Treasurer and Editor be paid the sum of £60 each.

Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet

Following discussion, it was agreed that, prior to the next A.G.M. of the Association, the Finance and General Purposes Committee would convene a meeting to discuss the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, draw up a full Agenda for the A.G.M. and provide the in-coming Chairman with an 'aide-memoire' on taking office to assist in the proper conduct of the business of that meeting.

Council Business:

To expedite Council business, Committee Chairmen were again asked to provide duplicated Reports of proceedings for reception and adoption by the Council. It was suggested that the next Council meeting be held in Birmingham at 11.30 a.m. to enable Committees to meet at 10 a.m. (or before); facilities would be provided by Mr. Roden.


In future queries submitted to the Association together with the appropriate answer would be included in The Bulletin for the general information of all members.


The Secretary of the North Western Branch reported on difficulties and differences of opinion on the interpretation of Membership in the Association's Constitution and Model Branch Rules. A letter was read from the Secretary of the East Midland Branch _which had the following Resolution: "!hat tlus is of the opinion that Local Authority Membership should be retained as at present".

After some discussion both matters were referred to the Constitution and Rules Committee.


A Meeting of the Branch was held at Durham County Fire Brigade Headquarters, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, on Wednesday, 4th September, 1968.


Fifteen members were present as well as five visitors.

The Chairman, Mr. H. Johnson, opened the meeting by extending a welcome to new members.


Apologies for absence were submitted from the Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority and the North Riding County Fire Brigade.


The Minutes of the previous branch meeting were accepted as a true record. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

Further to the minutes of the last meeting regarding multiple discharge from road tank wagons, the Secretary reported that the Reference and Legal Committee of the Association had considered the question and the following was their reply: "We agree that the simultaneous discharge from a road tank wagon into two underground petroleum tanks is not in conflict with the Petroleum Spirit (Conveyance by Road) Regulations, 1957, provided there is adequate supervision of the operation. Requirement 16(5) requires that some competent person, who is not the tank wagon driver-is in charge of the storage tank for the purpose


of delivery. It can therefore be argued that if the tanks are remote from each other there should be a competent person supervising each tank".

Home Office Code of Practice and Institute of Petroleum Model Code

The Chairman introduced Mr. T. C. Covill of Management Engineering Division, Esso Petroleum, who gave an explanatory lecture on the electrical clauses contained in the new model code. Mr. Covill in particular gave a clear indication of defining hazard areas and members felt that his technical interpretations were most welcome.

The Chairman closed the meeting by thanking members for their attendance and members then proceeded to visit a post-payment self-service filling station at Birtley, Co. Durham.

The members showed particular interest in this selfservice station and much appreciated the assistance given by the management and staff.

A Meeting of the Branch was held at Stockton Fire Station, South Road, Norton, Teesside, on Tuesday, I Ith March, 1969.


Twelve members were present, as well as one visitor.

The Chairman opened the meeting by extending a welcome to Mr. Hardy King of Northallerton U.D.C. and Mr. Scanlon of Easington R.D.C., who were attending for the first time.


Apologies of absence were submitted on behalf of Newcastle and Gateshead Fire Brigade, Whitby U.D.C., Whitley Bay M.B.C. and Richmond R.D.C.


The Minutes of the meeting held 4th September, 1968, were accepted as a true record.

Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

The Secretary reported that Mr. T. C. Covill of Esso Petroleum who spoke at the last meeting on the electrical clauses contained in the new model code, had promised a precis of this talk which it was hoped could be included in the minutes. As yet this was not to hand.


A letter had been received from the Secretary of the Association regarding the residential courses for petroleum officers to be held at the Residential Adult College, Atting-ham Park. There were two courses planned this year, one from 19th to 21st May and the second from 6th to 8th October.

From 1970 it is planned to divide the country into northern and southern sections, each to run its own residential school. The venue of the northern school has yet to be decided.


Model Code

The Technical Committee has had under consideration the effect of the new Model Code on the Association's Code. The Technical Committee has welcomed the Home Office Code and decided to revise and amend the Association's Codes, Conditions and Recommendations where necessary, but these should be confined to matters where th~re were options and alternative~, and in p~rtic~lar, pomts requiring definition, explanat10n and clanficat10n.

The Council had instructed the Technical Committee to produce the amended code as soon as possible and suggested that this should be completed before the Annual General Meeting. These matters were reported in the January issue of The Bulletin.

Members agreed it would be advisable to await publication of the Association's Codes before amendment to their own conditions of licence and principles of construction.

It was agreed that the question of conditions of licence be put on the agenda of the first meeting follow!I?-g publicat10n of the Association's Model Codes, Cond1t10ns and Recommendations.

New Conveyance Regulations

It was considered that these were not generally being applied, but in any case it was felt that these fell short of the basic desired requirements, for example no consideration wa~ given to the routing of tankers through towns, and freight containers appeared to be exempted from the labelling requirements imposed on containers. The Chairman felt that each vehicle carrying a hazardous load should be clearly marked so that the contents were readily identifia?le thus enabling the emergency services to take appropriate action in the case of an accident.

It was also suggested that regulations should be e~plicit on the subject of responsibility for labelling and 1t was agreed that this responsibility should be placed firmly on the consignor.

Members agreed that the inadequacies of the new regulations should be brought up at the next meeting of the Council of the Association.

New Branch

The Secretary reported on the formation of the Cumbria Branch of the Association which had recently held its inaugural meeting. This had resulted in the loss of five members from this branch and it was hoped that members wo~l~. try to interest neighbouring authorities in the activities of the Association with a view to membership of the branch.

Re-election of Chairman and Secretary

The Secretary pointed out that the present meeting had been postponed from February because of adverse weather conditions and that the meeting was following the previous agenda. He felt that as it was now nearer the start of a new financial year, there should be included on this agenda election of officers. The meeting agreed to this suggestion.

Proposed by Captain Eastaugh, seconded by Mr. Lown, that the present officers continue in office for another year.

There being no other nominations, the present officials were elected, i.e.

Chairman: H. Johnson, Teesside CBC.

Hon. Secretary and Branch Representative: B. W. C. Thacker, Teesside C.B.C.

Any other business (i) Mr. Lown reported on instances he had discovered recently when vending m~chines had been in.stalled on petrol station forecourts without approval. This problem had been encountered by other members and it was felt that periodic letters to petr~leum li~~nsees reJ?Unding them of the requirements of thetr cond1t10ns of licence would prove useful. (ii) Because of the modern t~ndenc~ towards low canopies on forecourts, there was mcreasmg use of offset fill pipes and with this came the danger of spillage when filling if the dip cover had been left off. Mr. Lown wond~red how members had approached this problem in their own areas. In his own authority, Sunderland, the contents of tanks in such cases were measured by pressure guages instead of dipping from the top of the tank. The gauges were sited adjacent to the fill points and numbered as the tanks. Problems arose over the accuracy of such gauges and the fact that readings would vary with the differing specific gravities of liquids. The Model Code specified that there should be no connection on the top of a tank for dipping the tank and that some other means should be found of measuring the contents, although no suggestions are made in the Code. Members could suggest no other solutions to the problems and generally treated each case on its own merit. (iii) Concern was expressed over storage of L.P.G. cylinders on open sites to which children had ready access. Because of the wheel type valves on the cylinders it was easy for children to turn on the cylinders and intances had been known where children had ignited the gas and used it to set fire to site huts, etc. Members deplored the fact that this substance was not covered by legislation and it was agreed that the matter be passed to the Council of the Association with a view to approaching the Home Office regarding its coverage by legislation. (iv) A member asked if it was possible for the Association to publish a list of petroleum officers througho~1t !he country. The Secretary pointed out that the .~ssociat10n had published a full list of its member authonti.es and the designation of the petroleum .officer, but the difficulty of maintaining an up to date register of names would be too great to be worth while.


A meeting of the Branch. was Brigade Headquarters, Carhsle, held at Carlisle on Wednesday, Fire 19th March, 1969.


Eleven members were present and were welcomed by the Chairman, Mr. F. J. Lorrigan. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cockermouth R.D.C., Ennerdale R.D.C. and Lakes R.D.C.

Minutes It was proposed by Mr. W. J. Patten and seconded by Mr. T. E. Thwaite that the minutes be accepted. This was agreed. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes The Secretary reported that the Branch were required to elect a branch representative to the Association Council. It was proposed by Mr. J. Sewell and seconded by Mr. W. F. Barnes that the branch representative be the serving Branch Secretary. This was agreed. The Secretary reported on the Northern Regional Education Committee Minutes. The branch were requested to elect a branch representative to serve on the subcommittee, and the Chairman and Secretary should serve on the full committee. It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mr. Sewell that the Secretary be elected as branch representative to serve on the sub-committee. This was agreed.

The Chairman requested that items (a) and (c) be deferred until a later time. (a) Petroleum spirit tank testing. (c) Discontinued tanks.

This was agreed.

Electrical Equipment Mr. Patten gave a very enlightening talk on this subject which was well received by members. He then answered questions. It was suggested by Mr. Thwaite that if possible Mr. Patten's notes should be printed and circulated to members to study at their leisure. The afternoon meeting was taken up with a film shown by kind permission of Pump Maintenance. Mr. Lindop, Pump Maintenance District Manager, and Mr. McMillan invited questions on this film and other aspects of Petroleum Regulations. The Chairman thanked Messrs. Lindop and then formally closed the meeting. and McMillan


The Annual General Meeting of the Scottish Branch was held at Glasgow Airport, on Tuesday, l 5th April, 1969. Visit The forenoon was Airport, including occupied by a conducted tour of the the Tank Farm and Fire Service Headquarters.

Present The Chairman, Mr. T. Cairns, welcomed the 35 members present. Before proceeding with the business he referred to the death of Divisional Officer A. P. Andrews a member of the Branch Executive, and invited the meeting to stand in tribute to his memory.



Apologies for absence were received from Mr. L. A. Cave and ten branch members.


The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Ardrossan on 9th April, 1968, as printed in The Bulletin dated July, 1968, were approved.

Secretary and Treasurer's Report

The report of the Secretary and Treasurer, copies of which had been previously circulated, was approved.

Report by Branch Representative

The Branch Representative reported that ded all meetings of the Council of the Assoc1at1.on smce his appointment last April and stated that Mmutes of proceedings at Council Meetings held dunng 1968 had been fully reported in The Bulletin.

A detailed account was given of proceedings at the Council Meeting held on 8th January, 1969, and the Special Meeting of the Council held ol'l: 2?th ,March, 19?9. Special reference was made to the s Code had been presented in draft by the Techrucal Committee of the Council for consideration at the Special Meeting held in March. A few items were taken back for further consideration, and a final draft will be placed before the Council for approval in due course.

The Code is a comprehensive document divided six separate sections and will be most useful to authorities in the revision of pre-licensing and licensing requirements. It is likely to be circulated to member authorities about mid-summer.

Residential Schools

The Secretary reported on the up to date position regard to Residential Schools sponsored by the Association for the year 1970. In view of the demand for places at Attingham Park, it had been decided to provide two Schools and divide the country into two areas, one area comprising the Branches in the Northern half of the country and the other the Branches in the South, each area to be responsible for organising and conducting one of the Schools.

A Meeting of Branch Chairmen and Branch Secretaries of Northern Branches had been convened by direction of the Council at Leeds on 5th March, 1969, at which the Branch was represented by the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Forbes. At the meeting the West Midland Branch representatives stated their intention to continue the School at Attingham Park and that their Branch could support this School from within its own membership. A Committee comprising one representative from the other Branches with C. T. Peacock as Chairman and B. W. C. Thacker as Secretary was formed to investigate possible venues and arrange a Northern Area School.

The Council at their Special Meeting on 26th March, 1969, subsequently endorsed the decision that the West Midland Branch should be allowed to continue to provide its own School at Attingham Park, thus providing three Residential Schools during 1970.


After hearing the report, some discussion ensued during which it was suggested that the Scottish Branch might consider running its own School but, after the Secretary explained that the School would have a limited life due to the small number of petroleum officers in Scotland, and the fact that each was only likely to attend once, the matter was not pursued.

Election of Officers

The following Officers were elected: Chairman: I. G. Forbes, Clackmannan C.C. Vice-Chairman: R. Donnelly, Kilmarnock Burgh. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer:

J. Short, Paisley Burgh, also Branch Representative.

The following Committee Members were elected:

W. Anderson, Port Glasgow Burgh.

G. Arneil, Mid and East Lothian C.C.

J. J. McKellar, Perth City.

K. McLeod, Dunbarton C.C.

R. McGill, Clydebank Burgh was elected Honorary Auditor.

Place of Next Meeting

After some discussion, during which various ideas for the next meeting were discussed, authority was given to the Branc? Committee to fix the date and place of the next meetmg.

Vote of thanks

The Meeting concluded with Mr. McKellar proposing vote of thanks to all those responsible for the organisation and of. the Meeting, in particular Mr. Redpath, Admm1strative Officer, Glasgow Airport, the Shell and B.P: Scotland Ltd., Glasgow Airport, the Firemaster of the Airport Fire Brigade the Chairman and Secretary. '

South East Midland

The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at the Council Offi?es, Witney R.D.C., Oxfordshire, on Tuesday, 22nd Apnl, Twenty-nine members were present, and two apologies were received.

Just be.fore lune? the meeting was welcomed by Coun. H. R. Kitto, Chairman of the Council and later entertained to drinks at the Marlborough Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held at Huntingdon on Wednesday, 2nd October, 1968, were confirmed. Arising from Minutes

The Secretary explained that as instructed he had written to the Executive Council and asked them to give consideration to the matters under No. 5 of the minutes dealing with the Home Office Model Code. The Council replied

that the matters had been given consideration when drawing up the Association's recommended code of requirements and licence conditions, which would be published before the middle of the year.


The Secretary read a letter he had received from the Secretary of the South Eastern District saying that he was proposing to arrange a School of Instruction at the University of Surrey in Guildford during the Easter vacation of 1970. The School would be in addition to two Schools which were being arranged by the Northern and Midland Regions. He asked whether the South East Midland Branch would be prepared to go in with the organisation of the School, and he had written similar letters to the secretaries of the Anglian, Wessex and South Wales districts.

It was resolved: (a) That the Branch fully support the principle of holding regional schools. (b) That since two schools were planned for 1970, to hold another in Southern England might be too much. If it was possible for the Guildford School to be delayed until 1971 the Branch would be delighted to help in every respect. If, however, the South Eastern Branch were committed to hold the School in 1970 no help, other than publicity for possible students, could be expected.

The Secretary also read a letter he had received from the Chief Public Health Inspector of Leighton-Linslade U.D.C. asking for advice regarding the installation of a centralised fuel storage and distribution scheme to serve an estate of some fifty dwellings. Some members felt that the position was covered by the Pipelines Act, 1962, and the Secretary was instructed to investigate the position and reply accordingly. ·

Election of Officers

The following officers were elected: Chairman: W. Hetherington, Witney U.D.C. Secretary: R. E. Dust, Oxford City. Treasurer: R. Hill, Oxford City. Branch Representative: W. Hetherington, Witney U.D.C. Auditor: R. Morden, Chief Fire Prevention Officer,

Oxfordshire Fire Brigade. Committee: Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

Date, place and business of next Meeting

It was resolved that the next meeting should be held at Amersham R.D.C. in October and the Secretary was instructed to liaise with Mr. Caudrey regarding the date and business. The business to be a discussion of the Home Office Model Code. Report of the Delegate to Executive Council

The Secretary reported that since no official delegate had appoin!ed. he himself had attended a Council held at Btrmmgham on 26th March, and Mr. Hill, of his department, had gone to one in the same city on 8th January.

Mr. Hill_ reported .that most of his meeting had been taken up with the settmg up of sub-committees to consider

Home Model Code to report back to the Council a! its next He also reported that the Council had given consideration to the defiinition of an 'ordinary member' and that the new definition would be submitted to the next Annual Meeting of the Association. The Sec:r:tary was mstructed to await the outcome of the decISion at the An?ual General Meeting and if necessary ask the committee to look into the question of amendment of the Branch Rules regarding membership.

Th.e Secretary that his meeting had been taken up lengthy d1s?uss10ns c;ifthe recommendations of the vanous sub-committees wluch had been considering the Home Office Code. A draft of the Association's Model Code had now been agreed and would be circulated to members before the middle of the year.

The report was adopted.

Secretary's Report

The Secretary's report was adopted which showed a total of 47 full members, 9 branch members and one associate member.

Treasurer's Report

The Secretary reported that no Treasurer had yet been appointed but the division of the funds, as a result of the breakaway of the East Anglian Branch, left the sum of £13 I 6s. 5d. deposited in the bank. The report was adopted.

Discussion on incidents

Both Mr. Chester of Eaton R.D.C. and Mr. Sirey of Slough Borough, gave information of incidents where pumps with latched nozzles of the O.P. W. type had failed to shear when cars had driven off with the nozzle still in the fill pipe. The safety piece of the nozzle did not deta.ch ai:id the pumps were pulled over, breaking the suct10n l!nes and electrical connections. A fire had m one case. It was resolved that members should consider very carefully whether nozzles of this type should be allowed to be fitted.

Mr. also a fire which had resulted fro"!11 an 1gmt10n of ".a pour issuing from the tank vent pipe whilst a tank was bemg filled from a tanker. An employee walke.d the vent pipe, which was 12ft. high, smokmg a c:1garette and was slightly burnt about the face. The vent pipe outlet was fitted with the usual cap and gauze which deflected the vapour downwards.

The licensee had been asked: (a) to raise the vent pipe. (b) to fit no cap or gauze to the outlet of the vent so that it vented vertically upwards and the vapour was more quickly dispersed.


He was seriously considering making it a condition that all vent pipes in his area be vented upwards without the restriction of a gauze. Admission of rain water had been considered but was thought to be negligible. It was generally accepted that even with no gauze a fire would not travel down the pipe farther than from 10 to 18 times the diameter of the pipe.


Mr. Hetherington of Witney U.D.C. presented a paper on Electrical Standards and Safety Areas in the Storage of Petrol. Questioned about the term "approved nonsparking equipment" Mr. Hetherington said it was difficult to know what the Home Office meant by the term. (Reported on page 55).

Votes of thanks

Mr. Hill proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Hetherington for his interesting and highly instructive paper, and the Chairman thanked Witney U.D.C. for their very generous hospitality. Both were carried with acclamation.

East Midland

The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at the Council House, Derby, on Monday, 12th May, 1969.


The Chairman, Mr. G. C. Cartwright, and 35 members. Twelve apologies were received. There were 8 visitors, including Mr. R. P. Holdaway, Editor, The Bulletin, and Mr. R. G. Fenner of the Petroleum Industry Training Board (Midlands Region).

Official Welcome

The Meeting was opened in the morning by The Worshipful the Mayor of Derby, Alderman Mrs. Edith Wood, who referred to the importance of the new Codes relating to the distribution of petrol and said that in this age where petrol was extensively used it was absolutely essential that such a dangerous substance was safely kept. After giving a brief history of the City's treasures and inviting members to view them in the Mayor's Parlour, the Mayor concluded by extending a wholehearted welcome to members on behalf of Derby Corporation. The Chairman, in expressing the thanks of the Branch, reminded the Mayor that since one of the first Pioneering Groups of petroleum officers was formed at Derby several years ago, members were always pleased to return and be guests of an authority which had a special place in the history of the Association.


The Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at Mansfield on the 14th November, 1968, were confirmed.


There were 20 applications for membership and one for associate membership which were submitted and approved.

Report of Secretary/Treasurer

The Secretary presented his Annual Report and Balance


Sheet. Members were informed that as a result of the circular letter sent to 57 non-member local authorities, 11 such local authorities had become members of the Association and as a result there had been a substantial increase in Branch membership which had more than doubled since the formation of the Branch two and a half years ago. There were now 60 Local Authority Members and one Officer Member of the Branch, providing 94 Ordinary Members; in addition there were 11 Associate Members.

The Balance Sheet indicated a satisfactory financial position. The Report was approved.

Report of Branch Representative

The Branch Representative gave his report on the proceedings of the Council. He referred to the Petroleum Scho<?ls and _h?ped that members who had previous difficulty m obtainmg a place at Attingham Park had been able to secure a place following the notice circulated to members of the vacancies at the two schools scheduled at Attingham Park for 1969. Interest was shown in the possibility of a Petroleum School being held in the Northern Area and members were informed that a Northern Region Education Committee had been formed which was considering possible venues.

Concern :-vas. shown by some members regarding the date ofpubhcat1on of the Association's Codes. Mr. W. H. Matthews of said . that although his authority to am.end its own l!censing conditions as soon as possible, he w1Shed to remam loyal to the Association and wait for the Association's Codes but he was anxious about the date of publication.

On these matters the Branch was fortunate to have a first-han_d report. from Mr. Holdaway, the Editor of The Bulletin. He mformed members of the policy and progress made by the Technical Committee. He said a great am<;mnt of effort had gone into the product10n of Revised Codes over a period of six months and members that the publication was well worth wa1tmg for. It had been decided to have the Codes printed and Mr. Holdaway said that this inevitably had caused some delay, but the Codes should be ready in about one month's time. As regards the programme for Petroleum Schools, Mr. Holdaway informed the Meeting three venues were scheduled for 1970, namely at Att1!1gham Park,, the Northern Region and the Region. He said that Attingham Park maintained its and must be kept as a Petroleum School, but m future 1t would be organised by and mainly patronised by members of the West Midland Branch. The Southern Region was organising its Petroleum School at Guildford and the Northern Region had yet to decide on a suitable venue .. Mr. Holdaway concluded by saying that such schools m order to be successful should be kept intimate by limiting the number to about 60 members.

Election of Officers and Committee

The following were elected:

Chairman: J. Bantoft, Derby C.B.C.

Vice-Chairman: B. S. Pike, Market Harborough U.D.C.

Hon. Secretary/Treasurer: J. Birks, Chesterfield M.B.C.


R. E. Clarke, Leicester City Fire Service.

C. M. Hutchinson, Kenning Fuel Supplies.

D. T. Jones, Beeston and Stapleford U.D.C.

W. H. Matthews, Derby C.B.C. Hon. Auditor: W. H. Matthews, Derby C.B.C. Branch Representative: J. Birks, Chesterfield M.B.C.

Installation of Chairman

Mr. J. Bantoft was installed as the new Branch. Chairman by the retiring Chairman, Mr. G. C. Cartwnght.

Date and Place of Next Meeting

The Branch was invited to hold its next meeting at Nottingham by Mr. Cartwright at a date to be arranged. The invitation was accepted.

Any Other Business

The Branch Representative reported the facts and correspondence regarding the revision of the definition of "Ordinary Member" as suggested in the Notice of Motion submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the Association held at Doncaster on the 24th April, 1969, and which was referred back. Mr. Holdaway had earlier explained to members why the founder members of the Association had decided that local authorities should be members of the Association having a nominated representative and went on to state the constitutional difficulties the Council was meeting with its wish to appoint Fellows and other officers. He suggested that although the real question was whether the Association should become a professional body or remain as it is, the advice given by the Legal Adviser must be accepted. After some discussion it was proposed by Mr. Matthews and seconded by Mr. S. M. Carruthers of Belper R.D.C. that the following resolution be submitted to the Council: "That this Branch is of the opinion that Local Authority Membership should be retained as at present". The resolution was agreed.

Mr. J. Staddon, Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd., expressed his concern over the interpretation of the new Model Codes by certain authorities _who "Yere insist.ing that all petrol stations should be provided with petrol and acres of concrete. He asked for more considerat10n and prior notice to the trade, and said that his complaint only existing sites he thought that the strict application of the condit10ns of the new Model Codes should only be applied where necessary. Mr. Matthews said that although local authorities were autonomous regarding licensing conditions he regretted that the trade was not given prior notification in such cases. He said that in Derby discussions were always made with the trade on such matters before submitting recommendations to his committee and in certain circumstances it was always possible to deviate a little from certain licensing conditions. He thought that petrol interceptors were not always necessary and each case had to be judged on its merits.

The business meeting was then concluded and members adjourned for lunch.


At the afternoon session, the Chairman introduced Mr. C. S. McDonald, M.A. (Oxon.), Solicitor, Assistant Town Clerk (Legal), Solihull County Borough, who gave a most interesting talk on "Petroleum Law". Members were extremely fascinated by Mr. McDonald's interpretation of petroleum law and particularly by his references to the meaning of "keeping" and "using" with respect to petrol sold from a road tanker, cellulose used in spraying booths, petrol used at racing circuits, and petrol kept in the tanks of cars in car-parks and motor showrooms.

In opening the discussion, Mr. Matthews asked about the problems sometimes encountered when a transfer of licence is requested and expressed some concern regarding Mr. McDonald's criticism of the Petroleum Acts being enforced by "different classes" of officers. Mr. McDonald replied that a local authority could not refuse to transfer a licence if the same licence conditions were maintained, but since the Petroleum (Transfer of Licences) Act, 1936, says that a local authority "may" transfer a licence then it seemed that a local authority could refuse to do so if some recommended alteration was not fulfilled. He said that as regards enforcement it was vital to have a qualified officer but he was not suggesting that one particular class of officer should be employed. He felt that it was wrong in local government to have different officers reporting to different committees regarding general licensing rather than to special committee fitting efficiently into the Council structure and coordinating such work.

Mr. C. W. Howkins of Grantham said that in his area empty underground tanks which had been temporarily put out of use many years ago by filling with water were now an obvious danger. He wished to know what was meant by "temporary" and what action he could take to remove the danger. Mr. McDonald replied that "temporary" was a question of fact, 3:nd although the answer might be to prosecute he felt 1t better that the local authority should remove the tanks themselves rather than go to law.

Mr. Cartwright presented a unique licensing problem relating to a petrol installation in his area where the pumps drew petrol from underground tanks located in neighbouring ground which was not t.he of the licensee, and asked what the form of hcensmg should be. Mr. McDonald replied that to the layman there were two premises and accordingly there should be two licences. He pointed out that •'keeping" includes "dispensing" and it would seem that a licence relating to petrol passing through the pipelines and pumps would be required. Mr. B. S. Pike then wondered what quantity of petrol should be stated in the licence under such conditions. Mr. McDonald suggested that such a quantity could only be estimated and concluded by saying that an installation of this type was certainly most unusual.

Mr. E. Stainforth of Mansfield, referring to administration, said that in enforcing the Building Regulations in addition to the Petroleum Regulations he had no real difficulty in achieving the standards he requred. He thought that standards of enforcement varied between one local authority and another because different classes of officers acted as petroleum inspectors, and the time was coming when it must be decided as to what single class of


officer should administer the Petroleum Acts. Mr. McDonald appreciated these remarks and said that there would always be differences between local authorities for some . could always administer more efficiently . simply because they were better staffed than others in relation to their size. Mr. Bantoft, the Chairman, supported these remarks, saying that uniform administration in local government was difficult and the problem would always be with us to some extent.

Mr. R. J. Reeves of Shell-Mex & B.P. Ltd. wondered why the regulations relating to self-service petrol stations were more strict than on normal petrol stations and what were the reasons. Mr. McDonald said that in relying on the technical information of the Association there were special dangers on self-service stations and consequently there had to be some appropriate legislation, otherwise there would be insufficient control.

Mr. Howkins proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. McDonald for his most interesting and informative talk The meeting was then concluded and tea was taken by the kind invitation of the Mayor of Derby. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Stainforth to Derby Corporation for the excellent facilities and hospitality received.

Wessex and South Wales

A meeting of the Branch was held at Stokefield House, Thornbury, on Wednesday, 14th May, 1969


Mr. S. W. Harris, Gloucester R.D.C., in the Chair. Mr. D. Hall, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Council Member, and ?9 members. meetmg. Mr. Harris welcomed delegates to the

Apologies A list taken as of apologies read. from member representatives was


The Minutes of the Meeting of 5th December, 1968, were read by the Secretary, approved and signed.

Matters arising out of the Minutes

These were covered by Agenda Items.

Recommendations of the Executive Committee

Before the details were considered a discussion took place on the c:orrespondence between the Branch Secretary the votmg. National Secretary on the question of 'proxy' was that this was a matter which should not be mcluded rn the _Constitution and Rules, but that it should be recorded m the Minutes that where more than one of a Local Authority attended a meeting only one should be allowed to vote, which vote to be used by the Deputy, or Senior Officer present. It was


further Resolved that the Secretary consider the advisability of advising members in future correspondence of this fact, and of the desirability of the Local Authority nominating a duly authorised officer and proxy for attendance at meetings. (i) The Secretary's report was adopted; (ii) The Treasurer's report was received and noted; (iii) Branch Constitution and Rules;

The Meeting proceeded to consider the Branch Constitution and Rules, and it was Resolved the Draft prepared by the National Association be adopted with the following insertions and/or deletions.

Para. 1. Title:

That the title of the Branch be the Wessex and South Wales Branch, to cover the administrative counties previously agreed at the inaugural meeting, namely Devon, Dorset, Glamorgan, Gloucester, Hereford, Monmouth, Somerset and Wiltshire, and that the counties of Cornwall, Pembroke and Carmarthen be added.

Para. 4. Subscriptions:

That no Branch subscriptions be levied for the time being. Para. 5 (a) Meetings:

That the Annual General Meeting be held in April of each year, the date in each year to be decided by the Chairman and Secretary, having regard to the date of the Easter period.

Para. 6. Officers and Committee: (a) That Mr. R. Crowther, Chief Inspector of Weights and. Measures, Gloucester City, be appointed ViceChairman; (b) That the Secretary endeavour to obtain the services of an officer from the Finance Department of the Thornbury Rural District Council to act as Honorary Auditor; (c) That the following additional members be appointed to the Executive Committee of the Branch:

Mr. M. Clark, Building Inspector, City Engineer's

Department, Cheltenham B.C.;

Mr. A. Rowlands, Chief Public Health Inspector,

Llanelli R.D.C.;

Mr. W. Jones, Chief Fire Officer, Newport C.B.C.;

Mr. J. Storey, Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures

City of Bath; '

The resulting Committee will, therefore, comprise the officers of the Branch and eight members; (e) Nominations to be in the hands of the Secretary hv I st March each year. ·

Para. 7 (h) The action of the Chairman and Secretary in opening an account with the National Provincial Bank, Thornbury, was approved.

The Meeting formally approved and adopted the resulting Branch Constitution and Rules, subject to confirmation by the Council of the Association.

Recommendations of the Branch: Future Dates and Venues:

It was further Resolved that the Secretary endeavour to arrange the next meeting for a full day meeting on October 20th, 1969, at Yeovil or Sherborne, with Branch business being kept to a minimum in the morning, followed by a guest Speaker on "Pre-Licensing Conditions'', and the afternoon to be covered by a further guest Speaker giving a paper on "Licence Conditions".


The Secretary gave a brief resume of correspondence which had taken place with members and the National Secretary, regarding Schools and Courses of Training.

A letter from Mr. C. R. Peskett, Chief Public Health 1 nspector of Godalming, was read to the meeting and, after a full discussion on the relative merits of the need for more courses being held, the meeting Resolved that "Mr. Peskett be informed that this Branch promises to support the holding of a School at Guildford".

The Meeting then adjourned for lunch.

On its resumption Mr. Dennis Hall, of Newcastleunder-Lyme, ably assisted by Mr. Black of his Department, demonstrated various pieces of equipment used in the testing of petroleum, petroleum installations, associated explosives, etc., and outlined problems encountered by his Department.

Numerous questions were asked, and answered, and an extremely useful discussion took place.

It was generally agreed that the Meeting had been instructive and highly successful. Members gave a unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. Hall for his attendance and talk. Upon conclusion of the meeting light refreshments were served.


Minutes of the Annual Meeting held at the Town Hall, Scarborough, on Wednesday, 2lst May, 1969.

The Meeting was attended by sixteen members as shown in the Attendance Register and was opened by the Chairman, Mr. S. Gascoigne. Six apologies were received.

Minutes of Last Meeting The Minutes having been circulated before the Meeting, were taken as ~ead. Mr. Skelton moved and Mr. W~od seconded that they be signed as a true record. The mot10n was carried and signed.

Matters Arising out of the Minutes

The only matter raised concerned the s.chool. The Hon. Secretary replied that it would be dealt with fully at a later stage of the Meeting.

Chairman's Report

The Chairman, Mr. Gascoigne, apologised for not presenting a written report, an omission due to pres~u~e of other duties. He gave a verbal summary of the years work. Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Mr. R. Sample, pointed out that many members seemed to think that a branch fee paid in respect of one authority covered all the representatives from that authority who attended the branch meetings. He pointed out that a branch fee was due from every member.

Report of the Representative on the General Council

The Branch Representative, Mr. C. T. Peacock, reported on the year's work and explained the difficulties encountered in preparing the Association's recommendations concerning the Home Office Code; as Branch Hon. Secretary he assured the members that a meeting would be called as soon as possible after receipt of the recommendations.

He also gave a report concerning the school and gave an outline of the present position. The members agreed that York would be a suitable venue.

It was moved by Mr. Gascoigne and seconded by Mr. Sample that the Chairman and Hon. Secretary of each adjoining branch be invited to attend Yorkshire Branch Meetincrs as reciprocal arrangements could lead to a profitable exchange of ideas. The motion was passed unanimously.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Chairman thanked the officers and members for their loyal support during his two years of offic.e and requested the Hon. Secretary to conduct the election of the next Chairman.

It was moved by Mr. Gascoigne and seconded ~y Mr. Sample that the Vice-Chairman, Mr. F. Gledh1~l, be appointed Chairman and that Mr. ~· L. Darwm . be appointed Vice-Chairman. . The mot10n was ~arned unanimously and Mr. Gledhill then took the ch~1r. He expressed the thanks of the meeting to Mr. Gascoigne for his work as Chairman during the last two years and for the efficient manner in which he had carried out his duties.

Election of Hon. Secretary and Treasurer

It was moved by Mr. Warren that the present officers, Messrs. Peacock and Sample, continue in their present posts. Mr. Garfitt seconded the motion and, in doing so, thanked both officers for the work they had done. The motion was carried.

Election of Committee Members

It was moved, seconded and carried unanimously that Messrs. Gascoigne, Murray and Paxton be appointed. Mr. J. H. Wood was elected Auditor.

Any Other Business

Mr. Paxton moved that a letter be sent to the Rural District Surveyors' Association giving information of the Association for Petroleum Acts Administration as many surveyors were not aware of its existence. The motion was seconded and duly passed.

It was also moved, seconded and passed that the Hon. Secretary request the attendance of the Press at future meetings.

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