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Council Meetings

B.I.C.E.R.I. produced a device of which six prototypes were manufactured and these were fitted to the engines of mobile cranes operating on the Wilton Site. Each device was thoroughly inspected after every 320 running hours when it was also checked for trouble-free operation and after a total of 3,400 hours running the device continued to give satisfactory service.

The device is a stop valve with the ability to prevent a vacuum being produced in the engine. The valve is operated by means of CO, pressure, the CO, also being able to bypass the valve to prevent a vacuum. The presence of the inert gas in the engine eliminates the possibility of drawing in air or lubricating oil to the cylinders - both of which conditions have been reported in other situations. A flame trap is also fitted in the device as an added precaution to prevent any ignition through the air inlet. The complete device is fitted inside the standard air filter for the engine and is operated from a standard CO, fire extinguisher bottle which is operated by a plunger.


After the site trials of the prototypes we now consider that this device meets our requirements and arrangements have been made to manufacture sufficient of these to meet our needs. We also now intend to market this device and would be pleased to discuss/demonstrate the equipment.


Report of a meeting held on Wednesday, 2nd June, 1971

Present The following members attended: F. H. Cartright, J. W. Frid, D. Hall, R. Holdaway, K. C. Hughes, H. R. Mellor, C. T. Peacock, C. R. Peskett, R. Roden, J. Short. Apologies Apologies were received from: E. V. Beeby, J. Beer, J. Birks, C. L. Davids, G. H. Harvey, W. Hetherington, J. W. Hewison, T. Kerr, B. W. C. Thacker. Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the previous meeting (circulated) were accepted by the meeting. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. Correspondence The Secretary drew members' attention to a letter which he had received from an Associate member, Engineering Services (Paisley) Limited which contained a request for clarification of Association Membership rules. This was referred to the Constitution and Rules Committee.

A letter from the Association's insurers regarding libel insurance was discussed and the Secretary was instructed to deal with the matter.

The Secretary drew the meetings attention to correspondence which he had had with the British Standards Institution concerning a draft of a proposed new Standard "Non-refillable Liquefied Gas Containers Part 1 Metallic Containers for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Metric Units)". The Secretary informed the meeting that he had received six copies of the Draft Standard, five of which had been circulated to members of the Council for comment.

Finally, communication from the member for Londonderry in which the question of forming a Branch of the Association in Northern Ireland was proposed resulted in the Secretary supplying copies of the Association's membership forms, forms outlining the aims and objects of the Association and back-copies of the "Bulletin" for distribution to authorities administering petroleum in Northern Ireland in an attempt to increase the membership in that area. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT In his capacity as Vice-Chairman, he attended the Residential School for Petroleum Officers at York University from 13th to 15th April, and had taken the Chair at all sessions. The course had been voted a success by all who had attended.

The Annual General Meeting, after re-arrangement of the date because of the postal strike, had taken place in Paisley on Monday, 26th April, 1971. All the business had been concluded successfully with the exception of the election of a Liaison Officer as no nomination had been received because of the lateness in notification by the previous holder of this office that he would not be seeking re-election. The filling of the vacancy had been left to the Council.

An invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Yorkshire Branch on 19th May, 1971 had been accepted. At the meeting it was quickly apparent that there was a keen interest in Association affairs amongst the Yorkshire Branch members, and in the afternoon session several interesting items of a technical nature were brought up for discussion. HONORARY SECRETARY'S REPORT The Secretary reported on fourteen applications for membership of the Association. These were all approved. HONORARY TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer briefly reported that he had officially taken over his duties from the past Treasurer on 3rd May, 1971.


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