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Branch Reports

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Council Meetings

Council Meetings

HONORARY EDITOR'S REPORT The Secretary, in the absence of the Editor, read out the following report :"Council members will no doubt have noticed discrepancies in the frontage piece of the April "Bulletin" in that Mr. Griffiths and Mr. Holdaway are listed as Council members. A correction was made on the proofs but unfortunately these were not made good during the printing and therefore I am afraid it was something beyond my control. However, I have no doubt that the only persons who will notice this discrepancy will be Council members themselves.

At the moment I am maintaining the cost of printing "The Bulletin" within the limit allowed by the Council, but I should remind members that the postage rates went up this year and ·the cost of postage is approximately £20 per issue, as almost 800 are posted off. If membership continues to increase we will obviously have to increase the number of "Bulletins" at print which at the moment stands at 850.


You will recall that Mr. Holdaway mentioned the sale of Codes of Practice and that he would continue until the middle of July to distribute these Codes. I will insert a paragraph in the July issue of "The Bulletin" to the effect that these Codes will be obtainable from me.

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN'S REPORTS (a) Education and Publication

It was confirmed that a second Advanced Seminar be held at York University in 1972. The Honorary Secretary reported that there had been a disappOinting response for this year's seminar but it was felt by the meeting that this may have been due to the effects of the postal strike earlier in the year. It was reported that the Southern School had again been a success.

Council agreed aifter some discussion to again underwrite both the Northern and Southern Schools should this be necessary. (b) Reference and Legal

The Chairman drew the Council's attention to a list of contents gauges which had, in the past, been used in petroleum storage installations. It was stressed that the list does not contain recommended equipment but solely information for the benefit of members; it will be published in the "Bulletin". The Chairman went on to report on the progress made by his Committee in the formulation of a new electrical certificate. After some discussion Council approved the new certificate. Matters Arising (a) Mr. H. R. MelIor requested that the Home Office be approached with regard to obtaining from them methods of disposing of disused bulk storage petrol tanks. This matter was referred to the Legal and Reference Committee for consideration. (b) Proposed by D. Hall, seconded by R E. J. Roden, that R. P. Holdaway be appointed to the post of Hon. Liaison

Officer. This was agreed.

Election of Committees

The following Council members were elected to serve on the Association's Committees in 1971/72.

Constitution and Rules

D. Hall (Chairman)

J. Beer

E. V. Beeby

J. W. Hewison K. C. Hughes

Education and Publication

H. R Mellor (Chairman)

J. Birks

S. W. Harris

W. Hetherington

B. Hodgson

Reference and Legal

C. R. Peskett (Chairman)

P. H. Cartright

C. L. Davids

G. H. Harvey

T. Kerr

One other Chairman'S Badge It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by the Honorary Treasurer that the Chairman's Badge of Office be insured for all risks in the sum of £100. This was agreed. The Secretary was instructed to arrange this. Timetable for Future Meetings 15th July Finance and General Purposes Comm-

15th September 19th January, 1972 12th April, 1972 ittee. BIRMINGHAM. Council (Venue to be arranged). Council. BIRMINGHAM. Annual General Meeting. (Venue to be arranged).

There was no other business the meeting being closed at 4.00 p.m. '

Any Other Business

Wessex and South

The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at the Council Chambers of Gloucester RD.C. on Monday, 5th April, 1971. Present The Chairman, Mr. R. Crowther, and 27 members. Mr. Crowther welcomed the representative from Bristol who was attendin2 for the first time.

Apologies 17 apologies were received. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held at Newport on 12th October, 1970 were confirmed and signed. Correspondence The Secretary reported on various correspondence which had been received and dealt with. It was decided not to take action in respect of a Chairman's badge of office. Report of Hon. Secretary/Treasurer This Branch was formed on 5th December, 1968 with a membership of 59. The present membership is, members 61 and associates 65. This is only about one third of the potential membership in the area covered by the Branch. I doubt, however, whether it will be possible to recruit many new members with the recent publication of the proposals for Local Government reorganisation.

At the present time this Branch has no formal rules or constitution. Those originally adopted by the Branch were not confirmed by the National Association because revised model rules were being prepared. The new model rules and constitution had been received and your Executive Comm'ittee has studied them and made recommendations for consideration at this meeting. I would like to draw attention to members to the following provisions, the nominations for office; the financial year to end on 31st December; provision for the payment of expenses of certain delegates and members; the need to appoint scrutineers; the need to appoint two auditors from within the Branch; the Hon. Treasurer only to sign cheques; an audited balance sheet to be published by the Treasurer each year, and copies to be submitted to members, the Association's Hon. Secretary and the Association's Hon. Treasurer; and the submission of a report by the Branch Representative.

Your Executive Committee has met regularly on four occasions, and they have been well attended meetings at which much of 'interest has been discussed. New Branch Rules The report of the Executive Committee was received and it was resolved that their recommendations be adopted in respect of the revised Branch rules and constitution based on the Association's model with appropriate insertions. Election of Officers The following were elected :Chairman L. Haggett, Merthyr Tydfil. Vice-Chairman T. L. Cox, Cricklade and Wotton Bassett. Honorary Secretary-Treasurer R. Huntingdon, Thornbury. Executive Committee D. Addison, Port of Bristol. T. K. Blackwell, Sherborne. M. Clarks, Cheltenham. W. J. Jones, Newport. V. Rowlands, Llanelli. L. J. Storey, Bath. Branch Representative S. W. D. Harris, Gloucester. Auditors F. H. Lewis, Cheltenham. Captain Peoton, Port of Bristol. Any Other Business On the question being raised in respect of sub-standard Petrol Filling Stations, vadous members expressed views, and related their experiences. D. Boyne, Bristol F.S., expressed the view that good stations should have an expected life of 30 years. That it was reasonable to allow in cases of bad stations a life of 5 years and where reasonable, a life of 10 years in which to comply or be refused a licence. Attention was drawn to H.O. Oircular 70/1971 which drew Hcencing authorities attention to the need for allowing adequate time for appealing against a refusal to licence, and the possible issue of "short-term" licences.

The Secretary and F. H. Lewis of Cheltenham made references to the difficulties raised by Planning Authorities, when Petrol Filling Stations tried to improve conditions. Members were reminded that a Local Authority must not be unreasonable, that the Home Office would not support them if an unreasonable attitude were adopted, and that if stations had been satisfactory for upwards of 30 years, some good reasons should be advanced for refusing a licence, or not giving plenty of time to comply.

D. Boyne, Bristol F.S., expressed the view that stations do deteriorate and that if Home Office is not prepared to support the Licencing Authority, then they should be made to accept responsibility.

On a question of the employment of young persons at Filling Stations, the Chairman reminded members of The Code of Practice recommending a minimum age of 15 years, and that the liability and responsibility in all cases remains with the Licensee.

Station Officer Jones, Newport, drew attention to some of the problems and matters of non-compliance found by police in respect of vehicles in the conveyance of petrol by road:-

No indication of quantity being conveyed.

No fire fighting appliance.

Not suitably marked "Petroleum, etc."

Danger of over-fi1Jing if not provided with a dip-stick.

O. W. Barnes, Cardiff City, added the further problem of split-loads in the cases of large capacity tankers being used to supply the smaller garages.

S. W. D. Harris, Gloucester R.D., referred to glass fibre reinforced plastic tanks being installed underground. Home Office have considered this and are prepared to recommend them being allowed. Visit The meeting was adjourned for lunch, and at 2.15 p.m. assembled at Shell Mex & B.P. Ltd. Depot, Quedgeley, Glos. Members were welcomed by Mr. May and Mr. Tagget, on behalf of the Company.

The oil terminal is situated on the bank of the GloucesterSharpness canal at Quedgeley. Receiving supplies from the refinery at Llandarcy in South Wales by way of the Severn Estuary and the canal in 1,000 tons capacity barges. It is classed as a medium size ,terminal with a through-put of approximately ! million tons per year. Constructed in 1959


and with a capacity of approximately 45 days supply. It is an "all products" depot, capable of handHng and unloading two barges at a time. A fleet of 14 lorries operate from the depot, serving a wide area inland. All storage tanks are above ground and fitted with the necessary foam and water sprays in case of fire. The heavy oil storage tanks and their ancillary pipe work being lagged and heated to 130°F. Members examined the loading bays and the equipment as well as details of the individual tanker lorries. Small ones with five compartments and 3,000 gallons capacity, and large ones with seven or eight compartments and a capacity of 6,000 gallons.

The problem of rising transport costs and the difficulties of maintaining supplies were discussed. The methods adopted to offset some of the problems was to operate "shift" working, week-end deliveries, and encouragement to users to install increased storage capacity.

At the conclusion of the meeting members were entertained to refreshments by the Company. Thanks were expressed to the Company's representative and generally the visit was considered to be extremely useful and instructive.

Northern Branch

Report of a Meeting held at Teesside Fire Brigade Headquarters on Wednesday, 27th September, 1971.

In the absence of the Chairman it was agreed that Mr. F. Onions (Teesside C.B.) take the Chair. Present Thirteen members and one visitor. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Messrs. Johnson and Thacker (Teesside C.B.), Hardy (Richmond R.D.C.) and Scanlan (Easington R.D.C.). Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the Annual General Meeting, which had been circulated, were approved. Matters Arising (a) The Secretary reported that he had submitted the

Branch Rules to the Chairman of the Constitution and Rules Committee for approval by the Association but because of certain omissions he had been asked to bring them back to the Branch for further attention. The meeting then gave consideration to the matter and agreed the following amendments and additions ;Rule 13 Line 2. Delete "3rd of total membership" and insert "ten". Rule 14 Line 2. Insert "six". Rule 23b Line 3. Insert "1st May" Rule 28 Line 3. Insert "three" Line 5. Insert "fourteen days". (b) Mr. Onions referred to the disposal of disused petrol tanks and of the difficulties they were experiencing in locating competent persons who were prepared to


undertake work of this nature. They said they would pursue the matter with a view to compiling a list for distribution to members. In the discussion which followed, Mr. Waters (I.C.I. Wilton) referred to his Company's use of explosives to demolish, without incident, several disused above-ground storage tanks of from 5,000 to 11,000 gallons capacity within 150 yards of an operaPing plant. He said that this was a cheap and effective way of disposing of unwanted tanks.

Correspondence The Secretary reported receipt of a letter relating to Depth Gauges and copies of an accompanying leaflet were distributed to members. A discussion ensued upon the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of system for measuring the contents of underground storage tanks. Branch Representative's Report The Branch Representative reported upon his attendance at the meeting of the Council of the Association held at Brierley on 2nd June, 1971. Place of Next Meeting An invitation from Mr. Waters to provide accommodation for the January meeting of the Branch and to arrange a conducted tour of the petroleum production area at Wilton was accepted.

Mr. Clapham (Richmond M.B.C.) offered to make arrangements for the Branch to hold the 1972 Annual General Meeting at Richmond and this was accepted. Any Other Business Mr. (Hartlepool C.B.) spoke of the arrangement made b'y with the local Electricity Board for thepenodlc and testing of electrical equipment at pet.roleum mstallations. He indicated that a certificate of safety issued by the Board must accompany all appllcatlOns for a Petroleum Spirit Licence and must be rene:ved annually to comply with his Council's Conditions of Licence.

Mr. produced a series of photographs showing the remams of a motor cycle after a fire in its glass-fibre petrol. tank. The resins had been consumed by fire thus exposmg multitudinous strands of glass-fibre and leaving t?e as one member was heard to comment, 'looking like a big shaggy dog'. Mr. Waters assured members however, that new resins now being manufactured are ly fire-resistant. meeting cl?sed with a vote of thanks to the acting Chalrman, followmg the projection of a short set ()f slides of a fire and its aftermath at the wad tanker gantry filling compound of a major oil terminal.

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