CROWES Bulletin March 2008.qxp
Editor’s Report Well it is here, the 50th Anniversary of
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anyway. Next thing you will expect petrol stations to be open 24 hours a day!”.
the Association and it causes me to reflect on what our forefathers would
How much is fuel? What is a litre? “I
have thought when a dozen of them or
am used to paying no more than 2
so met in a location in Birmingham in
shillings (10p) a gallon and not a penny
1958 to form this wonderful Association.
more otherwise I am taking my
Let us look at what they may have
business to that nice Mr Jones down
thought all those years ago and what
the road. You know the one that can sell
they would say today.
you some tyres or a battery if you need one. I think he also sells cigarettes.”
Would they have been comfortable
left! The last time I renewed my licence it was only 10 shillings for the year (50p)
with a risk assessment approach known
“Can you please let me have my
in the UK as DSEAR? How about
dipstick back as I like to know exactly
extortionate sum of £118.00 for a year
Attended Self Service where we let the
where I am when checking my petrol
or the added “luxury” of 3 times that for
public use the equipment and then they
stock. Also please do not take my latch
3 years – what a cheek!”
honestly go into a large shop and pay
pins away from my nozzles as I like to
without any questions asked? Would
keep them open when I am filling up
you buy petrol from a grocer? Why on
earth would I buy a raffle (Lottery) Ticket
telephoning me automatically to get my
at the same time as buying my fuel?
wet stock information its like stealing
What happened to the Green Shield
and if you do I will call the Police!”.
Stamps I normally collect! That bit of
I cannot believe it, putting (LPG) gas into a car – huh! – What next, they will think they can put alcohol in it as well! Anyway I am used to getting my newspaper from my newsagents, my
“Yes, we did have a spillage the other
bread from my local baker’s my local
day but we managed to sweep it away
delicatessen and grocer will expect me
By the way, I thought diesel was just
and a bit went down the drain which
to buy my food from there – not some
for lorries why are people putting it into
was helpful to tidy the place up and get
petrol station. I see they have another
cars? While I am looking round what is
rid of the smell. On that subject, I am
crazy idea - setting up petrol stations
that? (gesturing to an Automatic Teller
thinking of changing one of my
next to supermarkets – that will never
Machine = ATM).
underground tanks that is inside the car
catch on!
plastic to get points is no good to me.
showroom. That should not be a These are some of the things our
problem will it as we run the vent pipes
Such are some of the changes over
ancestors may be saying. Then there is
up the face of the building past all the
50 years. Doubtless to say there are
this Unattended Site open all night long
bedroom windows! I want one that is
many more that could be mentioned.
where you stick a plastic card into the
single skin steel type coated in
pump, press a few buttons and you can
bitumen. I cannot see the need for
Maybe someone out there has been a
get your fuel out – no questions asked –
having one tank inside the other. What
member over all of this time. If so
and no one in sight for miles. “Maybe I
is the point of that!”
please get in touch - we would love to
should fill some containers up while I am here as it seems a good time to do it while it is all quiet”
hear from you. What is that thing on top of the vent stack? Looks like some one has
As for the year ahead, I will leave it to
plugged it up with a lump of metal which
others to inform you just what is in
Do you mean to tell me a petrol road
could be dangerous if the fumes cannot
store. Be rest assured this Association
tanker turns up on site when the owner
escape when the tanker delivers and
is in very good hands and as strong as
is not there and delivers all that fuel on
they want me to pay for a permit to fit it
ever so we hope we have great year
his own? You must be crazy! I certainly
and test it every year? What on earth is
packed with interesting activities that
do not want them to deliver petrol at that
going on at the town hall?
starts another 50 years.
time in the morning as we close at 6 o’clock in the evening and do not open
“Oh yes I see, we still have our
again until 8 o’clock tomorrow morning,
petroleum licence but where have all
of course we are closed on Sundays
the conditions gone there is hardly any
APEA tel/fax 0845 603 5507
Best Wishes Brian 5