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Play Dates
Many festivals, concerts and other events have been canceled for the forseeable future due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines from North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. All of the events listed here were still on schedule as of press time, but it’s best to check with each venue to ensure that the event is still going on as planned. As we learned through Hurricane Florence and now this pandemic, nothing’s ever for certain and unforeseen events can upend our entire lives, as well as our plans for leisure and play. Stay safe and don’t forget to set aside some time for summer fun!
Wilson Center @ Cape Fear Community College 703 North Third St., Wilmington 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $ 67.97– $122.35
AUG 22
Boz Scaggs’ new album “Out of the Blues” is appropriate, since the blues is what first sparked his 50-year musical career. Known for his hit singles: “It’s Over,” “Lido Shuffle” and the Grammy-winning “Lowdown,” “Breakdown Dead Ahead,” “Jo Jo” and “Look What You’ve Done to Me,” Scaggs has found success in the genres of blues, R&B, early rock ‘n’ roll, and jazz. For more information and tickets to this show, visit https://wilsoncentertickets.com/show/?id=15001 or call 910-362-7999.
AUG 23

Paramount Movie Night: “The Goonies” 3 p.m. | 139 S. Center St., Goldsboro

“Te Goonies” is an old-fashioned yarn about a band of adventurous kids who take on the might of a property developing company which plans to destroy their home to build a country club. When the children discover an old pirate map in the attic, they follow it into an underground cavern in search of lost treasure but come up against plenty of dangerous obstacles along the way. Tickets at http://www. goldsboroparamount.com/the-goonies/ or 919-5838432.
SEPT 19-20
SAT-SUN Summer Harvest Festival
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday
Poplar Grove Plantation, Wilmington • Tickets $5 Poplar Grove will be celebrating the end of summer and the beginning of fall with heritage arts and crafts vendors from near and far, food trucks, lots of concessions, and even a few farmers. Tere will be activities for children and adults throughout both days of the festival. For more info: http://poplargrove.org/festivals/summerharvest/. AUG
Blue, Brew & ‘Que Drive-Thru 11 a.m. | Duplin Events Center, Kenansville
Te cancellation of this year’s Blue, Brew & ‘Que Festival doesn’t mean you still can’t get some home-cooked barbecue. Plates will be available in a drive-thru format.
Craven Arts Council & Gallery’s
Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition Aug. 7 - Sept. 21 317 Middle St., New Bern 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Tuesdays through Saturdays Tis signature bi-annual exhibition brings works from artists across the United States to New Bern, showcasing the diversity of techniques, subject, and mediums in the contemporary art world. Tis year’s Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition features 123 pieces from artists across the United States, from New Bern to Vero Beach, Florida. Te exhibition includes paintings, drawings, textiles, castings, carvings, printmaking, mixed media, and many more mediums in styles ranging from formalist abstraction to hyperrealism. Tis year’s exhibition will also include two outdoor sculptures to be displayed in the lot on the corner of Broad and Middle Street. Te exhibition will run from Aug. 7 through Sept. 21. All galleries at Bank of the Arts are free and open to the public 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through Saturdays. For more, call 252-638-2577 or visit www. cravenarts.org.