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A celebration of freedom

Clinton celebration organizers, let by Victoria Marble, introduce themselves to event attendees. Pictured (L to R): Dempris Gasque, Deana Smith, Felishia McPhereson, Sasha Underwood, Monique Smith, Victoria Marable, Tiffany Williams, Dorothy Barksdale, Vincent Barksdale.

Syrara Kornegay, Founder and CEO of a non-proft called Houzz Gang Academy in Warsaw, along with her organization hosted a Juneteenth Celebration in Warsaw.


very year we look forward to the annual holidays that are recognized by our federal government. We get days off, go on vacation, host parties and celebrations, and the stores are full of decorations and Eemblems that symbolize the holiday and what it stands for. Everyone looks forward to days like Te Fourth of July,

Tanksgiving, and Christmas because they know it is going to be a cheerful time. One holiday, Juneteenth, on the other hand, is not as popular, although advocates have been fighting year after year to try to make it a federally recognized holiday. Juneteenth is the celebration of freedom from slavery. In 1776, there were 13 American colonies. Tey, of course, gained their freedom from the monarch of Britain under

King George III — but not everyone gained independence. African Americans, who had been enslaved since at least 1619, were among those who did not receive their freedom that year. People were brought over on boats from

Africa, predominately the western side of

Africa, to be slaves to the British colonists in the newly formed America. Tey remained legally enslaved until January 1, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln issued the


Emancipation Proclamation, which changed the legal status from slave to free for more than 3.5 million people.

It was mainly the Confederate states that participated in the harshest forms of mistreatment during slavery. Tere were 11 states in the Confederacy: North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. Decisions being made by Lincoln caused frustrations in the Southern states who were the primary slave-owners causing these states to secede from the Union around 1860. Later, in 1861, the Civil War began. At the end of the war, after the Union victory, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, forcing those Confederate states to free their slaves. Texas was the last of the states to implement the Emancipation Proclamation, in 1863, almost two and a half years after it was signed. Union troops under General Gordon Granger advanced into Galveston, Texas, announcing federal orders to end slavery.

Ever since that day — June 19, 1865 — people of African descent have celebrated that day, calling it Juneteenth, Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, and Cel-Liberation Day. Te most popular moniker is Juneteenth.


Tere are currently 47 states that recognize the holiday, but not to the extent that other holidays are celebrated. It is also not a federal holiday so things like time off from work and bank closings do not take place. Over the years, many activists have fought for Juneteenth to be nationally recognized. Tey feel that it was a significant time in America’s history, so it should be recognized in a more substantial way.

Although not federally recognized, African Americans celebrate in their own ways by partaking in public readings of the Emancipation Proclamation and other popular African American written pieces, by singing traditional songs and hosting celebrations such as block parties, cookouts and reunions. Tere were at least two local celebrations in Eastern N.C. this year, one in Duplin County and another in Sampson County. Both were held on June 20, and brought the community together for a time of celebration and reflection.

Syara Kornegay and her nonprofit, Houzz Gang Academy, hosted the Warsaw celebration. Houzz Gang Academy is a mentorship group for young girls ages 5-17. Kornegay said that she thought it was good to invest in the black community and she felt

Ever since that day — June 19, 1865 — people of African descent have celebrated that day, calling it Juneteenth, Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, and Cel-Liberation Day.

Various groups of local residents show pride at the Clinton Juneteenth celebration on June 20th. At the Clinton event, two organizers spoke to the crowd. Vincent Barksdale (top left) talks about his experience growing up in Eastern NC during the civil rights movement, and Felishia McPhereson (top right) entertains the crowd with a humorous introduction.


38 it was really important to celebrate her ancestors and everything that they went through. Blackowned business owners from all over N.C. came to support the event and promote their businesses. Tere were many different kinds of vendors from food, arts, and jewelry, to black hair and skin care products, and music.

Te Clinton celebration had more of a relaxed vibe. People were mainly just hanging out with family and friends, as well as getting to know new people in their community. You could tell some people had not seen each other in a while from the joy you saw on their faces when they made eye contact and went to greet each other. Victoria Marble, along with a team of volunteers, was the head organizer for the Clinton celebration. One team member, Deana Smith of Beulaville, spoke about her experience organizing the event.

“I got involved when Victoria expressed her want for a Juneteenth Celebration via a post on Facebook,” Smith said. “It was a positive event for the community, it encouraged pride and unity for us, so naturally, I wanted to help.”

Smith said that they planned the event in only two weeks and that everybody on the team came together, wearing many hats to ensure they put on a great event for the community. Local speakers talked about their experience growing up during the Civil Rights movement and how

they have combated racism locally. Tere was a sign-in table where people could also register to vote, they had free T-shirts, music, spoken word, and free food provided by a local family from Faison.

“We wanted to host this event because we felt it was necessary,” Smith said. “With everything happening in the world now, negativity is the norm. Killings are unjust, every day there's a reason to be upset or angry. It’s time to celebrate us, to acknowledge and respect our past, and to uplift each other into our futures.”

She added that the group received lots of community support. “We received donations from area grocery stores and businesses,” Smith said. “Not only did we have support from Sampson and Duplin counties, but we also had people coming from Onslow and Lenoir. Everyone was excited about the fellowship, the learning from the community elders, and mostly the love and support for one another. We were pressed for time, but we got it done! Our committee is amazing.”

Although it is not a widely known holiday, it is not too late for people to take the initiative to understand Juneteenth a little better, and maybe even show support or join in with African Americans as they celebrate.


Both Juneteenth celebrations were full of vendors, food, and entertainment. The celebration held in Clinton even had a voter registration table, and organizers stressed the importance of voting and making your voice heard through your vote.




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