APIBA Annual Seminar 2016 - Online Programme

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SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local: ELT Professionals as innovation developers Saturday, September 10th, 2016 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM I.S.P. “Dr. Joaquín V. González” Ayacucho 632, C.A.B.A.

www.apiba.org.ar |

/apiba | info@apiba.org.ar

ABOUT APIBA APIBA is a professional, non-profit Association whose members are fully-qualified Argentine English teachers, graduates of official and officially recognized educational institutions in Argentina (teacher training colleges and universities).


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Prof. Lic. Virginia López Grisolía President Dra. Claudia Ferradas Vice President Prof. Lic. Viviana Myslicki Secretary Prof. Anabella Herfert Deputy Secretary Prof. María Ángela Di Gaetano Treasurer

MEMBERS Prof. Romina Arena Prof. Griselda Beacon


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

info@apiba.org.ar www.apiba.org.ar /apiba























APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


WELCOME Dear Participant, APIBA is pleased to welcome you to our 2016 Annual Seminar, whose primary aim has always been since its foundation in 1971 to provide English teachers with a permanent forum where issues can be discussed. This traditional event held year after year has contributed to keeping teachers up-to-date by offering them the opportunity to discuss with specialists and colleagues the latest research and experiences in the teaching of English as a foreign language. This year the title of our annual academic day is: "Owning the global, generating the local. ELT Professionals as innovation developers”. We will be exploring what challenges a globalised world with permeable borders poses to ELT professionals and in what way the role of English has changed and thus, our concerns and expected competencies as language teachers. We hope this new issue of our traditional annual event comes up to your expectations and helps you get updated on the latest trends and therefore grow as ELT professionals. Best wishes,

Virginia López Grisolía President

APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS APIBA would like to thank: Prof. Patricia Simeone Prof. Mariano Quinterno Prof Raúl Damiani SBS Bookstore Sofía Pacheco Paula De Gennaro Héctor Cuccarese Speakers Participants Sponsors and Exhibitors Volunteers

... and specially: Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González”

APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


SCHEDULE 08.30 - 09.00


09.00 - 10.15


Silvana Richardson: A Call for Sensitive Glocalisation 10.15 - 10.45


A brief view of an extremely fruitful year!

10.45 - 11.15

COFFEE BREAK - Courtesy of

11.15 - 12.45


Leonor Corradi: National Curricular Guidelines and ELT: A Dialogue to Construct + discussion panel with Mónica Gandolfo, Gustavo Paz, Ana Verdelli and María José Gandini. 12.45 - 14.00


14.00 - 15.30


1. Florencia Perduca & research team: Reading Border Literatures in the Intercultural English Class 2. Cristina Banfi, Silvia Iummato & research team: Exorcising Grammar 15.30 - 16.00

COFFEE BREAK - Courtesy of

16.00 - 17.00


A curricular exorcism of glocal guidelines Moderator: Pablo Toledo. Speakers: S. Richardson, C. Banfi, F. Perduca, L. Corradi 17.00 - 17.30



APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


Silvana Richardson A Call for Sensitive Glocalisation As part of our teacher education, we have been taught -and expected to implement- approaches to teaching EFL originally developed for the globally mobile ‘native speakers’ of English. Such approaches were designed for people with little or no initial teacher training in need of quick and practical solutions that would equip them to teach English anywhere in the world, implementing pretty much the same set of techniques and strategies irrespective of the local context(s) they happened to be working in. This pedagogy for and of the 'Native English Speaking Teacher' (NEST) does not always take into account the different educational, socio-cultural or linguistic backgrounds of local teachers and their learners, their specific and unique learning needs or their teaching and learning contexts. In this talk I will examine such approaches and make the case for a critical review of teacher education programmes. I will contextualise the need to ‘glocalise’ English Language Teaching within the context of two key paradigm shifts currently taking place in language education and second language teacher education: the ‘social turn’ and the ‘multilingual turn’. I will give practical examples of possible directions. Finally, I will argue for the need to include more evidence-informed pedagogies and to prepare teachers to become critical researchers of their own contexts.


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Silvana Richardson A graduate teacher from I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González,” where she specialised in Methodology in the late nineties, Silvana Richardson is now Head of Teacher Development at Bell Educational Services and Head of Programme Quality at the Bell Foundation. She has worked in ELT for over 25 years as teacher and academic manager, and has trained EFL, MFL, ESOL, EAL, CLIL and subject teachers and trainers in the state and private sectors both in the UK and abroad. She has been Director of the Bell Delta Online and Director of Studies at Bell Teacher Campus, Cambridge, and has written online materials for teachers for Cambridge English Teacher. She’s a speaker in international conferences and a Quality Assurance inspector.

APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local



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APIBA SIGs (Special Interest Groups) A brief view of an extremely fruitful year! APIBA SIGs enable teachers with similar interests to share ideas, network and grow professionally through regular meetings, newsletters and conference events. A SIG is neither a course nor a seminar nor a lecture – a SIG is a study group in which all members participate and exchange ideas and opinions; a SIG is a discussion forum in which teachers of English can develop as professionals. SIG activities are open and democratic and small projects are also welcome. Throughout all these years this forum for exchange among colleagues has undergone changes and mergers as well as given birth to new groups. Such is the spirit of the SIGs: flexibility and diversity. We are very proud to show what they are currently doing and their future projects. 14

APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

Hace a la profesiรณn APIBA is a Professional Association of graduate English teachers. APIBA fosters professional development by working for the continuous improvement and growth of its members. APIBA keeps English teachers in touch with issues and events relevant to the profession through newsletters, seminars, SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and other events. APIBA provides teachers with a professional forum where they can develop interactions, exchange ideas and debate everything concerning their field of work. APIBA represents the interests of graduate teachers before the educational authorities where legislation and regulations on the practice of the profession is concerned. APIBA encourages the development of links among teachers in the City and Province of Buenos Aires and, through FAAPI, with teachers from the rest of Argentina.

If you are a graduate teacher of English and live in BA, become a member NOW! www.apiba.org.ar | info@apiba.org.ar |



Leonor Corradi National Curricular Guidelines and ELT: A Dialogue to Construct This presentation aims at analysing the principles that underlie national curriculum documents for foreign languages, at evaluating to what degree they coincide with the principles of ELT and finally, at considering how a dialogue between the two would impact on both formal and teacher education. After the analysis, five colleagues will present their views on the relationship between curricular guidelines and their own educational contexts. A debate will follow whose aim is to find ways in which curricular documents and ELT can engage in dialogue and enhance students' learning. With Ana Verdelli, María José Gandini, Gustavo Paz and Mónica Gandolfo.


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Leonor Corradi Leonor Corradi is a teacher of English; she holds a Master’s degree in Education and Teacher Training from Surrey University, UK and a postgraduate degree in Education and ICT. Former member of the Foreign Languages Team at the National Ministry of Education, in charge of English, former lecturer in Didactics at I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández” and I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González” – both in the primary and secondary school orientations, and coordinator of state plurilingual schools in the City of BA. She has extensive experience as a lecturer, materials designer and coursebook writer, and is an educational consultant for different educational institutions, such as bilingual schools, the British Council, international publishers like Pearson, and Ministries of Education in Latin America. Leonor has run professional development sessions in Argentina and abroad, and has presented extensively at national and international conferences and congresses. She has also worked at a State Special Needs School teaching English to blind students as part of a pilot project. She has coordinated the creation of online materials for ELT and has acted as an online tutor for different seminars. Ms Corradi is the author of the Curriculum for Foreign Languages for the City of BA (2001, English); she has also worked in both the creation and reforms of curriculum designs at several teacher training colleges. APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Ana Verdelli is a graduate teacher from I.S.P. “Joaquín V. Gonzaléz” and holds a degree in English from UNL. She has specialised in Linguistics (I.S.P. “Joaquín V. Gonzaléz”) and Language Planning & Linguistic Policy (UNTREF). She currently teaches Linguistics at E.N.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Sofía B. de Spangenberg,” and English at primary and secondary schools. She is also participating in several research projects (INFoD, UNTREF). Gustavo Paz is a graduate teacher from I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González”. He was awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (University of Reading) and is a certified Public Translator (UBA). He also holds a degree of Licenciado en Educación (UNQ) and a Certificate of Master Practitioner in the Art of Neurolinguistic Programming as applied to Education (Resourceful Teaching Institute). He is a tenured lecturer in Didáctica Específica at I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González” and Instituto del Profesorado “Sagrado Corazón,” an English coordinator at CIBADIST (Distance Teacher Training College) and Head of the English Department at Limerick School. He has written the new English curriculum for secondary education for the Buenos Aires Province. He has co-authored the book “Construyendo puentes hacia otras lenguas: reflexiones sobre la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en la escuela media” (Editorial La Crujía, 2009).


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

ABSTRACTS & BIODATA María José Gandini is a graduate from I.E.S. en L.V. “Juan R. Fernández”. She has been working in primary schools for over twenty years. She teaches Trabajo de Campo I/II at I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González”. She has worked as Head of the English department and is currently “Directora de Estudios” at a secondary school. She has been a teacher trainer for CEPA and has participated in teacher training videos for a publishing house. She was also an examiner for oreign Language Certificates CLE in the City of BA. he published two book series for secondary school and designed teaching resources and materials for the Ministry of Education in the City of BA. he currently works as an educational consultant for different publishing houses in Argentina. Mónica Gandolfo is a graduate from I.S.F.D. Bernardo Houssay . he holds a degree as Licenciada en Educación and Especialista en Nuevas Infancias y Juventudes . She taught and coordinated reading comprehension of academic te ts at BA. She taught Inglés y su Enseñanza I/III and Espacio de la Práctica II/IV at I.S.F.D. Bernardo Houssay for years and currently teaches Inglés y su Enseñanza III and Práctica IV at I.S.F.D. “Próspero Allemandri”. She has also been a tenured lecturer of Trayecto de Construcción de la Práctica Docente, Tramo II, Trayecto de Construcción de la Práctica Docente, Tramo I at E. . . en L. . " of a B. de pangenberg" and lecturer of El profesor de inglés y el maestro de grado at I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González.” She currently teaches Applied Linguistics I at La . APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local





Florencia Perduca & research team Reading Border Literatures in the Intercultural English Class The constitution of transnational identities in Englishes springing from interconnected “travelling cultures” characterises the experience of multicultural communities whose roots hybridise in every new route. English language represents border cultures which are always ‘in the making’ and in a constant process of ‘becoming’ through intercultural mediation. Border literatures offer the opportunity for students of English(es) to delve into the multiple references that constitute different cultural codes and they can be used as resource materials to work actively on critical cultural awareness and intercultural interpretation in the ELT class.


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Florencia Perduca & research team Florencia Perduca, a graduate teacher of English and Literary Translator from I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández", MA in Literary Linguistics (University of Nottingham), is an ESSARP course coordinator specialised in Literatures in Englishes, Postcolonial Theory and Border Literacy. She teaches Literature in English at I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández", and ISP "Joaquín V. González" and "Sofía E. Broquen de Spangenberg". She has led research projects on Intercultural Awareness and Border Literacy and has designed literary and intercultural resource materials. Cecilia Pena Koessler, graduate teacher of English from I. E. S. en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández" and MA in Literary Linguistics (University of Nottingham), is an ESSARP course coordinator specialised in Medieval and Shakespearean Studies, and Children’s Literature. She teaches Literature at I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández", and I.S.P. "Joaquín V Gonzalez" and is the Director of Bridging Cultures Language Studio.

APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Julia Fernández Armendáriz graduated from I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández” as an English Teacher, where she did a specialisation course in English Literature II. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in English Studies from the University of Nottingham. She iss currently finishing a BA in Education and post-graduate course (adscripción) in English History. She teaches Language and Literature in secondary schools. Constanza Aducci is an English teacher who graduated from I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández” and has completed her specialisation course in English Literature II. She is also doing her specialization in English History at I.S.P. "Joaquín V. González" and the Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa at Universidad del Litoral. She works in the Southern Suburbs at secondary schools as a Literature and History teacher. Azucena Galettini holds a Translator’s degree from I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández,” where she is presently taking a specialisation course in English Literature II . She holds a BA in Literature from UBA. She teaches creative writing in Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA) and is currently writing her PhD dissertation on Anglophone Caribbean Poetry. Anabel Santelli is a graduate English teacher from I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández,” where she is currently taking a specialisation course in Contemporary English Literature. She is also attending an specialisation course in Education and Technology from the Ministry of Education. She is currently working as a secondary and primary school teacher.


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

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Cristina Banfi, Silvia Iummato & research team

Exorcising Grammar

Exorcising Grammar is a book which stemmed from a research project, conducted at I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández”, which comprised the design of material for teaching the subject English Grammar I, both in the Translator and the Teacher Training Courses. The project aimed, among other goals, at providing students with tools to explore the Grammar of English (and Grammar in general), shifting the focus of attention and going from problems to theory. The workshop will provide participants with an introduction to the exercises in the book and a hands-on experience of some of the material, which will allow them to put their intuitions to work in the analysis of the structure of the language. Research team: Cristina Banfi, Silvia Iummato, Graciela Palacio, José Durán, Carlos Gelormini and María Laura Hermida.


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local

ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Cristina Banfi, Silvia Iummato & research team Cristina Banfi is a graduate from I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández" and holds an MPhil and a PhD in Linguistics. She is Director of Foreign Languages at the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires and teacher trainer at various institutions. She has published books and papers. She has been a member of academic panels for conferences, teacher reviews and postgraduate dissertations. She was President of APIBA 1999-2001 and 2001-2003 and Committee Member 1998-1999 and 2003-2005. Silvia Iummato has taught Grammar and related subjects for Translation and Teacher Training Colleges in different state and private institutions in Buenos Aires and in Rio Negro (UnCo), where she is also part of the research project J022. She also teaches Grammar at the Master’s in Translation Programme (UBA) and has attended and organised numerous academic events. At the moment, she is doing her Ph.D. on Resultative Constructions from a contrastive analysis perspective. She was APIBA’s Secretary in 1999-2001.

APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


ABSTRACTS & BIODATA Graciela Palacio is a graduate from I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González,” where she specialised in the teaching of English Grammar. She holds a BA in English from Universidad de Belgrano. She is currently a lecturer in Grammar and Linguistics at I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González,” I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández”, and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. She has been teaching Reading Comprehension at UBA since 2006. She is also a member of the research group “Grammar and Translation” at Universidad de Belgrano. José Durán holds a degree in English Language Teaching (I.S.P. “Joaquín V. González,”) and an MA in English Language (Universidad de Belgrano). He is currently teaching English Grammar I and II at Universidad de Belgrano, I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández”, and E.N.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Sofía B. de Spangenberg”. He has published a refereed chapter and several research articles. He has presented a number of papers at international conferences on Linguistics both in Argentine universities and abroad (Denmark, Australia, China, Canada, Portugal, Germany).


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


A curricular exorcism of glocal guidelines Moderator: Pablo Toledo Speakers: Silvana Richardson, Cristina BanďŹ , Florencia Perduca & Leonor Corradi After the day's sessions, the speakers will gather for a panel discussion to wrap up ideas and stir thought-provoking debate. Is there a divide between our teacher training and the professional and educational ďŹ eld we live in? How about the rift between theories, policy and reality? And speaking of parallel universes, a look at the current debates in the ELT profession across the world shows very little overlap with our (scarce) local agenda... is Argentina a singularity in language teaching, do we have our own set of priorities or have we simply lost touch? Are we as hot and cool as we think? Is research for ELT practitioners an expensive hobby for the leisurely few, a true priority for our institutions or a feather for some colleagues' caps? This and much more, until the police breaks up the party. Pablo Toledo is currently Education and Society Manager for British Council Argentina. He has worked as an English and English literature teacher and teacher trainer at several institutions, and has presented at conferences and workshops across the country. He is also an award-winning novelist and has worked as a journalist and educational publisher at the Buenos Aires Herald."


APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local


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Cómo asociarse 1. Visitá www.apiba.org.ar y completá el formulario. 2. Enviá una copia de tu título de profesor/a de inglés y una foto a info@apiba.org.ar. 3. Aboná $650 luego de recibir nuestra confirmación.

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APIBA ANNUAL SEMINAR 2016 Owning the global, generating the local




Owning the global, generating the local: ELT Professionals as innovation developers

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/apiba | info@apiba.org.ar

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