APIS Update Winter 2015-2016

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Winter 2015/2016


Address: 57 Wolgye-ro 45ga-gil, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01874, Korea Website: www.apis.org

In this issue First Semester Highlights Student Achievements Faculty Forum Alumni Spotlight PTO News




Dr.Kim’s Desk Euysung Kim, Ph.D. Founding Director

Understanding Optimism as an Essential Element of a Growth Mindset

“Optimism is not about being happy all the time; it’s about looking at a difficult situation realistically and figuring out which parts you own and which parts you can do something about.” - Amy Lyon, 5th Grade Teacher Sutton Central School I would like to share with you an important article by Sarah McKibben, which appeared in the November 2015 issue of Education Update. McKibben writes about the value of optimism in academic success. The unfortunate truth is that many of our children do not start out possessing this important trait. According to the article, optimism can be taught; and it must be taught, if we want our children to have a growth mindset and succeed. The article also offers clues as to what teachers and parents can to do to foster optimism in our children. Here is a brief summary of the article.

When Is Optimism a Powerful Ingredient for Success? We often understand optimism to mean being happy all the time. According to Martin Seligman, author of “The Optimistic Child” and director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, optimism is not about positive slogans or constantly focusing on the good, but rather analyzing what’s causing good and bad outcomes. Marcus Conyers and Donna Wilson, authors of “Positively Smarter: Science and Strategies for Increasing Happiness, Achievement, and Well-Being,” corroborate Seligman’s view by asserting that optimists are positive thinkers who “are aware of the realities [the practical part] of learning – for example, that learning can be hard work – and they’re aware of the reality that life can be difficult.” At the same time, optimists intentionally focus their minds and energy on the positives, namely circumstances something can be done about. As a result, optimistic students “have hope when they come to school that they’re going to be able to succeed and to begin a learning task and complete it,” writes Wilson. Unfortunately, surveys show that many students struggle with taking an optimistic approach to goal setting and problem solving. According to the 2014 Gallup Student Poll, only half of students in grades 5-12 were hopeful about succeeding in school and life, and only one in three strongly agreed with the statement, “I can find lots of ways around any problem.” Hence, teachers and parents must therefore be intentional about teaching optimism. The good news is that it can be done. There are curriculums and programs (e.g., The Penn Resiliency Program is one of the widely studied programs that aims to teach optimism) that have proven effective in teaching optimism. In her article, McKibben points to a number of essential approaches in nurturing optimism in our students.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From Dr.Kim’s Desk Using Language to Catch Our Thoughts It is important to firmly set in our children the metacognitive awareness of being an optimist. We can do this first by focusing on the language our students use and detecting the difference between optimistic and pessimistic language. According to Seligman, pessimistic kids tend to misplace blame by not owning up to mistakes or taking responsibility for their actions. They also tend to view negative events as permanent and pervasive. For example, “My mom is the crabbiest mom in the entire world” is a more permanent view than “My mom is in a crabby mood.” Or. “Teachers are unfair” is a more pervasive view than “Ms. Carmine is treating me unfairly today.” Amy Lyon, fifth grade teacher at Sutton Central School in New Hampshire, creates monthly lessons that directly teach students how to “catch their thoughts,” slow down their thinking, and avoid saying “never” and “always.” When Lyon catches herself using pessimistic language in class, she says “Whoa, did you just hear me say that? Who can help me phrase that in a more optimistic way?” Lyon also points out that the study of literature and its characters can often provide a safe opportunity to analyze and discuss optimistic language use, because “you are not pointing the finger at somebody in class saying, ‘listen, you were just very pessimistic.’”

School as a Safe Environment to Experience Failure and to Practice Overcoming Difficulties As with any skill, one needs repeated opportunities to practice optimistic thinking until one gets proficient at it. A school must support an environment where children can safely hone their skill of being optimistsic. According to Wilson, there are four building blocks of optimism in all classrooms:



1. Foster a sense of belonging. Send a clear message that the classroom is a space that supports different speeds of learning to promote an optimistic outlook among students. 2. Praise students for their efforts. Praise students from a growth mindset perspective tha celebrates effort, which is within their control, as much as achievement. 3. Give students choice. Whenever possible, give students choice in setting their learning goals and/or ways to demonstrate their learning. When students own their learning, they are motivated. 4. Share success stories. Have students learn about others who overcame adversity and give them the stage to share their own successes. Celebrate the success together – character grows in our relationship with others, not in isolation! In this learning environment, teachers play important tasks both as role models and as learning coaches. Teachers must share and demonstrate an excitement and love for learning. Chad Donohue, a seventh grade teacher at Park Place Middle School in Monroe, Washington, explains, “If I am really excited and totally optimistic when it comes to students’ potential, the subject matter, and how it applies to life, then students tend to imitate that excitement. Even the kid who has extreme anxiety can take a nugget from that and see that there’s hope for the future.” As learning coaches, teachers can also develop optimism by giving students feedback on less-than-satisfactory work that shows a way forward, and explicitly teaching the importance of mistakes and failure. Mr. Donohue tells his students, if “you aren’t stumbling, you aren’t really learning,” and “I’m not stuck in this place if I don’t want to be.” He models making a mistake and joyfully working through it, and uses humor to help students escape their fears of failure. W W W. A P I S . O R G




From Dr.Kim’s Desk Parent Support at Home is Critical To reinforce efforts made in school, parents must also partner with schools to model optimism and coach our children to solve problems. We can start by not using pessimistic languages (avoiding negative labels and judgments that are permanent and pervasive in nature) when we see poor (or even good) performance in our children. Instead, we must focus on the cause behind these outcomes, good or bad. Remember, growth mindset focuses their feedback on efforts, not outcome! Reference: McKibben, S. (2015, November). Seeing Beyond the Glass Half-Full, Education Update, Vol. 57, #11, p. 1, 4-5

Growth Mindset 에서 긍정적 인 생각의 중요성

최근 Education Update 11월호에 게재된 Sarah McKibben 글을 소개하고자 합니다. McKibben은 학생들이 공부를 잘하기 위해서 는 긍정적인 태도가 매우 중요하다고 합니다. 기사는 긍정적인 마 음가짐은 길러질 수 있으며 학부모와 교사가 어떻게 이러한 자세를 길러줄 수 있는지 해답을 제시하고 있습니다.

성공에 있어서 긍정성의 중요성 우리가 흔히 알고 있는 “긍정적”이라는 표현은 언제나 행복해 보인 다는 의미로 쓰입니다. 하지만 UPenn 대학 Positive Psychology Center 소장이자 The Optimistic Child의 저자 Martin Seligman 교수는 다르게 정의하고 있습니다. 좋은 말이 담긴 슬로건이나 장점만 부각시키는 것보다 어떻게 좋은 혹은 나쁜 결과 에 도달하였는지 분석하는 것이 긍정적인 사람의 자세라고 합니다. Positively Smarter: Science and Strategies for Increasing Happiness, Achievement, and Well-being의 공동저자 Marcus Conyers와 Donna Wilson도 Seligman 교수의 주장을 뒷받침하면서 긍정적인 사람들은 현실적이어서 배움에 어려움이 따른다는 것과 인생에 즐거움뿐만 아니 라 시련도 공존한다는 사실을 잘 알고 있다고 합니다. 또한, 긍정적인 사람들은 일부러라도 긍정적인 면모를(예를 들어 무엇을 바꿀 수 있는지 등) 보려고 노력하기 때문에 성공에 한 발짝 더 가까이 서있습니다. 이러한 이유 때문에 Conyers 와 Wilson은 긍정적인 학생들이 “학교에서 새로운 내용을 배우더라도 잘할 수 있을 거라고 확신한다”라고 합니다. 긍정의 힘이 학교생활에 큰 도움이 되는 데에 반해, 안타깝게도 2014 Gallup 설문조사에서는 많은 학생들이 당면한 문 제를 긍정적으로 접근하지 못하는 것으로 나타나고 있습니다. 설문조사 결과에 따르면 5 – 12 학년 학생 중 절반만 학교 생활이나 인생에서 성공할 수 있을 것 같다고 답변했습니다. “문제가 있으면 해결 방법을 잘 찾을 수 있다”라는 문항에는 세명 중 한 명만이 “매우 그렇다”라고 답하였습니다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때도 교사나 학부모님들은 학생들이 긍정적인 자 세를 가질 수 있도록 도와주어야 합니다.

언어로 부정적인 생각 걸러내기 긍정적인 환경을 조성하기 위해서는 학생들의 언어생활을 유심히 관찰하면서 부정적인 표현을 사용하는지 긍정적인 표 현을 사용하는지 살펴보는 것이 중요합니다. 매사에 부정적인 학생들은 자신들의 행동에 책임을 지지 않고 안 좋은 일이


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From Dr.Kim’s Desk 나 현상을 영구적이고 만연한 것으로 받아들이는 경향이 있다고 Seligman 교수는 말 합니다. 가령, “우리 엄마는 세상에서 가장 괴팍해”라고 말하는 아이들은 “우리 엄마는 지금 신경질이 많이 나셨어”라고 말하는 아이들 보다 현상을 더 영 구적으로 바라본다고 볼 수 있습니다. Sutton Central School 5학년 교사 Amy Lyon은 학교에서 부정적인 생각을 걸 러내는 방법을 소개하며 “절대 또는 항상”이라는 표현을 사용하지 않도록 지도한다고 합니다. Lyon 선생님이 교실에서 부정적인 표현을 사용하는 자신을 발견할 때는 잠시 멈춰서 “어머, 방금 그거 들었어 요? 지금 제가 말한 것을 긍정적인 표현으로 바꿔줄 수 있는 학생 있나요?”라고 학생들에게 물어보면서 문제를 인지하고 함께 개선해나가는 연습을 한다고 합니다.

학교 울타리: 실패와 어려움을 극복할 수 있는 연습장 특정 기술을 익히려면 많은 연습시간이 필요합니다. 마찬가지로 긍정적인 마인드도 하나의 중요한 스킬이며 학교는 학생 들이 긍정적인 마음가짐을 기를 수 있는 곳이어야 합니다. 긍정적인 생각을 심어주는 데에 중요한 4가지 지침을 Wilson 은 다음과 같이 말합니다. 1. 소속감을 느끼게 해주세요. 학교는 학생들이 각자 다른 페이스로 배우는 곳이라는 것을 알려주고 학생들이 긍정적으로 생각할 수 있게 지도해주세요. 2. 학생들의 노력에 칭찬을 해주세요. 성취만큼 중요한 것은 노력이며, 그것은 학생들이 스스로 조절할 수 있는 부분입니다. 3. 학생들에게 선택권을 주세요. 언제든 가능할 때마다 학생에게 학습 목표를 직접 정할 수 있게 해주세요. 학생들이 주도권을 가지면 배움을 저절로 따라오게 되어 있습니다. 4. 성공 이야기를 들려주세요. 역경을 딛고 성공한 사람들에 대해 배우고 학생 자신들이 어떤 일을



성공해냈을 때 이야기를 들어주고 축하해주세요. 좋은 인성은 고립 상태에서 길러지지 않고 다른 사람과의 관계에서 길러집니다. 이러한 배움의 환경에서 교사들은 롤모델로서 그리고 코치로서도 중요한 역할을 합니다. 교사들이 몸소 배우는 것을 즐 거워하는 모습을 보여주어야 하는 이유는 학생들이 선생님을 따라 하기 때문입니다. 코치처럼 학생들에게 피드백을 주 면서 실수와 실패의 중요성에 대해 알려주는 것 또한 중요합니다.

가정에서 학부모 역할의 중요성 학교에서의 교육 효과가 증진되려면 가정에서도 부모님들이 본보기가 되어야 하고 아이들이 문제 해결 능력을 가질 수 있도록 도와주어야 합니다. 자녀가 공부를 잘 못했을지라도 비판하거나 부정적인 언어 사용을 자제하는 것은 중요합니 다. 좋은 결과든 나쁜 결과든, 원인에 집중해야 한다는 사실을 기억해야 합니다. Growth Mindset은 성과에 대한 것이 아닌, 학생이 얼마큼 노력했느냐에 대한 피드백을 주는 것이라는 사실 역시 기억해주시기 바랍니다.

W W W. A P I S . O R G


오아후에 APIS 하와이 캠퍼스를 구축하기 위 해 2014년 7월 착공에 들어갔습니다.

ing Program에 무려 75명의 초등부 학생들이 참여했습니다. 학생들은 각자 방학기간 동안 1,000분 이상의 독서시간을 이수하였습니다.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

Teachers and staff arrived at the new campus Aug. 18, ready for a month of professional development, teambuilding, and preparation for the campus’ first students. 교사진과 교직원은 8월 18일 하와이 캠퍼 스에 도착하여 새 학사년도와 신입생을 맞 이할 준비에 들어갔습니다.


Faculty and staff prepared for the school year with retreat activities from Aug. 5 - 7 and then a week of inservice work from Aug. 10 - 14. Retreat activities included a trip to Nami Island and whitewater rafting. Fostering communication was the focus of the faculty’s week of inservice.

APIS opened its doors to students Aug. 17, ready for a fantastic year of growth and learning.

전체 교사진 및 교직원들은 8월 5일부터 신학기를 위한 준비에

8월 17일 APIS는 설레는 마음으로 2015-

돌입하였습니다. 교사진은 함께 워크숍에서 열띤 토론도 벌이

2016 학사년도의 시작을 활짝 열었습니다. 학생들은 올

고 래프팅 등 다양한 팀빌딩 활동에 참여하였습니다. 올해 워

한해 배우고 성장할 것에 대한 부푼 기대감을 가지고 등

크숍에서 다루었던 중요한 주제는 APIS 구성원 간의 활발한 소


통 도모였습니다.



a! oh Al

School Begins


여름 방학 동안 진행된 APIS Summer Read-

Faculty Retreat


Students, parents, and staff who participated in the annual APIS Summer Reading Program celebrated their accomplishment as the program ended with the start of school. Participants, which included approximately 75 students, were asked to aim for at least 1,000 minutes of reading over the summer.

Faculty and Staff Arrive

Expanding the opportunities already available at the Seoul campus, in July 2014, APIS broke ground on the school’s second campus, located on Oahu in beautiful Hawaii.

Summer Reading Program Ends

Events In Brief

Breaking Ground


F I R S T s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

APIS faculty, staff, and parents met Aug. 28 at the school for the Assessment and Learning Expo. Participants prayed for the upcoming school year, met new teachers, and learned more about the school’s focus on assessments.

A wide selection of fall extracurricular activities started up on Sept. 2, when students could choose to participate in the recording studio arts group, community service club, chamber orchestra, or a group making stop-motion video clips, among many other options.

간을 가진 후 선생님들을 찾아뵙고 각 수업의 학습 목표 및 평가 방식에 대해서 자세히 배울 수 있었습니다.

8월 29일 처음으로 APIS High School Music Retreat를 개최하였습니다. 아침부터 고등부 밴 드, 오케스트라, 코러스 학생 및 음악 선생님들 이 학교에서 모여 함께 앙상블 연주를 하고 팀 워크를 다질 수 있는 다양한 활동을 하였습니다.

습니다. 학생들은 음반 녹음 작업에 대해 배울 수 있는 리코딩 수업, 봉사활동, 챔버 오케스트라, 스톱 모션 애니메이션 등 다 양한 프로그램 가운데 원하는 활동을 선택할 수 있었습니다.



On Aug. 29, secondary music students and their band, orchestra, and chorus teachers convened at the school for the inaugural APIS High School Music Retreat. The event featured ensemble rehearsals and team-building exercises and was designed to foster teamwork within and between the musical disciplines.

9월 2일부터 가을 시즌 extracurricular activities가 시작되었


Mural Painting Fun

High School Music Retreat


College Counseling Expert Gives Talks

Assessment and Learning Expo

를 개최하였습니다. 이날 학부모님들은 채플에서 기도 시

Fall Extracurricular Activities Begin

APIS에서는 8월 28일 학부모님들을 모시고 Assessment and Learning Expo (구 Back to School Night)


F I R S T s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

국 명문 사립학교에서 college counselor

Two weeks before the official start of school, APIS Hawaii students traveled to the Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House Sept. 6 to paint murals. APIS students created a mural about fire alarm safety. Students from more than a dozen other schools also participated and created their own murals.

로 활동하는 대학 입시 전문가 Martin

공식적인 개학일 2주 전에 하와이 캠퍼스

Walsh는 9월 2일 - 8일까지 학부모 및 학

신입생들은 Honolulu Museum of Art

생과 개별 면담을 갖고, 어떻게 대학 입학

Spalding House에서 벽화 페인팅 활동에

준비를 잘 할 수 있는지에 대한 워크숍도

참여하였습니다. 12개 이상의 다른 학교에


서 참여하였으며, APIS는 화재예방을 주제

Martin Walsh, a U.S.based college counselor, spent Sept. 2 - 8 at APIS, meeting with parents and students and lecturing on the college admissions process. 스탠포드 전직 입학사정관이자 현재 미

로 벽화를 만들었습니다. W W W. A P I S . O R G


9월 9일 - 11일까지 한국여성수련원에서

하와이 캠퍼스의 첫 번째 학기는 9월 21

High School Retreat이 있었습니다. 학생들은

일 시작하였습니다. 학생들은 Learning

물 놀이, 낚시 체험 및 동굴 탐험도 하였습니다.

Commons 에서 주요 과목과 다양한 선

친구와 선생님들과 한층 더 가까워지고 하나님

택과목을 공부하였습니다.

Class Begins

에 대해 생각할 수 있는 시간이었습니다.


Peace Day Celebration


On Peace Day, Sept. 21, students in grades 3, 4, and 5 performed a Peace Day drama, teaching about conflict and peace through a series of skits. The young peacemakers then led activities for younger students, playing games, reading books on peace, and creating peace-related crafts. 유엔에서 정한 평화의 날(9월 21일)에 우리 APIS 초등부 학생들도 함께 평화에 대해 생각할 수 있는 시간과 다양한 행사를 마련하였 습니다. 3~5학년 학생들이 주축이 되어 Peace Day 관련 여러 개 의 콩트를 준비하였고 이를 통해 갈등을 평화롭게 해결하는 방법

I love autumn


W W W. A P I S . O R G

을 보여주었습니다. 또한, 저학년을 대상으로 평화 관련 게임, 책 읽기, 공예 등을 하였습니다.

As part of the middle school retreat activities, students participated in orienteering and tried a high ropes course at Mirinae Camp on Sept. 21. These and other retreat activities focused on team building and personal character development.

Middle School Retreat

Classes began Sept. 21 for the Hawaii campus’ first semester, with students and teachers meeting in the campus’ learning commons areas to study core courses as well as a variety of electives.

중학교 학생들은 9월 한 달 동안 다양한 팀빌 딩 활동을 통해 친목을 도모하였으며, 특히 9 월 21일에는 미리내캠프 1일 프로그램에 참 여하여 orienteering 및 high ropes 코스에 도전하였습니다.


Linden Fair & Other College Visits

High school students traveled to the east coast for a retreat Sept. 9 - 11 at the Korea Women’s Center. There was time on the beach, fishing, and a cave hike. Students enjoyed the chance to focus on relationships with classmates and teachers and also their relationship with God.

High School Retreat


first s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

Along with the stream of college representatives who visit APIS and meet with students all year long, APIS hosted the Linden Fair again this year on Oct. 5, to give high school students the opportunity to visit with admissions officers from 21 different schools all at once. 작년에 이어 올해에도 APIS에서 Linden College Fair를 개최하였습니다. 10월 5일 미국 21개의 대학에서 입학사정관이 방문 하여 학생들에게 대학 입시 정보를 제공하 였습니다.

This year’s carnival on Oct. 9 featured games, snacks, and contests of skill and luck. More than 30 parents came out to help at game booths or just to enjoy the beautiful weather and see the students having fun. The event raised funds for an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) organization.

Representatives from approximately 35 school clubs offered this year at APIS set up tables and had the chance to encourage other students to join when the school held its school club fair on Oct. 19. Club options covered a variety of interests, including cooking, robotics, film, economics, and service activities.

기다리고 기다리던 학교 Carnival은 10월 9일 학교 운동장에서 열렸습니다. 학생들은 파이 던지기와 같은 게임에 참여하고 스

10월 19일 CLC에서 35개의 APIS 학생 동아리가 신규 멤

낵도 먹는 등 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 올해에는 특히 30여 명

버 모집에 나섰습니다. 요리, 로보틱스, 영화, 경제, 봉사활

의 학부모이 오셔서 각 부스 게임 진행 또는 행사지원에 도움을

동을 비롯하여 다양한 관심분야의 동아리가 많았습니다.

주셨습니다. 이날 게임을 통해 얻은 수익은 ALS(루게릭병) 협회

Student Clubs

School Carnival

에 기부되었습니다.

Students Skyped Oct. 16 with author Ellen Klages, who wrote “The Green Glass Sea,” a novel of historical fiction based in Los Alamos, New Mexico, during development of the nuclear bomb. The students learned about Ms. Klages’ research methods and writing tips. 학생들은 10월 16일 “The Green Glass Sea” 의 저자 Ellen Klages 작가와 화상으로 만날 수 있는 기회가 있었습니다. 학생들은 Klages 작 가의 연구 조사 방법과 글쓰기 팁에 대해 배웠 습니다.


Invited by the APIS North Korean Human Rights Club, a North Korean refugee visited APIS on Oct. 16 to speak to secondary students about his experiences living in and fleeing from North Korea. The event was designed to raise awareness of the realities in North Korea and rights that are being violated. APIS 학생 동아리(APIS North Korean Human Rights Club)에서는 북한인권학생연대과 함께 10월 16일 탈북자 초청 강연 행사를 개최 했습니다. 탈북 초청강사는 중고등학생들에게 북한에서의 생활과 탈북의 과정을 상세히 설명 하며 북한 인권의 실상을 알렸습니다.


Read Across APIS


Club Sponsors North Korean Speaker

Skype with Author



first s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

“Mystery” was the theme for Read Across APIS week, held Oct. 26-30. The celebration included a scavenger hunt, mystery readers, a Skype talk with U.S. children’s book author Audrey Vernick, a special chapel reading in multiple languages, and a book character parade. 올해 초등부 Read Across APIS 주간의 주제 는 미스터리였습니다. 10월 26 - 30일까지 scavenger hunt, 책 읽어주는 미스터리 손 님의 방문, 미국 아동작가 Audrey Vernick 와의 화상 인터뷰, 외국어로 성경을 읽는 특 별 채플 등 다양한 행사가 있었습니다. Read Across의 대미는 책 캐릭터 퍼레이드로 장 식하였습니다.

W W W. A P I S . O R G


5학년 학생들은 10월 26일 과학 수업에

10월 28일 중학생들은 Pearl Harbor에 소재한

서 다리(bridge) 제작 프로젝트를 발표하

Pacific Aviation Museum에 견학을 다녀왔습니

는 시간을 가졌습니다. 프로젝트를 준비

다. 은퇴한 파일럿의 안내를 받으며 2차 세계대전

winter is here!


특별 강연 등으로 구성되었습니다. 학생들은 하와이 문화를 탐방하고 혁신 기술이 사회에 미친 영향에 대 해 탐구하였습니다.

11/9 11/12

From Nov. 9 - 23, students celebrated Spirit Week. Each day they dressed differently — in a specific color, in sports clothes, in college gear, in clothes that matched their friend or friends, and then in pajamas.

가을날 소강당에서는 중등부 학생들의 음악 연주가 울려

에 맞게 옷을 입고 등교하며 적극적으로 참여하였습니다.

악, 군대에서 힘차게 행진하는 음악, 그리고 히브리어로 노 래하는 학생 공연을 감상할 수 있었습니다.

W W W. A P I S . O R G

에 참여하였습니다. PBL은 다양한 견학 및 체험 활동,

At the APIS middle school fall concert on Oct. 27, middle school students performed to a packed audience, showcasing their work in band, orchestra, and music fundamentals classes. The audience heard the students hunt a wild beast, march in the military, and even sing in Hebrew. 퍼졌습니다. 10월 27일 관객은 야생 동물을 사냥하는 음


하와이 캠퍼스에서 시행했던 첫 번째 PBL Academy

Sprit Week


Middle School Fall Concert


22명의 서울 캠퍼스 학생들은 11월 12 - 25일까지

과 진주만 공습에 대해 자세히 배웠습니다.

PBL Hawaii

Pacific Aviation Museum

하면서 학생들은 디자인과 실생활에서의 응용에 대해 배웠습니다.

Twenty-two middle school students traveled from Seoul to Hawaii from Nov. 12 - 25 for the campus’ first Project Based Learning Academy. The program featured field trips, nature excursions, and special lecturers. It was designed to be an immersive, hands-on exploration of another culture and a chance to reflect on issues related to culture and the impact of technological innovations.

On Oct. 28, middle school students visited the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor, where they were treated to a personal tour of by a retired pilot. The students learned about World War II historical events leading up to Pearl Harbor, as well as the role aviation played in warfare.

Fifth graders presented models Oct. 26 they created during a bridge-building project in their science class. During the project, the class was studying design and its application in the real world.

Bridge-building Project


F I R S T s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

11월 9 - 23일까지 전교생 Spirit Week이 있었습니다. 매일 학생들은 각 테마(컬러, 스포츠, 대학, 쌍둥이, 잠옷)

From Nov. 13 - 24, middle school students participated in an innovation expo, where students worked in multi-age groups to showcase an innovation that could potentially help address a global issue. At the end of the project, students presented multilingual, multimedia displays to peers, parents, staff members, and other students at school.

Finals week was held from Dec. 14, inspiring students to review skills they’d learned and carefully study information covered during the first semester. The inaugural semester for the APIS Hawaii campus ended on Dec. 18.

미국 하와이에서 중학생 PBL 캠프가 열리는 동안

PBL Seoul

Finals & Semester Ends


Dean Belanger의 “Jingle Bell Mystery”라 는 작품을 선보였습니다. 이 행사를 끝으로 학생들은 겨울 방학에 들어갔습니다.

운 내용을 꼼꼼하게 정리하며 조용히 시 험 준비에 들어갔습니다. 하와이 캠퍼스

Christmas Drama

에서의 첫 번째 학기는 12월 18일 마쳤 습니다.



Christmas Concerts

Basketball Court Completed

School Innovation Expo 때 발표하였습니다.

채플에서는 고등부 드라마 수업 학생들이

지 진행되었습니다. 학생들은 그동안 배

11/13 11/15

학생들은 혁신 기술에 대해 조사한 내용을 Middle

전 학년이 참석한 12월 18일 크리스마스

1학기 기말고사가 12월 14 - 18일까

서울 캠퍼스에서도 11월 13 - 24일까지 “세상을 변화시킨 혁신”을 주제로 PBL 주간이 있었습니다.

The audience was asked to consider the nature of Christmas spirit when the high school drama students presented “Jingle Bell Mystery,” a play by Dean Belanger, during an all-school chapel held the afternoon of Dec. 18.


F I R S T s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

The outdoor campus basketball court was completed Nov. 15. The court features four nets and an impossible-tobeat ocean view. The court serves as just one part of an extensive outdoor athletic complex planned for the Hawaii campus. 개의 네트와 오션뷰를 자랑합니다. 농구 코트를 시작

The annual secondary Christmas concert was presented the evening of Dec. 16, featuring APIS music students performing festive songs of the season. The elementary concert was presented Dec. 17 during the school day and included the Korean music presentation.

으로 하와이 캠퍼스에서 다양한 아웃도어 체육 시설이

12월 16일에는 중고등부의 크리스마스 콘서트가 열

지어질 예정입니다.

려 성탄절을 기뻐하고 축하하는 노래와 음악소리

하와이 캠퍼스 농구 코트가 완성되었습니다. 코트는 4

가 대강당을 가득 메웠습니다. 초등부 콘서트는 다음날 열렸으며 오랫동안 준비해온 한국어 과의 특별 순서도 있었습니다.

W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Deputy Head of Academics Scott Paulin Deputy Head of Academics

When I was a kid, my teachers had a pretty good idea what knowledge and skills I needed to master in order to prepare for my future. The world was changing and new innovations were being developed, but the pace of change was somewhat predictable and steady. The average person assumed innovations would make tasks easier or more efficient, but life would continue much as it had in the past. My fellow students and I learned our arithmetic and worked on improving our reading and writing skills. We dutifully learned about photosynthesis and memorized important events in history. The majority of us moved along through school with the goal of someday selecting a job from a list of well-known career options. Today, the pace of change has accelerated to a point where innovation is significantly altering the world around us on a regular basis. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 65 percent of school children today will eventually be employed in jobs that have yet to be created. Unlike my teachers, the teachers of today have the job of preparing students for a rapidly changing, and uncertain, future, one where the list of career choices is yet to be written. Tony Wagner of Harvard University interviewed hundreds of CEOs in business, nonprofits, and educational institutions to find out what they identified as the most important survival skills required for the 21st century. From their answers, Wagner compiled a list of seven skills that people will need to survive and thrive in the 21st century:

Skill #1: Critical thinking and problem solving Skill #2: Collaboration across networks and leading by influence preparation Skill #3: Agility and adaptability preparation Skill #4: Initiative and entrepreneurship preparation Skill #5: Effective oral and written communication preparation Skill #6: Accessing and analyzing information preparation Skill #7: Curiosity and imagination preparation

The point is, schools today must focus not just on whether students have learned material, but where the curriculum will take students later. There is no one magic solution that will prepare students today for tomorrow’s workforce, but giving students a well-rounded education that emphasizes creative and critical-thinking skills, along with the ability to work well with others and adapt to new circumstances, will provide our students the foundational skills to succeed. It’s not really enough to know things these days; you have to be able to do things with what you know. This is the challenge for schools today, and this is the challenge we are striving to meet at APIS.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

Principal Bruce Knox Principal

“ Cycling, Maps, and Learning “ When I step out of my apartment to explore Seoul on my bicycle, I usually have one other thing in my hands — my iPhone with Google Maps. Over the past 18 months, I have been slowly riding my bicycle to all different parts of this wondrous city, so a map is essential. Usually, the night before, I will sit and study the map, looking for areas I have yet to explore, plotting the route to get from Wolgye-dong to wherever it is I’m going. I look for landmarks, bike paths to follow, major junctions, anything that will help me get from start to finish ... and then I jump on my bike, get the legs spinning, and ride off. I ride as far as I can remember without consulting the map. I try to get as close as I can to my destination by remembering the roads to take, the turns to make, and the bridges to cross. And I usually get lost. At that point I open up Google Maps, find out where I am, locate where I need to be, make a new plan to get there, and ride on. It’s a fantastic way to explore Seoul! As we find ourselves at the end of semester 1, it occurs to me that there are some clear similarities. At the start of the year, students chose courses, set goals, and began their learning journey. They studied, took quizzes, worked on projects, completed homework, participated in discussions — all in an effort to get to that semester 1 destination of giving the best demonstration they could of their learning. And, like me on my bicycle, at the halfway point, some students were lost, some almost there, and some arrived right on schedule. When I’m on my bike, I pull out my map and set a new course. For students, the culmination of semester 1 is an important opportunity to do the same, to take out the map and plot a new course, adjust their approaches to achieve the best learning possible for semester 2.



Maybe it will involve setting a homework schedule, developing a homework routine, spending some afternoons in the Learning Lounge, consistently approaching teachers to ask one follow-up question after every lesson, or simply just leaving the cell phone in the locker instead of letting it be a distraction in class. Whatever it is, the end of the semester is a very important moment for all students to stop, consider, and then adjust their approaches in order to improve through semester 2. Last winter, my iPhone froze and died while I was out riding. It took me two hours longer than it should have to find my way home. Don’t let yourself get halfway through semester 2 before realizing you are going the wrong way. Take a moment to consider what you need to change in order to be successful at the end of the year, and make those changes now! We all want to reach our destination.

W W W. A P I S . O R G



first s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

‘A Chance to Go Deeper’

During the PBL Hawaii camp, students learn how to put on their safety gear before tackling the ropes/climbing course.


n mid-November, 22 middle school students from the APIS Seoul campus traveled to Hawaii for a unique learning adventure. The students were participants in a two-week inaugural Project Based Learning program held at the newly opened APIS Hawaii campus on Oahu. The students arrived with sandals, swimsuits, and beach towels, ready to enjoy everything that the tropical island has to offer. And there were plenty of opportunities while they were there to visit the island’s white beaches and ride in the waves on boogie boards or snorkel in the shallows, in search of colorful marine life. But, this was not a vacation. This was an opportunity to learn in a different place, in a different culture, in a different way from conventional classroom teaching. Project Based Learning (PBL) is a learning-bydoing approach. Ideally, it is student-led, with students’ questions and ideas directing a project. A project deals with real-world problems, and students are tasked to come up with a solution or final product. PBL provides an opportunity for students to apply and integrate skills from a variety of disciplines — math, science, social studies, language arts, music, art, and more. “This is a real-life learning project to help kids develop a deeper understanding of the standards that [are] already in the curriculum,” said Pat Hallinan, instructional coordinator for both APIS campuses. During their time in Hawaii, the sixth-grade participants looked at questions about culture. They studied how where you live affects how you live and what it means to be Hawaiian. “We can understand other cultures in a deep, meaningful way by thinking like sociologists,” one of the teachers told the students. For their project, the seventh-grade students considered how innovations in communication and transportation move a culture (specifically, Hawaiian culture) from isolation toward globalization. Once the project’s focus issues were established, teachers at the Hawaii campus provided multiple ways for the students to immerse themselves in their subject and in Hawaiian life and culture. Excursions were provided to places like museums, historic sites, and natural and agricultural areas. Experts in different subjects were brought in to meet with the students. In addition, there was classroom time for the students to reflect on and discuss the places they’d visited and the new information they’d gathered. “For the first-ever Project Based Learning Academy at APIS Hawaii, students had the opportunity to experience an incredible diversity of Hawaiian learning activities,” said Scott Paulin, deputy head of academics. “We packed so much into these two weeks. The overall comments I heard from students were that they had more fun than they expected and learned more as well. What a great goal for education, fun and learning all wrapped up into one big project that will provide students memories that will last a lifetime.”


W W W. A P I S . O R G

PBL Hawaii Camp


first s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

W W W. A P I S . O R G



first s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts


PBL Hawaii Camp

W W W. A P I S . O R G

PBL Hawaii Camp The students showed some of what they learned on the final full day of of the program when they presented their projects. The seventh graders created a website (http://sunwookim.wix.com/masterwebsite) to express what they learned and the connections they made. “It was an intensive academic experience,” said Chris Stapleton, team leader for the seventh graders, during the students’ final presentation. The sixth graders unveiled a large mural featuring symbols of Hawaiian culture that the students had designed and painted. They also hosted a kind of publishing party, where they each presented an individual project like a photo essay, a brochure, creative narrative, a website, or something similar that reflected what they’d learned. However, the project presentations reflected only a portion of what was gained by participating in the program. While in Hawaii, the students also learned to do their own laundry, deal with mosquito bites, try different kinds of food, sleep in a bunk bed, survive away from home and parents, play group games like nine square and four on the couch, and get their hands dirty in a variety of ways. They saw new places, different people. They broadened their perspective on what the rest of the world is like. “I think it was hugely beneficial for them to not only learn about another culture, but also to exist in another culture,” said Mr. Grissom at the end of the program. “I think it shows them a much broader scope of diversity around the world. … It was a chance to go deeper.” For more photos on the PBL camp, please see: apis.seoul.kr/pbl


first s e m e st e r h i g h l i g h ts

W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

School Chaplain Zachary Luginbill School Chaplain We’ve had a great first semester in the Christian Life Department at APIS. To start off 2015, we discussed some important themes during our chapel times together. In secondary, we began our year with a challenge that Jesus gave in Matthew 10:8, where he said “freely you have received; freely give.” Our lives are not meant to be lived for ourselves, but when we focus on how much we have been given, we will then be able to share with others as well. Our next topic for middle school and high school was about temptation. To help us understand how to avoid temptation we looked at a fishing pole. Even though the bait can look very tempting, behind every temptation there is always a hook.

Mr. Milligan spoke a few times this semester sharing ways to avoid becoming too stressed, and about how God gives us true freedom, using the example of the North Korean defector who spoke as well to our students. We also discussed the topic of prayer and that more than anything when we talk to God it is intended to help us get to know Him more instead of just ask for things we want. And in our most recent secondary chapel our topic was power and how our world desires more and more power, which is often used against people in unfair ways. Thankfully, Jesus showed us that the most powerful thing we can do is to use our power to give to others, and to choose peace instead of revenge when we feel hurt by others. Elementary has been doing a great job at leading songs each week during our chapel time. We started off this year talking about wisdom, taking a look at King Solomon who asked God for wisdom, which is what we can do as well! Next, our topic was initiative, where we learned about Nehemiah, who wasn’t able to live in Jerusalem because God’s people weren’t trusting God. When Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, he took initiative to get the job done. In October, our elementary chapel theme was individuality, which is discovering who God made you to be so you can make a difference. During Read Across APIS week, Mrs. Judy Park organized parents to come in and read 1 Timothy 4:12 in different languages. It was amazing to hear how God has allowed us to learn more about Him no matter what language we speak. And finally our most recent chapel theme has been serving. Mr. Don Weller has done a great job helping us learn about what it means to be “all hands on deck” by starting each week as Captain Weller and wearing a space helmet to show us everyone can serve, especially when you are in charge. As we finish out this semester, December is a great time to think about what Christmas really means. This year we will again be celebrating with our tradition of having an all-school chapel Christmas play performed by Ms. McRobert’s theater elective students on Friday, Dec. 18. It is so amazing to think that God Himself came to our world to show how much He loves us. May you all have a great finish to 2015 and a merry Christmas!


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

School Counselors Ward Milligan & Jodi Nielsen School Counselors “ APIS is committed to supporting the development of the whole child and the counseling department is pleased to be part of the support process.”

APIS Counseling Beliefs: The APIS comprehensive counseling program • Supports the APIS vision, mission, and Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs). • Addresses academic, career, personal/social, and global perspectives’ needs of all students.

The counselors at APIS believe that all students • Can be successful when provided support appropriate to their individual needs. • Need to feel safe, supported, and accepted. • Are capable of change and growth.

All APIS counselors • Are student focused. • Are part of a professional collaborative learning community that works together with students, parents, teachers, and administrators. • Are provided access to current resources and professional development. • Participate in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating the comprehensive school counseling program.



Mission and actions based on the counseling beliefs • Counselors and teachers work together to develop and implement a meaningful, needs-based guidance curriculum. • Counselors assist individual students with planning and monitoring steps to personal goal achievement. • Counselors are available to respond to critical student concerns and issues. • Counselors advocate for and with students in meeting student needs. • Counselors work with all stakeholders: faculty, students, and parents.

Guidance Program In elementary and middle school classrooms, teachers and counselors collaborate on lessons to develop age and developmentally appropriate student social skills and problem-solving skills. These lessons utilize a range of resources to cover needs identified by teachers and students. Students are a positive source of information for identifying and building social skills. For example, grade 4 students are tackling the topic of peace and are working to educate others and promote peace through creating a peace mural. Grade 5 has been examining the issue of social problem solving and is developing a peer mediation program for the elementary school. In high school, the development and expectations of students is complex, the pressures increase and the needs change. Counselors work with individual students to develop skills and implement strategies for student empowerment. The door to the counseling department is open to families seeking to partner with us in supporting their child(ren). W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Dean of Students Andrew Murphy Dean of Students

Year after year, students come to APIS in the fall full of energy and wonderment. They might ask, “Who is that new student? Who are my teachers? Will this year be better than the last year?” Right now, students are abuzz as special events approach that are just over the horizon: concerts, dances, holidays, and more snow. Now that students and teachers have settled into their new classes, I have had the privilege to observe authentic and meaningful learning experiences. I have also taken pleasure in seeing the truly great accomplishments our students continually achieve. This fall saw many great events at APIS, including our first KAIAC business competition, music concerts, a Project Based Learning exhibit, and more. What I particularly enjoyed was seeing our students not only excel, but excel with joy, wearing a smile and laughing and enjoying these precious moments and events in their lives. As the first semester drew to a conclusion, our students faced new stresses. Exams on December 17 and 18, final due dates for college applications, SAT exams, as well as some major concerts and drama performances. It is during these stressful times that I would like to remind our students to focus on the present moment and to find positive ways to relieve their stress. Please take the time to enjoy family and friends, and enjoy this special time of year as a student at Asia Pacific International School. With the holiday season upon us, it is easy to lose sight of the many wonderful things ahead of us in semester two. APIS is hosting a boys varsity basketball championship; the Global Citizen Program excursions will leave in late February; and other events, such as the culture fair, spring concerts, and more, await. I encourage teachers, students, and parents to continue their involvement with APIS events in semester two, to further build, develop, and support this great school community. APIS truly has a unique and wonderfully supportive community. There are a few reminders I would like families to take notice of to ensure that students are adhering to different policies and procedures throughout the school day. I not only remind students of the proper uniform, in particular wearing the proper winter uniform, including jacket, to school, but also monitor student grades and attendance to ensure that students are on task and reaching their maximum potential throughout the school day. Please keep the following policies in mind as winter and the end of the semester approach. • Students are expected to show up on time and be present for all classes. • Accumulating in excess of 9 period-absences in a class per semester, whether excused or unexcused, will result in a loss of credit for the course or courses involved. As always, I encourage students and parents to stop by my office as often as possible to share their thoughts and ideas on how we, as a school community, can positively contribute to the spirit and culture of APIS. I wish all students, teachers, staff, parents, and the greater APIS community a happy winter season.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

College Counseling Director Jim Bleecker Director of College Counseling

The arrival of cooler weather marks the time of year that is the most festive for the College Counseling Center. Nothing puts one into the holiday spirit more than the excitement and anticipation of what the new year will bring to our members of the class of 2016. Our seniors have been busy putting the finishing touches on their college applications, most of which are due in late December and early January. There comes a time when all of the college counselor’s and the classroom teachers’ recommendation letters are complete and the seniors are busy with completing their college essay revisions and re-revisions, finalizing application materials, and getting excited about finally hitting that “submit” button. By Dec. 1, those seniors who applied early should begin hearing about application decisions and all of us at APIS become anxious to hear the results. It is a fun, busy, and exciting time of the year! In my first year as director of college counseling, the class of 2016 continues to utilize our amazing College Counseling Center with its growing resource library as a dedicated space for Senior Seminar classes. With the addition of the conference room and office space, our students are fortunate to be able to make great use of these three rooms not only during classes, but also during study hall, lunch, and after school. APIS was honored to be selected as the host school for the second year in a row to a major college fair in October. We welcomed the Linden College Tour to our campus. Twenty-two American colleges and universities visited the APIS campus, setting up in the school gymnasium, to get to know our students. This event and the follow-up “reverse fair,” for all area international school college counselors, were wildly successful; we hope to welcome the tour back to APIS again next year. Even before the beginning of 2016, APIS will have hosted over 40 college admissions representatives from not only the United States, but also from Canada and the United Kingdom, giving our students wonderful opportunities to learn about various institutions of higher education, and the details of their individual application processes.



In January, along with our secondary school registrar, I will begin working with the class of 2017. The second semester will be spent discussing college admissions topics, such as finding the “best fit” college, creating a balanced college list, understanding the importance of holistic admissions, and writing a great college essay. It will be a joy to take this voyage along with the class of 2017, as they begin their journey into adulthood. All of the faculty and staff at APIS hope that they will move through this process with maturity, happiness, and a sense of self-satisfaction.

W W W. A P I S . O R G



stud e nt stud ac h e nt i e vS e m e nts

Student Achievements Korea UNESCO (KNFUCA) announced that Juney Go (Grade 2) won third prize among 1,000 participants from Korea while participating in a children’s picture diary contest supported by Mitsubishi in Japan and hosted by AFUCA. The award ceremony will be held Jan. 20, 2016, at the UNESCO house in Myeongdong.

Cullen Webster (Grade 5), Edric Yoon (Grade 5), and Lulu Timpson (Grade 4) won awards in the seventh annual Korean Air Future Artist Olympiad children’s drawing contest. Their work was among those pieces selected out of 810 groups of Korean and international school students who participated from all over Korea.

Bryan Jung (Grade 7) was given the second place award (in trumpet) at the Korean Chamber Orchestra’s 16th National Competition for Music on June 13. In addition, Bryan competed with students attending music schools and was awarded third place in trumpet at the 7th Korea Herald Music Competition on Aug. 30.

APIS earned third place sweepstakes points (out of nine schools) at the largest forensics tournament that KAIAC has ever hosted, held Oct. 16 and 17. Richard Jo (Grade 10) earned second place in Prose Interpretation. Charles Cho (Grade 12) and David Lee (Grade 12) made it to the semifinalist round and earned third place in Parliamentary Debate. In addition, the following APIS students received recognition for being top speakers in their category: David Lee (Grade

12), Kayley Suk (Grade 10), Jeeseung Kang (Grade 10), and Kenny Jang (Grade 12).


W W W. A P I S . O R G

Student Achievements

An essay by Ji Hee Suh (Grade 12) was featured spring 2015 in the Changbi’s publishing company collection of student works, “Kkoo-mul Kkoo-mul Kkoom” (꾸물꾸물꿈). Ji Hee’s work was among the 89 poems, short novels, essays, and other writings and illustrations selected for the publication, which is designed to be a showcase for the ideas and creativity of Korean students. Ji Hee’s essay is about Korean students’ excessive study habits.

On Nov. 3, the high school music ensembles traveled to Korea International School to participate in the annual KAIAC (Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference) Large Group Festival. The band, choir, and orchestra students performed as individual ensembles for a panel of judges, and peers. The judges, other music educators in Seoul, gave a rating with comments for each performance. The choir and orchestra received unanimous Gold ratings, and the band received the highest rating of Platinum for the first time ever.

Five APIS band students — Grace Y. Kim (Grade 11) on clarinet, Shinyoung Lee (Grade 11) on trumpet,

Jeewon Kim (Grade 12) on clarinet, Jeho Hahm (Grade 12) on percussion, and Chris Hyungchul Kim (Grade 12) on trumpet — were selected to participate in the Association of Music in International Schools Band Festival in Doha, Qatar, in mid-March. To win a spot in the festival, each student made an audio recording of five audition excerpts. There were hundreds of other applicants from more than 81 international schools on five continents.

In mid-September, David Lee (Grade 12) was

named one of the top 24 high school debaters in the country by the Korea Forensics League.


stud e nt stud ac h e nt i e vS e m e nts

Five APIS choral students were selected to participate in the Association of Music in International Schools Choral Festival in Luxembourg the first week of March. Noah Kim (Grade 9) and Joonwoo Kang (Grade 11), both singing bass, were selected for Mixed Choir. Lia Kim (Grade 11, not pictured) singing alto, Sarah Yoon (Grade 11) singing soprano, and Sandra Kim (Grade 12) singing second alto were selected for Women’s Choir. Each student made an audio recording of three audition excerpts — one aria and two vocalise. There were hundreds of other applicants from more than 81 international schools on five continents. W W W. A P I S . O R G




How would you use the money?


e are now in the midst of the holiday season, and buying and giving gifts is on our minds. But what if you had the means to give a really large gift this year? Faculty and staff were asked to imagine that they had just been given $50,000. But, there’s a condition. They must give away all of that money (and do it anonymously) to help an NGO, to assist a friend or stranger in need, to fund research, to buy supplies, to buy dinner for homeless people. They could divide it up for different uses or spend it all in one place. How would they use the money?

In 2008, I founded an annual Fundraising Bike Tour in Laos named “Team Dai,” which in Lao language means “the team that can.” The annual ride is a three- or four-day event covering 400-500 km. through the mountains of Laos and raises money for organizations that support the underprivileged people of Laos. This year, 2016, will be the ninth year of the annual tour, which raises around $15,000 each year. I would give the full $50,000 to Team Dai to support the wonderful people of Laos! -Bruce Knox, principal

My first thought was to give some of the $50,000 to my friends and family so they could all fly to Korea :) … but then I realized the money could be much better spent! I would love to donate the money toward school supplies and college scholarships for students at underprivileged schools. -Carly Shinners, mathematics teacher


W W W. A P I S . O R G

I would give the money to Peace Corps partnership grants (https://donate. peacecorps.gov/donate/projects-funds/). The grants are designed and overseen by volunteers and, since Peace Corps is all run by volunteer work, these projects are a very good way to be sure that each penny of the donated money goes to the intended project. -Ryan Murfield, English teacher

Faculty Forum I think I would divide it up among World Vision, Young Life, and our church. Or, maybe if I knew of someone who had a big medical need that they had no way to pay for I would use the money for that. -Karl Craton, history teacher

If I had $50,000, I’d distribute it to an organization in each of the four main countries that I have worked. Australia — $12,500 to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne, which provides basic needs to the asylum seekers that arrive in Australia with absolutely nothing and are not given the right to be able to work and provide for themselves. Lao PDR — $12,500 to COPE, which is an organization that provides prosthetics to children and adults who have lost a limb because they played with or stood on unexploded ordinance left over from the the Vietnam War. More bombs have been dropped on Laos than any other country, mostly by U.S. bombers offloading unused bombs as they return to their base. Philippines — $12,500 to the Philippine Community Fund, which is an organization that works with the people living on the main dump site in Manila. The organization provides work for mothers who make bags out of recycled materials (including tabs from cans) and they can keep the profits from what they sell. In order to work at the project, the mothers must send their children to school. The organization has set up a school (made from refurbished shipping containers). The children are also provided with a nourishing meal each day and are medicated against parasites. Korea — $12,500 to the orphanage that Judy Park is raising funds for, The Children’s Home of Our Lady of Mercy (http://www.jahaewon.or.kr/). Every child has the right to be loved and cared for and thankfully there are organizations like this one that fill the need when a society is unable or unwilling to.



-Pat Hallinan, instructional coordinator

I have a friend who is a single mom with three children, one of whom has special health needs. Money is an ongoing concern for her as she tries to take care of her family. Giving the money anonymously through her church, I would ask that the money be for her to buy a reliable, new vehicle that has a good warranty, so that transportation, at least, is something she doesn’t have to worry about for a while. The rest of the money could be a savings account for her to take care of unexpected expenses as they arise. Financial security would be a huge improvement in her life. -Susan Craton, communications officer

I would give half to Team Dai, a charity bike ride that Bruce and a friend cofounded (https://sites.google.com/a/teamdai.org/team-dai/history-of-team-dai), and the other half to COPE, an NGO that helps rehabilitate people with disabilities (http://www.copelaos.org/). Both are in Lao doing great work with people in need. -Jodi Nielsen, guidance counselor W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the PTO


From left to right, PTO President You Jung Kim (G11 Louis Koo’s mom), Secretary Yunhee Shin (G1 Ian Kwon’s mom), Vice President Connie Yoon (G8 Philip Yoon’s mom), and Treasurer Eiko Suzuki (G8 Jaewoo Suzuki’s mom)

eptember marked the revival of the APIS PTO. The new members selected officers and organized events. The PTO helped with the school carnival, held on Oct. 9, where there were various booths, activities, and snacks. On Oct. 17, the PTO set up a snack booth for the elementary soccer jamboree. We sold and served hot dogs, ramen, coffee, nachos, and drinks for those who came to visit and play soccer. During the parent teacher conferences, Oct. 23-24, PTO members held a secondhand uniform sale. Profits from the sale went to the PTO to fund future events.

After having our first PTO meeting, many expressed a need for a regularly scheduled coffee hour, where we could communicate more efficiently with APIS. Nov. 24 was our first coffee hour with Mr. Knox. Various topics that were discussed during the meeting included GCP, lunch menu, 9th period, and more. The parents and Mr. Knox shared many questions. These discussions led to a constructive and informative meeting. There will be coffee hours every two months. Please come, participate, and share your thoughts. Also held on Nov 24. was the Middle School Innovation Expo. The PTO provided donuts and drinks for participating teachers, parents, and students. The funds were provided by the PTO, and grades 6, 7 and 8 parent PTO members helped with preparation and setup. The following day, the PTO purchased and helped serve pizzas for the Expo Completion Party. Funds were provided by both the PTO and the SRC. All of this was made possible by parent and teacher participation. Thank you for your continuing support. The PTO will continue to do our best to serve our school and our children.

PLEASE JOIN US! FUTURE COFFEE HOUR MEETING DATES: January 26, March 22, May 24, at 2 p.m. in the CLC 저희 PTO가 몇년간의 공백을 깨고 지난 9월 새로이 결성됨과 동시에 임원진을 선출하고 이후 많은 활동을 이어왔습니 다. 10월 9일 APIS Carnival에서는 각 부스별로 Ticket, Snack 및 음료 판매등을 하면서 행사진행에 많은 도움을 주 었고, 10월 17일 APIS주최의 Jamboree 축구대회에서는 스낵코너를 만들어 핫도그, 머핀, 커피, 라면, 나쵸등을 판매 함으로써 교내외 학부모님과 학생들에게 편의를 제공하였습니다. 또한 10월 23일 24일 양일간 중고교복을 판매하여 많은 학부모님들께 저렴한 가격에 교복과 체육복등을 제공하였습니다. 여기서 발생된 수익금은 PTO자금에 보탬이 되 었습니다. 11월 24일에는 PTO 미팅에서 나온 의견을 수렴하여 교장 선생님과 커피미팅을 가지게 되었고 이 자리에서 GCP, Lunch 메뉴선택, 9교시 수업문제등 그동안 많은 학부모님들께서 궁금해하던 사안들을 논하였습니다. 앞으로도 커피미팅은 2달간격으로 열릴 예정이며 더욱 많은 학부모님들이 참여하시길 바라고 있습니다. 같은 날 5층 Gym에서 는 Middle School의 ‘Innovation Expo’가 열렸는데 참여한 학생과 학부모 선생님들께 간식을 제공하기 위한 비용을 지원하고 6, 7, 8학년 학부모님들께 공지하여 이를 돕도록하여 행사 진행에 활력을 더하였습니다. 25일 Innovation Expo를 자축하는 Completion Party에도 비용을 지원하여 피자파티를 열게 되었습니다. 이토록 많은 활동을 할수 있 었던 데에는 학부모님들의 참여와 관심 때문입니다. 앞으로도 저희 PTO는 계속해서 학교와 학생들을 위한 일에 열과 성을 다하도록 노력할 것입니다. 다음 커피미팅 일정은 1월 26일, 3월 22일, 5월 24일 (오후 2시, 장소: CLC) 입니다.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

Alumni Spotlight: Catherine Kim 1. Where are you going to school now? What things about your new school do you like? I am currently a freshman in Steinhardt at New York University. Although NYU does not have a closed campus, it’s great to walk around the city while walking to classes. Everything is fast-paced, spontaneous, and exciting in New York City.

Catherine Kim (Class of 2015) is a freshman at NYU majoring in early childhood education.

2. What is your daily schedule like? Is college life different from what you expected? I don’t have a daily schedule because unlike high school, classes are not scheduled the same every day. College is a lot different from what I expected. Although it took a while to accept, I found out that there are many moments where you have to eat alone. College forced me to become more independent and responsible.

3. Tell us about yourself as a former student at APIS. What are some of your memorable moments at APIS? There are many moments. I miss playing volleyball and soccer. APIS is a small private school, so I had to adjust to a big class size at NYU. As the semester is progressing, I miss having a small community.



4. What was the most challenging part in preparing for college applications? It took a while to figure out what to write about in my college essays. Each school had different prompts, so I struggled a lot. For one college application, I focused on writing about my adjustment to Korea. I was born and raised in California for 17 years. I was used to living in quiet and reserved cities, so moving to Seoul was a big change. I wrote a lot about my experiences during the move in my college essays. What helped me to be less stressed than others was that I wrote several drafts throughout the summer. I prepared before the fall of senior year because I knew that doing school work while preparing for college applications would be chaotic and stressful. I think my early preparation allowed me to relax a little more during the school year. 5. What programs or sessions at APIS were helpful in preparing for college applications? There were several times throughout the year when there were college visits. I thought that this was helpful in getting to know more colleges. I went to the NYU Abu Dhabi college visit, and it was interesting to find out more about a different campus of NYU. 6. Lastly, what advice do you have for our seniors and juniors? It’s okay if you don’t know what major to choose. I found out what my major was in the summer before my senior year and some of my freshman friends at NYU are in Liberal Studies to figure out what major fits them best. When I was in my junior and senior year, I always wished to graduate as soon as possible. It’s a great feeling to graduate high school, but try to cherish your last years in high school as well. After coming to college, there are many moments where I miss the class of 2015 and want to go back to senior year. The biggest advice I have is to appreciate your parents more. I was the daughter who was so excited to leave her parents and finally be alone at college. College is a new step and a new start. The only people who will always stay the same and be there for you are your family members, so try to cherish your moments with them and appreciate what they do for you. W W W. A P I S . O R G




Alumni Class Notes

of lin (Class Luke Pau l be gradu 2012) wil ay with a ating in M psychology degree in rado Chris from Colo d for ntly applie e c e r e k u L rsity. to tian Unive University t Liberty a l o o h sc e has graduate unseling. H o c r e e r a c eld of study the fi esign. with web d g in k r o w also been

Brian Kim (Class of 2014) met Rosanna Pansino, a famous YouTube celebrity, in a bookstore near Johns Hopkins University!

During Thanksgiving,

class of 2014, Jay Kang (Carnegie Mellon) & BJ Kim (Northeastern) got together with Albert Cho (Johns Hopkins) & Simon Oh (Wake Forest), both class of 2015.

Bill Kim (Cla ss of 2012) is a senior majoring in material scie nce engineering at Penn State University. After gradua ting high sch ool, he had several intern ships and vo lunteer experiences. Th e most cher ished moment in his college years, according to Bill, was w hen he travel ed around Eastern Europ e.

Miso Kim (Class of 2012), since graduation, has been working for a company while making music. This year, Miso was selected to attend Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA) in Paris, which she says was the best experience of her life. She hopes to continue on doing what she loves, meeting new people, and enjoying life.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

Alumni Class Notes

A min i APIS reunio place n for in Nov Emory ember studen and J . Dann ts took enny y Choi Lee (C ( C l a Kim ( s l s of 20 ass of Class 12) 2012) of 201 took o and A 4), Sco u t ndy A Peter tt Cho hn (w i (Cla delici ho use ss of 2 ous Ko d to a 015), rean B ttend ny rec BQ ne A P I ently r S ar Du ) for a eturne luth, G Jenny d from eorgia is a se . Danthe Ko nior g rean m ter is a etting i l i t sophom ary an ready for gra d ore in and A Goizu d scho ndy a e o t a l . Busin Pere fre busine ess Sch shmen ss. ool. Sc who a ott lso wa nt to study

reunion in nY

o Albert Ch 5 1 0 2 f o Class on Oh pkins), Sim o H s n h o (J y Kim rest), Hale (Wake Fo ge of etts Colle s u h c a s s a (M Scid Health n a y c a m Phar n), and el Lee (Brow h c a R ), e c n Illie niversity of (U n o w K e Joyc ork durp in New Y u t e m ) is o n k. giving brea s k n a h T e ing th

Jenny Kim (Class of 2012), Brian Kim (Class of 2014), and Catherine Kim, Simon Oh, Jenny Choi, and Jennifer Lee (all Class of 2015) contributed to collecting the updates.


A couple class of ents ornia, 2015 stud s in Calif l o o h c s D), g Lee (UCS attendin in v e K , ) ang (USC SD), Esther K y Lee (UC n n a D , ) hoi (USC Park (UC Jenny C nd Kyle a , ) D S C on (U and Dave Mo Angeles s o L in p et u roughDavis) m ether th g o t s y a ur d k (Nov. 26 spent fo ing wee iv g s k n a Th impsons out the ith the S w e s o p y - 29). The ios. sal Stud r e iv n U at



When Sun na Mo (C lass of 2012) we nt to San Francisco for an interv ie w in October, she met u p with Grace Kim and spent (Class of 2 some tim 012) e catching senior at up. Sunna Cornell U is a niversity, ernment majoring and Asian in g o vstudies. Sh ating a se e will be g mester ea r a d u r ly and is loo in Japan king to w post grad o rk uation. G studying race Kim at UC Be , who is r k e ley, is in finishing h the proce er naval R ss of OTC (NRO TC) servic e.

W W W. A P I S . O R G



F or e i g n Lan g ua g e s

From the

Foreign Language Department The Chinese, Japanese, and Korean departments welcomed the start of a new school year.

In celebration of the 569th Hangeul Proclamation Day on October 9, Korean language students created a huge artwork depicting a beautiful hibiscus. Secondary students each designed one piece of the larger work of art. The Korean name for hibiscus, Mugunghwa, means a flower that never wilts. Like a hibiscus, the national flower of both our east (Korea) and west (Hawaii) campus and a symbol for APIS, APIS continues to reinvent itself to achieve its mission to educate students to be the bridge builders between the East and the West. This year, the Korean language department is publishing the fourth edition of the APIS Korean Language Arts Program Collection of Literary Works. Two artworks will be on the main cover. They were award winners of the “Artistic Achievement Award” and “Dedication to the APIS Community as an Artist Award.” The front cover is a work by Jae Min Kim (Grade 10) and the back cover was done by Michelle Suh (Grade 11). It is expected that many quality works written by students in the Korean Modern History and Literature class will be published this year. Students in Japanese class cooked “Ramen hot pot,” which combines ramen and hot pot and has become a popular dish in Japan during the cold season. Students all enjoyed this “Ramen hot pot,” and we discovered that some of the students have excellent cooking skills. Grade 11, level 2/3 students completed a project on Doraemon, a Japanese manga series. Students read an article about Doraemon, watched short movies, and discovered the popular “secret tools” Doraemon has in his pocket. Then, students created a “secret tool” they would like to have and presented it and discussed it in class. In other Japanese classes, students made and sent “Halloween cards” to their teachers to express their gratitude for their teachers’ hard work and kind guidance. The Chinese department welcomed a new Chinese teacher, Sherry Cheng. Sponsored by a special Chinese government program, the Hanban/Confucius Institute, we are incredibly grateful for this level of support from the Chinese government. Ms. Cheng has previously taught in China at the university level and at a language training center and brings 11 years of teaching experience to this new position. Ms. Cheng shares that her level 1 students find the Chinese characters the most challenging aspect of the language. It is difficult to write the characters correctly and many share the same pronunciation. Her level 4 students are particularly interested in Chinese culture and she enjoys sharing with them. She has been a great addition to our Chinese language department. At the moon festival, Chuseok in Korea, the Chinese department made Chinese moon cakes in Grade 6 Chinese classes. The mooncake is a traditional food people eat on this special day. The foreign language department looks forward to another exciting semester ahead.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

Music Department Sophie Holbrook Music Department Chair

Music is alive and well throughout the APIS music department! As we conclude the first semester with the sounds of Christmas, we reflect upon the past months of music-making. The high school music classes began their year in August by participating in the first-ever High School Music Retreat. Students gathered at APIS on a Saturday to rehearse new music and to join together in team-building activities organized by the class leaders. It was a day that provided a strong foundation to the busy year ahead and prepared the students for the difficult music performed in the first semester. The fruits of their labor are still being noticed in daily class rehearsals. Middle school students continue experiencing music in two classes: Music Fundamentals and Band or Orchestra. In Music Fundamentals, all middle schoolers sing as a full choir and are learning four-part harmony, an advanced concept for this age range. Additionally, MS students are learning world music with emphasis on the musical cultures of Pacific island nations, including Hawaii. Our friends at APIS Hawaii have been studying some of the same music as the Seoul campus students. The integration of learning similar music on dual campuses shows how music is universal and can be a commonality between different cultures. The growth mindset philosophy of learning within the music department focuses on the process of continuous improvement, regardless of prior musical knowledge. From elementary general music classes to technique-focused high school performers and analytically-minded AP Music Theory students, there is always room to grow as a musician; those who truly believe in themselves will see the most personal success. The music teachers do not simply praise the students for having talent, but rather give recognition for consistency in effort and determination to improve. Dedication and hard work are what really matter in music. You may be musically gifted, but without a love of learning and a resilience to overcome challenges, a student will achieve little. Perseverance and tangible goals are what make the APIS musicians strive for their best. The music teachers have noticed this trend becoming stronger over the years, culminating in this year’s audition season with a record number of students applying for and being accepted to national and international music festivals.



By using music to reach all students and to help make connections in other subject areas, APIS students gain valuable life lessons to carry with them outside our school walls. Through the use of both individual assessment and full-class teamwork, the musicians progress in multiple ways as well-rounded students. The teachers look forward to keeping both a part of the everyday musical experience at APIS.

W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Instructional Coordinator Pat Hallinan Instructional Coordinator

“We are preparing our students for jobs that don’t exist, using technologies that have not been invented, to solve problems that haven’t even been considered yet.” — Richard Riley, US Secretary for Education, 1999. The world is changing at an increasingly fast rate and the contexts within which our students live and learn are, and will continue to be, very different from a generation ago. This has a profound effect on the skills students will need for their future social and economic participation and success. With all this in mind, APIS is continuing to develop and implement a curriculum that is meaningful and will equip our students with the 21st century skills needed for them to be successful in this rapidly changing world. The 21st century skills encompass these four areas: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Effective Communication Collaboration & Team Building Creativity & Innovation

This year, to reflect these changing needs, a new standards-based middle school social studies curriculum has been implemented. Using the AERO (American Education Reaches Out) standards from the United States to develop the curriculum, the students are provided with many and varied opportunities in the classroom, which will assist them in becoming better critical thinkers and problem-solvers, more effective communicators, better collaborators and team-builders, and more creative and innovative. Part of this new social studies curriculum has been the implementation of a Project Based Learning (PBL) unit. PBL provides opportunities for the students to undertake projects providing “real-life” situations. The project focuses on teaching specific and important knowledge, understanding, and skills that are derived from standards across the core subject areas. As well as a change in curricula development to reflect the rapidly changing world, we are continuing to develop and implement teaching strategies that assist all students in developing 21st century skills. Dr. Virginia Rojas presented a two-day workshop, the focus of which was for teachers to develop a “toolbox” of teaching strategies in order for them to differentiate learning so that all students can achieve and develop the skills they need to be successful participants in the world. Overall, this first semester has seen change and growth as we at APIS continue to deliver a curriculum that focuses on those important skills our students need to be equipped for life in the 21st century.


W W W. A P I S . O R G EDITORIAL TEAM: ■ Euysung Kim Director ■ Nicole Suh Art & Design Editor ■ Josephine Shim Communications & PR Team Leader ■ Susan Craton Writing / Editing Staff ■ Caroline Webster Writing / Editing Staff

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