Elementary School Curriculum

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English Language Arts Kindergarten

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 23


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process

ELA K.1.1

Prewriting: Uses prewriting strategies to plan written work • discusses ideas with peers • draws pictures to generate ideas • writes key thoughts and questions • rehearses ideas • records reactions and observations

ELA K.1.2

Drafting and Revising: Uses strategies to draft and revise written work • rereads • rearranges words, sentences, and paragraphs to improve or clarify meaning • varies sentence type • adds descriptive words and details • deletes extraneous information • incorporates suggestions from peers and teachers • sharpens the focus

ELA K.1.3

Editing and Publishing: Uses strategies to edit and publish written work • proofreads using a dictionary and other resources • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • incorporates illustrations or photos • uses available, appropriate technology to compose and publish work • shares finished product


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA K.2.1

Uses descriptive words to convey basic ideas


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA K.3.1

Uses conventions of print in writing • Forms letters in print • Uses upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet • Spaces words and sentences • Writes from left to right and top to bottom • Includes margins

ELA K.3.2

Uses basic conventions of capitalization in written compositions • First and last names • First word of a sentence

ELA K.3.3

Uses basic conventions of punctuation in written compositions • Understands the purpose of a period • Understands the purpose of a question mark


Gathers and uses information for research purposes.

ELA K.4.1

Generates questions about topics of personal interest


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA K.5.1

Uses mental images based on pictures and print to aid in comprehension of text

ELA K.5.2

Uses meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content • Uses picture captions, title, cover, headings, story structure and story topic to predict action, events and character’s behavior.

ELA K.5.3

Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words • • • • •

Common letter/sound relationships Beginning and ending consonants Vowel sounds Blends Word patterns

ELA K.5.4

Uses a picture dictionary to determine word meaning

ELA K.5.5

Reads aloud familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency and expression • Rhythm • Flow • Meter

• • • •

Tempo Pitch Tone Intonation


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA K.6.1

Knows the main ideas or theme of a story

ELA K.6.2

Relates story to personal experiences • Events, characters conflict, themes


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA K.7.1

Understands the main idea and supporting details of simple expository information


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA K.8.1

Makes contributions in class and group discussions • reports on ideas and personal knowledge about a topic, initiates conversations, connects ideas and experiences with those of others

ELA K.8.2

Asks and responds to questions • about the meaning of a story • about the meaning of words or ideas

ELA K.8.3

Follows rules of conversation and group discussion • takes turns • raises hand to speak

ELA K.8.4

Gives and responds to oral instructions

ELA K.8.5

Knows differences between language used at home and at school


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA K.9.1

Understands the main idea or message in visual media • pictures, cartoons, weather reports on television, newspaper photographs, visual narratives


Understands the characteristics and components of the media.

ELA K.10.1

Knows the various types of media • newspapers, radio, television, billboards

Mathematics First Grade

Summary of Standards for Mathematics: 1. Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation 4. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement 5. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry 6. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis 7. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability 8. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra 9. Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 36

Standard 1

Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process

Mat 1.1.1

Draws pictures to represent problems

Mat 1.1.2

Explains to others possible ways to solve a numerical problem

Mat 1.1.3

Uses whole number models to represent problems z Pattern blocks z Tiles z Other manipulative z Materials

Mat 1.1.4

Uses a variety of strategies to understand problem situations z Discussing with peers z Stating problems in own words z Modeling problem with diagrams z Physical objects z Identifying a pattern

Mat 1.1.5

Uses trial and error and the process of elimination to solve problems.

Standard 2

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers

Mat 1.2.1

Understands that numbers are symbols used to represent quantities or attributes or real-world objects

Mat 1.2.2.

Counts whole numbers z Both cardinal and ordinal numbers

Mat 1.2.3

Understands symbolic, concrete, and pictorial representations of numbers z z Written numerals z Objects in sets

Mat 1.2.4

Understands basic whole number relationships z 4 is less than 10, 30 is 3 tens

Mat 1.2.5

Understands the concept of a unit and its subdivision into equal parts z One object, such as a candy bar z Its division into equal parts to be shared among four people

Mat 1.2.6

Understands the basic difference between odd and even numbers

Mat 1.2.7

Understands the basic meaning of place value

Mat 1.2.8

Uses models to identify, order, and compare numbers z Number lines z Hundreds chart z Calendar

Standard 3

Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation

Mat 1.3.1

Adds and subtracts whole numbers z Using paper and pencil z manipulative

Mat 1.3.2

Solves real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers

Mat 1.3.3

Understands common terms used with estimation z About z Near z Closer to z Between z A little less than z Higher z Lower

Mat 1.3.4

Understands the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction

Mat 1.3.5

Performs basic mental computations z Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

Mat 1.3.6

Understands the language of word problems z Altogether z Take away z In all z Left

Standard 4

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement

Mat 1.4.1

Understands the basic measures of length, width, height, weight, temperature, and capacity

Mat 1.4.2

Understands the concept of time and how it is measured

Mat 1.4.3

Knows processes for telling time, counting money and measuring length, weight, and temperature, using basic standard and nonstandard units

Mat 1.4.4

Understands the basic measures of perimeter, area, volume, and mass

Standard 5

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry

Mat 1.5.1

Understands basic properties of and similarities and differences between simple geometric shapes z Number of sides z Corners z Square z Corners

Mat 1.5.2

Understands the common language of spatial sense z Inside z Between z Above z Below z Behind

Standard 6

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis

Mat 1.6.1

Understands that observations about objects or events can be organized and displayed in simple graphs

Mat 1.6.2

Understands that generalizations can be made by studying a small group or sample

Mat 1.6.3

Reads and interprets simple bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs

Mat 1.6.4

Understands that data comes from real world objects and that collecting, organizing, and displaying data can be done in many ways z Tallies z Bar z Graphs z Pictographs z Line graphs

Standard 7

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability

Mat 1.7.1

Recognizes events that are sure to happen, events that are sure not to happen, and events that may or may not happen z In terms of certain z Uncertain z Likely z Unlikely

Standard 8

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra

Mat 1.8.1

Recognizes and creates patterns in a variety of contexts z Events z Design z Shapes z Sets of numbers

Mat 1.8.2

Extends simple patterns z Of numbers z Physical objects z Geometric shapes

Mat 1.8.3

Understands the basic concept of an equality relationship z An equation is a number sentence that shows two sides of the equation are equal; 32+5=37

Mat 1.8.4

Solves simple open sentences involving operations on whole numbers z 19+17=36

Standard 9

Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics

Mat 1.9.1

Understands that mathematical operation describe things in the real world

Mat 1.9.2

Understands that mathematical ideas and concepts can be represented concretely, graphically, and symbolically

Science Kindergarten

Science themes covered in Kindergarten: • Life Science (Trees and Animals) • Physical Science (Wood & Paper and Fabric)

Summary of Standards for Science Earth and Space Sciences 1. Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle 2. Understands Earth's composition and structure 3. Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it Life Sciences 4. Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts 5. Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms 6. Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment 7. Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life Physical Sciences 8. Understands the structure and properties of matter 9. Understands the sources and properties of energy 10.Understands forces and motion Nature of Science 11. Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 12. Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 13. Understands the scientific enterprise


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 8 Benchmarks: 14

Life Sciences STANDARD 4

Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts

SCI K.4.1

Knows that plants and animals closely resemble their parents

SCI K.4.2

Knows that differences exist among individuals of the same kind of plant or animal


Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms

SCI K.5.1

Knows the basic needs of plants and animals (e.g., air, water, nutrients, light or food, shelter)

SCI K.5.2

Knows that plants and animals have features that help them live in different environments


Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment

SCI K.6.1

Knows that plants and animals need certain resources for energy and growth (e.g., food, water, light, air)

SCI K.6.2

Knows that living things are found almost everywhere in the world and that distinct environments support the life of different types of plants and animals


Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life

SCI K.7.1

Knows that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared (e.g., dinosaurs, trilobites, mammoths, horsetail trees)

SCI K.7.2

Knows that there are similarities and differences in the appearance and behavior of plants and animals

Physical Sciences STANDARD 8

Understands the structure and properties of matter

SCI K.8.1

Knows that different objects are made up of many different types of materials (e.g., cloth, paper, wood, metal) and have many different observable properties (e.g., color, size, shape, weight)

SCI K.8.2

Knows that things can be done to materials to change some of their properties (e.g., heating, freezing, mixing, cutting, dissolving, bending), but not all materials respond the same way to what is done to them

Nature of Science STANDARD 11

Understands the nature of scientific knowledge

SCI K.11.1

Knows that scientific investigations generally work the same way in different places and normally produce results that can be duplicated


Understands the nature of scientific inquiry

SCI K.12.1

Knows that learning can come from careful observations and simple experiments

SCI K.12.2

Knows that tools (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, balances) can be used to gather information and extend the senses


Understands the scientific enterprise

SCI K.13.1

Knows that in science it is helpful to work with a team and share findings with others

Social Studies Kindergarten

Students in kindergarten are introduced to basic spatial, temporal, and causal relationships, emphasizing the geographic and historical connections between the world today and the world long ago. The stories of ordinary and extraordinary people help describe the range and continuity of human experience and introduce the concepts of courage, self-control, justice, heroism, leadership, deliberation, and individual responsibility. Historical empathy for how people lived and worked long ago reinforces the concept of civic behavior: how we interact respectfully with each other, following rules, and respecting the rights of others.

Summary of Standards for Social Studies 1. Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns 2. Students understand that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways. 3. Students recognize national and state symbols and icons such as the national and state flags, the bald eagle, and the Statue of Liberty. 4. Students match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of related jobs at the school, in the local community, and from historical accounts. 5. Students compare and contrast the locations of people, places, and environments and describe their characteristics. 6. Students put events in temporal order using a calendar, placing days, weeks, and months in proper order. 7. Students understand that history relates to events, people, and places of other times.


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 7 Benchmarks: 21


Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns

SOC K.1.1

Distinguishes among broad categories of historical time • long, long ago • long ago • yesterday • today • tomorrow

SOC K.1.2

Understands calendar time in days, weeks, and months


Students understand that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways.

SOC K.2.1

Follow rules, such as sharing and taking turns, and know the consequences of breaking them.

SOC K.2.2

Learn examples of honesty, courage, determination, individual responsibility, and patriotism in American and world history from stories and folklore.

SOC K.2.3

Know beliefs and related behaviors of characters in stories from times past and understand the consequences of the characters' actions.


Students recognize national and state symbols and icons.

SOC K.3.1

Knows the national and state flags of both the United States and Korea.

SOC K.3.2

Recognizes national symbols of both the United States and Korea.


Students match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of related jobs at the school, in the local community, and from historical accounts.

SOC K.4.1

Uses visuals to determine word meanings.

SOC K.4.2

Describes how each worker is helpful to others.

SOC K.4.3

Recognizes that tools have changed over time.

SOC K.4.4

Identifies Korean and United States currency.


Students compare and contrast the locations of people, places, and environments and describe their characteristics.

SOC K.5.1

Determine the relative locations of objects using the terms near/far, left/right, and behind/in front.

SOC K.5.2

Distinguish between land and water on maps and globes and locate general areas referenced in historical legends and stories.

SOC K.5.3

Identify traffic symbols and map symbols. • those for land, water, roads, cities

SOC K.5.4

Construct maps and models of neighborhoods, incorporating such structures as police and fire stations, airports, banks, hospitals, supermarkets, harbors, schools, homes, places of worship, and transportation lines.

SOC K.5.5

Demonstrate familiarity with the school's layout, environs, and the jobs people do there.


Students put events in temporal order.

SOC K.6.1

Knows how to use and read a calendar.

SOC K.6.2

Places days, weeks, and months in proper order.


Students understand that history relates to events, people, and places of other times.

SOC K.7.1

Identify the purposes of, and the people and events honored in, commemorative holidays, including the human struggles that were the basis for the events. • Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day.

SOC K.7.2

Know the triumphs in American legends and historical accounts through the stories of such people as Pocahontas, George Washington, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Boone, and Benjamin Franklin.

SOC K.7.3

Understand how people lived in earlier times and how their lives would be different today. • getting water from a well, growing food, making clothing, having fun, forming organizations, living by rules and laws

Korean Kindergarten

Summary of Standards for Korean (Bold faced taught at this grade level)

Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media



Standards: 4 Benchmarks: 13 STANDARD 5

Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA K.5.1

Uses mental images based on pictures and print to aid in comprehension of text

ELA K.5.2

Uses meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content • Uses picture captions, title, cover, headings, story structure and story topic to predict action, events and character’s behavior.

ELA K.5.3

Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words • • • • •

Common letter/sound relationships Beginning and ending consonants Vowel sounds Blends Word patterns

ELA K.5.4

Uses a picture dictionary to determine word meaning

ELA K.5.5

Reads aloud familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency and expression • Rhythm • Flow • Meter • Tempo • Pitch • Tone • Intonation


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA K.6.1

Knows the main ideas or theme of a story

ELA K.6.2

Relates story to personal experiences • Events, characters conflict, themes


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA K.7.1

Understands the main idea and supporting details of simple expository information


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA K.8.1

Makes contributions in class and group discussions • reports on ideas and personal knowledge about a topic, initiates conversations, connects ideas and experiences with those of others

ELA K.8.2

Asks and responds to questions • about the meaning of a story • about the meaning of words or ideas

ELA K.8.3

Follows rules of conversation and group discussion • takes turns • raises hand to speak

ELA K.8.4

Gives and responds to oral instructions

ELA K.8.5

Knows differences between language used at home and at school

Physical Education Kindergarten to 3rd Grade

Summary of Standards for Physical Education: 1. Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms 2. Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills 3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity 4. Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources 5. Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity




Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 30

Standard 1

Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms


Uses a variety of basic locomotor movements (e.g., running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding)


Uses a variety of basic non-locomotor skills (e.g., bending, twisting, stretching, turning, lifting)


Uses a variety of basic object control skills (e.g., underhand and overhand throw, catch, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike)


Uses simple combinations of fundamental movement skills (e.g., locomotor, non-locomotor, object control, body control, and rhythmical skills)


Uses control in weight-bearing activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., jumping and landing using combinations of one and two foot take-offs and landings)


Uses control in balance activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., one foot, one hand and one foot, hands and knees, headstands)


Uses control in travel activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., travels in backward direction and changes direction quickly and safely, without falling; changes speeds and directions in response to various rhythms; combines travelling patterns to music)


Uses smooth transitions between sequential motor skills (e.g., running into a jump)


Uses locomotor skills in rhythmical patterns (e.g., even, uneven, fast, and slow)

Standard 2

Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills


Understands a vocabulary of basic movement concepts (e.g., personal space, high/low levels, fast/slow speeds, light/heavy weights, balance, twist)


Understands terms that describe a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over/under, behind, alongside, through)


Uses concepts of space awareness and movement control with a variety of basic skills (e.g., running, hopping, skipping) while interacting with others


Understands the critical elements of a variety of basic movement patterns such as throwing (e.g., the ready position, arm preparation, step with leg opposite the throwing arm, follow-through, accuracy of throw)


Uses feedback to improve performance (e.g., peer/coach review)


Understands the importance of practice in learning skills

Standard 3

Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity


Understands the health benefits of physical activity (e.g., good health, physical endurance)

Standard 4

Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources


Engages in basic activities that cause cardiorespiratory exertion (e.g., running, galloping, skipping, hopping)


Knows how to measure cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., listening to heartbeat, counting pulse rate)


Knows the physiological in dicators (e.g., perspiration, increased heart and breathing rate) that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activity


Engages in activities that develop muscular strength and endurance (e.g., climbing, hanging, taking weight on hands)


Engages in activities that require flexibility (e.g., stretching toward the toes while in the sit-and-reach position, moving each joint through its full range of motion)


Knows how body composition influences physical fitness levels (e.g., proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass)


Knows similarities and differences in body height, weight, and shape

Standard 5

Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Follows rules and procedures (e.g., playground, classroom, and gymnasium rules) with little reinforcement


Uses equipment and space safely and properly (e.g., takes turns using equipment, puts equipment away when not in use)


Understands the purpose of rules in games


Understands the social contributions of physical activity (e.g., learning to cooperate and interact with others, having a role in team sports)


Works cooperatively (e.g., takes turns, is supportive, assists partner) with another to complete an assigned task


Understands the elements of socially acceptable conflict resolution in physical activity settings (e.g., cooperation, sharing, consideration)


Understands the importance of playing, cooperating, and respecting others regardless of personal differences (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability) during physical activity

Art Kindergarten/1st Grade

Summary of Standards for Art: 1. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts 2. Knows how to use the elements (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art 3. Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts 4. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 5. Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others




Revised: July 2014 Standards: 3 Benchmarks: 9

Standard 1

Understands and applies media, techniques and processes related to the visual arts

VA 1.1.1

Knows the differences between art materials (e.g., paint, clay, wood, videotape), techniques (e.g., overlapping, shading, varying size or color), and processes (e.g., addition and subtraction in sculpture, casting and constructing in making jewelry)

VA 1.1.2

Knows how different media (e.g., oil, watercolor, stone, metal), techniques, and processes are used to communicate ideas, experiences and stories

VA 1.1.3

Uses art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

VA 1.1.4

Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts (e.g., drawing/design painting with different media, modeling, sculpting and constructing.

VA 1.1.5

Uses application of the creative process (e.g., striving for originality, exploring alternative approaches).

Standard 2

Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art

VA 1.2.1

Knows the differences among visual characteristics (e.g., color, texture) and purposes of art (e.g., to convey ideas)

VA 1.2.2

Uses visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas

Standard 3

Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts

VA 1.3.1

Selects prospective ideas (e.g., formulated thoughts, opinions, concepts) for works of art

VA 1.3.2

Knows how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are used to communicate meaning

Music Kindergarten

Summary of Standards for Music: 1. Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniment 4. Composes and arranges music within specified guidelines 5. Reads and notates music 6. Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture


Standard 1 MC K.1.1

Revised: July 2014

Standards: 7 Benchmarks: 8 Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music Sings ostinatos (repetition of a short musical pattern), partner songs, and rounds

Standard 2 - Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music MUS K..2.1 Echoes short rhythms and melodic patterns Standard 3 - Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniments MUS K.3.1 Improvises “answers� in the same style to give rhythmic and melodic phrases Standard 5 - Reads and notates music MUS K.5.1 Uses a system (e.g., syllables, numbers, letters) to read simple pitch notation in the treble clef in major keys Standard 6 - Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance MUS K.6.1 Identifies simple music forms (e.g., AB, ABA, call and response) when presented aurally MUS K.6.2 Responds through purposeful movement (e.g., swaying, skipping, dramatic play) to elected prominent music characteristics or to specific music events (e.g., meter changes, dynamic changes, same/different sections) Standard 7 - Understands the relationship between music and history and culture. MUS K.7.1 Knows characteristics that make certain music suitable for specific uses MUS K.7.2 Knows appropriate audience behavior for the context and style of music


Information Technology Kindergarten

Summary of Standards for IT: 1. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems 2. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs 3. Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual 4. Understands the nature of technology design 5. Understands the nature and operation of systems 6. Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 12

Standard 1

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems

IT K.1.1

Identifies basic computer hardware (e.g., mouse, printer, monitor, keyboard, disk, CD)

IT K.1.2

Powers up/shut down computer, start a computer program

IT K.1.3

Knows the function of special keys ( e.g., escape key, space bar, delete/return/enter keys, numeral keys

IT K.1.4

Knows proper finger placement on the home row keys

Standard 2

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs

IT K.2.1

Begins to type

IT K.2.2

Uses many options and commands

Standard 3

Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual

IT K.3.1

Knows ways that technology is used at home and school (VCR, CD player, cellular phone)

IT K.3.2

Knows areas in which technology has improved human lives (e.g., transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment)

Standard 4

Understands the nature of technology design

IT K.4.1

Knows that both objects and systems occur in nature (e.g., stars and the solar system), but people can also design and make objects and systems (e.g., telephones and communication systems) to solve a problem and to improve the quality of life

IT K.4.2

Knows that tools have specific functions, such as to observe, measure, make things, and do things better or more easily; selecting the right tool makes the task easier

Standard 5

Understands the nature and operation of systems

IT K.5.1

Knows that most things are made of parts and they may not work if some parts are missing

Standard 6

Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology

IT K.6.1

Knows that communication technology allows people to exchange and find information quickly, cheaply, and reliably over a distance

English Language Arts First Grade

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 38


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 1.1.1

Prewriting: Uses prewriting strategies to plan written work • discusses ideas with peers • draws pictures to generate ideas • writes key thoughts and questions • rehearses ideas • records reactions and observations

ELA 1.1.2

Drafting and Revising: Uses strategies to draft and revise written work • rereads • rearranges words, sentences, and paragraphs to improve or clarify meaning • varies sentence type • adds descriptive words and details • deletes extraneous information • incorporates suggestions from peers and teachers • sharpens the focus

ELA 1.1.3

Editing and Publishing: Uses strategies to edit and publish written work • proofreads using a dictionary and other resources • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • incorporates illustrations or photos • uses available, appropriate technology to compose and publish work

shares finished product

ELA 1.1.4

Evaluates own and others’ writing • asks questions and makes comments about writing • helps classmates apply grammatical and mechanical conventions

ELA 1.1.5

Uses strategies to organize written work • includes a beginning, middle and ending • uses a sequence of events

ELA 1.1.6

Uses writing and other methods to describe familiar persons, places, objects or experiences • draws pictures • uses letters or phonetically spelled words • making lists • uses sentences and eventually writes short stories


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 1.2.1

Uses descriptive words to convey basic ideas


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 1.3.1

Uses conventions of print in writing • Forms letters in print • Uses upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet • Spaces words and sentences • Writes from left to right and top to bottom • Includes margins

ELA 1.3.2

Uses complete sentences in written compositions

ELA 1.3.3

Uses nouns in written compositions • Nouns for simple objects • Family members • Community workers • Categories

ELA 1.3.4

Uses verbs in written compositions • Verbs for a variety of situations • Action words

ELA 1.3.5

Uses adjectives in written compositions • Uses descriptive words

ELA 1.3.6

Uses basic conventions of capitalization in written compositions • First and last names • First word of a sentence

ELA 1.3.7

Uses basic conventions of punctuation in written compositions • Use periods after declarative sentences • Uses question marks after interrogative sentences


Gathers and uses information for research purposes.

ELA 1.4.1

Generates questions about topics of personal interest

ELA 1.4.2

Uses a variety of sources to gather information • informational books • pictures, charts and indexes • videos and television programs • guest speakers • Internet • own observation


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 1.5.1

Uses mental images based on pictures and print to aid in comprehension of text

ELA 1.5.2

Uses meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content • Uses picture captions, title, cover, headings, story structure and story topic to predict action, events and character’s behavior.

ELA 1.5.3

Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words • • • • •

Common letter/sound relationships Beginning and ending consonants Vowel sounds Blends Word patterns

ELA 1.5.4

Uses basic elements of structural analysis to decode unknown words • Syllables • basic prefixes • suffixes • root words • compound words • spelling patterns • contractions

ELA 1.5.5

Uses a picture dictionary to determine word meaning

ELA 1.5.6

Reads aloud familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency and expression • Rhythm • Flow • Meter • Tempo • Pitch • Tone • Intonation

ELA 1.5.7

Understands level-appropriate sight words and vocabulary • words for persons, places, things, actions • high frequency words such as said, was, and where


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 1.6.1

Knows the main ideas or theme of a story

ELA 1.6.2

Relates story to personal experiences •

Events, characters conflict, themes

ELA 1.6.3

Knows the elements of a story • Setting • Main characters • Main events • Sequence • Problems in a story (conflict)


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 1.7.1

Understands the main idea and supporting details of simple expository information

ELA 1.7.2

Understands a variety of informational texts • Written directions • Signs • Captions • Warning labels • Informational books

ELA 1.7.3

Summarizes information found in texts • Retells in own words


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 1.8.1

Makes contributions in class and group discussions • reports on ideas and personal knowledge about a topic, initiates conversations, connects ideas and experiences with those of others

ELA 1.8.2

Asks and responds to questions • about the meaning of a story • about the meaning of words or ideas

ELA 1.8.3

Follows rules of conversation and group discussion

• •

takes turns raises hand to speak

ELA 1.8.4

Gives and responds to oral instructions

ELA 1.8.5

Knows differences between language used at home and at school Uses level appropriate vocabulary in speech • Number words • Words that describe people, places, things, events, location, actions • Synonyms and antonyms

ELA 1.8.6


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 1.9.1

Understands the main idea or message in visual media • pictures, cartoons, weather reports on television, newspaper photographs, visual narratives

ELA 1.9.2

Knows different elements from films, videos, television, and other visual media that appeal to him or her • scary parts, action segments, particular characters, color, sound effects, animation, layout, music


Understands the characteristics and components of the media.

ELA 1.10.1

Knows that there are different types of media categories • news programs, sports programs, commercials

Mathematics First Grade

Summary of Standards for Mathematics: 1. Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation 4. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement 5. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry 6. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis 7. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability 8. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra 9. Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 36

Standard 1

Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process

Mat 1.1.1

Draws pictures to represent problems

Mat 1.1.2

Explains to others possible ways to solve a numerical problem

Mat 1.1.3

Uses whole number models to represent problems z Pattern blocks z Tiles z Other manipulative z Materials

Mat 1.1.4

Uses a variety of strategies to understand problem situations z Discussing with peers z Stating problems in own words z Modeling problem with diagrams z Physical objects z Identifying a pattern

Mat 1.1.5

Uses trial and error and the process of elimination to solve problems.

Standard 2

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers

Mat 1.2.1

Understands that numbers are symbols used to represent quantities or attributes or real-world objects

Mat 1.2.2.

Counts whole numbers z Both cardinal and ordinal numbers

Mat 1.2.3

Understands symbolic, concrete, and pictorial representations of numbers z z Written numerals z Objects in sets

Mat 1.2.4

Understands basic whole number relationships z 4 is less than 10, 30 is 3 tens

Mat 1.2.5

Understands the concept of a unit and its subdivision into equal parts z One object, such as a candy bar z Its division into equal parts to be shared among four people

Mat 1.2.6

Understands the basic difference between odd and even numbers

Mat 1.2.7

Understands the basic meaning of place value

Mat 1.2.8

Uses models to identify, order, and compare numbers z Number lines z Hundreds chart z Calendar

Standard 3

Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation

Mat 1.3.1

Adds and subtracts whole numbers z Using paper and pencil z manipulative

Mat 1.3.2

Solves real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers

Mat 1.3.3

Understands common terms used with estimation z About z Near z Closer to z Between z A little less than z Higher z Lower

Mat 1.3.4

Understands the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction

Mat 1.3.5

Performs basic mental computations z Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

Mat 1.3.6

Understands the language of word problems z Altogether z Take away z In all z Left

Standard 4

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement

Mat 1.4.1

Understands the basic measures of length, width, height, weight, temperature, and capacity

Mat 1.4.2

Understands the concept of time and how it is measured

Mat 1.4.3

Knows processes for telling time, counting money and measuring length, weight, and temperature, using basic standard and nonstandard units

Mat 1.4.4

Understands the basic measures of perimeter, area, volume, and mass

Standard 5

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry

Mat 1.5.1

Understands basic properties of and similarities and differences between simple geometric shapes z Number of sides z Corners z Square z Corners

Mat 1.5.2

Understands the common language of spatial sense z Inside z Between z Above z Below z Behind

Standard 6

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis

Mat 1.6.1

Understands that observations about objects or events can be organized and displayed in simple graphs

Mat 1.6.2

Understands that generalizations can be made by studying a small group or sample

Mat 1.6.3

Reads and interprets simple bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs

Mat 1.6.4

Understands that data comes from real world objects and that collecting, organizing, and displaying data can be done in many ways z Tallies z Bar z Graphs z Pictographs z Line graphs

Standard 7

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability

Mat 1.7.1

Recognizes events that are sure to happen, events that are sure not to happen, and events that may or may not happen z In terms of certain z Uncertain z Likely z Unlikely

Standard 8

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra

Mat 1.8.1

Recognizes and creates patterns in a variety of contexts z Events z Design z Shapes z Sets of numbers

Mat 1.8.2

Extends simple patterns z Of numbers z Physical objects z Geometric shapes

Mat 1.8.3

Understands the basic concept of an equality relationship z An equation is a number sentence that shows two sides of the equation are equal; 32+5=37

Mat 1.8.4

Solves simple open sentences involving operations on whole numbers z 19+17=36

Standard 9

Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics

Mat 1.9.1

Understands that mathematical operation describe things in the real world

Mat 1.9.2

Understands that mathematical ideas and concepts can be represented concretely, graphically, and symbolically

Science 1st Grade

Science themes covered in 1st grade: • Life Science (Insects) • Physical Science (Balance and Motion) • Earth Science (Pebbles, Sand & Silt)

Summary of Standards for Science Earth and Space Sciences 1. Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle 2. Understands Earth's composition and structure 3. Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it Life Sciences 4. Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts 5. Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms 6. Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment 7. Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life Physical Sciences 8. Understands the structure and properties of matter 9. Understands the sources and properties of energy 10.Understands forces and motion Nature of Science 11.Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 12.Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 13.Understands the scientific enterprise



Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 19 Earth and Space Sciences STANDARD 2

Understands Earth's composition and structure

SCI 1.2.1

Knows that Earth materials consist of solid rocks, soils, liquid water, and the gases of the atmosphere

SCI 1.2.2

Knows that rocks come in many different shapes and sizes (e.g., boulders, pebbles, sand)


Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it

Life Sciences STANDARD 4

Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts

SCI 1.4.1

Knows that plants and animals closely resemble their parents

SCI 1.4.2

Knows that differences exist among individuals of the same kind of plant or animal


Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms

SCI 1.5.1

Knows the basic needs of plants and animals (e.g., air, water, nutrients, light or food, shelter)

SCI 1.5.2

Knows that plants and animals have features that help them live in different environments


Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment

SCI 1.6.1

Knows that plants and animals need certain resources for energy and growth (e.g., food, water, light, air)

SCI 1.6.2

Knows that living things are found almost everywhere in the world and that distinct environments support the life of different types of plants and animals


Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life

SCI 1.7.1

Knows that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared (e.g., dinosaurs, trilobites, mammoths, horsetail trees)

SCI 1.7.2

Knows that there are similarities and differences in the appearance and behavior of plants and animals

Physical Sciences STANDARD 10

Understands forces and motion

SCI 1.10.1

Knows that magnets can be used to make some things move without being touched

SCI 1.10.2

Knows that things near the Earth fall to the ground unless something holds them up

SCI 1.10.3

Knows that the position of an object can be described by locating it relative to another object or the background

SCI 1.10.4

Knows that the position and motion of an object can be changed by pushing or pulling

SCI 1.10.5

Knows that things move in many different ways (e.g., straight line, zigzag, vibration, circular motion)

Nature of Science STANDARD 11

Understands the nature of scientific knowledge

SCI 1.11.1

Knows that scientific investigations generally work the same way in different places and normally produce results that can be duplicated


Understands the nature of scientific inquiry

SCI 1.12.1

Knows that learning can come from careful observations and simple experiments

SCI 1.12.2

Knows that tools (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, balances) can be used to gather information and extend the senses


Understands the scientific enterprise

SCI 1.13.1

Knows that in science it is helpful to work with a team and share findings with others

Social Studies 1st Grade

Students in grade one continue a more detailed treatment of the broad concepts of rights and responsibilities in the contemporary world. The classroom serves as a microcosm of society in which decisions are made with respect for individual responsibility, for other people, and for the rules by which we all must live: fair play, good sportsmanship, and respect for the rights and opinions of others. Students examine the geographic and economic aspects of life in their own neighborhoods and compare them to those of people long ago. Students explore the varied backgrounds of American citizens and learn about the symbols, icons, and songs that reflect our common heritage.

Summary of Standards for Social Studies 1. Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns. 2. Students describe the rights and individual responsibilities of citizenship. 3. Students compare and contrast the absolute and relative locations of places and people and describe the physical and/ or human characteristics of places. 4. Students know and understand the symbols, icons, and traditions of the United States that provide continuity and a sense of community across time. 5. Students compare and contrast everyday life in different times and places around the world and recognize that some aspects of people, places, and things change over time while others stay the same. 6. Students describe the human characteristics of familiar places and the varied backgrounds of American citizens and residents in those places. 7. Students understand basic economic concepts and the role of individual choice in a free-market economy. 8. Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view. 9. Students understand historical interpretation.


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 21


Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns.

SOC 1.1.1

Knows how to identify the beginning, middle and end of historical stories, myths and narratives.

SOC 1.1.2

Knows how to identify change and continuity in his or her life.

SOC 1.1.3

Students place key events and people of the historical era they are studying in a chronological sequence and within a spatial context. • Interpret time lines


Students describe the rights and individual responsibilities of citizenship.

SOC 1.2.1

Understand the rule-making process in a direct democracy (everyone votes on the rules) and in a representative democracy (an elected group of people makes the rules), giving examples of both systems in their classroom, school, and community.

SOC 1.2.2

Understand the elements of fair play and good sportsmanship, respect for the rights and opinions of others, and respect for rules by which we live, including the meaning of the "Golden Rule."


Students compare and contrast the absolute and relative locations of places and people and describe the physical and/ or human characteristics of places.

SOC 1.3.1

Locate on maps and globes their local community, Korea, the United States, the seven continents, and the four oceans.

SOC 1.3.2

Compare the information that can be derived from a three-dimensional model to the information that can be derived from a picture of the same location.

SOC 1.3.3

Construct a simple map, using cardinal directions and map symbols.

SOC 1.3.4

Describe how location, weather, and physical environment affect the way people live, including the effects on their food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation.


Students know and understand the symbols, icons, and traditions that provide continuity and a sense of community across time.

SOC 1.4.1

Understand the significance of national holidays and the heroism and achievements of the people associated with them.

SOC 1.4.2

Identify symbols, landmarks, and essential documents and know the people and events associated with them.


Students compare and contrast everyday life in different times and places around the world and recognize that some aspects of people, places, and things change over time while others stay the same.

SOC 1.5.1

Examine the structure of schools and communities in the past.

SOC 1.5.2

Study transportation methods of earlier days.

SOC 1.5.3

Recognize similarities and differences of earlier generations in such areas as work (inside and outside the home), dress, manners, stories, games, and festivals, drawing from biographies, oral histories, and folklore.


Students describe the human characteristics of familiar places and the varied backgrounds of American citizens and residents in those places.

SOC 1.6.1

Recognize the ways in which they are all part of the same community. • sharing principles, goals, and traditions despite their varied ancestry • the forms of diversity in their school and community • the benefits and challenges of a diverse population

SOC 1.6.2

Understand the ways in which American Indians and immigrants have helped define Californian and American culture.

SOC 1.6.3

Compare the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, traditions, and social practices of the varied cultures, drawing from folklore.


Students understand basic economic concepts and the role of individual choice in a free-market economy.

SOC 1.7.1

Understand the concept of exchange and the use of money to purchase goods and services.

SOC 1.7.2

Identify the specialized work that people do to manufacture, transport, and market goods and services and the contributions of those who work in the home.


Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view.

SOC 1.8.1

Students pose relevant questions about events they encounter in historical documents, eyewitness accounts, oral histories, letters, diaries, artifacts, photographs, maps, artworks, and architecture.


Understands historical interpretation.

SOC 1.9.1

Students summarize the key events of the era they are studying and explain the historical contexts of those events.

Korean First Grade

Summary of Standards for Korean

(Bold faced taught at this grade level)

Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


First Grade

Standards: 4 Benchmarks: 19


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 1.5.1

Uses mental images based on pictures and print to aid in comprehension of text

ELA 1.5.2

Uses meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content • Uses picture captions, title, cover, headings, story structure and story topic to predict action, events and character’s behavior.

ELA 1.5.3

Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words • • • • •

ELA 1.5.4

Common letter/sound relationships Beginning and ending consonants Vowel sounds Blends Word patterns

Uses basic elements of structural analysis to decode unknown words • Syllables • basic prefixes • suffixes • root words • compound words • spelling patterns


ELA 1.5.5

Uses a picture dictionary to determine word meaning

ELA 1.5.6

Reads aloud familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency and expression • Rhythm • Flow • Meter • Tempo • Pitch • Tone • Intonation

ELA 1.5.7

Understands level-appropriate sight words and vocabulary • words for persons, places, things, actions • high frequency words such as said, was, and where


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 1.6.1

Knows the main ideas or theme of a story

ELA 1.6.2

Relates story to personal experiences •

Events, characters conflict, themes

ELA 1.6.3

Knows the elements of a story • Setting • Main characters • Main events • Sequence • Problems in a story (conflict)


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 1.7.1

Understands the main idea and supporting details of simple expository information

ELA 1.7.2

Understands a variety of informational texts • Written directions • Signs • Captions • Warning labels • Informational books

ELA 1.7.3

Summarizes information found in texts • Retells in own words


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 1.8.1

Makes contributions in class and group discussions • reports on ideas and personal knowledge about a topic, initiates conversations, connects ideas and experiences with those of others

ELA 1.8.2

Asks and responds to questions • about the meaning of a story • about the meaning of words or ideas

ELA 1.8.3

Follows rules of conversation and group discussion • takes turns • raises hand to speak

ELA 1.8.4

Gives and responds to oral instructions

ELA 1.8.5

Knows differences between language used at home and at school Uses level appropriate vocabulary in speech • Number words • Words that describe people, places, things, events, location, actions • Synonyms and antonyms

ELA 1.8.6

Physical Education Kindergarten to 3rd Grade

Summary of Standards for Physical Education: 1. Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms 2. Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills 3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity 4. Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources 5. Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity




Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 30

Standard 1

Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms


Uses a variety of basic locomotor movements (e.g., running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding)


Uses a variety of basic non-locomotor skills (e.g., bending, twisting, stretching, turning, lifting)


Uses a variety of basic object control skills (e.g., underhand and overhand throw, catch, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike)


Uses simple combinations of fundamental movement skills (e.g., locomotor, non-locomotor, object control, body control, and rhythmical skills)


Uses control in weight-bearing activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., jumping and landing using combinations of one and two foot take-offs and landings)


Uses control in balance activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., one foot, one hand and one foot, hands and knees, headstands)


Uses control in travel activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., travels in backward direction and changes direction quickly and safely, without falling; changes speeds and directions in response to various rhythms; combines travelling patterns to music)


Uses smooth transitions between sequential motor skills (e.g., running into a jump)


Uses locomotor skills in rhythmical patterns (e.g., even, uneven, fast, and slow)

Standard 2

Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills


Understands a vocabulary of basic movement concepts (e.g., personal space, high/low levels, fast/slow speeds, light/heavy weights, balance, twist)


Understands terms that describe a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over/under, behind, alongside, through)


Uses concepts of space awareness and movement control with a variety of basic skills (e.g., running, hopping, skipping) while interacting with others


Understands the critical elements of a variety of basic movement patterns such as throwing (e.g., the ready position, arm preparation, step with leg opposite the throwing arm, follow-through, accuracy of throw)


Uses feedback to improve performance (e.g., peer/coach review)


Understands the importance of practice in learning skills

Standard 3

Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity


Understands the health benefits of physical activity (e.g., good health, physical endurance)

Standard 4

Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources


Engages in basic activities that cause cardiorespiratory exertion (e.g., running, galloping, skipping, hopping)


Knows how to measure cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., listening to heartbeat, counting pulse rate)


Knows the physiological in dicators (e.g., perspiration, increased heart and breathing rate) that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activity


Engages in activities that develop muscular strength and endurance (e.g., climbing, hanging, taking weight on hands)


Engages in activities that require flexibility (e.g., stretching toward the toes while in the sit-and-reach position, moving each joint through its full range of motion)


Knows how body composition influences physical fitness levels (e.g., proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass)


Knows similarities and differences in body height, weight, and shape

Standard 5

Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Follows rules and procedures (e.g., playground, classroom, and gymnasium rules) with little reinforcement


Uses equipment and space safely and properly (e.g., takes turns using equipment, puts equipment away when not in use)


Understands the purpose of rules in games


Understands the social contributions of physical activity (e.g., learning to cooperate and interact with others, having a role in team sports)


Works cooperatively (e.g., takes turns, is supportive, assists partner) with another to complete an assigned task


Understands the elements of socially acceptable conflict resolution in physical activity settings (e.g., cooperation, sharing, consideration)


Understands the importance of playing, cooperating, and respecting others regardless of personal differences (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability) during physical activity

Art Kindergarten/1st Grade

Summary of Standards for Art: 1. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts 2. Knows how to use the elements (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art 3. Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts 4. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 5. Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others




Revised: July 2014 Standards: 3 Benchmarks: 9

Standard 1

Understands and applies media, techniques and processes related to the visual arts

VA 1.1.1

Knows the differences between art materials (e.g., paint, clay, wood, videotape), techniques (e.g., overlapping, shading, varying size or color), and processes (e.g., addition and subtraction in sculpture, casting and constructing in making jewelry)

VA 1.1.2

Knows how different media (e.g., oil, watercolor, stone, metal), techniques, and processes are used to communicate ideas, experiences and stories

VA 1.1.3

Uses art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

VA 1.1.4

Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts (e.g., drawing/design painting with different media, modeling, sculpting and constructing.

VA 1.1.5

Uses application of the creative process (e.g., striving for originality, exploring alternative approaches).

Standard 2

Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art

VA 1.2.1

Knows the differences among visual characteristics (e.g., color, texture) and purposes of art (e.g., to convey ideas)

VA 1.2.2

Uses visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas

Standard 3

Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts

VA 1.3.1

Selects prospective ideas (e.g., formulated thoughts, opinions, concepts) for works of art

VA 1.3.2

Knows how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are used to communicate meaning

Music 1st grade

Summary of Standards for Music: 1. Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniment 4. Composes and arranges music within specified guidelines 5. Reads and notates music 6. Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture



Standards: 7 Benchmarks: 12 Standard 1

Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

MUS 1.1.1

Sings accurately on pitch and in rhythm within a range of 5-8 tones between c and c

MUS 1.1.2

Sings expressively and with beautiful tone quality

MUS 1.1.3

Uses ensemble skills (balance, intonation)

Standard 2

Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures

MUS 1.2.1

Echoes short rhythms and melodic patterns accurately

MUS 1.2.2

Plays ostinatos with a steady beat and accurate rhythm

Standard 3

Improvises and composes melodies, variations, and accompaniments

MUS 1.3.1

Improvises answer phrases in the same style as given question phrase using rhythmic values including quarter notes, quarter rests and eighth notes and pitches including la,so and mi

Standard 4

Reads and notates music

MUS 1.4.1

Uses sol-fegge syllables to read melodies including la, so and mi in stick notation and staff notation in F do and C do

MUS 1.4.2

Uses rhythm syllables to read rhythms including quarter notes, quarter rests and eighth notes in stick notation and staff notation

Standard 5

Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance

MUS 1.5.1

Identifies simple music forms (e.g., AB, ABA, call and response) when presented aurally

MUS 1.5.2

Responds through purposeful movement (e.g., swaying, skipping, dramatic play) to elected prominent music characteristics or to specific music events (e.g., meter changes, dynamic changes, same/different sections)

Standard 6

Understands the relationship between music and history and culture

MUS 1.6.1

Knows characteristics that make certain music suitable for specific uses

MUS 1.6.2

Knows appropriate audience behavior for the context and style of music performed

Information Technology 1st Grade

Summary of Standards for IT: 1. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems 2. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs 3. Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual 4. Understands the nature of technology design 5. Understands the nature and operation of systems 6. Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology



Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 14 Standard 1

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems

IT 1.1.1

Identifies basic computer hardware (keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor)

IT 1.1.2

Identifies the alphanumeric keys and special keys (caps lock, delete, return, command, option )

IT 1.1.3

Is aware of proper finger placement on the keyboard

IT 1.1.4

Logs in/out, starts a computer program through the launcher

IT 1.1.5

Handles computer equipment with care

Standard 2

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs

IT 1.2.1

Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs ( special purpose, drawing, typing, and games )

IT 1.2.2

Uses menu options and commands

IT 1.2.3

Aware of the saving process

Standard 3

Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual

IT 1.3.1

Knows ways that technology is used at home and school (VCR, CD player, cellular phone)

IT 1.3.2

Understands that when a person creates something on a computer, the creation is that person’s property, and only that person has the right to change it

Standard 4

Understands the nature of technology design

IT 1.4.1

Knows that people are always inventing new ways to solve problems and accomplish work (e.g., a computer is a machine that helps people work and play)

IT 1.4.2

Knows that planning is an important part of the design process

Standard 5

Understands the nature and operation of systems

IT 1.5.1

Knows that things that are made of parts may not work well if a part is missing, broken, worn out, mismatched, or misconnected

Standard 6

Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology

IT 1.6.1

Be able to incorporate text, sound and graphics into a presentation

English Language Arts Second Grade

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Second Grade

Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 38 STANDARD 1

Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 2.1.1

Uses and understands the writing process • Prewriting • Drafting and Revising • Editing and Publishing

ELA 2.1.2

Evaluates own and others’ writing • asks questions and makes comments about writing • helps classmates apply grammatical and mechanical conventions

ELA 2.1.3

Uses strategies to organize written work • includes a beginning, middle and ending • uses a sequence of events

ELA 2.1.4

Uses writing and other methods to describe familiar persons, places, objects or experiences • draws pictures • uses letters or phonetically spelled words • making lists • uses sentences and eventually writes short stories

ELA 2.1.5

Writes in a variety of forms or genres • • • • •

Picture books Friendly letters Stories Poems Information pieces

• • • •

Invitations Personal experience narratives Messages Responses to literature

ELA 2.1.6

Writes for different purposes • To entertain • To inform • To learn • To communicate ideas


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 2.2.1

Uses descriptive words to convey basic ideas

ELA 2.2.2

Uses declarative and interrogative sentences in written compositions


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 2.3.1

Uses complete sentences in written compositions

ELA 2.3.2

Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs correctly in written compositions • Nouns for simple objects • Family members • Community workers • Categories

ELA 2.3.3

Uses conventions of spelling in written compositions • spells high frequency, commonly misspelled words from appropriate grade-level list • spells phonetically regular words • uses letter-sound relationships • spells basic short vowel, long vowel, rcontrolled, and consonant blend patterns • uses a dictionary and other resources to spell words

ELA 2.3.4

Uses conventions of capitalization in written compositions

• •

First and last names First word of a sentence

ELA 2.3.5

Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions • Use periods after declarative sentences • Uses question marks after interrogative sentences • Uses commas in a series of words


Gathers and uses information for research purposes.

ELA 2.4.1

Generates questions about topics of personal interest

ELA 2.4.2

Uses a variety of sources to gather information • informational books • pictures, charts and indexes • videos and television programs • guest speakers • Internet • own observation


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 1.5.1

Uses meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content • Uses picture captions, title, cover, headings, story structure and story topic to predict action, events and character’s behavior.

ELA 1.5.2

Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words • • • • •

Common letter/sound relationships Beginning and ending consonants Vowel sounds Blends Word patterns

ELA 1.5.3

Uses basic elements of structural analysis to decode unknown words • Syllables • basic prefixes • suffixes • root words • compound words • spelling patterns • contractions

ELA 1.5.4

Reads aloud familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency and expression • Rhythm • Flow • Meter • Tempo • Pitch • Tone • Intonation

ELA 1.5.5

Understands level-appropriate sight words and vocabulary • words for persons, places, things, actions • high frequency words

ELA 2.5.6

Uses self-correction strategies • searches for cues, identifies miscues, rereads, asks for help


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 2.6.1

Relates story to personal experiences •

ELA 2.6.2

Events, characters conflict, themes

Knows the elements of a story • Setting • Main characters • Main events • Sequence • Problems in a story (conflict)

ELA 2.6.3

Knows the basic characteristics of familiar genres • Picture books/predictable books • Fairy tales/Folk tales • Nursery rhymes • Fiction/non fiction • Legends, myths and fables • Poems


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 2.7.1

Understands a variety of informational texts • Written directions • Signs • Captions • Warning labels • Informational books

ELA 2.7.2

Summarizes information found in texts • Retells in own words • Understands the main idea

ELA 2.7.3

Relates new information to prior knowledge and experience


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 2.8.1

Makes contributions in class and group discussions • reports on ideas and personal knowledge about a topic, initiates conversations, connects ideas and experiences with those of others

ELA 2.8.2

Asks and responds to questions • about the meaning of a story • about the meaning of words or ideas

ELA 2.8.3

Follows • • •

rules of conversation and group discussion takes turns raises hand to speak stays on topic

focuses attention on speaker

ELA 2.8.4

Gives and responds to oral instructions

ELA 2.8.5

Uses level appropriate vocabulary in speech • Words that describe people, places, things, events, location, actions • Synonyms and antonyms • Homonyms • Word analogies • Common figures of speech

ELA 2.8.6

Uses different voice level, phrasing, and intonation for different situations • small group settings, informal discussions, reports to the class


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 2.9.1

Knows different elements from films, videos, television, and other visual media that appeal to him or her • scary parts, action segments, particular characters, color, sound effects, animation, layout, music

ELA 2.9.2

Knows different features (e.g., facial expressions, body language, gesture, clothing, actions, relationships, dialogue) that affect a viewer’s perceptions of characters in visual media • qualities that identify a "hero" or a "villain"

ELA 2.9.3

Understands the similarities and differences between real life and life depicted in visual media • compares own family to families represented in television cartoons or films • knows that there is a difference between a character in a program and the actor


Understands the characteristics and components of the media.

ELA 2.10.1

Understands that there are common conventions used in media • the layout of a newspaper, including headlines, photographs, and different sections • how theme music, sound effects, titles, and graphics represent the beginning and ending of a television program

ELA 2.10.2

Understands that media messages and products are created by people (individuals and groups) and represent real and imaginary experience

Mathematics Second Grade

Summary of Standards for Mathematics: 1. Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation 4. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement 5. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry 6. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis 7. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability 8. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra 9. Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 53

Standard 1

Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process

MAT 2.1.1

Represents and uses a variety of strategies to understand problem situations z Discussing with peers z Stating problems in own words z Modeling problem with diagrams or physical objects, identifying a pattern

MAT 2.1.2

Understands that some ways of representing a problem are more helpful than others

MAT 2.1.3

Uses trial and error and the process of elimination to solve problems

MAT 2.1.4

Knows the difference between pertinent and irrelevant information when solving problem

MAT 2.1.5

Understands vocabulary of mathematics in word problems z And z Or z Not greater than z less than

MAT 2.1.6

Explains methods and reasoning being solutions to determine reasonableness of and to verify results

MAT 2.1.7

Represents problem situations in and translates among oral, written, concrete, pictorial, and graphic forms

MAT 2.1.8

Understands the role of symbols in representing mathematical ideas

Standard 2

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers

MAT 2.2.1

Understands the difference between odd and even numbers

MAT 2.2.2

Understands the meaning of place value

MAT 2.2.3

Uses models z number lines z Two-dimensional and three-dimensional

MAT 2.2.4

Understands symbolic, concrete, and pictorial representations of numbers z Written numerals z Objects in sets z Number lines

Standard 3

Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation

MAT 2.3.1

Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers, fractions and decimals

MAT 2.3.2

Uses specific strategies to estimate computations and to check the reasonableness of results to estimate computations and to check the reasonableness of results z Front-end estimation z Rounding

MAT 2.3.3

Performs basic mental computations z Addition z Subtraction

z Multiplication and division of whole numbers MAT 2.3.4

Determines the effects of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on size and order of numbers

MAT 2.3.5

Understands the properties of and the relationships among addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division z Reversing the order of two addends does not change the sum; division is the inverse of multiplication

MAT 2.3.6

Solves real-world problems involving number operations

Standard 4

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement

MAT 2.4.1

Understands the basic measures perimeter, area, volume capacity, mass, angle, and circumference

MAT 2.4.2

Selects and uses appropriate tools for given measurement situations z Rulers for length z Measuring cups for capacity z Protractors for angle

MAT 2.4.3

Knows approximate size of basic standard units and relationships between them z Centimeters z Feet z Grams z Between inches and feet

MAT 2.4.4

Understands relationships between measures z Between length z Perimeter and area

MAT 2.4.5

Uses specific strategies to estimate quantities and measurements

z Estimating the whole by estimating the parts MAT 2.4.6

Selects and uses appropriate tools of measurement, according to type and size of unit z Standard and nonstandard

MAT 2.4.7

Knows processes for telling time, counting money, and measuring length,weight, and temperature, using basic standard and nonstandard units

MAT 2.4.8

Solves problems involving perimeter (circumference) and area of various shapes z Parallelogram z Triangles z Circles

MAT 2.4.9

Understands the relationships among linear dimensions, area, and volume and the corresponding uses of units, square units, and cubic units of measure

MAT 2.4.10

Understands formula for finding measures z Area z Volume z Surface area

MAT 2.4.11

Understands procedures for basic indirect measurements z Using grids to estimate are of irregular figures

Standard 5

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry

MAT 2.5.1

Knows basic geometric language for describing and naming shapes z Trapezoid z Parallelogram z Cube z Sphere

MAT 2.5.2

Understands basic properties of figures z Two-or-three-dimensionality z Symmetry z Number of faces z Type of angle

MAT 2.5.3

Predicts and verifies the effects of combining, subdividing, and changing basic shapes

MAT 2.5.4

Understands that shapes can be congruent or similar

MAT 2.5.5

Uses motion geometry to understand geometric relationships z Turns z Flips z Slides

MAT 2.5.6

Understands characteristics of lines and angles z Parallel z Perpendicular z Intersecting z Right z Acute

MAT 2.5.7

Understands the defining properties of threedimensional figures z A cube has edges with equal lengths z Faces with equal areas and congruent shapes z Right angles z Angles z Planes

MAT 2.5.8

Understands tools and how they are used to create geometric figures z Ruler, protractor, and compass

Standard 6

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis

MAT 2.6.1

Understands that data represents specific pieces of information about real world objects or activities

MAT 2.6.2

Organizes and displays data in simple bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, charts, and tables

MAT 2.6.3

Reads and interprets simple bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, charts, and tables

MAT 2.6.4

Understands that data comes in many different forms and that collecting, organizing, and displaying data can be done in many ways

Standard 7

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability

MAT 2.7.1

Understands that the word “chance� refers to the likelihood of an event

MAT 2.7.2

Recognizes and predicts events that are sure to happen z In terms of certain z Uncertain z Like z Unlike

MAT 2.7.3

Understands that generalizations can be made and possible outcomes can be predicted for a group

MAT 2.7.4

Determines probability using simulations or experiments

MAT 2.7.5

Understands the relationship between the numerical expression of a probability and the events that produce these numbers z Fraction

z Percent age z Odds Standard 8

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra

MAT 2.8.1

Recognizes, creates and extends a wide variety of patterns z Basic linear patterns such as (2,4,6,8...); simple repeating and growing patterns and the rules that explain them

MAT 2.8.2

Understands that the same pattern can be represented in different ways z Geometrically or numerically; the pattern of numbers (7,14,21,28...)

MAT 2.8.3

Knows that a variable is a letter or symbol that stands for one or more numbers

MAT 2.8.4

Understands the basic concept of an equality relationship z An equation is a number sentence that shows two quantities that are equal

MAT 2.8.5

Solves open sentences involving operations on whole numbers z 109+31+69=209

Standard 9

Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics

MAT 2.9.1

Understands that numbers and the operations performed on them can be used to describe things in the real world and predict what might occur

MAT 2.9.2

Understands that mathematical ideas and concepts can be represented concretely, graphically, and symbolically

Science 2nd Grade

Science themes covered in 2nd grade: • Life Science (New Plants) • Physical Science (Solids and Liquids) • Earth Science (Air and Weather)

Summary of Standards for Science Earth and Space Sciences 1. Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle 2. Understands Earth's composition and structure 3. Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it Life Sciences 4. Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts 5. Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms 6. Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment 7. Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life Physical Sciences 8. Understands the structure and properties of matter 9. Understands the sources and properties of energy 10.Understands forces and motion Nature of Science 11.Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 12.Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 13.Understands the scientific enterprise



Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 18 Earth and Space Sciences STANDARD 1

Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle

SCI 2.1.1

Knows that short-term weather conditions (e.g., temperature, rain, snow) can change daily, and weather patterns change over the seasons

SCI 2.1.2

Knows that water can be a liquid or a solid and can be made to change from one form to the other, but the amount of water stays the same

Life Sciences STANDARD 4

Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts

SCI 2.4.1

Knows that plants and animals closely resemble their parents

SCI 2.4.2

Knows that differences exist among individuals of the same kind of plant or animal


Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms

SCI 2.5.1

Knows the basic needs of plants and animals (e.g., air, water, nutrients, light or food, shelter)

SCI 2.5.2

Knows that plants and animals have features that help them live in different environments


Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment

SCI 2.6.1

Knows that plants and animals need certain resources for energy and growth (e.g., food, water, light, air)

SCI 2.6.2

Knows that living things are found almost everywhere in the world and that distinct environments support the life of different types of plants and animals


Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life

SCI 2.7.1

Knows that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared (e.g., dinosaurs, trilobites, mammoths, horsetail trees)

SCI 2.7.2

Knows that there are similarities and differences in the appearance and behavior of plants and animals

Physical Sciences STANDARD 8

Understands the structure and properties of matter

SCI 2.8.1

Knows that matter has different states (i.e., solid, liquid, gas) and that each state has distinct physical properties

SCI 2.8.2

Knows that some common materials such as water can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling


Understands the sources and properties of energy

SCI 2.9.1

Knows that the Sun supplies heat and light to Earth

SCI 2.9.2

Knows that heat can be produced in many ways (e.g., burning, rubbing, mixing substances together)

Nature of Science STANDARD 11

Understands the nature of scientific knowledge

SCI 2.11.1

Knows that scientific investigations generally work the same way in different places and normally produce results that can be duplicated


Understands the nature of scientific inquiry

SCI 2.12.1

Knows that learning can come from careful observations and simple experiments

SCI 2.12.2

Knows that tools (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, balances) can be used to gather information and extend the senses


Understands the scientific enterprise

SCI 2.13.1

Knows that in science it is helpful to work with a team and share findings with others

Social Studies 2nd Grade

Students in grade two explore the lives of actual people who make a difference in their everyday lives and learn the stories of extraordinary people from history whose achievements have touched them, directly or indirectly. The study of contemporary people who supply goods and services aids in understanding the complex interdependence in our freemarket system.

Summary of Standards for Social Studies 1. Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns. 2. Students differentiate between things that happened long ago and things that happened yesterday. 3. Students demonstrate map skills by describing the absolute and relative locations of people, places, and environments. 4. Students explain governmental institutions and practices in the United States and other countries. 5. Students understand the importance of individual action and character and explain how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in others' lives (e.g., from biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Louis Pasteur, Sitting Bull, George Washington Carver, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Golda Meir, Jackie Robinson, Sally Ride). 6. Students understand the importance of individual action and character. 7. Students understand the world is made up of many different cultures. 8. Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view. 9. Students understand historical interpretation.


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 21


Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns.

SOC 2.1.1

Students correctly apply terms related to time, including past, present, future, decade, century, and generation.

SOC 2.1.2

Students explain how the present is connected to the past, identifying both similarities and differences between the two, and how some things change over time and some things stay the same.

SOC 2.1.3

Students use map and globe skills to determine the absolute locations of places and interpret information available through a map's or globe's legend, scale, and symbolic representations.


Students differentiate between things that happened long ago and things that happened yesterday.

SOC 2.2.1

Trace the history of a family through the use of primary and secondary sources, including artifacts, photographs, interviews, and documents.

SOC 2.2.2

Compare and contrast their daily lives with those of their parents, grandparents, and/ or guardians.

SOC 2.2.3

Place important events in their lives in the order in which they occurred. • on a time line or storyboard


Students demonstrate map skills by describing the absolute and relative locations of people, places, and environments.

SOC 2.3.1

Locate on a simple letter-number grid system the specific locations and geographic features in their neighborhood or community. • map of the classroom, the school).

SOC 2.3.2

Label from memory a simple map of both Asia and the North American continent, including the countries, oceans, Great Lakes, major rivers, and mountain ranges. Identify the essential map elements: title, legend, directional indicator, scale, and date.

SOC 2.3.3

Locate on a map where student’s ancestors live(d), telling when the family moved to the local community and how and why they made the trip.

SOC 2.3.4

Compare and contrast basic land use in urban, suburban, and rural environments.


Students explain governmental institutions and practices in the United States and other countries.

SOC 2.4.1

Explain how Korea, the United States and other countries make laws, carry out laws, determine whether laws have been violated, and punish wrongdoers.

SOC 2.4.2

Describe the ways in which groups and nations interact with one another to try to resolve problems in such areas as trade, cultural contacts, treaties, diplomacy, and military force.


Students understand basic economic concepts and their individual roles in the economy and demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills.

SOC 2.5.1

Describe food production and consumption long ago and today, including the roles of farmers, processors, distributors, weather, and land and water resources.

SOC 2.5.2

Understand the role and interdependence of buyers (consumers) and sellers (producers) of goods and services.

SOC 2.5.3

Understand how limits on resources affect production and consumption (what to produce and what to consume).


Students understand the importance of individual action and character.

SOC 2.6.1

Students explain how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in others' lives. • from biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Louis Pasteur, Sitting Bull, George Washington Carver, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Golda Meir, Jackie Robinson, Sally Ride


Students understand the world is made up of many different cultures.

SOC 2.7.1

Identifies the features of a culture. • Dress • Art • Food • Language • Muisc • Beliefs

SOC 2.7.2

Recognizes that each culture has unique traditions and customs.


Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view.

SOC 2.8.1

Students distinguish fact from fiction by comparing documentary sources on historical figures and events with fictionalized characters and events.


Understands historical interpretation.

SOC 2.9.1

Students summarize the key events of the era they are studying and explain the historical contexts of those events.

SOC 2.9.2

Students identify the human and physical characteristics of the places they are studying and explain how those features form the unique character of those places.

Korean Second Grade

Summary of Standards for Korean

(Bold faced taught at this grade level)

Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Second Grade

Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 26 STANDARD 1

Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 2.1.1

Uses and understands the writing process • Prewriting • Drafting and Revising • Editing and Publishing

ELA 2.1.2

Evaluates own and others’ writing • asks questions and makes comments about writing • helps classmates apply grammatical and mechanical conventions

ELA 2.1.3

Uses strategies to organize written work • includes a beginning, middle and ending • uses a sequence of events

ELA 2.1.4

Uses writing and other methods to describe familiar persons, places, objects or experiences • draws pictures • uses letters or phonetically spelled words • making lists • uses sentences and eventually writes short stories

ELA 2.1.5

Writes in a variety of forms or genres • • • •

Picture books Friendly letters Stories Poems

• • • • •

Information pieces Invitations Personal experience narratives Messages Responses to literature

ELA 2.1.6

Writes for different purposes • To entertain • To inform • To learn • To communicate ideas


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 2.2.1

Uses descriptive words to convey basic ideas

ELA 2.2.2

Uses declarative and interrogative sentences in written compositions


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 1.5.1

Uses meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content • Uses picture captions, title, cover, headings, story structure and story topic to predict action, events and character’s behavior.

ELA 1.5.2

Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis to decode unknown words • • • • •

ELA 1.5.3

Common letter/sound relationships Beginning and ending consonants Vowel sounds Blends Word patterns

Uses basic elements of structural analysis to decode unknown words • Syllables • basic prefixes

• • • • •

suffixes root words compound words spelling patterns contractions

ELA 1.5.4

Reads aloud familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency and expression • Rhythm • Flow • Meter • Tempo • Pitch • Tone • Intonation

ELA 1.5.5

Understands level-appropriate sight words and vocabulary • words for persons, places, things, actions • high frequency words

ELA 2.5.6

Uses self-correction strategies • searches for cues, identifies miscues, rereads, asks for help


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 2.6.1

Relates story to personal experiences •

Events, characters conflict, themes

ELA 2.6.2

Knows the elements of a story • Setting • Main characters • Main events • Sequence • Problems in a story (conflict)

ELA 2.6.3

Knows the basic characteristics of familiar genres • Picture books/predictable books • Fairy tales/Folk tales • Nursery rhymes

• • •

Fiction/non fiction Legends, myths and fables Poems


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 2.7.1

Understands a variety of informational texts • Written directions • Signs • Captions • Warning labels • Informational books

ELA 2.7.2

Summarizes information found in texts • Retells in own words • Understands the main idea

ELA 2.7.3

Relates new information to prior knowledge and experience


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 2.8.1

Makes contributions in class and group discussions • reports on ideas and personal knowledge about a topic, initiates conversations, connects ideas and experiences with those of others

ELA 2.8.2

Asks and responds to questions • about the meaning of a story • about the meaning of words or ideas

ELA 2.8.3

Follows • • • •

ELA 2.8.4

Gives and responds to oral instructions

rules of conversation and group discussion takes turns raises hand to speak stays on topic focuses attention on speaker

ELA 2.8.5

Uses level appropriate vocabulary in speech • Words that describe people, places, things, events, location, actions • Synonyms and antonyms • Homonyms • Word analogies • Common figures of speech

ELA 2.8.6

Uses different voice level, phrasing, and intonation for different situations • small group settings, informal discussions, reports to the class

Physical Education Kindergarten to 3rd Grade

Summary of Standards for Physical Education: 1. Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms 2. Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills 3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity 4. Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources 5. Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity




Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 30

Standard 1

Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms


Uses a variety of basic locomotor movements (e.g., running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding)


Uses a variety of basic non-locomotor skills (e.g., bending, twisting, stretching, turning, lifting)


Uses a variety of basic object control skills (e.g., underhand and overhand throw, catch, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike)


Uses simple combinations of fundamental movement skills (e.g., locomotor, non-locomotor, object control, body control, and rhythmical skills)


Uses control in weight-bearing activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., jumping and landing using combinations of one and two foot take-offs and landings)


Uses control in balance activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., one foot, one hand and one foot, hands and knees, headstands)


Uses control in travel activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., travels in backward direction and changes direction quickly and safely, without falling; changes speeds and directions in response to various rhythms; combines travelling patterns to music)


Uses smooth transitions between sequential motor skills (e.g., running into a jump)


Uses locomotor skills in rhythmical patterns (e.g., even, uneven, fast, and slow)

Standard 2

Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills


Understands a vocabulary of basic movement concepts (e.g., personal space, high/low levels, fast/slow speeds, light/heavy weights, balance, twist)


Understands terms that describe a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over/under, behind, alongside, through)


Uses concepts of space awareness and movement control with a variety of basic skills (e.g., running, hopping, skipping) while interacting with others


Understands the critical elements of a variety of basic movement patterns such as throwing (e.g., the ready position, arm preparation, step with leg opposite the throwing arm, follow-through, accuracy of throw)


Uses feedback to improve performance (e.g., peer/coach review)


Understands the importance of practice in learning skills

Standard 3

Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity


Understands the health benefits of physical activity (e.g., good health, physical endurance)

Standard 4

Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources


Engages in basic activities that cause cardiorespiratory exertion (e.g., running, galloping, skipping, hopping)


Knows how to measure cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., listening to heartbeat, counting pulse rate)


Knows the physiological in dicators (e.g., perspiration, increased heart and breathing rate) that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activity


Engages in activities that develop muscular strength and endurance (e.g., climbing, hanging, taking weight on hands)


Engages in activities that require flexibility (e.g., stretching toward the toes while in the sit-and-reach position, moving each joint through its full range of motion)


Knows how body composition influences physical fitness levels (e.g., proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass)


Knows similarities and differences in body height, weight, and shape

Standard 5

Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Follows rules and procedures (e.g., playground, classroom, and gymnasium rules) with little reinforcement


Uses equipment and space safely and properly (e.g., takes turns using equipment, puts equipment away when not in use)


Understands the purpose of rules in games


Understands the social contributions of physical activity (e.g., learning to cooperate and interact with others, having a role in team sports)


Works cooperatively (e.g., takes turns, is supportive, assists partner) with another to complete an assigned task


Understands the elements of socially acceptable conflict resolution in physical activity settings (e.g., cooperation, sharing, consideration)


Understands the importance of playing, cooperating, and respecting others regardless of personal differences (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability) during physical activity

Art 2nd Grade

Summary of Standards for Art: 1. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts 2. Knows how to use the elements (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art 3. Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts 4. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 5. Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 4 Benchmarks: 9

Standard 1

Understands and applies media, techniques and processes related to the visual arts

VA 2.1.1

Knows the differences between art materials (e.g., paint, clay, wood, videotape), techniques (e.g., overlapping, shading, varying size or color), and processes

VA 2.1.2

Uses art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

VA 2.1.3

Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts (e.g., drawing/design painting with different media, modeling, sculpting and constructing.

VA 2.1.4

Uses application of the creative process (e.g., striving for originality, exploring alternative approaches).

Standard 2

Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art

VA 2.2.1

Knows the differences among visual characteristics (e.g., color, texture) and purposes of art (e.g., to convey ideas)

VA 2.2.2

Uses visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas

Standard 3

Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts

VA 2.3.1

Selects prospective ideas (e.g., formulated thoughts, opinions, concepts) for works of art

VA 2.3.2

Knows how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are used to communicate meaning

Standard 4

Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

VA 2.4.1

Knows that the visual arts have both a history and a specific relationship to various cultures

Music 2nd grade

Summary of Standards for Music: 1. Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniment 4. Composes and arranges music within specified guidelines 5. Reads and notates music 6. Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 7 Benchmarks: 15

Standard 1

Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

MUS 2.1.1

Sings accurately on pitch and in rhythm

MUS 2.1.2

Sings expressively and with beautiful tone quality

MUS 2.1.3

Uses ensemble skills (balance, intonation)

Standard 2

Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

MUS 2. 2.1

Echoes short rhythms and melodic patterns accurately

MUS 2.2.2

Plays ostinations with a steady beat and accurate rhythm

MUS 2.2.3

Plays simple independent instrumental parts while others sing or play contrasting parts

Standard 3

Improvises, composes and arranges melodies, variations, and accompaniments

MUS 2.3.1

Improvises answer phrases in the same style as given question phrase using rhythmic values including quarter notes, quarter rests and eighth notes and pitches including la,so, mi and do

MUS 2.3.2

Composes short phrases using rhythmic values including quarter notes,quarter rests and eighth notes and pitches including la, so, mi and do using a variety of sound sources

Standard 4

Reads and notates music

MUS 2.4.1

Uses sol-fegge syllables to read melodies including la, so, mi and doh in stick notation and staff notation in F do, G do and C do

MUS 2.4.2

Uses rhythm syllables to read rhythms including quarter notes, quarter rests and eighth notes in stick notation and self notation

Standard 5

Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance

MUS 2.5.1

Identifies simple music forms (e.g., AB, ABA, call and response) when presented aurally

MUS 2..5.2

Responds through purposeful movement (e.g., swaying, dramatic play) to elected prominent music characteristics or to specific music events (e.g., meter changes, dynamic changes, same/different section)

MUS 2.5.3

Knows personal preferences for specific musical works and style

Standard 6

Understands the relationship between music and history and culture

MUS 2.6.1

Knows characteristics that make certain music suitable for specific uses

MUS 2.6.2

Knows appropriate audience behavior for the context and style of music performed

Information Technology 2nd Grade

Summary of Standards for IT: 1. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems 2. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs 3. Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual 4. Understands the nature of technology design 5. Understands the nature and operation of systems 6. Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 21

Standard 1

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems

IT 2.1.1

Identifies basic computer hardware (keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor)

IT 2.1.2

Identifies the alphanumeric keys and special keys (caps lock, delete, return, command, option )

IT 2.1.3

Is aware of proper finger placement on the keyboard

IT 2.1.4

Logs in/out, starts a computer program through the launcher

IT 2.1.5

Handles computer equipment with care

IT 2.1.6

Knows proper finger placement on the home row keys

IT 2.1.7

Types on a computer keyboard using correct hand placement and body positions

Standard 2

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs

IT 2.2.1

Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs ( special purpose, drawing, typing, and games )

IT 2.2.2

Uses menu options and commands

IT 2.2.3

Aware of the saving process

Standard 3

Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual

IT 2.3.1

Knows ways that technology is used at home and school (VCR, CD player, cellular phone)

IT 2.3.2

Understands that when a person creates something on a computer, the creation is that person’s property, and only that person has the right to change it

Standard 4

Understands the nature of technology design

IT 2.4.1

Knows that planning is an important part of the design process

IT 2.4.2

Knows that new objects can be created out of physical materials (e.g., paper, cloth)

IT 2.4.3

Knows that because there may be multiple solutions to a design problem, each appropriate to different situations, many creative ideas can be useful

Standard 5

Understands the nature and operation of systems

IT 2.5.1

Understands how some elements of simple systems work together (e.g., people in a restaurant, parts of a bicycle)

IT 2.5.2

Creates and tests a simple linear system (e.g., a production line process for making sandwiches)

Standard 6

Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology

IT 2.6.1

Be able to incorporate text, sound and graphics into a presentation

IT 2.6.2

Knows that a transportation system is tailored to a society's needs and consists of rules (e.g., which side of the road to drive on) and components (e.g., vehicles and the surface upon which they move)

IT 2.6.3

Knows that manufacturing technology first creates a complete and detailed design of a product and then produces this product in quantity

IT 2.6.4

Knows that there are different types of structures (e.g., house, airport, highway) and each one requires different materials and parts

English Language Arts Third Grade

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Third Grade

Revised: July 2014 Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 36


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 3.1.1

Prewriting: Uses prewriting strategies to plan written work • uses graphic organizers, story maps, and webs • groups related ideas • takes notes • brainstorms ideas • organizes information according to type and purpose of writing

ELA 3.1.2

Drafting and Revising: Uses strategies to draft and revise written work • elaborates on a central idea • writes with attention to audience, word choice, sentence variation • uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas • produces multiple drafts

ELA 3.1.3

Editing and Publishing: Uses strategies to edit and publish written work • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • uses reference materials • considers page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles) • selects presentation format according to purpose

• •

incorporates photos, illustrations, charts, and graphs uses available technology to compose and publish work

ELA 3.1.4

Evaluates own and others’ writing • determines the best features of a piece of writing • determines how own writing achieves its purposes • asks for feedback • responds to classmates’ writing

ELA 3.1.5

Uses strategies to write for different audiences • adapts focus, organization, point of view • determines knowledge and interests of audience • writes for self, peers, teachers, adults

ELA 3.1.6

Writes in response to literature • summarizes main ideas and significant details • relates own ideas to supporting details • advances judgments • supports judgments with references to the text, other works, other authors, non-print media, and personal knowledge

ELA 3.1.7

Writes personal letters • includes the date, address, greeting, body, and closing • addresses envelopes • includes signature


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 3.2.1

Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas • common figures of speech • sensory details

ELA 3.2.2

Uses basic paragraphs in writing • indents the first word of a paragraph

• •

uses topic sentences recognizes a paragraph as a group of sentences about one main idea


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 3.3.1

Writes in cursive

ELA 3.3.2

Uses pronouns in written compositions • substitutes pronouns for nouns • uses pronoun agreement

ELA 3.3.3

Uses nouns in written compositions • uses plural and singular naming words • forms regular and irregular plurals of nouns • uses common and proper nouns • uses nouns as subjects

ELA 3.3.4

Uses verbs in written compositions • uses a wide variety of action verbs, past and present verb tenses, simple tenses, forms of regular verbs, verbs that agree with the subject

ELA 3.3.5

Uses adjectives in written compositions • indefinite, numerical, predicate adjectives

ELA 3.3.6

Uses conventions of spelling in written compositions • spells high frequency, commonly misspelled words from appropriate grade-level list • uses a dictionary and other resources to spell words • uses initial consonant substitution to spell related words • uses vowel combinations for correct spelling • uses contractions, compounds, roots, suffixes, prefixes, and syllable constructions to spell words

ELA 3.3.7

Uses conventions of capitalization in written compositions • titles of people • proper nouns (names of towns, cities, counties, and states) • days of the week • months of the year • names of streets • names of countries • holidays • heading, salutation, and closing of a letter

ELA 3.3.8

Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions • uses periods after imperative sentences and in initials, abbreviations, and titles before names • uses commas in dates and addresses and after greetings and closings in a letter • uses apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns • uses a colon between hour and minutes


Gathers and uses information for research purposes.

ELA 3.4.1

Uses encyclopedias and dictionaries to gather information for research topics

ELA 3.4.2

Uses multiple representations of information to find information for research topics • maps, charts, photos, diagrams, tables


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 3.5.1

Previews text • skims material • uses pictures, textual clues, and text format

ELA 3.5.2

Establishes a purpose for reading • for information, for pleasure, to understand a specific viewpoint

ELA 3.5.3

Makes, confirms, and revises simple predictions about what will be found in a text • uses prior knowledge and ideas presented in text, illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing clues

ELA 3.5.4

Uses phonetic and structural analysis techniques, syntactic structure, and semantic context to decode unknown words • vowel patterns, complex word families, syllabication, root words, affixes

ELA 3.5.5

Use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words • draws on earlier reading • reads ahead

ELA 3.5.6

Understands level-appropriate reading vocabulary • synonyms, antonyms, homophones, multimeaning words


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 3.6.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres • fairy tales, folk tales, fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fables, fantasies, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies, chapter books

ELA 3.6.2

Understands the basic concept of plot • main problem, conflict, resolution, causeand-effect

ELA 3.6.3

Understands similarities and differences within and among literary works from various genres and cultures • in terms of settings, character types, events, point of view • role of natural phenomena


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 3.7.1

Uses reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational texts • textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines

ELA 3.7.2

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of informational texts • textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines

ELA 3.7.3

Summarizes and paraphrases information in texts • includes the main idea and significant supporting details of a reading selection)


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 3.8.1

Contributes to group discussions and asks questions in class • when he or she is confused, to seek others’ opinions and comments)

ELA 3.8.2

Listens to classmates and adults and responds to questions and comments • does not interrupt, faces the speaker, asks questions, summarizes or paraphrases to confirm understanding, gives feedback, eliminates barriers to effective listening • gives reasons in support of opinions, responds to others’ ideas

ELA 3.8.3

Uses level-appropriate vocabulary in speech • familiar idioms, similes, word play


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 3.9.1

Understands different messages conveyed through visual media • main ideas and supporting details • facts and opinions • main characters, setting, and sequence of events in visual narratives


Understands the characteristics and components of the media.

ELA 3.10.1

Knows the main formats and characteristics of familiar media • the format of quiz shows on television: host/hostess, contestants, competition for prizes of commercial value • types of advertising such as billboards, Tshirts, or commercials • characteristics of films and magazines

Mathematics 3rd grade

Summary of STANDARDS for Mathematics 1. Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation 4. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement 5. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry 6. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis 7. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability 8. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra 9. Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics


Revised: July 2014 STANDARDS: 9 Benchmarks: 49


Uses a variety of strategies in the problemsolving process

MAT 3.1.1

Represents and uses a variety of strategies to understand problem situations • discussing with peers, stating problems in own words, modeling • problem with diagrams or physical objects, identifying a pattern

MAT 3.1.2

Uses trial and error and the process of elimination to solve problems

MAT 3.1.3

Knows the difference between pertinent and irrelevant information when solving problems

MAT 3.1.4

Understands vocabulary of mathematics in word problems • and, or, not, greater than, less than

MAT 3.1.5

Explains methods and reasoning behind solutions to determine reasonableness of and to verify results

MAT 3.1.6

Represents problem situations in and translates among oral, written, concrete, pictorial, and graphic forms

MAT 3.1.7

Understands the role of symbols in representing mathematical ideas


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers

MAT 3.2.1

Understands the relationships among fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, and whole numbers

MAT 3.2.2

Understands the meaning of place value

MAT 3.2.3

Uses models to identify, order, and compare numbers • number lines, two-dimensional and threedimensional models


Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation

MAT 3.3.1

Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers, fractions and decimals

MAT 3.3.2

Performs basic mental computations • addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers

MAT 3.3.3

Determines the effects of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on size and order of numbers

MAT 3.3.4

Understands the properties of and the relationships among addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division • reversing the order of two addends does not change the sum • division is the inverse of multiplication

MAT 3.3.5

Selects and uses appropriate computational methods for a given situation • mental, paper and pencil, calculator


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement

MAT 3.4.1

Understands the basic measures perimeter, area, volume, capacity, mass, angle, and circumference

MAT 3.4.2

Selects and uses appropriate tools for given measurement situations • rulers for length, measuring cups for capacity, protractors for angle

MAT 3.4.3

Knows approximate size of basic standard units and relationships between them • centimeters, feet, grams • between inches and feet

MAT 3.4.4

Uses specific strategies to estimate quantities and measurements • estimating the whole by estimating the parts

MAT 3.4.5

Selects and uses appropriate tools of measurement, according to type and size of unit • standard and non-standard

MAT 3.4.6

Knows processes for telling time, counting money, and measuring length, weight, and temperature, using basic standard and non-standard units

MAT 3.4.7

Solves problems involving perimeter (circumference) and area of various shapes • parallelograms, triangles, circles

MAT 3.4.8

Understands the relationships among linear dimensions, area, and volume and the corresponding uses of units, square units, and cubic units of measure

MAT 3.4.9

Understands formulas for finding measures • area, volume, surface area


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry

MAT 3.5.1

Knows basic geometric language for describing and naming shapes • trapezoid, parallelogram, cube, sphere

MAT 3.5.2

Understands basic properties of figures • two-or-three dimensionality, symmetry, number of faces, type of angle

MAT 3.5.3

Understands that shapes can be congruent or similar

MAT 3.5.4

Uses motion geometry to understand geometric relationships • turns, flips, slides

MAT 3.5.5

Understands characteristics of lines and angles • parallel, perpendicular, intersecting • right and acute angles

MAT 3.5.6

Understands how scale in maps and drawings shows relative size and distance

MAT 3.5.7

Understands the defining properties of threedimensional figures • a cube has edges with equal lengths, faces with equal areas and congruent shapes, right angle corners, angles, planes

MAT 3.5.8

Understands tools and how they are used to create geometric figures • ruler, protractor, and compass)


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis

MAT 3.6.1

Understands that data represents specific pieces of information about real world objects or activities

MAT 3.6.2

Understands that spreading data out on a number line helps to see what the data points pile up, and where the gaps are

MAT 3.6.3

Organizes and displays data in simple bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, charts, and tables

MAT 3.6.4

Reads and interprets simple bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, charts, and tables

MAT 3.6.5

Understands that data come in many different forms and that collecting, organizing, and displaying data can be done in many ways


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability

MAT 3.7.1

Understand that the word “chance” reveres to the likelihood of an event

MAT 3.7.2

Recognizes and predicts events that are sure to happen, events that are sure not to happen, and events that may or may not happen • in terms of certain, uncertain, likely, unlikely

MAT 3.7.3

Understands that generalizations can be made and possible outcomes can be predicted for a group

MAT 3.7.4

Determines probability using mathematical /theoretical models • table or tree diagram, area model, list, counting procedures, sample space

MAT 3.7.5

Determines probability using simulations or experiments

MAT 3.7.6

Understands the relationship between the numerical expression of probability and events that produces these numbers • fraction, percent age, odds


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra

MAT 3.8.1

Recognizes, creates and extends a wide variety of patterns and the rules that explain them • basic linear patterns such as (2,4,6,8...) • simple repeating and growing patterns

MAT 3.8.2

Understands that the same pattern can be represented in different ways • geometrically or numerically

MAT 3.8.3

Knows that a variable is a letter or symbol that stands for one or more numbers

MAT 3.8.4

Understands the basic concept of an equality relationship • an equation is a number sentence that shows two quantities that are equal

MAT 3.8.5

Solves open sentences involving operations on whole numbers


Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics

MAT 3.9.1

Understands that mathematical ideas and concepts can be represented concretely, graphically, and symbolically

Science 3rd Grade

Science themes covered in 3rd grade: • Life Science (Structures of Life) • Physical Science (Physics of Sound) • Earth Science (Earth Materials) • Measurement

Summary of Standards for Science Earth and Space Sciences 1. Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle 2. Understands Earth's composition and structure 3. Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it Life Sciences 4. Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts 5. Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms 6. Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment 7. Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life Physical Sciences 8. Understands the structure and properties of matter 9. Understands the sources and properties of energy 10.Understands forces and motion Nature of Science 11.Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 12.Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 13.Understands the scientific enterprise



Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 26 Earth and Space Sciences STANDARD 2

Understands Earth's composition and structure

SCI 3.2.1

Knows how features on the Earth’s surface are constantly changed by a combination of slow and rapid processes (e.g., slow processes, such as weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment caused by waves, wind, water, and ice; rapid processes, such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes)

SCI 3.2.2

Knows that smaller rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks and bedrock

SCI 3.2.3

Knows that rock is composed of different combinations of minerals

SCI 3.2.4

Knows the composition and properties of soils (e.g., components of soil such as weathered rock, living organisms, products of plants and animals; properties of soil such as color, texture, capacity to retain water, ability to support plant growth)

SCI 3.2.5

Knows that fossils provide evidence about the plants and animals that lived long ago and the nature of the environment at that time

Life Sciences STANDARD 4

Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts

SCI 3.4.1

Knows that many characteristics of plants and animals are inherited from its parents (e.g., eye color in human beings, fruit or flower color in plants), and other characteristics result from an individual’s interactions with the environment (e.g., people’s table manners, ability to ride a bicycle)


Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms

SCI 3.5.1

Knows that plants and animals progress through life cycles of birth, growth and development, reproduction, and death; the details of these life cycles are different for different organisms

SCI 3.5.2

Knows that living organisms have distinct structures and body systems that serve specific functions in growth, survival, and reproduction (e.g., various body structures for walking, flying, or swimming)

SCI 3.5.3

Knows that the behavior of individual organisms is influenced by internal cues (e.g., hunger) and external cues (e.g., changes in the environment), and that humans and other organisms have senses that help them to detect these cues


Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment

SCI 3.6.1

Knows the organization of simple food chains and food webs (e.g., green plants make their own food with sunlight, water, and air; some animals eat the plants; some animals eat the animals that eat the plants)


Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life

SCI 3.7.1

Knows that fossils can be compared to one another and to living organisms to observe their similarities and differences

SCI 3.7.2

Knows different ways in which living things can be grouped (e.g., plants/animals, bones/no bones, insects/spiders, live on land/live in water) and purposes of different groupings

Physical Sciences STANDARD 9

Understands the sources and properties of energy

SCI 3.9.1

Knows that sound is produced by vibrating objects

SCI 3.9.2

Knows that the pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of the vibration producing it

Nature of Science STANDARD 11

Understands the nature of scientific knowledge

SCI 3.11.1

Knows that although the same scientific investigation may give slightly different results when it is carried out by different persons, or at different times or places, the general evidence collected from the investigation should be replicable by others

SCI 3.11.2

Knows that good scientific explanations are based on evidence (observations) and scientific knowledge

SCI 3.11.3

Knows that scientists make the results of their investigations public; they describe the investigations in ways that enable others to repeat the investigations

SCI 3.11.4

Knows that scientists review and ask questions about the results of other scientists’ work


Understands the nature of scientific inquiry

SCI 3.12.1

Knows that scientific investigations involve asking and answering a question and comparing the answer to what scientists already know about the world

SCI 3.12.2

Knows that scientists use different kinds of investigations (e.g., naturalistic observation of things or events, data collection, controlled experiments), depending on the questions they are trying to answer

SCI 3.12.3

Plans and conducts simple investigations (e.g., formulates a testable question, makes systematic observations, develops logical conclusions)

SCI 3.12.4

Uses appropriate tools and simple equipment (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, microscopes, calculators, graduated cylinders) to gather scientific data and extend the senses

SCI 3.12.5

Knows that different people may interpret the same set of observations differently


Understands the scientific enterprise

SCI 3.13.1

Knows that people of all ages, backgrounds, and groups have made contributions to science and technology throughout history

SCI 3.13.2

Knows that although people using scientific inquiry have learned much about the objects, events, and phenomena in nature, science is an ongoing process and will never be finished

SCI 3.13.3

Knows that scientists and engineers often work in teams to accomplish a task

Social Studies 3rd Grade

Students in grade three learn more about our connections to the past and the ways in which particularly local, but also regional and national, government and traditions have developed and left their marks on current society, providing common memories. Emphasis is on physical and cultural landscape, the subsequent arrival of immigrants, and the impact they have had in forming the character of our contemporary society. Students learn about communities, geography of communities, people living and working in communities and how communities change over time. Summary of Standards for Social Studies 1. Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns. 2. Students describe the physical and human geography and use maps, tables, graphs, photographs, and charts to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context. 3. Students understand the communities that surround them 4. Students understand the geography that makes up communities 5. Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land. 6. Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the Korean and U.S. governments. 7. Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region. 8. Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view. 9. Students understand historical interpretation.


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 27


Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns.

SOC 3.1.1

Students place key events and people of the historical era they are studying in a chronological sequence and within a spatial context; they interpret time lines.

SOC 3.1.2

Students correctly apply terms related to time, including past, present, future, decade, century, and generation.

SOC 3.1.3

Students explain how the present is connected to the past, identifying both similarities and differences between the two, and how some things change over time and some things stay the same.

SOC 3.1.4

Students use map and globe skills to determine the absolute locations of places and interpret information available through a map's or globe's legend, scale, and symbolic representations.


Students describe the physical and human geography and use maps, tables, graphs, photographs, and charts to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context.

SOC 3.2.1

Identify geographical features in their local region. • deserts, mountains, valleys, hills, coastal areas, oceans, lakes

SOC 3.2.2

Trace the ways in which people have used the resources of the local region and modified the physical environment. • a dam constructed upstream changed a river or coastline


Students understand the communities that surround them.

SOC 3.3.1

Students understand the similarities and differences of communities around the world.


Students understand the geography that makes up communities.

SOC 3.4.1

Students analyze the geography of specific communities. • Physical features • Environment • Lanforms

SOC 3.4.2

Students understand how people change and adapt to their surroundings.


Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land.

SOC 3.5.1

Research the explorers who visited here, the newcomers who settled here, and the people who continue to come to the region, including their cultural and religious traditions and contributions.

SOC 3.5.2

Describe the economies established by settlers and their influence on the present-day economy, with emphasis on the importance of private property and entrepreneurship.

SOC 3.5.3

Trace why their community was established, how individuals and families contributed to its founding and development, and how the community has changed over time, drawing on maps, photographs,

oral histories, letters, newspapers, and other primary sources. STANDARD 6

Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.

SOC 3.6.1

Determine the reasons for rules, laws, and the U.S. Constitution; the role of citizenship in the promotion of rules and laws; and the consequences for people who violate rules and laws.

SOC 3.6.2

Discuss the importance of public virtue and the role of citizens, including how to participate in a classroom, in the community, and in civic life.

SOC 3.6.3

Know the histories of important local and national landmarks, symbols, and essential documents that create a sense of community among citizens and exemplify cherished ideals

SOC 3.6.4

Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government.

SOC 3.6.5

Describe the lives of heroes who took risks to secure our freedoms. • Anne Hutchinson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr.


Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.

SOC 3.7.1

Describe the ways in which local producers have used and are using natural resources, human resources, and capital resources to produce goods and services in the past and the present.

SOC 3.7.2

Understand that some goods are made locally, some elsewhere in the United States, and some abroad.

SOC 3.7.3

Understand that individual economic choices involve trade-offs and the evaluation of benefits and costs.

SOC 3.7.4

Discuss the relationship of students' "work" in school and their personal human capital.


Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view.

SOC 3.8.1

Students differentiate between primary and secondary sources. Students pose relevant questions about events they encounter in historical documents, eyewitness accounts, oral histories, letters, diaries, artifacts, photographs, maps, artworks, and architecture.

SOC 3.8.2

SOC 3.8.3

Students distinguish fact from fiction by comparing documentary sources on historical figures and events with fictionalized characters and events.


Students understand historical interpretation.

SOC 3.9.1

Students summarize the key events of the era they are studying and explain the historical contexts of those events.

SOC 3.9.2

Students identify the human and physical characteristics of the places they are studying and explain how those features form the unique character of those places.

SOC 3.9.3

Students identify and interpret the multiple causes and effects of historical events.

Korean Third Grade

Summary of Standards for Korean

(Bold faced taught at this grade level)

Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Third Grade

Revised: July 2014 Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 24


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 3.1.1

Prewriting: Uses prewriting strategies to plan written work • uses graphic organizers, story maps, and webs • groups related ideas • takes notes • brainstorms ideas • organizes information according to type and purpose of writing

ELA 3.1.2

Drafting and Revising: Uses strategies to draft and revise written work • elaborates on a central idea • writes with attention to audience, word choice, sentence variation • uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas • produces multiple drafts

ELA 3.1.3

Editing and Publishing: Uses strategies to edit and publish written work • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • uses reference materials • considers page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles)

• • •

selects presentation format according to purpose incorporates photos, illustrations, charts, and graphs uses available technology to compose and publish work

ELA 3.1.4

Evaluates own and others’ writing • determines the best features of a piece of writing • determines how own writing achieves its purposes • asks for feedback • responds to classmates’ writing

ELA 3.1.5

Uses strategies to write for different audiences • adapts focus, organization, point of view • determines knowledge and interests of audience • writes for self, peers, teachers, adults

ELA 3.1.6

Writes in response to literature • summarizes main ideas and significant details • relates own ideas to supporting details • advances judgments • supports judgments with references to the text, other works, other authors, non-print media, and personal knowledge

ELA 3.1.7

Writes personal letters • includes the date, address, greeting, body, and closing • addresses envelopes • includes signature


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 3.2.1

Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas • common figures of speech • sensory details

ELA 3.2.2

Uses basic paragraphs in writing

• • •

indents the first word of a paragraph uses topic sentences recognizes a paragraph as a group of sentences about one main idea


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 3.5.1

Previews text • skims material • uses pictures, textual clues, and text format

ELA 3.5.2

Establishes a purpose for reading • for information, for pleasure, to understand a specific viewpoint

ELA 3.5.3

Makes, confirms, and revises simple predictions about what will be found in a text • uses prior knowledge and ideas presented in text, illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing clues

ELA 3.5.4

Uses phonetic and structural analysis techniques, syntactic structure, and semantic context to decode unknown words • vowel patterns, complex word families, syllabication, root words, affixes

ELA 3.5.5

Use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words • draws on earlier reading • reads ahead

ELA 3.5.6

Understands level-appropriate reading vocabulary • synonyms, antonyms, homophones, multimeaning words


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 3.6.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres

fairy tales, folk tales, fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fables, fantasies, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies, chapter books

ELA 3.6.2

Understands the basic concept of plot • main problem, conflict, resolution, causeand-effect

ELA 3.6.3

Understands similarities and differences within and among literary works from various genres and cultures • in terms of settings, character types, events, point of view • role of natural phenomena


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 3.7.1

Uses reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational texts • textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines

ELA 3.7.2

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of informational texts • textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines

ELA 3.7.3

Summarizes and paraphrases information in texts • includes the main idea and significant supporting details of a reading selection)


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 3.8.1

Contributes to group discussions and asks questions in class • when he or she is confused, to seek others’ opinions and comments)

ELA 3.8.2

Listens to classmates and adults and responds to questions and comments

• ELA 3.8.3

does not interrupt, faces the speaker, asks questions, summarizes or paraphrases to confirm understanding, gives feedback, eliminates barriers to effective listening gives reasons in support of opinions, responds to others’ ideas

Uses level-appropriate vocabulary in speech • familiar idioms, similes, word play

Physical Education Kindergarten to 3rd Grade

Summary of Standards for Physical Education: 1. Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms 2. Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills 3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity 4. Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources 5. Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity




Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 30

Standard 1

Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms


Uses a variety of basic locomotor movements (e.g., running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding)


Uses a variety of basic non-locomotor skills (e.g., bending, twisting, stretching, turning, lifting)


Uses a variety of basic object control skills (e.g., underhand and overhand throw, catch, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike)


Uses simple combinations of fundamental movement skills (e.g., locomotor, non-locomotor, object control, body control, and rhythmical skills)


Uses control in weight-bearing activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., jumping and landing using combinations of one and two foot take-offs and landings)


Uses control in balance activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., one foot, one hand and one foot, hands and knees, headstands)


Uses control in travel activities on a variety of body parts (e.g., travels in backward direction and changes direction quickly and safely, without falling; changes speeds and directions in response to various rhythms; combines travelling patterns to music)


Uses smooth transitions between sequential motor skills (e.g., running into a jump)


Uses locomotor skills in rhythmical patterns (e.g., even, uneven, fast, and slow)

Standard 2

Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills


Understands a vocabulary of basic movement concepts (e.g., personal space, high/low levels, fast/slow speeds, light/heavy weights, balance, twist)


Understands terms that describe a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over/under, behind, alongside, through)


Uses concepts of space awareness and movement control with a variety of basic skills (e.g., running, hopping, skipping) while interacting with others


Understands the critical elements of a variety of basic movement patterns such as throwing (e.g., the ready position, arm preparation, step with leg opposite the throwing arm, follow-through, accuracy of throw)


Uses feedback to improve performance (e.g., peer/coach review)


Understands the importance of practice in learning skills

Standard 3

Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity


Understands the health benefits of physical activity (e.g., good health, physical endurance)

Standard 4

Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources


Engages in basic activities that cause cardiorespiratory exertion (e.g., running, galloping, skipping, hopping)


Knows how to measure cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., listening to heartbeat, counting pulse rate)


Knows the physiological in dicators (e.g., perspiration, increased heart and breathing rate) that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activity


Engages in activities that develop muscular strength and endurance (e.g., climbing, hanging, taking weight on hands)


Engages in activities that require flexibility (e.g., stretching toward the toes while in the sit-and-reach position, moving each joint through its full range of motion)


Knows how body composition influences physical fitness levels (e.g., proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass)


Knows similarities and differences in body height, weight, and shape

Standard 5

Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Follows rules and procedures (e.g., playground, classroom, and gymnasium rules) with little reinforcement


Uses equipment and space safely and properly (e.g., takes turns using equipment, puts equipment away when not in use)


Understands the purpose of rules in games


Understands the social contributions of physical activity (e.g., learning to cooperate and interact with others, having a role in team sports)


Works cooperatively (e.g., takes turns, is supportive, assists partner) with another to complete an assigned task


Understands the elements of socially acceptable conflict resolution in physical activity settings (e.g., cooperation, sharing, consideration)


Understands the importance of playing, cooperating, and respecting others regardless of personal differences (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability) during physical activity

Art 3rd Grade

Summary of Standards for Art: 1. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts 2. Knows how to use the elements (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art 3. Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts 4. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 5. Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 4 Benchmarks: 12

Standard 1

Understands and applies media, techniques and processes related to the visual arts

VA 3.1.1

Knows the differences between art materials (e.g., paint, clay, wood, videotape), techniques (e.g., overlapping, shading, varying size or color), and processes (e.g., addition and subtraction in sculpture, casting and constructing in making jewelry)

VA 3.1.2

Knows how different media (e.g., oil, watercolor, stone, metal), techniques, and processes are used to communicate ideas, experiences and stories

VA 3.1.3

Uses art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

VA 3.1.4

Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts (e.g., drawing/design painting with different media, modeling, sculpting and constructing.

VA 3.1.5

Uses application of the creative process (e.g., striving for originality, exploring alternative approaches).

Standard 2

Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art

VA 3.2.1

Understands how different compositional, expressive features (e.g., evoking joy, sadness, anger), and organizational principles (e.g., repetition, balance, emphasis, contrast, unity) cause different responses

VA 3.2.2

Uses visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas

Standard 3

Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts

VA 3.3.1

Selects prospective ideas (e.g., formulated thoughts, opinions, concepts) for works of art

VA 3.3.2

Knows how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are used to communicate meaning

Standard 4

Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

VA 3.4.1

Knows that the visual arts have both a history and a specific relationship to various cultures

VA 3.4.2

Identifies specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places

Standard 5

Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others

VA 3.5.1

Knows various purposes for creating works of visual art

Music 3rd grade

Summary of Standards for Music: 1. Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniment 4. Composes and arranges music within specified guidelines 5. Reads and notates music 6. Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 7 Benchmarks: 16

Standard 1

Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

MUS 3.1.1

Sings accurately on pitch and in rhythm

MUS 3.1.2

Sings expressively and with beautiful tone quality

MUS 3.1.3

Uses ensemble skills (balance, intonation)

MUS 3.1.4

Sings independent vocal parts (canons and partner songs)

Standard 2

Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures

MUS 3.2.1

Performs simple rhythmic, melodic and chordal patterns with accurate pitch and rhythm and appropriate dynamics and timbre while maintaining a steady tempo

MUS 3.2.3

Plays independent instrumental parts while others sing or play contrasting parts

MUS 3.2.4

Uses ensemble skills (blend, balance, dynamics)

Standard 3

Improvises, composes and arranges melodies, variations, and accompaniments

MUS 3.3.1

Creates and arranges music to accompany reading or dramatizations (e.g., manipulate dimensions such as the variety of sounds, tempo, loudness, mood)

MUS 3.3.2

Composes short songs using rhythmic values including half notes, quarter notes, quarter rests and eighth notes and pitches including la, so, mi, re and doh using a variety of sound sources

Standard 4

Reads and notates music

MUS 3.4.1

Uses sol-fegge syllables to read melodies including la, so, mi, re and doh in stick notation and staff notation in F do, G do and C do

MUS 3.4.2

Uses rhythm syllables to read rhythms including half notes, quarter notes, quarter rests and eight notes and pitches including la, so, mi, re and do using a variety of sound sources

MUS 3.4.3

Uses absolute note names to read melodies on the treble staff

Standard 5

Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance

MUS 3.5.1

Knows appropriate symbols and terminology to explain elements of music (dynamics, tempo) music notation, musical instruments and voices and music performances

MUS 3.5.2

Identifies the sounds of a variety of instruments (e.g., orchestral, band, instruments from various cultures) and voices (e.g., male, female, children’s voices)

Standard 6

Understands the relationship between music and history and culture

MUS 3.7.1

Identifies (by genre or style) and knows how basic elements of music are used in music from the Classical and Baroque periods (Mozart, Bach) and various cultures

MUS 3.7.2

Understands the roles of musicians in various music settings and cultures

Information Technology 3rd Grade

Summary of Standards for IT: 1. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems 2. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs 3. Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual 4. Understands the nature of technology design 5. Understands the nature and operation of systems 6. Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology



Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 28 Standard 1

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems

IT 3.1.1

Identifies the alphanumeric keys and special keys (caps lock, delete, return, command, option )

IT 3.1.2

Handles computer equipment with care

IT 3.1.3

Knows proper finger placement on the home row keys

IT 3.1.4

Types on a computer keyboard using correct hand placement and body positions

IT 3.1.5

Identifies and knows the basic functions of hardware (keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor, hard disk storage)

IT 3.1.6

Knows potential hazards to computer media

IT 3.1.7

Is aware of a computer network

IT 3.1.8

Uses a variety of input devices ( keyboard, voicesound recorders, etc.)

Standard 2

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs

IT 3.2.1

Aware of the saving process

IT 3.2.2

Uses a word processor to edit, copy, move, save, and print text with some formatting

IT 3.2.3

Know how formats differ among software applications ( word processing, painting, drawing)

IT 3.2.4

Uses advanced features and utilities of word processors (clip art, spellchecker)

IT 3.2.5

Uses the most basic programming skills ( Logo )

IT 3.2.6

Uses computer applications as resource tools

Standard 3

Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual

IT 3.3.1

Knows ways that technology is used at home and school (VCR, CD player, cellular phone)

IT 3.3.2

Understands that when a person creates something on a computer, the creation is that person’s property, and only that person has the right to change it

IT 3.3.3

Knows that new tools and ways of doing things affect all aspects of life and positive or negative effects on other people ( aware of Internet viruses )

IT 3.3.4

Knows that technologies often have costs as well as benefits and can have an enormous effect on people and other living things

IT 3.3.5

Knows areas in which technology has improved human lives (e.g., transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment)

IT 3.3.6

Understands the concept of software piracy ( i.e., illegally copying software) and that piracy is a violation of copyright laws

Standard 4

Understands the nature of technology design

IT 3.4.1

Categorizes items into groups of natural objects and designed objects

IT 3.4.2

Knows that group collaboration is useful as the combination of multiple creative minds can yield more possible design solutions

IT 3.4.3

Knows that the design process is a series of methodical steps for turning ideas into useful products and systems

IT 3.4.4

Identifies a simple problem that can be solved using technology

Standard 5

Understands the nature and operation of systems

IT 3.5.1

Understands the relationships between elements (i.e., components, such as people or parts) in systems

Standard 6

Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology

IT 3.6.1

Be able to incorporate text, sound and graphics into a presentation

IT 3.6.2

Uses technology to develop or support the critical thinking process

IT 3.6.3

Is aware that there are reliable as well as unreliable sources in the Internet

English Language Arts Fourth Grade

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 41


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 4.1.1

Understands and uses the writing process • Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing • uses graphic organizers, story maps, and webs • groups related ideas • takes notes • brainstorms ideas • organizes information according to type and purpose of writing • elaborates on a central idea • writes with attention to audience, word choice, sentence variation • uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas • produces multiple drafts • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • uses reference materials • considers page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles) • selects presentation format according to purpose • incorporates photos, illustrations, charts, and graphs • uses available technology to compose and publish work

ELA 4.1.2

Evaluates own and others’ writing • determines the best features of a piece of writing • determines how own writing achieves its purposes • asks for feedback • responds to classmates’ writing

ELA 4.1.3

Uses strategies to write for different audiences and purposes • adapts focus, organization, point of view • determines knowledge and interests of audience • writes for self, peers, teachers, adults

ELA 4.1.4

Writes in response to literature • summarizes main ideas and significant details • relates own ideas to supporting details • advances judgments • supports judgments with references to the text, other works, other authors, non-print media, and personal knowledge

ELA 4.1.5

Writes narrative accounts, such as poems and stories • establishes a context that enables the reader to imagine the event or experience • develops characters, setting, and plot • creates an organizing structure • sequences events • uses concrete sensory details • uses strategies such as dialogue, tension, and suspense • uses an identifiable voice

ELA 4.1.6

Writes expository compositions • identifies and stays on the topic • develops the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations • excludes extraneous and inappropriate information • uses structures such as cause-and-effect, chronology, similarities and differences • uses several sources of information

provides a concluding statement


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 4.2.1

Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas • common figures of speech • sensory details

ELA 4.2.2

Uses paragraph form in writing • indents the first word of a paragraph • uses topic sentences • recognizes a paragraph as a group of sentences about one main idea • uses an introductory and concluding paragraph • writes several related paragraphs

ELA 4.2.3

Uses a variety of sentence structures in writing • expands basic sentence patterns • uses exclamatory and imperative sentences


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 4.3.1

Uses pronouns, nouns, verbs and adjectives in written compositions • substitutes pronouns for nouns • uses pronoun agreement • uses plural and singular naming words • forms regular and irregular plurals of nouns • uses common and proper nouns • uses nouns as subjects • uses a wide variety of action verbs, past and present verb tenses, simple tenses, forms of regular verbs, verbs that agree with the subject • indefinite, numerical, predicate adjectives

ELA 4.3.2

Uses conventions of spelling in written compositions

• • • • •

spells high frequency, commonly misspelled words from appropriate grade-level list uses a dictionary and other resources to spell words uses initial consonant substitution to spell related words uses vowel combinations for correct spelling uses contractions, compounds, roots, suffixes, prefixes, and syllable constructions to spell words

ELA 4.3.3

Uses adverbs in written compositions • to make comparisons

ELA 4.3.4

Uses conventions of capitalization in written compositions • titles of people • proper nouns (names of towns, cities, counties, and states) • days of the week • months of the year • names of streets • names of countries • holidays • heading, salutation, and closing of a letter

ELA 4.3.5

Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions • uses periods after imperative sentences and in initials, abbreviations, and titles before names • uses commas in dates and addresses and after greetings and closings in a letter • uses apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns • uses quotation marks around titles and with direct quotations • uses a colon between hour and minutes

ELA 4.3.6

Uses negatives in written compositions • avoids double negatives


Gathers and uses information for research purposes.

ELA 4.4.1

Uses encyclopedias, dictionaries and electronic media to gather information for research topics • databases, Internet, CD-ROM, television shows, cassette recordings, videos, pulldown menus, word searches

ELA 4.4.2

Uses multiple representations of information to find information for research topics • maps, charts, photos, diagrams, tables

ELA 4.4.3

Uses a variety of strategies to plan research • identifies possible topic by brainstorming, listing questions, using idea webs • organizes prior knowledge about a topic • develops a course of action • determines how to locate necessary information


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 4.5.1

Previews text • Understands the concept of PQ3R o Preview o Question o Read, Recite and Review

ELA 4.5.2

Makes, confirms, and revises simple predictions about what will be found in a text • uses prior knowledge and ideas presented in text, illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing clues

ELA 4.5.3

Uses phonetic and structural analysis techniques, syntactic structure, and semantic context to decode unknown words • vowel patterns, complex word families, syllabication, root words, affixes

ELA 4.5.4

Use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words

• •

draws on earlier reading reads ahead

ELA 4.5.5

Understands level-appropriate reading vocabulary • synonyms, antonyms, homophones, multimeaning words

ELA 4.5.6

Uses word reference materials (glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to determine the meaning, pronunciation, and derivations of unknown words

ELA 4.5.7

Monitors own reading strategies and makes modifications as needed • recognizes when he or she is confused by a section of text • questions whether the text makes sense


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 4.6.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres • fairy tales, folk tales, fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fables, fantasies, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies, chapter books

ELA 4.6.2

Understands the basic concept of plot • main problem, conflict, resolution, causeand-effect

ELA 4.6.3

Understands similarities and differences within and among literary works from various genres and cultures • in terms of settings, character types, events, point of view • role of natural phenomena

ELA 4.6.4

Understands elements of character development in literary works • differences between main and minor characters

• • •

stereotypical characters as opposed to fully developed characters changes that characters undergo the importance of a character’s actions, motives, and appearance to plot and theme


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 4.7.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of informational texts • textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines

ELA 4.7.2

Summarizes and paraphrases information in texts • includes the main idea and significant supporting details of a reading selection)

ELA 4.7.3

Uses text organizers to determine the main ideas and to locate information in a text • headings, topic and summary sentences, graphic features, typeface, chapter titles

ELA 4.7.4

Uses the various parts of a book to locate information • index, table of contents, glossary, appendix, preface


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 4.8.1

Actively participates in class and practices attentive listening skills

ELA 4.8.2

Uses level-appropriate vocabulary in speech • familiar idioms, similes, word play

ELA 4.8.3

Uses strategies to convey a clear main point when speaking and uses a variety of nonverbal communication skills • expresses ideas in a logical manner, uses specific vocabulary to establish tone and present information

uses eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, posture

ELA 4.8.4

Makes basic oral presentations to class • uses subject-related information and vocabulary • includes content appropriate to the audience • relates ideas and observations • incorporates visual aids or props • incorporates several sources of information

ELA 4.8.5

Understands the main ideas and supporting details in spoken texts • presentations by peers or quest speakers, a current affairs report on the radio


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 4.9.1

Knows that film and television have features that identify different genres • style of dress, setting in a western or a drama

ELA 4.9.2

Understands the use and meaning of symbols and images in visual media • the use of color, such as red to represent emotion, anger, or excitement • the use of expressions, such as smiling to mean happiness • the dependence of symbols on shared social and cultural understandings • symbolic links between product names or logos and products


Understands the characteristics and components of the media.

ELA 4.10.1

Understands similarities and differences among a variety of media • ways in which documentary films, the Internet, and the radio present similar information

• •

similar categories, such as news and feature stories in magazines, tabloid newspapers, and on television literary elements in film and written stories

Mathematics Fourth Grade

Summary of Standards for Mathematics: 1. Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation 4. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement 5. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry 6. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis 7. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability 8. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra 9. Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 9 Benchmarks: 56

Standard 1

Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process

MAT 4.1.1

Represents and uses a variety of strategies to understand problem situations z Discussing with peers, z stating problems in own words z modeling problem with diagrams or physical objects identifying a pattern

MAT 4.1.2

Understands that some ways of representing a problem are more helpful than others

MAT 4.1.3

Knows the difference between pertinent and irrelevant information when solving problems

MAT 4.1.4

Explains methods and reasoning behind solutions to determine reasonableness of and to verify results

MAT 4.1.5

Understands how to break a complex problem into simpler parts or use a similar problem type to solve a problem

MAT 4.1.6

Represents problem situations in and translates among oral, written, concrete, pictorial, and graphic forms

MAT 4.1.7

Understands the role of symbols in representing mathematical ideas

Standard 2

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers

MAT 4.2.1

Understands the relationships among fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, and whole numbers

MAT 4.2.2

Understands equivalent forms of basic percents, fractions, and decimals and when one form of a number might be more useful than another z 1/2 is equivalent to 50% is equivalent to .5

MAT 4.2.3

Understands the relationships among equivalent number representations and the advantages and disadvantages of each type of representation z Whole numbers, fractions, ratios, decimals, percents

MAT 4.2.4

Understands the characteristics and properties of the set of rational numbers and its subsets z Other relations, relative magnitude, base-ten place value z Whole numbers, fractions, decimals

MAT 4.2.5

Understands basic number theory concepts z Prime and composite numbers z Factor z Multiples z Odd/even numbers

Standard 3

Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation

MAT 4.3.1

Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers, fractions and decimals

MAT 4.3.2

Understands the correct order of operations for performing arithmetic computations

MAT 4.3.3

Uses proportional reasoning to solve mathematical and real-world problems

z z z z z

Involving equivalent fractions Equal rations Constant rate of change Proportions Percents

MAT 4.3.4

Understands the properties of operations with rational numbers z Distributive property z Communicative and associative properties of addition and multiplication z Inverse properties, z Identity properties

MAT 4.3.5

Knows when an estimate is more appropriate than an exact answer for a problem

MAT 4.3.6

Understands how different algorithms work for arithmetic computations and operations

Standard 4

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement

MAT 4.4.1

Understands the basic measures perimeter, area, volume, capacity, mass, angle, and circumference

MAT 4.4.2

Selects and uses appropriate tools for given measurement situations z Rulers for length z Measuring cups for capacity z Protractors for angle

MAT 4.4.3

Knows approximate size of basic standard units and relationships between them z Centimeters z Feet z Grams z Between inches and feet

MAT 4.4.4

Understands the relationships between measures z Length

z Perimeter z Area MAT 4.4.5 MAT 4.4.6

Understands that measurement is not exact Uses specific strategies to estimate quantities and measurements z Estimating the whole by estimating the parts

MAT 4.4.7

Knows processes for telling time, counting money, and measuring length, weight, and temperature, using basic standard and nonstandard units.

MAT 4.4.8

Solves problems involving perimeter (circumference) and area of various shapes z Parallelograms z Triangles z Circles

MAT 4.4.9

Understands the relationships among linear dimensions, area, and volume and the corresponding uses of units, square units, and cubic units of measure

MAT 4.4.10

Understands formulas for finding measures z Area z Volume z Surface area

MAT 4.4.11

Understands procedures for basic indirect measurements z Using grids to estimate area of irregular figures

Standard 5

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry

MAT 4.5.1

Understands basic properties of figures z Two-or-three dimensionality z Symmetry z Number of faces

z Type of angle MAT 4.5.2 MAT 4.5.3

Predicts and verifies the effects of combining, subdividing, and changing basic shapes. Understands that shapes can be congruent or similar

MAT 4.5.4

Uses motion geometry to understand geometric relationships z Turns z Flips z Slide

MAT 4.5.5

Understands characteristics of lines and angles z Parallel z Perpendicular z Intersecting z Right z Acute

MAT 4.5.6

Understands how scale in maps and drawings shows relative size and distance

MAT 4.5.7

Understands the defining properties of threedimensional figures z A cube has edges with equal lengths z Faces with equal areas and congruent shapes z Right angle corners z Angles z Planes

MAT 4.5.8

Understands the defining properties of triangles z The sum of the measures of two sides of a triangle must be greater than the measures of the third side

MAT 4.5.9

Understands tools and how they are used to create geometric figures (i.e., ruler, protractor, and compass)

Standard 6

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis

MAT 4.6.1

Understands that data represents specific pieces of information about real world objects or activities

MAT 4.6.2

Understands that spreading data out ona a number line helps to see what the data points pile up, and where the gaps are

MAT 4.6.3

Understands that a summary of data should include where the middle is and how much spread there is around it

MAT 4.6.4

Reads and interprets simple bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, charts, and tables

MAT 4.6.5

Understands the basic concept of a sample z A large sample leads to more reliable information; a small part of something may have unique characteristics but not be an accurate representation of the whole

MAT 4.6.6

Understands basic concepts about how samples are chosen z Random samples z Bias in sampling procedures z Limited samples z Sampling error

MAT 4.6.7

Understands basic characteristics of measures of central tendency (i.e., mean median, mode)

Standard 7

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability

MAT 4.7.1

Determines probability using mathematical/theoretical models z Table or tree diagram z Area model

z List z Counting procedures z Sample space MAT 4.7.2

Determines probability using simulations or experiments


Understands the relationship between the numerical expression of probability and events that produce these numbers z Fraction z Percent age z Odds

Standard 8

Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra

MAT 4.8.1

Recognizes, creates and extends a wide variety of patterns and the rules that explain them z Basic linear patterns such as (2,4,6,8...); simple repeating and growing patterns

MAT 4.8.2 `

Understands that the same pattern can be represented in different ways z Geometrically or numerically; the pattern of numbers (7,14,21,28...)

MAT 4.8.3

Knows that a variable is a letter or symbol that stands for one or more numbers

MAT 4.8.4

Understands the basic concept of an equality relationship (i.e., an equation is a number sentence that shows two quantities that are equal)

MAT 4.8.5

Solves open sentences involving operations of whole numbers

MAT 4.8.6

Understands various representations of patterns and functions and the relationships among these representations z Tables

z z z z

Graphs Verbal descriptions Algebraic expression Venn diagram

Standard 9

Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics

MAT 4.9.1

Understands that numbers and the operations performed on them can be used to describe things in the real world

MAT 4.9.2

Understands that mathematical ideas and concepts can be represented concretely, graphically, and symbolically

Science 4th Grade

Science themes covered in 4th grade: • Life Science (Human Body) • Physical Science (Magnetism & Electricity and Mixtures & Solutions)


Earth Science (Weather and Water)

Summary of Standards for Science Earth and Space Sciences 1. Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle 2. Understands Earth's composition and structure 3. Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it Life Sciences 4. Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts 5. Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms 6. Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment 7. Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life Physical Sciences 8. Understands the structure and properties of matter 9. Understands the sources and properties of energy 10.Understands forces and motion Nature of Science 11.Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 12.Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 13.Understands the scientific enterprise



Standards: 11 Benchmarks: 39 Earth and Space Sciences STANDARD 1

Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle

SCI 4.1.1

Knows that water exists in the air in different forms (e.g., in clouds and fog as tiny droplets; in rain, snow, and hail) and changes from one form to another through various processes (e.g., freezing, condensation, precipitation, evaporation)

SCI 4.1.2

Knows that the Sun provides the light and heat necessary to maintain the temperature of the Earth

SCI 4.1.3

Knows that air is a substance that surrounds us, takes up space, and moves around us as wind

SCI 4.1.4

Knows that most of Earth’s surface is covered by water, that most of that water is salt water in oceans, and that fresh water is found in rivers, lakes, underground sources, and glaciers


Understands Earth's composition and structure

SCI 4.2.1

Knows how features on the Earth’s surface are constantly changed by a combination of slow and rapid processes (e.g., slow processes, such as weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment caused by waves, wind, water, and ice; rapid processes, such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes)

Life Sciences STANDARD 5

Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms

SCI 4.5.1

Knows that plants and animals progress through life cycles of birth, growth and development, reproduction, and death; the details of these life cycles are different for different organisms

SCI 4.5.2

Knows that living organisms have distinct structures and body systems that serve specific functions in growth, survival, and reproduction (e.g., various body structures for walking, flying, or swimming)

SCI 4.5.3

Knows that the behavior of individual organisms is influenced by internal cues (e.g., hunger) and external cues (e.g., changes in the environment), and that humans and other organisms have senses that help them to detect these cues


Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment

SCI 4.6.1

Knows the organization of simple food chains and food webs (e.g., green plants make their own food with sunlight, water, and air; some animals eat the plants; some animals eat the animals that eat the plants)

SCI 4.6.2

Knows that the transfer of energy (e.g., through the consumption of food) is essential to all living organisms

SCI 4.6.3

Knows that an organism’s patterns of behavior are related to the nature of that organism’s environment (e.g., kinds and numbers of other organisms present, availability of food and resources, physical characteristics of the environment)

SCI 4.6.4

Knows that changes in the environment can have different effects on different organisms (e.g., some

organisms move in, others move out; some organisms survive and reproduce, others die) SCI 4.6.5

Knows that all organisms (including humans) cause changes in their environments, and these changes can be beneficial or detrimental


Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life

SCI 4.7.1

Knows that fossils can be compared to one another and to living organisms to observe their similarities and differences

SCI 4.7.2

Knows different ways in which living things can be grouped (e.g., plants/animals, bones/no bones, insects/spiders, live on land/live in water) and purposes of different groupings

Physical Sciences STANDARD 8

Understands the structure and properties of matter

SCI 4.8.1

Knows that matter has different states (i.e., solid, liquid, gas) and that each state has distinct physical properties; some common materials such as water can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling

SCI 4.8.2

Knows that the mass of a material remains constant whether it is together, in parts, or in a different state

SCI 4.8.3

Knows that substances can be classified by their physical and chemical properties (e.g., magnetism, conductivity, density, solubility, boiling and melting points)

SCI 4.8.4

Knows that materials may be composed of parts that are too small to be seen without magnification


Understands the sources and properties of energy

SCI 4.9.1

Knows that heat is often produced as a byproduct when one form of energy is converted to another form (e.g., when machines and living organisms convert stored energy to motion)

SCI 4.9.2

Knows that heat can move from one object to another by conduction and that some materials conduct heat better than others

SCI 4.9.3

Knows the organization of a simple electrical circuit (e.g., battery or generator, wire, a complete loop through which the electrical current can pass)

SCI 4.9.4

Knows that light can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed


Understands forces and motion

SCI 4.10.1

Knows that magnets attract and repel each other and attract certain kinds of other materials (e.g., iron, steel)

SCI 4.10.2

Knows that the Earth’s gravity pulls any object toward it without touching it

SCI 4.10.3

Knows that electrically charged material pulls on all other materials and can attract or repel other charged materials

SCI 4.10.4

Knows that an object’s motion can be described by tracing and measuring its position over time

SCI 4.10.5

Knows that when a force is applied to an object, the object either speeds up, slows down, or goes in a different direction

SCI 4.10.6

Knows the relationship between the strength of a force and its effect on an object (e.g., the greater the force, the greater the change in motion; the more massive the object, the smaller the effect of a given force)

Nature of Science STANDARD 11

Understands the nature of scientific knowledge

SCI 4.11.1

Knows that although the same scientific investigation may give slightly different results when it is carried out by different persons, or at different times or places, the general evidence collected from the investigation should be replicable by others

SCI 4.11.2

Knows that good scientific explanations are based on evidence (observations) and scientific knowledge

SCI 4.11.3

Knows that scientists make the results of their investigations public; they describe the investigations in ways that enable others to repeat the investigations

SCI 4.11.4

Knows that scientists review and ask questions about the results of other scientists’ work


Understands the nature of scientific inquiry

SCI 4.12.1

Knows that scientific investigations involve asking and answering a question and comparing the answer to what scientists already know about the world

SCI 4.12.2

Knows that scientists use different kinds of investigations (e.g., naturalistic observation of things or events, data collection, controlled experiments), depending on the questions they are trying to answer

SCI 4.12.3

Plans and conducts simple investigations (e.g., formulates a testable question, makes systematic observations, develops logical conclusions)

SCI 4.12.4

Uses appropriate tools and simple equipment (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, microscopes, calculators, graduated cylinders) to gather scientific data and extend the senses

SCI 4.12.5

Knows that different people may interpret the same set of observations differently


Understands the scientific enterprise

SCI 4.13.1

Knows that although people using scientific inquiry have learned much about the objects, events, and phenomena in nature, science is an ongoing process and will never be finished

Social Studies 4th Grade

Students in grade four learn about the regions of the United States. Emphasis is on the geography of the regions, but includes an in-depth study of history, economics, government and culture. Students will learn how areas change over time and they will find out how people change the places they live and are changed by these places. The course consists of three major themes: Time, people and place. Summary of Standards for Social Studies 1. Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns. 2. Understands the history of the regions of the United States. 3. Understands social groups and interactions among individuals, groups and institutions Civics. 4. Understands basic concepts of government and its functions 5. Understands the role of constitutions in establishing governments and the basic values and principles of democracy. 6. Understands the relationships among the US and other nations (Canada, Mexico and other countries). 7. Understands the role of the citizen in a democracy. 8. Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view. 9. Students understand historical interpretation. 10. Understands characteristics of geographic features (people, places and environment) and the uses of maps, globes and other geographical tools. 11. Understands the physical and human characteristics of places and regions. 12. Knows the location of places, geographic features and patterns of the environment. 13. Understands the nature and complexity of human populations on Earth. 14. Understands how physical systems and humans modify the environment. 15. Understands that scarcity of productive resources requires choices that generate opportunity costs and that various economic incentives influence these choices.


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 15 Benchmarks: 32


Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns.

SOC 4.1.1

Students use map and globe skills to determine the absolute locations of places and interpret information available through a map's or globe's legend, scale, and symbolic representations.

SOC 4.1.2

Students judge the significance of the relative location of a place (e.g., proximity to a harbor, on trade routes) and analyze how relative advantages or disadvantages can change over time.


Understands the history of the regions of the United States

SOC 4.2.1

Knows the Major historical events that are part of the region’s history, their significance and the impact on people then and now and their relationship to the history of the nation • Northeast o 2000 years ago Native Americans settle in villages o 1620: Pilgrims settle Plymouth colony o Late 1700s: Industrial revolution begins o Late 1800s-1920: Large number of immigrants arrive • Southwest o About 1000 years ago: Native Americans began to live in villages o 1540-1542: Coronado searches for the 7 Cities of Gold

SOC 4.2.2

o 1800s: Struggles for independence (Mexico/Spain/US) o 1880s: Land Rush o 1901: Major oil discovery in Texas Midwest o 1800s: Pioneers settle the midwest o Middle 1800s: Plains Native Americans fight to maintain their way of life o Late 1800s: Technology improves pioneer way of life o Early 1900s: Area becomes a center of industry West o 1804-1806: Lewis and Clark explore the Louisiana Purchase o Early 1800s: Mountain Men map the west o Early 1840s: Pioneers begin to travel west on the Oregon Trail o 1849: The Gold Rush begins o 1862: Transcontinental railroad is started Southeast o 1500s: Native Americans settle and farm along Coastal Plain o 1607: Europeans settle in Jamestown (Early farms) o 1775: Daniel Boone and the Cumberland Gap o Late 1800s: Textile plants change the economy of the Southeast

Knows the Major historical events that are part of the region’s history, their significance and the impact on people then and now and their relationship to the history of the nation • Frederick Douglas • Susan B Anthony • Martin Luther King, Jr +/or Rosa Parks • Cesar Chavez

SOC 4.2.3

Understands how stories, legends, songs, ballads, games and tall tales describe the environment, lifestyles, beliefs and struggles of people in various regions of the country. (TALL TALES) • Pecos Bill • Paul Bunyan • John Henry • Johnny Appleseed • Stormalong


Understands social groups and interactions among individuals, groups and institutions

SOC 4.3.1

Compares different regions in the US and understands that the people of these regions may have different ways of meeting similar wants and needs • Culture (clothing and food: relate to the physical aspects of the region)


Understands civic life, government and its functions

SOC 4.4.1

Knows how government helps to protect personal rights to bear arms, to practice the religion of one’s choice), political rights (to express opinions, to vote) and economic rights (to own property, to choose the kind of work one pleases)


Understands the Constitution and the basic values and principles of American Democracy

SOC 4.5.1

Knows the fundamental values and principles of democracy • The people are sovereign • The power of government is limited by law • People exercise their authority directly through voting • People exercise their authority indirectly through elected representatives

SOC 4.5.2

Knows how fundamental values and principles of American democracy are expressed in documents such as • Declaration of Independence • Constitution

SOC 4.5.3

Knows that the Consitution describes how the government is organized,defines and limits the powers of government and is the highest law in the land •

Legislative branch passes laws o to protect individual rights example laws protecting freedom of religion o and expression and laws preventing unfair discrimination o to promote the common good example laws providing for clean air, o national parks and defense of nation

Executive branch carries out and enforces laws o to protect individual rights such as voting rights and an equal o opportunity for education o to promote the common good such as enforcement of pure food and o drug laws and the enforcement of clean air laws.

• Judicial branch, headed by the Supreme Court, makes decisions concerning the law that aim o to protect individual rights such as the right for a fair trial and the right o to vote and to right to practice one’s religious beliefs. o to promote the common good such as upholding laws that protect the o rights of all people to equal opportunity


Understands the relationship among the US, Mexico, Canada and other countries

SOC 4.6.1

Knows the major ways nations interact with each other such as • Trade (NAFTA) o tourism


Understands the role of the citizen in a democracy

SOC 4.7.1

Knows the difference between a citizen and noncitizen and know that people become citizens by birth or naturalization

SOC 4.7.2

Understands why civic responsibility is important and knows examples of civic responsibility • Obeying the law • Respecting the rights of others • Paying taxes • Serving on juries


Students utilize research skills, compare evidence and establish their point of view.

SOC 4.8.1

Students differentiate between primary and secondary sources. Students pose relevant questions about events they encounter in historical documents, eyewitness accounts, oral histories, letters, diaries, artifacts, photographs, maps, artworks, and architecture.

SOC 4.8.2

SOC 4.8.3

Students distinguish fact from fiction by comparing documentary sources on historical figures and events with fictionalized characters and events.


Students understand historical interpretation.

SOC 4.9.1

Students summarize the key events of the era they are studying and explain the historical contexts of those events.

SOC 4.9.2

Students identify the human and physical characteristics of the places they are studying and explain how those features form the unique character of those places.

SOC 4.9.3

Students identify and interpret the multiple causes and effects of historical events.

SOC 4.9.4

Students conduct cost-benefit analyses of historical and current events.


Understands characteristics of geographic features (people, places and environment) and the uses of maps, globes and other geographical tools

SOC 4.10.1

Knows the location of continents, mountain ranges, and bodies of water in North America • Canada • USA • Mexico

SOC 4.10.2

Knows how to use a scale on a map using different methods of Measurement • miles, kilometers (Everyday Math) • latitude and longitude (Everyday Math)

SOC 4.10.3

Knows the difference between state and country, capital and city


Understands the physical and human characteristics of places and regions

SOC 4.11.1

Knows that regions have different characteristics • Geography (landform, climate and vegetation) • culture (immigration and language) • resources (manufacturing and agriculture)

SOC 4.11.2

Knows areas that can be classified as regions according to human criteria

• • • •

political regions population regions economic regions language regions


Knows the location of places, geographic features and patterns of the environment

SOC 4.12.1

Knows the components of ecosystems at a variety of scales

SOC 4.12.2

Knows ways in which humans can change ecosystems • Clearing forests • Widening channels of waterways • Draining wetlands • Wetting or suppressing fires

SOC 4.12.3

Knows plants and animals associated with various vegetation and climatic regions of North America


Understands the nature and complexity of human populations on Earth

SOC 4.13.1

Knows economic activities that use natural resources in the local region and the importance of the activities to these areas • • • •

SOC 4.13.2

Agriculture Mining Fishing Forestry

Knows reasons for similarities and differences in the population size and density of different regions • • • • • • •

length of settlement, environment and resources, cultural tradition, historic events, accessibility ethnicity unemployment


Understands how physical systems and humans modify the environment

SOC 4.14.1

Knows the ways in which resources can be managed and why it is important to do so • •

Soil conservation practices Recycling nonrenewable resources


Understands that scarcity of productive resources requires choices that generate opportunity costs and that various economic incentives influence these choices

SOC 4.15.1

Knows that productive resources are all natural resources, human resources and capital resources used to produce goods and to provide services

Korean Fourth Grade

Summary of Standards for Korean

(Bold faced taught at this grade level)

Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 8 Benchmarks: 36


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 4.1.1

Understands and uses the writing process • Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing • uses graphic organizers, story maps, and webs • groups related ideas • takes notes • brainstorms ideas • organizes information according to type and purpose of writing • elaborates on a central idea • writes with attention to audience, word choice, sentence variation • uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas • produces multiple drafts • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • uses reference materials • considers page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles) • selects presentation format according to purpose • incorporates photos, illustrations, charts, and graphs • uses available technology to compose and publish work

ELA 4.1.2

Evaluates own and others’ writing • determines the best features of a piece of writing • determines how own writing achieves its purposes • asks for feedback • responds to classmates’ writing

ELA 4.1.3

Uses strategies to write for different audiences and purposes • adapts focus, organization, point of view • determines knowledge and interests of audience • writes for self, peers, teachers, adults

ELA 4.1.4

Writes in response to literature • summarizes main ideas and significant details • relates own ideas to supporting details • advances judgments • supports judgments with references to the text, other works, other authors, non-print media, and personal knowledge

ELA 4.1.5

Writes narrative accounts, such as poems and stories • establishes a context that enables the reader to imagine the event or experience • develops characters, setting, and plot • creates an organizing structure • sequences events • uses concrete sensory details • uses strategies such as dialogue, tension, and suspense • uses an identifiable voice


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 4.2.1

Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas • common figures of speech

sensory details

ELA 4.2.2

Uses paragraph form in writing • indents the first word of a paragraph • uses topic sentences • recognizes a paragraph as a group of sentences about one main idea • uses an introductory and concluding paragraph • writes several related paragraphs

ELA 4.2.3

Uses a variety of sentence structures in writing • expands basic sentence patterns • uses exclamatory and imperative sentences


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 4.3.1

Uses pronouns, nouns, verbs and adjectives in written compositions • substitutes pronouns for nouns • uses pronoun agreement • uses plural and singular naming words • forms regular and irregular plurals of nouns • uses common and proper nouns • uses nouns as subjects • uses a wide variety of action verbs, past and present verb tenses, simple tenses, forms of regular verbs, verbs that agree with the subject • indefinite, numerical, predicate adjectives

ELA 4.3.2

Uses conventions of spelling in written compositions • spells high frequency, commonly misspelled words from appropriate grade-level list • uses a dictionary and other resources to spell words • uses initial consonant substitution to spell related words • uses vowel combinations for correct spelling • uses contractions, compounds, roots, suffixes, prefixes, and syllable constructions to spell words

ELA 4.3.3

Uses adverbs in written compositions • to make comparisons

ELA 4.3.4

Uses conventions of capitalization in written compositions • titles of people • proper nouns (names of towns, cities, counties, and states) • days of the week • months of the year • names of streets • names of countries • holidays • heading, salutation, and closing of a letter

ELA 4.3.5

Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions • uses periods after imperative sentences and in initials, abbreviations, and titles before names • uses commas in dates and addresses and after greetings and closings in a letter • uses apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns • uses quotation marks around titles and with direct quotations • uses a colon between hour and minutes

ELA 4.3.6

Uses negatives in written compositions • avoids double negatives


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 4.5.1

Previews text • Understands the concept of PQ3R o Preview o Question o Read, Recite and Review

ELA 4.5.2

Makes, confirms, and revises simple predictions about what will be found in a text • uses prior knowledge and ideas presented in text, illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing clues

ELA 4.5.3

Uses phonetic and structural analysis techniques, syntactic structure, and semantic context to decode unknown words • vowel patterns, complex word families, syllabication, root words, affixes

ELA 4.5.4

Use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words • draws on earlier reading • reads ahead

ELA 4.5.5

Understands level-appropriate reading vocabulary • synonyms, antonyms, homophones, multimeaning words

ELA 4.5.6

Uses word reference materials (glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to determine the meaning, pronunciation, and derivations of unknown words

ELA 4.5.7

Monitors own reading strategies and makes modifications as needed • recognizes when he or she is confused by a section of text • questions whether the text makes sense


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 4.6.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres • fairy tales, folk tales, fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fables, fantasies, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies, chapter books

ELA 4.6.2

Understands the basic concept of plot • main problem, conflict, resolution, causeand-effect

ELA 4.6.3

Understands similarities and differences within and among literary works from various genres and cultures • in terms of settings, character types, events, point of view • role of natural phenomena

ELA 4.6.4

Understands elements of character development in literary works • differences between main and minor characters • stereotypical characters as opposed to fully developed characters • changes that characters undergo • the importance of a character’s actions, motives, and appearance to plot and theme


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 4.7.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of informational texts • textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines

ELA 4.7.2

Summarizes and paraphrases information in texts • includes the main idea and significant supporting details of a reading selection)

ELA 4.7.3

Uses text organizers to determine the main ideas and to locate information in a text • headings, topic and summary sentences, graphic features, typeface, chapter titles

ELA 4.7.4

Uses the various parts of a book to locate information • index, table of contents, glossary, appendix, preface


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 4.8.1

Actively participates in class and practices attentive listening skills

ELA 4.8.2

Uses level-appropriate vocabulary in speech • familiar idioms, similes, word play

ELA 4.8.3

Uses strategies to convey a clear main point when speaking and uses a variety of nonverbal communication skills • expresses ideas in a logical manner, uses specific vocabulary to establish tone and present information • uses eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, posture

ELA 4.8.4

Makes basic oral presentations to class • uses subject-related information and vocabulary • includes content appropriate to the audience • relates ideas and observations • incorporates visual aids or props • incorporates several sources of information

ELA 4.8.5

Understands the main ideas and supporting details in spoken texts • presentations by peers or quest speakers, a current affairs report on the radio


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 4.9.1

Knows that film and television have features that identify different genres • style of dress, setting in a western or a drama

ELA 4.9.2

Understands the use and meaning of symbols and images in visual media • the use of color, such as red to represent emotion, anger, or excitement • the use of expressions, such as smiling to mean happiness

• •

the dependence of symbols on shared social and cultural understandings symbolic links between product names or logos and products

Physical Education 4th and 5th Grades

Summary of Standards for Physical Education: 1. Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms 2. Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills 3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity 4. Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources 5. Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 29

Standard 1

Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms


Uses mature form in object control skills (e.g., underhand and overhand throw, catch, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike, batting, punt, pass)


Uses basic sport-specific skills for a variety of physical activities (e.g., basketball chest pass, soccer dribble, fielding a softball with a glove)


Uses mature form and appropriate sequence in combinations of fundamental locomotor, object control, and rhythmical skills that are components of selected modified games, sports, and dances (e.g., combining steps to perform certain dances; combining running, stopping, throwing, shooting, kicking for sideline soccer)


Uses mature form in balance activities on a variety of apparatuses (e.g., balance board, large apparatus, skates)


Uses beginning strategies for net and invasion games (e.g., keeping object going with partner using striking pattern, placing ball away from opponent in a racket sport, hand and foot dribble while preventing an opponent from stealing the ball in basketball)

Standard 2

Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills


Uses information from a variety of internal and external sources to improve performance (e.g., group projects, student journal, self assessment, peer and coach review)


Understands principles of practice and conditioning that improve performance


Understands proper warm-up and cool-down techniques and reasons for using them


Uses basic offensive and defensive strategies in unstructured game environments (e.g., limited rules, modified equipment, small numbers of participants)

Standard 3

Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity


Knows about opportunities for participation in physical activities both in and out of school (e.g., recreational leagues, intramural sports, clubs)


Chooses physical activities based on a variety of factors (e.g., personal interests and capabilities, perceived social and physical benefits, challenge and enjoyment)


Knows factors that inhibit physical activity (e.g., substance abuse)


Knows how to modify activities to be more healthenhancing (e.g., walking instead of riding, taking the stairs rather than the elevator)


Understands detrimental effects of physical activity (e.g., muscle soreness, overuse injuries, overtraining, temporary tiredness, and discovering inability)


Understands activities that provide personal challenge (e.g., risk-taking, adventure, and competitive activities)

Standard 4

Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources


Engages in activities that develop and maintain cardio-respiratory endurance (e.g., timed or distance walk/run and other endurance activities at a specified heart rate)


Engages in activities that develop and maintain muscular strength (e.g., push-ups, pull-ups, curl-ups, isometric strength activities, jump rope)


Engages in activities that develop and maintain flexibility of the major joints (e.g., sit and reach, trunk twists, and arm-shoulder stretches)


Knows the effects of physical activity and nutrition on body composition


Knows how to monitor intensity of exercise (e.g., heart rate, breathing rate, perceived exertion, and recovery rate)


Meets health-related fitness standards for appropriate level (e.g., aerobic capacity, body composition, muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility)


Knows the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle (e.g., daily health enhancing physical activity, proper nutrition)


Uses information from fitness assessments to improve selected fitness components (e.g., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition)


Participates in moderate to vigorous physical activity in a variety of settings (e.g., gymnastics clubs, community sponsored youth sports)

Standard 5

Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Knows how to develop rules, procedures, and etiquette that are safe and effective for specific activity situations


Works in a group to accomplish a set goal in both cooperative and competitive activities


Understands the role of physical activities in learning more about others of like and different backgrounds (e.g., gender, culture, ethnicity, and disability)


Understands the physical challenges faced by people with disabilities (e.g., wheelchair basketball, dancing with a hearing disability)


Understands the origins of different sports and how they have evolved

Art 4th Grade

Summary of Standards for Art: 1. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts 2. Knows how to use the elements (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art 3. Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts 4. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 5. Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 4 Benchmarks: 12

Standard 1

Understands and applies media, techniques and processes related to the visual arts

VA 4.1.1

Knows the differences between art materials (e.g., paint, clay, wood, videotape), techniques (e.g., overlapping, shading, varying size or color), and processes (e.g., addition and subtraction in sculpture, casting and constructing in making jewelry)

VA 4.1.2

Uses art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

VA 4.1.3

Understands what makes different art media, techniques, and processes effective (or ineffective) in communicating various ideas

VA 4.1.4

Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts (e.g., drawing/design painting with different media, modeling, sculpting and constructing.

VA 4.1.5

Uses application of the creative process (e.g., striving for originality, exploring alternative approaches).

Standard 2

Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art

VA 4.2.1

Knows some of the effects of various visual structures (e.g., design elements such as line, color, shape; principles such as repetition, rhythm, balance) and functions of art

VA 4.2.2

Knows how the qualities of structures and functions of art are used to improve communication of one's ideas

Standard 3

Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts

VA 4.3.1

Selects prospective ideas (e.g., formulated thoughts, opinions, concepts) for works of art

VA 4.3.2

Knows different subjects, themes, and symbols (through context, value, and aesthetics) convey intended meaning in artwork

Standard 4

Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

VA 4.4.1

Knows that the visual arts have both a history and a specific relationship to various cultures

VA 4.4.2

Identifies specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places

Standard 5

Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others

VA 4.5.1

Knows various purposes for creating works of visual art

Music 4th grade

Summary of Standards for Music: 1. Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniment 4. Composes and arranges music within specified guidelines 5. Reads and notates music 6. Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture



Standards: 7 Benchmarks: 16 Standard 1

Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

MUS 4.1.1

Sings on pitch and in rhythm

MUS 4.1.2

Sings expressively and with beautiful tone quality

MUS 4.1.3

Uses ensemble skills (balance, intonation)

MUS 4.1.4

Sings independent vocal parts (canons and partner songs)

Standard 2

Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

MUS 4.2.1

Performs simply rhythmic, melodic and chordal patterns with accurate pitch and rhythm and appropriate dynamics and timbre while maintaining a steady tempo

MUS 4.2.3

Plays independent instrumental parts while others sing to play contrasting parts

MUS 4.2.4

Uses ensemble skills (blend, balance, dynamics)

Standard 3

Improvises, composes and arranges melodies, variations, and accompaniments

MUS 4.3.1

Creates and arranges music to accompany readings or dramatizations (e.g., manipulate dimensions such as the variety of sounds, tempo loudness, mood)

MUS 4.3.2

Composes short songs using rhythmic values including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes,

quarter rests, eight notes and sixteenth notes and pitches including la, so, mi, re, do, low la and low so using a variety of sound sources Standard 4

Reads and notates music

MUS 4.4.1

Uses sol-fegge syllables to read melodies including la, so, mi, re, doh, low la and low so in stick notation and staff notation in F do, G do and C do

MUS 4.4.2

Uses rhythm syllables to read rhythms including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes and sixteenth notes in stick notation and staff notation

MUS 4.4.3

Uses absolute note names to read melodies on the treble staff

Standard 5

Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance

MUS 4.5.1

Knows appropriate symbols and terminology to explain elements of music (dynamics, tempo), music notation, musical instruments and voices and music

MUS 4.5.2

Identifies the sounds of a variety of instruments (e.g., orchestral, band, instruments from various cultures) and voices (e.g., male, female, children’s voice)

Standard 6

Understands the relationship between music and history and culture

MUS 4.6.1

Identifies (by genre or style) and knows how basic elements of music are used in music from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods and various cultures

MUS 4.6.2

Understands the roles of musicians in various music settings and cultures

Information Technology 4th Grade

Summary of Standards for IT: 1. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems 2. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs 3. Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual 4. Understands the nature of technology design 5. Understands the nature and operation of systems 6. Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology



Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 27 Standard 1

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems

IT 4.1.1

Handles computer equipment with care

IT 4.1.2

Knows proper finger placement on the home row keys

IT 4.1.3

Identifies and knows the basic functions of hardware (keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor, hard disk storage)

IT 4.1.4

Knows potential hazards to computer media

IT 4.1.5

Is aware of a computer network

IT 4.1.6

Uses a variety of input devices ( keyboard, voicesound recorders, etc.)

IT 4.1.7

Types with some facility, demonstrating some memorization keys

Standard 2

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs

IT 4.2.1

Saves work regularly and including files networked via the Smart Boards

IT 4.2.2

Uses a word processor to edit, copy, move, save, and print text with some formatting

IT 4.2.3

Know how formats differ among software applications (word processing, painting, drawing)

IT 4.2.4

Uses advanced features and utilities of word processors (clip art, spellchecker)

IT 4.2.5

Uses the most basic programming skills ( Logo )

IT 4.2.6

Uses computer applications as resource tools

IT 4.2.7

Knows the common features and uses of desktop publishing software (e.g., documents are created, designed, and formatted for publication; data, graphics, and scanned images)

Standard 3

Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual

IT 4.3.1

Knows that new tools and ways of doing things affect all aspects of life and positive or negative effects on other people ( aware of Internet viruses )

IT 4.3.2

Knows that technologies often have costs as well as benefits and can have an enormous effect on people and other living things

IT 4.3.3

Knows areas in which technology has improved human lives (e.g., transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment)

IT 4.3.4

Understands the concept of software piracy ( i.e., illegally copying software) and that piracy is a violation of copyright laws

IT 4.3.5

Observes common courtesies and acceptable use policies while telecomputing

Standard 4

Understands the nature of technology design

IT 4.4.1

Identifies a simple problem that can be solved using technology

IT 4.4.2

Knows constraints that must be considered when designing a solution to a problem (e.g., cost, materials, time, space, safety, scientific laws, engineering principles, construction techniques, appearance, environmental impact, what will happen if the solution fails)

IT 4.4.3

Uses appropriate tools, techniques, and quantitative measurements to implement proposed solutions

Standard 5

Understands the nature and operation of systems

IT 4.5.1

Understands the relationships between elements (i.e., components, such as people or parts) in systems

Standard 6

Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology

IT 4.6.1

Be able to incorporate text, sound and graphics into a presentation

IT 4.6.3

Uses technology to develop or support the critical thinking process

IT 4.6.4

Is aware that there are reliable as well as unreliable sources in the Internet

English Language Arts Fifth Grade

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 10 Benchmarks: 48


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 5.1.1

Understands and uses the writing process • Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing • uses graphic organizers, story maps, and webs • groups related ideas • takes notes • brainstorms ideas • organizes information according to type and purpose of writing • elaborates on a central idea • writes with attention to audience, word choice, sentence variation • uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas • produces multiple drafts • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • uses reference materials • considers page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles) • selects presentation format according to purpose • incorporates photos, illustrations, charts, and graphs • uses available technology to compose and publish work

ELA 5.1.2

Evaluates own and others’ writing • determines the best features of a piece of writing • determines how own writing achieves its purposes • asks for feedback • responds to classmates’ writing

ELA 5.1.3

Uses strategies to write for different audiences and purposes • adapts focus, organization, point of view • determines knowledge and interests of audience • writes for self, peers, teachers, adults

ELA 5.1.4

Writes in response to literature • summarizes main ideas and significant details • relates own ideas to supporting details • advances judgments • supports judgments with references to the text, other works, other authors, non-print media, and personal knowledge

ELA 5.1.5

Writes expressive compositions • expresses ideas, reflections, and observations • uses an individual, authentic voice • uses narrative strategies, relevant details, and ideas that enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience

ELA 5.1.6

Writes autobiographical compositions • provides a context within which the incident occurs, uses simple narrative strategies, and provides some insight into why this incident is memorable


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 5.2.1

Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas • common figures of speech • sensory details

ELA 5.2.2

Uses paragraph form in writing and uses a variety of sentence structures • • • • • •

indents the first word of a paragraph uses topic sentences recognizes a paragraph as a group of sentences about one main idea uses an introductory and concluding paragraph writes several related paragraphs uses exclamatory and imperative sentences


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 5.3.1

Uses pronouns, nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in written compositions • substitutes pronouns for nouns • uses pronoun agreement • uses plural and singular naming words • forms regular and irregular plurals of nouns • uses common and proper nouns • uses nouns as subjects • uses a wide variety of action verbs, past and present verb tenses, simple tenses, forms of regular verbs, verbs that agree with the subject • indefinite, numerical, predicate adjectives

ELA 5.3.2

Uses conventions of spelling in written compositions • spells high frequency, commonly misspelled words from appropriate grade-level list • uses a dictionary and other resources to spell words • uses initial consonant substitution to spell related words • uses vowel combinations for correct spelling

uses contractions, compounds, roots, suffixes, prefixes, and syllable constructions to spell words

ELA 5.3.3

Uses conventions of capitalization in written compositions • titles of people • proper nouns (names of towns, cities, counties, and states) • days of the week • months of the year • names of streets • names of countries • holidays • heading, salutation, and closing of a letter • first word of direct quotations

ELA 5.3.4

Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions • uses periods after imperative sentences and in initials, abbreviations, and titles before names • uses commas in dates and addresses and after greetings and closings in a letter • uses apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns • uses quotation marks around titles and with direct quotations • uses a colon between hour and minutes

ELA 5.3.5

Uses coordinating conjunctions in written compositions • links ideas using connecting words


Gathers and uses information for research purposes.

ELA 5.4.1

Uses multiple representations of information to find information for research topics • maps, charts, photos, diagrams, tables

ELA 5.4.2

Uses a variety of strategies to plan research

• • • •

identifies possible topic by brainstorming, listing questions, using idea webs organizes prior knowledge about a topic develops a course of action determines how to locate necessary information

ELA 5.4.3

Uses strategies to compile information into written reports or summaries • incorporates notes into a finished product • includes simple facts, details, explanations, and examples • draws conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from data from different sources • uses appropriate visual aids and media


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 5.5.1

Previews text • Uses o o o

ELA 5.5.2

Use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words • draws on earlier reading • reads ahead

ELA 5.5.4

Understands level-appropriate reading vocabulary • synonyms, antonyms, homophones, multimeaning words

ELA 5.5.5

Uses word reference materials (glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to determine the meaning, pronunciation, and derivations of unknown words

ELA 5.5.6

Monitors own reading strategies and makes modifications as needed • recognizes when he or she is confused by a section of text

PQ3R when reading Preview Question Read, Recite and Review

questions whether the text makes sense

ELA 5.5.7

Adjusts speed of reading to suit purpose and difficulty of the material

ELA 5.5.8

Understands the author’s purpose (e.g., to persuade, to inform) or point of view

ELA 5.5.9

Uses personal criteria to select reading material • personal interest, knowledge of authors and genres, text difficulty, recommendations of others


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 5.6.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres • fairy tales, folk tales, fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fables, fantasies, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies, chapter books

ELA 5.6.2

Understands the basic concept of plot • main problem, conflict, resolution, causeand-effect

ELA 5.6.3

Understands similarities and differences within and among literary works from various genres and cultures • in terms of settings, character types, events, point of view • role of natural phenomena

ELA 5.6.4

Understands elements of character development in literary works • differences between main and minor characters • stereotypical characters as opposed to fully developed characters • changes that characters undergo • the importance of a character’s actions, motives, and appearance to plot and theme

ELA 5.6.5

Knows themes that recur across literary works

ELA 5.6.6

Understands the ways in which language is used in literary texts • personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, simile, metaphor, imagery, hyperbole, rhythm

ELA 5.7.7

Makes connections between characters or simple events in a literary work and people or events in his or her own life


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 5.7.1

Summarizes and paraphrases information in texts • includes the main idea and significant supporting details of a reading selection)

ELA 5.7.2

Uses text organizers to determine the main ideas and to locate information in a text • headings, topic and summary sentences, graphic features, typeface, chapter titles

ELA 5.7.3

Uses the various parts of a book to locate information • index, table of contents, glossary, appendix, preface

ELA 5.7.4

Uses prior knowledge and experience to understand and respond to new information

ELA 5.7.5

Understands structural patterns or organization in informational texts • chronological, logical, or sequential order • compare-and-contrast • cause-and-effect • proposition and support


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 4.8.1

Actively participates in class and practices attentive listening skills

ELA 4.8.2

Uses level-appropriate vocabulary in speech • familiar idioms, similes, word play

ELA 4.8.3

Uses strategies to convey a clear main point when speaking and uses a variety of nonverbal communication skills • expresses ideas in a logical manner, uses specific vocabulary to establish tone and present information • uses eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, posture

ELA 4.8.4

Organizes ideas for oral presentations • uses an introduction and conclusion • uses notes or other memory aids • organizes ideas around major points, in sequence, or chronologically • uses traditional structures, such as causeand-effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question • uses details, examples, and anecdotes to clarify information

ELA 4.8.5

Listens for specific information and understands main ideas in spoken texts • plot details or information about a character in a short story read aloud, information about a familiar topic from a radio broadcast

ELA 5.8.6

Uses a variety of verbal communication skills • projection, tone, volume, rate, articulation, pace, phrasing

ELA 5.8.7

Listens to and understands persuasive messages • television commercials, commands and requests, pressure from peers


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 5.9.1

Understands the different ways in which people are stereotyped in visual media and understands that people could have been represented differently • clever people wearing glasses, mothers working at home, scientists wearing white coats • super heroes • people from different socio-cultural or minority groups

ELA 5.9.2

Understands techniques used to establish mood in visual media • use of camera angles and distances to create a specific feeling or point of view • tension heightened by dramatic music • sound effects such as a heartbeat or squeaking chair • use of a deep voice • somber lighting to imply mystery or fear

ELA 5.9.3

Understands basic elements of advertising in visual media • sales approaches and techniques aimed at children • appealing elements used in memorable commercials • possible reasons for the choice of specific visual images


Understands the characteristics and components of the media.

ELA 5.10.1

Knows that a variety of people are involved in the creation of media messages and products


ELA 5.10.2

actors, directors, cinematographers, producers, scriptwriters, graphic artists, illustrators, news photographers

Understands that media messages and products are composed of a series of separate elements • shots in movies, sections of a newspaper

Mathematics 5th grade

Summary of Standards for Mathematics 1. Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation 4. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement 5. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry 6. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of statistics and data analysis 7. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of probability 8. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra 9. Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics


Revised: July 2014 STANDARDS: 9 Benchmarks: 37


Uses a variety of strategies in the problemsolving process

MAT 5.1.1

Uses a variety of strategies to understand problemsolving situations and processes • considers different strategies and approaches to a problem, restates problem from various perspectives

MAT 5.1.2

Understands that there is no one right way to solve mathematical problems, but that different methods have different advantages and disadvantages • working backward from a solution, using a similar problem type, identifying a pattern

MAT 5.1.3

Formulates a problem, determines information required to solve the problem, chooses methods for obtaining this information, and sets limits for acceptable solutions

MAT 5.1.4

Represents problem situations in and translates among oral, written, concrete, pictorial, and graphical forms

MAT 5.1.5

Uses a variety of reasoning processes to model and to solve problems • reasoning from a computer example, using proportionality


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers

MAT 5.2.1

Understands the relationships among equivalent number representations and the advantages and disadvantages of each type of representation • whole numbers, positive and negative integers, fractions, ratios, decimals, percents, scientific notation, exponentials

MAT 5.2.2

Understands the characteristics and properties of the set of rational numbers and its subsets • order relations, relative magnitude, baseten places values • whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers

MAT 5.2.3

Uses number theory concepts to solve problems • divisibility and remainders, factors, multiples, prime, relatively prime

MAT 5.2.4

Understands the concepts of ratio, proportion, and percent and the relationships among them

MAT 5.2.5

Understands the role of positive and negative integers in the number system


Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation

MAT 5.3.1

Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, and rational numbers

MAT 5.3.2

Understands exponentiation of rational numbers and root-extraction • squares and square roots, cubes and cube roots

MAT 5.3.3

Selects and uses appropriate computational methods for a given situation • mental, paper and pencil, calculator, computer

MAT 5.3.4

Understands the correct order of operations for performing arithmetic computations

MAT 5.3.5

Knows when an estimate is more appropriate than an exact answer for a variety of problem situations


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement

MAT 5.4.1.

Solves problems involving perimeter (circumference) and area of various shapes • parallelograms, triangles, circles

MAT 5.4.2

Understands the relationships among linear dimensions, area, and volume and the corresponding uses of units, square units, and cubic units of measure.

MAT 5.4.3

Solves problems involving units of measurement and converts answers to a larger or smaller unit within the same system • Standard or metric

MAT 5.4.4

Understands the concepts of precision and significant digits as they relate to measurement • how units indicate precision


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry

MAT 5.5.1

Uses geometric methods to complete basic geometric constructions • an unmarked straightedge and a compass using an algorithm • perpendicular bisector of a line segment, angle bisector

MAT 5.5.2

Understands the defining properties of threedimensional figures • a cube has edges with equal lengths, faces, with equal areas and congruent shapes, right angle corners

MAT 5.5.3

Understands the defining properties of triangles

the sum of the measures of two sides of a triangle must be greater than the measure of the third side


Understands and applies basic and advanced concepts of statistics and data analysis

MAT 5.6.1

Understands basic characteristics of measures of central tendency • mean, median, mode

MAT 5.6.2

Reads and interprets data in charts, tables, plots and graphs • stem-and-leaf plot • box-and-whiskers plot • scatter plot • bar graph • circle graph • line graph

MAT 5.6.3

Uses data and statistical measures for a variety of purposes • formulating hypotheses, making predictions, testing conjectures

MAT 5.6.4

Organizes and displays data using tables, graphs (e.g., line, circle, bar), frequency distributions, and plots

MAT 5.6.5

Understands that the same set of data can be represented using a variety of tables, graphs, and symbols and that different modes of representation often convey different messages • variation in scale can alter a visual message


Understands and applies basic and advanced concepts of probability

MAT 5.7.1

Determines probability using mathematical /theoretical models • table or tree diagram, area model, list, continuing procedures, sample space

MAT 5.7.2

Understands how predictions are based on data and probabilities • the difference between predictions based on theoretical probability and experimental probability

MAT 5.7.3

Determines probability using simulations or experiments

MAT 5.7.4

Understands the relationship between the numerical expression of a probability and the events that produce these numbers • fraction • percentage • odds


Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra

MAT 5.8.1

Knows that an expression is a mathematical statement using numbers and symbols to represent relationships and real-world situations • equations and inequalities with or without variables

MAT 5.8.2

Understands that a variable can be used in many ways

MAT 5.8.3

Understands various representations of patterns and functions and the relationships among them • tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, algebraic expressions, Venn diagram

MAT 5.8.4

Understands basic operations on algebraic expressions • combining like terms, expanding, substituting for unknowns


Understands the general nature and uses of mathematics

MAT 5.9.1

Understands that mathematics has been helpful in practical ways for many centuries

MAT 5.9.2

Understands that mathematicians often represent real things using abstract ideas like n umbers or lines, they then work with these abstractions to learn about the things they represent.

Science 5th Grade

Science themes covered in 5th grade: • Physical Science (Levers and Pulleys; Force and Motion; Electronics) • Space Science (Planetary Science) • Variables • Science Fair

Summary of Standards for Science Earth and Space Sciences 1. Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle 2. Understands Earth's composition and structure 3. Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it Life Sciences 4. Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts 5. Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms 6. Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment 7. Understands biological evolution and the diversity of life Physical Sciences 8. Understands the structure and properties of matter 9. Understands the sources and properties of energy 10.Understands forces and motion Nature of Science 11.Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 12.Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 13.Understands the scientific enterprise



Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 24 Earth and Space Sciences STANDARD 3

Understands the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth's place in it

SCI 5.3.1

Knows that night and day are caused by the Earth’s rotation on its axis

SCI 5.3.2

Knows that the Earth is one of several planets that orbit the Sun and that the Moon orbits the Earth

SCI 5.3.3

Knows that the patterns of stars in the sky stay the same, although they appear to slowly move from east to west across the sky nightly and different stars can be seen in different seasons

SCI 5.3.4

Knows that planets look like stars, but over time they appear to wander among the constellations

SCI 5.3.5

Knows that astronomical objects in space are massive in size and are separated from one another by vast distances (e.g., many stars are more massive than our Sun but so distant they look like points of light

SCI 5.3.6

Knows that telescopes magnify distant objects in the sky (e.g., the Moon, planets) and dramatically increase the number of stars we can see

Physical Sciences STANDARD 9

Understands the sources and properties of energy

SCI 5.9.1

Knows that electrical circuits provide a means of transferring electrical energy to produce heat, light, sound, and chemical changes

SCI 5.9.2

Knows that most chemical and nuclear reactions involve a transfer of energy (e.g., heat, light, mechanical motion, electricity)

SCI 5.9.3

Knows that vibrations (e.g., sounds, earthquakes) move at different speeds in different materials, have different wavelengths, and set up wave-like disturbances that spread away from the source


Understands forces and motion

SCI 5.10.1

Understands general concepts related to gravitational force (e.g., every object exerts gravitational force on every other object; this force depends on the mass of the objects and their distance from one another; gravitational force is hard to detect unless at least one of the objects, such as the Earth, has a lot of mass)

SCI 5.10.2

Knows that just as electric currents can produce magnetic forces, magnets can cause electric currents

SCI 5.10.3

Knows that an object’s motion can be described and represented graphically according to its position, direction of motion, and speed

SCI 5.10.4

Understands effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object’s motion (e.g., if more than one force acts on an object along a straight line, then the forces will reinforce or cancel one another, depending on their direction and magnitude;

unbalanced forces such as friction will cause changes in the speed or direction on an object’s motion) SCI 5.10.5

Knows that an object that is not being subjected to a force will continue to move at a constant speed and in a straight line

Nature of Science STANDARD 11

Understands the nature of scientific knowledge

SCI 5.11.1

Knows that although the same scientific investigation may give slightly different results when it is carried out by different persons, or at different times or places, the general evidence collected from the investigation should be replicable by others

SCI 5.11.2

Knows that good scientific explanations are based on evidence (observations) and scientific knowledge

SCI 5.11.3

Knows that scientists make the results of their investigations public; they describe the investigations in ways that enable others to repeat the investigations


Understands the nature of scientific inquiry

SCI 5.12.2

Knows that scientists use different kinds of investigations (e.g., naturalistic observation of things or events, data collection, controlled experiments), depending on the questions they are trying to answer

SCI 5.12.3

Plans and conducts simple investigations (e.g., formulates a testable question, makes systematic observations, develops logical conclusions)

SCI 5.12.4

Uses appropriate tools and simple equipment (e.g., thermometers, magnifiers, microscopes, calculators, graduated cylinders) to gather scientific data and extend the senses

SCI 5.12.5

Knows that different people may interpret the same set of observations differently


Understands the scientific enterprise

SCI 5.13.1

Knows that people of all ages, backgrounds, and groups have made contributions to science and technology throughout history

SCI 5.13.2

Knows that although people using scientific inquiry have learned much about the objects, events, and phenomena in nature, science is an ongoing process and will never be finished

SCI 5.13.3

Knows that scientists and engineers often work in teams to accomplish a task

Social Studies 5th Grade

Students in grade five study the development of the nation up to 1877, with an emphasis on the people who were already here, when and from where others arrived, and why they came. Students learn about the colonial government founded on Judeo-Christian principles, the ideals of the Enlightenment, and the English traditions of self-government. They recognize that ours is a nation that has a constitution that derives its power from the people, that has gone through a revolution, that once sanctioned slavery, that experienced conflict over land with the original inhabitants, and that experienced a westward movement that took its people across the continent. Studying the cause, course, and consequences of the early explorations through the War for Independence and western expansion is central to students' fundamental understanding of how the principles of the American republic form the basis of a pluralistic society in which individual rights are secured. Students will learn the cause and aftermath of the American Civil War.

Summary of Standards for Social Studies Historical Understanding 2. Understands the historical perspective Behavioral Studies 5. Understands various meanings of social group and interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions Civics 6. Understands basic concepts of government and its functions 7. Understands the role of constitutions in establishing governments and the basic values and principles of democracy Geography 10. Understands characteristics of geographic features (people, places and environment) and the uses of maps, globes and other geographical tools 11. Understands physical and human characteristics of places and regions. Economics 16. Understands market structures and different economic systems United States History 19.(Beginnings to 1620) Understands the cultural characteristics of societies in the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa 20.(1585-1763) Understands colonial history and settlement and how political, religious, and social institutions took root in the Americas 21.(1754-1820s) Understands the causes of the American Revolution and the impact on the economy, society, and practices of government 22.(1801-1865) Understands the conflict of nationalism and sectionalism in the expanding nation 23. (1850-1877) Understands the causes, course, and character of the Civil War and the effects of the war on various reconstruction successes and failures


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 12 Benchmarks: 33


Understands the historical perspective

SOC 5.2.1

Understands that specific individuals had a great impact on history • Pocohontas • William Penn • Thomas Jefferson • Abraham Lincoln EXPLORERS • Explorers impact on knowledge of world • Explorers willingness to take huge risks

SOC 5.2.2

Understands that specific ideas, decisions and events had an impact on history COLONIZATION • Puritans leaving England due to opposing views • Slavery and indentured servants • Trade (e.g. fur trade, tobacco, cotton) • Expansion of colonies NATIVE AMERICANS • Migration over Beringia • Immigration of the colonists EXPLORERS • Decision to set sail impacted Native Americans, • Trade expanded • Europeans exhibited power over natives • Basic beliefs about the world changed (view of flat world, other • peoples, sea animals, navigation devices, maps)

Standard 5 -

Understands various meanings of social group and interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions

SOC 5.5.2

Knows that culture can be expressed through a variety of ways COLONIZATION • Aspects of British colonies (Massachusetts, New Hampshire,Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,Georgia) • Differences between colonies and Great Britain NATIVE AMERICANS • Legends • Aspects of a culture • Differences among different tribes and regions EXPLORERS • Native American view of Europeans • Explorer’s view of Native Americans

SOC 5.5.3

Understands that social affiliation has many meanings COLONIZATION • Puritans, Quakers and Pilgrims NATIVE AMERICANS • Differences among tribes • Differences among regions • Differences between Native Americans and colonists EXPLORERS • Nationalism of European countries (be first to reach Asia over the sea, bring riches to your country)

SOC 5.5.4

Understands that one person’s interests may conflict with the interests of others and that rules can help to resolve these conflicts • John Smith vs. Indians • George III vs. Colonists • Andrew Jackson vs. Native Americans

SOC 5.5.7

Knows various forms of religious, social, political and economic institutions had an impact throughout history NATIVE AMERICANS • Native American tribes and their beliefs • How their beliefs differed from each other and the colonists EXPLORERS • Conquistador view of “taming savages” • “Trading” and stealing riches from Aztecs • Native cultures impact of beliefs of explorers

Standard 6 -

Understands basic concepts of government and its functions

SOC 5.6.1

Knows various people and groups who make, apply, and enforce rules and laws for others and who manage disputes about rules and laws COLONIZATION • Ferdinand and Isabella control the explorers • House of Burgesses controls Jamestown • US Constitution controls the colonists • Federal power controls Statue power NATIVE AMERICANS • Native American cultures within each tribe EXPLORERS • Ferdinand and Isabella control Columbus and other Spanish explorers

SOC 5.6.2

Knows the basic purposes of government in the U.S. • Mayflower Compact • Holy Watching in Massachusetts Bay • Preamble to the Constitution • Emancipation Proclamation

Standard 7 -

Understands the role of constitutions in establishing governments and the basic values and principles of democracy

SOC 5.7.1

Knows the fundamental values and principles of American democracy • Five Iroquois Tribes • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut • Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights

• Formation of the Confederate States of America Standard 10 -

Understands characteristics of geographic features (people, places and environment) and the uses of maps, globes and other geographical tools

SOC 5.10.1

Knows the basic elements of maps and globes • legend, cardinal and intermediate directions, scale, principal parallels, meridians • historical maps • region maps EXPLORERS • Cartography as it relates to explorers • Mapping exploration routes NATIVE AMERICANS • Mapping Native American regions and tribes

SOC 5.10.3

Uses map grids to plot absolute location • latitude and longitude • alphanumeric system • Mapping Native American regions and tribes • Mapping and locating exploration routes

SOC 5.10.4

Knows major physical and human features of places as they are represented on maps and globes • wetlands • historic sites • landforms • locations of places discussed in history • Mapping Native American tribes • Mapping exploration routes and stressing problem areas

Standard 11

Understands physical and human characteristics of places and regions.

SOC 5.11.1

Knows how the characteristics of places are shaped by physical and human processes NATIVE AMERICANS • How different Native American tribes developed different cultures • Resources of tribes

COLONIZATION • effects of agriculture on land use and vegetation • effects of settlement on the building of roads • relationship of population distribution to land forms • climate • vegetation • resources EXPLORERS • Effect of Cortez and “sacking” of Aztec resources SOC 5.11.2

Knows similarities and differences in characertistics of culture in different regions • Aspects of culture of Native American tribes (geography/environment, technology, art, food, shelter, religious beliefs, governmental systems)

SOC 5.11.3

Understands voluntary and involuntary migration. • causes and effects of human migration COLONIZATION • European colonists • African slaves • Explorers NATIVE AMERICANS • westward expansion on Native Americansmigration over Berengia EXPLORERS • Stories of an “Unknown Land” • The Greenlander’s Saga (Leif Ericksson’s journey) • European belief that the world outside of where they lived was very dangerous • Poor ships and no maps (desire to improve these) • Trade with Asia • Desire for gold, riches, and power after Columbus’ visit. • similarities and differences in characertistics of culture in different

• regions (e.g., cultural differences among Native American Tribes, between Native Americans and colonists) Standard 16

Understands market structures and different economic systems

SOC 5.16.1

Understands that all societies have developed various economic systems in order to allocate their resources to produce and distribute goods and services and there are advantages and disadvantages of each type of system • bartering • triangle trade • currency exchange • capitalism NATIVE AMERICANS • Native American trading and bartering EXPLORERS • How native economies developed differently than those of Europeans’

SOC 5.16.2

Understands that when people and nations specialize, they become more interdependent • in the village common the silversmith was dependent on the carpenter • the carpenter was dependent on the farmer • the farmer was dependent on the silversmith • Britain was dependent on Boston for rum • Boston was dependent on Spain for molasses • Spain was dependent on Africa for slaves • Africa was dependent on Britain for tools and weapons

Standard 19

(Beginnings to 1620) Understands the cultural characteristics of societies in the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa

SOC 5.19.1

Understands the migration and settlement patterns of people in the Americas • the land bridge • frontier movements • French and Indian Wars • Westward Expansion (Texas and California)

• Migration across Berengia • Why Native American tribes settled where they did SOC 5.19.2

Understands that the various Native North American Tribes differ • Aspects of culture of Native American tribes (geography/environment, technology, art, food, shelter, religious beliefs, governmental systems) • Differences and similarities among the different tribes

SOC 5.19.3

Understands the significance of beliefs held by both Native Americans and Europeans NATIVE AMERICANS • Native American beliefs about their origins, • ideas of land use by Native Americans and Europeans EXPLORERS • Encounters between explorers and Native Americans • Pre-exploration beliefs about the world • Post-exploration beliefs about the world and themselves

SOC 5.19.4

Understands the relationship between the Native Americans and European Explorers • Vikings negative encounters in Newfoundland • Positive pilgrim experience in Plymouth • Positive experiences between the Indians and the French in Canada • Poor treatment of the Indians by the British • Indian Hunters of the Revolution

SOC 5.19.5

Understands the discovery and conquest of the New World EXPLORERS • Conquistadores and Aztecs (search for gold, riches and power) • Ponce de Leon and Florida (search for gold, riches and power) • Building New Spain

• Slavery and slave trade • The French in North America and the fur trade • English settlement and effect on Native Americans (Pocohantes, the first Thanksgiving, mayflower Compact) SOC 5.19.8

Knows legends of pre-Colombus explorations and the technological, scientific, and geographic factors that led to the age of exploration EXPLORERS • Stories of an “Unknown Land” • The Greenlander’s Saga (Leif Ericksson’s journey) • European belief that the world outside of where they lived was very dangerous • Poor ships and no maps (desire to improve these) • Trade with Asia • Desire for gold, riches, and power after Columbus’ visit.

SOC 5.19.9

Knows the features of the major European explorations that took place between the 15th and 17th centuries • Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Prince Henry of Portugal, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Ferdinand Magellan,Hernan Cortez • Routes and motives of exploration • Problems on the seas • Expectations of what they would find • What explorers found in New World

Standard 20

(1585-1763) Understands colonial history and settlement and how political, religious, and social institutions took root in the Americas

SOC 5.20.1

Understands that growth and change took place in the European colonies following their founding COLONIZATION • Aspects of culture of British colonies (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania,

• • • •

New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia) Plymouth’s laws causes uneasiness within Mass immigration from England Slavery causes growth in economy and population Economic and social changes bring need for more and more land, the colonies begin to spread and expand west

SOC 5.20.2

Understands that religion played a grand role in the settlement and development of the English Colonies • Puritanism • Relationship with Native Americans (savages)

SOC 5.20.3

Understands peaceful and conflicting interaction between English settlers and Native Americans in the colonies • Thanksgiving • Pocohantas and Captain Smith • Trade with Native Americans • Colonists’ use of natural resources and effect on Native Americans • Westward expansion of colonies and effect on tribes of eastern woodlands

Standard 21 -

(1754-1820s) Understands the causes of the American Revolution and the impact on the economy, society, and practices of government

SOC 5.21.1

Understands that certain events contributed to the outbreak of the American Revolution and the earliest armed conflicts of the Revolutionary War • The French and Indian War • The Stamp Act • The Intolerable Acts • The Boston Massacre

SOC 5.21.2

Understands that there were major political issues in the thirteen colonies after their independence from England • arguments over the Articles of Confederation • arguments over how to govern themselves

• states vs. federal power • 3 branches of government SOC 5.21.3

Understands the major development and chronology of the Revolutionary War and the roles of its political, military, and diplomatic leaders • social, political, and economic effects of the American revolutionary victory on different groups o George Washington o rural farmers o wealthy merchants o enslaved and free African Americans o abolitionists o women who contributed to the war effort • factors involved in calling the Constitutional Convention o Shay’s Rebellion o Weak Central Government o International Affairs o Common Currency issues o Stamp Act

SOC 5.21.5

Understands that there were issues and ideas supported and opposed by delegates at the Constitutional Convention • enduring features of the Constitution such as the separation of powers, and checks and balances • the Virginia Plan • the New Jersey Plan • the Connecticut Compromise • equal rights for African Americans and Women

SOC 5.21.6

Understands the significance of the Bill of Rights and its specific guarantees • the relevance of the Bill of Rights in today’s society

SOC 5.21.7

Understands that there were political differences amongst the leaders


Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson) and differences in the social and economic composition of each political party in the 1790s (Federalists and Whigs)

Chinese Course I

Summary of Standards for Chinese: 1. Uses Chinese to engage in conversations, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions and information 2. Understands and interprets written and spoken Chinese on diverse topics from diverse media 3. Presents information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics 4. Understands traditional ideas and perspectives, institutions, professions, literary and artistic expressions, and other components of the Chinese culture 5. Understands that different languages use different patterns to communicate and applies this knowledge to the Chinese and native languages


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 18


Uses Chinese to engage in conversations, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions and information

CHI I.1.1

Uses the Chinese language to express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences (e.g., objects, people, events, favorite activities, food, celebrations) in everyday environments

CHI I.1.2

Uses basic vocabulary to describe assorted objects (e.g., toys, dress, types of dwellings, foods) in everyday environments

CHI I.1.3

Uses vocabulary for a wide range of topics (e.g., basic subject area terms, such as story elements, animals, weather, geographical concepts; categories such as numbers, shapes, colors, size)

CHI I.1.4

Gives and follows simple instructions in the Chinese language (e.g., in games, with partners or groups, giving commands suggested by a picture)

CHI I.1.5

Uses and responds to culturally appropriate nonverbal cues and body language (e.g., to clarify a verbal message, to engage a listener's attention, to express humor, for social interactions)


Understands and interprets written and spoken Chinese on diverse topics from diverse media

CHI I.2.1

Understands the basic ideas of oral messages and short conversations based on simple or familiar

topics appropriate at this developmental level (e.g., favorite activities, personal anecdotes, simple instructions) CHI I.2.2

Understands the main ideas in ability-appropriate, highly illustrated texts that use many words that are similar to those in one's native language (e.g., stories, newspaper articles, advertisements)

CHI I.2.3

Understands the main ideas of ability-appropriate video or television programs on familiar topics

CHI I.2.4

Understands the main ideas and basic literary elements (e.g., principal characters, sequence of events, simple themes) in written poems, short folk tales, fairy tales, or illustrated stories that are appropriate at this developmental level


Presents information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics

CHI I.3.1

Presents simple oral reports or presentations about family members and friends, objects present in the everyday environment, and common school and home activities

CHI I.3.2

Recites poetry, songs, proverbs, or short anecdotes or narratives that are commonly known by same-age members of the Chinese culture


Understands traditional ideas and perspectives, institutions, professions, literary and artistic expressions, and other components of the Chinese culture

CHI I.4.1

Knows various age-appropriate cultural activities practiced in the Chinese culture (e.g., games, songs, birthday celebrations, story telling, dramatizations, role playing)

CHI I.4.2

Knows simple patterns of behavior and interaction in various settings in the Chinese culture (e.g., school, family, community) and how these patterns compare to those in one's native culture

CHI I.4.3

Knows familiar utilitarian forms of the Chinese culture (e.g., toys, dress, types of dwellings, typical foods, currency) and how they compare to those in one's native culture

CHI I.4.4

Knows basic expressive forms of the Chinese culture (e.g., children's songs, simple selections from authentic children's literature, types of artwork or graphic representations enjoyed or produced by the peer group in the culture studied, dances) and how they compare to those in one's native culture


Understands that different languages use different patterns to communicate and applies this knowledge to the Chinese and native languages

CHI I.5.1

Knows words that have been borrowed from one language to another and how these word borrowings may have developed

CHI I.5.2

Knows basic elements of the sound and writing systems of the Chinese language and how these elements differ from the same elements of one's native language

CHI I.5.3

Understands that an idea may be expressed in multiple ways in the Chinese language

Japanese Course I

Summary of Standards for Japanese: 1. Uses Japanese to engage in conversations, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions and information 2. Understands and interprets written and spoken Japanese on diverse topics from diverse media 3. Presents information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics 4. Understands traditional ideas and perspectives, institutions, professions, literary and artistic expressions, and other components of the Japanese culture 5. Understands that different languages use different patterns to communicate and applies this knowledge to the Japanese and native languages


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 18


JAP I.1.1

Uses Japanese to engage in conversations, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions and information Uses the Japanese language to express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences (e.g., objects, people, events, favorite activities, food, celebrations) in everyday environments

JAP I.1.2

Uses basic vocabulary to describe assorted objects (e.g., toys, dress, types of dwellings, foods) in everyday environments

JAP I.1.3

Uses vocabulary for a wide range of topics (e.g., basic subject area terms, such as story elements, animals, weather, geographical concepts; categories such as numbers, shapes, colors, size)

JAP I.1.4

Gives and follows simple instructions in the Japanese language (e.g., in games, with partners or groups, giving commands suggested by a picture)

JAP I.1.5

Uses and responds to culturally appropriate nonverbal cues and body language (e.g., to clarify a verbal message, to engage a listener's attention, to express humor, for social interactions)


Understands and interprets written and spoken Japanese on diverse topics from diverse media

JAP I.2.1

Understands the basic ideas of oral messages and short conversations based on simple or familiar

topics appropriate at this developmental level (e.g., favorite activities, personal anecdotes, simple instructions) JAP I.2.2

Understands the main ideas in ability-appropriate, highly illustrated texts that use many words that are similar to those in one's native language (e.g., stories, newspaper articles, advertisements)

JAP I.2.3

Understands the main ideas of ability-appropriate video or television programs on familiar topics

JAP I.2.4

Understands the main ideas and basic literary elements (e.g., principal characters, sequence of events, simple themes) in written poems, short folk tales, fairy tales, or illustrated stories that are appropriate at this developmental level


Presents information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics

JAP I.3.1

Presents simple oral reports or presentations about family members and friends, objects present in the everyday environment, and common school and home activities

JAP I.3.2

Recites poetry, songs, proverbs, or short anecdotes or narratives that are commonly known by same-age members of the Japanese culture


Understands traditional ideas and perspectives, institutions, professions, literary and artistic expressions, and other components of the Japanese culture

JAP I.4.1

Knows various age-appropriate cultural activities practiced in the Japanese culture (e.g., games, songs, birthday celebrations, story telling, dramatizations, role playing)

JAP I.4.2

Knows simple patterns of behavior and interaction in various settings in the Japanese culture (e.g., school, family, community) and how these patterns compare to those in one's native culture

JAP I.4.3

Knows familiar utilitarian forms of the Japanese culture (e.g., toys, dress, types of dwellings, typical foods, currency) and how they compare to those in one's native culture

JAP I.4.4

Knows basic expressive forms of the Japanese culture (e.g., children's songs, simple selections from authentic children's literature, types of artwork or graphic representations enjoyed or produced by the peer group in the culture studied, dances) and how they compare to those in one's native culture


Understands that different languages use different patterns to communicate and applies this knowledge to the Japanese and native languages

JAP I.5.1

Knows words that have been borrowed from one language to another and how these word borrowings may have developed

JAP I.5.2

Knows basic elements of the sound and writing systems of the Japanese language and how these elements differ from the same elements of one's native language

JAP I.5.3

Understands that an idea may be expressed in multiple ways in the Japanese language

Korean Fifth Grade

Summary of Standards for English Language Arts

(Bold faced taught at this grade level)

Writing 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes Reading 5. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process 6. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts 7. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Listening and Speaking 8. Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes Viewing 9. Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media Media 10.Understands the characteristics and components of the media


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 8 Benchmarks: 34


Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process.

ELA 5.1.1

Understands and uses the writing process • Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing • uses graphic organizers, story maps, and webs • groups related ideas • takes notes • brainstorms ideas • organizes information according to type and purpose of writing • elaborates on a central idea • writes with attention to audience, word choice, sentence variation • uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas • produces multiple drafts • edits for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level • uses reference materials • considers page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles) • selects presentation format according to purpose • incorporates photos, illustrations, charts, and graphs • uses available technology to compose and publish work

ELA 5.1.2

Evaluates own and others’ writing • determines the best features of a piece of writing • determines how own writing achieves its purposes • asks for feedback • responds to classmates’ writing

ELA 5.1.3

Uses strategies to write for different audiences and purposes • adapts focus, organization, point of view • determines knowledge and interests of audience • writes for self, peers, teachers, adults

ELA 5.1.4

Writes in response to literature • summarizes main ideas and significant details • relates own ideas to supporting details • advances judgments • supports judgments with references to the text, other works, other authors, non-print media, and personal knowledge

ELA 5.1.5

Writes expressive compositions • expresses ideas, reflections, and observations • uses an individual, authentic voice • uses narrative strategies, relevant details, and ideas that enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience


Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing.

ELA 5.2.1

Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas • common figures of speech • sensory details

ELA 5.2.2

Uses paragraph form in writing and uses a variety of sentence structures

• • • • • •

indents the first word of a paragraph uses topic sentences recognizes a paragraph as a group of sentences about one main idea uses an introductory and concluding paragraph writes several related paragraphs uses exclamatory and imperative sentences


Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

ELA 5.3.1

Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions • uses periods after imperative sentences and in initials, abbreviations, and titles before names • uses commas in dates and addresses and after greetings and closings in a letter • uses apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns • uses quotation marks around titles and with direct quotations • uses a colon between hour and minutes


Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process

ELA 5.5.1

Previews text

ELA 5.5.2

Use a variety of context clues to decode unknown words • draws on earlier reading • reads ahead

ELA 5.5.4

Understands level-appropriate reading vocabulary • synonyms, antonyms, homophones, multimeaning words

ELA 5.5.5

Uses word reference materials (glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to determine the meaning, pronunciation, and derivations of unknown words

ELA 5.5.6

Monitors own reading strategies and makes modifications as needed • recognizes when he or she is confused by a section of text • questions whether the text makes sense


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts.

ELA 5.6.1

Knows the defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres • fairy tales, folk tales, fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fables, fantasies, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies, chapter books

ELA 5.6.2

Understands the basic concept of plot • main problem, conflict, resolution, causeand-effect

ELA 5.6.3

Understands similarities and differences within and among literary works from various genres and cultures • in terms of settings, character types, events, point of view • role of natural phenomena

ELA 5.6.4

Understands elements of character development in literary works • differences between main and minor characters • stereotypical characters as opposed to fully developed characters • changes that characters undergo • the importance of a character’s actions, motives, and appearance to plot and theme

ELA 5.6.5

Knows themes that recur across literary works

ELA 5.7.6

Makes connections between characters or simple events in a literary work and people or events in his or her own life


Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts.

ELA 5.7.1

Summarizes and paraphrases information in texts • includes the main idea and significant supporting details of a reading selection)

ELA 5.7.2

Uses text organizers to determine the main ideas and to locate information in a text • headings, topic and summary sentences, graphic features, typeface, chapter titles

ELA 5.7.3

Uses the various parts of a book to locate information • index, table of contents, glossary, appendix, preface

ELA 5.7.4

Uses prior knowledge and experience to understand and respond to new information

ELA 5.7.5

Understands structural patterns or organization in informational texts • chronological, logical, or sequential order • compare-and-contrast • cause-and-effect • proposition and support


Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.

ELA 4.8.1

Actively participates in class and practices attentive listening skills

ELA 4.8.2

Uses level-appropriate vocabulary in speech • familiar idioms, similes, word play

ELA 4.8.3

Uses strategies to convey a clear main point when speaking and uses a variety of nonverbal communication skills

• •

expresses ideas in a logical manner, uses specific vocabulary to establish tone and present information uses eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, posture

ELA 4.8.4

Organizes ideas for oral presentations • uses an introduction and conclusion • uses notes or other memory aids • organizes ideas around major points, in sequence, or chronologically • uses traditional structures, such as causeand-effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question • uses details, examples, and anecdotes to clarify information

ELA 4.8.5

Listens for specific information and understands main ideas in spoken texts • plot details or information about a character in a short story read aloud, information about a familiar topic from a radio broadcast

ELA 5.8.6

Uses a variety of verbal communication skills • projection, tone, volume, rate, articulation, pace, phrasing

ELA 5.8.7

Listens to and understands persuasive messages • television commercials, commands and requests, pressure from peers


Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media.

ELA 5.9.1

Understands the different ways in which people are stereotyped in visual media and understands that people could have been represented differently • clever people wearing glasses, mothers working at home, scientists wearing white coats • super heroes

• ELA 5.9.2

people from different socio-cultural or minority groups

Understands techniques used to establish mood in visual media • use of camera angles and distances to create a specific feeling or point of view • tension heightened by dramatic music • sound effects such as a heartbeat or squeaking chair • use of a deep voice • somber lighting to imply mystery or fear

Physical Education 4th and 5th Grades

Summary of Standards for Physical Education: 1. Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms 2. Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills 3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity 4. Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources 5. Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 5 Benchmarks: 29

Standard 1

Uses a variety of basic and advanced movement forms


Uses mature form in object control skills (e.g., underhand and overhand throw, catch, hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike, batting, punt, pass)


Uses basic sport-specific skills for a variety of physical activities (e.g., basketball chest pass, soccer dribble, fielding a softball with a glove)


Uses mature form and appropriate sequence in combinations of fundamental locomotor, object control, and rhythmical skills that are components of selected modified games, sports, and dances (e.g., combining steps to perform certain dances; combining running, stopping, throwing, shooting, kicking for sideline soccer)


Uses mature form in balance activities on a variety of apparatuses (e.g., balance board, large apparatus, skates)


Uses beginning strategies for net and invasion games (e.g., keeping object going with partner using striking pattern, placing ball away from opponent in a racket sport, hand and foot dribble while preventing an opponent from stealing the ball in basketball)

Standard 2

Uses movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills


Uses information from a variety of internal and external sources to improve performance (e.g., group projects, student journal, self assessment, peer and coach review)


Understands principles of practice and conditioning that improve performance


Understands proper warm-up and cool-down techniques and reasons for using them


Uses basic offensive and defensive strategies in unstructured game environments (e.g., limited rules, modified equipment, small numbers of participants)

Standard 3

Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity


Knows about opportunities for participation in physical activities both in and out of school (e.g., recreational leagues, intramural sports, clubs)


Chooses physical activities based on a variety of factors (e.g., personal interests and capabilities, perceived social and physical benefits, challenge and enjoyment)


Knows factors that inhibit physical activity (e.g., substance abuse)


Knows how to modify activities to be more healthenhancing (e.g., walking instead of riding, taking the stairs rather than the elevator)


Understands detrimental effects of physical activity (e.g., muscle soreness, overuse injuries, overtraining, temporary tiredness, and discovering inability)


Understands activities that provide personal challenge (e.g., risk-taking, adventure, and competitive activities)

Standard 4

Understands how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness and know community resources


Engages in activities that develop and maintain cardio-respiratory endurance (e.g., timed or distance walk/run and other endurance activities at a specified heart rate)


Engages in activities that develop and maintain muscular strength (e.g., push-ups, pull-ups, curl-ups, isometric strength activities, jump rope)


Engages in activities that develop and maintain flexibility of the major joints (e.g., sit and reach, trunk twists, and arm-shoulder stretches)


Knows the effects of physical activity and nutrition on body composition


Knows how to monitor intensity of exercise (e.g., heart rate, breathing rate, perceived exertion, and recovery rate)


Meets health-related fitness standards for appropriate level (e.g., aerobic capacity, body composition, muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility)


Knows the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle (e.g., daily health enhancing physical activity, proper nutrition)


Uses information from fitness assessments to improve selected fitness components (e.g., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition)


Participates in moderate to vigorous physical activity in a variety of settings (e.g., gymnastics clubs, community sponsored youth sports)

Standard 5

Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity


Knows how to develop rules, procedures, and etiquette that are safe and effective for specific activity situations


Works in a group to accomplish a set goal in both cooperative and competitive activities


Understands the role of physical activities in learning more about others of like and different backgrounds (e.g., gender, culture, ethnicity, and disability)


Understands the physical challenges faced by people with disabilities (e.g., wheelchair basketball, dancing with a hearing disability)


Understands the origins of different sports and how they have evolved

Art 5th Grade

Summary of Standards for Art: 1. Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts 2. Knows how to use the elements (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art 3. Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts 4. Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 5. Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 4 Benchmarks: 12

Standard 1

Understands and applies media, techniques and processes related to the visual arts

VA 4.1.1

Knows the differences between art materials (e.g., paint, clay, wood, videotape), techniques (e.g., overlapping, shading, varying size or color), and processes (e.g., addition and subtraction in sculpture, casting and constructing in making jewelry)

VA 4.1.2

Uses art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

VA 4.1.3

Understands what makes different art media, techniques, and processes effective (or ineffective) in communicating various ideas

VA 4.1.4

Applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts (e.g., drawing/design painting with different media, modeling, sculpting and constructing.

VA 4.1.5

Uses application of the creative process (e.g., striving for originality, exploring alternative approaches).

Standard 2

Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions of art

VA 4.2.1

Knows some of the effects of various visual structures (e.g., design elements such as line, color, shape; principles such as repetition, rhythm, balance) and functions of art

VA 4.2.2

Knows how the qualities of structures and functions of art are used to improve communication of one's ideas

Standard 3

Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts

VA 4.3.1

Selects prospective ideas (e.g., formulated thoughts, opinions, concepts) for works of art

VA 4.3.2

Knows different subjects, themes, and symbols (through context, value, and aesthetics) convey intended meaning in artwork

Standard 4

Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

VA 4.4.1

Knows that the visual arts have both a history and a specific relationship to various cultures

VA 4.4.2

Identifies specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places

Standard 5

Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the artwork of others

VA 4.5.1

Knows various purposes for creating works of visual art

Music 5th grade

Summary of Standards for Music: 1. Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 3. Improvises melodies, variations, and accompaniment 4. Composes and arranges music within specified guidelines 5. Reads and notates music 6. Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance 7. Understands the relationship between music and history and culture


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 17

Standard 1

Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures

MUS 5.1.1

Sings accurately on pitch and in rhythm

MUS 5.1.2

Sings expressively and with beautiful tone quality

MUS 5.1.3

Uses ensemble skills (balance, intonation)

MUS 5.1.4

Sings independent vocal parts (canons and partner songs)

Standard 2

Performs on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures

MUS 5.2.1

Performs simple rhythmic, melodic and choral patterns with accurate pitch and rhythm and appropriate dynamics and timbre while maintaining a steady tempo

MUS 5.2.3

Plays independent instrumental parts while others sing or play contrasting parts

MUS 5.2.4

Uses ensemble skills (blend, balance, dynamics)

Standard 3

Improvises composes and arranges melodies, variations, and accompaniments

MUS 5.3.1

Creates and arranges music to accompany readings and dramatizations (e.g., manipulate dimensions such as the variety of sounds, tempo, loudness, mood)

MUS 5.3.2

Composes short songs using rhythmic values including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, sixteenth notes and dotted notes and all the pitches of a diatonic scale using a variety of sound sources

Standard 4

Reads and notates music

MUS 5.4.1

Uses sol-fegge syllables to read melodies including all the pitches of the diatonic scale in stick notation and staff notation in C do, F do and G do

MUS 5.4.2

Uses rhythm syllables to read rhythms including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, quarter rests, eight notes, sixteenth notes and dotted notes in stick notation and staff notation

MUS 5.4.3

Uses absolute note names to read melodies on the treble staff including ledger lines

Standard 5

Knows and applies proper criteria to music and music performance

MUS 5.5.1

Knows appropriate symbols and terminology to explain elements of music (dynamics, tempo), music notation, musical instruments and voices and music performances

MUS 5.5.2

Identifies the sounds of a variety of instruments (e.g., orchestral, band, instruments from various cultures) and voices (e.g., male, female, children’s voices)

Standard 6

Understands the relationship between music and history and culture

MUS 5.6.1

Identifies (by genre or style) and knows how basic elements of music are used in music from the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th century periods and various cultures

MUS 5.6.2

Understands the roles of musicians in various music settings and cultures

Information Technology 5th Grade

Summary of Standards for IT: 1. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems 2. Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs 3. Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual 4. Understands the nature of technology design 5. Understands the nature and operation of systems 6. Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology


Revised: July 2014 Standards: 6 Benchmarks: 31

Standard 1

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer hardware and operating systems

IT 5.1.1

Handles computer equipment with care

IT 5.1.2

Knows proper finger placement on the home row keys

IT 5.1.3

Identifies and knows the basic functions of hardware (keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor, hard disk storage)

IT 5.1.4

Knows potential hazards to computer media

IT 5.1.5

Knows basic facts about networked computers (e.g., computers can connect to each other via modem and telephone line, or through local network systems, or internet and intranet)

IT 5.1.6

Uses a variety of input devices ( keyboard, voicesound recorders, etc.)

IT 5.1.7

Types with some facility, demonstrating some memorization keys

Standard 2

Knows the characteristics and uses of computer software programs

IT 5.2.1

Uses a word processor to edit, copy, move, save, and print text with advanced formatting

IT 5.2.2

Know how formats differ among software applications (word processing, painting, drawing) and hardware platforms (Mac, Windows)

IT 5.2.3

Uses advanced features and utilities of word processors (clip art, spellchecker)

IT 5.2.4

Uses the most basic programming skills ( Logo )

IT 5.2.5

Uses computer applications as resource tools

IT 5.2.6

Knows the common features and uses of desktop publishing software (e.g., documents are created, designed, and formatted for publication; data, graphics, and scanned images)

IT 5.2.7

Makes a back-up copy of stored data, such as text, programs, and databases

IT 5.2.8

Trouble-shoots simple problems in software (e.g., restarts, uses help systems)

Standard 3

Understands relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual

IT 5.3.1

Knows that new tools and ways of doing things affect all aspects of life and positive or negative effects on other people ( aware of Internet viruses )

IT 5.3.2

Knows that technologies often have costs as well as benefits and can have an enormous effect on people and other living things

IT 5.3.3

Knows areas in which technology has improved human lives (e.g., transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment)

IT 5.3.4

Understands the concept of software piracy ( i.e., illegally copying software) and that piracy is a violation of copyright laws

IT 5.3.5

Observes common courtesies and acceptable use policies while telecomputing

IT 5.3.6

Knows that new inventions often lead to other new inventions and ways of doing things

IT 5.3.7

Knows examples of copyright violations and computer fraud (e.g., computer hacking, computer piracy, intentional virus setting, invasion of privacy) and possible penalties (e.g., large fines, jail sentences)

Standard 4

Understands the nature of technology design

IT 5.4.1

Uses appropriate tools, techniques, and quantitative measurements to implement proposed solutions

IT 5.4.2

Evaluates a product or design (e.g., considers how well the product or design met the challenge to solve a problem; considers the ability of the product or design to meet constraints), and makes modifications based on results

IT 5.4.3

Knows that people have invented and used tools throughout history to solve problems and improve ways of doing things

IT 5.4.4

Knows that different technologies can often be combined (e.g., an escalator uses both pulleys and an electric motor)

Standard 5

Understands the nature and operation of systems

IT 5.5.1

Understands the relationships between elements (i.e., components, such as people or parts) in systems

IT 5.5.2

Assembles, disassembles, and tests systems (e.g., in logo programming, using paper and pencil designs)

Standard 6

Understands the nature and uses of different forms of technology

IT 5.6.1

Be able to incorporate text, sound and graphics into a presentation

IT 5.6.2

Uses technology to develop or support the critical thinking process

IT 5.6.3

Is aware that there are reliable as well as unreliable sources in the Internet

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