Issue 30 APIS Update GCP Special April 2015

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Issue 30.

April 2015


Address: 57 Wolgye-ro 45ga-gil, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-852, Korea Website:

GCP Special Issue Borneo Cambodia Telunas Beach The Philippines Korea Hawaii

GCP 2015


APIS Global Citizens Program As I sat on the 6011 bus from Incheon, taking me home to my own bed, a hot shower, and a bathroom where I did not need to wear flip flops, I found myself smiling as I thought about the week I had just experienced. Twenty-one teenagers in the wilds of Borneo, sleeping in long houses and eco-lodges. Showering from buckets of cold water. Contributing to the development of a small central-Borneo village. Meeting the community members of that small central-Borneo village and learning to sing their songs, learning to dance their dances. Interacting with the wildlife and fighting off bugs. I thought about the conversations, the games, the learning and I understood yet again the importance of stepping out and experiencing life in new and unfamiliar ways. For me, it was a return to the familiar, having grown up spending my school holidays camping with my family in similarly bug-infested tropical rainforests. It was also familiar in that I have chaperoned trips like this with groups of students for many years. Some of my favorite memories of students are from trips like this, learning new things about those students, seeing how they respond to new and unfamiliar settings or experiences and generally getting to know them in a different way, because of that different context. As a father of a daughter who was born in Bangkok, learned to walk in Laos, learned to ride a bicycle in Saudi Arabia, calls herself Australian and is now learning to read and write in Korea, I consider these trips an extremely important part of what every school should offer. We design the academic program at APIS with the purpose of preparing our students for their future in academia. What that “academia� will look like in five or 10 years is open for debate, and some would even say impossible to predict. What we do know is that in five or 10 years, every student who has attended APIS will be somewhere. Somewhere in the world, doing something. The Global Citizens Program is one way APIS is preparing students for this certainty. It is my firm belief that the APIS GCP program is preparing our students for their future in our world.

Bruce Knox Principal

GCP Hawaii


W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R

From the GCP Coordinator The Global Citizens Program aims to deliver a high quality program that supports the APIS mission and vision of educating globally enlightened citizens who can bridge the gap between East and West. The program is an important part of preparing our students for success in the New Pacific Century. What it offers is firsthand experience in service learning, cultural exchange, team building, adventure, and spiritual growth. For these reasons, the Global Citizens Program is a required part of an APIS education. Most importantly, the Global Citizens Program provides students the chance to have an authentic experience with global education and embrace cultural learning while creating lifelong memories with their teachers and friends. This year, APIS students from the sixth through 12th grade had the amazing opportunity to expand their world through by venturing out on excursions to Indonesia, Cambodia, Hawaii, Borneo, and the Philippines, where they were able to move beyond the classroom and actually experience another culture firsthand. In addition, APIS expanded its GCP scope this year, giving the oldest elementary school students at the school the opportunity to go on a grade 5 GCP excursion camping in South Korea.

GCP 2015


The following pages offer glimpses of the highlights of this year’s GCP trips – the service projects that were completed, the opportunities to share faith, the fun side-trips, new skills that were mastered, and the new friendships with local people and the closer relationships with classmates and faculty. But the heart of GCP is reflected most clearly in the participants’ own comments and reflections about their experiences, some of which are also included in those pages. It’s a huge endeavor for the school to organize and provide the GCP trips. I sincerely thank all of the teachers, administrators, staff, and parents who assisted in this year’s program. And, even now as we have just completed the trips for this year, we are already thinking ahead to the 2015-2016 program. Exciting news about our plans for next year will be coming out in the months ahead. The school’s commitment to GCP stems from our belief in the incredible value it offers our students. Students must know about the wider world to successfully navigate it and, hopefully, contribute to it.

Andrew Murphy GCP Coordinator Program


Trip Date



Middle School

March 30 - April 4

Ms. Pat Hallinan, Mr. Bruce Knox, Mr. Chris Stapleton


High School

March 29 - April 4

Mr. Benjamin Langholz, Mr. Derek O’Malley Ms. Meg Pendleton, Mr. Jeff Woodrow

Telunas Beach

High School

March 28 - April 3

Ms. Meg Hayne, Mr. Charlie Nichols, Mr. Robert Sim

The Philippines

Theia Members March 28 - April 4

Ms. Mandy Kern, Mr. Don Kirkwood


Elementary School

May 6 - 8

Mr. Bruce Knox, Ms. Nam Hee Kong Ms. Alicia Morgenroth, Mr. Andy Murphy Mr. Jeff Underhill


High School

March 30 - April 4

Mr. Karl Craton, Ms. Junko Furusawa Ms. Sarah McRoberts, Mr. Scott Paulin W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R


GCP 2015


Middle School Trip to Borneo, Indonesia By Chris Stapleton Day 1 Arrival in Borneo / War Memorial

Day 4 Eco-lodge / Kinabatangan River Cruise

Day 2 Local Cooking / Community Projects

Day 5 Orangutan Santuary / Kota Kinabalu

Day 3 Service Learning (Building Fence, Floor)

Day 6 Farewell and Departure

The middle school journey across Borneo during GCP week was full of adventure, service, challenge, and memories. The 21 students and three chaperones began the week with a red-­eye flight and three-hour bus ride. Nonetheless, they didn’t allow the difficult traveling to affect their learning and fun. The first three days were ­packed with cooking classes, jewelry ­making, cultural dances and song, and trekking. Because it was so hot during the middle of the day, students were often given “chunks” of free time. During this time, students played many card games, word games, and Frisbee. Surprisingly, many of them also spent their free time chatting while hand-washing their clothes. In addition to activities and free time, students spent more than six hours helping with service projects. These projects included mixing cement for a kindergarten and building a fence for a community center. Although the sweat poured heavy and the sun glared strong, student spirits were high. Rarely was a complaint heard. In fact, at one point 14 students burst out into song while mixing cement, gravel, and sand. On the fourth day, the students took a five-hour bus ride to an eco-lodge, tucked deep inside the jungle. They experienced a sunset boat tour and night jungle trek. The boat tour gave them the opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna, as well as observe more than 70 monkeys in the wild. The last day of our voyage included a visit to the orangutan sanctuary, where students enjoyed watching young orangutans wrestle in a nursery. The students then flew from the east side of Borneo back to Kota Kinabalu on the west side. They spent the latter part of the day shopping and enjoying the ocean and beach, before their flight back that night. Although this trip was “rustic” in many ways — mosquito nets, little electricity, unusual bathrooms, and hand washing dishes and clothes — the students learned to adapt quickly. Many of them learned that the amenities we have in Seoul are luxuries, not necessities. This week in Borneo opened their eyes to the world outside of Korea and the joy in serving others. It was a week full of lasting memories.


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Bryan Jung (Grade 6), Daniel Koo (Grade 8), Jakin Jeong (Grade 8), Daniel Suh (Grade 8), Aaron Kang (Grade 8), and Gerry Hwang (Grade 8) work together to create a banana cake.

After a 15-minute boat ride, students trek through the jungle half a kilometer to their eco-lodge.

Mr. Knox leads the students in song as the students prepare for night games and reflection.

Ryan Chung and Edward Kim (both Grade 6) mix concrete and help lay the foundation for a new kindergarten.

GCP 2015


GCP has helped me become a global citizen and become more open to different cultures. It gave me valuable experiences and taught me the importance of the teamwork and how to work better in groups. It gave me the perspective to see a bigger world. Daniel Koo (Grade 8)

It was true we had difference in cultures, but I could feel the warm welcome and the pure will to give us the best they had. Bryan Jung (Grade 6)

The students take an incredible morning hike to a viewpoint on top of a hill. They learn to embrace the jungle experience. W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R


GCP 2015


High School Trip to Cambodia By Derek O’Malley Day 1 Arrival in Siem Reap

Day 5 Beng Mealea Temple / Campfire

Day 2 Angkor Temple / Cambodian Dance

Day 6 Depart from Camp / Cambodian Circus

Day 3 Service Learning / Discussion

Day 7 Floating Village / Departure

Day 4 Service Learning / Bracelet Making

GCP Cambodia was a six-day, service-learning and cultural exchange program in the city of Siem Reap and in Beng Mealea village. Students participated in activities ranging from teaching English lessons to digging compost pits, from visiting thousand-year-old temples to watching acrobatic performances. Students included nine boys and three girls from 10th, 11th and 12th grades, chaperoned by four APIS teachers. During the group’s first full day, we visited the main Angkor site, including Angkor Thom and Bayon Temple, Ta Prohm, and Angkor Wat. These UNESCO World Heritage sites were built during the 12th and 13th centuries and help to show students the might and beauty of the Khmai Empire, as well as the frailty of civilization and worldly achievement. Through our tour, students learned about Cambodian history, art, and culture. Later in the week, we visited the temple of Beng Mealea, which is located about an hour-anda-half from Siem Reap, and just down the road from the village where we performed our service-learning. Beng Melea village is next to the sacred Phnom Kulen mountain. The people are warm, welcoming, and ready to engage with students in English lessons and cultural exchanges. Students took turns teaching lessons to village children, while the rest of the group began construction of a sidewalk at the local school. This sidewalk is needed because during the rainy season students have to walk through mud to get from one class to another, dirtying their uniforms and ruining the school yard. We also helped construct compost pits, which aid in reducing environmental degradation and promotes permaculture in the community. Additionally, we played with children and learned about some of the issues facing our hosts. To finish the week, we returned to Siem Reap to attend a fantastic circus. Cambodian performers undergo years of exercise, acting preparation, and interpretive dance training before stunning audiences with their theatrics. We also visited a floating village near the Tonle Sap Lake and went to a silk farm. Finally, students were able to go to a night market to buy souvenirs or to relax with a foot massage. Throughout the week, students enjoyed the delicious Cambodian food, which was offered in abundance. Many students also drank their fill of sugar cane juice and fresh lime sodas. They had the opportunity to relax by the hotel pool in Siem Reap, or play sports in Beng Mealea.


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We went to a local school and built a road that leads from the foot of one building across the field. The local camp leaders told us that the dirt field turns into mud during the rainy season. We mixed cement, hauled sand, gravel, and water, laid down bricks with cement to serve as a curb, packed down sand and water, and finally poured cement in between the curbs. Right now, the mud makes it impossible for children to come to school. With the new road, education will happen no matter the weather. Hana Kim (Grade 12) and Jeho Hahm (Grade 11) build a cement sidewalk at the Beng Mealea village school. This will help students stay clean and dry during the rainy season.

Jeho Hahm (Grade 11)

Students were treated to traditional Apsara dancing. This type of dance is widely seen on the walls of Angkorian temples, testifying to its more than 1,000-year history.

The group takes a boat ride to visit a floating village near the massive Tonle Sap lake. The people of the lake earn their living primarily through fishing and tourism.

GCP 2015


Angkor Wat, the largest religious complex in the world. Students visited Angkor Wat during their first full day in Cambodia, marveling at the size and intricacy of the stonework. The Khmer Empire lasted 600 years and was centered in the Angkor Wat region. W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R


GCP 2015

T el u n as B eac h

High School Trip to Telunas Beach, Indonesia By Meg Hayne Day 1 Arrival in Telunas Beach / Team Building

Day 5 Adventure Race / Camping in Jungle

Day 2 Service Learning / Kayaking

Day 6 Return to Telunas / Jetty Jumping

Day 3 Service Learning / Meet Host Families

Day 7 Departure

Day 4 Service Learning / Fishing / Debrief

The Telunas Beach GCP trip was a great success again this year. Twenty-one high school students in grades 9 and 10 were joined by three high school teachers to spend a week in rural, tropical Indonesia. The students spent time building community with one another, spent three days doing service work in a local village, and then explored the jungle for an overnight adventure trip. Our time in the village began with a formal greeting of traditional drumming and singing along with a few words from the village leader and a traditional lunch. We spent the first day working on improving the cement path that leads from the village center to the school. After a long day of work, the students had a planning session back at Telunas for the lessons that they would be teaching the next morning. The English lessons were a great success and both the APIS students as well as the Indonesian students really enjoyed the time spent together. The afternoon was spent continuing repairs to the road. We experienced the local culture with a village ceremony, a few athletic contests, and a homestay with village families. The last day was spent building an arch in the village center to welcome guests. After one day back at the Telunas resort, we packed our camping gear and took off for the jungle. The 6-kilometer hike was broken up by stopping for a swim in a waterfall-fed lake part way up the hiking trail. Students then set up their hammocks and mosquito nets, made dinner over the campfire, and spent time with one another around the fire. It was wonderful to see our students enjoying each other’s company, sharing stories, and making friends without any access to technology or the outside world. They really gained a respect for life away from all the conveniences that they are accustomed to. It was a wonderful experience to watch our students reach out to a community and give their time and efforts to help make community-wide improvements in the village. They moved out of their comfort zone by hiking into and sleeping in the jungle and were able to build new friendships. Everyone walked away with a new perspective on the life they are used to and how others experience the world around them.​


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Kyle Park (10th grade) being a good sport during our face painting activity with the children.

Jenna Lee (Grade 9) and William Cha (Grade 9) help retrieve fruit from the tree for the children to enjoy.

One of the things that made me think that this GCP trip was worth going to was when I got to know more people from my school. I got to know and talk to people in the upper grade, and learned a lot about their life. If I hadn’t gone on this trip, it is likely that I wouldn’t have known these things and would possibly never know them personally.

Kyle Park (10th grade) being a good sport during our face painting activity with the children. Chris Lee (Grade 9), Tim Lee (Grade 9), Jeff Hwang (Grade 9), and Chris Kim (Grade 9) carry work supplies into the village followed by the Buah Rawah women playing traditional drums.

GCP 2015

T el u n as B eac h

Kyle Park (10th grade) being a good sport during our face painting activity with the children.

Tim Lee (Grade 9)

Erin Oh (Grade 10) teaches students the “Hokey Pokey” to help them learn the names of body parts in English.

Kyle Park (10th grade) being a good sport during our face painting activity with the children.

Kyle Park (10th grade) being a good sport during our face painting activity with the children.

Students test out their land raft for the Telunas adventure race.

Seung Soo Chung (Grade 10) takes a leap from the cliff into the “Black Pool” to cool down from hiking into the jungle. W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R


GCP 2015

T h e P h ilippi n es

Theia Mission Trip to the Philippines By Mandy Kern Day 1 Arrival in Quezon City / Orientation

Day 5 Visit Aeta Tribe / Service Learning

Day 2 Praise / Community Craft Event

Day 6 Service Learning in Sagingan Area

Day 3 Service Learning at Bethany High School

Day 7 Praise / Talent Show and Farewell Party

Day 4 Service Learning / Visit Joy Disabilities

Day 8 Departure

Preparations for the Theia trip to the Philippines began earlier in the school year as students began choosing a theme and planning for their mission trip. In preparation, students planned skits, songs, and activities to teach others about “Finding Hope, Hope in God.” Theia members coordinated with a ministry team in the Philippines called Joy Disabilities Missions Inc., led by Pastor Kim and Sister Agnes. Theia members began their week with a warm welcome, including a Filipino cultural dinner served on banana leaves, icebreaker activities with the youth group of Logos Church, and a crazy field day with rice sack races and “land skiing.” For 13 of the 24 members of Theia, this was a welcome-back party, as they had attended this trip before and had already built relationships with many children in this community. That is what is so unique about this GCP trip - the relationships. The bond between the children and members of Theia is obvious and transcends cultural and language barriers. While in Quezon City, students had the opportunity to work in a squatter settlement called Sagingan for two teaching sessions, worship with a group of disabled students, lead a session with local high school students, and create a mini Bible day camp for children of the Aeta mountain tribe. They also participated in a service project to help clean up and renovate Bethany High School, which has programs for both high school students and disabled people from the area. Students stayed at Pastor Kim’s home and traveled each day to different areas to do their teaching. Students ended each steamy day with ice cold mango smoothies, a feast of Korean specialties and fresh fruit, a reflection session, and planning meetings for the next teaching day. The nights were filled with laughter, bonding, and even some impromptu dance parties. Highlights of the trip were numerous, including a water balloon fight with the kids of Sagingan, face painting, worshipping with the disability ministry, riding in the Jeepney, a trip to the mall, reconnecting with the children, and getting to see how the partnership between Joy Disability Missions and Theia has grown and impacted a community.


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Theia members dance to “Jesus, You’re my Superhero!” with the children of Sagingan. One of their favorite parts of the trip is singing and dancing with the kids.

After the church service with the youth group of Logos Hope Church, the group ate a traditional Filipino feast: rice, salted duck eggs, and smoked fish served on banana leaves!

All throughout the trip, I hadn’t accepted the reality that this was my last visit to the Philippines as a member of Theia. Hugging the little ones, thanking the JDMI staff for all of their help, and saying my goodbye to the village I had visited annually... it was a sad, yet great experience. The community had grown and developed so much each year we had returned. New churches were erected, children who had been disinterested in attending school dutifully went each day, and the ministry itself had branched out to help different parts of the Philippines. It was an honor to be a part of such expansion, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.

GCP 2015

T h e P h ilippi n es

Jennifer Lee (Grade 12) One of the outreach ministries of JDMI and Theia is in a small, rustic village of the Aeta tribe. To get to the village of little stilt homes, you must cross the river.

Theia members formed quick friendships with the youth group from Quezon City and competed against each other in wacky games.

Sarang Yang (Grade 12) and Ha-an Choi (Grade 11) share their faith and explain the purpose and mission of Theia to high school students from Bethany High School. W W W. A P I S . S E O OU UL.KR


GCP 2015


Grade 5 Camping in Pocheon, Korea By Jeff Underhill Day 1 Arrival at Mirinae Camp / Horseback Riding & Horse Care / Campsite Orientation / Campfire Day 2 Hiking / Paddle Boating / Stream & Free Time / Campfire-building Day 3 Breakfast Cookout, Journaling, Sandwich-making / Stream & Free Time / Departure

It was in the breaking of an egg. In the sleeping in a tent. In the building of a fire. In the time away from home. It was in the building of friendships. In the discovery of tadpoles. In the paddling of boats. In the scrubbing of pots. In the hiking of trails. In the early days of springtime, 27 fifth graders journeyed away from home to new experiences. How big should my bag be? Where will I shower? What will we eat? Will we cook our own food? The questions were new. And the anticipation grew. The inaugural Grade Five GCP trip was fearlessly led by Mr. Knox, Ms. Kong, Ms. Morgenroth, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Underhill. With the excitement of the first night, girls and boys enjoyed mischievous talking long past lights-out to the wee hours of the morning, and daring trips to the bathroom under the moon. It was an unusually chilly evening, and warm sleeping bags were kind to campers. The second day started with the sun, and excited campers were ready to get moving. Eggs were scrambled, oatmeal stirred, spoons melted, sandwiches assembled, and greasy pots and pans scrubbed before heading off on a hike. Surrounded by vibrant springtime colors, hikers hiked further than they thought possible. Hiking was followed by raucous paddle boating and splashing on Sanjeong Lake. Returning to camp, swimming with insects was enjoyed, followed by a delicious dinner cookout of brats and burgers, and inevitably more pots and pans for students to scrub. As nighttime settled in, tired campers took to building campfires, baking potatoes and roasting marshmallows for s’mores. When lights went out, tired campers soon snored. The final day began slowly, comfortably, with campers glad to stay in warm tents and sleep past daybreak. Breakfast of pancakes and eggs and oatmeal was eaten, pots scrubbed a final time, sandwiches prepared, and Frisbee golf played. Students were eager to hop on the bus and head home. And when GCP was all said and done, there was a subtle shift. A change unseen. Memories were created in time well-spent among friends and fellow learners. The inaugural Grade Five GCP camping trip was a time not to be forgotten.


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Jeremy Kim and Grace Lee sit bravely atop their trusty steeds.

Hikers work their way up the trail toward the waterfall summit above Sanjeong Lake.

It was like a test of experience and growing in different environments. New experiences made us grow.

GCP 2015


Andrew Linton (Grade 5) Hara Choi, Jason Misner, Gabby Kern, and Matthew Kang laugh and play in their paddle boat on Sanjeong Lake.

Neo Lee mans the brat grill to prepare for hungry hikers.

David Lee, Davis Beatty, Sunny Pak, and Gabby Kern smile while working to scrub dishes shiney-clean.

It really got me out of my comfort zone in a good way, and I am ready for next year. Allison Lee (Grade 5) Sarah Koo, Subin Park, Hannah Kim, Jason Misner, and Matt Lee sit proudly next to their fire, ready to roast marshmallows. W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R


GCP 2015


Junior and Senior Trip to Hawaii By Sarah McRoberts and Scott Paulin Day 1 Arrival in Hauula / Beach Activities

Day 4 Jungle Expedition / ATV / Horseback

Day 2 Surfing / Snorkeling / Pontoon Boat

Day 5 Polynesian Cultural Center / Bonfire

Day 3 Student Reflections / Waikiki

Day 6 Departure

Aloha from Hawaii! Students and teachers stepped out of the airport into the warm Hawaiian breeze to the welcoming smile of Dr. Kim who greeted everyone with an “Aloha” and beautiful flower lei. Hawaii has often been described as a place of unimaginable beauty and serenity. Senior, Sophie Chung, writes of even the drive from the airport as magical: “What initially grabbed my attention were the different shades of ocean water. The colors of the ocean ranged from the darkest blue that could be detected on the chromatic scale to the lightest green that could be spotted elsewhere. The mountains also threw in a spectacular sight. The dark green valleys were a wonderful view next to the ocean, creating a tranquil harmony of nature between the land and the sea… During the car-drive from the airport to the APIS Hawaii campus, I could not keep my eyes closed despite the drowsiness I’d accumulated from the jet lag. The natural, pastoral scenery ignited a new thrill in me - something different from what I’ve felt prior to actually stepping on Hawaiian ground.” For the 26 students and their four chaperones, GCP Hawaii was more than just a week of sun, sand, and friendship, it was a week where they could reflect on their past, prepare for their future, and see the potential of what their APIS legacy could be. Senior, J Mo Yang describes our arrival as follows: “The green gates opened, taking us to a trail of brown soft soil and rows of palm trees. GCP Hawaii was the last chance for us seniors to create good memories with the faculty at APIS. The trip itself meant a lot for us, but when we found out about where we were staying, the trip was on a whole new level. We were not staying at any ordinary, fancy hotels in the middle of Waikiki, but we were staying at the future of APIS, the APIS Hawaii campus. The Hawaii campus was just beautiful, sitting right below the mountain, the campus looked straight out to the ocean. Glowing turquoise blue, bleeding orange sun rays, the ocean breeze cooled our scorching body from the hot, humid weather of Hawaii.” After settling in, everyone walked up a small hill to look out over the gently sloping land that makes up the first phase of the APIS Hawaii campus. Dr. Kim and Mr. Paulin pointed out the existing buildings that form the classrooms and residences for future students, and explained areas that would soon be transformed with the addition of sports fields, a swimming pool, sustainable agriculture lab, and other educa-



A bird’s-eye view of the future APIS Hawaii campus.

tional facilities. They discussed the vast, mountainous land that stretched out behind where students would be able to get hands-on experience in environmental ecology, and engineering. Students were able to learn more about the APIS vision for the new 97-acre campus while imagining what the future may for hold for the next group of students. While standing and thinking about their own educational journey, students began to grasp that they were truly part of something so much bigger than themselves; they were a part of a heritage that believes in bridging cultures.

Senior Brian Oh reflected on this vision for APIS Hawaii writing: “I can see students from APIS Seoul campus coming to visit Hawaii to meet the APIS Hawaii students. They can exchange ideas and play together. Through that, they can have a sense of global citizenship. They can build friendships all across the globe and broaden their views. I can see how GCP can grow into a program that expands our campus out of our boundaries. They can collaborate to work on different projects together.”

GCP 2015


No true Hawaii vacation is complete without a chance to have a bit of fun. On their first full day, students chose from activities such as golfing, snorkeling the fish-filled reef at a protected cove, learning to surf, and taking a boat ride out to a sand bar in the middle of the ocean. Throughout the day, peals of laughter and joy could be heard as students cajoled each other and tried activities they had never done before. The second day, students relished the opportunity to shop and see the sights of Diamond Head and Waikiki Beach. The next day students were off to the 4,000-acre Kualoa Ranch and some of the most stunning ocean views and jungle scenes in all of Hawaii. Students rode horses or ATVs, and took an off-road tour of the ranch that included the filming locations of famous movies and TV shows like “Jurassic Park,” “50 First Dates,” and “Lost.” The day concluded with a boat ride to a secret island next to Chinaman’s Hat (a famous rock formation). Here, they spent the afternoon lounging in hammocks, playing volleyball, kayaking, and watching for sea turtles. On the last full day of the trip, the group visited the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) and experienced different Polynesian cultures such as Samoan, Aotearoan, Tongan, Fijian, Tahitian, and Hawaiian. Each location had presentations about the culture, performances, and interactive games. Seeing all of the bright colors and passionate performances instilled a greater appreciation for cultures that our students are not typically exposed to. Throughout the day, our students could be seen throwing spears at a competition, learning how to hula, making crafts native to the specific cultures, and riding canoes (one group even chanted “Greenhawks” as they rowed). At the end of the day, the PCC put on a large performance showcasing the journey one man goes through from birth to death with native dances and songs from each of the tribes. Back on campus, nestled against the green mountain backdrop and overlooking the crystal ocean waters, students spent their final evening with a BBQ and bonfire. Final laughter with friends sparkled throughout the night, carried aloft on a crisp, tropical breeze, and students eventually drifted off to sleep to dream of the many adventures of the past week, and about the endless possibilities that roll out before them like the endless waves of the vast Pacific Ocean.

W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R


GCP 2015


After a seven-hour flight, students drop off their luggage and head to the beach, just a few minutes away from the APIS Hawaii campus.

Students gather around the bonfire after having a delicious barbeque.

Students spent a full day at the Kualoa Ranch where they embarked on a jungle expedition and had the choice of riding ATVs or horseback riding.

At the Polynesian Cultural Center, students learn about the culture of Samoa, Aotearoa, Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, and Hawaii.

Mr. Craton, Charles Cho (Grade 11), Harry Park (Grade 11), Jeff Jeon (Grade 11) and Kevin Kim (Grade 11) take surfing lessons.


W W W. A P I S . S E O U L . K R EDITORIAL TEAM: ■ Euysung Kim Director ■ Nicole Suh Art & Design Editor ■ Josephine Shim Communications & PR Team Leader ■ Susan Craton Writing / Editing Staff ■ Soora Koh Communication Officer

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