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Terns enjoy estuary life

The Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve has long been a very special place for our endemic and native birds especially the charming banded dotterels and New Zealand dotterels that have been breeding here for several years. With new restrictions on vehicle and dog access to this protected area now having been in force for over 12 months, there has been a very noticeable increase in the variety and number of birds here.

This year has seen a huge increase in the number of white-fronted terns resident on the estuarine sand spit. For the first time in living memory, about 150 pairs of these terns have created a nesting colony right in the centre of the estuary. Local photographer Roger Smith has been visiting the nesting site almost daily to document the progress from pairing up, laying eggs, hatching, feeding and, finally, fledging.


This has involved him wearing sand-coloured clothing, crawling along the sand and taking up semi-concealed positions behind driftwood in order to minimise disturbance to the birds. Lying still for hours in close proximity to the nesting birds has given him wonderful opportunities to view the comings and goings at the nests, and the relationships between the various birds and their ever-demanding chicks. These photographs are representative of the nesting sequence and are just a small proportion of the hundreds of images he has taken.

- Roger Smith

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