Herald on Sunday - Reset Magazine 28th August 2022

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ia ora,I hope you’re enjoying your Sunday. Spending anafternoonwith formerpolitician Paula Bennett forthis week’s cover photo shoot wasan experience she’s one of thosepeople who radiates energy andenthusiasm,a whirlwindwith a wicked sense of humour, whichwillundoubtedly come through in her newpodcast You can read all about it in herinterview on page 4. Shortland Street actor MarianneInfante is in the hotseat this week forthe Face Time interview whereshe talkslife lessons, whoshe likes to cuddle inthe morningsand what’s most important to her. We’vealso got delicious one-pot recipes from chef Jamie Oliver whichare sure to be winners on this week’s menu,fresh spring ideas for sprucing up your home, puzzles to boost your brainpower and lots of travel inspiration, includinga guide to beautiful Sydney.I hope you enjoy your read. Jacqui Loates-Haver

butthe idea of leavingthe houseinoddshoeshas always beenaglaringsignthat we need to re-evaluate ourlife choices. We say it’s a step too far. Vera Alves CONTACTS Reseteditor: Jacqui.Loates-Haver@nzme.co.nz Herald on Sundayeditor: Alanah.Eriksen@nzme.co.nz SundayTraveleditor: Sara.Bunny@nzme.co.nz Foodeditor: Maggie.Wicks@nzme.co.nz Fashion: Annabel.Dickson@nzme.co.nz Beauty: Ashleigh.Cometti@nzme.co.nz Advertisingqueries: advertise@nzme.co.nz Designers: Jennifer Adams, Laura Hutchins Features production editor: Isobel Marriner Sub-editors: Courtney Whitaker, JillStanford, Maureen Marriner,SueBaxalle Getin touch: reset@nzherald.co.nz Follow us: @reset_mag NZ Herald Lifestyle Cover photo Paula Bennett, photographed by DeanPurcell. Make-up:Claudia Rodrigues Styling: SoniaGreenslade Kate Sylvester T-shirt,Armani pleathertrousersfrom Smith &Caughey’s, Merchant 1948trainers. Myperfect SUNDAY CANWE TALK ABOUT... Reseteditor JacquiLoates-Haver

PAULABENNETT Ph womanfr his way to then cont service.Kingsland 7.30am-3.3 (462 New kitchen clo GO Cincin! To the MalfySummerGinBar in Takapu yourfriends’ imagine yo andenjoyGand betweenmi forthisR18 through Ev and Eatery,TheStrand, WATCH The whole whānau can explore the cosmos todaywith musicand activities about space,starsand the planets at APO4Kids,a specialinteractive one-hour concertwiththefull Auckland PhilharmoniaOrchestra. Go earlyfor pre-concert activities (10am,Bruce Mason Centre, Auckland.)

SHOP Billedas New Zealand’s most sustainablegarden centre, Kings PlantBarn Stonefields isa cool pots,fresh herbsanddisplay zones where you can seeindoor plants styledup to provide at-home inspiration.And when you need a bite,theirGardenKitchenhas a seasonal menu with delicious, locallygrown produce.(86 Lunn Ave, Stonefields, Auckland.)

Top: Kings Plant Barn Stonefields. Photo / Babiche Martens Farleft: Amodel walksthe runway atMilan Fashion Week Photo /Getty Images Left: Paula Bennett Photo /Dean Purcell

CONTENTS Features 4 8 Whānau 10 Love & Sex 11 Wellness 12 13 Food & Drink 14 17 GoingOut/StayingIn 18 21 Puzzles 22 23 Sunday Travel 24 32



My idealday would be to sleep inanddrink lots of coffee.I love listening to podcasts, I get to shut the rest of my family out! Ialways feellikeapodcast is“metime”. I wouldtake some time over HAPPY EAT Pondering If you want hero, head Social for and chef


If fashion runways and celebrity photocalls areanything to goby,there’s onetrend which has completely wrong-footedthe Reset team. Shoes appear to have consciouslyuncoupled andmismatchedpairsarein. We’reall for mixingfunky coloursandpatterns,

“Thethoughtofsittingfor adayinacouncilmeeting ... makesme wanttopoke my own eyeoutwithatoothpick.”

SOMETIMES INAN interview it’s thequestion you least expectthat peoplearethe most reluctant to answer. Once uponatime, Bennett wasa teen mum insmall town Taupō.She was“thatgirl”.Smartand scandalous. And herparents— alibrariananda shopkeeper— couldn’thandle her. “I’m consciousthat part of that istheir storyas well,” says Bennett. “And there wasso muchstigma,andso much going on We’retalking theend of 1986.I went to have ascan andthey wouldn’tshow me thescreen becausethey didn’t want me to getemotionally attached.They wouldn’t tell me the gender of my baby. So weird,eh? Just verydifferenttimes.” Bennett’stransformation from solomother to highrankingpoliticianwith15 years in Parliamenthasbeen muchdocumented (and scrutinised,particularly when access to benefits wastightenedunder her regime).She leansinto the“woman whoturned her lifearound”narrative andthe“Westie” personathat’s associatedwith her West Aucklandpostcode.Shesays she doesn’t want to beinterviewed at her“nothing special” home becauseshe’d worry the reporter would leave coveredin dog hair. And it suited her when,early in herpolitical career some people decidedshe wasn’tthat bright (One nationalmagazine, for example, reportedofficials were simplifyingwrittenmaterial becausesheapparently preferredgraphics and pictorial representations— a claimshesayswasridiculous).

“Big deep breath,”says Bennett. “Ignore it and move on Some peopleclose to me wouldsay thatI played on it thatI quite likedbeingunderestimated,andIthink thereisa degree of truthinthat...inthoseearly years, whenthey wrote youoff asbeinga bit dumb, you could kind of get on with it.”

Paula Bennett’s newpodcast iscalled Ask MeAnything, but when KimKnight sitsdown withtheformerpolitician, she discoverssomethingsare still off-limits even fora selfconfessed oversharer.

Hasshe ever,as once rumoured, workedas a prostitute? “No. Never.”(Morelaughter). Howdid she tell herparentsthat she was pregnant, aged 17?“Yeah, IthinkI’ll leavethat one.”

Bennett,53,says witha“mid-lifecrisis reinvention under my belt”she wants to sharesome of thethings she’s learnedandask others for their advice(first up, broadcaster Kerre Woodham on how to bebold with your opinions).Thepodcast’s premiseissimple.

Whoshould have been PrimeMinister? Bennett:“Bill English for longer. He wouldhave just broughta level of humanity andintellectand experience into the role. Ithinkthe country would have gaineda lot from anotherthree yearsunder him.”

Bennett: “Oh,I’m completely biasedinthatIhad John Key for all of those years. He’s whoI know the most and workedwith,soI’dhave to sayhim.”

Consider this anecdote from a return trip to her old highschool: “One of the teachers said to me, ‘you know Ialmost wantto apologise to you— we’ve gotagifted class now and wewouldhave had you inthat.’AndI went ‘oh, what a loadofbulls***!”’

“I wasused to knowing pretty much everything.


Bennett canask herguestsabsolutelyanything— but they don’thave to answer everything. Turnthetables, and it might go somethinglike this: Who wasthebest PrimeMinister?

“Iliterally gave it 100 per cent andthen you’re trying to find your place againinthe worldand literally everydaypeople want to talk to youabout what you’ve done inthepastand it’s like ‘far out— I’mtrying to work my waythroughthis’.

Butshealso acknowledges: “There were definite points whereI coulduse that strengthandintelligence for good or evil.They tried to keep channelling it into good.They put me on the local youth counciland they wouldtryandgive me little leadership rolesand thenI’d get boredandI’d organisea protestagainstthe school uniform or gettheboyfriend to come and pick me up on his motorbikeoff theschool field...”

Bennett claimsshe never wanted to lead the National Partyandthat we should believe her when shesays that “becauseI honestly believe thatifI’d really wanted to,I couldhave”.When? Well,she noteswith deadpan delivery,in her final yearsin Parliament,there were “a few changes”. Eventually, that change came for her. And it was brutal.

AT BAYLEYSREALESTATE headoffice near Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter,the women wear black.They file out of a meeting room in black trousers, dressesandjackets; black heeledboots and stilettos moneyandpower, rendered monochrome. Bennettsails downthe stairsin sneakers. Sheisfull noiseandfull colour.Ona scale ofone totomato-red-pants-and-matchingshirt, her confidenceisoff the charts. Love her, loathe her, but don’t ignore this formerDeputy PrimeMinister. The reinventionof Paula Bennettisa work in progress.She recently said ittookher a year to detoxfrom politics, from the “kickinthe guts” delivered by amajority of her own caucus, when she and NationalpartyleaderSimon Bridges were rolled by the short-lived pairing of ToddMullerand Nikki Kaye ahead of the 2020 general election. “Look,peopledo go from beingthe deputyleader of theparty to you know pretty much unranked butI couldn’tsee that I would everbecome the deputyleader again. MaybeIhave contributed to thehighest andbest that I can? Andthere was definitely the age factor and definitely the factthat I wanted a professionallifeafter politics.” This brings us to a very fancylounge on the second floor of anational real estate company’s headquarters. Bennett’s jobtitleis“national director customerengagement & advisory”.What does she actually dohere?The chairman of the board has justslipped in to make a coffee. He has some thoughts: “The square root of f*** all!” Bennett hoots. She lovesthis family-owned company— what she callsthe“Kiwiness” of it.She’s neversold a house. Her role is to connectthings People, money, policy.“Wemight look at a big,potentialland development.Isthere a way government housingcan work witha local developer, can workwith council to make sure theinfrastructureisthere? Iamtheglue that tries to putthose pieces together.” Shefronts charity eventsandhas a swag of side hustles—a newspaper column(HeraldonSunday), a television game show(Give Us A Clue), andan upcoming real estate reality show(Rich Listers). Perhapsthe biggest surprise about Paula Bennett2.0, is thatshedidn’t find populist tellysooner. “I’man oversharer,that’sanabsolute!I’matalker

Paula Bennett Photo /Dean Purcell

Afewdays before nominations forthe Aucklandmayoralty closed, Paula Bennett had regrets. “Isaid to my husband we donot talkabout Auckland You donot get to moan about anything. Because I feelguilty andIknow I could do adamn good job andI’m dismayed at thedirection Ithink they’re heading.” And now, on theday of thisinterview,the fieldhas narrowed. Leo Molloy has gone andthepollshave “undecided” asthefrontrunner.Does Bennett wish her name were on the ballotsheet?

Although one of thethings Itaught myselfis you don’t have to fill the silence.I wasan automatic‘fill the silence person.I’man oversharer, butI’ve become very good at saying‘no’ and not even giving a reason.” Her advice fornailingthe “no comment”? “The fewer words youuse,the less likelythey are to pursue it.”

From today, Bennett adds“podcaster” to her portfolio.She’s the host of Ask Me Anything a new New Zealand Herald show that “I’m really excited aboutinthe context that,inanother life, probably livingin another country, I could have beenan Oprah .thatdidn’thappen for me, sothisisa way for me to explore people and conversations that will go from everything from the frivolous to hopefullythe very interesting”.

“From apersonal perspective,absolutely not. From a professionalperspective, yes.” She couldhave won,she says.And she would have done a good job. But:“I don’t mean to be rude, butthe thought of sitting for adayina council meetingwith 19 others whoare more interestedin their own ideologyand getting voted in again, than actually doing what’s right,just literally makes me wantto poke my own eye outwitha toothpick.”

Askme almost ANYTHI

SHE SUSPECTS SHE’LL neverhave another joblike it butknowsshe couldn’thave done it forever. “You sleep less, you work longer hours, thereis definite tirednessandarisk ofburnout. I had moments of knowingthat I was at breaking pointand, actually, broke a couple of times ...”

Equally: “Caroline Marr [ownerand creativedirectorof plus-size fashion labelTheCarpenter’s Daughter] once said to me, ‘you takeup more room, why not dress it up?’ I lovedthat.Iused to rememberthata lot. Yeah why not owna room?”


Ten years ago, Bennett marriedAlan Philps,the former truck drivershe firstdated whenshe was a server at atruckstop. Whydidn’tthey stay togetherback then? “That’s one for the podcast,”she promises. The pairhave just returnedfrom ashort holiday inFiji whereshe took a walkthat turnedinto a hike that shesays she couldn’t have completed, pre-gastric bypass surgery and a frequently-headlined 50kg weight loss. Sure, she’lltalk about thatsomemore:“You’re stillthe same person, your body’sa bitsmaller, fashion’s more fun. It’s easier, right? You’re notthinking, oh,isthat toptheright length to coverthat.”

WHAT CAN A REINVENTED Paula Bennett do with a room? Most recently,she’sfundraised $2.2m forthe Nationalparty. (“Itturns out she’s veryhard to say no to,”said oneinsider) At Bayleys, “I work a lotwith private wealth.That’s reallyinteresting,anda lot of funas well.I love them!” Yes, she agrees,“thereare wonderfuleccentricities” to be foundintheupper echelons of societal wealth— but,she adds, you can meetthatinthePūhoi Tavern too. “Goin with no judgment,takepeople at face value and work withthem to thebest that you can.I thinkthat gets youthroughinany walk of life, right?” Paula Bennett for mayor, circa2025? “We’ve gota prettyincrediblecityhere in Auckland. AndasIsaid to my husband— it turns outI stillgive a damn.”

AskMeAnything with PaulaBennettisaNew ZealandHeraldpodcastlaunchingtoday, withnewepisodes everySunday. Followiton iHeartRadioor wherever youget yourpodcasts. Make-up: Claudia Rodrigues Styling: SoniaGreenslade Above: Zara T-shirt Ted BakertrousersfromSmith& Caughey’s, Merchant1948trainers.JewelleryfromMarcJacobs,Silk&Steel

ParliamentisaVERY complicated place.It’spolicy government departments,people, everything.And I believeI was very good at it You only get to a certain agethat you’re comfortable sayingthat, by the way. But, actually, I believeI was. So I went from being very good andknowing more than mostpeople, to knowingthe least.”

Recently at a Bayleys function,a man cameup to her. Didshe recognisehim? “I’msorry,I don’t ..?” He wasthe doctor who treated her whenshe was hospitalisedin 2011. Asthma attacks, pneumonia,and“Ihad kept pushing to the point of collapse”.Shebegan routinely spending daysoff by herself,solodecompressing at a family bach watchingthe birdsand thetrees, listening tomusic. “But that’s reallyhard on your family.They haven’tseen you much, you’re away moreoften than you’re home …” And,then, suddenly, she was home. All.The. Time. “He was very excited to have mehome. I was, um, what wasI?I was pleased to bethere, butI was stilltrying to work out what I was going to do and whereI was and how this fit. But we justsort of got on with it Worked out we couldlive together and we quite likedeach other. It could have gone either way.”

After consultingDr Google, Ibookedan appointmentwith my GP to discussthe idea of gettinga hormone-free copperIUDand despite the potential for heavier periods,I wassold. Saying farewell to thedaily reminders,emotional upsand downs,and cystic acne settingupshop on my face felt likeadream. And for a long time, it was.

I sworeoff the pill,thenI metsomeone.

Butabout a yearlater it fell out andthree years on my nextIUD went MIA too.

Look it also felt a loteasier when I was21. Halfway throughsaid togtango, what looked IUDsaresafeandeffective birth control,butforsome, keeping themincanprovedifficult. Katie Harris investigateswhythey get dislodgedand whetheranything can bedonetopreventthem falling out.

The firsttime it happenedI was swimming at a smallbeachnearCassBay.

Thesecond time was far worsebecauseIhad no idea when it came out;allIknew wasthat,all of a sudden, everything downtherewas out of balance for noapparent reason. My pHhadbeenthrownoff and it was causing repetitive bacterialinfectionsthat numerous pills, potionsand appointments were not sorting out.

Whydo IUDs GO MIA?


I first heard of IUDs whenI wasinhighschool At thetimethey were these big scarythings that seemed far tooinvasive,painfuland wacky to ever consider. So,likemany of my late-teenpeers, I startedthe merry-go-roundof trialling one hormonal birth control pill only to change a few monthslater to the next,slightly varied, version due to thesideeffects. Bloating,missingperiodsand weight gain were justthemild symptoms. One pillIpoppedmademe soemotionalthat eventhehint of a car coming too close to me on the motorway would leave me in tears. The next made theskin on my chinand lower face erupt with pimples. If you’ve experiencedbad acne, you’ll know thisimpacts much more than yourmakeup routine. Acne canbeaspainful physicallyas it is mentally. Followingthree months of my skin getting

Everything was feelinga bit hopeless when, ina last-ditcheffort to see what was going on my doctor referred me to getanultrasound to seeifthe device mayhave moved. likeamini metalanchor fellfrom thelining of my swimsuit.

At first I was confused, next IlaughedandthenI thankedall my luckystars—if my IUD hadbeen lost inthe deep blue I would not have knownI was no longer protectedfrompregnancy.

I’dbeenlazinginthe water for hours, on one of those gorgeous 26-degree, late summer Christchurchafternoons, when my IUD decided it wanted out. If you’ve been to themainbay, you’ll know the swimming spot It’s a few coves to the left,sheltered from thewind, facing DiamondHarbour. Idyllic, but the only real option for getting changedafteradipis the old underwear switcheroo. Youknow the move You pull yourundies on over your togs,then yankthe togsout one leg at atime.

As the months went on,I started flirtingwiththe idea of anIUDand researching whetherthe device could workfor someonelike me.

progressively worse, I bitthe bulletand started taking heavy-dutyacnemedication Roaccutane.

Thesideeffects were nasty:dry, brittleand sensitive skin; howeverthey felt like nothing compared to my experience on the pill.

Thereare two types of IUDs(intrauterine devices), hormonaland non-hormonal,andboth work by stopping spermfrom reachingan eggand stopping the eggfrom attaching to the wall of the uterus.

According to the organisation’s 2020 Contraception UseSurvey,theuse of long-acting reversible contraceptives —includingthe copper IUD, hormonalintrauterine systems(IUS)and implants—hasincreasedinternationallyandin New Zealand overthepast decade. But compared to the pill, condoms, andthe withdrawal method,the survey found that longacting reversible contraceptives were still less likely to have beenused by respondentswith only 19 per cent reportinghavingusedIUS, 17 per cent the implantand 14 per cent theIUD.

“Mostpeople dookaywith it.If you’re nervous, call your doctor ahead of time to discuss what canbe done to easeanxietyand reducepainwith placement.”

Family Planning New Zealand’ssite says therisk of infection whenhavinganIUD putinisabout 1per cent,andtherisk of damage to the uterusisabout onein every1000. As wellasthis,they sayIUDs come outabout5 per cent of thetime.

Obstetrician-gynaecologistDr Danielle Jones, who goes by mamadoctorjones online, alsosays expulsionsare relatively uncommon,with only about 5 to 7per cent of IUDs falling out. However, shesays this canbehigher or lower depending on some individual factors, including when it was placed, for example immediately post-partum,aftersix weekspost-partumandifthe uterushas fibroids or isabnormallyshaped.



Overall,shesays IUDsaresafeand reliable butthe insertionprocess canbepainful forsome.

Again,I wentto Dr Google, whichechoedthese stats, butmanysites statedpeopleusuallywill experience symptoms whentheirIUDs fall out,soI finallyturned to an expert foranswers.

Naturally, Idid what any20-something would, and took to social media to seeifanyone elsehad experiencedthesamething. Abouta dozen women replied,sayingthey toohadtheirIUDdisappear.

The copperIUDis99per centeffective in preventing pregnancy.Mirenais99.5 per cent effective in preventing pregnancy

CopperIUDs canbe usedas emergency contraceptionafter unprotected sex

She toldme the biggestrisk of anIUD falling out or movingis unintended pregnancy.Other problems caninclude abnormal or heavy bleeding spotting between cycles, bleeding/spottingaftersexandpain.

7 disc the wand and ice-coldlube. At leastI hoped it would give me anansweras to why my ownbodyhadso suddenlyturned against me. Well,that was what Ithoughtuntilthelittle metal rod never appeared on screenandI was left barebottomeddripping with goop wondering wherethe heck it couldhave gone to.

When my IUD wasn’t spottedintheultrasound my doctor scheduled me foran x-ray, which returnedthesame result.

Some hadtheirIUDs “stuck”; others alsohadtheirs fall outand some evenhad to gettheirs surgically removed.

LuckilyIhave agreatGP, supportive friendsand familyandlive ina country where healthcare like thisis accessible WouldI getanIUD again? Probably not. But do IwishI couldhave one againwithout it falling out? Hell yes.

Womenare told to routinely check forthe presence of Mirena strings.Ihad never, ever been ableto find mine, butIhad never, ever worried. My assumption wasthatbecause I wasunder generalanaesthetic when it wasinserted,the gynaecologisthadsimplybeenableto place it furtherinandhigherupthanwide-awake comfort levelsmighthave otherwiseallowed. Out of sightand, forthepast fiveyears, very much out of mind. But now, on a cold and rainy Aucklandnight, my Mirena was lostand so was my dignity How common wasthis?Whyhad it happened?I should have asked morequestions. But when you’re inthemiddle of a women’s healthissue when youare lying on ahard, flat surfacewith your legsupintheairanda speculumupin your business— it’s difficult to forma cohesive thought. Recently,I firedoff some emails to theMinistry of Health. HowmanyIUDsare removedunder generalanaesthetic? How many womenare actuallyusingthem? Dataislimited. TheMinistry holds no informationon individualIUDuse or uptake. Thereis nobreakdownshowingthe prevalence of copperIUDs versusthelikes of the Mirena or Jaydess. TheMinistry could confirm, however, thatthere were 838 removals carried outinaninpatient hospital settingin2021/2022 and 972the year prior Notall of these necessarily requireda generalanaesthetic butthehospital setting raises questions.It’s a long wayfrom the MOH online factsheetthatsimply states:“Your doctor removestheIUD by pullingthethreads. Thismaybepainful fora few seconds.”

Some IUDs work for upto 10 years Ifused properly,IUDsare 45 times moreeffective thanthe pilland90times moreeffectivethan male condoms, according to theGuttmacher Institute

“Most of therisk factorsare not modifiable, meaning you can’t really do anything to makethis lesslikely. Menstrualcupuse veryslightlyincreases therisk of expulsion but notenough to recommend againstuse—justimportant to be aware of.”

I still felt inthedarkaround why my IUDs kept falling outwithoutapeep whensomany others stayedin place, and whetheranything could be done to stop it.

None of whichIpersonally experienced.

Hearing howuncommon my situation is,is bothfrustratingand comforting.I’mgladhaving anIUD fall outis veryuncommon,I’mthankful the overwhelmingmajority of people who getthe devices won’t go through what Ihave Yetinthe same breath,I’mhackedoff Ihadthepoor luck of beinginthat5per cent more than once.

A nurse held my handandagynaecologist held the speculumthat,inturn, opened my vagina.I focused my attention onbreathing-notscreaming. Goopy gel wassmeared on my bellyand everybodyfrowned at theultrasoundmonitor My bodyhadbeen reduced to a black-and-white problem. WhatI remember mostfrom theday my Mirena went missing was how bright the room was, andthesheer casualness of it all. My IUD wasMIAandthepeople looking for it mightas wellhave misplacedtheir car keys. “Ithink,”thegynaecologistsaidafter about five yearsand one localanaestheticinjectedinto my cervix,“that we are going to have todo thisunder a general.I don’tthink you cantake much more of this?” It was definitely theday’s most accurate healthassessment. Earlierthatday, I’d told my boyfriendI’dbe fine to catchataxi home My IUD wasbeing removed and it should have beenas straightforwardas an eyebrow tint or a spray tan. My Mirena—a hormone-releasingintrauterine device usedasa long-term contraceptive—had beenin place for its recommended five-yearlife Now, in my early 40s,I was starting to wonderabout theMirena’s role in mood swingsanda general feeling of flatnessand blah.

“Likely, thisis related to individual uterusshapes andpositions, among otherthings.”

Kim Knight sharesherstory

Migration to theabdomenshesays,isincredibly rare, but notimpossible.

AMirenaisa T-shaped, flexible plastic device, measuringabout 3cm acrossand3cm down It isusuallyinsertedand removed by a primary health provider— your regularGP who, whenthe time comes to take it out, pulls gently on thepair of stringsdanglingfrom thetailend of the “T”. Minehad actuallybeen placed whileI was out coldon a surgicaltable havingan ovarian cyst removed—theIUD wasauseful contraceptive but, for me, its primaryfunction was to reduce painful heavyperiods caused by uterine fibroids.

However, shedidsaypeople whohave previously hadanIUD expulsion are at a much higherrisk for it to occur again.

According to a Te WhatuOra-Health New Zealand spokesperson,themain reason a general anaestheticmightbeusedina removal scenario wouldbethe retractionof theIUD stringsinto the uterus.Otherpossible, but rare, complications includedanIUDbecomingembeddedinthe uterine wall, or goingrightthroughthe wall andinto theabdominal cavity.In my case,the problem wasthe fibroids. The non-cancerous growthshadbecome so big they were distorting my uterusandshroudingtheMirenafrom view A weekafterthat firstdisastrous attemptto locate it,I countedback from 10and wokeup20 minutes laterwith medicaltapein my hairanda period-type ache deepin my belly. Ihadaglass of waterandawine biscuitand waited for my lift home.AndI wondered, forthemillionthtime, why female healthcare feels so much like one step forwardand two stepsback.

Photos / 123rf, Getty Images

Thethingsthatmake me happiest are my family andfriends, they remind me that Iam blessed, Iam loved,and they remind me of everything that isgreat and worthliving forinthis world.

Marianne Infanteisawriter, producerand actor, who, among otherthings,hasbeengracing our screensas nurseMadonna Diaz on ShortlandStreet for the past year. Here she talks about keeping herself well and good andthe best life advice she’s everbeen given. Thebest way to getup and get started inthe morning is by jumping straight in the shower. My morning routine consists of morning snuggles with my pup, Joey, and getting my fruitsand oatsin a blender. I keep my mornings fairly simple.

Left Marianne Infante plays Madonna Diazon Photos

Shortland Street’s MARIANNE INFANTE onimpostersyndrome

Top: Marianne withher dogJoey.


/ Supplied

Whenthe going gets tough thisis what I tell myself: “Iam worthy, Iam human I am enough. Iwill treat myself like I wouldtreatany friend of mine going througha toughtime. Whenever I’d confide to my best friend ChyeLing Huangthat I’m feelings***, she’d remind me ‘No, youareTHE s***.’

Shortland Street

I can’t start my day without procrastinating andusing “cuddling my dog” as an excuse to stay warmin bed longer. Presentation is important tome because I wantto bring my best self forwardand to me that doesn’t mean makeup, it meansbeing my most comfortable self Most days it’s my favourite sunscreenand eyebrows-on combo, sometimes that meansbaggy chill outfits, and otherdays it means makeup on anddresseduplikeI’m ng anOscar. eping fit and healthy means make sure my sleepisa priority, ttingeight hourshas changed my eps my anxiety away, plus it makes meless of animpatient grump and more chirpy,alertand vibrant. To keep mentally andemotionally healthy otherthan prioritising sleep I make sure my sociallife is healthy at I mean threethings:knowing en to prioritise timewith my loved es (friendsand family) when to prioritise my me-time to fill my owncup,and knowing when to reach out to my loved ones when I need extra TLC. Thebest advice I’ve everbeen givenaboutlife isthat no one reallyknows what they’re doing, we’reall learning and just trying ourbest to “adult”; we areall onour own journey andtimeline sothere’s no point comparing yourself toothers andtheperson you need to serve best is yourself. The valuesIlive by are great communication honesty openness loyalty and kindness. As I get older, I realise that life will continue to unravel, that nothing is in your control and it’s how werespond to what the universethrows at us that makes eachexperience valuable, memorableand worthwhile—so lean in, enjoy life love to love and open yourself up to allthe goodthingsthe world has tooffer,including lessons to learn. I still sufferfrom imposter syndrome every nowand then, especiallywithall themany rolesI have (actor, producer and writer) but what I’ve learned is that I know what Iam doingandIknow what Iam capable of and some days that capacity varies andthatis okay. I justhave to bekindand gentle with myselfasI move through my action listsincludingself-care.

OnSundays, you’ll find me out for brunch with my sister, family or friends,either that or you won’t find me at all becauseI’ll stillbeinbed enjoying a goodbook or a goodTV series. My bestlifehack is voice messaging. It’s more personable forquality updates or quickcheck-inswith friendsand you don’t have to linger on the phone if you find phone calls awkward, thoughI respect my friends who don’t enjoy phone callsas much asI do


“Ihad lots of other mothers whosort of gathered around me ...and other people who aren’t solo parents but helped...and I’ve had to use my creative brain to do the juggle. Ithinkthat’s how I’ve always been able to continue asan actor andsolo parent. “There’s a lot ofbrain work to consider howI can have the luxury of showingup to work everyday. AndI consider my joba luxury it’s a privilege. ButI probably useathird of my income on childcare Every jobI’ve had to weighup.Andsometimes it cost me to do my job.” Reflecting on hertimewithout a partner and the bond she’s built with hergirls, McDowellsaysfor years she never felt the need forsomeoneelsein herlife, becauseshe gotso much from her children. “I wassingle for four years, didn’thave sex for four years ...and Ididn’t need it.There was nothing missing.Ithink it wasbecause you’re still gettingall the oxytocinfrom caressesand love, you’re gettingthatfrom children.Andthen there comesapoint where youthink, nowI need more.”

To findoutmore aboutMiriama McDowell’sparentingjourney listento this week’sepisodeof OneDay You’ll ThankMe Youcanfollowthepodcast at nzherald.co.nz,iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts,Spotify, or wherever you get yourpodcasts.


It got to 5am and McDowell was “at that lowpoint when you’re like, I don’t know if I can go on anotherday, I really don’t know ifI can do this”, when her older child, Talanoa, 6, at thetime,came into her mother’s room andasked:“Do you want me to take thebabyso you canhave an hour’s sleep?”

“As we know,beingaparent so much of it isunseen.And especially if you’re RebeccaHaszard and JenniMortimer PARENTING rebecca.haszard@nzme.co.nz jennifer.mortimer@nzme.co.nz

iriama McDowell is a successful actor, director, playwrightand mum to twogirls.Sharing the challengesand beautiful moments of solo-parenting she reveals how she’s learning to let go ofsuch a definingpart of herselfasshe prepares to get married. McDowell still getsemotional when she remembers a particularly difficult night with hersecond daughter, Hero, when she wasjust6 months old. “I’dbeen doingthenights, doing thegrind,all by myself. AndIhadn’t planned to do it by myself, it was the opposite of what Ihad wanted.”


McDowell says “especially as a solomother”she foundthat “people acknowledge youallthetime... especially women. They go ‘That is amazing, what you’re doing’.That means the whole world,just to be acknowledged,”says the actor who played a youngWhinaCooperinthis year’shit biopic, Whina Butbeing“the only adult”has brought challenges andunfair assumptions too. “I found it reallyhard to get a mortgageas a solo parent.Andbeing a freelancer,that was justlike,double nono You donot existin the world, there’s no place for you.”

As she prepares to becomeawife, shesays,“I’m actuallyengaged to be married to a wonderful, supportive man”.She’salso processing what no longerbeingasolo parentwill feellike.

“Ithink it’s so much apart of my identity...andthat’s reallyhard to give up,”says McDowell, whogrew up withasolo dadshe describesas “so emotionally available” and who gave herand herthreesiblings “such a full and joyful” childhood. It’s an adjustment for herdaughter, Talanoa, too,who “grewupasthe other parent. So, there’s a process forboth of us, for her learning to let go of that. To bea kid again...because she’s never done that.

BOND as asolo mother


in a home on your own as the only adult, all of it isunseen. “The sad moments are really hard. Just the practical stuff,like getting the shopping out of the car,after carrying boththekidsupstairs, then goingback outinto the dark to getthegroceries Thoseare when I feltdeeply alone... butthe joyful moments have always outweighedthose.”


An exhausted McDowellhanded overthe child.From thatday, for two years,herlittlegirl came in to help her mum.“Every morning,” recalls McDowell,“She got upinthe dark.I still cry when Italkabout that.” This isjust one of themanybeautiful andunexpected moments McDowell has experiencedasa solomother to hergirls, now11and 4. On her journey,sheshares that she has felt both heartened by help and acknowledgement from others and “deeplyalone” anddiscriminated against.

Join JenniMortimer and RebeccaHaszard, parentsandhosts ofthe Herald’s parentingpodcast: OneDay You’ll Thank Me, astheynavigate the challengesand triumphsofparenting todaywithhelpfrom expertsand wellknown mumsand dadsfromacross Aotearoa

/ Supplied

Alongside raising her girls on her own, McDowell has achieved much in her professionallife,creating awardwinning television shows, films and theatre.Asked howshe’smanaged to juggle both,theactor whose new play The Wasp openssoon at Auckland’s QTheatre, points to her “amazing friends”.

Findinga rental also came with discrimination. “Iliterallyhadlandlords say, ‘Well,if you’re a solomother you’re probably going to have parties.’I’mlike, I just work and needasafe place for my kids. “Something changes when you’re looking fora flat and you have children. The responsibility issodifferent, especially when you’re on your own,” she says. “I remember I founda placeand thelandlord, before I’d movedin, startedsending me inappropriate text messages.It was justlike,holy s***,I’m notjust lookingafter myselfanymore. That for me, asa womananyway,is not cool ButthenI’m going to bealone at night with my kidsinthe house—and he’s gota key That was a huge shift for me in understanding whatit’slike to be aloneinthe worldwith children.”

“We’re goingthrougha process whereI ask her to ask me foracuddle everyday.. ‘I want you to stopme andsay, canIhave acuddle,Mum? And I have to put everything down and I lie on the couch andgive her a propercuddle.It’s lovely for me, too. Havingthose practicalthings as parents to connect and stop and ground you.”

Miriama McDowell withher daughters, Hero, left,and Talanoa.


breaking faith, but it may help make sense of it. The key to resolving a situation like thisis notso much the details of the incident buta deepunderstanding of the motivations (again, whichmay have beenunconscious) However, the identity of the otherparty willlikely beimportant inmaking sense of what went on all those years ago. We doubt that you canhave the necessary deep explorationof the eventwithout your wife being willing to be openabout this. One of the vital factorsin restoring trustafter fidelityagreementsare brokenis for your partner to practise radical honesty. It is reasonable for you to need to have an accurate picture of your partner and what has gone on As wellas providing theinformation you need to make sense of theincident giving youthat knowledge shows their allegiance is with youand notwith anyone else.

Yourpartner can claim they are protecting you from further hurt by not telling you whothe other person was, but that is somewhat patronising. Peopleoften say andbelievethings like that whenthey areunconsciously protectingthemselves It’s evident that notknowingisa torment to you. It’s undoubtedly preventing you from

11LO VE & SE X

James Dear James, It is muchdebated by professionals and the public whether couples should talk much about the details of sexual infidelity or if it is bestleft wellalone. Our experience is that because of theamount of shameand distressinvolved,many couples just paper over theincident Youand your wife soundlike you fitthatpattern of limping along withperiodic revisiting of the festeringissues from the infidelity that were not fully addressed. While obsessive questioningand focusing on every small detail is unhelpful, going once over toolightly isequally problematic whentrying to processinfidelity productively It iseasy forthe focus onprocessing this kindof situation to be all on the wrongedpartner “getting over”the hurtand trusting again. That’s what the person who broke trust keenly wants and is clearly still yourpartner’s hope, evenafter 50 years of that strategy not working. Instead,the focus needs to be on theunfaithfulperson. There are usually significant forces at play when someone normallytrustworthy breaks thattrust We usually find that behind thatinfidelity thereisanimportant yearning for something Typical examples are hunger for more aliveness, for feeling special or cherished,a need to escape fears of

People who have betrayedtrust are often apprehensive that theirpartner will leave themandsoare hesitantto befully honest.Our experience isthat most marriages, particularly where childrenareinvolved orones thathave lasted more than50 years, are more robust than this. Even if partnershave said,“If you ever cheat on me, Iwill leave you,” we find thisisoften notthe case. It’s even lesslikely infidelity like this would lead to the ending of amarriage when it was admitted, rather than hidden andliedabout(for more than a couple of days).That behaviour suggestsa desire for honesty and possibly genuine regret. Theremaybe other consequences yourwife fears— likeyou confronting thethird party anddisrupting yoursocialcircle. It maybe wise to anticipate and reassure your partner about their fears as faras you can. For example, reiterating that youhave no intentionof ending yourmarriageand have no interest in seeking retribution or causingupsetin otherpeople’slives. Stressthatthis is about sorting things outbetween youand making joint decisionsabout what isbest going forward. Of course, ifthethird partyis someone close to you, you must be prepared for that relationship to change, at leastinternally But a historicalincident likethis may not requireany behaviour change Certainly nothingthat isn’t explored and negotiatedwith your partner first.

Thecrucial focusis on you two restoringfull opennessand intimacy between you. Hopefully, you have both reached a stage where you can make compassionate meaning of mistakes that youmade when you were younger. Viewing things from adistance usually means a philosophical approach is more achievable than at thetime of the originalcrisis. Because processing infidelity especiallyahistorical one such as yours, isa situation where there areusually a lot ofbig feelings and complicated motivations, wewould encourage you to considerusing a suitably trained and experienced relationship therapist. We haveoffered training in thisarea formany years, so we know thereare dozens of therapists outthere whohave done a specialist course. To finish, letussaythat we fully support your desire to return your relationship to one of opennessand integrity and hope you can persuade yourwife of thesafety and wisdom of that course.


NicBeetsand Verity Thom INTIMACY, ACTUALLY

Hi Verity & Nic, Four years into our marriage, more than50 years ago, my wifewent to a dinnerwithsome friendsand I looked after our two boys.The dinner was 7pmandshe left at 6.30pmbutdidnot getback until 4.30am. Duringthe next dayIasked her about thedinner but she was reluctant to talkabout it.Finally,afterseveral days she admittedshehad left early withsomeoneand had several hours of love-making,including havingunprotectedsex twice. I was devastated and despite asking more questionsshe would never tell me who it was or wherethey went Somehow we gotthrough it andthe next year we moved away. Overthe years she would never tell me who it was and we hada lot of arguments over it.The years went by but it was always with me until recently I asked her againandshejust said I should get over it and it would hurt memore ifI knew For me this made it worseandalthoughItried to accept it, everynight now my mind keeps going over and over it and I can’t sleep.Can you helpme?

“moving on”. One can only move on whensomething is dealt with properly; when you understand why your wife behavedasshe did andthen can find a way to make peace with it.

Verity&Nic arepsychologists and family therapists who have specialisedinrelationshipand sex therapy formorethan25 years. They have been workingon their ownrelationshipformore than40 yearsand have two adult children.Send your questionsto reset@nzherald.co.nz

Photo / 123rf

50 years latershe still won’t admit whoit was mortality and ageing or to contravene a sense of inadequacy or unimportance. If you were busy fighting over her decision to protect the other person’s identity, it’s unlikely you got to explore thoseaspects of theincident with your wife. We refer to theintimacy that can flow from this kindof explorationas “making compost out of crap”,implying that you cangrow somethingbeautiful out of the compost. Achieving this requires having conversations that mayseem“impossible” If most people whohave breachedtrustbelieved they could address what was going on forthem intheir relationship, they probably wouldn’t have gone behind theirpartner’sback.Our experience isthat many good,kind,and decent people find themselves withdilemmas (of whichthey may not be consciously aware) for which infidelity somehow seemsa solution. The trouble isthatif, for example, your spouse felt taken forgranted, routinely talked down to or neglected, andthey endeduphaving a drunken one-night stand,they have made theirsituation worse.It’s now harder forthem to assertthemselves with you. It wouldbe prudent for you to be open to hearing thiskindof context fortheinfidelity Itdoesn’t excusetheir

My recent ex really wants to continueto befriends butI just can’t do it.AmIhaving trouble moving on?I feellikeIshould beable to befriendswithhim.


Thisisn’tajudgment,because for all of usthisis going to reflect ourpast experience of love and attachment in our families,and of course previous relationships. And it’s so hardbecausethose close, intimateattachment relationships gethard-codedinto our brain,and asa result we seekthosepeople out instinctively when we’reinpain. Ioftentalk to peopleabouthow, forthis very reason, when it comes to ending long-term relationships we shouldexpect to breakup multiple butIcan’t move on



Grief sucksandbreakingupis hard.In technical terms, we have to essentially re-programme our attachment system,and it’s painful.In fact,as unromanticas it sounds, breaking upandthe subsequentgrief canbest bethought of asa learningtask.Our brain needs to learn we are nolonger intimate withthatperson. Of course,there’s nodoubtpeople reactdifferently to break-ups; we all have slightlydifferent attachment experiences, with more or less sensitivity to change and rejection.


Photo / 123rf

times As seductive as it canbe to think we canjust breakup and move on, it’s also normal to find ourselves wanting to reach out to theperson we’vejustendedthings with when we’reupset— even whenthey arethe cause of theupset. The problemwiththis kind of reaching outis it canslow down or insomecases, blockthe learning processthat needs to take place to “move on". It’s alsotruethatif you find yourself getting stuck, it canbeuseful to intentionally generate anger, or feelingsof notlikingandannoyance, to help shift that attachment programming. It mightsounda bit brutal, to deliberately focus on the things you don’tlikeabout someone, but it helpsuntanglethe love and intimacy etchedinto our neuronal circuits. Anda lot of thetime, breakingup isaided by, or requires,distance Most of thetimethedistance,anger and focusing on notlikinghappens naturally;it’s part of thegrief cycle, but getting stuck can requireus to create distance to cutthepersonoff evenif only fora while, to grieveeffectively. If your ex-partner doesn’t require that,then good forthem. It maybe thattheir attachment system moves on quicker,that for whatever reason they don’t getas stuck But it’s vital youlisten to what you need,andare able to reflect on what will work for you—because getting stuckin a cycle of bouncingback and forthfrom a connection withan ex evenif no sex orphysicalintimacy occurs— can bequite destructive and really block thenaturalgrief process. So feelfree to generate anger, be clearthatright now you need distance and can’tbefriends,and focus on finding others to talk to when you’re upset, evenif you notice urges to reach out to your ex.Giveyour feelings,and yourgrief, thetime it needs. Onedayfriendshipmightbe on the cards; it isentirelypossible to befriendswithpeople we’vebeen in relationships with. However, it’s certainly not required, noris it a marker of being “over”someone. It certainly doesn’t meanthere’s anythingwrongwith youif you can’t. Some peoplejust love deeply and that can meanthatseeingpeople we’ve lovedand lost,always hurts.


theinteriorof thelips and cheeks, workingtheir way to thejaw for full release. Asopposed to a traditional facial wherethey justrub lovely oils on your face and you leave a glowyangel— thisis more likea Thai massage-style pummelling. It’s notpainful exactly, but it is intense especiallyaround that area behind your back teeth. At first,I was a bitscaredbecause of how intense it felt butaftera fewminutesI felt this rush ofpressure leave my jaw.

Doesthebuccal facial massage really reduce puffiness,improveskinclarityandcontour yourjawline? Sinead Corcoran putsherface inthehands ofan expertto findout.

SineadCorcoran HEALTH &SELF @sineadcorcoran_

“We storea lot of stress inthejaw, explains OlgaKrupyshevafrom Face Up Beauty where Ihad my pummellingdone.


andjaw. As someone whohas been having my forehead jabbedwith‘tox since I was 22, this was ashocking revelation.I’m30 now, thoughwith twosmall childrenin my houseso I’m absolutely not stopping the Botox, butIam going to take more care when applying my skincare lotions andpotionsand reallymassage them inthere to try to smooshthat fluid out. I’ve never hada problemwith my moon-like face but nowthat I can see how svelte it looksafter one pummelling,and how much tension ittook out of my jaw. I’mabsolutely adding this to my healthand wellbeing regime.Plus,apparently, Meghan Markle has it done regularly andI’ll do anything to lookmore like Meghan Markle

“Once tension inthe muscle is released, you getanemotional relief as well.” And relievedI was.Afterthe session, my head felt about10kg lighter, asifIhadtaken outsome dentures made of cement.I was also super-relaxed,andhadthe best night’s sleepI’dhadin months. And it’s not justa stress-reliever, Olga toldme buccalmassage reduces puffiness, contoursthe jawline,helps smoothsmokinglines, increases lip volume andimproves skin clarity by removing innerinflammation. As asceptical, chipmunk-cheeked vaperIdidn’t initially believe her but you only have to look at this photo of me to seethe difference. Olga also explained to me that regular Botox cansometimes lead to blockages inthe face,as Botox paralyses your muscles so the fluid can’t move around.This canthen cause puffinessaround the cheeks

‘Atfirst,I was abitscared becauseof howintenseit felt,butafter afewminutes Ifeltthisrush ofpressure leave my jaw.’ Iwent to the dentistlast week andshesaid my teeth are worn down from excessivegrinding.I’m sure it’s minimal butI’m imagining my teeth now resembledusty little stumpy tic-tacs.I’malsoquite certain Igrind my teeth due to my anxiety disorder,andIthought itmust just be adaytime thing butafter consulting with my fiance he informed mehe frequently wakes inthe night to the sound of my gnashing. Hideous. So whenI heardabout buccalmassage that helps to releasethe physical tension inthejaw muscle and release emotional tension,I wasallin. If you haven’t heard ofbuccal massage it is honestly cooked. A gloved-upperson putstheir hands inside your mouthanduses their thumbsand forefingers to massage

Top:Photo /123rf Above: Sinead Corcoran gives buccal massage atry. The resultsare clearwith treatment completed ontheright side.Photo /Supplied


Wicks BASICS Backto Jamie Oliver Photo / PaulStuart Energy 532kcal Fat 30.2g Sat Fat 6g Protein 20.5g Carbs 43.4g Sugars 2.8g Salt 0.3g Fibre 4.6g

Garlic mushroomtagliatelle Serves1, Totaltime:8minutes 125gfreshlasagne sheets 80g oyster mushrooms 1 clove of garlic 10gparmesan cheese Oliveoil 2 sprigs of thyme 4shelledunsalted walnut halves 1 heaped Tbsp cottage cheese 1handful of rocket Extra virgin oliveoil, optional Boilthe kettle. Cutthelasagnesheets lengthways into 1cm strips to make tagliatelle. Puta28cmfryingpan high Once the mushroomsare lightly charred, addalittledrizzle of olive oil to thepan withthe garlic stripinthe thyme leaves,thencrumble inthe walnuts. Whenthe garlic islightly golden, scatterthepastainto thepan. Carefully pour in enoughboiling kettle water to just coverthepasta —about300ml. Let it bubble away for4 minutes, or untilthepasta has absorbed most of the water and you’ve gotanice sauce, stirring regularly and looseningwithan extra splash of water, if needed. Stirintheparmesan, cottage cheese and rocket, keeping everything ving,thenseason to Goodfooddoesn’t have tobecomplicated. JamieOliver’s latestcookbook, One:SimpleOnePan Wonders, includesmore than120 recipes using justeight budget-friendly ingredientsor fewer, cooked inone pan—meaning minimal prep timeand washingup. Here’s a taster of somesuper-easy, tasty mealtime magic. Foodeditor @_maggiewicks_ Maggie




GOVEGGIE Simply swap thelamb for quarters of scrubbed celeriac, treating it in exactlythesame and chuckinajar of drained chickpeas

Remove thepastryfrom the oven, leave to cool slightly, thentransfer to aservingboard,discardingthepaper. Useasharpknife to cut roundthe border,cuttingthroughthe top few layers of pastry only Usea fishslice to carefullylift up and remove the inner section (like alid), leavinga layer of pastry at the bottom Pile inthe remaining leaves and filling,then put thelidback on,slice andserve

Energy 681kcal Fat 38.4g Sat fat 14.4g Protein 70.6g Carbs 14.8g Sugars 12.4g Salt 1g Fibre 5.4g

500gfree-range, skinless, boneless chickenthighs Oliveoil 1 bunch ofspring onions 320gmixed mushrooms 320gsheet of ready-rolled puff pastry 600ml semi-skimmed milk 1 heaped Tbspplain flour 1 Tbsp wholegrain mustard 80g mixedbag of watercress, spinach & rocket

Energy 679kcal Fat 36.2g Sat fat 13.5g Protein 39.8g Carbs 48.2g Sugars 39.8g Salt 1.1g Fibre 4.7g

Preheatthe oven to 200C.Chop the chickeninto 3cm chunks and place ina30cm non-stickfryingpan on a medium-high heat with1tablespoon of olive oil, stirring regularly Trimthe spring onions,chopinto 1cm lengthsand add to thepan. Trim and tearinthe mushrooms.Cook for 10 minutes, or until golden, stirring regularly Meanwhile, unrollthepastrysheet on itspaperandscorea3cm border around theedge (don’tcutallthe waythrough), then verylightly score innersection.Brushwithalittle milk, then placethe pastry, still on itspaper, directly on the middle shelf of the oven to cook for 17 minutes or until golden, risenand cookedthrough. Stirthe flourinto thepan for1 minute, thengradually stir inthe milk. Simmer on a medium heat untilthe pastryis done,stirring occasionally, and looseningwith extra splashes of milk,if needed. Turnthe heatoff stir throughthe mustard andhalf of the leaves,then season to perfection

GOVEGGIE Simplyditchthe chicken and ramp up the mushrooms ONE). Photography: ©DavidLoftus, 2022.RRP$65 Serves 4, Prep:12minutesCook:2 hours 4higher-welfarelambshanks(roughly400gea Oliveoil 1 bulb of garlic 6mixed-colourpeppers 1 lemon 800gbaby new potatoes 8 black olives, stone in Redwinevinegar 1tsprunny honey ½a bunch of flat-leafparsley (15g) Preheatthe oven to 180C. Placealarge deep casser pan on ahigh heat Seasonthelambshankswith a pinch of seasaltand black pepper,thenfryin 1 tablespoon of oliveoil, turninguntil brownedall Meanwhile, halve theunpeeled garlicbulb acro themiddle and tearupthepeppersinto big chunk discardingtheseedsand stalks. Add both to thepan, thenusea speed-peeler to add the lemonpeel in strips Go inwiththepotatoes,halvinganylarger ones thensquash, destone and add the olives also stirrin ina splash of liquor from theirjar.Mix together we cover, thentransfer to the oven for1 hour Mixup again, and cook uncovered for another hour, or untilthelambis tender Remove from th oven. Mashthesoft garlic clovesinto the stew,discardin theskins,thenseason to perfection withsalt,pepper andathimble of redwinevinegar. Brushthe hone overthelamb,then pick overtheparsley leaves,an serve.

One by JamieOliver published by PenguinMichael Joseph© Jamie OliverEnterprises Limited(2022

Chicken& mushroom puffpie Serves 4, Totaltime:33mins

Forthethird hour check the rendang every20 minutes;the fatwillhave come out from the coconutandthe rendang will start to fryin its ownliquid. Remove from the ovenand gently pressthe meat witha wooden spoon, it should bejust starting to fall apart.

BRAISING LIQUID 2x400gtins of coconut milk 30gshredded coconut 3 lemongrass stalks 2cinnamon quills 3makrutlime leaves, finely shredded 120gdarkpalm sugar (brown sugar or coconut sugar can substitute) 2tspsalt Preheatthe oven to 160C. To makethebasepaste blend alltheingredients togetheruntila smoothpaste is formed,Iusealittle of the coconutmilkfrom the braising liquid to aidthe blender. Slice theshortribinto individual ribs or cutthe brisketinto bite-sized pieces. Heat the coconutoilandsear theribs orbrisket on medium-high heat until caramelised,transfer to an ovenproofdish. Coattheseared meat withthe paste andallow to infuse for30 minutes.


Servethe rendangwithjasmine or coconutjasminerice (recipebelow), freshslicedcucumberand roti (available inthefreezer at most Asian supermarkets). Coconut rice 3 Tbsp coconut oil 1 onion thinlysliced 1 clove garlic,thinly sliced 1x2cm piece of ginger,peeledand thinlysliced 400g washedjasminerice 2½ cups of water 1 pinch ofblue butterflypeapowder (optional— but addsanamazing blue colour to therice) 30gshredded coconut Inasaucepan over medium heat melt the coconutoilandfrythe onion garlic andgingeruntil softened. Addthe rice,shredded coconut, blue pea flowerpowder and water. Bring to aboil, stirring occasionally. Coverthepot, reduce the heatto very lowandallow to cook for10minutes. RobHopeEde’sbeef shortrib rendang and Rob Hope-Ede (below) Photos /Brett PhibbsFlavour ge p something deliciousandeasy to reheat over next fewdays. I normallyhave a rotation of Sunday meals: sagne, baconand egg pie homemade pizza or rendang. of the waythrough cooking breaks down,andthenserv bone. Thisthenbecomes ou enjoyeating itoff thebone RobHope-Edeisthe atAucklan


Addtheingredients forthe braising liquid to the ovendishand stir gently to incorporate,the ovenproofdish should bejust bigenough to holdthe meat andtheliquid,if needed add up to 1cup of water to coverthe meat. Placethedish,uncovered,into the oven.After1 hour, stirthe rendang or turntheshortrib over;after2 hours gently remove thebone from the shortribandsetaside.

BASE PASTE 150gshallots (around 6shallots) 30g red chillis, seeds removed (around4 chillis) 20g garlic cloves (around5 cloves) 50g galangal (available inthe freezer at most Asian supermarkets) 50gginger,peeled 10gfreshturmeric ½tspground cloves 2tspground allspice, sometimes called pimento spice

B E W E L L SUNDAY KITCHEN WhatdoesSundaylooklikein yourkitchen? In January, I welcomed my baby girl Maxine into the world; shehas now becomea highlyskilled sleepthiefthroughout the week.Sundays have become my family day, where we try to live lifeslow.Thisis my day to preparealarge meal forus to eat together,and leave my wife Kate setupwith so the lasagn ma Whyhave you chosentoshare thisdish? It’s one of my favourite dishes to make on a Sundayas it takesalittletime butthe end result is totally worth it —a flavourbomb. Imakealarge recipeso my wifehas her dinner ready to go fora couple of nights whileshe looksafter Maxine. I remove theshort-ribbone three-quarters ing whilethe meat andthenservethe meat on the our cutlery—Ijust ne. RobHope-Edeisthechefdecuisine atAuckland'sParkHyatt Onemata’s RobHope-Ede

RobHope-Ede’s beefshort rib rendang SHORT RIB 1kgbeefshortrib, or beef brisket 1 Tbsp coconut oil (canolaoilis okay tosubstitute)

“Emerging wines”are wellestablishedgrape varieties thatare newtoNewZealand shoresandpalates. SamKim, co-chair of judgesfortheNew World Wine Awards,offers threelesser-known, must-try varietiesforwinelovers. EMERGINGWINE VARIETIES

TO TRY AngelaCasley

Make time forthesesoft andlightdate pancakes. Cook one first to getthepan temperatureright; wait forthe mixture to just start bubbling before flipping to cook the otherside. FOR THE PANCAKES 7 pitteddates, chopped roughly 1/2cup water 1tspbakingpowder 2 Tbspbutter 11/2cups self-raising flour 1tspcinnamon 1 pinch nutmeg 2 eggs 1 Tbsphoney 11/2cupsmilk 1tsp butter, for cooking FOR THELEMONSYRUP 1/2cup lemonjuice 2tsp lemonzest 2 Tbsphoney 1/2cupmandarin segments, and fresh or frozenraspberries

TO SERVE 1bowl mascarpone Placethedatesand waterinasmall saucepan, bringing to aboil for 5 minutes.Drain halftheliquid. Stir throughthebakingpowder and butter,thenallow to cool Placethe flour, cinnamon and nutmeg inabowl. Combinethe eggs, honeyandmilk inanotherbowl Pourinto thedry ingredientsandmixuntilsmooth.

Fold throughthedate mixture. Set aside for10minutes or until ready to cook. Combinethe lemon juice zest and honeyin asmall pot.Bring to asimmeruntil it becomes syrupy, about 8minutes Remove from the heat and gently fold throughthefruit. To cook thepancakes, lightlygrease afryingpanwithalittle butter. Add a¼cup of mixtureand swirlinthe pan alittle. Cook for 3minutes or until just starting to bubble.Turnand cook the other side.Continue withthe remainingmixture. Serve warmwith syrup,fruitanda dollop of mascarpone.

TheNew World Wine Awards, nowintheir20th year, celebratewines under $25. Thetop50willbe announcedand available nationwideinOctober.

Albarino If you’ve ever holidayed in Portugal or Spain,and ordereda house whitewine, chances are you’ve been servedalbarino (pronounced "alba reen yoh"),this region’s favourite white. Closer to home, growers across New Zealandare experimenting with this seaside-lovinggrape, known for its stonefruit flavours,zingy acidity and slight saltiness exactly what youmightimagine for a whitewine growninthe sea breeze If the taste profile soundsa bitlike sauvignonblanc, you’re right —albarinois likely to appeal most to those whoalso enjoysauv, pinotgris or evenadry riesling.Chardonnaydrinkerswill enjoy it too, Photo / Babiche Martens

y, ly rality d ja often The Also spelled garna allaround thew winemakersf featuredin bl extensively Italy, SouthA leads witha bur like strawberr it has adis cinnam pe no Gr in so it an al ye Grapes growingin NZ.Photo /Mike Heydon Sam Kim oftheNew World Wine Awards. Photo / Supplied

BA thanks to itsslightly more savoury, almostsalty, edge It’s an especially goodmatch with seafood again thanks to thatslightlysalty minerali Tempranillo TempranilloisSpain’s top red,and the grape variety behind theRioja region’s renownedwines. Thisis a bold redthat brings big flavours,o dominated by cherry, andearthy characteristics thatmight remind you of leather, cedar or dried fig.Th wine is famous for foodmatching with red meat ideally charred over some open flames Butif you’re stayingin,try it withasmokey ham, pan-fried steak or roastlamb. Lighter styles of tempranilloalso go well with tomatobasedpastas If you’re looking for it in your local supermarket, you’lllikely seeofferingsfrom its home regionof Spain,as wellas South Australia. Grenache rnacha,grenache is grown world,andis loved by for its versatility it’soften blended redwines It’s grown in France and Spain,as well as Australiaandthe US Itoften burst of red berry flavours, wberry, raspberry or cherry, and adistinctive spiciness think cinnamonor a touch ofblack pepper.Shirazand pinot noir drinkers will love it Grenache’s spice notesmake it a top contenderalongside slightly spicyAsiandishes, herbyFrench-style stews and casseroles, and even Moroccantagine. It’s an inherently warming wine, so anice option to try while it’s still cooloutside,with an equally heartymeal alongside.



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CreaseCrisis Q Help! My concealer appliessmoothlyinthe rning, but by lunchtime it’s settledinto the fine linesunder my eyes. How canI stop thisfrom happening? A First, prep skinwith a hydrating eyecreamandgive it aminute or two to fully absorbbefore reaching for alightweight, cream-based concealer. Proper placement is key you needenough product to conceal theareas you wantto but not too much sothatit appears cakey. If darkcircles ail you, focus most of your product around the trianglearea at theinner corner of the eye, then blend it out towards your orbitalbone. To set yourunder-eyearea, uselight-reflectingsetting powder sparinglywitha fluffy eyeshadow brush. Try it with: Tarte Shape TapeUltra CreamyConcealer,$54,and Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder, $68 Send yourbeautyquestionstoreset@nzherald.co.nz

4 Keepitsimple


If yourgo-toshimmery shadoworfeline flickdoesn’t quitesitthesameat35asit didat20, Viva beautyeditor AshleighCometti sheds somelightonhowbestto tweak yourmakeuplook. AshleighCometti BEAUTY @ash_cometti

NEW& Noteworthy

Stockists Maybellinefrom selecteddepartment stores,pharmaciesand supermarkets,including Countdownoronline atCountdown.co.nz; MeccaandMorphe fromMeccaoronline atMeccabeauty.co.nz; SephoraCollection fromSephoraoronline atSephora.nz. Beauty School Stockists LauraMercierfrom Meccaoronlineat Meccabeauty.co.nz; TartefromSephoraor onlineatSephora.nz

MCo BeautyLiquid Buds Makeup Remover, $12 Makeupmishap getting you down? Reach forthese snapactivated cottonbuds, which house askin-conditioningmakeup removerthat helps to tidy makeup smudges inaninstant. Availablefromselectedpharmaciesandsupermarkets, includingCountdownoronline at Countdown.co.nz

SundaySpa:Relaxandunwindwith oneofLush’sthreenewcandles: Orange Blossom,with notes ofhoneyed florals, sweet bergamotand neroli;Sleepy, withlavenderand ylang ylang; andThe OliveBranchwithcitrus notes of bergamotand orange flower. $29each. AvailablefromLushboutiquesnationwideoronline at Lush.com/nz

2 Consider yourcolourpalette Asmokeyeyeisn’tlimited to charcoal, pewter orblack. Aslong as you usethe darkest shades closest to yourlashline, then you cancreate the look witha kaleidoscope of hues. Reset loves: Morphe 9L Lavendaze Artistry Palette,$20, anine-pan eyeshadow palette ofpurple hues.

1 Check yourplacement Shimmery eyeshadows can draw attention totextured or dryskin.Instead place it inareasthat don’thave as much texture, likethe eyelids, intheinner cornerslikea highlighter, or useathin eyeshadow brush to applyasan eyeliner.Shine on withthe SephoraCollection ColorfulMagnetic Eyeshadowintheshade 01 To The Moon AndBack,$15.


A swipe of volumisingmascara can do wonders to achieveawide-eyed look Try it withthe new Maybelline ColossalCurl Bounce Mascara,$30,

3 Make yourwing workfor you Anelongated feline flickwill neverdate, but considershorteningthe length of your wingif you want to avoiddrawing attention to crow’s feet or fine lines.If you struggle to get your eyeliner looking even,trycreating your desiredshapewith eyeshadow first thentracing over it with yourliquidliner of choice, likethe MeccaMax WinkInk Super LiquidLiner, $21.

1 2 3 4


Stockists Alohas.io Buttermilkaccessories.com Charlieholiday.com.au Forevernew.co.nz Gormanshop.co.nz Kowtow.clothing.com Max.co.nz Nudiejeans.com Nz.puma.com Seedheritage.com Shinedesignstore. co.nz Sophiestore.co.nz Themarket.com Witchery.co.nz.

We allknow ho shopping canbe, buy well. Here keep your favo with youthroug If youhaven’ dropped so try deodorising inabaginthefreezer or hangingtheminthebathroom while you sh constantlyal the garment and colour If you do ha denim,tryan bringback theri black you fe purchasing Avoidthetumb makes the fa time. Dry yo rack orouts Get stuckint new again.Cut jeansinto apair just to you. Apatterned canupgrad HOW TO thelifeofdenim

Sustaina STYLE

AnnabelDickson FASHION

patch adeaniggly hole or tear. O ...extend of denim NudieBreezyBritt jeansinfriendly blue $290 Nudieofferafreere-useandrepairsystem.Simply washand bringinanoldpairofNudiesandtheywilldotherest. ttle nt kea own, or Ifafullensembleof printis ov helming, trythesefunky pringisthep bold with yo patternsand to go all out, youc pairinglarger print finestripe or floral wear onebold basic T-sh trouse n Witchery seersucker gingham dress $200 Max Natashaembroidered blouse $140 Gorman Limerick coat $360 Lollys Laundry Lucasdress, $149,from Shine DesignStore. Zara jacquardknit cardigan $65.90 Charlie Holiday Elisa skirt $105 Kowtow frill sleeve tee $99 PumaXLiberty wideleg trousers $170 Buttermilk Bellahair claw clip $39 Seed bucket hat $45 Baggubaby in calico block, $20 from The Market Sophie monochrome hoop earrings $52 Alohas Squared sandals $130 Forever New Naomi check blazer $150


S ingistheperfecttime to bealittle your outfits by wearing and textures.If you want canmixandmatch by pairinglar intswith opposites, likea al design. To dial it down, printwith denim, a shirt or a neutralskirt ser. tainable howpainful denim anbe, so buy onceand re are my toptips to vourite pair of jeans oughthick andthin. en’t outright spilled or something on yourjeans, ising by placingthem thefreezer overnight, theminthebathroom shower.Washing alters the longevity of ent by causing stretching loss. have colour lossin your an at-home dye to the rich blueor striking fellin love with when ngoriginally. tumble dryer—the heat fabric shed its fibres over yourjeans on aindoor tside inthefreshair. intoDIYby making old, Cut yourrun-down of shorts,tailored A patterned fabric



Q How canIgive my homea seasonal revamp?


Give yourhomeaneasyspring update by introducingsplashes ofcolourandbotanicalprints


A If you’re looking to fill your home with fresh springvibes,nowistheperfect time to do it.Theeasiest place to beginis withanedit of allthe weighty accessories thathave creptinto theliving room over winter. Those nubby woollen blanketsthat have been constant companions during everyepisode of Love Island? Wash or dry clean,then fold themupand putthemin thecupboard.In their place, trylightweight cottonor natural fibrethrowsinsoothing shades ofblush or sage. As thedays growwarmer,try tweaking your home’s colourpalette, one accessory at atime. Startwitha fewcushions, swapping thick wool for breezylinenandarrange in uneven numbers, preferably ina variety of shapes, sizes andpatterns. Pastelginghams, printsandgraphic florals ce forthis season andthe vantage ofswapping out onesmall accessory—like acushionor small work of art—allows you to stay on trendwithoutthe expense of mpletely redecorating. Start collectingbeautiful vessels ur spring blooms. Look for uralshapes of varying heights dths.Decorate from the to bringthe outside in.If you anytreesin blossom, clip a few anches andsimply fill a vase. Wherepossible rotate artwork aninginside any printsthatmay have collected dust overthewinter. Wipe downframes andpolish theglass. Sometimes movinga print or paintingfromone room to anothertrick the braininto thinking youhave bought a ne Onthat note rearrangingfurniture isn’tjustasign ofspring fever, it can bea clever way to refresha space especiallyas rooms change with theseasons depending on light and heatingsources. If you’re a houseplant lover, makethe most of the extralightand transport yourgreenbabiesinto thebest position for optimal sunshine, making sure sensitive varieties don’t get too much sun. Prune, feedand repot where necessaryand if you have room,groupthem togetherinto akind of urbanjungle foraindoor botanical burst of nature. Lastly, openthewindows andallow the warm breeze to enter. Overwinter, with heaters on,our homes can get mustyand stale. Book anupholstery clean or take furniture outside to airand spot-cleanany stainsthathave appeared overthe colder months.Andif youshould getsome sun showers gently closethe doors, lighta sweetscented candle and wait forthe rain to stop. Tip After adding in new spring purchases,do a generalinteriorscull, declutteringandtidying away for next winterand donating items no longer needed to the local op-shop e polish es ks ing new piece. in fu it

gard have lo Wh cl ure n ho lant 8 9 10 1 2 6 5 7 3 4

BEAUTIFUL area good cho adva on a ar comp St for scul and



KateHall @ethicallykate ETHICAL LIVING Dear Kate,I can’t getused to the aesthetics of energyefficientlight bulbs. Why do they have to be so ugly (and arethey even really worth it?) Thisquestion took me by surprise. My homeislitwithseveralLED bulbs but not once have I stopped to think“that’shideous” Perhaps my Photo /Brett Phibbs houseguests have been too politeto mention anything? Inaneffort to get to thebottom of this ugly light bulb accusation, Ijumped on my bike and headed straightto my localLighting Plus The results were fascinating. But first,alittle breakdown of what light bulbsIam referring to and whythey are worth it.“Normal”light bulbs, the classicincandescent bulbs(the ones Thomas Edisoninventedin 1879),involve filamentsthat glow and produce heat andlight.LEDs,the energy-efficient ones thathave been accused of terrible aesthetics,area relatively new kind of light bulb that have electronsthat flow to create photons— whichisthelightthat we can see.

Wanttoconsumemore consciously?Live ontheplanet morelightly? Fromtipsonzero wastelivingtosustainable fashion,KateHalltacklesthebig ethicaldilemmasofdailylife. Send yourquestionsto reset@nzherald.co.nz

11 12 13 14 LIGHTINGUP

Luminously LED or incandescently expensive? EthicallyKate answers a reader’squestion onthe pros andcons (andaesthetics)ofnew generationhomelighting.

ST AY ING IN 21 1 Botanique No21A4 print, Lapin+ Wolf $23 2 Bonnieand Neil Dandy multi pillowcase, Father Rabbit $185 3 Eucalyptuslinencushion 50x50cm insage, Adairs $79.99 4 Clementinecushion,Kmart $11 5 Body Oil, HelenBankersx Becca Project $75 6 Bonnieand Neil Dandy sage tea towel, Father Rabbit $59 7 Passion flowersquarecushion cover, Wallace Cotton $49.90 8 Wildflowereuro pillowcase,Citta $59.90 9 Wildflower pillowcase,Citta $99.90 10 SecretGarden tea towel,Thread design $39 11 Compostable dishcloth,The Market $6.85 12 BotanicalStyle1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, Bookreps $44.99 13 Candles, twopack, Typo $19.99 14 Macrame planthanger, Typo $19.99

Incandescent bulbslastjusta few yearsanduse lots of energy even though only some of it isturnedinto light.LED bulbs usearound 75 per cent lessenergyand producehardly any heatat all. LED bulbs canlast several decadesand eventhough they’re generally more expensive thanincandescent bulbs, thesavings overtime canbe huge if you’re lighting anentire home or workplace. Going back to my lighting store experience —I can confirm:LED light bulbsare nolonger restrictive in style,norare they ugly! As I floated around the storeI enjoyedtheglow of LEDlightsinmany shapesand sizes.Big ones andsmall ones Round ones and long ones LEDsthat fitinto lampshades, LEDsthathangabove your kitchenisland,andLEDsthat lightup your lounge room while you play Rummikub. In case you’re still not convinced thatenergy-efficientlight bulbs aretrendy enough for yourabode, word on the streetisthatlight bulb manufacturersaremaking more LEDs and fewerincandescents— you can expect more light bulb options to spark yourinterest.

PU ZZ LE S GIANTCROSSWORD CRYPTICCROSSWORD ACROSS 1. What’slodgedisbackinthewarehouse(7) 4. Censureoldboy:you’llendlesslyIbeupset aboutBond’sarms-man(7) 8. George wrotewhatcastlesmaybemade of(4) 9. Giveovermuch importancetoextraegg eachhalfsorted out (10) 11. Abroad,havingbeen made tobeso(6) 12. Turnedsinover, at bed-headsbeing removed(8) 14. Suchasarenecessarytogetthough harbours(9) 15. Bacon,thus treated,wasbetter(5) 17. Cook,like,indecay(5) 18. LikeAlice’sLand,almostcomplete marvellous! (9) 19. Locksup999withthemoney(8) 21. Theman at the lathewasapainter(6) 23. Scalecouldbe greatinDecember, in short(10) 24. Manonhisownthus,look!(4) 25. ThustheRightyell abouttheEastbeing somethingmagical(7) 26. Inthe directionof whathospitalsignpost indicates?(7) DOWN 1. Diana’sstateof mindisnotgood for a dog(9) 2. It bringsthedrawertothe point(6,9) 3. Writtenwordsusedtobecontained by the non-drinker(4) 4. InstrumentI givevoicetoneedsarranging (10) 5. Lordorvassal,it’sinBelgium(5) 6. Fifteenminutessuchas‘H’‘0’‘U’or‘R’ (7,2,2,4) 7. Thecrop of theSpanish in upsetof personalhome-improvement (5) 10. Autocraticpersonhalfmadethepoint(6) 13. Suitableware fortheCoronationPlate? (5,5) 15. Itmaybecrossed by aperson of some account(6) 16. Madto getangeredupwithnotesof indebtedness(9) 19. CentralAmericansare at home,shortof cash(5) 20. Makeone‘It’inaFrenchfemale form(5) 22. Prepare filmtoshow‘Spring’coming up(4) WORKING SPACE SUDOKU EASY MEDIUM HARD 28/8A TARGETWORD TODAY’S TARGETS Good 20 Very Good 26 Excellent 31+ Howmanywordsoffourormoreletters canyoumake?Thereisatleastone nine-letterword.Eachlettermaybeused onlyonceandallwordsmustcontainthe centreletter.Nowordsstartingwitha capital,nopluralsendinginsunlessthe wordisalsoaverb. Youmayonlyentereach ofthechambersonce andmay onlyproceed throughopeningsin lettercanbe in anyofthe ten chambers. Searchthetriangle word orphrase by movingfrom onechamber to another. G I I N A R S EO B Searchthetriangle wordorphrase bymovingfrom onechamber toanother. Youmayonlyentereachofthechambers onceandmayonlyproceedthrough beinanyofthetenchambers. RCP J E O T OR ACROSS 1. Decorative (5) 4. Makefitafterillnessor imprisonment (14) 11. Thoughts(5) 14. Bid(5) 15. Meaningless(11) 16. Suffocating(8) 19. Skull(7) 20. Catalogue(5) 21. Reproduce(9) 24. Dusk(9) 26. Prolong(6) 27. Danger(6) 31. Quietens(5) 32. Mind-affectingdrug(8) 34. Chief rabble-rouse, mutineer(10) 38. Passed out (7) 39. Reflect(6) 40. Shouted(6) 41. Complaint(colloq)(4) 42. Predicament (7) 45. Done with ease(10) 50. Percussionist (7) 54. Imminent(4) 55. Plan(6) 56. Against(6) 57. European country (7) 60. Scienceandtechnology ofmetals (10) 61. Trickintoanunpleasant task(8) 62. Wet (5) 65. Compassionate (6) 66. Technique(6) 67. Kitchen implement (9) 72. Fatigue(9) 73. Washout (5) 74. Surgeon’s blade(7) 79. Biblicalmusicaldrama performed by choir and orchestra(8) 80. Upa tramline(anag) (11) 81. Deadly(5) 82. Autographs(5) 83. Give one’sall (colloq) (2,3,3,6) 84. Serpent(5) DOWN 2. Have sufficientmoney for(6) 3. Dirt-free(5) 5. Greek godoflove (4) 6. Militarystorehouse(7) 7. Requiring help(2,4) 8. Partof eye (4) 9. Cheerfulreadiness(8) 10 Talkmuch about little (6) 11. Smitten(10) 12. Heinous (4) 13. Espied(7) 17. Japanese dish(5) 18. Hints,traces(10) 22. Animalorgansused as food (5) 23. Nightmare(3,5) 25. Huge(7) 26. Extractedpassage (7) 28. Huntingexpedition(6) 29. Homesoundsystem (6) 30. Concurred(6) 33. Rockface(5) 35. Makemention(5) 36. Side(4) 37. Cowshelter(4) 42 Hard-wearing fabric(5) 43. Surgicaltie(8) 44. Gather (6) 45. Non-deciduous trees (10) 46. Bend(4) 47 Swottedup(7) 48. Grubs (6) 49. Smarted(5) 51. Coral bank (4) 52. Captainofindustry(7) 53. Of ahorse(6) 58. Defamatory(10) 59. Thorns(5) 63. Ski resortinBritish Columbia, Canada (8) 64. Beequal to (5) 65. Inquisitive(7) 68 Of thestomach(7) 69 Pokingone’s nosein (6) 70. Forsaken(6) 71 Comment(6) 75 Memorise (5) 76. Band ofpeople(4) 77 Unit of length(4) 78. Aniseed-flavoured spirit(4)

CANCER(Jun22-Jul22): Youwillchoose colleagues fortheir ability,honestyand loyalty.Butwhenitcomestofriendship,you’ll go fortheoneswhomakeyoulaughandfeel. You’llletsomeoneintoyourheart,thoughyou fullyrealiseitwillchangeyou.

GEMINI(May21-Jun21): Aclashof personalitiesmayhaveyoufeelingedgy andoutofsorts.Asinconvenientand uncomfortableasthismaybe,thereare benefitsthatarenotyet apparent. Yoursoulis evolvingthroughtheselessons.

TAURUS(Apr20-May20): Insteadof waitingtobeinvited,assignedorpermitted, you’lljustmakethemove.It’srisky,andnot alwaysthemosteffectivewaytogo about things,butitwillwork great foryoutoday.


GIANT ACROSS 1.Fancy,4.Rehabilitation,11.Ideas,14.Offer , 15.Nonsensical,16.Stifling, 19.Cranium,20.Index,21.Procreate,24.Nightfall,26.Extend,27.Hazard,31. Calms,32.Narcotic,34.Ringleader , 38.Fainted,39.Mirror , 40. Ye lled,41.Beef,42. Dilemma,45.Ef fo rtless,50.Drummer , 54.Nigh,55.Scheme,56. Ve rsus,57.Belgium, 60.Metallurgy,61.Shanghai,62.Rainy,65.Caring,66.Method,67.Eggbeater 72. We ariness,73.Rinse,74.Scalpel,79.Oratorio,80.Planetarium,81.Fatal,82.Signs, 83.Go fo rthedoctor, 84.Snake. DOWN: 2. Af fo rd,3.Clean,5.Eros,6.Arsenal,7.Inneed,8.Iris,9.Alacrity,10.Natter 11.Infatuated,12.Evil,13.Sighted,17.Sushi,18.Scintillas,22.Offal,23.Baddream, 25.Immense,26.Excerpt,28.Safari,29.Stereo,30.Agreed,33.Cliff,35.Refer , 36. Te am,37.Byre,42.Denim,43.Ligature,44.Accrue,45.Evergreens,46.Flex,47. Revised,48.Larvae,49.Stung,51.Reef,52.Magnate,53.Equine,58.Slanderous, 59.Barbs,63.Whistler , 64.Match,65.Curious,68.Gastric,69.Prying,70.Jilted,71. Remark,75.Learn,76.Gang,77.Inch,78.Ouzo. TA RGETWORD certcoopercopecopercoptercorecorercotecreptcroreoreopertpoetpoorerpore porterprojectPROJECTORrectorectorreportrepotreproretrorooterroperotetope topertoretorerotroopertrope SOLUTIONS HOROSCOPES BLACK OUT We haveremovedalltheblacksquaresfromthis crosswordgridand replacedthemwithletters. Canyoublackoutallthesurplusletterstoreveal SUNDAY KIDS JUNIORCROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Take away (inmaths)(8) 6. Agardentool(4) 7. Thishasabullseye(6) 9. Soonerthanexpected(5) 11. Jeansaremadeofthis(5) 12. Unclean(5) 13. Amechanicalperson(5) 16. Say“no”toarequest(6) 18. Ayoungsheep(4) 19. Thedoorwayin(8) DOWN 1. Stopfightingand agreeto obeytheenemy(9) 2. Abreadmaker(5) 3. Insectsthatmakehills(4) 4. Anunderwatermissile(7) 5. Honey-makinginsect(3) 8. Alistoftimeswhenbuses andtrainscomeandgo(9) 10. A greensaladvegetable(7) 14. Theorganofthought(5) 15. Astrap fortrousers(4) 17. Pixie(3) Crossword Across:rget,9.Early,11.Denim,12.Ta1.Subtract,6.Rake,7. Dirty,13.Robot,16.Refuse,18.Lamb,19.Entrance. Down:rpedo,5.Bee,8.To3.Ants,4.,2.Baker,1.Surrender 14.Brain,15.Belt,17.Elf.,metable,10.LettuceTi rdWoBuildA D,TEFAeat,eta,fad,fade,fat,fate,,e,daft,date,deaf,deftataft, feat,fed,feta,tad,tea,ted. ©ThePuzzleCompany BUILDA WORD CODE-CRACKER MEDIUM HARD KAKURO LOST INTHE TRIANGLE ABORIGINES BLACKOUT EASY 28/8B SOLUTIONS Allpuzzles©ThePuzzleCompany WORDSEARCH XL LI RG LL ZQ WU FL AC IP OR TF XT VM HC VI DJU MHW EAE MO UK RN EVO RT UK IO NYR HTL UCMZ EA KM FF UG TH HI CT OE BT TN AEYE CM TL RN FI RS HX ERA LEL DD ER LT VZ OM EE HL PKEVEEE WG EEA MR LI ML IR AK BC EF IR EHE TI VHS TN AC LE OF GY EH DW EQ SQ ST OV EC BLAZE CHAR COOKER DEGREES ELEMENT FIRE FURNACE CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1.Deposit4.Obloquy8.Sand9.Exa gg erate11.Exiled12.Inverted14. Passports15.Cured17.Roast18. Wo nderful19.Impounds21. Tu rner23.Centigrade 24.Solo25.Sorcery26. To wards. DOWN: 1.Distemper2.Pencilsharpener3. Te xt4.Organising5.Liege6.Quarterofan hour7. Yi eld10.Despot13.CrownDerby15.Cheque16.Delirious19.Incas20.Unite 22.Edit.

ARIES(Mar21-Apr19): Educationdoesn’t happenovernight.Itmayfeellikeyou’llnever learnenoughtodoajobeasily,orthatyou justcan’tsatisfyyourcuriosity.Butfinding outwheretheholesinyourknowledgeareis essentialtofillingthemin.

LEO(Jul23-Aug22): You’resobusytrying toserveeveryoneelsethatyoumay forget whatyouwantoutofthesituation. Takea breathertothink aboutit,evenwritealist,so youdon’taccidentallyleaveyourselfout.

LIBRA(Sep23-Oct23): Youhaveideasand thegutstobealeader Speakupandyou’ll gainsupport. Yourexceptionalintuition about peoplewillbetested.Itispossiblethatthe onewhoischarmingandflatteringisalso sincere at heart.

VIRGO(Aug23-Sep22): Thingsaredonea certainway,butthenormsgooutthewindow whensomeonespecialcontributes. You’llbe thatpersontodayandtheruleswillbendto accommodateyourideasandfreshtake.


Fillintheblanksquaresofthegrid,using1to9, withoutrepeatinganynumberinanyrunline.The thetotalintheshadedboxatthetoporbeginningof eachline. A numberinthebottomhalfoftheshadedboxgives averticaltotal;inthetophalf,it’sahorizontaltotal. It’susefultolearnnumbercombinations:for instance, a clueof16overtwosquarescanonlybe7and9. A clueof7over3squarescanonlybe1+2+4. Foraprintablelistofthenumbercombinationsgo to:www.kakuro.com/singlecombos.php

SCORPIO(Oct24-Nov21): Talentedpeople cannotalwaysbridgethesocialgapinaway thatletsthemsharetheirtalents. Youwilluse yoursocial giftstohelpsomeoneconnectand navigateaworldthatwouldbeverydifficult forthem,ifnot foryourguidance. SAGITTARIUS(Nov22-Dec21): Aconflict betweenyourheadandyourheartcanbe mediated by theimaginaryjudgeofyour conscience.Setthestage foranegotiationin yourmind.Introducethetopic,thensitback andobservethediscussionthat follows.

CAPRICORN(Dec22-Jan19): Successis simple. Youdeterminethegoalthendothe work.Thereisnorightway,onlyawrong way:goingincircles.Consistentlymovein onedirectionandyou’llgetthere. AQUARIUS(Jan20-Feb18): Whenothers worry,youcanclearlyseehowunnecessary itis,butit’sdifficulttohaveobjectivitywith yourownworries,whichseemsomehow muchmorevalid.Chooseoptimism. PISCES(Feb19-Mar20): It’snotyourstyle tomakedemands,sowhenyoudo,people reallylistentoyou. You’renotjustthinking aboutyou. You’rethinking aboutthebigger pictureandwhatmightbehelpful forall.


Your authentic welcome to paradise * Fly the Tahitian Dreamliner DESTINATION OFTHEWEEK Tahiti SUNDAY Crystal-clear water andsheltered lagoonsmean French Polynesia wasmade for snorkelling.Photo / GettyImages Why youshouldgo Thelargest islandinFrench Polynesia, mountainous Tahitihas lush rainforest valleysand towering waterfallsintheinterior black or white-sandbeachesaround the edges. Topspots Take ahalf or fulldaytaxiboattrip around the breathtakinglagoons, and while away the hourssnorkelling, swimmingwith rays,and exploring jungle coves. Head toPapeete forthe excellent localmarket,shopsand museums.If it’s beaches you’reafter, check out Plage de Toaroto for white sandand watersports, or Lafayette Beach for its super-soft black sand. Surfers won’t wantto missthe legendary waves at Teahupo’o. Besteats Amix of traditional Polynesian, French andChinese flavours Tahitian fare isdiverseand delicious. Be sure to sample poisson cru,a go-tonational dish of fresh rawtuna,limejuice vegetablesand coconut milk. Gettingthere Air Tahiti Nui flies directfrom Auckland to Tahiti. Travellerinfo Thereare no Covid-19 tests or vaccination requirements fortravel to French Polynesia.

GREEK Astwopremier culturalinstitutionsconcurrentlyhost

Step out of eithershow and you don’thave to go far to find furtherthings Greek.Inthe room directly next to Heavenly Beings,the heads of Greek deities peer out of some of the digitally composed pictures inthe gallery’s othermajor ticketed exhibition Gilbert & George: TheTāmakiMakaurau AucklandExhibition 2022 Greek or Greek-influencedartalso features prominentlyinthe gallery’s mainfree exhibition Manpower: MythsofMasculinity Theentry corridor hasa huddle of naked statues of Herakles ranging from a tiny votive image of the demigodasa youth, datingfrom around 300BC, to a buff,bearded Hercules by Venetian master AntonioCanova The centrepiece of the exhibition’s main room itself a classicallyinfluenced space with Ionian columns and a vaulted ceiling—is a vasthomoerotic canvas by WilliamCalderone of naked Thracians riding bareback through the surf. Tuckedinto a corner nearby, a statue of a muscular dancing faun contemplatesthegravity-defying powers of his strategicallypositioned fig leaf. As forthe museum— well that’s athrow-back to AncientGreecein and of itself.While it cleverly incorporatesMāori motifs intoitsinteriors, the imposing front portico isunashamedly modelled on the Parthenon in Athens. The externalfriezes, too, couldn’tbe more Classicalin style evenifthe scenes depictedare from the world wars of the20th century. Wanderaround theDomainafterwards and you’ll find Greek references everywhere starting with the bubble-butted athlete posing provocatively on theGrafton Gate.The Wintergarden’s heritage

Sometimes the starsalignin peculiar ways Just when Matariki roundedthe horizon,shifting thenation’s gaze towardstraditionalMāori knowledge and practices, the constellation known in English by itsAncientGreek name, the Pleiades also witnessedanunexpected outpouring of Greek art andculture.

Peter Dragicevich exploresGreece withintheconfines of Auckland Auckland’sgoneall

Of course, Greeceisn’tjust famous for classical nudesand images of doe-eyed saints. There’s also the food —and Auckland is currently experiencing a surprising flourishing in that departmentas well.

Auckland War Memorial Museum’s blockbuster exhibition AncientGreeks: Athletes Warriors and Heroes presentsan extraordinary trove of treasures on loanfromtheBritish Museum—the biggest collection they’ve eversent our way. Assembled around thetheme of competitionin the ancient world, it includeslarger-than-life statues of naked athletes intricately decoratedamphorae that were once presented as prizes in the Panathenaic games, and evena2m-long section of marble frieze from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, one of the Seven Wonders of theAncient World. Meanwhile, Auckland ArtGalleryis exhibiting Heavenly Beings: Icons of the Christian Orthodox World.While not quite asancient asthe museum’s haul,there’s still plenty of mileage on these exquisitely painted pieces, some of whichdateto the 14th century.The exhibition draws from across the Orthodox world —from Russia to Ethiopia— but allhave their origins in the explosionof Christianart whichemanated out of Greek-infused Byzantium inthe earliest centuries of theChurch.Like the museum’s exhibition, Heavenly Beings is beautifully litandthoughtfullythemed.Anotherthingthe two have in common isan accompanying series of talks and tours by leading experts.

Justdown from the Domainin Parnell, Gerome sits at theupper end of the scale, serving the likes of lambkleftiko, kataifi prawnsand smoked-pumpkin skordalia to a well-heeledcrowd. There’s more of a place-to-be-seen buzzabout Daphnes, a moderntaverna on PonsonbyRd, where you can snack on delicious mezedesand souvlaki beforediving into halfa chook or aslow-roastedlamb shoulder. If it’s cosy conviviality that you’reafter it’s hard to go past Lokanta,alittle neighbourhood restaurant ina residential stretch of Richmond Rd,Grey Lynn, specialising in Aegeanand East Mediterranean home cooking. Here’s hoping thecity’sGreekculinary infatuation is here to stay You’ve got until September 18 to catch Heavenly Beings and Gilbert& George at theart gallery and November6 forthe museum’s Ancient Greeks show Manpower continues at the galleryuntil the second half of 2023. For more,seeaucklandartgallery.comand aucklandmuseum.com exhibitionsfeaturingHellenicart,

25 Top; Auckland Museumis designed to reflect ancient Greek architecture. Photo/ Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki PaengaHira Inset Paintings withGreek origins featurein 'Heavenly Beings', amajor exhibition at Auckland ArtGallery. Photo/David StGeorge, AucklandArt Gallery Toi o Tāmaki

Ambledown to the reflection pond,andthe allegory of Auckland receiving gifts of wisdom and fertility is struggling to keep coveredas well, displaying anarmpit, muscular half torsoandbare buttock to unimpressed joggersand dog walkers.

greenhouses are currently closed for restoration, but you can still strollaround the central courtyard, whereGrecian-inspired female allegories of the seasons stand watch overthe central pond.While theseare demurely dressed,there’s asecond Spring under the arbour whose conspicuousnip slip sure puts Janet Jackson’s Superbowl scandal into perspective Coincidentally, the two cavorting maidens nearby seem to be sufferingthe exactsame wardrobemalfunction; what arethe odds?

Guilty pleasure GETAWAY Fromcityviewsto beachsidechic, you can have thebest of both worlds on a Sydney getaway.Photos / DestinationNSW

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yingsmashed avocado on toastandoat-milk om hole-in-the-wallBirichinaCafe while thegrassyknoll overlookingthat famous escent. theperfectfuel forthe classic Bondi to eCoastal Walk,a breathtaking6km walkfrom ebergs baths to theCoogee Pavilion that theglossy PacificOceanandtakes in multiple and coves. otted whales breaching on the flight into ,so we keep our eyes peeled formarinelife enough,some flippers are rolling inthe ey’re toosmall for whales but we’rethrilled unter two sealsfrolicking. stime to hop on the busfrom Coogee to Bondi Junction for moreretailtherapy nch —I can never go pastSabbaba at the chiJones food court foratasty falafelwithall s on the fluffiest, pillowy pita bread. it’s back on the 380 bus foraquickstop at the corner of Oxford Stand Glenmore Rd in Paddington,knownasTheIntersection forthe concentrated proliferationofupscaleandindie Aussielabels,includingZimmermann, Scanlan Theodore, Ajeandthe vacayvibes of Emma Mulholland on Holiday. We squeezein brunch at the whimsicalThe Grounds of Alexandria on the way to theairport on Monday, howeverthealways-popular cafe-floristfarm-bakery now hostsasatellite site,TheGrounds of theCity,if you can’t swingatripsouth. Stackedwithequalparts new findsand old faves, Sydney neverdisappoints. We leavewithbags a little heavierand heartslighteraftera weekend of reconnection inthecity Formore,seevisitsydney.com Delicious foodisall partofthe Sydney experience. westernedge of theCBDandhas done a stellar job of revivingthecity’snightlife. The22ha waterfrontdistrict near Wynyard Station houses anarray of accommodation options and restaurant dining, such as Tequila Daisy, where our waitressmatches our vacation moodwith signaturemargaritasall round. TheStreets at Barangarooisjusta five-minute walkfromour hotel,so we alsosnack on Brazilian tapasand cocktails at Zoha Food& Wine and heartierservings at SouthAfrican-flavouredThe Meat & Wine Co during our stay. Onthe firstnight, we head to Totti’s Bondi, adjacentto The Royal pubandpart of hospitality czar Justin Hemmes Merivale empire where we’re thankful to have bookedahead. Sydneysiders aremakingup for lost timeand embracingbeingback outand about.While most establishmentswillsetaside tables for walk-ins, onlinebookings are still de rigueurand recommended to avoiddisappointment. With its casual Italian appealand family-style share plates, Totti’s isanInstagram staple and when we visit,theeateryis definitely asocialsceneand thepastaand organicwines delectable and comforting, especiallythesignature wood-fired bread,served puffed to perfection. Saturdays are forshopping and wewalktheeasy five minutes to PittSt Mall where you canbounce from high street to haute coutureinjusta fewCBD blocks. We check outthe multi-level Westfield Sydney, perusethe Australian designers housedinthe heritage-listedStrandArcade andQueen Victoria Buildingandenjoythecutting-edge windows and refined hospitality at thelikes of Gucci, Pradaand Chanel on CastlereaghSt.

Magnificent Lake Bled *Terms andConditionsapply:Alloffersare fornew bookings only until31October 2022,unlesssoldout prior,andnotavailable forbookingsusing aFutureTravelCredit(FTC) Voucher.SuperEarlybirdOffer is strictlylimited and subject toavailability on selected rivers cruisesand selected suitetypes CatCsuitesand higheron setdepartures. Anon-refundabledeposit of $1,000pp isduewithin 7daysofbooking.Toreceive SuperEarlybird offer final paymentisdue 12 monthspriortodeparture.If booking within 12 months of departure,ifthe SuperEarlybird is available, full paymentisdue within 7daysfrombooking.Fromprice andoffer is basedonSGZA141023inaCatC BalconySuiteduring therivercruise andincludes the$3,000ppSuperEarlybirdoffer.Pricescorrect as of 19 August 2022 andpleasenoteafuelsurcharge maybeapplicableattimeoffullpayment. ^All beverages areincluded except fora verysmall number of fine andvintage wines, Champagnes andspirits. Forfullterms andconditions visitscenicnz.com/terms. ABN85002 715602 Call0800441 611 or your localScenic Travel Advisor |Brochures: scenicnz.com Twoexclusive once-in-a-lifetime ScenicEnrichexperiences Your choice of 41includedScenic Freechoiceactivities Allmealsandpremium beverages at five onboard dining venuesduring yourcruise SuperEarlybird Offer -Saveupto$3,000*pp 2023 EUROPE RIVERCRUISING JewelsofEurope withLjubljana &Zagreb 19DayCruise &Tour Amsterdam >Zagreb Balcony Suite From $11,695* pp twinshare Salzburg Netherlands Rüdesheim Würzburg Bamberg Nuremberg Regensburg Rothenburg Melk Dürnstein Bratislava Miltenberg Budapest Amsterdam Vienna Burg Aggstein Germany Slovakia Hungary Austria Rhine Schermerhorn &Alkmaar Main-DanubeCanal Danube 14 Cologne PlitviceNational Park Pa Zagreb Ljubljana LakeBled Croatia Slovenia 2 2 SGZA SUPER EARLYBIRD SAVE up to $3,000pp* WithScenic,it’smorethan a5-starriver cruise.It’saseamlessjourneyfrom startto finishthatplaces you,our guest, at the heartofeverything we do. StartyourjourneycruisingthemagnificentRhine,MainandDanuberivers, passinggrandpalaces,romantic townsand fairytale-likecastlesalongthis ancienttrade route.Thenembarkon afournightluxuryland extensionand glimpseintothenaturalbeauty of SloveniaandCroatiawithsnowcapped mountainsandsparklingglacial waters. 27 TheGaleries opposite Queen Victoria Building, isalso wortha stop to perusetheimported tomes, magazines and stationeryupstairs at Books Kinokuniya andthe stylishshops downstairs, includingthe flagshipand only P.E Nation boutique. Headingback to Barangarooisthe ideal opportunity to meanderviathe Museum of ContemporaryArt Australia(MCA) at The Rocks withfree admission to the galleries and temporary exhibitions. You canalso wanderthe Wulugul Walk alongtheBarangaroo foreshore, or takeinthe view on thefull11kmharbourside route, which links Woolloomooloo to AnzacBridgeviaMrs Macquarie’sChair, Royal BotanicGardensand Sydney Opera House. OnSunday, we channelthequintessential Bondi Beachstereotype. We see no reason to fight fate

Above; Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Photo / Destination GoldCoast. Right;It's hard to beat theview fromthe GoldCoast skyscraper Q1. Photo/ Tourism and Events Queensland you need includingcinemas, day spas,dining options galore,andseveral supermarkets Coolangatta alsohas two patrolled swimming spots, a great kid’s playground,and ashady stretch of sand at the southernend of the beach wherekids can play inthepaddling poolsthat form at low tide.


If you’re flying direct you’llarrive at thesouthern end of the Gold Coast,making this the perfect spot for a getaway withlittle ones minusthelong transitto and from theairport. You can evenbase yourself at theairport at theshiny new-ish RydgesGold Coast Airport Hotel, which isjust a few steps from the terminalanda five-minute walk to the beach.

Forafunday out, head to nearbyCurrumbin

Theoldsaying'don’tknockit until you’ve triedit'hasnever beensotruewhen youvisit Surfers Paradisewithteens.

CHILD’S PLAY Australia’sGold Coast is afamily holidayclassicand you don’t have tolookfarto findactivities to keep thewholecrew happy, writes Tiana Templeman

WildlifeSanctuary, whichhasbeen operating for more than 70 yearsandhasthe world’slargest collectionof Australiannative wildlife. Feeding the colourful lorikeetsisaspopular nowas it was back inthe50s butthesanctuaryhassince added many new attractions. Getup close to kangaroos and koalas, watchtheentertaining WildSkies bird show andsee rare animalslike lemurs, cotton-top tamarins, redpandas,and iguanas.Establishedin 1947,thisis one of the Gold Coast’s oldest attractions and consideredsoimportantthat it’s owned by the National Trust. LamingtonNational Parkwith primaryschoolers Lamington National Park’s rugged appeal encourages people to step out of their comfort zone, somethingthatisagreat confidence builder forkids.Thenationalparkhas twosections— Green Mountains (alsoknownas O’Reilly’s) and Binna Burra— filledwithbeautiful bushwalks, native animalsandfun activities.Thebest way to

Enjoyinga fantastic family getaway on the Gold Coastis child’s play.Thinkfun forthem,alittle luxury for youand loads of activities to keep everyoneentertained. With plenty of greatthings to seeand do you’ll findadventures to suit every age and budget. Getting thereandaround If you’re flying into Gold CoastInternationalAirport, you can catcha publicbus, shuttle bus, taxi, or an Uber to your hotel.Drivingfrom Brisbanetakes around an hour. Trainsfrom Brisbane to the Gold Coast run everyhalf hour or soand stop at Helensvalestation.From here,the G:linktramtakes youas farsouthas Broadbeach.Surfside Buslines travelthroughout the Gold Coast. A “Gold Coast go explore” pass costsA$10aday for adultsandA$5 for children forunlimited busandtramtravel,including Theme Park Express buses and travel to and from Gold Coast airport to your hotel. Masksare required onpublictransport. Where tostay There’s a lot more to the Gold Coastthan theglitz and glamour of Surfers Paradise, although this holiday hotspot is ideal if you’re travellingwith olderkids Where you shouldstay all comes down to what kind of holiday you’reafterandthe ages of your children. Thesouthernend of the coast nearthe New South Walesborderhasa low-keybarefootbeach vibe,kid-friendlybeachesand pram-friendly walks. Broadbeach hasa thrivingdining scene and plenty of self-contained accommodation.Or you could head forthe hillsand explorethe lush landscape, waterfallsandwilderness of Lamington National Park. Headsouthwithbabiesandtoddlers

Roomsare contemporary and appealing andthe hotel hitsthe mark for quality andbang for buck.If you would prefer self-contained accommodation thereare plenty of apartments along Marine Parade at Coolangatta or you could stay in one of the affordablecabins at theKirra Beach Tourist Park. Kickoff yourday with coffee at abeachsidecafe and a strollalong thepaved walkway that runs alongside thebeach.Start at the end of Coolangatta Beach at Greenmount Hill,a 30m-high headland coveredwith pine treesand lush, green foliage whic forms a picturesque borderbetweenCoolangatta and sleepy Rainbow Bay. The pram-friendlypathwindsaround the headland towardsSnapper Rocks where you can watchthe surfers, and continues to Froggy’s Beach, wherealarge rock hasbeenpainted to look like afrog.Froggyhas beentherefor at least30 years. Boogie boarderscome to Froggy’s forthetight, curling waves, whichtheyoftensharewithapod of playful dolphins. If you wantto stock up on supplies,TheStrand shopping complex at Coolangatta has everything

Tiana Templeman

Make the GoldCoast

29 experience thishistoric World Heritage areais stay overnight,either at one of the campgrounds, inasafari tent thatsleepsup to six or at thehis O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat. Many families skipthe traditionalguesthouse at O’Reilly’sin favour of a self-containedvillawith valley viewsandabalcony hottubthatistheperfect spotto relaxafterthekids have gone to bed. Nearby there isa children’s wading area and infinity pool or thegrown-ups can losethemselves at the Lost WorldSpa foran hour or two while the kids learn how to be Eco Rangers. Thispopularschool holiday programme for children aged5 12runs from 9am to 12pmand 5.30pm to 8pmand includes activities such ascreating rainforestartworksand a campfire cookout. The surrounding bushland is filledwiththe jewelbright colours of crimson rosellasandmagnificent green and redking-parrots, which fly down to be hand fed, or you could walkthrough the rainforest onenight to spot glowworms. It’s free to bounce along thetreetop canopy walk and —if you’re game

Top;The GoldCoast's whale watching season runsfrom June to November

JW Marriott Gold Coast Resort &Spahas a waterfall tumblinginto thepool, multiple spas,a regular swimmingpooland its ownsaltwaterlagoon where you cansnorkelwithtropical fish andsoakupthe sun.

The Gold Coast is Australia’s themepark capitalwith fourdifferent“worlds” to explore—Dreamworld, Sea World,WhiteWater World (currently closed but reopening on September 17)and WarnerBros. Movie World plus Wet’n’Wild whichis Australia’s biggest waterpark. Before you choose whichtheme park to visit, check outthe maps,ridesandshow times onlineandask everyoneinthe family what they wouldlike to do. Get your measuringtape out too. Nowisthebest time to break itto younger (orshorter) kidsthat they won’tbeable to go on some rides. Bring your swimsuit evenif you’re visitinginwinter but leave at home anywithrivets, studs or zips that candamage waterslides or you might not beallowed to ride.


Buyingtickets onlinein advancesaves money and visitingmid-week avoidsthecrowds, especially duringtheschoolholidays. For more travelideas, see destinationgoldcoast.com

Photo/ Tourism & Events Queensland Above; Surfers Paradise markets. Photo / Destination GoldCoast Left;The Tree Top Walkat O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat. Photo / Tourism and Events Queensland

climb to the top of the30m-high observation deck, where you can gazeacrossgreen valleys and treetopsthat seem to stretch on forever. However, nothing beatsthe excitement of flying through the air on a ziplining tour surrounded by nationalpark.Once everyone has climbedinto their safetyharnesses, it’s a race to the top ofHappyHill so calledbecause of all the excitedscreamsthat echo around it during the tour.Depending on how busy the tour is (and how fast you can get to the top ofHappyHill), it ispossible to squeezeinup to five zips duringthis tourthat combines epic views of Moran Creekwith arush ofadrenalin.Finish your day witha hearty dinner at O’Reilly’s. If you’re lucky you’ll geta tablenear the outdoor “possum perch” where nocturnalmarsupials of everyshape and size clamber downthe branches to feast on cutupfruit. radisewitholderkids dsaying ‘don’t knock it until you’ve tried it’has rbeensotrue when youvisitSurfers Paradise ens.While you might notbeas excited urkidsabout visitingthe world’slargest lled with5000sqm of games, rides, and go “bing” you will probably be surprised ch fun you have. thing more peaceful,soaring overthe CoastHinterlandina hotairballoon at sunrise ableexperience (sois gettinga teenup at 4am).If you aren’t keen onsuch anearly start, the Gold Coast’s whale-watchingseasonrunsfrom June to November.Whales in Paradise tours depart from a jettyinthe heart of Surfers Paradiseand offer complimentary coffee and cake anda whale sightingguarantee. If you don’tsee whales, you can do anothercruise forfree. Go indoor skydiving at iFLY Gold Coast,snap superselfies at ArtVoIllusions orswap thebeach forthe clouds on Australia’s highest external building walk atop the Gold CoastskyscraperQ1. If you aren’t feelingquite thatdaring,the much tamerglass-enclosedviewingareaisagreat spot to watchthe sunset.Surfers Paradiseis home to one of Queensland’s most famousbeaches where you can swim, learn to surf or takea family photo underthe Surfers Paradisesign. Plenty of non-beach-related action canbe Cavill Avenue andtheCavill Mall,a precinctlinedwith restaurants, tlets,shops, andentertainment options. on a budget or not,enjoying cnictable overlookingthebeach beat.TheSurfers Paradise Beachfront ealongthebeachfront on y, andSaturdaynightsfrom rtainmentandthemarket’s central anupbeatvibeandgreatpeopleunities. thadazzlingarray of accommodation Surfers Paradise, you’ll find theperfect spot for your family to laytheir heads. The Oaks Gold Coast Hotelis locatedbetweenBroadbeach andSurfers Paradiseandoffers spacious refurbished apartmentsthatwillimpress budgetconsciousparentsandtheir teens. Two-bedroom oceanview apartmentshave a sweepingview of the sparklinglights of Surfers Paradiseand not one, butthree,balconies Twohave oceanviews while thethird overlooks the Gold CoastBroadwater. If you’re looking foranupmarket resort-stylestay


Beinto WIN

NZ’s'hiddengem' Ina recent list of the world’s most hiddenbeaches by UK companySunBingo,Kiwi favourite Totaranui Beach has come in at No 4. Beaches were ranked according to howmanyhashtags they had on Instagram,withthe leasttagged spots deemedthe most secret.Although it’s not exactlyhidden by NZ standards, Tasman’s Totaranui only had 420Instagram mentions. Topping thelist forthe world’s leastknownsandy stretch was California’s ShelterCove (124Instagramtags). Italy’sCala Goloritze wassecond,Lipite Beachin Bulgariathird,and Scotland’sSandwoodBay ranked No 5.

Top: Auckland's BarAlbert. Photo /SuppliedAbove; Abel Tasman's beaches are spectacularbut well known to most Kiwis. Photo/ Nelsontasman.nz

Thisistheinaugural Snow Machine event inQueenstownand we couldn’tbe more amped.From September7 10, it’s set to bea prettyuniqueand special week of activities,shredding, musicand apres-ski events.Themainarena isin town, but we arealsocustom building four stages to help bring the much-loved Europeantradition of apres-ski to new heights. There willbe two stages on bothCoronet PeakandThe Remarkables where most ofourlineupwillbe playing

To celebratethe relaunch of Sunday Travel, we have a fabulous prize for one lucky reader. Thanks to HawaiianAirlines and House of Travel, you canbein to win return flights for two to oneof 15 US cities, plusa$5000 House ofTravelGift Card to be spent on USA accommodation, rental cars and activities.

QUEENSTOWN’S LATESTFESTIVAL QuentinNolan, fromSnowMachineQueenstown,talksaboutDJsonmountains andashotata world recordatthecity’snewestskiand musicfestival ACHATWITH... exclusive DJ sets everyday. The one festivalpassgives you access to all on-mountain stages andthemainarena. As well,there are optional add-on events you can purchasetickets to,including afterparties each night,the Bungy Launch party on Tuesday at AJ Hackett Bungy KawarauBridge,the CanyonKickOff on Wednesday andthe PolarBare on Thursday. We alsohave locals’tickets available from ourpop-up boutique inQueenstown. At the PolarBare, we’re going fora world-record attempt forhavingthe mostpeopleski downa mountain in swimsuits at thesametime. There ain’t nothing more invigoratingthana bit ofspringskiing on a bluebird day in your togs!The Russians holdthe record at 1973people downin one group. We’re certainly going to give themarun fortheir money.There are still spots available but you must registerin advance. Snow MachineQueenstownhas beenthree yearsin themaking. Workinginthe event space overthepast few yearshas been challenging but,asthey say, “a smoothsea nevermade askilled sailor”.From the 700 staff it takes to hold the event to the150 businesses that help bring itto life— it’s a wonderfuland excitingecosystem we’regrateful to be apart of.And now the countdownis on! Fordetails, seesnow-machine.nz DJsfrom Aotearoaand beyondare a keypartof thelineup atSnow Machine Queenstown. Photo/ Supplied

HawaiianAirlines connects to 15 destinationsinAmerica,via Honolulu, including Los Angeles, SanFrancisco, Boston, Las Vegas, and New York. To enter go to nzherald.co.nz/win and fill outthe entry formwith your contact detailsandanswerthisquestion:Which USdestination would you mostlike to visit,and why? The competition closes at 11.59 pm on Saturday, September 3. Termsand conditions apply. For more destination information and travel advice go to hawaiianairlines. co.nzand houseoftravel.co.nz

TRAVELALERTS Each week, wecheck outsomeofthelatest happeningsfrom Aotearoaandbeyond, toinspire yournext adventure

Top floortipples If you fancy somestunningcity andseaviews with your next vino lookno furtherthan Auckland’s newest watering hole, BarAlbert Onthe 38th floor of theupscale voco hotelin the CBD, it takes thecrown forthe country’s highest rooftop bar, boastingviews overthe city and acrossthe Waitematā Harbour.Inside, expect swish ArtDeco-inspired interiors, an open-air deck for lounging,and a range of signature cocktailsnamedafter local streets of the 09 baralbertauckland.com

Deputy TravelEditor @nzhtravel SaraBunny For most of us, it’s been way too long since ourlast getaway withthe gals.AndI probably don’t need to remind you that everstylish Sydney is one of thebest possible places to make it ha course, cocktailsandgreat co arefundamentals,and for me, perfectgirls’tripalso needsthe3r’s restaurants, relaxation and therapy. Onpage 26 we look Sydney ticks allthe boxes. If you’re planninga family we also explore whythe Go reigns supreme, no matter wh thekidsare. Turn to page 28 on everythingfrom forest wa whale watching. Regardless yourtravel companionsare, springintheairandso much just acrossthe Ditch,there’s never beenabettertime foratranstasman trip.

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MSCOrchestra HighlightsofAfrica& DurbantoGenoa Cruise Embracethrillinggamesafaris,VictoriaFalls explorationsand aDurbanstayinsouthern Africa,paired with an epic MSCOrchestra cruise to Genoa, stopping in theIndianOcean, Middle East &Mediterranean. The MSCOrchestra Experience Combiningspacious,elegantinteriors withthebrilliantvarietyforwhichthe MSC fleet’sMusicaClassisrenownedandwith everyelementcombinedtoperfection, thestunningMSCOrchestrapromisesyou adreamcruise.Lifeonboardindulges youwitheverythingyouwouldwishforon acruiseholiday. Discover PilanesbergNational Park You’ll transferfromJohannesburg for asecludedlodgestaynestled withinthePilanesbergNational Park, aplaceof breath-taking beautyandserenityandhome toabundantwildlifeandbird species.Duringyourstay,you’ll joindailybushwalksandgame drivesinPilanesbergNational Park, athrillingwaytoexperience theincredibleAfricanwilderness andgame.Here,you’lltrackdown Africa’s‘BigFive’–theelephant, lion,leopard,Capebuffaloand rhino –andmayevenspotthem roamingnearyourlodgeroom! Explore the Seychelles Anarchipelagoofmorethan ahundredislandsscattered acrosstheIndianOcean,theSeychellespresent atrue tropicalparadise.It’salso ahavenfor auniquearrayof floraandfauna,whilealmosthalfofitslandmassisset aside forprotectednationalparksandreserves. IN CL UD ES SA FA RI &F UL LY ES CO RTED TOU ROF VI CT OR IA FA LLS BOOKNOW FOR APRIL 2023 34 Nights |Departing 11 April2023 ALLFLIGHTS,TAXES &TRANSFERSINCLUDED Tobookcall (09)9412530 OpeningHours:MontoFri:10am -8pm |Sat &Sun:11am -7pm imagineholidays.co.nz TermsandConditionsapply,forfulldetailspleasevisitimagineholidays.co.nz.AllpricesshowninNZDollars.Pricesareperpersonbasedon 2adultssharing acruisecabinandincludeflights fromAuckland(regionalflightsavailableat asupplement).*Pricesshownincludediscountandsavingsarebasedontwoadultssharing aBalcony.Creditcardschargedat1.5%,ifpayingby AMEX achargeof2.5%willbeadded.ABNnumber48614987718.Pricesarecorrectatthetimeofprintandaresubjecttochange.Mainimageisintendedforillustrativepurposesonly. Bookwith Confidence Fullyprotected|Exceptionalservice&expertise |Amazingvalue Great Cruise 25 night full-board cruiseonboard the unforgettableMSCOrchestra HotelStays 1night five-starstayinJohannesburg at the PeermontD’OrealeGrande Hotelwith breakfast 3night four-starhotelstayinPilanesberg National Park at theKwa Maritane Bush Lodge with breakfast, lunch anddinner 3night four-starhotel stayinLivingstone at The DavidLivingstone Safari Lodgewithbreakfast 2night four-starstayinDurbanat the Southern SunElangeni &Maharaniwithbreakfast FullyEscortedTours Walking tourof Victoria Falls Safari tourof PilanesbergNational Park ZambeziRiver tour on board theLady Livingstone River Safari Ride throughthe ZambeziRiver Valley on board theRoyal Livingstone Express 34NIGHTS FROMONLY $9,999PP INCFLIGHTS BALCONY fr $12,999PP INTERIOR fr $9,999PP $10,999PP OCEANVIEW fr 34 NightItinerary: Johannesburg,PilanesbergNationalPark, Livingstone,Durban, RéunionIsland,Mauritius, Seychelles,Aqaba,SuezCanal(sceniccruising), Heraklion,Naples,Civitavecchia(Rome),Genoa Startyourincredible34-nightadventurewith aone-nighthotelstayinSouth Africa’svibrantJohannesburg,thensavourthreenightsat alodgewithin breathtakingPilanesbergNationalParkanddailygamedrivestotrackdown Africa’s‘BigFive’intheincredibleAfricanwilderness. Then flytoLivingstone,Zambia,foranothermemorablethree-nightstay,enjoying aguidedwalkaroundthespectacularVictoriaFalls –oneoftheworld’sgreatest naturalwonders –a sunsetcruisealongtheZambeziRiverandelegant fine-dining onboard a1930srestoredlocomotive. Followinga flightbacktoSouthAfricaandexcitingtwo-nightstayinvibrant Durban,embarktheMSCOrchestraforanincredible25-night cruise.Leaving SouthAfricabehind,you’llsailboundfortheIndianOceanandtropicalparadise islandsofRéunion,MauritiusandSeychelles,whosestunningbeautywillastound you.Thenget atasteoftheevocativeMiddleEastwith avisittoexoticAqaba, JordanandacruisethroughEgypt’shistoricSuezCanal,beforereachingsundrenchedSouthernEurope.Relishfurtherstopsintheancientportcitiesof HeraklionontheGreekislandofCreteandinItaly,Naples,thenCivitavecchia,for ‘EternalCity’Romeand finallyGenoa,whereyou’lldisembarktheMSCOrchestra andconcludeyourepicholiday. SA VE UP TO $4 ,0 00 PE RC AB IN*


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