Leaders in our Schools 2024

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Leadersinour Contents SCHOOLS 2024 4 Bream Bay College 5 He Puna Marama Trust 6-8 Kamo High School 9 Tikipunga High School 10-12 Whangārei Boys’ High School 13 Whangārei Girls’ High School 13 Tauraroa Area School 14 Huanui College 15 Rodney College 16-17 Kaitaia College 18 Broadwood Area School 19 Taipa Area School MARCH

Bream Bay College

We have the power to build a strong community that is proud and upholds everyone’s mana

Student Leaders

Harlem carries the weight of the school as Kaikorero on the taumata for our kura He is well-respected in our community.

Kiiaralee is a huge contributor to the development of our Te Rerenga Kōtuku Whānau She believes in leading by doing.

Harris is a high achieving sportsperson and is a friendly helpful person with a great sense of humour.

Lila is a quick and caring thinker with a vibrant positive personality and one of our leading academics

We are delighted to introduce our 2024 house leaders : Sutherland House: Caitlin Agustin, Levi Williams, Aleena Everitt, and Isaac Toovey

Inverness House: Calem Taiapa, Reuben Showler, Hannah Cross, and Erelyn Lunevich

Ross House: Troy Mckenzie, Milly Robertson, Alessandra Hamilton, and Izaiahs Linton

Argyll House: Grace Fetelika, Havana Te Pania-Herbert, Waihoroi Ashby, and Cirtus McShane

These students have already showcased exceptional leadership abilities during Swimming and Athletics and are dedicated to putting in hard work and effort for both the houses and the Kura across all aspects of school

Harlem Cooper Head Boy 2024
Kiiaralee Doak-Smith Head Girl 2024 Harris Lymburn Head Boy 2024 Lila McEvoy Head Girl 2024



Intake - Peter Clark Platoon 7 - Katipo

Ngāti Hine

Ngapuhi “Be Friendly”

“EKoreahauengaro, HeKākano Ir�iamaiIRangiatea”


Pou Arahi

Platoon 7 - Katipo

Ngāti Rahiri/Ngāti Kawa


“Respect each other”

Intake - Tamati Paraone

Platoon 9 - Tui

Ngāti Wai

Ngapuhi “Keep cars”

The Leadership Academy of A Company

Founded in 2010, with the tautoko of the last two remaining men of the 28 Māori Battalion, A Company Matua Sol Te Whata and Matua Charlie Petera. Established to provide a development framework for our Tai Tama Tāne, the Academy utilises the history and symbolism of the 28 Māori Battalion to guide, grow and advance our young men.

As Matua Sol said “Ae marika, ka ora matou mo ake tonu atu!.... (You beauty, now we live forever!)



“Stop world hunger”



Ngāti Korora

Ngāti Wai

“Give the people money”

Platoon 7 - Katipo


“That eveyone has enough”



Ngāti Te Tarawa, Ngāti Hine E 9 taku pakeke. He whatukura nō Mangoroa ki Paenuku


Te Uri O Hikihiki, Ngāti Wai

E 10 aku tau. He kotiro pūmau ki roto i a Mangoroa.

Ko ahi nō te ope taua a Mako.

TERM 2 ENROLMENTS OPEN – SPACES ARE LIMITED (conditions may apply email: k.larkins@mokonz.co.nz)
Te Rauhina Tautari Pou Arahi - Head Girl Platoon 8 - Mako Te Tarawa Hine “Sort Climate Change” Jorgiah Linton Helena Larkins Pou Arahi Platoon 9 - Tui Ngapuhi Ngāti Kahu “Toitu te Tiriti” Taimana Ramach Pou Arahi Platoon 8 - Mako Te Tarawa Hine Sandreus Shortland Academy - Corporal Taakutai Jackson Academy - Corporal Manawa Armstrong Academy - Corporal - Tamati Paraone Platoon 8 - Kruize Cooper-Brown Academy - Corporal Intake - Tamati Paraone Staff Manaaki Keerako Intake - Rawson Wright 2021 Ngapuhi Staff Louis Paul Intake - Fred Baker 2011 Ngapuhi MATANA RĪWAKA Te Rīwaka E 9 aku tau. He whatukura ahau ki te akomanga o Mangoroa ki Paenuku.


ThroughoutmytimeatKamoHighIhaveenjoyedmany greatexperiencesandmetsomeamazingpeople Ilove playingnetballandalongwiththisIreallyenjoycamping outatthebeach,especiallydivingandbeingintheocean Oneofmymaingoalsasaheadprefectthisyearistoensure thatallstudentsfeelcomfortable,confidentandsupported withinourschool,gettinginvolvedandgivingnewthings ago KamoHighSchoolisanamazingschoolwherethere isastrongsenseofconnectionandbelonging Ihopeto makeapositivecontributiontowardsenhancingasenseof communityandselfworthforourstudents


Iabsolutelylovethewhenua Frommymāratothengahere tohikingandtrampingtoworkingwithcattleonthefarm.In everysparemomentyoucanfindmeoutsideexperiencing everythingthewhenuahastooffer

MygoalasHeadPrefectthisyearistoencourageeveryone toliveinthemoment,mātewā ThisisasayingIhave growntoappreciate,ithaschallengedmetoparticipate,be comfortablewiththeuncomfortableandappreciateevery momentasitmayneverhappenagain Thissayinginvites personalgrowthintoeveryone Personalgrowthofeach ākongaiskeyforthegrowthofourkura





Thosewholeadgive thosewhofollow Thosewhofollowgi thosewholead


Kiaora,mynameisAnnaReubenandIhavetheprivile beingoneoftheHeadPrefectsatTeKuraTuaruaoTeK thisyear Ihaveworkedextremelyhardoverthepastfe yearstobringwhatIbelieveisimportanttolifewithin kura,andasacommunity,thesenseofwhanaungatan Whanaungatangaisaboutrelationships,kinshipanda senseoffamilyconnection Itiscreatedthroughshare experiencesandworkingtogetherandprovidespeopl asenseofbelonging Thisyearalongsidemyheadpre andprefectteamIwanttoseeincreasedparticipation schoolactivities,bygivingotherstudentstheopportu torunandorganizeeventsthattheyarepassionateab IamalsoaTuakiriPrefectthisyear,andmyroleistom thepeoplewithinandaroundourkuramoreawareof differentcultureswehaveinourcommunity,andtode respectandunderstandingtowardsthesedifferences



Kiaora,mynameisDanniCooper Ihavebeengiventhe responsibilityandprivilegeofbeingoneofthefiveHead PrefectsforthisyearatKamoHighSchool.Throughoutmy yearsasastudentIhavegottentoknowhowawesomeour schoolisandhavegrowntobeextremelyproudofit Ihave representedKamoHighinavarietyofdifferentwayssuchas playinghockey,andIhaveattendedmanyschooltripssuch asOPCandthebluelightleadershipprogrammeonboard theSteinlager2yacht LastyearIwasoneoftheyear12 prefectsandheldtheportfolioof“WellnessPrefect”whichI amcontinuingonwiththisyear

Mygoalforthisyearistoleaveourschoolinamuchbetter place Iwanttohelpcreateapositivelearningenvironment whereeveryonefeelsvaluedandcanbethemselves Bothmy parentsattendedKamoHigh,andthisfamilytraditionhas continuedwithmyoldersistergraduatingin2022andthis year,mylittlesisterhasstartedasayear9student



Kiaora,mynameisTobyHynesandIamproudtobeone ofourHeadPrefects Mylegacyistocreateaprocessand structuretoenablefutureprefectteamstoworkandoperate withgreaterefficiencytocreatepositiveoutcomesforour schoolandstudents AlongwithbeingaHeadPrefectIam alsooneofourSportsPrefects Sportismypassion Iloveall sportsbutinparticularfootballwhereIplayforourschool andalsoalocalclub InadditiontothisIalsolovegoing tothebeachandchillingoutwithmyfriendsandfamily I lookforwardtoseeingincreasedparticipationfromfellow studentsinthevarietyofeventsweofferhereatKamoHigh School


Māmuakakitea muri


Thosewholeadgive sighttothosewho follow Thosewhofollow givelifetothosewho lead

Kiaora,mynameisPaigeCleaverandthisyearIhavethe privilegeofbeingapartoftheHeadPrefectteam,Iamalso anIwiPrefectforWaima Kiaora,mynameisKaylieNicholasandIhavetheprivilege tobeoneoftheHeadPrefectsatTeKuraTuaruaOTeKamo, KamoHighSchool.IamalsoaKahaPrefect. KaylieNicholas


Pērakitepongaewhakaruruhaueawhiana onaneitētēkura

Atreethatensuresshelter,purityanda qualityoflearningtoallwithinourschool

uri a sightto velifeto









ZaneBrown,TobyHynes,JhaylarHolland, Maiya-JaeHiscox





Thosewholeadgivesight tothosewhofollow

Thosewhofollowgivelife tothosewholead









Tikipunga High School prides itself on being a small school with a big heart. At Tikipunga High School we embrace our school values, they are the foundations that hold us true to our purpose. Our school values are Ako, Manaakitanga, Pono, Tikanga and Whanaungatanga. We offer a quality education experience for Year 7-13 students. Our academic achievement is a source of great pride We work closely in particular with our tamariki and whanau to meet and exceed their aspirations.

Tikipunga High School’s 2023 Māori learners’ achievement is cause for celebration, at well above national averages.

We privilege and prioritise the achievement of our learners. Your tamariki will never just be a number at Tikipunga High School.

Our school’s motto is “tukua o punga” - cast your nets, which encapsulates the key purpose of schooling - to enable students to cast their nets so that they can be successful learners, reach their personal potential, be purposeful, productive and caring members of society.

Level 2 Level 3 Tikipunga High School Ma -ori 76.0 66.7 National Māori Achievement 63.3 54.8

KiaOra TalofaLava

Myname sJackSaundersand amhonouredtobetheHeadBoyat WhangāreiBoys HghSchoolfor2024 Inmyprevousfouryearsat WBHS, havealwayslookeduptothepreviousheadboyswhohave beenincrediblerolemodesandhavewantedtomakeadfference ust iketheydid Thisyear amstrivngtomaketheschoolasenoyabe aspossibe ortheboysandtoencouragethemtospendmoretimeat schoo learning

Outsideofschoo,Ienjoyplayngrugby ortheschoo’sFrstXV,being uckytoco-captainthesidewthReefSofalathsyear Iamenjoyngthe dualtyo thesetworesponsbiitesandthechalengestheybrngme


Myname sDajseanTepanaandIamhonouredtobeoneofthe threeDeputyHeadBoysatWBHSin2024 Throughoutalmyyears atWBHS,Ivedevelopedsklsandknowledgethathavehepedme becomewho amtodaybystrivngtopursuetheboyswhowere once nmyshoes Thisrolehasprovdedmewithakeyopportunity tomakeschoolamorefantastclearnngspacethanitalreadyis whlecreatingabetterconnectonwithothersaround Outsdeofschoo,IenoyplayingnumeroussportssuchasRugby FrstXV,FirstBasketball andFirstVolleyball Iamlookngforward toallthechallengesandtasksahead Hopingtocontinuethe Unaunah’srecordbywinnngthewhānaucompettionsand preferablyoveral amexctedforthefuturetocome


Kiaora!MynameisCohenAceand t sagreatprivlegeandhonour tohavebeenselectedforthepositionofStudentTrusteetothe BoardofTrusteesatWhangāre Boys’HighSchoolfor2024 Ihave awaysbeenapersonwhofghtsforwhattheybeieve nnomatter thecost,andthatvauewl guidemethroughthsvery mportant role ookforwardtoallthegreatworkIcangetdoneaongsdemy fellowstudentleaders andseeingtheamazngthngsthatourkura cando

KoM’LagoMorrist DeputyHeadBoysatWBHS bethebestwecanbe We obstaces,hardshps and opportunitiestogrow Th intheartsandhelpingo toeachindividualandre awardorhonour itcoud your riendsandwh Ihavecometobelievein Icanandunderstandngt onething coulddo or woudbetoinspireands “Ifyoucan’t lythenru crawl butwhateveryoud LutherKngJr Yourworl

tīt,katang tekākā katangihok ahau tihe Maur ora! ōkuingoaand amhonouredtobeoneofthethree in2024.Ibelieveinchalengngourselvesto areshapedbyourchallenges;itiswithinthe struggeswe ace thatwe indourgreatest hroughoutmy ourney havefoundmypassion intheartsandhelpingotherssucceed Whatissuccess?Successisunique toeachindividualandrela ivetoeachsituation. tdoesn’thavetobean itcoudbeassmpleasdevelopingreatonshipswth riendsandwhānau AsayoungmanofMāorihertageandculture Ihavecometobelieveinmanaakitangaandkotahtanga,ingivingwhat Icanandunderstandngtheimportanceo iftngeacho her fthereis orthestudentsofWBHSorthewidercommunityit woudbetoinspireandsupportthoseontheirpathwaystosuccess lythenrun,i youcan’trunthenwalk, fyoucan’twakthen butwhateveryoudoyouhavetokeepmovingforward”--Martin Yourworldiswhatyoumakeofit

KoManaa emaunga

Ree Sofala


KoTeRerengaPar KoNgātokmaawhaoruatewaka

KoTakahiwa temarae

KoNgapuh te w


KoRache Dckens




ōkumama ōkupapa ōkutuakana

KoTa JasonClyde




ēnākououtēnākoutoukatoa hat acceptedthe oeofWhānauCapain alongsidemypartnerincrime,Harry a Whangāre Boys HighSchoo have aluesofpostvtyandcul ualenrichmen anleaveyouw h t s o ustenjoyyourtmeat essabou the tte hngsandge nvoved becausethesadtruth sonce ’sover ’sa

Itwaswithgrea honour ofKaoKaoa WBHSin2024 Grit Throughoutmy me conssentyuphed hev Ifthereisonething c highschoolanddon’tstr witheverypossbething over Ta Cyde KaokaoCaptain

KiaOra I’mHarryGritt Captanfor2024aongwi yearsatWBHS,Ihavealw aSenorLeader,andIma providedmewtha antas boyswthintheKaokaowh Kaokaoalready ooksstro besupportingthemthewh futureleaderstocome

and amluckyenoughtobeKaokaoWhānau thTa Clyde Progressingthroughthe ayswantedtohavetheprivlegeofbeing nagedtoreachmygoal Thispostionhas tcopportuntytoconnectwithevenmore ānauaswelastheschoolasawhole ngthsyearandyoucanbesure wil olewayso canbearolemode forthe


MynameisReefSofaaandIamhonouredtobeoneofthethree DeputyHeadBoysatWhangāreiBoys HghSchoo for2024 When ateacheraskedme nYear9aboutpossblyhavingaDeputyHead BoyroleIlaughedinhsfaceandtoldhimthathewasdreamng Withthesupportofmyfriends,familyandteacherstheyheped megetbackontherighttrack.Throughoutmyyearsatkura have aways ookeduptothe1stXVrugbyboysasrolemodels Being inthatteamhasbeenoneofthebiggestgoasIhaveeversetfor myself Inowhavethehonourofadua CaptainaongsdeJack Saunders,whoisourHeadBoyfor2024 Ieagerlyawatanyfuture chalengestheremainderoftheyearhasinstoreforme Ngāmihinui



’mPedroHay,oneoftheNihoTaniwhaWhānauCaptansalongwth LeeHoder chosetobecomeaWhānaucaptainbecause t ookedlke afunwaytoget nvovedwththeschool gettoknowmoreo theboys hereatWBHS,andputmy eadershipskilstothetest So aritsbeen agreatexperenceandImstokedattheenthusiasmcomingfromal thedifferentguysinNihoTaniwha Puttngmywhānausnameonthe podiumafteraroughlosngstreakseemstobeeasiywthnreachths year-thrdplaceinswimmngsportsisn’thafbad Inmyfreetime I ikedoingMMA,asportI’verecentlydiscoveredmypassion or,butyou canexpecttoseemeonthesidelnescheeringmyhead offtosupportourboysnomatterwhattheevent 2024 ookstobeanexctingyearformeandmy elowWhānauCaptains aswel astheresto the Prefectteam Imconfdentthatwe’l beabeto ace anychalengeshead-onandmakethemostofthe opportunitesthisyearbrngs P d H


MynameisLeeHolder,IamoneoftheNihoTaniwhaWhānau CaptainsalongsidePedroHay BeingaWhānauCaptainhasbeen mygoa eversnceIstepped ootintotheschoolandaways ooking uptothosePrefects-hopngonedayIcouldbeoneofthemand thankfuly am Inthepast ’vepayedbothschoolandclubrugby, butduetoinjuriesI’vehadtositthissportout orthisyear,but wil besupportingfromthesideine,notonlyforourrugbyteamsbutal sportsteamswehaveatWBHS am ooking forward to ths year n my roe as a WhānauCaptantohopefulyendour osngstreak andfinalygetNihoTaniwhabackontopofthe Whānauleaderboard understandtherewil bechalengesIwil faceaongthewaybut am preparedtofacewhatever stocome LeeHolder NihoTaniwhaCaptain

JackSaunders HeadBoy DaseanTepania
StudentTrus ee
HarryGrtt KaokaoCaptain

Kia Ora,

My name is Tai Pullen, and I’m honoured to lead Unaunahi as a Whānau Captain alongside Blake Beardsell in 2024 Giving back to the community has always been something I have not taken lightly, and I can’t wait to further extend my service with this role this year I love my sport, currently representing WBHS nationally for rowing, sailing, and adventure racing - all sports that require great communication and cohesiveness, which is something which I hope I can also bring to my role as Whānau Captain in 2024. I look forward to the challenges, and opportunities that will arise throughout the next 8 months, and to make the most of my last year at Whangārei Boys’ High

Kia Ora,

My name is Blake Beardsell, I am one half of the Unaunahi Whānau Captains for 2024 and am honoured to be in this position alongside Tai Pullan If I was to describe my time at Whangārei Boys’ High School I would say champions, after 4 years here Unaunahi has won the Whānau competition 3 times This was the main reason for me putting my name forward to be Whānau Captain. I love sport no matter what it is and I am very competitive which I believe is what pushes me to try to make it back to back whānau titles for Unaunahi. I look forward to the year ahead working with Tai and the rest of the Unaunahi team

Kia Ora, Shwmae, my name is Coby Jones. I have been trusted with being a Mangopare Captain at Whangārei Boys’ High School in 2024, together with my good mate Lauchlan Marvin Ever since my year 10 year when my brother Adyn obtained the role of Whānau Captain, I have been inspired to follow in his footsteps and become a leader myself I have had a strong connection with this school long before I attended in 2020, hence my motivation to excel, motivate and participate in all aspects of school as a student and a leader I relish the responsibility of welcoming the next generation of students to the school and mentoring them through their first year of highschool. I am looking forward to leading Mangopare with my co-captain, to improve and achieve more.

Kia Ora,

My name is Rishi Ghosh and I have the privilege of being one of the Poutama Whānau Captains along with Hozay. I have always enjoyed helping people and giving back what I can to the community Throughout my years at Whangārei Boys’ High School I always participated in events and tried to give it my all I encourage everyone reading this to always give things a go b ti fli th t 5 h

Kia Ora,

My name is Lauchlan Marvin I have the honour to be one of the Mangopare Whānau Captains at Whangārei Boys’ High School for 2024, alongside my close friend Coby Jones I have always had a passion to lead and I am very fortunate I was chosen for this role at the end of last year. At our most important inter whānau swimming sports event, observing the look on the Mangopare boys faces when placed last and then we rose to fourth place, was really exciting to me especially seeing the determination of the boys to succeed I hope to bring success for Mangopare and break the drought of a highly competitive inter whānau title I am excited to see what the future has for myself and my fellow students

Kia Ora,

My name is Hozay Gillies-Walters and it is a privilege to serve as a House Leader/Whānau Captain of Poutama. My lifestyle is orientated around my sports and studies.

My time throughout high school has been nothing but a privilege and I remain thankful for everything that Whangārei Boys’ High School has provided and the opportunities that I’ve been able to take advantage of

Coby Jones Mangopare Captain Lauchlan Marvin Mangopare Captain Blake Beardsell Unaunahi Captain Tai Pullen Unaunahi Captain Photos: Mark Scowan & Doug Pearson






MANAIAHOUSECAPTAINS-BrianaReynolds, FinnGilbert-Keene,MorganEllwood


LOVELOCKHOUSECAPTAINS-CelesteMitten, LamasiaFa’alogo-Harris,TheoNogher,Bonnie-RaeHadfield







SOCIAL-FrancesCorkill,Lily-JaneKalis,ChloeFricker, KyaraBaker,RaewynMoses

INTERNATIONAL-LilyHart,AriqoHughes,CzaiCutang, GopikaKurupath




TEAOMĀORI-Bonnie-RaeHadfield,KyaraBaker,Raewyn Moses,NetaPalmer,RangipaiHenry,HinearokuraCompain





“To be the best we can be”

Te Kura Takiwa O Tauraroa

Our school, with a roll of 440, is located 22km SW of Whangarei city, catering for all primary and secondary year levels Student learning opportunities and achievement reflect the high standard of teaching and pastoral care offered at the school. Students have many leadership opportunities throughout the year levels, with our Year 13 Prefects contributing significantly to the school We are very proud of the 2024 cohort, who are proving themselves to be outstanding role models, organisers and leaders

Kiaora WeareyourWGHSPouĀrahiTeamfor2024!Thisyear weareworkingtowardsensuringallstudentsfeel connected,safeandheardinourkura.Aspartofour selectionprocess,weweretaskedwithdevising initiativesthatembodyoneofourvaluesandcould helpenhancetheexperienceofourstudentsat school.Eachofourinitiativesexploresdifferent approachestoschoolwidecommunicationand connection,assuringadiverseunderstanding ofculture,identityandpersonality Brenna, DaniandStellaallhaveinitiativesthatembrace theconceptofTuakana/Teinarelationships forstudentswithdifferentneedsforsupport NgamihiissettingupTeKeteaHinerēhia, aninitiativethatbuildsconnections, engagementandidentitythroughKapa Haka,duringwhānautime.Priyaland Shinayah’sinitiativesalsobuildonidentity andconnectionswithShinayahfounding aschoolnewspaper,writtenbystudents forstudentsandPriyalwillbeworkingon variousevents(suchasaCulturalweek) throughouttheschoolyear Weareso excitedaboutthechangeswe'llbe bringingin2024andbeyond!

LuptonHouse HeadBoarders

Vision - “To be the best that we can be”

2024 Senior Student Leaders


Fromlefttoright:NgamihiManihera,ShinayahKo,DanielleIwashita,PriyalSharma,StellaHarding,BrennaMisilei ChrissyOreiro,AryanaMack,ZariaMurray
AreaSchool www.tauraroa.school.nz
Front row left to right: Renee Davan, Brooke Morgan, Jack Riley, Charlotte Dutton, Tayla Stenhouse, Hunter Stenhouse Back Row: Madison Johnson, Blane Kaiser, Max Johns, Asher Hovell, Emma Howes
Left to right: Jack Riley (Head Prefect), Grant Burns (Principal), Charlotte Dutton (Deputy Head Prefect) & Brooke Morgan (Deputy Head Prefect)
Thursday, March 21, 2024 www.northernadvocate.co.nz 13

Kate Bradley - Head Girl


The College presents many opportunities for its students. I aim to lead by example and encourage the students to utilise these opportunities and extend themselves to try new things, despite backgrounds or past experiences Personally, I have come to love many new sporting and musical extracurriculars through Huanui. It’s incredibly valuable and important for the students to experience as many aspects of learning as they can.

Jade Culham - Whanaungatanga Deputy Head Girl

As a leader I want to actively involve students in all activities that happen With the students’ ideas and opinions they can help things run smoothly and make them enjoyable My advice to younger students is to make the most of the College experience This is the only opportunity you have, academically and socially, so enjoy swimming sports and cross country!

Nate Owens - Deputy Head Boy

Since I was in Year 7, I have always looked up to the student leadership team and admired the work that they had done for the school. I have also wanted to have the opportunity to leave a positive impact on a place that has impacted our lives so much. Joining the leadership team in 2024 gives me the opportunity to leave a positive impact on the school

Charlotte Gorrie - Deputy Head Girl

This year, I look forward to running competitions the whole school can get involved in I am also extremely excited to get to know all the younger students who have just started at Huanui, as well as to create stronger connections with the current students The main advice I would give to the younger students is to take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way, as you never know where they could lead you

Alex Horwood - Head Boy

Over my years here I have come to see that this small school will live very close to my heart for the rest of my life I have grown up here physically and mentally in the last five years and I’ll never forget the memories I have made My aspiration as Head Boy is to make the whole school community a more fun and vibrant group to be a part of The sense of community in a small school like this is vital.

Evan Hostad - Deputy Head Boy

I want to help the students of Huanui to be comfortable expressing and being themselves whilst at the College Before I came to Huanui, I was home-schooled I understand the stress you might be going through with the transition of schooling styles, but I think it is 100% worth it. My advice for everyone would be that you never need to struggle alone There are so many of us here to help you whenever and wherever you need it

Ariya Naidoo - Deputy Head Girl

To my fellow students, especially the younger ones, I offer the advice of embracing every opportunity for growth School is not just about academics, but also about discovering your passions, building friendships, and developing resilience. Cherish the journey, seek guidance when needed, and remember that each setback is a stepping stone to success. Ultimately, High School is a transformative period where personal development takes precedence over prescribed roles

Huanui College, founded in 2010, and set in the tranquil rural outskirts of Whangarei, Northland, draws upon open-minded, enterprising, supportive young adults to inject their energy and enthusiasm into this stimulating and expanding learning environment.

SCHOOL PREFECTS (from left:) BACK ROW: Charlotte Gorrie (Deputy Head Girl), Rohit Rajaraman, Justus Huneke (Ngāpua Prefect), Nate Owens (Deputy Head Boy), Alex Horwood (Head Boy), Daniel Barton, Caleb Taylor, Madison Diamond FRONT ROW: Kate Bradley (Head Girl), Esther Wiegersma (Sheppard Prefect), Hannah Adams (Blake Prefect), Lucy Murray, Isabella Welford, Lucy Manning, Ariya Naidoo(Deputy Head Girl), Jungmin Park (Hillary Prefect), Amy Wallace, Jade Culham (Whanaungatanga Deputy Head Girl) ABSENT: Evan Hostad (Deputy Head Boy)


Rodney College values student leadership and provides opportunities for students to develop their knowledge and skills at all year levels Congratulations to the 2024 Student Council, you are all exceptional leaders

CULTURAL LEADERS Thomas Tameris & Tatiana Chan Chui SPORTS CAPTAINS William Clapham, Matthew Came & Kyla Middleton SOCIAL ACTION LEADERS Rebecca Lay, Randaya Amarasekara & Zara Yorke MILES HOUSE LEADERS Jeremiah Guevara & Erin Ostermann WATTENBACH HOUSE LEADERS Peter Sundvick & Tia Jones TYBURNIA HOUSE LEADERS Isbe Kuinikoro & Regan Pennings HANOVER HOUSE LEADERS Charlene Masiutama & Jack Pennefather WHANAU SUPPORT LEADERS Caitlin Cramond, Jakob Clapham, Koby Wattam & Hanna Kerrigan HEAD LEADERS KikiTe Haara &Azariah Hare





Kaivin Zhuang EmmaJaneBird

DEPUTYHEAD DEPUTYHEAD POUTIKANGA STUDENTREPRESEN NiccoParsonson ZamaraMarshall AshLucich Shayla-Jade Ansley Raiatea Greenland Nathaniel Vemoa HoromonaWaru





“Challenging ourselves to reach our potential”

Principal Korero

After a productive year last year with the 2023 Student Leadership Team, I am very excited about the team of leaders we have for 2024 Our Intermediate Leader of Learning and Well-being, Mrs Fiona Macgregor supports this team of students

Students, staff and whānau know the importance and responsibility of a student leadership position at Taipa Area School Our Students

leaders are excited about making a difference and leaving a strong legacy within their portfolios

Taipa Area School firmly believes that our school values Manaakitanga, Painga and Mahitahi should be seen, heard and embraced throughout the day at school

Our student leaders have been selected because they do this every day I have been very impressed with the student leadership team this year These students demonstrate

excellent communication skills during assemblies and are developing opportunities for all students to have their say and a choice at Taipa House Captains meet with our House Leaders (Whaea Latoya, Mr Carruthers and Matua Haare) to organise inter-house competitions

These activities generally occur at lunchtime, always pull in the crowds and give opportunities for our future leaders to develop

Our Student Leaders are

responsible for Hauora, culture, sport and the environment

Each leader has a staff mentor who supports them with initiatives in these areas within the school

Finally, our Head Students work closely with Mrs Fiona Macgregor They meet every Monday to discuss the student voice which gets generated by the recently developed student council

Ngā mihi nui

David Lowe Principal

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