Summer In Northland - December 2024

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MATAKOHE’S TREASURES: Discovering the Legacy of the Mighty Kauri

OnthenorthshoreoftheKaiparaHarbour atMatakohe,deepintheheartofan ancientforestthat’sgone,theKauri Museumcelebratesoneoftheworld’sgreatest treesandhonoursourrelationshipwithit

FormorethansixtyyearstheKauriMuseumhas sharedstoriesofcourageanddetermination, tragedyandtriumph,boundlesshopeand unfathomableloss;storiesofkaurimakinga nation.Thisnaturalhistorymuseumisoneofthe popularvisitordestinationsinthenearnorthpart ofNorthland. Onlyonehourfromtheendofthe Aucklandmotorway,theKauriMuseumisanideal waytostartavisittoNorthland

In2023itopenedtheForestWalkway,an imagination-richjourneyfromthebeginningof timewheretheMāorilegendofTeWaonuioTane comesaliveforvisitors,abouttheseparationof earthandskybygodoftheforestTaneMahuta AlsolocatedinMatakohevillageareGumdiggers Cafewhichservesdeliciousfoodandgreat coffee,andthenationalmonumentoftheCoates MemorialChurch.

TheKauriBushmen’sScenicReserveisnearby, withitsboardwalkthroughthebush,forthose wantingtowalkinaserenegladeofancientkauri forestnearMatakohebeforetravellingon

Above:AviewoftheKauriMuseum’sForestWalkway anaerialperspectiveofthemuseum theVolunteersHall&OtamateaBoardingHouse


Waipu Waterfront Estate:

Waterside living at its best

Titles have recently been issued and more than half of the sections are already sold, but there’s still plenty of options for buyers looking to build their dream home or holiday house

The flat sections all include electricity and water connections as well as fibre internet What’s more, developer Bryan Storey has partnered with Goodison Architecture, offering a free architectural design worth $5,000 to buyers

For those seeking an escape from the grind of city life, Waipu Waterfront Estate is the perfect location: just minutes away from three stunning beaches– Uretiti Beach, Langs Beach and of course Waipu Cove

While the area is popular for a summer holiday, locals get to enjoy the stunning scenery all year round in the ‘winterless north’

Head along to Waipu Cove Beach on a weekday and you can find people taking a leisurely swim or pushing their paddleboard through the surf The cove is a favourite for families, with the river a favourite area for small children to splash around Other recreational options include walking tracks through lush Kauri forests or Waipu Caves alight with glow worms The area boasts a growing network of cycling tracks

Waipu is just 30 minutes from Whangarei, the region’s commercial hub, offering big-box retail stores and essential services like accountants and solicitors

Storey recalls that on his first visit back to Waipu after a long time away, he was struck by the area ’ s charm, the friendliness of its locals, and the range of amenities

Located minutes from pristine white sand beaches on Northland’s coast, Waipu Waterfront Estate may just be the best value development north of Auckland

looking for the perfect location for a holiday home

“There’s a wonderful community spirit, and every weekend there’s something happening Many locals put great effort into making Waipu a vibrant and lively place,” says Storey “Plus you can get a hot chocolate or a latte just as easily as you can on Ponsonby Rd”

The development is within walking or cycling distance of Waipu’s charming town centre, home to cafes, restaurants, boutiques, a museum, and essential amenities like a pharmacy and medical centre

The opportunity to develop Waipu Waterfront Estate arose from its unique position as the last available waterside block in the area Surrounded by established, wellappointed housing developments, it serves as a natural extension of the community “We’re not reinventing the wheel,” says Storey “This site seamlessly continues the area ’ s completed developments”

Boasting uninterrupted views of the river, which teems with birdlife, the site features carefully selected native plants and trees, including large pōhutukawa Even in winter, vibrant flowers line the paths and walkways

Storey says that demand for the flat sections has come from locals looking to upgrade to their dream home, young families that are relocating from Auckland, and those

Once considered a haven for retirees, beach towns like Waipu are now attracting working professionals with young families, drawn by the quieter lifestyle and the growing prevalence of remote and hybrid work

Some buyers are also planning to commute to Auckland for work, says Storey The recently opened PuhoiWarkworth expressway means it’s now a far easier drive, with Waipu around 1h 20 minutes from Albany on Auckland’s North Shore

The Government’s announcement of a new Northland expressway is expected to further benefit Waipu once it is completed

“I was delighted when I read about the new expressway, as we really see it as a validation of the investment we ’ ve put into the area, ” says Storey

“Right now we ’ re looking forward to seeing this fantastic community grow, and seeing people able to enjoy all the lifestyle options in the area ”


Bay of Islands: Top Must-Do

Experiences for an Unforgettable Visit

Paihia Andaction!Cruises,sailing,kayaking, snorkelling,diving,fishing(snapperandkingfish), parasailing,tandemskydiving,horsetrekking,golf toursandscenicflightscanallbebookedfrom operatorsorthroughthecouncilisiteatPaihia wharf TourscantakeyouupclosetotheCape Brettcliffs,around144islandsinthebayortothe famousHoleintheRock

KerikeriAnumberofmust-seeattractionsare astone’sthrowfromKororipoHeritageParkin Kerikeri NewZealand’soldeststonebuilding(The StoneStore)andoldestwoodenbuilding(Mission House)sitnearariverwalktoWharepukeFalls, RainbowFalls KororipoPāandTeAhureacultural centre Butifyouwantsomechilltimetoo,nearby wateringholesofferlocallysourcedwine,beer andrefreshments ThePackhouseMarket,near centralKerikeriisahubofactivityeveryweekend, packedwithlocalfoodsuppliersaswellas artisanssellingtheircrafts

WaitangiDescribedasAotearoa’smosthistoric site atriptotheWaitangiTreatyGroundsis unmissable Insidethegroundsyou’llfind theaward-winningTeKōngahuMuseumof Waitangiwhichincludesimmersiveaudio-visual experiencesthatbringstoriesaboutthetetiritito life Doitalready!Youwontregretit

WaitangiMountainBikeParkOffering beginnertrails,crosscountry,jumptrailsand downhillriding the30tracksthatweavethrough theWaitangiEndowmentForestwillkeepnovices andtop-notchmountainbikersbusy!It’sfree entry,butdonationsareappreciated,andbike hireisavailable

ŌpuaAshortdrivefromPaihiaisŌpuawhichis partoftheTwinCoastCycleTrail-PouHerenga Tai(moreonthatlater) CyclefromŌpuaalong KawakawaRivertoTeAkeAkewhereyouand yourbikecanboardavintagetrainthatlinksto TaumarereandKawakawa Bookyourticketwith BayofIslandsVintageRailway Ōpuaisalsothe placetocatchthehandyandfrequentvehicle ferrytoRussell

WonderfulwaterfallsTherearefivewaterfalls inandaroundKerikeri AswellasWharepuke FallsandRainbowFallsinKororipoHeritage Park,youcanhuntoutTeWairereWaterfall,the SecretWaterfall,andCharlie’sRock HaruruFalls nearPaihiaisalsoworthastop Allwaterfallsare accessibleviaeasywalkingtracks,andyoucan driverightuptoRainbowFallsandHaruruFalls Moreinfoatwwwkerikeridirectoryconz/ waterfall-walks

GlowwormcavesLightupyourFarNorthvisit withatriptotheKawitiGlowwormCavesinthe heartoftheWaiomioValley,nearKawakawa Thousandsofluminousglowwormsareright athomeinthebreathtakingrockformationsset amongstalushgreenrainforest What’snottolove!


— The Gallery and Cafe open 7 Days — Food for Body and Soul

If you see something you like and cant get can shop online,check us out at galleryhelenabay co nz


Fully licensed

Come and enjoy our beautiful garden setting and stunning ocean view Relax with a cup of coffee, lunch or one of our many treats on the deck or our garden surrounded conservatory We serve breakfast, lunch, sweet treats and delicious Indian meals Eat in or call in on your way home for takeaways Last orders at 5 30pm Hours: Open 8.30am-6pm Daily


One of the highlights of a visit to the Gallery and Cafe Helena Bay Hill is the beautiful garden setting You are welcome to wander and relax in the garden during your visit You’ll find many sculptures placed among the subtropical plantings, giving inspiration for your own landscaping ideas

The Gallery & Cafe are set in a lush subtropical garden with magnificent bush and sea views over Helena Bay on Northland’s east coast, on the scenic coastal route to historic Russell in the Bay of Islands We are situated approximately 30 minutes north of Whangarei and an hour from Russell You will find a warm welcome at the gallery and café where you are welcome to wander and relax in the beautiful garden during your visit We welcome enquiries about our artworks and visits to our Gallery, Cafe and garden

Open for:

• Brunch & Lunch

• Takeaways

• Paintings • Glass Works

• Carvings • Jewellery

• Sculptures • Ceramics


Iamnevershortofsuperlativestodescribemy homeregionofNorthland Thisbeautifulareais ageminNewZealand’scrown,withitsunique charmandbreathtakinglandscapes Fromrolling hillsandlushforeststocrystal-clearbeachesand vibrantmarinelife,Northlandofferssomething foreveryone,whetheryou’reseekingadventure, relaxation,orculturalenrichment It’snosurprise thattheNZHeraldisdevotingasupplementto thisdynamicregion,showcasingallthatwehave tooffer

Therewasatime,notsolongago,when Northlandwasthego-todestinationfor Aucklandersseekingtheperfectholidayofsun, sand andsea.Manycherishedmemorieswere createdhere,fromlazybeachdaystoexhilarating

watersports,andwelovedhavingvisitorscome toshareinthebeautyofourhome Thepristine coastlineandstunningsceneryaremagnetsfor thosewantingtoescapethehustleandbustleof citylife.

However,accesstooursliceofparadisefaced challengesinrecentyears StateHighway1, themainroutetoKaitaiaandtheFarNorth, wasclosedatMangamukaduetoslips causing frustrationfortravellersandlocalsalike The Brynderwynhillswerealsoproblematic,with repeatedclosures Itwasatoughtimefortourism andthelocaleconomy,whichreliesheavilyonthe influxofvisitors.


againwideopenfortravellers StateHighway 1attheBrynderwynsisalreadyopen,and MangamukaissettoopenonDecember20,just intimefortheholidayseason Thisresurgence bringsarenewedsenseofexcitementand optimismforbothlocalsandvisitors.

Andthegoodnewsdoesn’tstopthere—farfrom it OneoftheaspectsIcherishaboutlivingin Northlandisthesenseofcommunityfound amongitsresidents.Northlandersareknown fortheirfriendlinessandwelcomingnature Wetakeprideinourlaid-backlifestyleandour abilitytomakeanyonefeelathome Whether you’revisitingourbustlingmarkets,enjoyinga localfestival,orsimplystoppingbyaquaintcafé, you’llfindthatthewarmthofourcommunityisa hallmarkofNorthlandlife

Moreover,weareapracticalpeople,alwayseager toenhanceourregionsappeal.Weunderstand thesignificanceoftourismforNorthland’s economy,whichiswhyweworkdiligentlyto showcaseourscenicattractions Fromthe stunningbeachesofNinetyMileBeachtothe enchantingBayofIslands,thenaturalbeauty hereisunparalleled Outdoorenthusiastswill appreciatecountlesshikingtrails,fishingspots, andopportunitiesforkayakingandboating amongtheislands.

Highonthemust-seelistforNorthlandisthe absolutelydelightfulKauriMuseuminMatakohe whichpayshomagetooneoftheworld’sgreatest treespeciesandourrelationshipwithit,including fascinatingstoriesofcourage,determination,

tragedyandtriumphasearlysettlersrisked theirlivestoharvestthetreethatwouldbe instrumentalincreatinganation.

Andlet’snotforget,closeby,stillstanding,isthe greatestkauriofthemall,thelordoftheforest TaneMahuta,towering50metrestallinthe WaipouaForest

Inadditiontoournaturalwonders,Northland boastsarichandcolourfulhistorythatalso captivatesvisitors TheregionissteepedinMāori culture,withmanysitesofhistoricalsignificance PlaceslikeWaitangi,wheretheTreatyofWaitangi wassigned,offerinsightintoNewZealand’s history,allowingvisitorstolearnandreflecton importanteventsthatshapedthenation.

Accommodationisabundantandvaried,ensuring thatthere’ssomethingforeveryone.FromfamilyfriendlyB&Bsandcampsitestoluxuriousretreats enjoyedbycelebritiesalongourcoastline,weaim tocatertoallpreferencesandbudgets

Aswewelcomebackvisitors,Iurgeyoutocome andexperienceNorthlandforyourself Whether it’sthebeautyofourlandscapes,thewarmthof ourcommunity,ortherichnessofourcultures,I amconfidentthatNorthlandwillleaveyouwith cherishedmemoriesthatwilllastalifetime.

ALottoLoveinNorthland HemahangāāhuatangakiaarohainaiTeTaiTokerau

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