APN Outdoor | 2018 Brand Guidelines

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Handle with care APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines


A warm welcome Within this guideline you will find direction on the assets and applications which make up our APN Outdoor brand identity. It’s through this guide we ensure our brand presents itself consistently and professionally, and that you have the appropriate know-how and tools to produce communication material that reflects our bold and contemporary brand.

1. Who we are 4 Brand blueprint 5 Brand idea 6 Brand purpose 7 Brand values 8 Brand personality 9 Brand architecture 2. Core elements 11 Brand on a page 12 Our logo 13 Using our logo 20 Colour palette 21 Fonts 22 Graphic device 23 Voice Box 24 Typographic Statements 28 Speech Marks 29 Iconography 30 Our imagery

For further information, assets or resources please contact:

2 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Nigel McCallum Head of Design nigel.mccallum@apnoutdoor.com.au +61 3 8866 5214

3. Secondary elements 32 Iris wordmark 4. Tone of voice 34 Principles 36 Writing styleguide 5. Example applications 38 Business cards 39 Stationery 40 Annual report 42 PowerPoint slides 43 Notebooks

Who we are 4 5 6 7 8 9

Brand blueprint Brand idea Brand purpose Brand values Brand personality Brand architecture

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1.1 Who we are Brand blueprint

The starting point for a strong brand is a powerful strategy. Everything we create and every action we take must support this strategy – our identity, language, communications and all other initiatives.

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Brand idea

Smarter Impact Brand values




Brand personality




Emotional responses

Confident in delivery, proud of the partnership and inspired by ideas

Functional proposition

Innovative media solutions delivered with the best quality and scale

Brand purpose

To bring brands into peoples’ worlds with impact

1.2 Who we are Brand idea

Smarter Impact This is our brand idea – the driving phrase that encapsulates what we stand for. It’s what we aim to achieve for our clients, their audiences and as a company. Smarter


We’re smarter because of our relentless quest for knowledge, understanding and data to inform our innovation.

The result and purpose to what we do — to create smart media ideas that get brands noticed.

5 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

1.3 Who we are Brand purpose

To bring brands into people’s worlds with impact Our assets and smarts allow brands to connect with people wherever they are, in ways that get noticed. We use innovative media solutions, delivered with the best quality and scale, in a way that allows our clients to feel confident in delivery, proud of the partnership and inspired by ideas. 6 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

1.4 Who we are Brand values

Insight The result of our thirst for knowledge and discovery of new, interesting ways to do things with thought and consideration.

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Integrity We believe in doing the right thing and acting fairly and honestly as partners both internally and externally.

Passion We care about what we do and approach it with gusto, enthusiasm and energy.

1.5 Who we are Brand personality

Inquiring We constantly seek to understand more and get to the most interesting, innovative ideas.

8 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Genuine We’re real, honest and trustworthy and always behave with integrity.

Bold We always aim to create impact through big ideas.

1.6 Who we are Brand architecture

APN Outdoor has a number of asset categories, products, formats and services. Each one provides value to our clients and other partners, and each category should support the building of our brand equity. Asset products We have five key asset products: Digital Billboards, Billboards, Transit, Rail, and Airports. They are categorised by name, and have associated icons which can be seen on page 29 of these guidelines. Asset formats These are the core formats that APN Outdoor delivers. We’ve named them so they’re easy to refer to and promote. They do not, however, have any special visual differentiation from the APN Outdoor brand; they are only referenced in standard text. For all format names, refer to page 36. Strategic asset sub-brands Occasionally there may be assets that are so different – or have specific strategic considerations – that they warrant their own subbrand identity. Any decisions on whether a subbrand is warranted must be made in consultation with the Brand Team. Product sub-brands Similarly, products may exist that warrant a subbrand identity – due to their strategic importance or considerations such as joint ventures. Again, decisions on whether a sub–brand is warranted must be made in consultation with the Brand Team. 9 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Asset categories

Asset formats

Digital Billboards Billboards Transit* Rail Airport

Super 8

— *Australia Only

Strategic asset sub-brands

Product sub-brands

— For all format names, please refer to page 36 — Australia Only — New Zealand Only

Core elements 11 12 13 20 21 22

Brand on a page Our logo Using our logo Colour palette Fonts Graphic device

23 24 27 29 30

Voice Box Typographic Statements Speech Marks Iconography Our imagery

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2.1 Core elements Brand on a page

We have a defined set of core visual identity elements. Together, these elements make our designs instantly recognisable and on brand.



Font — Primary font

Each element will be covered off in more detail as you progress through the guidelines.


To see example applications of the brand in action see page 37.


If you have any more questions about using the identity please contact the brand team (contact details on page 2).


— System font

Century gothic

Brand idea

Graphic devices — • Voice Box

Smarter impact

Typographic Statements — Thought provoking typographic headlines

Imagery — Our outdoor world

Be seen Not herd

— Our audience — • Speech Marks

It’s not outdoor without us 11 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018


2.2 Core elements Our logo

We amplify a brand’s voice. Our assets, insights and innovations enable brands to reach their audiences in smarter, more impactful ways.

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2.3 Core elements Using our logo

The APN Outdoor master logo is our main asset and the key identifier for our brand. It can be used in both positive and reverse formats.

Full colour logo

To the right you’ll see the full colour logo and reverse logo applied on our colour palette. The following pages show how the logo is to be used.

Reverse logo

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2.3 Core elements Using our logo

Using our logo on imagery Our logo can sit over imagery, so long as it stands out and is clearly legible. Images should be sufficiently simple, contain enough contrast and be free of busy details for the logo to stand out. Either the APN Outdoor full colour (Blue) or reverse (White) version of the logo can be used.

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2.3 Core elements Using our logo

Clear space

Clear space

The minimum clear space required around the APN Outdoor logo is shown right. This area must remain clear of any visual elements or text, and helps the APN Outdoor logo to stand out and ensures it’s not compromised by surrounding elements.

Minimum size For optimal reproduction and viewing on print and digital applications, always use our master logo no smaller than the sizes listed.

Alternate logo This is our horizontal logo alternate. It is only ever to be used under the direction of our marketing team on pre-approved print material where the area is less than 10mm in height e.g. a book spine.

Minimum size

Minimum print size 12mm

Alternate logo

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Minimum digital size 30px

2.3 Core elements Using our logo

What we don’t do with our logo










This page explains what we don’t do with our logo. By following this, we ensure consistency across all APN Outdoor designed communications. 1. We don’t change the colour of the logo or any of the logo elements. It’s always in APN Outdoor Blue or in reverse only. 2. We don’t add any effects to the logo like a drop shadow, bevel or emboss. 3. We don’t rotate or skew the logo. 4. We don’t remove elements from the logo. 5. We don’t attempt to reproduce the logo. 6. We don’t scale any elements of the logo. 7. We don’t introduce non-brand colours. 8. We don’t place the our Blue logo on dark coloured backgrounds. 9. We don’t place the logo over complicated images or photography.

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2.3 Core elements Using our logo

Logo placement

Where the logo can sit


The APN Outdoor logo mainly appears on the top right corner of an application. However, you can place the logo on any corner of a layout as suits the application. Please bear in mind clear space guides as detailed on page 15. There are more examples of how the logo is placed. You can find them in the Example applications section on page 37.

John Smith Account Executive M T E A

+61 412 345 678 +61 2 3456 7890 account.executive@apnoutdoor.com.au Level 4, 33 Saunders St Pyrmont NSW 2009


Annual report 2017 APN Outdoor Group Limited | ACN 155 848 589

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2.3 Core elements Using our logo


Co-branding guide

We’ve created a simple guide which shows how we co-brand APN Outdoor with another logo, divided by a black keyline and using the ‘P’ from our logo as minimum clear space. This allows both partners to have an equally weighted presence.

Partner Logo

Partner logo

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2.3 Core elements Using our logo

Partnership with the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) APN Outdoor holds a partnership with the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC). The AOC Team Partner logo is implemented across select pieces of our Australian collateral during the 20162020 partnership only. This logo is only to be used under the direction of our marketing team on pre-approved material. Refer to page 15 for guidelines regarding our logo clear space. To see how it’s used refer to Example applications on page 37.

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AOC Logo

Example placement

2.4 Core elements Colour palette PMS 286C RGB  36 | 43 | 191 COATED CMYK  100 | 80 | 0 | 0 UNCOATED CMYK  100 | 80 | 0 | 0 HEX #242BBF

APN Outdoor Blue

RGB  255 | 255 | 255 CMYK  0 | 0 | 0 | 0 HEX #ffffff


PMS 289C RGB  0 | 0 | 43 COATED CMYK  100 | 54 | 0 | 84 UNCOATED CMYK  100 | 70 | 0 | 40 HEX #00002B

Night Blue

PMS 333C RGB  52 | 217 | 195 COATED CMYK  66 | 0 | 26 | 0 UNCOATED CMYK  66 | 0 | 26 | 0 HEX #34D9C3

Deep Ocean

PMS 2089 RGB  131 | 4 | 255 COATED CMYK  65 | 75 | 0 | 0 UNCOATED CMYK  67 | 77 | 0 | 0 HEX #8304FF


Our new colour palette celebrates our shift into a digital first world. It’s bright, bold and sophisticated. It’s also a colour palette with a strong focus on blue. Certain colour combinations work better together than others. This is covered in more detail on pages 25 and 26. Special use colour: Light Ocean For Web, PowerPoint, Word and all things on-screen we use Light Ocean, rather than Deep Ocean, as it is an impact colour on-screen. Note: Deep Ocean and Light Ocean are quite similar colours, so we avoid using them together as there is not enough contrast to warrant the use of both.

Special use colour

RGB  128 | 236 | 226 HEX #80ECE2

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Light Ocean

2.5 Core elements Fonts

Our primary font Campton is our main font and should be used as much as possible. It comes in three available weights which helps differentiate between headlines, subheadings and body copy. Bold: Statements and headings Medium: Sub-headings Light: Body copy Tracking: -20pt Our system font Century Gothic is our system font. It is a default typeface which can be found across many operating systems. Internal applications include Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Bold: Regular:

Campton Primary font




ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%

Headings and sub-headings Body copy System font

Century Gothic Century Gothic Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%

21 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Century Gothic Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%

2.6 Core elements Graphic device

We amplify our clients’ voice. And our graphic language supports this proposition. This graphic language comprises three key elements: Speech Marks

Voice Box

A pair of speech marks - one small, one large. The Voice Box The speech marks combined with a rectangular shape. Typographic Statements A statement that incorporates the Voice Box.

Speech Mark

Smarter Impact Typographic Statement

22 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Speech Mark

2.7 Core elements Voice Box

The Voice Box is our main graphic device. You can use it to house imagery, or to highlight statements. This is explored in greater detail over the following pages. To the bottom right, you can see a couple of examples of how they’re used. For more, please refer to Example applications on page 37.

Typographic Statement

Housing imagery

Smarter Impact APN Outdoor are continuing to lead the market with a premium portfolio of assets selected for their quality and scalability.

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2.8 Core elements Typographic Statements

Typographic Statements enable us to make an impact with our words. To create a Typographic Statement, obtain the InDesign Stylesheet from the brand team. Below are directions on how to create the device from scratch.

One line example For a single line statement, create 2 separate text boxes separated by the width of the smaller apostrophe.

Unhighlighted Text Campton 25pt (29pt leading, -30 tracking) Paragraph Style • Indents and spacing Left: -1.5mm

Smarter Impact

Highlighted Text Campton 25pt (29pt leading, -30 tracking) Paragraph Style • Indents and spacing Left: -1.5mm • Paragraph Rules Rule Below Weight: 30.6pt Offset: -7.8mm Colour: See pages 25 and 26 Left Indent: -1.5mm Right Indent: -3mm Speech Marks Obtain the Speech Mark assets from the brand team. Size the right Speech Mark from the cap-height of the text. Scale the left Speech Mark to 50% of the right Speech Mark. Once the statement has been created, it is scaled proportionately for larger applications.

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Two line example For a double line statement, create a single text box applying 2 respective paragraph styles per line.

It’s not outdoor without us

2.8 Core elements Typographic Statements

Smarter Impact Colour combinations on solid backgrounds These are our preferred colour combinations when using our statements on solid colour backgrounds. Primary Combination  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks Secondary Combinations Variation 01  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks Variation 02  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks Variation 03  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks

25 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Smarter Impact Smarter Impact Smarter Impact

2.8 Core elements Typographic Statements

Smarter Impact Colour combinations when on white These are our preferred colour combinations when using our headlines on white. Primary Combination  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks Secondary Combinations Variation 01  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks Variation 02  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks Variation 03  Background   Voice Box   Unhighlighted text   Highlighted text   Speech Marks

26 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Smarter Impact Smarter Impact Smarter Impact

2.8 Core elements Typographic Statements

Our Typographic Statements in action


Whilst our statements sit together, you can also split them up to work with your design layouts. To the right you can see an example of how we do this.

Smarter Impact

For more examples go to Example applications on page 37.


Smarter We’ll help your brand stand apart Connecting brands to our audiences in a smarter, insightful and more impactful way. Tell me more

27 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018


2.9 Core elements Speech Marks

The Speech Marks can be used as a design element independent of the Voice Box.

Within an image

Size the right Speech Mark as desired for your application, and then scale the left Speech Mark to 50% of the right. The Speech Marks should sit diagonally from one another – never vertically or horizontally aligned.

For pulling out copy

APN Outdoor are continuing to lead the market with a premium portfolio of assets selected for their quality and scalability.

For framing a key image

Digital large format growth Reaching 103 nationally

Achieving smarter impact

Expanding regional network Focus on regional QLD

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elitsed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet esse at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi lorum ipsum.

Xtrack TV network growth 82 screens, 5 capital cities, all national

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet lobortis nisl ut aliquip tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis autem veleum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputa.

28 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

2.10 Core elements Iconography

Our icon style is simple, bold and impactful. The icon suite can be obtained from the brand team.

Asset category icons

— Rail

29 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

— Transit

— Billboards

— Digital Billboards

— Airport

2.11 Core elements Our imagery

We have two key imagery styles.

Our outdoor world

Our outdoor world Campaigns come in various shapes and formats, and ranges from static through to digital. Images should showcase our assets in natural, environmental settings, such as highways, train stations and airports, ideally with audiences ‘seeing’ the advertising.

Our audience Audience imagery features the consumer and their daily lifestyle. They should look natural and avoid a ‘staged’ look as much as possible.

Our audience

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Secondary elements 32

Iris wordmark

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3.1 Secondary elements Iris wordmark

Iris is a service we offer selected clients.

Clear space

To give profile to the service, we have created a wordmark that works in conjunction with the core APN Outdoor brand elements.

Wordmark guidelines Clear space The minimum clear space required around the Iris logo is shown, right. This area must remain clear of any visual elements or text, and helps the Iris wordmark to stand out and ensures it’s not compromised by surrounding elements. Minimum size For optimal reproduction and viewing on print and digital applications, always use our Iris wordmark no smaller than the sizes listed.

Minimum size

Minimum print size 8mm

32 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

Minimum digital size 30px

Tone of voice 34 36

Principles Writing styleguide

33 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

4.1 Tone of voice Principles

Amplifying our voice We’re in the media and communication business. It’s all about saying the right thing, at the right time, in the right place and in the right tone. It’s about amplifying a message. But it’s also about getting that amplification just right — too loud and no one will listen; too quiet and no one will hear. We’re also leaders in our field. Actually, we’re the best. But the best leaders rarely shout about how good they are. Yes, they’re happy to talk about their achievements, but they never boast. They’re smart, get straight to the point and speak with clarity. They’re also capable of adjusting their tone slightly to suit a particular audience.

34 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

4.1 Tone of voice Principles

What we say, and how we say it is just as important as our visual cues. Applying a set of principles around how we communicate ensures we all speak in one consistent voice. Our tone of voice defines not only how we select words, but also the structure and style in which we write and speak.

Let’s be SMART about what we say. We’re innovators. We know our stuff. But this doesn’t mean we complicate things with unnecessary jargon and terminology. It means we are efficient in our use of words and speak with ease and clarity. Let’s be BOLD in the way we deliver it. We’re leaders. We’re confident. But this doesn’t mean we’re boastful or cocky. It means we express ourselves in a way that inspires confidence in our audiences. Let’s be GENUINE in our manner. The first two principles are vital to substantiate our leadership credentials. However, so we don’t come across as cold and corporate, we should always show our human side by speaking in a manner that’s approachable and relatable to each audience.

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4.2 Tone of voice Writing styleguide

The basics Initial Caps The below must always be written with an initial capital: • Company • Group • APN Outdoor • WHSIM • Board Products are always listed in this order. • Australia Digital Billboards Billboards Transit Rail Airport • New Zealand Digital Billboards Billboards Rail Airport Industry Always express our industry as out-of-home. (All lowercase and hyphenated). Formats When writing our products and formats, always use an initial capital letter. To the right are our most common format names. Please express these within all written communication exactly as seen:

Digital Billboards Landmark Spectacular Supersite Billboards Landmark Spectacular Supersite Portrait 50 (P50) Super 8 Poster Poster Special Lux Collection Large Format Special 12x3 (NZ) 6x3 (NZ) Standout

Transit Ceiling Wrap (Bus) Full Back (Bus) Interior (Bus) Metro Back (Bus) Megaside Double-D (Bus) Megaside (Bus/Tram) Portrait Back (Bus) Portrait Side (Bus/Tram) Showcase (Bus) Maxibus Artic (Bus) Wrap Brand Builder (Bus) Maxibus Downtown (Bus) Maxibus (Bus) Maxitram (Tram) Wrap Tram Plus (Tram) Seat Decals (Bus/Tram) Special Interior (Bus/Tram) Wi-Fi (Bus/Tram) NFC (Bus) Rail XtrackTV Cross Track Station Sampling (WA) Station Domination Concourse Lightbox Digital Rail Super 8 Rail Train Interior Landscape Train Interior Portrait WA Train Interior

Airport — Digital External Portrait Spectacular Supersite Landmark — Digital Internal Arrivals Screen Baggage Reclaim Screen Business Lounge Screen Business Lounge Digital Check In Screen Departures Screen Departures Digital Wall Gate Lounge Screen Flight Information (FIDS) Screen Arrivals Digital Wall — Lightbox External Departures Lightbox Arrivals Lightbox — Lightbox Internal Arrivals Lightbox Baggage Reclaim Lightbox Check In Lightbox Departures Lightbox Concourse Lightbox — Premium Billboard Landmark Portrait 50 Poster Spectacular Super 8 Supersite Lux — Promo Zone Promo Zone

36 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

— Special Aerobridge External Aerobridge Internal Arrivals Decal Departures Decal Arrivals Gate Wall Decal Arrivals Theme Baggage Reclaim Wall Wrap Check In Hanging Banner Arrivals Hanging Banner Departures Hanging Banner Flight Information (FIDS) Wraps Pillar Wraps Technology Wi-Fi — Technology Wi-Fi — Digital (NZ) 65”LCDNetwork –Departures 65”LCDNetwork –Arrivals Premium LED Premium LCD Screen 1 Premium LCD Screen 2 LCD Video Wall Interactive LED — Premium Backlits (NZ) 6x3m Super 14 Pack — Special (NZ) Escalator/Elevator Wrap Wall Decal Travelator Wrap Bulkhead Wrap Window Exposure Wall Curtain Aerobridge Interior S Upper Bulkhead Decals Floor Decal Conveyor Belt Decal Experiential Zone

Example applications 38 Business cards 39 Stationery 40 Annual report 42 PowerPoint slides 43 Notebooks

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5.1 Example applications Business cards

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5.2 Example applications Stationery

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5.3 Example applications Annual report

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5.3 Example applications Annual report

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Map - Australia layout

5.4 Example applications PowerPoint slides


Perth Adelaide

Sydney Canberra


What’s now Expect market leadership

Elite Screens The classic appeal of a Billboard with 21st century capabilities



63% of M25-39 recall seeing digital billboards at least once a week



74% agree that digital billboards are better at attracting and maintaining attention



42 APN Outdoor Brand Guidelines | May 2018

61% of this audience have taken action as a direct result of Elite Screen ads


Viewers have ever taken action after seeing an ad in the airport





Researched the product

Researched the product

Have compared prices

Considered the product/

5.5 Example applications Notebooks

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Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.