Fall 2012 Ministry Guide

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Welcome ack in 1985 when the Lord began to burden my heart for the


birthing of a new congregation in this area, three things from the

Word of God were clearly revealed to me in regard to worship:

1. Unhurried praise and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and the Head of this church. This includes a regular time for breaking of bread at the Lord’s Table.

2. Prayer and intercession as an expression of our utter dependence on our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in all things.

3. Bold proclamation that is relevant and instructive. Because we believe that the Bible is God’s self-revelation and therefore contains all Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Founding Rector The Church of The Apostles

the answers to all of man’s problems and needs, we preach it with all of its authority.

Table of Contents 04

Children’s Ministry


Student To Student Ministry (STS)


Young Adult Ministry


College Ministry


Young Families Ministry


Small Groups


Women’s Ministry


Men’s Ministry


Adult Bible Studies


Congregational Care


Volunteer Ministry

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What we believe God has done in history e believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of


heaven and earth. We believe in Jesus Christ, His only

Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and

born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. *As used in this ancient creed, the word catholic means “universal.� It refers to our belief in one worldwide church of believers, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. It does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church. (Ephesians 2:19-20)

Sundays Our Sunday schedule features three worship services: 9:00 and 10:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. Dr. Youssef speaks in person in both of the morning services. Every service includes a time of worship through singing, prayer, and teaching.

Apostles @ Five Each week Jonathan Youssef brings a unique message to this evening service. Come join us for a time of worship, fellowship, and the Word APOSTLES @ FIVE

each Sunday at 5:00 P.M.

Wednesday Nights On Wednesday evenings at 6:15 we offer programs for everyone in your family. The Hour of Power is our midweek service that includes a time of worship and an extended time of prayer. Come early at 5:00 for a family dinner (no reservations are needed) and then stay for the Hour of Power and for our great proWEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT 6:15 P.M.

grams for children and students! Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 3


Children’s Ministry And Jesus took the children in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them. - Mark 10:16

ur vision for the children’s ministry at Apostles is to reach children for


Christ and to equip them to surpass us in the knowledge of God, in faith, in righteousness, in fruitfulness, and in commitment to world

evangelization. Our mission is to declare the whole counsel of God in all min-

istries to and among children. We take ministry to children seriously and earnestly desire to see them become mighty men and women of faith. It is our desire that they will put their trust in Christ at an early age. Our team of children’s workers joins with parents in nurturing the faith of their children. We aim to accomplish this in a safe, God-centered, Christ-exalting environment, and trust that every time they come to this place, they will be reminded that they are a part of a bigger kingdom and in the presence of the King of Kings. We have special programs for children on Sunday mornings, on Wednesday evenings with “Running Church,” and on Tuesdays and Thursdays during women's ministry activities. Special events throughout the year are wonderful opportunities for families to work, serve, play, and worship together.

For more information about Children’s Ministry, please visit apostles.org/children.

Sunday 9:00 - 10:15 a . M .

Special Stones Room 309

Infant - Age 2

Special Needs Children

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk Loving Nursery Care and Bible Stories

Kindergarten & 1st Grade 4th Floor

Age 2 - 3

The ABC’s of God: A Study for Children on the Great-

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

ness and Worth of God

The children will hear stories of God’s faithfulness through the Old and New Testaments.

2nd Grade 5th Floor

Age 4

Faithful to All His Promises

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk The children will discover the wonder of God the

3rd Grade

Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit by

5th Floor

studying His attributes in the Old and New Testa-

In the Beginning . . . Jesus: A Chronological Study of


Redemptive History

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Wednesday Night

4th Grade 5th Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk To Be Like Jesus: A Study for Children on Following Jesus

Infant - Kindergarten 3rd Floor Check-in

Apostlelot (2nd - 4th Grade) Children gather together at the end of Sunday morn-

Running Church (1st - 4th Grade)

ing classes for Assembly where they visit the land of

6:00 P.M. – 7:15 P.M. | 4th Floor Check-in

“Apostlelot.” Kingdom characters (and the kids!) learn

Both preschoolers and elemen-

how to work through real life dilemmas. The drama

tary children enjoy this mid-

presentation focuses on the lives of faithful men and

week time of Bible teaching and

women throughout history and the godly character

fun activities on the playground, in the gym, and on

evident in their lives. Church members also visit

“the green.” Come for family night supper, which be-

Apostlelot and share their testimonies of God’s faith-

gins at 5:00 P.M.

fulness in their lives.

Mark Your Calendar! Sunday 10:30 a . M . to Noon Infant - Age 4

August 19 Promotion Sunday

Preschool teachings include missions moments, pup-

All children are promoted to their classes for 2012-

pets, drama, and lesson themes that amplify what has

2013 school year

been taught during the 9:00 A.M. hour.

Room 416 | Resumes September 9

August 26 STS/Children’s Ministry Fall Kickoff with John Rosemond

A worship service for kindergarten and 1st graders

9:00 A.M.

Kid’s Connection 1

that includes music, large group Bible teaching, mission moments, and small group activities.

October 7, 14, 21, 28 and November 4 Communicant’s Class

Kid’s Connection 2

Applications with detailed information available Sep-

Room 423 | Resumes September 9

tember 1 at children’s kiosk

A worship service for 2nd–4th graders that is designed with their parents. The service includes music, an of-

December 9 Children’s Christmas Program

fering, Bible teaching, and small group activities.

The Sanctuary | 4:00 P.M.

to help prepare children to participate in “Big Church”

Practices take place Sunday mornings this Fall.

February 9, 2013 Dads & Daughters June 10-14 VBS 2013. Save the date! Plan to invite a friend!

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 5


STS Ministry But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8 ur passion is to equip students to live the Gospel in their


homes, schools, and neighborhoods and to share the love of Christ wherever they go. STS is an exciting place for stu-

dents to grow in their relationships with God and with each other, develop a lifestyle of passionate worship of the Lord, and discover a life of ministry to others. We have a variety of weekly activities, from small groups to large-group worship services, and from in-depth equipping classes to service projects.

For more information about STS, please visit apostles.org/sts.

Sunday 8:45 – 10:20 am worship in “The Loft” before teaching and small Regular STS format will be starting Sunday, Septem-

groups in “The Den.”

ber 9. Until then, 5th-6th grade students will be meeting in room 230 and 7th-12th grade students will be

9th - 12th Grades

meeting in “The Den.”

9:15 A.M.

STS Sunday morning activities start at 8:45 A.M.

The high school students will participate in worship

Every Sunday morning a pancake breakfast will be

& large group teaching in “The Loft” before going to

served for all 5th-12th grade students in the STS Café.

their small groups.

5th - 6th Grades


9:15 A.M. “The Den”

* There will be NO STS on Sunday, December 23 or on

A brief time of teaching will begin for the 5th & 6th

Sunday, December 30th due to the Christmas and

grade students before they go to their classrooms

New Year holidays.

(below) for Bible Study and Small Groups. 5th Grade Girls – Room 240

* There will be NO STS on Sunday, March 31, due to

5th Grade Boys – Room 231

the Easter holiday.

6th Grade Girls – Room 230 A 6th Grade Boys – Room 230 B

Sunday 5:00 – 6:30 p . M .

7th - 8th Grades

There are discipleship groups available throughout

9:15 A.M.

the week for 7th - 12th grade guys and girls. Please

The 7th and 8th grade students will participate in

contact the STS office with any questions.

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Middle School Girls Fellowship & Bible Study


Contact Anna Witt for details 404-564-3149. *There will be NO STS Wednesday night activities No-

Middle School Guys Fellowship & Bible Study

vember 21 or December 26.

Contact Bill Sandman for meeting times and loca-

Special Events & Trips

tions 404-564-3144.

High School Guys’ Basketball

For more information on STS events and for online

STS Gym every week. Contact Brian or Leslie.

registration go to stsatlanta.org/events-trips.

High School Girls

STS + Children’s Ministry Special Fall Kickoff Service

Games and fellowship. Contact Kristin Waites.

August 26


9:00 A.M. The gym at The Church of The Apostles

*Discipleship groups will not meet December 16, 23,

Family Fun Night

30 or January 6 or 13.

Sunday, September 23

Wednesday Evenings

4:00 P.M. Details to be announced.

5th - 6th Grade “Rush Hour” 6:15 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.

7th-8th Grade Fall Retreat


September 28 - 30

Join Mark for recreation, worship, teaching, and

More information and online registration will be

group discussion with adult leaders.

available early in August.

7th - 8th Grade Fellowship

9th-12th Grade Fall Retreat

6:15 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.

October 19 – 21

Join Bill for fun games and practical teaching.

More information and online registration will be available by the end of August.

9th - 12th Grade High School Bible Study 6:15 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.

5th-6th Grade Radiate Weekend

High School students, join Brian, Leslie, Kristin, and

November 2 – 3

Jenny for Bible study and prayer.

More information and online registration will be available by the end of August.

5th-12th Grade Mother-Daughter Christmas Saturday, December 1 All 5th-12th grade ladies and their moms are invited to join the STS staff ladies for a fun day of Christmas celebration. Online registration will be available in September.

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Young adults (20 S & 30 S ) God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21 For more information about the Young Adults Ministry, please visit www.faithandculture.cc.

Young Professionals: Sunday School

Special Events & Trips

Russ Masterson | 9:00 A.M. | Room 610 | Begins September 9

Atlanta Mission

This class is designed to build community among sin-

August 30, September 27, October 25, November 22

gles in their 20s and 30s, focusing on topics that are

Each day, Atlanta Mission provides over 950 people

applicable to what it means to follow Jesus in per-

with meals, shelter, employment support, and coun-

sonal, relational, and business life.

seling. Join us to volunteer in the kitchen and serve dinner on the last Thursday of each month.

Center for Faith and Culture Sundays, 7:00 P.M. | The Commons

CFC Labor Day Beach Retreat

The Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) is the young adult

In your 20s/30s? Come spend August 31-September 3

ministry (20s/30s) at The Church of The Apostles. We seek

in Grayton Beach, Florida (Friday to Monday) with 40

to integrate the Gospel into the daily lives of young

friends in 3 beach houses. $205 includes your meals

adults in order that they might be transformed and be-

and lodging. We’ll have devotions, fellowship, sun and

come influencers in culture. As single adults it's easy to

swim. Arrange your own transportation, though car-

live isolated in a culture of productivity. CFC aims to pro-

pooling may be available. Please contact Rachel with

vide community to give people balanced, whole lives.

any questions at rmcshane@apostles.org.

college-age/transitions His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. - 2 Peter 1:3 For more information about the College Ministry, please visit apostles.org/college.

College Age Sunday School Class

thought. It is a time where we seek spiritual renewal

9:15 A.M. | Room 607 | Begins August 12

and reorient our focus on Christ before we head into

A Sunday morning Bible study geared toward those

the coming week. We begin with 15 minutes of fellow-

who are in the college age and stage.

ship before beginning the meeting with praise at 7:00.

Sunday Night: Evensong

Events & activities

6:45 P.M. | STS Loft | Begins September 9

Throughout the year we have various activities and

Evensong is a time of praise, prayer and of small group

events. Email Zack Carden at zcarden@apostles.org to

conversation that is centered on a short devotional

receive the weekly newsletter.

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Young Families To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. - Ephesians 4:12-13 ur desire is to see young families connect to Christ, to the church, and to each other in meaningful ways.


The young families ministry provides opportunities for these connections to happen. On Sunday morning

we have a breakfast for the whole family at 8:45, followed by a time of teaching and small groups. We also

have small groups that meet in homes during the week. Finally, there are social events that are planned throughout the year in order for young families to connect socially and to get involved in reaching the community.

For more information about Young Families Ministry, please visit apostles.org/youngfamilies.

Young Families Community Class I

that same Gospel calls us to be changed by the Holy

David Watson | Room 623 | Begins September 2

Spirit as we serve and minister. When we gather, you

Our class is a group of young couples in their 20s and

will find hearts for God and for one another that offer

30s dedicated to the Scripture and community. We

community and purpose for the way we live our lives

begin the morning with a conversation over a continen-

and carry the Gospel.

tal breakfast, which begins at 8:45. Our Bible study is a conversational exposition of the deep truths of Scripture. We believe that our ability to lead quality lives as spouses, parents, neighbors, and co-workers flows directly from the integrity we have in our relationship with Christ. We also believe that the Scripture is God’s tool for preparing and equipping us for personal ministry and sharing the Gospel. Our time together each Sunday is purposed to make God known through the teaching of His Word for the sake of encouraging each one in their walk with Christ and personal ministry.

Young Families: The Journey Young Families Community Class II

Robin Burruss | Room 617 | Begins September 9

Anthony Burnett | Room 612 | Begins September 2

We are a young families class for married couples in

Our class is characterized by scriptural teaching about

their 30s and 40s with elementary children. Our Bible

God and seasons of the Christian faith. Our group is

studies are topical studies with rich, authentic dia-

made up of married adults in their 30s and 40s and fea-

logue. Discussions are driven by Scripture, with em-

tures a lecture and discussion model as we study who

phasis placed on the truth of God’s Word experienced

God is and what His call on our life entails. We believe

in the lives of those in the group. The class begins with

we have been called to carry the Gospel in word and

the young families community breakfast at 8:45 and

deed to a world that needs to hear it. We also believe

gathers for Bible study at 9:20.

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 9

T H E C HU R CH O F T H E AP OSTLES Young Families continued from page 9

Young Couples Without Children



Hitched is our monthly commu-

Hatched is our monthly com-

nity gathering for young couples without children.

munity gathering for young parents. The goal of

Each meeting is designed to create and offer com-

Hatched is to create an opportunity for parents to

munity and connection for young couples, with the

draw encouragement and community from each

added benefit of an environment based in mentor-

other while enjoying the rare gift of adult conversa-

ing. Each month we meet for dinner at a local

tion. Each month we invite a mentor couple in to talk

restaurant and adjourn to a local home for conver-

about their journey and encourage us not only as par-

sation and coffee with our mentor couple of the

ents, but also as married couples that happen to have

month. The conversations cover a variety of topics

children. We believe the best gift you can give your

and offer the chance for couples to learn from the

child is letting them see the love between their par-

experience of those who are chapters ahead of them

ents, and we are intentional in encouraging and equip-

in their story.

ping young parents to tend to their relationship first.

Small Groups They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. - Acts 2:42 ome find a place where you can connect with God and others in deeper ways. Our Small Groups are a


great environment to develop authentic, caring relationships while discussing how God’s truth intersects

life. They help us in our journey of becoming more like Christ . . . together.

Small Groups usually meet in homes every week or every other week, featuring lively, interactive discussions

on God’s Word and how we live it out. Small Group members share life with all of its joys and challenges. You’ll pray for one another and receive encouragement. Together, your Small Group will help you live out your faith while impacting others.

For more information about Small Groups, please visit apostles.org/smallgroups or contact Rhonda Saduddin at 404-564-3152 or rsaduddin@apostles.org.

Multiple locations: • Marietta

• Woodstock

• Atlanta

• Midtown

* New locations to be added

• Buckhead

• Powder Springs

• Canton

• Sandy Springs

Types of Groups:

• Chamblee

• Smyrna

• Mixed Groups

• Decatur

• Stone Mountain

• Men

• Douglasville

• Vinings

• Women

• Dunwoody

• East Cobb

• Young Adult Singles

• Mableton

• West Cobb

• Young Families

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Women’s Ministry Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. - Proverbs 8:10-11 omen are encouraged to grow spiritually and to understand God’s mandate for Biblical womanhood.


Diligent prayer and sound biblical teaching are a foundational commitment. There are opportunities

to learn and grow through several Bible studies offered weekdays or evenings.

Events are scheduled throughout the year for fellowship and outreach such as retreats/conferences, the Christ-

mas teas, and several ministry opportunities. Additionally, the Women’s Ministry supports women through the Heart-to-Heart mentoring ministry, Widows Network, the Single Moms ministry, Single Hearts (single women over 40), Quilting for Christ, Close Knit Flock, and several community service projects throughout the year. God wants you to know His purpose for your life. He desires for you, as a woman, to serve and reach others for Christ. Whether you are a long-time member, regular attendee, or visitor, we pray that God directs you to the area where He calls you to serve and grow within the church body.

For more information about Women’s Ministry, please visit apostles.org/women.

Tuesday 6:45a.m.-7:30a.m.

ished lives because they do not understand their position in Christ or what belonging to Him truly

Acts: The Spread of the Gospel | Part 1

means. Please join us as we discover the great truths

September 18 – November 6 (8 Weeks)

concerning the spiritual blessings He has already

Luke wrote the book of Acts as a testament to the

given us so that we might learn to walk in a manner

explosive spread of the Gospel and the rapid growth

worthy of our calling, rooted in love, and walking in

of the Church after Christ’s ascension. Beginning

His power. The study will be from Ephesians: The

with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,

Church: Rooted in Love, Walking in Power a Precept

the new Church was born, and Christ empowered

Upon Precept study.

His followers with His divine authority to preach

Leader: Anne Hayes

the Gospel to all nations. As He does today, God

Rooms: 201-203 | Fee: $20.00

showed His infinite power. Teaching from the book

Childcare available, $35 per family

Acts: The Spread of the Gospel by John MacArthur.

*Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by Au-

Leaders: Carolyn Caswell & Lori Harris

gust 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Room: 246 | Fee: $20.00

Romans | Part 1

Childcare NOT available

September 11 – November 13 (10 Weeks)

Tuesday 9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.

What do we do when life’s storms hit? How do we stand in the harsh winds of illness, economic crisis, bro-


ken relationships, and death? Jesus said, “…Everyone

September 11 – November 13 (10 Weeks)

who hears these words of mine and puts them into

So many Christians today live spiritually impover-

practice is like a wise man who built his house upon a

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 11

T H E C HU R CH O F T H E AP OSTLES Women’s Ministry continued from page 11 rock.” (Matthew 7:24) The apostle Paul must have had

to encourage further study. Your spiritual walk and

this in mind when he wrote his letter to the Church at

Biblical knowledge will be greatly enriched by invest-

Rome to ensure their spiritual foundation was sound –

ing in The Amazing Collections.

so that they were built on the rock of the Words of Jesus

Leader: Sandra Dixon

in every circumstance. Join us as we too discover these

Room: 229 | Fee: $20.00

great teachings that show us how to live.

Childcare Available, $35 per family

Leader: Vickie Gillespie

*Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by Au-

Room: 237 | Fee: $20.00

gust 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Childcare available, $35 per family *Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by Au-

Wednesday 7:30p.m. – 9:00p.m.

gust 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

The Five Aspects Of Femininity Mom To Mom: Parenting By The Book

September 12 – November 14 (10 Weeks)

September 11 – November 13 (10 Weeks)

Are you excited about being a woman? There is no

The ministry of Mom to Mom is dedicated to encour-

higher calling than to be a woman. God made every

aging young mothers in their walk with God and in

woman unique and each life path unlike any other.

the nurturing of their children. This ministry is hav-

Yet God has not left us without truth and pattern.

ing a spiritual impact in the lives of other people, and

While every woman is different, all women have

we believe that when mothers are impacted for

basic, created characteristics in common because

Christ, they will in turn impact their children.

God made us to be women. If you struggle with the

With that in mind, we will study and discuss John

world’s view of femininity come learn God’s design

Rosemond’s, Parenting by the Book. John describes

for you! Join us as we study, The Five Aspects of Fem-

parenting as both a “mission and a ministry,” and he

ininity by Barbara K. Mouser.

brings parents back to the uncomplicated basics of

Leaders: Linda McEntire & Belinda Stone

parenting. We believe this book presents practical,

Room: 237 | Fee: $25.00

Bible-based advice that will challenge, bless, and en-

Childcare NOT available

courage you along your parenting journey.

Women’s Ministry continued on page 15

Leaders: Carol Swayze & Connie Musselman Room: 620-623 | Fee: $20.00 Childcare Available, $35 per family *Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by August 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

The Amazing Collection September 11 – November 13 (10 Weeks) The Amazing Collection is a video Bible study for women, taught sequentially, book-by-book. Each 45minute DVD gives an overview of one book of the Bible. The main characters and theme of each book come alive with dynamic teachings, original music videos, and personal testimonies. Each set contains a companion workbook to enhance the teaching and

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Women’s Bible Studies Registration Online Registration available at www.apostles.org/women/studies/ Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________________________________________________ State________________________________________ Zip__________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to register for:

Tuesday Mornings, 6:45a.M. - 7:30a.M. Acts: The Spread of the Gospel | Part 1 Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Fee: $35 per family/per study

Tuesday 9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m. Ephesians Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

Romans | Part 1 Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

CHILDCaRE INFORMaTION Registration is based on first-come, first-serve bases and is limited. Children must be preregistered for childcare by August 27. We will not be able to accept walk-ins. Childcare for children through the ages of five (5) is provided for most studies, as noted in the brochure.

INFORMATION BELOW IS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE registration, if you need childcare: Please list your child/children’s NAMES, BIRTHDATES and ANY ALLEGIES or details which the nursery should be aware of (is your child CRAWLING, WALKING, and SITTING).

Mom To Mom: Parenting By The Book Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

The Amazing Collection Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

Wednesday 7:30p.m. – 9:00p.m. The Five Aspects Of Femininity Fee: $25.00 | Childcare NOT available

prayer Requests Thursday 9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.

(Let us know how we can pray for you)

A Study Of Ezra & Nehemiah | Part 1 Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

The Majesty Of The Cross That Reveals The Mystery Of Suffering Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

Living Sacrifice Fee: $20.00 | Childcare Available, $35 per family

Thursday 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m. Lord, Give Me A Heart For You Fee: $20.00 | Childcare NOT available

*Completed forms may be placed in the Women’s Ministry drop box at the Welcome Center or mailed to: The Church of The Apostles Attn: Women’s Ministry 3585 Northside Parkway, NW • Atlanta, GA 30327

payment Method Please make checks payable to The Church of The Apostles. Cash

Check (Check # ___________________________________________________)



You can find information about all of our ministries, upcoming events, and register for classes.

Also, visit apostles.org/media/ to view all of our past sermons and more.

20 1 2 FA L L M IN I ST RY G U I DE Women’s Ministry continued from page 12

Thursday 9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.

Living Sacrifice October 11 – November 8 (5 Weeks)

A Study Of Ezra & Nehemiah | Part 1

Living Sacrifice, by Dr. Helen Roseveare, is a study of

September 13 – November 15 (10 Weeks)

loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and

These amazing books of Ezra and Nehemiah provide

strength. The by-line for the book is “willing to be

encouragement and sustenance in the midst of try-

whittled as an arrow” -- demonstrated time and time

ing times. In this 21-week study we will seek wisdom

again through the life of Helen Roseveare as she

from God’s Word and understand that His mighty

served as a medical missionary in Zaire. She lived “an

arm is well able to overcome any adversity pre-

incident-filled life,” and her writing reflects that the

sented in our lives. We will see God’s protection of

key to an authentic life is sacrifice. Foundational

His people, and know that we have hope in Christ in

principles of five aspects of womanhood will be

the face of evil. We will learn through the rebuilding

woven throughout the study.

of the physical temple of God how we should be

Leader: Connie Musselman

building His temple today, which is made up of liv-

Room: 620-623 | Fee: $20.00

ing stones.

Childcare Available, $35 per family

Leader: Charlotte Travis

*Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by Au-

Rooms: 201-203 | Fee: $20.00

gust 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Childcare Available, $35 per family *Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by Au-

Thursday 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.

gust 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Lord, Give Me A Heart For You The Majesty Of The Cross That Reveals The Mystery Of Suffering

September 27 – November 15 (8 weeks)

September 13 – November 15 (10 Weeks)

Apostle Paul was so overwhelmed at one time he de-

John Stott wrote that the “The fact of suffering un-

spaired of life itself! Yet he continued to trust Christ

Are you criticized, beaten down, discouraged? The

doubtedly constitutes the single greatest challenge

and passionately live for His pleasure. Learn from

to the Christian faith, and has been in every genera-

Paul how to master circumstances with a persever-

tion.” The Cross of Christ is the key to understanding

ing heart for God.

all suffering; in this study of Scriptures from Genesis

In this study based on 2 Corinthians, Kay Arthur ex-

through Revelation we will examine the majesty of

amines the anatomy of a heart for God. What it looks

the cross that reveals the mystery of all suffering so

like. What it feels like. And how you can strengthen

that we can understand, accept, and even embrace

your own relationship with God. Despite the deep

suffering for the glory of God. We will be using David

physical, emotional, and spiritual pain of life, Paul

Platt’s The Cross and Suffering study guide and there

could rest in the God of all comfort and strength. He

will be brief testimonials of how God has used suffer-

could walk in obedience to his calling. He could fight

ing as an instrument of His grace, as well as group

the good fight, finish his race, and keep the faith. And

discussion following each teaching session.

now, through this compelling, insightful, and moving

Leader: Julie Van Gorp

Bible study, so can you. Join us as we study, Lord Give

Room: 229 | Fee: $20.00

Me a Heart for You by Kay Arthur.

Childcare Available, $35 per family

Leader: Jeanine Dungan

*Children MUST be preregistered for childcare by Au-

Room: 246 | Fee: $20.00

gust 27 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Childcare NOT available

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 15


Men’s Ministry Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. - Proverbs 27:17


he goal of our discipleship ministries is to bring people together under the Word of God so that they can grow in their Christian faith and carry the Gospel to others. Small groups are a place where you can join others and together grow, share, and reach out. You will

grow through the discussion and application of God’s Word. You will share life with all of its joys and challenges. You will reach out to others using your spiritual gifts. Come and find your place to belong!

For more information about Men’s Ministry, visit apostles.org/men.

Men’s Fraternity Atlanta Quest for Authentic Manhood: Seeing the Greater Reward

qualities that modern western culture discourages,

Starting Friday, September 21


not because they have no value, but because such men are a threat to the prevailing norms and stan-

Men are in a battle against a ruthless and relentless

Authentic Men understand the need to continually

enemy - personal, cultural, and societal forces that

evaluate themselves and to learn and train in the

seek to alienate and confuse men at every age and

company of like-minded men. These men understand

in every walk of life. Deriding their leadership, de-

the adage: “Life is a team sport.”

grading their capabilities, and distorting their God-

Starting Friday, September 21, Men’s Fraternity At-

given roles, these belligerents seek to instill fear and

lanta will present a combination of speakers, videos,

trepidation so that men will run away rather than

and frank and open discussions among teams of


men, to explore and understand the following topics:

Authentic Men understand the genesis of their manhood and are grounded in timeless principles

The Battlefield of Manhood

and bedrock values. They are resolute and decisive,

- Impediments to Potential; Friction and a Man’s Life - Dealing with Disorder - The Illusion of Control - Fear, the Greatest Manhood Challenge - Dynamics of Courage - The Walk of Faith – Finding Freedom - Darkness and Light, Moral Failure or Spiritual Power - Wealth and Privation - Understanding the Gospel – The Poise of Manhood Your quest begins on Friday, September 21, at 0555. To find out more about Men’s Fraternity, contact: mensfraternity@apostles.org or call Brenda Williams at 404-591-1965.

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Great Coffee And Great Men Men’s Small Groups

The Path

Weekday Mornings

The Path is a lay ministry at The Church of The Apos-

Men’s Mentoring

Marriage, children, work, home, faith — the chal-

tles that seeks to facilitate mentoring partnerships

lenges abound. In today’s world it’s tough to be who

between men who desire to have accountability for

God has called us to be. How do we follow Him and

their lives. The Bible is our primary source of guid-

lead others? How do we balance the demands at

ance. We strive hard not to create our own “pro-

work with the responsibilities at home? How do we

gram,” but instead, to let the Holy Spirit guide in this

love our wives like Christ loved the church? God did not intend for you to discover the answer

effort. As a reference for our mentors, we use a book called The Heart of Mentoring by David A. Stoddard.

to these and all the other important life questions

Dave has worked closely with our core team helping

by yourself. You were created to live in community

us fully grasp the Ten Powerful Principles of Effective

with other men who are wrestling with the same is-

Mentoring laid out in his book. The overriding theme

sues, and who desire to live godly lives that count

is that mentoring is a process facilitated by a relation-

for God, but have not yet “put it all together.”

ship. Each partnership is unique and tailored to the

Come join other men who meet here at the

needs of the younger partner. Mentors are willing to

church on most weekday mornings to study Scrip-

open their lives, letting the partner see how he suc-

ture and to apply it to real life. Share your life with

ceeded or failed and above all learned from his expe-

other men who will help you see Scripture more

riences. Mentors are good listeners. They don’t have

clearly and who will help you sharpen your focus

an agenda or want to change the mentoring partner.

on Christ.

They want to help their mentoring partner navigate the narrow path of a Christian life.

To find out more about men’s small groups, contact Rhonda Saduddin at rsaduddin@apostles.org or

To find out more, please contact Rhonda Saduddin


rsaduddin@apostles.org or 404-564-3152.

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 17


adult Bible Classes Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15 he goal of our discipleship ministries is to


bring people together under the Word of

God so that they can grow in their Chris-

tian faith and carry the Gospel to others. Our Sunday morning adult Bible classes are structured to help people not only gain knowledge, but also to acquire understanding and grow in wisdom. All classes are led by gifted facilitators in small-to-medium-sized settings.

For more information about our current classes visit apostles.org/adult-bible-studies.

Classes start September 9 at 9:00 A.M. (unless otherwise indicated) First Look

loved and accepted in Christ than we ever dared

John Horton

hope — at the very same time. This creates a radi-

Room 201

cal new dynamic for personal growth. We can use

This is a four-week class designed to orient newcom-

it to delight and imitate the One who has saved us

ers to the life and ministry of The Church of The Apos-

rather than to get His attention or procure His

tles. The class covers an overview of the history,

favor. We now run the race “for the joy that is set

mission, vision, ministries, and facilities of our

before us” rather than “for the fear that comes be-

church. The First Look class is a requirement for

hind us.”

church membership. Please call Melanie Poole at 404564-6673 if you have any questions. Please choose


from the following start dates: August 5, September

Steve Peterson

2, September 30 or October 28.

Room 616

Breakthrough Living

providing an atmosphere where God can build faith

Roy Jones

and fruit in each of our lives. Because of this commit-

Room 237

ment we pray, study God’s Word, and share honestly

Please join us for a study of Paul’s letter to the Gala-

concerning the ways God is working in our lives. We

Builders is a community of believers committed to

tians. As we study together we will learn that the

are an open fellowship where anyone can experi-

Gospel means that while Christians are in them-

ence authentic community and make new friends.

selves still sinning, in Christ in God’s sight they are

We will be studying The Gospel of Mark. Please come

accepted and righteous. So we can say that we are

and be challenged to go deeper in your walk with

more wicked than we ever dared believe, but more


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1 Corinthians

raries viewed Him. Along the way, we will witness

Mike Sessoms

Jesus performing amazing miracles, teaching many

Room 248

parables, and meeting those who had face-to-face en-

Mike was a missionary to Western Africa for over 25

counters. The glory and majesty of Christ will be re-

years and he brings a seasoned perspective to the

vealed along the journey. Come join us as we walk

study of God’s Word. In 1 Corinthians, Paul outlines

where Jesus walked in the Gospels.

the overwhelming superiority of God's salvation, how He places us in Christ and has made Christ to be for

Knowing and Doing God’s Will

us all that we need. Paul contrasts God's “how to's”

Bobby Mitchell Sr.

versus man’s “how to's” to show the power of the

Room 229 A

Gospel to bring redemptive victory to all the areas of

Does God call us today? If God is calling, are we lis-

the believer’s life. In addition, Paul illustrates pat-

tening? How do we recognize God’s voice and re-

terns of how believers are to live: following clear

spond in obedience? What do we do, and how do we

commands of God, allowing for apostolic authority

do it? Can I really walk with the Lord in twenty-first

to speak principles of truth, and as one matures,

century America? Do I have to do it in all aspects of

being led by the Spirit to make decisions solely for

my life—work, marriage, family, friends, etc.? Who

the glory of God.

can help me? What is a council of advisors? How did

When we consider how similar our society is to the

others do it? This study addresses these and many

one in Corinth, we see a letter that is as “alive” and

other questions and is all about practical application

full of application for us today as it was when it was

in today’s world.


Living at Peace Just A Closer Walk With Thee

Bryan Alison

J. C. Poole

Room 614

Room 229 B-C

This course, originally named “Peacemakers,” has been

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John will be our travel

revamped to use real-life scenarios to effectively apply

guides as we follow Jesus and pursue a closer walk

the principles of biblical peacemaking. It will equip

with Him “so as to walk in a manner worthy of the

you to use biblical principles in everyday life relation-

Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every

ships with those at home, church, and in your social

good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”

life and workplace. Applying these principles will

(Colossians 1:10). Our guides document how God de-

allow you to bring glory to God and make a difference

scribed Jesus and how His disciples and contempo-

for Christ in those places where you have been planted. You will not only grow in your relationship with Christ, but you will learn how to serve others in difficult situations. Come join us and explore what God wants to do in and through your relationships.

The Gospel of John Monte Johnson Room 611 An in-depth, verse-by-verse study, with application for today!

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 19

T H E C HU R CH O F T H E AP OSTLES Adult Bible Classes continued from page 17

Parents of Teenagers

What the Bible Really Says

Tom Wilkes

Stan Carder

Room 615

Room 243

We are comprised of parents of teenagers or former

This course is a summary of our Christian beliefs,

teens, some of them now in college and some begin-

and it is formatted to enable us to make a logical de-

ning their careers. Each year we focus on a different

fense of our faith. We will be examining God’s Word

book of the Bible and use a study guide to aid us. We

and learning how we are to apply these truths to

use our time on Sunday mornings to pray for each

those with whom we interact, whether at work, in

other and discuss an assigned passage of the Bible.

our neighborhoods, or in the communities where

Our goal is to deepen our relationship with Christ and

we are serving. Through teaching, interaction, and

walk as role models for our kids.

small group discussions, we will solidify our trust in the foundational truths of God’s Word. This class

Starting Point

is highly recommended for all believers who desire

James Saxon and a Team

to make an impact upon the culture in which we

Room 239


Starting Point is a conversational small group environment where you can explore and grow in your experience of the Christian faith in a safe and nur-

What the Founders Knew: Looking at America’s Heritage from a Biblical Perspective

turing community. If you desire to learn more about

David Nicholas / Dal Sumrell

the basics of your spiritual foundation, come and

Room 246

join us on Sunday mornings this fall for Starting

Few pursuits could be more important than reflect-


ing on God’s role in the building of America and in His role in securing the “Blessings of Liberty.” This

Young Professionals

class is a combination of Bible study which looks at

Russ Masterson

God’s promises regarding government and its admin-

Room 610

istration, and an examination of laws, resolutions,

This class is designed to build community among sin-

and proclamations found in the U.S. National

gles in their 20s and 30s, focusing on topics that are

Archives that were crafted in light of God’s Word. Join

applicable to what it means to follow Jesus in per-

us as we reflect upon what God has done and look

sonal, relational, and business life.

forward to what He will do!

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Congregational care But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves. - 2 Cor. 4:7 ongregational Care is continually seeking to provide op-


portunities that will enable all members to live their lives more effectively. Therefore, we are privileged to offer the

following ministries for this fall. To register and pay online,

please go to the church’s website at www.apostles.org for more detailed information, or contact Gwen Wiley at 404-564-3159, or email gwiley@apostles.org.

For more information about Congregational Care, visit apostles.org/congregational-care.

Fall 2012 Opportunities for Growth CrossCurrent

Seven out of 10 Americans are living paycheck-to-pay-

Tuesday evenings, August 14 – September 25

check. If you are one of the few who isn’t struggling,

6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

you will still benefit from this powerful material. You


will learn how to apply biblical principles in the man-

A 7-week course that brings hope for healing of heart

agement of all the resources God has given you. The

wounds or sexual addictions that block intimacy

cost is $95 per couple or individual which includes

with God and is our most significant relationship.

resource materials and a life-time membership to

Course book $10 optional.


DivorceCare Tuesday evenings, August 14 – November 6 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Room 614 A 13-week course which covers many different aspects of one’s life as it is impacted by either separation or divorce. The cost is $15.

Financial Peace University Tuesday evenings, August 21 – October 16 7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. Room 237 A 9-week course with Dave Ramsey teaching on video and followed by a small group discussion. This is a practical and fun opportunity to learn about money.

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 21

T H E C HU R CH O F T H E AP OSTLES Congregational Care continued from page 19


The class has been revamped to use real-life scenarios

Tuesday evenings, August 14 – November 6

to effectively apply the principles of biblical peace-

7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

making. It will equip you to use biblical principles in

Room 613

everyday life relationships, those from the home,

A 13-week course and support group designed to as-

church, social life, and workplace. Applying these

sist those who are grieving the loss of a loved one,

principles will allow you to bring glory to God and

whether recently or sometime in the past. The cost is

make a difference for Christ in those places where


you have been planted. You will not only grow in your relationship with Christ, you will learn how to


serve others in difficult situations. Come join us and

Tuesday evenings, October 2 – April 23, 2013

explore what God wants to do in and through your

6:15 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.


STS A 28-week spiritual journey that includes worship,


teaching, testimony, and small group prayer in a safe and confidential environment for those dealing with

PrimeTimers Luncheon

deep hurt and sinful, addictive habits. The cost of the

Sunday, October 21 / 12:10

series is $500.

Guest Speaker: Earl Burns Topic: Credit Card Frauds and Scams


We continually read of the latest credit card frauds

A biblically-based life and work assessment course de-

and scams and the damage caused by identity theft.

signed to provoke thinking and foster strategic re-

Current information is needed to better protect our

newal, personally and professionally. The cost of the

personal information and financial records. Earl

course is $70 to cover the purchase of a workbook and

Burns, a retired FBI agent who specialized in white-

required personality profiles. By appointment only.

collar criminal investigations, will speak to us on

Living at Peace

crafty criminals.

how to safeguard ourselves from falling prey to these (originally named “Peacemakers”)

Tickets are $10 per person. For more informa-

Sunday mornings, September 8 – May 26, 2013

tion, call Gwen Wiley at 404-564-3159 or email at

9:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M.

gwiley@apostles.org. You may register online at

Room 607


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Volunteer Ministry As each has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. - 1 Peter 4:10

et connected to ministry and service in the church family and in the community. Know your purpose


and calling and use your gifts to glorify God and serve each other so that we can say thanks with our

lives for all of the things that God has done for us.

If you would like to know more about how to get connected and use your gifts in serving God, please contact Melanie Poole at mpoole@apostles.org.

Congregational Care

PrimeTimers A service-oriented fellowship for those over 50 serv-

Our purpose is to extend the reach of the pastor to

ing the body of Christ in a variety of ways, including

care for all members as Christ would care for His

visiting the homebound. They also sponsor lunch-

own, both by ministering to them and teaching them

eons focused on vital issues for seniors. If interested,

to minister to one another.

please contact the Congregational Care office.

GraceTouch Meals

Stephen Ministers

Shares the grace and love of our Lord by providing a

These volunteers are lay persons in our congregation

meal and a personal contact to those in our midst in

who are trained to provide confidential care for those

need of refreshment, care, and encouragement.

who are facing a difficult situation. For more infor-

You may:

mation , call our referral coordinators, Sylvia Mosley

• Cook meals to be taken to families who have a need.

at 770-987-1929 or Jim Kranzusch at 770-565-1650.

• Cook meals to bring to church to be put in the


freezer for emergency help.

These volunteers serve once a month during the 9:00

• Deliver meals to the families.

or 10:30 services. This includes passing out the bul-

Military Outreach

letin, helping people get seated, and taking up the

These volunteers provide opportunities for us to par-


ticipate in service projects with various organizations and to assist and support military individuals and

For more information contact Gwen Wiley at

their families as they faithfully serve our country.


Prayer Ministry

First Impressions Ministry

This opportunity involves the expansion of God’s kingdom through intercession for others. Interces-

Parking Greeters

sors may come to the church during the week and

These volunteers help bridge people from the park-

pray for the requests that have been received, or re-

ing lot into the building in a warm and welcoming

quests may be received via email at home.


Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 23

T H E C HU R CH O F T H E AP OSTLES Volunteer Ministry continued from page 21

Farewell Greeters These volunteers greet and pray for those who are exiting the church with the goal of making sure their visit to our church ends well. For more information contact Jan Blakeslee at jblakeslee@apostles.org.

Children’s Ministry Our vision is to reach children for Christ and to equip them to surpass us in the knowledge of God, in faith, in righteousness, in fruitfulness, and in evangelization. Early and consistent teaching in a child’s formative years has an enduring effect. (Proverbs 22:6)

Sunday School Teachers These volunteers teach every Sunday from 9:00 – 10:15

Front Door Greeters

a.m., September – May. They are off during the summer.

These volunteers warmly greet all who enter the

The summer teachers work June – August every Sun-

church building and are prepared to answer any di-

day from 9:00 – 10:15 A.M.

rectional questions.

Shepherds The Welcome Center

These volunteers work with the infants through four-

This is the information “nerve center” of the church.

year-olds on a monthly rotation with the same group

Greeters are knowledgeable and always prepared to

of children each month.

answer informational and directional questions.

• Shepherds for infants through walkers help wel-

Sanctuary Greeters

songs that focus on God.

An opportunity to warmly greet visitors as they enter

• Shepherds for toddlers through four-year-olds

come the children to class and do activities and

the various sections of the sanctuary prior to the serv-

teach Bible lessons along with activities and crafts

ice, during the congregational greeting in the service,

and take their class to worship in the children’s

and as they leave.


Visitor Reception Greeters

Special Stones

Immediately following the 10:30 A.M. worship, these

Our ministry on Sunday mornings to children with

greeters welcome visitors in the visitor reception. They

special needs is offered from 9:00 to noon. Children

are trained to focus on the specific needs and ques-

are taught Bible lessons from the Show Me Jesus cur-

tions of the individual visitors and assist in making

riculum in a loving environment of their own. The

them feel comfortable. The visitor reception greeter

class shepherd also leads the children in planned ac-

also provides a visitor the opportunity to meet church

tivities and music. Volunteers serve on a rotating



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Kids’ Connection 1 and 2

These volunteers work on a monthly or bimonthly

Children’s church experiences which includes praise,

basis, helping shepherds and caregivers in each room.

worship, giving, Bible teaching, and small group activities for children in grades K – 4. Our prayer is that chil-

Music and Drama

dren will learn what it means to bow down and

People are needed who can play a musical instru-

worship before their heavenly Father and that they

ment, sing, or enjoy drama or puppets. These talents

would “graduate” from the Children’s Ministry ready to

and gifts will be used in the Wee Worship and King-

actively participate in the weekly gathering of the Body.

dom Kids worship times and Elementary Assembly on Sunday morning. This is done on a rotating schedule.

General Volunteers These volunteers can help outside of Sunday morn-

Wednesday Night

ings with administration, organization, and prepara-

Infants through four-year-olds have teachers and

tion for classes or special events.

helpers that teach a lesson with crafts and songs while their parents are in Hour of Power.

Vacation Bible School A one-week commitment, usually in June, with avail-

Running Church

ability for training and preparation as needed for

First through fourth graders participate in Bible les-

each area of service.

sons, Bible memory, and activities that focus on God. *Parents are asked to work once a month in their

Tuesday and Thursday Mornings

children’s classrooms.

There are children’s classes during the women’s Bible studies. Teachers and helpers are needed during this

For more information contact Kelly Skelly at



Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 25

T H E C HU R CH O F T H E AP OSTLES Volunteer Ministry continued from page 23

Women’s Ministry Bible Studies The heart of the Women’s Ministry at Apostles is studying God’s Word through the Bible studies. Classes are held spring, summer, and fall during the day and evening. For more information, visit our website at http://apostles.org/women/ or contact Carola Wangeci at cwangeci@apostles.org.

Close Knit Flock Anne Hayes, Lay Leader If you enjoy needlework and the fellowship of Christian women, you are invited to reach out to others with the love and encouragement of Christ. These ladies meet twice per month to knit baby hats for Cobb Pregnancy Center. They knit an average of 40 hats per

STS Ministry

month. No experience necessary. They will teach you! Contact Anne Hayes at awhayes12@gmail.com for

STS exists to reach, equip, and mobilize students for

more information.

their ministry. (Acts 1:8)

Heart-to-Heart Group Mentoring Sunday Morning

The goal of Heart-to-Heart is to teach women to be

Set-up, cooking, clean-up, prayer, greetings, teaching,

life givers by understanding their biblical woman-

and discussion group leaders.

hood. The mentoring ministry helps women estab-

Sunday Evening

will encourage and equip them to live for God’s

lish covenant relationships with godly women who Discipleship group leaders are needed for 7th – 12th

glory. Each group has one to two spiritual mothers

grade students.

(mentors) and six to eight mentees. Women sign up for a time and location that are convenient. Groups

Wednesday Evening

meet monthly in the home of the mentors or at the

5th – 8th grade students: Recreation and group dis-


cussion leaders are needed. 9th – 12th grade students: Small group Bible study

QFC: Quilting For Christ

leaders are needed.

Julee James, Lay Leader

Other opportunities

each month. No experience is necessary, as the expe-

Quilting for Christ meets the first three Thursdays of Mentoring and discipling students, helping with re-

rienced are blessed to teach others. Quilts are sewn

treats, missions trips, and service projects.

for the Cobb County Pregnancy Center, Atlanta Union Mission, Feed My Lambs, Bridge Ministry, and or-

For more information contact Jenny Sessoms at

phanages. Please contact Julee James by email at



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Single Moms

contacting Jan Blakeslee at jblakeslee@apostles.org or

Connie Miller, Lay Leader

visit apostles.org/women/singlehearts for more infor-

The Single Moms Ministry offers value to you, the sin-


gle mom. The focus is on your spiritual growth and your heart. The group offers mentoring, financial

For more information contact Carola Wangeci at

counseling, Sunday Bible Study with childcare, quar-


terly fellowship luncheons, etc. Please contact Connie Miller at conniemiller10@gmail.com.

General Volunteers

Widows Network

Receptionist Desk

The Widow’s Network has helped many find solace

During the week, cover the receptionist desk at

in times of grief, as well as brought a sense of con-

lunchtime for one hour on a rotating basis.

nection to other women. On six Sundays a year and at Christmas there are special luncheons held to

Wednesday Night Dinner

honor the widows. There are other activities and

Help serve on the main serving line, the children’s

service projects as well. Please email Marion Sharp at

table, or desserts. This can be on a rotating schedule


or whenever each volunteer is available.

Single Hearts for Christ

Special Events

Jan Blakeslee, Lay Leader

Help with special events such as working at the in-

Single Hearts for Christ: A fellowship for single, di-

formation or sign-up tables in the foyer, or working

vorced, and widowed women 40 and beyond. Single

at book and CD tables on Sunday mornings when we

Hearts for Christ is a women’s fellowship group that

have special guests.

brings single Christian women together to enjoy, enrich, and support one another. What better place to

Administrative support

be than with a group where people know you, pray

Provide general administrative help during the week

for you, and encourage you in your faith? As we see

as needed.

it, every single, divorced, and widowed woman has different needs, worries, hopes, and dreams, but it is

For more information contact Melanie Poole at

certain that each one offers a plethora of experiences,


perspectives, challenges, and gifts. In Christ, we have all that we need for life and ministry. Come join us by

Missions There are year-round opportunities for volunteers to do God’s work by getting personally involved with ministries supported by Apostles. Anyone interested in finding out more about these ministries should talk to the membership coordinator. For more information contact Melanie Poole at mpoole@apostles.org.

Reaching the Lost and Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry > Page 27

How to Contact Us Phone: 404.842.0200 Fax: 404.266.0656 E-mail: apostles@apostles.org Web: www.apostles.org

Worship Sunday: The Gathering of the Body 9:00 A.M. & 10:30 A.M. Sunday Evening: 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Hour of Power: 6:15 P.M.

Discipleship Sunday: 9:00 A.M.

Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef 1781 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web: www.leadingtheway.org

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