Summer 2012 Newsletter

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Table Of Contents


Encouraging Results Hundreds of guests attend and many lost people are converted through “Christianity Explored”


God Save America


A Timely Wake-Up Call A Leading e Way Testimony from Iraq


Bass ‘n Blast Fathers and Sons connect through STS retreat


The Women’s Ministry Invites You To...


Signed & Delivered 25th anniversary celebration is highlighted by over 2,500 renewed membership covenants


A Guiding Hand e church honors long-time friend, Henry F. (Hank) McCamish, Jr.



The Gospel Creates Community

Will Work To Serve Others VBS 2012 & Summer Children’s Outreach


School Is In Session Metro Atlanta Studies, a new ministry developed for home school families with Christian worldviews, begins this fall


Leading The Way Summer Series

fter launching the ApostlesLife outreach strategy in 2007 and doing several waves of training and events, we decided to pull back from any further initiative in 2011 and seek the Lord’s confirmation on our direction and efforts to release our church body as “apostles” into their daily networks. After nine months of prayerful reflection before the Lord and much consulting and networking with other proven soul-winning ministries and leaders, the Lord led us to a new strategy that we entitled “One Style-One VerseOne Guest.” Last summer we field-tested and finetuned the strategy and aggressively trained over 1,000 of our members on how to identify their unique styles of evangelism, how to share the Gospel


this past year and many of you may be wondering, “So, how did it go?” “Was the Lord pleased to use that enormous effort

You will be encouraged to know that many of our members followed the Lord’s leading and invited hundreds of guests. In response, several hundred came to church, and some very lost people were converted. using one verse, John 3:16, and then to begin to pray for at least one lost neighbor, friend, or relative that they could bring to Guest Month in January. The strategy was implemented over

to bring lost people to Himself?” “Did God choose to confirm His leading by blessing us with conversions?” You will be encouraged to know that many of our members followed the ApostlesLife | 2 |

Lord’s leading and invited hundreds of guests. In response, several hundred came to church, and some very lost people were converted. The Christianity Explored course that followed Guest Month proved to be an effective followup to the January evangelistic sermons by reinforcing and clarifying the Gospel in a winsome, interactive setting. Ten of those who attended the course participated in the April-May First Look class. The February Christianity Explored course was such a success that we offered it again in April and had another large group of seekers participate. In addition to the encouraging results, we learned much along the way that has reshaped our paradigm and enhanced our strategy for this next year. Similar to last year, I will be introducing this revised strategy for 2012-2013 during the Sunday school hour in June for any of you who would like to get a preview of what this next year holds in store. (9:00-10:15 A.M. in Room 229ABC). We believe that God blessed and taught us much last year and we look forward to an even greater harvest through this next year’s refined initiative. The fields are white for the harvest and we are pleased to be a part of all that He is doing.

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rayers of faith have great power. They can conquer the unconquerable, overcome obstacles, accomplish the impossible,

and vanquish the enemy. The Apostle Paul said that God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,

according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). Like you, I feel the urgency to pray that God will save America. It is a huge request, but God wants to do great things for His people.

During the days of Jeremiah, He promises them restoration from the destruction of the Babylonians. He says, “I will bring Judah

and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before…Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise, and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it” (Jeremiah 33:7, 9). God wants to hear big prayers that seek to bring Him “renown, joy, praise, and honor before all nations.” Yes, God does want to hear our small prayers. He wants us to reveal our hearts to Him and share our concerns and hopes. Yet the prayers that seek to glorify God, to honor Him, to further the work of His kingdom, to transform the hearts of nonbelievers, to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, and to reveal His majesty—those are the prayers that are most powerful.

My heart is to have 100,000 Bible-believing Americans praying from July 4, 2012, to November 6, 2012, for a spiritual revival in our nation. Log onto and sign-up to pray for America. You may also call 1-800-337-5323 to make your pledge. Please also join me in: • Praising God for the privilege to live in America. • Thanking God for the rich Christian history of America. • Petitioning God for His blessing on America. • Praying to God for wisdom and discernment for upcoming elections. • Asking God for boldness and strength to share truth with friends and neighbors. What a delight it is to the Lord when His people unite to see His name and His glory exalted in their nation. Will you join with me in praying for God to draw men and women of Christ to join us as we pray for God to save America? I look forward to the months ahead as we seek the Lord together. In Christ,

Michael Youssef, Ph.D. ApostlesLife | 4 |


li was just finishing college in Iraq when the Americans— the “infidels”—invaded. Saddam Hussein had been a tyrant who oppressed the Shiite Muslims like Ali, and he was glad to see him go. But now these Christian “crusaders” had taken over his country. He had to do something about it.

Ali’s childhood dream had been to become an Islamic religious leader and spread Islam everywhere. “Islam was the center of my life,” Ali says. When he turned eighteen, he went to school in Najaf to study Sharia law and Islamic Shiite jurisprudence. After six years of study, he went to college at Baghdad University. “My main goal at college was to talk about Islam, especially among the Christian students.” After the U.S. invasion, a religious duty to resist the “crusaders” consumed him. So Ali joined a militia called the Mahdi Army, which had been created by the fiery Iraqi cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr. Ali was one of tens of thousands of young men recruited near mosques by al-Sadr to defend Islam. But after working with the Mahdi Army for eighteen months, something very unexpected happened . . . . Ali was writing brochures about human rights in Islam, and he needed access to some books and references. He contacted a relative who had a large library and asked to use his resources. But Ali didn’t know his relative had become a Christian by secretly watching Christian programming on the Internet. After Ali learned of his relative’s conversion, the two of them spent long hours talking about God. It was Ali’s intention to defend Islam. “But the scales started falling from my eyes just like what happened to the Apostle Paul. I saw things I’d never seen before. I read things I’d never understood, even though I’d read them before.” One day, Ali’s relative gave him a Bible.

He took it home and started reading the gospel of Matthew. He couldn’t stop. He kept reading day and night until he finished the entire New Testament. Ali had found what he was looking for. He had found what he could never seem to find in Islam. Ali fell to his knees and asked the Lord to accept him and his worship. “At that moment, I felt the Lord was very close to me. Since then, He has never left me alone. He’s my true friend.” That’s when Leading The Way came into Ali’s life. He writes: “I’ve been watching your programs every day for almost two years. It has given me amazing growth and depth in God’s word. You can say that I have become crazy about your channel.” “Believe me; the Lord has used your channel in my life more than anything else. It has been a spiritual leader for me. I like how the depth of God is taught through all of the Christian teachings.” “I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your work showed me the way.” “I always pray for you after every program I watch on your channel. I pray that God would bless your channel and make it grow more and more.” When we watch the news, it seems like Islam holds an unrelenting grip over the Middle East. But God is in control and He is constantly opening up the hearts and minds of people like Ali to the lifesaving message of Jesus Christ. Every day, throughout the region, Christ is calling people to wake up. He is calling them to come follow Him. We must continue to ApostlesLife | 6 |

be there for them just as we have been there for Ali.


he Lord has given THE KINGDOM SAT yet another miraculous breakthrough. In late April, Leading The Way signed a year-long contract to air THE KINGDOM SAT channel on the leading and most highly respected satellite provider in the Arab world, Arabsat. Founded in 1976 by the 21 memberstates of the Arab League, Arabsat serves the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Central Asia. It is a miracle that Christian programming would be allowed on Arabsat and we give all glory and honor to the Lord for this opportunity to reach even more people with the Truth and love of Jesus Christ. hrough the programming of Leading The Way, we can passionately proclaim the uncompromising truth of Jesus Christ from The Church of The Apostles to hundreds of millions of homes in the Middle East, North Africa and European regions, and beyond. Through our follow-up ministry, we can personally disciple and connect these believers in the region. Your partnership with us enables us to bring the hope of Christ to desperate and hurting people. Now Ali knows that Jesus is not only his Savior and Lord but also his true friend!


If you would like to partner with Leading The Way, please contact us at: Leading The Way PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30325 404-841-0100 Email:


time we had around the campfire at night. As a ministry, we know the importance of a father’s influence in his children’s lives

struggles that teens face today are much the same that the dads faced years ago. However, today’s teens are faced with a lot more information to filter and there are many more distractions to contend with. The discussion between sons and fathers was very open and honest. It is our prayer that the discussions we had will be just a beginning for these fathers and sons to continue an open dialogue about the issues that these students

and getting dads and sons together for honest discussion was a real blessing. Students and fathers both were able to share some of the challenges they see teens face today compared to when the dads were teens. It is amazing that many of the core

face as teenagers navigating our society in an attempt to live a life that reflects the image of Christ. We also hope that it will equip fathers to transfer their role as mentors and teachers to their sons as they prepare them for adulthood.

gain this spring, STS hosted fathers and sons on our “Bass ‘n Blast” retreats.

In March we traveled to Pinewood Plantation near Albany, Georgia. Then

in April, the STS team set off to the North Carolina mountains with a crew

of fathers and sons for a second retreat. It was a time of fun and fellowship for fathers and sons to enjoy some “guy” activities together. We stayed at Camp Arrowhead in Tuxedo, 220 acres perched on the banks of Rock Creek, which is one of the most spectacular, unspoiled trout rivers in the area. While there, we first brushed up on our fly casting skills on the camp’s lakes (where we found some nice bass) before heading out into Rock Creek in search of brown and rainbow trout. The river did not disappoint. We also had the chance to do some trap shooting and shot .22 rifles. Some of the boys went canoeing and others took mountain bikes on some of the camp’s many trails. The retreat is designed with ample free time for fathers and sons to go off and spend time together fishing, shooting, or just exploring. Not having TVs or cell phones makes for some great conversation! As important as it is, it’s sometimes difficult for fathers and sons to spend time together in our very busy home lives. Most importantly, however, was the

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heon ble Hostess Lunc Christmas Tea Ta ons noon in the Comm July 22, 2012 at 12 le Hostesses for the Christmas Tea Tab nistry hosts a luncheon Mi n’s me Tea Wo the y Ch Jul ach for the 2012 ristmas at anticipation the details gre th Wi ! ure fut and t – both pas hostess for the tea are announced. mitment to being a table com ly ear an ke ma to er table with Each year, ladies are eag tess agrees to decorate a decorate. Each table hos to le tab a and t sea r! a s yea each as this secure behold the lovely tables terpiece. It is beautiful to would like to attend and china, tea cups, and a cen Tea s for this year’s Christma le tab a g tin ora dec in d men’s Ministry office If you are intereste Carola Wangeci in the Wo t tac con ase ple , on che this informational lun rg by Monday, July 18. ail cwangeci@apostles.o em by or 915 2-9 -84 404 at



ingle Hearts for Ch rist is a women’s fel lowship that brin to enjoy, enrich, an gs single Christia d support one an n women together other. What bette people know you, r pl ace to be than with pray for you, and a group where encourage you in divorced, and wi your faith? As we dowed woman ha se e it, s different needs, every single, that each one offer worries, hopes, an s a plethora of ex d dreams. But it pe rie is certain nc es , perspectives, ch have all that we ne allenges, and gifts ed for life and min . In ist ry Ch . If rist, we you are 40 years ol with other Christia d or beyond, and n women, we have looking to connec an open invitation t place for you to gr for you. Our goal ow in Christ and is to provide a secu to re es ta blish friendships The Church of Th with other single e Apostles. Come women at join us! You may view ou r calendar of even ts at www.apostle Jan Blakeslee for more information or contact : jblakeslee@apos or: 770-97 3-7489.

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unday, May 13 was a great celebration of

the 25th Anniversary of The Church of The Apostles, but undoubtedly the high-

light of that day was seeing hundreds come forward to renew their covenant of membership. The idea for the covenant renewal came from Joshua 4:1-7 when Joshua was commanded to set up stones of remembrance to remind generations to come of what God had done at that specific place. How He had delivered His people. The covenant renewal was an opportunity for all members, each one of us, to set up some type of remembrance in observance of our twentyfifth anniversary. An integral part of our future is daily renewing our purpose and resolve to be obedient, as a body of believers, to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Signing a piece of paper accomplishes nothing, but committing to serving His purposes will change each of us powerfully. These covenants merely symbolize the inward commitment to the work of the Lord. Whether you have been a member for 25 years or 25 days, this signed covenant communicated that we all stand on level ground at the foot of the cross, as we make our commitment before God. If you have not renewed your membership covenant or if you would like to learn more about joining The Church of The Apostles please contact Melanie Poole at or visit

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The Church of The Apostles honors a longtime friend with building dedication


rue friendships result in two changed lives. The deepest, most meaningful kinds of relationships could never be described as one-sided; both parties must be influenced, shaped, challenged, and strengthened by the other. When you ask Hank McCamish how The Church of The Apostles has impacted him, he replies that it has literally changed his life. He should not, however, be surprised to find that the feeling is mutual. The friendship between Dr. Michael Youssef and Henry “Hank” McCamish goes back to 1977, a full decade before The Church of The Apostles was founded. When he first heard of Dr. Youssef ’s vision for establishing a new church, Hank immediately gave his unconditional encouragement and support. His initial reaction, however, did not immediately include thoughts of joining this potential congregation. It would be seven years later that Hank and his wife, Margaret, would finally officially join the community that he helped inspire and encourage.

“Why should we do less for God than we would do for ourselves?” With that simple question, The Church of The Apostles began solidifying how all its activity and ministry ought to be done with

“Why should we do less for God than we would do for ourselves?” Like so many churchgoers in the culturally Christian South, Hank had long thought of himself as a Christian. After joining The Church of The Apostles, however, he began realizing his need to know Jesus intimately as his personal Lord and Savior. God has used his time at Apostles to change his life. But like all true friendships, one quickly recognizes how profoundly Hank has changed The Church of The Apostles—the feeling is mutual. Michael Youssef himself recognizes that God has used Hank McCamish in a profound and singular way to establish high standards of excellence for The Church of The Apostles. During the preliminary planning of the new sanctuary, many became nervous that perhaps the vision was too large, the costs too high, the plans too lofty. Various suggestions were made about nixing ideas, simplifying plans and/or scaling down design. During one particular meeting, however, Hank dared to ask a particularly haunting question:

an unrelenting excellence for God’s glory. And that excellence would, of course, include the continuing design and construction of the campus. Hank simply could not imagine God’s house being given any less attention than he would give his own. When he looks at the present beautiful campus and its magnificent sanctuary, Hank can only sing praises to God for His faithfulness. Although man’s hands may have actually built the building, he explains, God’s hand guided them. Many are willing to add a clarifying note: God’s hand gave guidance through Hank McCamish. We recognize Hank McCamish for his years of faithful friendship to The Church of The Apostles. We celebrate the change which God has worked in Hank through the church. Likewise we honor the leadership and example modeled by Hank that changed the very church that changed him. Thank you, Hank—the feeling is mutual.

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casual survey of my Philosophy 101 class gave me a perfect snapshot of college. Representatives from diverse social backgrounds packed into the room, most seeking to fulfill a general education requirement. That diversity would quickly make itself known as we delved into deep questions of existence, meaning, and truth. How we got anything accomplished in an hour with the sharp disagreements that arose from our varied perspectives, I don’t quite recall. I just remember how divided and unalike we were and how those disagreements on the fundamentals of life caused such discord. As I reflect on that small, divisive class, it makes me marvel at the group of men Jesus chose to be His twelve disciples.

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We don’t know the background of every one of the twelve disciples Jesus chose, but what we do know is telling. He chose four fishermen, a skeptic, a zealot, and a tax collector to name a few. Add to that a guy who questions whether someone from Jesus’ hometown could amount to anything and you have, what appears, at least to human eyes, to be the most poorly chosen group of followers in history. It looks more like the cast of Survivor than it does the founding of a kingdom. With so many different social backgrounds and political perspectives, one wonders how they kept from fighting all of the time. Yet, this odd group of men would go on to preach the Gospel in all the world and change civilization forever. Jesus, in choosing these twelve individuals, teaches us a lot about His Church. By choosing the weak and the meek, Jesus teaches us that His Kingdom will not come through human power, but humanity empowered by His Holy Spirit. By selecting men from varied backgrounds and social positions, Christ shows us that the Gospel does what human philosophy cannot do; it creates community from the unlikeliest group of people. And it is how the Gospel creates community that fascinates me.


First, the Gospel can cause an instant kinship among strangers. Many Christians have experienced the immediate bond that is brought by the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen it happen one of two ways. Sometimes I meet a person and sense a common bond only to find out later that the person is a believer. Other times I meet a person who has identified himself or herself as a believer in Christ, and have then felt a bond because of our common faith. Our experiences today aren’t that different from the bonds early Christians felt for each other. After Paul and Silas are released from prison in Philippi, Acts 16:40 says, “…they went out of the prison and visited Lydia. And when they had seen the brothers, they encouraged them and departed.” In a short period of time, perhaps only days, these complete strangers in Philippi started to be called “brothers.” Being assured that another has been adopted into the family of Christ by the Holy Spirit causes a sense of community to overcome our hearts. The Holy Spirit within us begins prompting us to treat those we don’t know very well as “brothers.” That young church in Philippi shows us a second aspect of how the Gospel creates community. Among the people we know are in the church at Philippi are Lydia ( a

transplant from the city of Thyatira) along with her family, a jailer with his family, and quite possibly the slave girl out of whom Paul had cast a demonic spirit. What an odd assortment of people! Yet it is this diverse group that comes together as brothers and sisters in Christ to worship. They also monetarily support and pray for Paul. This shows how the Gospel creates community out of diversity. At the end of February, we began a small group study for college-age people. There are at least six campuses represented in the study. Though students started out not knowing each other well, the Holy Spirit worked in their hearts to form community. What began as time spent together after the Sunday evening study has turned into something more. I have seen them make plans together, pray for each other, and encourage each other in the midst of finals. These people who were mostly strangers from different social backgrounds and interests have found true community. They have formed that interpersonal community because the TriPersonal God is being formed in them. And when our hearts fully understand the depths of the Gospel of Christ, we want to gather together to share in that common faith and constantly look to draw others into that community.

f you are college-aged and are looking for a community like that, whether throughout the year or just through the summer, join us for our Sunday evening study. We meet at 6:30 PM in Rooms 201/202 for worship, bible study and fellowship. If you would like more information, contact me at

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priority of the VBS experience at Apostles for both elementary and preschool children is to participate in an outreach project that they can “own.” (Two years ago the children prepared blankets for children in Africa. Last year they brought school supplies for children in Nicaragua.) This year we are humbled to be reminded that one of the greatest needs of many children in Atlanta is school supplies. It’s hard to imagine that so many parents are not able to provide basic school supplies and backpacks for their children. Can you? If you are a parent, will you partner with us this year by doing two things? 1) Provide opportunities for your children to help around the house or yard to earn money they can donate to cover the cost of a backpack and school supplies, and 2) Seize the opportunity to talk and pray with your children about the children in need. (Donations are optional.) We will give 500 backpacks filled with school supplies and letters from your children (which we will write during VBS) to children in West Atlanta as a gift from the VBS children. If you are not a parent, will you consider an investment in the children of Atlanta by offering to hire our children of Apostles to earn extra money that they might donate? Will you encourage the children you know to persevere in this opportunity to serve? Children may bring their donations every morning to VBS or children’s department to the drop off in the children’s area.

“Odd Job” Ideas Match the socks Wash the car Wash windows Fold clothes Reorganize the silverware Sort clothes Clean the fish tank Take out the trash

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Deadhead the petunias Sharpen the knives Set up a lemonade stand Vacuum Give the dog a bath

METRO ATLANTA STUDIES, a new ministry developed for home school families with Christian worldviews, begins this fall at The Church of The Apostles.


or several months now at Apostles, we have been doing significant amounts of strategic thinking on how to best support families in their efforts to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. One of the key ways in doing that is to move away from the ‘compartmentalization’ approach which aims to minister to individual family members according to age groupings. The new paradigm is the ‘integration’ approach which aims to keep families together, especially parents with kids, to affirm family solidarity in terms of beliefs, values, and practices. The emphasis of this approach is to minister to the family as a unit rather than individual members. The Lord has ordained that the family serve as the primary conduit for His work in the lives of His people. Thus the more parents are in proximity to their kids, the better positioned they are to carry out the work of nurturing and monitoring the personal growth and spiritual lives of their precious children. Along these lines, several months ago, Dr. Youssef was impressed by the Lord that we needed to do more to support families who have made the courageous decision to directly integrate the education of their kids into their everyday family lives through home schooling. Toward that end, a team of senior staff members did some reconnaissance of the various options and formulated a concept that matches up with the framework of our unique philosophy of ministry. To meaningfully address this concern, we recommended a new ministry to home school families called Metro Atlanta Studies. Starting this fall, classes for middle school and high school age children will be offered here at Apostles on Mondays and Wednesdays. Classes will be led by an impressive array of qualified and experienced instructors teaching with academic excellence within the framework of a Christian worldview. With a classical emphasis, the environment will be one in which students are engaged, challenged, and encouraged to develop a lifelong love of learning as disciplines and skills are sharpened in

the logic and rhetoric phases, the middle and high school years. Metro Academic Studies exists to equip students to be academically astute and to engage the culture with a Christian worldview. It accomplishes its mission by partnering with families who home educate with the goal of providing quality academic and elective classes based on a Christian worldview. We are very excited about this new ministry to families and would so appreciate it if you would help spread the word that Metro Atlanta Studies is now available to both church and community families. For further information, please contact the leadership team listed below at their email addresses and stay tune for more details. SITE DIRECTOR: Laurie Heydt (church member) Email: PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Jill Butcher Email:

For Information and to Register:

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Is Islam really a peaceful religion? Are Christianity and Islam compatible? What do you actually know about Islam?


any Americans are ignorant about Islam and do not understand new jihad strategies and forms of warfare now taking over the uninformed West. We as believers must be educated, not just for our protection, but in order to share the Gospel with Muslims here in the United States and around the world.

During the month of July, we invite you to come learn more about Islam through a series of lectures presented by key members of the Leading The Way staff. We also invite you to ask questions in advance! If you have questions that you would like addressed during this series, please email them to

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Speaker: Maged

Speakers: Maged & Ashraf

In this session, we will go deeper into the mindset and mentality of Muslims. Because of the tenets of Islam, a Muslim’s main desire and motivation is to impose Sharia law on every society. We will explore Islamic doctrines further, including takiya, dhimmi, jihad, and other Sharia law practices.

God is working in the hearts of Muslims, and He often uses unique ways to bring them to Himself. During this session, we will discuss how to evangelize Muslims and you will hear the story of how a Jordanian convert came to know Jesus Christ. Other testimonies will be shared and there will be a time for Q&A.

This important session will focus on our response as followers of Christ to Islam. We must be informed, we must be ready to give an answer, we must pray, and we must reach out in love. This session will explore the Christian response to Islam in detail.

Speaker: Maged Conflicts and heresies within the Christian church played a role in setting the stage for the birth of Islam. In this session, Maged will explain the history of Islam within the context of Christian history, including how the founder of Islam’s false understanding of Christianity led him to establish this new religion. We will also examine how Islam spread throughout a mostly Christian region, and how and why it’s still spreading today.

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Speaker: Joshua

The Church of The Apostles 3585 Northside Parkway. NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30327 Phone: 404.842.0200

Worship Sunday: The Gathering of the Body: 9:00 A.M. & 10:30 A.M. Sunday Evening: 5:30 P.M. Wednesday Hour of Power: 6:15 P.M.

Discipleship Sunday: 9:00 A.M.

Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef 1781 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web:

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